The Role of Engineering Geology in The Route Selection, Design and Construction of A Road Across The Blue Nile Gorge, Ethiopia

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Bull Eng Geol Environ (2016) 75:163–191

DOI 10.1007/s10064-015-0724-y


The role of engineering geology in the route selection, design

and construction of a road across the Blue Nile gorge, Ethiopia
Gareth James Hearn • Geoffrey Stanley Pettifer

Received: 10 October 2014 / Accepted: 4 February 2015 / Published online: 8 March 2015
 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract The role of engineering geology in the final de- is such that preventative and reactive maintenance will be
sign and construction of a road crossing the Blue Nile (Abay) required throughout the lifetime of the road.
gorge in Ethiopia is described. This new road between
Mekhane Selam and Gundewein is a strategic link in the Keywords Road design  Construction  Blue Nile gorge 
Ethiopian road network and encounters very steep and diffi- Ethiopia  Remote sensing  Landscape models  Reference
cult terrain that poses significant engineering geological conditions  Engineering geology
challenges. Remote sensing, landscape modelling, reference
condition classification, and conventional field mapping have
been applied to assist in the finalisation of the alignment, the Introduction
prediction of ground conditions for earthworks design, and the
implementation of slope and drainage protection works. The Mekhane Selam and Gundewein are two small rural towns
approach adopted serves as a blueprint for other road con- in central Ethiopia, each located at approximately 2,660 m
struction and improvement projects in the region though asl. In terms of the local economy and local access, there
limitations exist with respect to the prediction of variable was no particular reason to connect them by road, but in
volcanic rock sequences at depth without the benefit of ground doing so a highly strategic link has been added to the
investigation boreholes. Although ground conditions differ- Ethiopian road network. The total road length between
ent from those predicted have been exposed along 15 % of the Mekhane Selam and Gundewein is 129 km, and its con-
alignment, these have been of relatively minor significance struction was one of Ethiopia’s most challenging transport
and have necessitated unanticipated remedial action affecting projects in recent years. The road forms the western section
less than 2 % of the alignment in the gorge. Thus far, the main of the 260-km-long Kombolcha to Gundewein road project
damage to the road from geohazards has been caused by road- (Fig. 1), completed in 2014, and funded by the Ethiopian
related effects, including the concentration of road drainage Roads Authority (ERA). By any global comparison, it is a
below culverts and seepages from broken and blocked side truly mountainous road, and yet the road is not located
drains. The susceptibility of the terrain to uncontrolled runoff within any mountain area shown on published maps. In-
stead it is located in the Central Highlands of the country
and links two extensive areas of gently undulating plateau
Gareth James Hearn was formerly with Scott Wilson and URS that are separated by the deep, steep-sided gorge of the
Infrastructure & Environment UK Ltd. Blue Nile. The cumulative rise and fall of the alignment in
the gorge is more than 2,500 m over a route length of
G. J. Hearn (&)
Hearn Geoserve Ltd, 23 Little Paddocks, Ferring, Worthing, approximately 58 km and a straight line distance of 21 km.
West Sussex, UK There are four other roads in Ethiopia that cross this gorge
e-mail: and the most important of these, located approximately
96 km downstream between Dejen and Gohatsion (Fig. 1),
G. S. Pettifer
83 Langdale Avenue, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4AJ, UK encounters extensive landslides (Gezahen 1998; Ayalew
e-mail: 2000; Ayalew et al. 2009; Yamada et al. 2013) that pose

164 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

Fig. 1 Location of the Mekhane Selam to Gundewein road across the Blue Nile gorge, Central Highlands, Ethiopia

continuing challenges for the maintenance of access. While constructing this new road presented significant engineer-
the new road is not intended to replace the existing heavily ing geological challenges that are common to most other
trafficked crossing, it represents a critical new link in the escarpment roads in the region, and the approaches adopted
country’s expanding federal road network. Designing and might serve as a useful blueprint for future projects.

