Rclec 35

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Basic Electronics

Learning by doing
Prof. T.S. Natarajan
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Lecture – 35
( Phase shift, Wein bridge, Twin – T ….)

Hello everybody! In our series of lectures on basic electronics learning by doing let us
move on to the next. Before we do that let us quickly recapitulate what we discussed in
our previous lecture. You might recall that we discussed about an active diode circuit.

(Refer Slide Time: 1: 44)

Have a normal semiconductor diode can be improved to become almost an ideal diode
and making use of such an ideal diode which is actually a normal diode along with an
operational amplifier. This ideal diode was used in different applications like making an
half wave rectifier; then how a full wave rectifier can be implemented using such an op
amp along with the diode to make an ideal diode. Then we also saw some variations of
these like the peak detector and the active positive clipper and clamping circuits which
are very useful in different wave shaping circuits.

Let us move on to the next important topic basically in electronics that is design of
oscillators. Oscillators are basically circuits which will convert the dc voltage into a
sinusoidal voltage. You know about rectifiers. Rectifiers convert an ac voltage into a dc
voltage. The oscillators will do just the reverse. It takes the power supply from the dc
power supply and the output of an oscillator will be sinusoidal; most of the time it will be
a sinusoidal wave form, sine wave. Oscillators are very, very useful for different
applications especially in radio communications. Let us see how we can build oscillators
using operational amplifiers. That is what we are going to discuss this time.

(Refer Slide Time: 3:33)

In order to build sine wave oscillators as you can see on the screen we need to use the
well known amplifier. Any amplifier can be converted to become an oscillator but you
have to give the feed back. To become an oscillator an amplifier should be given a
feedback. When I give negative feedback many of the characteristics of the amplifier will
improve. We never discussed about the positive feedback. We only talked about negative
feedback. Negative feedback means what? Take the output invert it in phase by 180
degrees with reference to the input and give. Then you get a negative feedback. The fed
back voltage should be out of phase with the input voltage and this negative feedback
improves several characteristics of the amplifier like input resistance, bandwidth, output
resistance, distortion, etc. But if I now take the path of the output voltage and give it in
phase with the input voltage then it becomes positive feedback. In an amplifier if I
implement positive feedback it normally results in oscillation. When I want to use the
amplifier for the amplification purposes we will not use the positive feedback. We will
only use negative feedback. But when we want to convert an amplifier into an oscillator
then you go in for positive feedback. We have also derived one of the earlier lectures the
condition for a gain of an amplifier with feed back and that you can see in the screen.

A by one plus A beta; you may remember that expression. Afb which is the gain with
feedback is equal to A, the gain without feedback divided by 1 minus A beta where beta
is the feedback ratio, the fraction of the output which was given at the input. This minus
sign is what you get for positive feedback. For negative feedback the sign in the
denominator will be plus. For amplifiers you would have used the formula Afb is equal to
A by 1 plus A beta. But when you want positive feedback, the same derivation you can
do, it will become 1 minus A beta when you impose the condition the output should be in
phase with the input which is corresponding to positive feedback. Because you have a
minus sign it introduces very interesting situation here. ‘A’ generally is a large number,
gain. Beta is a small fraction. Sometimes it may so happen that when A beta becomes
equal to 1. That is when A is equal to 1 by beta then A beta becomes 1. When A beta
becomes 1 what happens to the denominator? A by 1-1; 1-1 is zero. The denominator
becomes zero. In any fraction if the denominator becomes zero it becomes infinity. The
gain with the feedback is now infinity. What do you mean by that? Infinite means very
large number or what is feedback in general? What is gain in general? Output voltage by
input voltage; that is the voltage gain.

When will the output voltage divided by the input voltage become infinity? It will
become infinity only when the denominator becomes zero. The denominator in this case
is Vi, the input voltage. What it means is when I make positive feedback in an amplifier,
when I provide positive feedback and make the product A beta equal to 1 it is equivalent
to saying I get an output voltage with zero input voltage. That is the denominator
becomes zero in this expression. When the denominator becomes zero, expression
becomes infinity and you get only output voltage. That means what? Without giving any
input voltage you are getting an output voltage. This is what we call oscillator. It is an
amplifier in which you don’t have to give any input but you get an amplified output
signal, ac signal. Where from it is coming? It is generated out of the power supply
voltage that you have given. I call that as a converter of a dc into an ac. You give only a
dc supply for energizing the amplifier circuits. But you have implemented a positive
feedback and you have made sure the feedback ratio is in such a way that the gain into
the feedback fraction is equal to 1. If you do that you get the output sine wave without
any input. That means it becomes an oscillator.

