The Legend of Crater Lake's Formation: - Klamath Tribe
The Legend of Crater Lake's Formation: - Klamath Tribe
The Legend of Crater Lake's Formation: - Klamath Tribe
Crater Lake, in Oregon, is the country's deepest lake, developed over thousands of years by
a series of volcanic eruptions. We were only able to map the bottom of the lake and
comprehend how it was produced owing to the relatively recent discovery of sonar. Local
Native American tribes, on the other hand, have known for generations and have included
stories of volcanic eruptions in their myths, describing great spirits that darkened the skies,
collapsed a mountain, and spewed fire.
• Klamath tribe:
▪ According to one Klamath tribe myth, there was once a great battle within their
people. The besieging group prayed to the Great Spirit for assistance as one side laid
siege to the other. Aid arrived, beginning with tremors deep within the Earth. The
mountain's peak shattered and fell into the Earth, swallowing those who had started
the rebellion. When the tremors finally stopped, the warriors discovered that the
Earth's rupture had caused a lake to form where there had previously been none,
and the spirits of the dead had been transformed into sea creatures.
“The heart of Skell was tossed from hand to hand in the great ball game in which all
participated.” —Klamath legend of La-o
Another version of the story includes a cautionary note about why any daring spirits
should avoid the lake.
▪ It's told that during a tremendous struggle between the ground and the sky, the
mountain trembled, fire poured from the mountain's mouth, and fiery rocks and
debris dropped from the sky, igniting fires for miles around. Those who lived around
the lake, which was then known as Klamath Lake, begged the spirits to stop feuding,
and two of their most holy men were sacrificed. The spirits were appeased, and
storms blew in, putting out the fires and filling the lake. They passed down the
legend from generation to generation, warning everyone to keep away from the lake
should the spirits become enraged once more.
THE Dawn - Myths & mysteries: The Crater Lake happenings
Myth Of The Creation Of Crater Lake