The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 165

The Blue Nile basin of the Blue Nile and other regional drainage systems were
initiated during the Late Oligocene under predominantly
Topography and climate hot and humid climatic conditions. Towards the end of the
Miocene several large alkaline basaltic shield volcanoes
The Blue Nile basin is located in the Central Highlands of erupted from central vents on the plateau and this phase
Ethiopia to the west of the Main Ethiopian Rift (Fig. 1). continued into the Pliocene. The newly formed plateau was
From its source at Lake Tana at 1,788 m asl to its con- then bisected by the NE–SW trending Main Ethiopian Rift
fluence with the White Nile at Khartoum, the Blue Nile is (MER).
1,450 km in length and has an average gradient of about Significant regional uplift occurred in Oligocene–Mio-
0.1 %. Of the 850 km or so located in Ethiopia, slightly cene times, but there were further periods of uplift and
less than half flows through a gorge that has been cut to a renewed fluvial incision during the Late Pliocene and
depth of up to 1,600 m deep below the surrounding pla- Pleistocene, resulting in the present superimposed drainage
teau. The plateau has an elevation of between 2,000 and network (Woodward et al. 2007; Gani et al. 2009).
2,500 m asl, and is predominantly flat to gently rolling with Woodward et al. (2007), for example, report 2,000 m of
inliers of higher ground forming mesas and more extensive uplift during the last 8 Ma. Gani et al. (2009) observed that
hills and high-level terraces that are the remnants of eroded the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks were affected by sets of
lava flows. In Ethiopia, the Blue Nile basin covers an area NW–SE and NE–SW trending extensional (normal) faults
of over 365,000 km2 (Woodward et al. 2007) and accounts and fractures. They found that the former were dominant in
for slightly [50 % of the annual runoff of the entire the lower part of the succession and were probably related
country (Gebremeskel 2011). to rifting of Gondwanaland while the latter were dominant
The average annual rainfall in the Blue Nile basin is in the younger rocks, extending into the overlying basalts,
1,421 mm, approximately 70 % of which falls between and were probably related to the initial opening of the
June and September (Conway 2000). However, the lower MER. They also recognised WNW–ESE, NW–SE, N–S,
elevations of the floor and adjacent side slopes of the Blue and E–W trending fractures and faults which were prob-
Nile gorge and its tributaries probably receive significantly ably related to various Quaternary tectonic events. Sultana
less than this. Temperature is also elevation-dependent. and Abdelsalam (2003), Woodward et al. (2007), Gani
Sima et al. (2009), for example, describe how average et al. (2009), and Kebede (2013) found that the courses of
annual temperatures vary between about 23 C at 1,500 m the Blue Nile and adjacent rivers are partly controlled by
asl and 12 C at 3,000 m asl in the southeast of the basin. major faults, joints, dykes, and stratigraphic boundaries.
This structural control on the course of the Blue Nile is
Geological evolution illustrated clearly on the published 1:250,000 scale regional
geological map (Chumburo 2009).
The drainage basin of the Blue Nile is the product of a It seems likely that a combination of regional uplift,
complex geological history that took place between the extensional faulting, diversion of the Blue Nile around
initiation of the break-up of the Gondwanaland supercon- shield volcanoes and a change from forest to grassland
tinent in the Early Jurassic and the present day. During the vegetation would have generated widespread slope insta-
Mesozoic, the proto-Blue Nile flowed southeastwards bility and soil erosion by the Late Pliocene. The rate of
through central Ethiopia from the present Lake Tana area Blue Nile incision would have increased once erosion had
(Fig. 1) towards the Ogaden region in the Horn of Africa, extended down into weak and fractured Mesozoic strata.
and was located within a NW–SE trending graben con- Fluvial incision and river course adjustment continued
trolled by Precambrian basement structures (e.g. Gani et al. during the Pleistocene, accompanied by high erosion rates
2009). This graben was gradually infilled by a succession and extensive slope failures (Ayalew and Yamagishi 2004;
of Mesozoic fluvial and marine deposits approximately Woodward et al. 2007), exacerbated by periods of peri-
1,400 m thick. The Arabian and African plates began to glacial activity at elevations above 3,000 m asl (Nyssen
separate in the Eocene, initiating the Red Sea Rift. This et al. 2004). However, the last glacial maximum
process intensified during the Oligocene, from about (19,000–26,000 BP, Clark et al. 2009) was a period of
30 Ma (million years BP). It was associated with domal aggradation in the Blue Nile with significantly lower and
uplift due to the rising Afar mantle plume and with wide- more seasonal runoff, high rates of erosion due to a much
spread eruption from fissures of up to 2,000 m thickness of reduced vegetation cover, and the contribution of large
flood basalts and associated pyroclastic deposits. These quantities of periglacially derived debris to the valley floor
eruptions occurred in pulses and buried a gently undulating (Woodward et al. 2007). Large-scale landslides, including
early Tertiary (Paleocene–Eocene) landscape, forming the slow, deep-seated sackung types of failure induced by
Ethiopian plateau. Changes in flow direction and incision normal faulting, would have been prominent features in the