This A beta condition you will not get all the time. It has to be satisfied only at one
particular frequency. This feed back will have to be given through some frequency
sensitive components, reactive components and this condition will be true only for one
specific value of frequency corresponding to the reactants. Only that frequency will be
preferentially provided and the output will be having that frequency. If you want to vary
the frequency correspondingly you have to vary the reactive components that you have in
the circuit. But in principle what I have so far explained is the most important criteria or
the principle of oscillators. This condition A beta should be equal to 1 in an amplifier
with the positive feedback for generating oscillator is called Barkhausen criterion. What
happens to the output voltage?
(Refer Slide Time: 10:22)

For different values of A beta if A beta is less than 1 then the gain will be increasing.
ABVin is less than Vin and the output signal will slowly die out and that is what is shown
here. The initial sine wave keeps on decreasing because it is less than 1 subtracting ,
being subtracting. If the A beta value is greater than 1 then A beta Vin is greater than Vin
and the output voltage keeps on building up. When you give feedback larger portion
comes through the feedback. It increases the input voltage and the output will still further
increase because it is just an amplifier. The sinusoidal voltage which starts with a small
amplitude will start building up. This also is not a very desirable feature. The previous
one where the amplitude decreases is not also what we want.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:21)

What we want is something which will sustain the oscillations with constant amplitude.
That happens when AB is equal to 1. Then ABVin is also equal to Vin because A beta
becomes 1. Both are Vin and there is no loss. There is no decrease there is no increase. It
maintains the same input. You will get the same output. That means you get a steady
output sine wave. That is what is shown in the picture at the bottom. This is basically the
idea behind that of the oscillators. But if you actually take any amplifier for example RC
coupled transistor amplifier the output is always 180 degrees out of phase with reference
to the input. This is a characteristic of the RC coupled amplifier when you have common
emitter configuration. This 180 degree shift is already built into the amplifier
configuration due to the common emitter configuration.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:24)

If we want to have a feedback the feedback should be positive. That means the input
voltage should be in phase with the voltage fed back from the output. If we take the
output directly from this amplifier and give it at the input it is 180 degrees out of phase. It
will not be positive feedback but it will only be a negative feedback. That is what we do
in many amplifiers. For making positive feedback you should introduce a phase shifting
network between the output and the input and then only give the feedback voltage. That
phase shifting network you should make sure produces another 180 degree phase shift so
that the total phase difference becomes 360 degree which is equal to zero degree phase
shift. This is the idea; use a normal amplifier which has got 180 degree phase difference
between the input and output, use a separate network using some combinations of
reactive components so that it produces another 180 degrees in addition and together both
of them will provide 360 degree phase difference and if you now give this fraction to the
input and make sure that it is equivalent to the input voltage then you can slowly remove
the input and this positive feedback alone will sustain the oscillations and you will get
steady sine wave at the output. That is the basic principle of an oscillator.
How do we introduce that additional phase difference of 180 degrees? The simplest
method is to use resistance and capacitance in combination. A RC network, which we
have already discussed when we discussed about the frequency response of amplifiers, a
lead network and the lag network about which we talked about you can use any one of
these. Either the lead or a lag both of them introduces a phase difference. Any RC
combination produces the phase. I have shown you on the screen a very simple scheme
with the capacitor and R in series and you take the output across the resistor.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:41)

