Geomythology: Geological Origins of Myths and Legends: Abstract
Geomythology: Geological Origins of Myths and Legends: Abstract
Geomythology: Geological Origins of Myths and Legends: Abstract
Abstract: Myths and geology are related in several ways. Some myths are the result of man's
attempts to explain noteworthy features of his environment, such as striking landforms or
unusual smaller features, whereas others try to account for conspicuous natural processes, such
as earthquakes, volcanic phenomena, and floods. Local myths have sometimes proved helpful
in solving geological problems, and even the geological nomenclature is indebted to mythology.
Examples of each kind of relationship are given.
As a child, I loved to read Greek and Roman of eroded coral rock called the Makatea, 110-210
mythology. Later, in my professional work, I was feet above sea level. A terrace at the base of this
intrigued to encounter occasional references to cliff slopes gently toward the sea, ending in a low
these myths in geological papers, and I began to cliff, and surrounded by a fringing reef of coral.
collect them just out of curiosity. Then, when the According to the myth, the island was once
first papers linking Santorini and Atlantis appeared, smooth and regular, with gentle slopes (Marshall
I gave a review of that theory to the Department of 1927). One day the god of the sea and the god of
Geology at Indiana University. A member of the rain had a contest to see which was more powerful.
Indiana University Press was present, and after the The sea god, aided by the wind god, attacked the
talk he said, 'Why don't you do a book on Atlantis?' island and eroded it to the height of the Makatea.
I replied, 'There already have been many books Then the rain god caused it to rain for five days
written on Atlantis, but I could do one on the and nights, washing clay and stones into the ocean
relationship between myth and geology'. At the and carving deep valleys into the slopes, until
time the book appeared (Vitaliano 1973), I did not only the flat top of the original surface remained.
realize that geomyths would prove to have very The inhabitants of the island took refuge on this
practical applications, and would be taken seriously peak, and as their situation became more and
enough to find a way into a scientific symposium at more precarious, their chief appealed to their
an International Geological Congress. supreme god, who ordered the others to stop the
Myth and geology are related in several ways. contest.
First, man has always sought to explain his This myth explaining the island's unique shape
natural environment. A good example of this is reflects an appreciation of the role of running
Devil's Tower in the state of Wyoming (Fig. l). water and storm waves in shaping the landscape.
Originally interpreted as a volcanic neck or plug, In geological terms, the island was a volcano built
closer study revealed that it is the eroded remnant up on the sea floor. After its activity had ceased, it
of a more extensive body, a taccolith. Two Indian was eroded down to sea level. Then it was elevated
tribes living in the vicinity have slightly different above sea level and subjected to weathering and
stories accounting for its unique shape (Mattison erosion, while a fringing reef of coral grew
1967), but both involve a group of people being around it. Gradual subsidence then allowed the
pursued by a giant bear, appealing to their deity coral to grow upward to become a barrier reef, sep-
for help, and having the ground on which they arated from the land by a lagoon. Re-elevation of
stood uplifted beyond the reach of the animal the land left the barrier reef high and dry, forming
(Fig. 2). The fluting of the columns, a classic the Makatea, and the lagoon became the moat-like
example of columnar jointing, is explained as the depression.
claw marks made by the bear as it tried to reach The Pacific islands have inspired many other
them. landform myths, including a number of 'fishing-
Another example of a myth inspired by unusual up' myths which explain the presence of certain
topography is the island of Mangaia, one of the islands (Nunn 2001, 2003), 'Fishing-up' myths gen-
Cook Islands in the South Pacific (Fig. 3). The erally tell of a god who, while fishing, hooks his line
central core of the island is an eroded volcano, on the sea bottom and hauls up rocks and other fea-
which is surrounded by a moat-like depression, tures that assume the specific configurations of the
and this in turn is surrounded by a raised platform islands in question.
Fig. 3. The island of Mangaia in the South Pacific (after Marshall 1927).
Mt Mazama in the Cascades Range (Fig. 8). A myth also helped to solve a geological problem
According to the myth of the Klamath Indians, for the German volcanologist Jrrg Keller. He was
Llao, the chief of the Below World, standing on able to date the last eruption in the Lipari Islands,
Mt Mazama, was battling Skell, the chief of the off the coast of Italy, on the basis of a local
Above World, who stood on Mt Shasta in Califor- legend (Keller 1970). Ash from that eruption over-
nia, about a hundred miles away (Clark 1953). lies Roman ruins on Vulcano that date from the
They hurled rocks and flames at each other, and fourth and fifth centuries AD (Fig. 9). According
darkness covered the land. The fight ended when to a local tradition, a hermit named Calogero, who
Mt Mazama collapsed under Llao and hurled him lived on Lipari and was later made a saint, was cred-
back into his underworld domain. The large hole ited with having driven the devil and his fires from
that was created then filled up to form Crater Lake. Lipari (Fig. 10) to Vuicanello, and as that was still
This sounds like an eye-witness account of too close for comfort, on to Vulcano. As St
such an eruption, and it undoubtedly is, for Indian Calogero is known to have lived from AD 5 2 4 -
artifacts have been found buried in the Mazama AD 562, Dr Keller inferred that the eruption must
ash. The eruption has been radiocarbon-dated to have occurred some time between AD 500 and 550.
about 6500 years ago on the basis of Indian Flood legends appear in the mythology of so
sandals found in the ash, but had no datable many cultures that a universal flood has often
materials been found, this myth alone would have been invoked to explain their prevalence. Many of
served to date the eruption as post-Pleistocene, them, however, appear to be purely of local
because this part of the world was first inhabited origin. The myth of the Makah Indians on the
by people who crossed the Bering Land Bridge Pacific coast of the state of Washington is such a
and migrated down through Alaska and Canada one (Andree 1891). The sea is said to have risen
into the northwestern United States. and fallen several times in the course of a few
Fig. 4. Pele's hair and Pele's tears, formed from Fig. 5. Halemaumau, the 'fire pit' of Kilauea volcano.
wind-swept molten lava. (Photo by C. J. Vitaliano.) (Photo by C. J. Vitaliano.)
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withstand scientific scrutiny. Others include the Atlantis now seems unlikely to find one. Interestingly,
Oracle of Delphi, the parting of the Red Sea, the the Oracle of Delphi may have a geological expla-
destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the nation that confirms ancient accounts of intoxicat-
Loch Ness monster. ing gases emanating from underground fissures
It is interesting to compare the various outcomes (Piccardi 2000: De Boer et al. 2001), following an
of geomythological research aiming to shed light on interim where early modern scientists had con-
these famous stories. Whereas Noah's Flood cluded that there was no such explanation for the
appears finally to have found a sound explanation, Oracle's prophecies. As for the parting of the
waters before the fleeing Israelites, the destruction
of the sinners in Sodom and Gomorrah, and the
Fig. 10, Map of the Lipari Islands, showing geographical relationships of Lipari, Vulcanello and Vulcano.
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