166 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

Blue Nile basin at that time. Although Ayalew and deposits and the gradual regression of head scarps associ-
Yamagishi (2004) consider that phases of renewed slope ated with extremes of rainfall, land use change, and stream
activity took place during the wetter episodes of the and river erosion. Fresh rock fall deposits are also occa-
Holocene, reduced rates of both uplift and seismic activity sionally observed below rock cliffs following periods of
during this period have probably resulted in an increase in very heavy rainfall. Small debris flows are also common
slope stability with limited opportunity for the develop- from steep slopes and channels formed in closely-jointed
ment of new large and deep-seated landslides. None of the basalt and basalt debris.
authors that have commented on the landslides of the Blue
Nile basin (for example Ayalew and Temesgen 1995;
Ayalew and Yamagishi 2004; Ayalew et al. 2009; Sima The project area
et al. 2009; Abebe et al. 2010; Kuwano et al. 2013; Ya-
mada et al. 2013) mention seismicity as a significant The project area is located approximately 160 km (200 km
landslide trigger. Although the Blue Nile basin is currently river length) to the southeast of Lake Tana. The elevation
an area of low seismic hazard (EBCS 1995), seismicity of the river at the new bridge crossing is 1,150 m asl, and
may have played a major role in destabilising large rock the average river gradient upstream to Lake Tana is
masses during the Pleistocene. Rainfall-triggered mass 0.32 %. The gorge is almost 1,300 m deep (Fig. 2) and
wasting is considered to predominate at present, compris- narrows to a gorge-top width of 1,700 m in places.
ing shallow debris/earth slides and flows, deep rotational The stratigraphic succession exposed in the vicinity of
slides, gully erosion, and rock falls/slides on steep slopes the project site and neighbouring areas is shown in Table 1.
(Ayalew 1999; Woldearegay 2013). This table describes the broad geological classification
system in use at the time the project commenced (Tefera
Geomorphology et al. 1996a, b) compared with the later system (Chumburo
2009) which subdivides the Ashangi Formation. The ap-
The valley sides of the Blue Nile and its tributaries fre- proximate outcrop pattern in the project area and the lo-
quently contain the following: cation and orientation of fault structures are shown in
Fig. 3. Table 2 summarises the engineering geological
• Vertical cliffs formed in basalt and pyroclastic deposits,
characteristics of the rocks listed in Table 1.
sandstone, and limestone
In the lower levels of the gorge, thickly-bedded Late
• Toppling rock masses with separation cracks tens of
Jurassic Antalo Limestone forms prominent vertical cliffs.
metres back from cliff faces
Below these cliffs the Antalo Limestone is closely in-
• Extensive and deep deposits of talus and rafted rock
terbedded with weak marl (calcareous mudstone or clay)
and is largely concealed by taluvium. There are generally
• Slopes covered in variable thicknesses of taluvium and
no natural exposures of in situ rock on these lower slopes
colluvium, locally unstable
apart from two localities on the eastern side of the gorge in
• Ancient deep-seated ([10 m) landslides, locally
isolated cliffs alongside the Difarsa and Blue Nile rivers.
Gani et al. (2009) describe the Antalo Limestone as the
• Recent shallow and localised rock falls/slides and
Upper Limestone, with a thickness of 400 m, which is
debris/earth slides
underlain by the Middle Jurassic Lower Limestone and
• Topographic benches covered with expansive ‘black
Gypsum, or Gohatsion Formation, comprising 450 m of
cotton’ soils (rich in smectite clay minerals)
interbedded limestone, gypsum, and mudstone/shale. Ap-
• Complex hydrogeology, including seasonal perched
proximately 45 km downstream from the project area, this
water tables
formation (referred to as the Abay Formation by JICA/GSE
• Karst features, including cavities within limestone rock
2012) crops out in the vicinity of the Dejen–Gohatsion
masses and taluvium deposits
road, where it has probably played a significant role in the
• Seepage erosion in taluvial and colluvial deposits
initiation of extensive slope instability. The Gohatsion/
• Slope erosion and gullying
Abay Formation is underlain by the Early Jurassic Adigrat
• Stream and river bank erosion and shifting stream
Sandstone which, according to the 1:250,000 scale geolo-
channels on active flood plains
gical map (Chumburo 2009), has an upper unit of blue
• Transportation of large quantities of debris through
mudstone, approximately 40 m in thickness. This material
surface drainage systems and its ultimate deposition in
may also have contributed to slope instability in the Dejen–
debris fans.
Gohatsion area. The outcrop of the Adigrat Sandstone is
It appears that the majority of present-day ground shown by Chumburo (2009) as extending to a point 10 km
movements relate to the reactivation of existing landslide downstream of the new Blue Nile crossing. With an