What is the output voltage? The output voltage is the output resistance R divided by R
plus jXc into Vin. This is a potential divider. This C and R reactive component and the
resistive component form a series circuit as a potential divider and you are taking the
output across the R resistance and the formula is R divided by R plus jXc into Vin. The
jXc is actually the reactive impedance of the capacitance. Xc is 1 by omega c. What is the
phase shift in this case? It is Xc by R. We have written here X1 by R. That is the phase
difference phi. This simple RC network will automatically give a phase shift of X1 by R
where X1 is 1 by omega c where omega is the angular frequency which is equal to 2 pi f
where f is the frequency of the input sine wave and for a given frequency the X1 will be
different. Capacitive reactance is a function of frequency. Depending upon the frequency
the reactance will change and hence the phase difference should change and in this case
tan phi can be zero or infinity or any other value in between. If phi is equal to zero or 90
degree then X1 is equal to zero. When X1 is equal to zero, tan phi is equal to zero in this
equation, in this formula and phi is equal to zero degree. When R is equal to zero in the
denominator then the tan phi becomes infinity and phi becomes 90 degree. Using one RC
combination you can have any phase difference between zero and 90 degrees only; not
more. You can always have less than 90 degrees but you cannot have more than 90
degrees by using just one RC. Even 90 degree is an extreme case. Zero degree and 90
degree are two extreme cases. A phase shift due to an RC circuit is always less than 90
degrees and it is also a function of frequency. These two important points we should
remember before we go into the design of oscillators.

If you want in an amplifier like a common emitter amplifier which produces 180 degree
phase shift between the input and output and if you want another additional phase shift of
180 degrees then how many RC networks you require to have additional 180 degree?
What will be the answer? One RC network can only provide at the maximum of 90
degrees. It is always going to produce a phase shift which is less than 90.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:49)

When it is less than 90 even 2 RC networks cannot give 180 degrees and a minimum of 3
RC networks are required to produce total 180 degree phase shift for a given frequency.
This is the principle of a phase shift oscillator. I will talk about it now. Let me show you
the circuit of the phase shift oscillator with transistors. Then we will go on to the op amp
because the principle is the same. You have here a transistor and if you look at only the
first part where I show with the pointer this is nothing but an amplifier with a voltage
divider bias R1 and this variable R. Rc is the collector resistor, ReCe gives you the emitter
bias. This is basically an amplifier, single stage RC coupled amplifier because you are
coupling with the C here RC coupled amplifier.

What we are doing is we are taking the output and it is brought back through this wire to
the input and at the input you are combining series of RC circuits. C R that output is
taken and given to another C R. That output from the R is taken to another CR and that
output is given to the input. Between this base which is the actual input of the amplifier
and the collector there is 180 phase shift and that 180 degree phase shift voltage is
applied here. With these three combinations of RC, RC, RC you try to produce another
180 degree so that totally it becomes 360 degrees and then this voltage which comes from
the output becomes in phase with the input that you should perhaps have given at the
beginning. You have not given anything. This happens very fast.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:55)

I will explain to you how this happens? This becomes the input voltage and if the
conditions are fine, ideal then this input will get amplified enough so that after passing
through these three, again it becomes the same value as the initial value. You get a
constant input voltage and this RC, three of them provide 180 degrees in addition to the
180 degree that is produced by the RC coupled amplifier the total worth is 360 degree
provides the necessary positive feedback and the output you take now here from another
wire and connect it to an oscilloscope it will start oscillating. If it is not oscillating, all
that you have to do is in one of the bias resistors I have put variable; you vary this
slightly. Then at some position of this resistance when the conditions are proper, when
the gain becomes sufficient you will get a sine wave coming at the output. This is a
simple RC coupled amplifier, RC phase shift oscillator constructed using a simple RC
coupled common emitter amplifier.

How will we do that using operational amplifier? In operational amplifier we have

another advantage. The advantage is we have both the inverting and the non-inverting
inputs so that whatever type of voltage feedback you want to give you can give in
principle. But now what we are going to do is we are still going to use the 180 degree out
of phase as we did in the phase shift oscillator I showed. There is a 180 degree phase
shift. That output is now taken and given to combination of three RC networks here so
that the phase here becomes 180 degrees, additional 180 degrees and it will be in phase
with the input and then this will sustain oscillation and you will get the output.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:04)

This is the circuit corresponding to a phase shift oscillator using op amp. You didn’t find
much difference with the transistor amplifier except that I have removed the transistor
common emitter amplifier and in place of that I have introduced an inverting amplifier
using op amp.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:33)

