ST Saviours Newsletter - 5 August 2018

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St Saviour’s Church
5 August 2018 - Trinity 10 (OT18)

There are many times in This week:

John’s gospel where Jesus
uses the phrase ‘I am’. It has
deep significance for us and Sun 5 Trinity 10
also for the people of Israel. It 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
connects to the Exodus story 11am Sung Mass (St G)
when God appeared to Moses Mon 6:
using the same name: ‘I am No mass this week
w h o I a m ’ ( Ya h w e h i n The Transfiguration of
Hebrew). Today, God, in Jesus (St G)
Christ’s teaching, is for us a Tues 7:
nourishing presence and 10am Mass (St S)
symbol: I am the bread of life
St Dominic
who can bring life to your
Parish Notes: soul. Wed 8:
10am Mass (St G)
Thank You - To Fr Graham for preaching and Thur 9:
presiding this Sunday. 5:45pm Mass (St S)
Weekday Services - No Monday mass this week and next week. St Theresa Benedicta
Messy Church - We will be trialling Messy Church in the Autumn with the first one Fri 10:
at St Saviour’s on Sunday 30 Sept at 4pm and then St German’s on Oct 28 at 4pm. If 6pm Mass(St S)
you could help at either of this it would be most appreciated. More details in Sept. St Laurence, Deacon
Sunday 19 August - Ecumenical Celebration and vespers for the feast of the Sat 11:
Assumption of Our Lady at St Marys Butetown at 8.30pm (with BBQ & Fireworks). 11am Mass
St Clare
Faith QI - A new 6 week set of informal meetings for adults keen to know and
Sun 12: Trinity 11
understand more about our faith, liturgy, tradition and history (ideal for those
St Saviour’s:
exploring confirmation). Wednesdays 7:30 pm at the vicarage. Begins 5 Sept 2018.
9:30 Sung Mass;
See website for more details. Placed limited and first come first served.
St German’s:
PCC Meeting - Tuesday 18 September at 6:30pm. 11:00 am Sung
Foodbank - needed items: UHT milk, long life fruit juice, tinned potatoes and
chocolate/sweets. Thank you again to all who continue to donate food each week.
Fundraising Walk - On Sat 18 August a few of us are hoping to join Fr Ben Parish Priest:
Fr Phelim O’Hare,
Rabjohns and a group from Penrhiwceiber as the walk to the Shrine of Our Lady of
02922 411229,
Penrhys. Sponsorship and all monies raised will go to parish funds. Watch this space
for more details. (Day off - Friday)
Foodbank - needed items: UHT milk, long life fruit juice, tinned potatoes and
chocolate/sweets. Thank you again to all who continue to donate food each week Churchwardens:
Recently Departed: Nigel Emery, Douglas James Court 

Bill Eastwood
07800 946949
David Gibbons

Exod 16:2-4, 12-15 1 Kgs 19:4-8 The Lord gave them

Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25+54 Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 bread from heaven. www.saintgermanwith
Eph 4:17, 20-24 Eph 4:30—5:2 (3vv)
John 6:24-35 John 6:41-51


COLLECT: OFFERTORY: I the Lord of wind and flame

I will tend the poor and lame
Let your merciful ears, O Lord, be Guide me O Thou great Redeemer I will set a feast for them
open to the prayers of your humble Pilgrim through this barren land. My hand will save
servants; and that they may obtain I am weak but Thou art mighty Finest bread I will provide
their petitions make them to ask Hold me with thy powerful hand. Till their hearts be satisfied
such things as shall please you; Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven I will give my life to them
through Jesus Christ your Son our Feed me till I want no more, Whom shall I send? (Chorus)
Lord, who is alive and reigns with Feed me till I want no more,
you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 

one God, now and for ever. Amen Open now the crystal fountain
Whence the healing streams do flow, FINAL HYMN:
Let the fire and cloudy pillar
]Lead me all my journey through, Thy hand, O God, has guided,
GATHERING: Strong Deliverer, Strong deliverer Thy flock from age to age;

Be Thou still my strength and shield.
 The wondrous tale is written,
1 Glorious things of thee are spoken,
Be Thou still my strength and shield.
 Full clear, on every page;

Zion, city of our God.
Our fathers owned Thy goodness,

He whose Word cannot be broken
When I tread the verge of Jordan And we their deeds record;
formed thee for His own abode.
Bid my fears anxious subside And both of this bear witness,

On the Rock of Ages founded,
Death of death, and hell's One Church, one Faith, one Lord.
what can shake thy sure repose?
With salvation's walls surrounded, destruction,
Land me safe on Canaan's side, Thy heralds brought glad tidings,
thou may'st smile at all thy foes.
Songs of praises, Songs of praises To greatest, as to least;

I will ever give to thee
 They bade men rise, and hasten

2 See, the streams of living waters,
I will ever give to thee To share the great King’s feast;
springing from eternal love,
And this was all their teaching,
well supply thy sons and daughters
In every deed and word,
and all fear of want remove.
To all alike proclaiming,
Who can faint while such a river
One Church, one Faith, one Lord.
ever flows their thirst to assuage?
Grace, which like the Lord, the
Through many a day of darkness,