The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 167

Fig. 2 Typical topography of

the Blue Nile gorge in the
project area with fault-
controlled river alignment in the
middle of the photograph

average river gradient of 0.32 % the top of the Adigrat On the western side of the gorge, the majority of the
Sandstone might be extrapolated to a depth of 30 m or so alignment is located primarily on the northeastern side of
below bed level at the new bridge. Drilling investigations an approximately NW–SE orientated spur defined by the
for bridge pier foundations encountered a buried channel Blue Nile River to the east and a similarly orientated
up to 45 m deep infilled mainly with basalt gravel, cobbles, deeply incised tributary valley to the west (Fig. 1). The
and boulders and underlain by weak olive-green mudstone upper slopes of the spur comprise benched topography
(probably the upper unit of the Adigrat Sandstone). (Fig. 4) incised at intervals by steep-sided re-entrant val-
leys in basalt and volcaniclastic rocks (defined later). The
Geomorphology of the road corridor gullies that drain these valleys convey large volumes of
sediment during the wet season, mostly in the form of
The geomorphology of each of the three main rock types debris flows. Valley side regression has formed thick de-
exposed in the gorge is outlined in Table 2. On the eastern posits of talus and taluvium on the underlying slopes.
side of the gorge, the Difarsa River has eroded an elongate Below the volcanic outcrop, the Blue Nile valley side is
catchment, orientated ENE–WSW that is approximately dominated by vertical cliffs in sandstone and limestone
17 km in length and up to 3 km wide, and the majority of (Figs. 5, 6). The road alignment avoids these by crossing to
the alignment on this side of the gorge is located within this the southwestern side of the spur where the cliffs are less
catchment (Fig. 1). With an average gradient of over 4 % prominent and often ‘hidden’ beneath taluvial materials.
the Difarsa River has cut through the volcanic and The floor of the Blue Nile gorge either side of the river
sedimentary sequences and has developed relatively wide is made up of thick aprons of gently sloping taluvium and
benches separated by basalt and limestone cliffs. These colluvium, which in places rest on river terrace deposits.
benches offer relatively easy terrain for long lengths of Recent rock fall deposits derived from the overlying
alignment (see long profile in Fig. 1), though they are often limestone cliffs occupy the margins of the valley floor and
mantled by extensive deposits of colluvial/taluvial debris. there are older debris fans and debris flow deposits that
These deposits are considered likely to be derived from extend down to the river, especially on the western side.
ancient landslides, probably associated with movement There is no apparent natural outcrop along this 7–8 km
along layers of weathered tuff/ash within the volcanic se- section of road corridor except for a small exposure of
quence, and marl or mudstone within the limestone, and thinly interbedded limestone and marl at the left bank
have been exposed to depths of over 10 m in cut slopes. abutment of the Blue Nile bridge. There is one large and
The intervening cliffs are often formed in open-jointed probably fairly recent deep-seated landslide located be-
rocks, posing slope stability and bearing stability problems tween the river and the alignment, probably triggered by
in excavations and foundations. toe erosion.