At some definite frequency f, 2 pi f will be omega and that will introduce at that
frequency exact 180 degree phase difference with the combination of three RC networks.
Once that happens you get the oscillations and when the AB is just the right value equal
to 1 corresponding to Barkhausen condition the oscillations will start and you will get the
output. You also should remember one important point in this and that is there is a
minimum gain that I must ensure in this circuit, the phase shift oscillator so that the
oscillations will be produced. It is not just one condition that the output should be fed
back in phase there should be a positive feedback. That is one of the conditions. The
second important condition is it should have sufficient gain the amplifier as such should
have sufficient gain. Why is it so? To explain that I have shown you a circuit on the
screen. What you are doing is you are feeding the output voltage at this network.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:49)

You have got a potential divider with one reactive and resistive component and take the
output across the resistive component connect to one more RC. Then take the R output
and again connect to one more. You have three stages of potential division. You divide it
once into V1. Then again divide into V2 then again divide into V3. What happens is for
example if V1 is 50%; if V1 is 50% with reference to V output then V2 will be half of that.
That means 1/4th of Vo. If every one of the network gives 50% let us assume then the first
network will give half of the input. The second network will be 1/4th of the input Vo and
the third will be 1/8th of this. There will be a continuous reduction and you have to
amplify this to bring it to some level so that A beta becomes equal to 1. Whatever is the
reduction that happens here you should amplify. If it is 8 times you should try to amplify
by 8 so that you will get A beta equal to 1. That is the whole idea behind this phase shift
oscillator. I call f as the fraction of the output not the frequency. V1 is fraction of the V
output. V2 is fraction of V input, V1; V3 is fraction of V2 and the total is f1, f2, f3 times Vo.
This f1, f2, f3 is same like 0.5 that I mentioned and it becomes 1/8th. The V3 that is
actually applied at the input is very, very small because it has gone through three levels
of potential division and when you are analyze the circuit you would get an expression
where the gain of the amplifier for the phase shift oscillator to work should be greater
than or equal to 29 to make the A beta equal to 1.
Why is it so? We will try to derive the expression also later on and we also should
remember the frequency of this will be given by an

(Refer Slide Time: 26:11)

The root 6 is a factor which is coming in addition to the normal 1 by 2 pi RC term. When
you use 3 RC phase shifting network the oscillator works when you maintain a gain
which is larger than 29 and the frequency will be given by the expression

where R and C I assume are equal. You can also choose R1 C1, R2 C2, R3 C3. Then this
expression will be much more complicated bigger expression. So usually everybody will
try to do simple equal values of R and C for all the three networks. When I give equal
values for all the three networks RC each of these will produce 60 degrees phase shift.
First one produce 60 degrees the second one produce another 60 degrees and the third
one produce 60 degrees. That is what we all assume. In principle it should be something
like that. But in practice it is not. Ideally it is like that but in actual case it is not like that
because if I take this R the potential divider is between the C and this R. That is what we
have assumed. That will be true only if you don’t take into account the effect of the
presence of this other RC network. Because they are all connected they are all connected
in parallel. The value of R will be affected by these two because they are in parallel
combination. Again this R is affected by this RC, etc and you would not get the same R
in each of the stages because of the presence of the other components and they will be
never be equal to 60 degrees. You will get almost close to 60 degrees if you observe but
it is not equal to 60 degrees.

If you really want to make them equal then what we have to do is we should isolate each
of the RC networks from the other. For that I have used a buffered phase shift oscillator
which you can see here. What I have done is the output voltage I connect to RC but I
make sure the presence of other RC are not felt at this point.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:34)

For that I have used a unity gain buffer which is very good circuit to produce very high
input impedance and very low output impedance with a gain 1 and they only provide high
input impedance here. It is so high that the reactive component due to C is the only
contribution to the resistance here and the effect of all the rest of things that you have
connected will not be felt here. This way I isolate segments from the other and thereby I
have used two isolators here, buffers and if I measure the phase shift due to each of the
RC network in this case it will exactly be 60 degrees for a given frequency. This is what
is called a buffered phase shift oscillator. Let us try and see whether we can derive the
expression for the phase shift oscillator.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:32)