Through many a scene of strife,

never fails from age to age. COMMUNION: The faithful few fought bravely,

I the Lord of sea and sky To guard the nation’s life,
3 Round each habitation hov'ring,
I have heard my people cry Their Gospel of redemption,

see the cloud and fire appear
All who dwell in dark and sin, Sin pardoned, man restored,
for a glory and a cov'ring,
my hand will save Was all in this enfolded,

showing that the Lord is near.
I who made the stars of night One Church, one Faith, one Lord.
Thus deriving from their banner
light by night and shade by day, I will make their darkness bright
Who will bear my light to them? And we, shall we be faithless?

safe they feed upon the manna
Whom shall I send? Shall hearts fail, hands hang down?

which God gives them when on their
Shall we evade the conflict,
Here I am Lord, is it I Lord And cast away our crown?

I have heard you calling Not so: in God’s deep counsels

4 Savior, since of Zion's city
in the night Some better thing is stored:
I through grace a member am,
I will go Lord if you lead me We will maintain, unflinching
let the world deride or pity,
I will hold your people One Church, one Faith, one Lord.
I will glory in Thy name.
Fading are the world's best in my heart
Thy mercy will not fail us,
I the Lord of snow and rain, Nor leave Thy work undone;

all its boasted pomp and show;
I have borne my people’s pain With Thy right hand to help us,
solid joys and lasting treasures
I have wept for love of them The victory shall be won;

none but Zion's children know.
They turn away And then, by men and angels,

I will break their heart of stone Thy Name shall be adored,
Give them hearts for love alone And this shall be their anthem
I will speak my word to them One church, one faith, one Lord.
Whom shall I send? (Chorus)

he has done, you going to give us then, so that we
Yet he commanded the clouds above may see it and believe you? What
FIRST READING and opened the gates of heaven. work are you performing? Our
The First reading is from the book of He rained down manna ancestors ate the manna in the
for their food, wilderness; as it is written, “He gave
and gave them bread from heaven. R/ them bread from heaven to eat.” ’
Then Jesus said to them, ‘Very truly, I
The whole community of the sons of Mere men ate the bread of angels. tell you, it was not Moses who gave
Israel began to complain against He sent them abundance of food; you the bread from heaven, but it is
Moses and Aaron in the wilderness So he brought them to his holy land, my Father who gives you the true
and said to them, ‘Why did we not to the mountain which his right hand bread from heaven. For the bread of
die at the Lord’s hand in the land of had won. R/ God is that which comes down from
Egypt, when we were able to sit Psalm 78 heaven and gives life to the world.’
down to pans of meat and could eat They said to him, ‘Sir, give us this
bread to our heart’s content! As it is, bread always.’
you have brought us to this SECOND READING Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of
life. Whoever comes to me will never
wilderness to starve this whole
A reading from the letter of Paul to be hungry, and whoever believes in me
company to death!’
the Ephesians. will never be thirsty.
Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Now
I will rain down bread for you from This is the Gospel of the Lord.
the heavens. Each day the people I want to urge you in the name of
John 6
are to go out and gather the day’s the Lord, not to go on living the
portion; I propose to test them in aimless kind of life that pagans live.
this way to see whether they will Now that is hardly the way you have
follow my law or not. learnt from Christ, unless you failed
‘I have heard the complaints of the to hear him properly when you were
sons of Israel. Say this to them, taught what the truth is in Jesus.
“Between the two evenings you shall You must give up your old way of
eat meat, and in the morning you life; you must put aside your old
shall have bread to your heart’s self, which gets corrupted by
content. Then you will learn that I, following illusory desires. Your mind
the Lord, am your God.”’ must be renewed by a spiritual
And so it came about: quails flew revolution so that you can put on
up in the evening, and they covered the new self that has been created in
the camp; in the morning there was God’s way, in the goodness and
a coating of dew all round the camp. holiness of the truth.
When the coating of dew lifted,
there on the surface of the desert This is the word of the Lord.
was a thing delicate, powdery, as Ephesians 4
fine as hoarfrost on the ground.
When they saw this, the sons of GOSPEL
Israel said to one another, ‘What is
A reading from the Holy Gospel
that?’ not knowing what it was.
according to St John.
‘That’ said Moses to them ‘is the
bread the Lord gives you to eat.’ So when the crowd saw that neither
Jesus nor his disciples were there, they
This is the word of the Lord. themselves got into the boats and
Exodus 16 went to Capernaum looking for Jesus.
When they found him on the other
side of the lake, they said to him,
RESPONSORIAL PSALM ‘Rabbi, when did you come here?’
The Lord gave them bread from Jesus answered them, ‘Very truly, I tell
heaven. you, you are looking for me, not
because you saw signs, but because
The things we have heard and you ate your fill of the loaves. Do not
understood, work for the food that perishes, but
the things our fathers have told us, for the food that endures for eternal
these we will not hide from their life, which the Son of Man will give
children you. For it is on him that God the
but will tell them to the next Father has set his seal.’ Then they said
generation: R/ to him, ‘What must we do to perform
the works of God?’ Jesus answered
The glories of the Lord them, ‘This is the work of God, that
and his might you believe in him whom he has sent.’
and the marvellous deeds So they said to him, ‘What sign are

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