168 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

Table 1 Stratigraphic succession

Previous classification (Tefera et al 1996b) New classification (Chumburo 2009)

Agea Map Description of mapped unit Map Description of mapped unit Remarks
symbol symbol
Tarmaber Gussa Formation (basaltic Lumame Basalt, with interlayered pyroclastic Highest part of plateau between
Late PNtb shield volcanoes with minor trachyte tuff locally Gundewein and Mertole Mariam
Oligocene- and phonolite) Tpb2 Pyroclastic tuff Not mapped in this area b
Miocene Highest part of plateau near
Tva Anferfira Shield Volcano Basalt
Mekhane Selam
Ashangi Formation (basalt flows with Debre Markos Basalt, with occasional Plateaux east of Mertole Mariam
intercalations of pyroclastic rocks) interlayered pyroclastic tuff and west of Mekhane Selam
Tpb1 Pyroclastic tuff. Ignimbrite at the base locally
Not mapped in this area b
Upper part of formation more Tsp Sandstone
tuffaceous, locally with fluvio- Yejube Basalt, with interlayered pyroclastic Upper slopes of gorge on both
Oligocene Tv2
lacustrine sediments between basalt tuff. Ignimbrite at the top locally sides of Blue Nile
flows, some of which contain seams Tss Sandstone. Cut by basalt dykes Not mapped in this area b
of lignite Arero Gidabo Basalt, with interlayered
Middle slopes of gorge on both
Tv1 pyroclastic tuff. Volcanic breccia at the top
sides of Blue Nile
Amba Aradom Formation
Upper Sandstone, with lenses of
Cretaceous Ka (sandstone, conglomerate and Muss
conglomerate, siltstone and shale
shale) Lower slopes of gorge on both
Antalo Formation (limestone with Limestone, with occasional interbedded sides of Blue Nile
Jt thin beds of marl and calcareous Mls black shale, impure limestone and
shale) sandstone
Geological epoch indicated by Chumburo (2009)
These strata have been identified in the vicinity of Debre Markos