I will not give too many details. I will quickly skip some of the intermediate steps. I
would expect that you would try to do it on your own and learn. I will give you all the
principles involved in that. I take one RC network here C and R and what is the current?
The current is voltage V1 divided by the total resistance, by Ohm’s law. Total resistance
is R in series with capacitance R plus 1 by j omega C. 1 by j omega C is the capacitive
reactance. When I simplify this it will become

. This is what I get. The voltage across R has a value V2 is equal to current into
resistance, again Ohm’s law, I into R. Now if you multiply this I by R you get V1 j omega
CR divided by 1 plus j omega CR. You can get the value of the output voltage with
reference to the input voltage when I apply it across a simple CR network.

I am going to connect like this three such networks.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:49)

This is V1, V2, V3 etc. I am calling this V2 and this I call V4. At this point it is V3 and here
I have V1. The phase difference due to one of them is 1 by omega CR. We have already
seen that

Let us try to derive the expression. What is V4? V4 is equal to V2 plus i3 divided by j
omega C. Why is it like that? V4 is here. What is V4? V4 is the voltage across R plus the
voltage across C. The voltage across the R is V2. The voltage across C is i3 into reactance
provided by C. Reactance provided by C is 1 by omega C. V4 is equal to V2 the voltage
across R plus i3 into 1 by j omega C; i3 by j omega C.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:55)

What is i3? i3 is V2 by R. This is i3, this current and it should be V2 by R. If I substitute
this it becomes V2 plus V2 by j omega CR. i3 I have replaced. This is the voltage at V4. I
want to look at the next current i2 in the circuit which is this current. I want this current i2.
This current i2 is i3 plus the current through this. i3 is already known; we have already
derived. This current is V4 by R. That is what I am going to use now.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:41)

i3 plus V4 by R is i2. I now substitute for i3 which we have already got and i3 is V2 by R
plus 1 by R into V2 plus V2 by j omega CR. That is V4. We have calculated this. When
you now combine and then simplify this V2 is common every where. V2 into this is 1 by
R, 1 by R; 2 by R plus 1 by j omega CR square. These two R will become R square. This
is what you get. V3 is I have to multiply this by corresponding number V4 plus i2 into 1
by j omega C. You substitute for that again from the earlier expression for V4 and you
will get this expression and similarly you go for one more stage. i1 is i2 plus V3 by R and
you substitute you get this big expression and finally you can write V1 in terms of V2.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:45)

If you go back and look at the circuit V1 and V2 are the two things that we want. When I
apply V1 what is the output? V2. In the final expression

. That is what I get. What is the condition? The output voltage should be real and I should
make sure the imaginary components in this expression become zero. The imaginary
components are basically the second term 6 by j omega CR and 1 by j omega cube C
cube R cube. These two terms together should become equal to zero. That is what I have
written. 6 by j omega CR minus 1 by j omega cube C cube R cube should be equal to
(Refer Slide Time: 34:41)

If you simplify this you get omega square is equal to 1 by 6 C square R square and omega
is 1 by root 6 CR and omega is 2 pi f. f is equal to 1 by 2 pi root 6 RC or CR. This is the
expression for frequency. The expression for frequency comes from the condition that the
network should have imaginary component zero. If you do that automatically you will get
the frequency component. At this frequency what happens? This happens only for one
frequency you should remember that. At this frequency I can now substitute that value in
this expression and you will be taking only the real part because the imaginary part has
become zero. You have

. But what is omega square C square R square?

(Refer Slide Time: 35:31)

From this expression omega square C square R square is nothing but 6. When I take this
omega square to the denominator 6 comes over on to the left side and the expression
becomes 5 into 6 because 1 by omega square C square R square is equal to 6. That is 1
minus 30 is -29V2. The output becomes V1 is equal to -29 times V2 or V2 is 1 by 29 times
of V1 with a 180 degrees phase difference. Minus shows it is phase difference also. When
will this become equal to 1? Only when the gain becomes 29; this is the beta factor 1 by
29. When the gain becomes 29 A beta becomes 29 into 1 by 29 which is equal to 1. It will
satisfy the Barkhausen condition, you will get 180 phase also and the oscillations will be
sustained. This is what we have in the RC phase shift network.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:35)

When A is equal to 29 this product becomes 1 but has satisfied the Barkhausen condition.
With this back ground we have now discussed how you can make the phase shift
oscillator using an operational amplifier using three RC network and it is very convenient
because R, C are all very cheap components. You don’t have to have very expensive
gains and then you can easily vary them, change them and modify the frequency of the
output waveform and it is very convenient to design, simple to design and I will show
you a demonstration of the phase shift oscillator using operational amplifier.

Here the circuit is the same circuit which I showed you on the screen. You have the
operational amplifier in the inverting mode with R1 R2. This is 2K and this is 100K.
There is a gain of about 50. You can even make this as variable. I have used it as a
variable potentiometer here and when I vary this I can get a gain which is larger than 29
very easily by modifying this R2 by R1 ratio. This is an inverting amplifier because you
are connecting to the minus input. It is an inverting amplifier; there is 180 degree phase
shift here. That output I take and give it to series of three RC. They are all 0.1 micro
farad, 1K equal values.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:58)

You can see in the circuit here three 1K resistors and three 0.1 micro farads here and that
output is connected to the input pin number 2 of the operational amplifier that you see
here and for the feedback resistor I have used a potentiometer, carbon resistor here and
the output is monitored by using the oscilloscope. To determine the frequency of the
oscillation I am also connecting a function generator here. You can see that this is the
function generator. You can select different frequency scales here 1, 10, 100, etc and you
can vary the frequency using these two knobs. One if for fast variation the other one is for
slow variation; coarse and fine and you have here output voltages which is again for
coarse and fine. You can vary the amplitude and the output of this I connected to another
channel of the oscilloscope. In the oscilloscope you see two channels. If I change the
frequency in the oscilloscope the two signals are same.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:07)

This steady one is due to the oscillator that we have constructed. This one is from the
standard oscillator that I have used. What I am trying to do is I am trying to superpose
them and measure the frequency. I am using the oscilloscope to bring them together and
if necessary increase the amplitude, make the amplitude equal. I have made them almost
equal amplitude and then I will slowly change the frequency till you get some
coincidence. This almost coincides. When it is coinciding there is a continuous phase
factor which is coming. That is why it keeps on moving. If you arrest them both the
frequency is almost the same.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:02)

It is around 636. That is what you see here. This is the frequency and if you actually
calculate 1 by 2 pi RC with R 1 kilo ohm and C 0.1 you will get close to 600 hertz but
you may not get exact value and that is because there is also a tolerance of these resistors
and the capacitors. Because of that you will not get an exact value but you should get
very close value corresponding to 600 hertz.

How do you know that the output wave form that I get is due to the oscillator? I am
varying the gain factor here. I get very high amplitude. When I change that now I don’t
get any oscillation. When I change it, in the right gain of about 29 you see on the
oscilloscope a building up of the sine wave.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:04)

The sine wave builds up and if I now reduce it goes to zero. It is only the output from the
circuit that I get on the oscilloscope. When I change it to X-Y mode then you get a
straight line. We have to get the wave form back and then adjust the frequency. I am now
making it X and Y and try to adjust till I get a circle. You get a circle here. When will
you get? This is Lissajous pattern. When the frequency of the oscillator that we have
constructed using the operational amplifier and the frequency from the function generator
when both of them match I will get a circle on the screen.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:09)

That shows the two frequencies are equal. Now if I make it into a dual slope both the sine
waves are almost coinciding and the frequency is the same.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:19)

There are two ways in which you can measure the frequency. One is by comparing with
another oscillator. The other one is using the X–Y mode and trying to generate the
Lissajous pattern. That is what we have just now done. You have a phase shift oscillator
here using op amp and the output to be measured in the frequency also has been
measured. We will go on to the next circuit which is again an oscillator and again it uses
RC networks and that is called Wein’s bridge oscillator. What is a Wein’s bridge? You
can see on the screen a combination of RC again. But one RC is in series the other RC is
in parallel.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:10)