Project implementation the development of the preliminary design, including its

horizontal and vertical alignment and cross-sections, and
Route selection and road design an environmental impact assessment. Stereo aerial pho-
tographs from the 1960s at a scale were used with pub-
The Mekhane Selam to Gundewein road is a Design Class lished 1:50,000 scale topographical maps and a 1:2 million
5 Link Road, catering for an anticipated AADT (average scale geological map (Tefera et al. 1996a) to review
annual daily traffic) of 300–1,000 and a design speed of alignment options. The selected route corridor succeeded in
50 kph for escarpment terrain. According to the ERA avoiding the most difficult terrain.
Geometric Design Manual (ERA 2011) the maximum
permissible gradient is 9 % and the minimum curve radius Construction
is 80 m. Because of the extreme nature of the terrain, the
constructed road has a 12 % gradient over an aggregate The work undertaken by the authors and their colleagues
distance of 430 m and a 10 % gradient over an aggregate formed part of the construction supervision and com-
distance of slightly more than 4 km. Consequently, the menced in March 2006 with the last visit to site taking
maximum permissible gradient is exceeded over almost place in February 2015. Despite the earlier design
8 % of the alignment in the gorge. There are curve radii at documentation used by the ERA to procure a construction
12, 13, and 20 m and five at 30 m, i.e. considerably less contract, it became apparent in early 2006 that engineering
than specified. The carriageway width in the gorge is 6 m geological fieldwork had played a relatively minor role in
plus curve widening and the nominal formation width is its development and that there was considerably more work
10 m, which includes the carriageway, shoulders, and side to be done before a final design could be constructed. Even
drains. The pavement comprises 200 mm subbase, 200 mm then, hitherto unrecorded geological hazards revealed
base course, and 25–30 mm of DBST (double bituminous themselves as late as 2013, requiring emergency remedial
surface treatment). The minimum required subgrade action. It was decided at the outset to embark on a pro-
strength equates to a CBR (California bearing ratio) of 4. gressive assessment of the geomorphology and engineering
The design phase of the Mekhane Selam to Gundewein geology of the terrain as part of a design review and final
road took place between late 1996 and early 2005. Design design exercise that maximised the use of remote sensing,
documents contained descriptions of the route selection, landscape modelling, field mapping, and monitoring.

The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 169

Fig. 3 Extract redrawn and

modified from Gani et al. (2009)
showing the general outcrop
pattern and inferred fault
structures in the project area
(including faults shown by
Chumburo 2009)

The total geology approach to final design As for many projects located in remote areas, sources of
and construction existing geo-data were limited, and comprised the small
scale geological and topographical maps and aerial pho-
The brief given to the geo-team in 2006 was to review tographs referred to above. A set of larger scale (ap-
the alignment, suggest local alternatives to it where ap- proximately 1:10,000) photographs flown in 1998, with
propriate, and embark on a programme of desk study and incomplete cover and some scale variations that prevented
field investigations that would allow a final design to be full stereo interpretation, were made available later in the
developed. Furthermore, provision was made for engi- assessment process, and, despite their poorer flight path
neering geologists to be present at key periods during control, they allowed significantly greater interpretation of
construction and, therefore, a formal set of geo-mapping key features along the alignment and local realignment
documents needed to be established that could be utilised options. This included the recognition of fault and persis-
and built upon throughout the construction period. To tent joint lineations, tension cracks, grabens associated
achieve this the methodology adopted followed a total with ancient mass movement, scarps within taluvial de-
engineering geological approach based on the concept posits indicative of recent movement, drainage patterns,
that ‘…site conditions should be viewed as the result of stream erosion, and sediment transport.
the complete geological and geomorphological history
and that an understanding of that history has to be well Landscape modelling
developed at the earliest possible opportunity in any
project for it to be successfully engineered’ (Fookes et al. Landscape models have proved extremely useful in helping
2000). to interpret and characterise the evolution, underlying

170 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

Table 2 Main rock types and geomorphology encountered in the gorge (some of the structural information is from Gani et al. (2009))
Rock type and Lithological description Structural geology Geomorphology
thickness along
the road
East West East West