When I have RC in series and RC in parallel this combination is what is called the
Wein’s network. Wein is the one who found that when I give an input here the output that
comes from this will be at zero phase for a given frequency. That is the property of this
Wein’s network and phase is zero and the frequency is 1 by 2 pi RC and when you do the
investigation just as you did for the case of the phase shift oscillators, the gain will have
to be at least 3; either equal to or greater than 3. These are the important points with
reference to the Wein’s bridge and one can also obtain the expression, I have given just
the expression which you can test later on. This expression can be worked out on your
own and this will also lead to the corresponding gain which should be greater than 3 and
the phase shift will become zero. This RC Wein’s bridge network can be used for
generating frequencies in the range nearly 5 Hertz to 1 Mega Hertz. This is the greatest
advantage of the Wein’s bridge oscillator built on the Wein’s network.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:33)

Everybody wants a variable frequency oscillator. Just now you saw a function generator
which I used where I was turning a knob and the frequency was changing. If you want to
do that in the RC phase shift network you have got three resistors and three capacitors.
You have to adjust all of them either equally or differently. It becomes very cumbersome
to have too many components to vary. In the case of Wein’s bridge we have only two R
and two C. Usually C is switched for decades and the resistance is varied for changing
the frequency in between. It is very convenient, more convenient than RC phase shift
network to use the Wein’s bridge in the oscillator circuit. I have also shown a small

(Refer Slide Time: 45:27)

If you do that the beta factor will be 1 by root 9 minus Xc by R minus R by Xc whole
square. The phase factor tan phi is equal to Xc by R minus R by Xc whole value divided
by 3. These two expressions can be derived by using a simple network idea. I leave it to
you as an exercise and what is important is when Xc becomes R that corresponds to a
condition R is equal to 1 by 2 pi fr C where fr is the critical frequency.

(Refer Slide Time: 45:58)

You get a maximum at that point, the fraction and that corresponds to 1 by 3. Beta will
become 1 by 3. From this expression frequency is 1 by 2 pi RC and the phase actually
goes at that frequency. X-axis is the frequency. At that frequency the phase goes to zero.
Before it is +90 and beyond it is -90 and in between it crosses the zero and when it
crosses the zero the corresponding factor is 1 by 3, the feedback ratio and that gives me
an expression for the frequency as 1 by 2 pi RC.

I have now shown you the full circuit using op amp. This also can be constructed using
transistors. When I have the Wein’s bridge oscillator I have an op amp and you can see
the Wein’s bridge component coming here. RC in series and RC in parallel and the output
at 1 with reference to 3; 3 is the output voltage of the op amp. 1 is the feedback voltage
that is given. Because it is in phase the feedback is given to the plus. Already it is zero.
There is no need to provide any additional feedback as in the case of the phase shift
network. The output one is directly connected to the plus terminal in the picture and it
becomes positive feedback. In the negative side I have used 2R prime and R prime and I
don’t know whether you are able to recognize the configuration. I am giving the signal to
the non-inverting input and the inverting input is grounded through a resistor R prime and
2R is the feedback resistance.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:53)

The gain of this will be 1 plus R2 by R1; we all know that for non-inverting amplifier. R2
is 2R; so 2R prime by R prime is 2. 1 + 2 is 3. The gain will be 3. That is what Wein’s
bridge condition says; the gain should be greater than 3. You also normally have here the
resistance which is connected to the inverting input. You don’t use normal resistor. You
use a tungsten lamp, a small lamp you can put. Why do you put the tungsten lamp? When
the resistance is there the bulb will not glow at all. For the low current that we are going
to send the bulb will not glow. But then when the current flows through that it will
produces a heat. When the heat is produced the resistance becomes larger due to thermal
effect and when the resistance becomes larger it will control the gain. The 2R by the R
factor will become smaller and it will provide a negative feedback to introduce the
stability in the amplifier oscillator and it is normal to use a tungsten lamp here. We will
use without the tungsten lamp but one can also use the tungsten lamp and the expression
becomes very simple. I have shown the same circuit. It is the same circuit but I have
shown it in the form of bridge because we all know the Wheatstone’s bridge; this is
Wein’s bridge.

(Refer Slide Time: 49:23)

We have R1 R2. R and C in series, R and C in parallel forming the four arms of the Wheat
stone’s bridge and the first two arms are given to the output on the ground and the other
one is given to the two inputs. This is a Wein’s bridge oscillator and it uses positive
feedback and also negative feedback for stability and it is a very, very simple circuit to
get oscillations at the output and here again AB should be equal to 1 and that is what I
have shown here.