Ashangi flood Mostly aphanitic, SW–MW, strong Normal faults mostly trending NE, Differential weathering and erosion of lava flows
basalts to very strong. Amygdaloidal occasionally NW, with throws up and pyroclastic rocks have created a marked
930 m 700 m texture where calcite and quartz to 50 m, and rarely to 400 m. stepped slope profile (Fig. 4). Cliff recession has
are locally present. Weathering Fault zones up to 50 m wide. accompanied the incision of the gorge, depositing
and jointing vary within and Typically closely jointed, but large quantities of failed material on the slopes
between basalt flows with locally medium to widely spaced below. Rock fall and scour of jointed basalt are
preferential weathering and columnar jointing. NE, NNE, significant hazards and debris flows are common
residual soils at flow boundaries, NW, and ESE trending master in re-entrant valleys and on talus/taluvium slopes.
forming weaker horizons. joints Very high sediment yields from streams
Springs often emerge at these
boundaries and especially
between the basalt and the
underlying sedimentary rocks.
Pyroclastic and fluvio-volcanic
rocks are also common and are
also preferentially weathered
Amba Aradom Medium to coarse-grained, SW– NW and NE trending normal faults Crops out on the Forms a well-defined
sandstone MW, strong. Slightly calcareous with throws of up to 80 m and eastern side of the bench, mantled by basalt
None 100 m with distinct pebble horizons. fault zones up to 10 m in width. gorge above the taluvium and residual
Medium to thickly bedded Regular and persistent vertical road, terminating soil. In the gorge it
(0.4–3 m). No groundwater joints which, with the bedding, against a fault of forms 40–50 m high
seepages of any significance are typically produce equi- possible Early cliffs with large ‘towers’
evident dimensional, tabular or prismatic Cretaceous age and detached blocks
blocks of various sizes. N (Fig. 5)
trending master joints common
Antalo Fine-grained, SW–MW, strong. NW and NE trending faults with Cliffs typically 40–50 m high, posing the greatest
limestone Horizontally bedded or slightly fault zones up to 50 m wide. challenge to road construction. They are divided
350 m 400 m dipping (1–4) to the NW. Beds There are two very persistent into three units: upper, middle, and lower. Wide
are typically 0.3–0.5 m thick, widely spaced vertical joint sets: cliff-parallel joints (sometimes open [1 m) often
though some are up to 1.5 m. one set parallel to cliff faces, the occur as tension cracks, creating large elongated
Secondary CaCO3 is often other approx. perpendicular. topples or detached blocks. The prominence of
precipitated on the lowermost Joints are usually linear, these cliffs varies, with large sections of cliff
sections of cliff faces and along undulating and rough, with or often ‘hidden’ by failed materials derived from
joint surfaces exposed in cliffs without infill. They typically the cliffs above. Cavities occur both within the
and road cuts. Bedding surfaces form very large blocks with the limestone and the failed debris. Marl beds
are commonly planar to slightly bedding. N trending master joints between limestone beds are generally obscured
undulating, rough, partly open to common by colluvium/taluvium
open and commonly infilled with
silt-sized weathering products
SW, MW, HW, and CW, respectively, refer to slightly, moderately, highly, and completely weathered rock

geology, geomorphology, and potential geohazards of a Geotechnical reference condition mapping

given area and between different climate zones (see, for
example, Fookes et al. 1985; Selby 1993; Fookes 1997a; Geotechnical reference conditions are identified as
Griffiths and Stokes 2008; Griffiths et al. 2012; Hearn et al. groups of geological materials, landforms, and geomor-
2012; Ruse et al. 2013; and Fookes et al. in press). Land- phological processes with similar engineering character-
scape models were constructed for the present project area istics and implications for design and construction. They
as an aid to the initial engineering geological interpretation are assigned to sections of the alignment to indicate
and as a background to the development of geotechnical conditions that might be reasonably anticipated in each
reference condition mapping (see below). Figures 7 and 8 case.
show two models for the eastern and western sides of the Reference conditions were developed for the following
gorge, respectively. reasons:

The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 171

Fig. 4 Benched topography

formed in basalt and pyroclastic
rocks towards the top of the

Fig. 5 Sandstone cliffs below

the alignment on the western
side of the gorge

• As a means of communicating the distribution and • To provide the basis for identifying suitable design
nature of anticipated ground conditions and geohazards modifications, where required as ground conditions
to site supervision staff; were exposed during construction (i.e. use of the
• To assist in the assessment and checking of the design ‘observational method’);
cross sections and the need for additional slope support • For use as a basis for recording the as-built ground
and protection, where appropriate; conditions, which, if the need arose, might later be
• To assist in the checking and review of the Bill of referred to when assessing any claims in relation to
Quantities in relation to ground conditions (for exam- ground conditions;
ple, likely excavation conditions);