(Refer Slide Time: 49:57)

The closed loop gain is 2R prime by R prime plus 1 which is equal to 3 in this case and
beta is 1 by 3. 3 into 1 by 3 is 1. That corresponds to Barkhausen’s condition.
Let me show you an actual working circuit of the Wein’s bridge oscillator. We have seen
now two different types of oscillator circuits. One is RC phase shift oscillator the other
one is Wein’s bridge oscillator. Both are RC oscillators. I want to show you a third type
of RC oscillator which is called Twin-T oscillator. It is called Twin–T because there will
be two T networks. You have got two capacitors connected in series and one resistor here
in the form of a T network. We also see two resistors connected in series and a capacitor
is at the stem.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:03)

This is one T. This is another T. Both of them are combined together to form a network.
This network is called Twin–T; one T here one T here. Two T’s what we called Twin-T.
The Twin-T network also like the Wein’s network provides zero phase shift. Vin is there
V output is there. They are in phase for a given frequency. It is a very simple scheme and
I have shown here how the phase is varying. For example from zero it goes to maximum -
90 and comes to zero again and goes to +90 and zero. This point where it crosses it gives
zero output. It is actually a notch network. It will pass everything else except that
frequency. It will not pass at that stage. It gives zero output at this point. V output, Vin
gain is zero for that particular frequency. Phase is also zero output is also zero and the
condition is frequency is 1 by 2 pi RC. It is very similar to Wein’s bridge very simple to
construct and this is also a very useful circuit.

We have formed a simple Wein’s bridge network here and the circuit is very similar to
what we have done in the case of Wein’s bridge. We take the output and give through the
twin T network and connect it to the input. This is used in the feedback network with zero
phase shift.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:34)

Once you do that you get an oscillator output which is again in the form of sine wave and
the values of the capacitor and C is given here. If the value of the capacitor is C in the T
network then in the other network it has to be 2C and the resistor R R and in the other
network it will be R by 2 and you have the twin T network connected having the
feedback point of the operational amplifier and you get an output which is corresponding
to the twin T oscillator. I will show you the demo. Here I have the circuit of the Twin-T

(Refer Slide Time: 53:14)

You can see the one T here one T here. The corresponding circuit is shown with two
resistors and one capacitor and the two resistors and one capacitor here. This is the Twin-
T network and you have the operational amplifier and one of the resistors here is made as
a variable resistor for adjusting the gain and you observe in the oscilloscope the sine
wave generated due to the twin-twin network.

(Refer Slide Time: 53:40)

If I vary the potentiometer I will be able to get the oscillations. I have got the two
channels for the oscilloscope I have connected this is the output from the oscillator This
is the output from the standard oscillator this is from the circuit and I want to compare the
frequencies. I will adjust the frequency to larger values. I keep adjusting the frequency so
that they both match. If I coincide them and make them go slowly the two frequencies
will almost match. The better way is to use the circle. When I get a circle, Lissajous
pattern the frequencies should be matched perfectly. The frequency is about 1.84 kilo
hertz for the component that I have used. The two frequencies matched very well even
when I put it that way. The values of the resistors are 10K and 0.1 micro farad.

(Refer Slide Time: 55:27)

This is 10K the two resistors and the capacitors are 0.1 microfarad and this will be 2C.
That means 2 times 0.1; 0.2 micro farad. Actually parallel capacitors are put there to add
and this is 5K. They have put again resistors in parallel to make these 5K or you can use
4.7K. A very simple sinusoidal oscillator can be constructed using Twin-T network.

We have seen in this lecture three different types of oscillator circuits built using op amp.
One is the RC phase shift oscillator the other one is Wein’s bridge oscillator and the third
one is Twin-T network oscillator. All the three are very useful but the most useful among
them will be the Wein’s bridge because it is much easier to vary the R and C component.
You can have ganged resistors and ganged capacitors and most of the oscillators that you
get commercially in the low frequencies less than 1 mega hertz are based on Wein’s
bridge oscillator. Thank you!

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