172 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

Fig. 6 Unstable blocks and

turrets of limestone cliff

Fig. 7 Landscape model for the eastern gorge area

• As a preliminary means of determining whether factors that might not have been considered in the
designed cutting angles might need to be steepened or original design, or might have changed since the design
flattened in any particular circumstance due to the need was prepared;
to reduce spoil quantities or cater for any ground • As a means of enabling the ERA to gain a rapid
conditions, topography, or land use/environmental assessment of the terrain and ground conditions along

The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 173

Fig. 8 Landscape model for the western gorge area

the alignment and the issues that govern ground Rock mass strength and geotechnical parameters for
behaviour and the stability of the alignment, its rock masses were estimated using the Hoek–Brown
construction, and operation. strength criterion, though it was made explicit that jointing
systems exposed during excavation would be the ultimate
The exercise commenced with a field reconnaissance
control on rock slope stability and cutting angles. Soil
of the alignment corridor to identify the main material
parameters were also estimated based on field observations
types exposed, their weathering grades and strength
and empirical data. Materials and mass properties were
characteristics. A total of 34 different geotechnical ref-
considered likely to vary with depth in response to lithol-
erence conditions were identified: 17 for in situ rock, ten
ogy, weathering profiles and jointing patterns, and the
for transported materials, six for different landslide types,
lower end of the anticipated strength range for each ref-
and one for faults and other tectonic features. The main
erence condition was adopted in each case. The anticipated
rock and soil reference condition classes are shown in
maximum cut slope angles were derived using stability
Table 3.
charts for circular failure with estimated cohesion and
Engineering geological descriptions, material strengths,
friction values for the poorest quality rock mass anticipated
RQDs, rock mass quality, and GSI values were derived for
and factors of safety generally in the order of 1.3. However,
each material type, based primarily upon observations and
for cuttings through colluvium and talus, computed factors
estimates made during engineering geological inspections
of safety were \1.3, typically 1.1–1.2 for the assumed
of surface exposures. The descriptive term ‘volcaniclastic’
parameters. The following details and recommendations
has been used to describe a clastic rock comprising grains
were tabulated for each reference condition:
and/or fragments of volcanic rock set in a finer-grained
matrix, regardless of its origin (Brown 2007). This classi- • Lithology
fication system is especially suited to borehole logging and • Landform
reconnaissance field mapping where the origin of materials • Material descriptions
is uncertain. It includes both pyroclastic materials, such as • Engineering geological considerations
tuff/ash and agglomerate, and epiclastic materials resulting • Preferred cross-section
from the weathering of volcanic rocks, such as tuffaceous • Embankment foundation stability
siltstones and sandstones, and allows for specific descrip- • Cut slope stability
tive terms to be added as more detailed information be- • Anticipated maximum cut slope against height
comes available. • Expected excavation techniques.

174 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

Table 3 Summary of rock and soil reference condition classes derived for the project area

Origin Rock/soil type Landscape
Spur and ridge lines
Slightly to moderately weathered Cliffs and steep slopes
(SW-MW) Cliffs with turrets or towers
Highly to completely weathered
Gentle slopes
Volcanic Residually Granular soils Plateaux and benches
weathered Black cotton soil
Volcaniclastic Tuff/ash
(including Agglomerate
In situ Rock
pyroclastic) rocks Volcanic breccia Benches and slopes
with or without Scoriaceous basalt
interlayered basalt Tuffaceous sandstone/siltstone
Benches and slopes
Benches and slopes
Sedimentary Cliffs
Benches and slopes
Interbedded limestone and marl
Marl Gentle slopes
Colluvium/ Volcanic material
Taluvium Limestone/marl material
Volcanic material
Transported Talus Benches and slopes
Limestone material
soils and
Volcanic material
mass Debris flows
Limestone material
deposits Rock
Large rock fragments Lower slopes and terraces
Differentiated according to source material and
Landslides Mainly on steep slopes
Terraces/fans Fine and coarse material
Fluvial River terraces and valley
Flood plains
deposits floors
Point bars Coarse material

The alignment in the gorge was subdivided into over 150 soon abandoned because the quality of available drilling
sections according to reference condition. This allowed the equipment and lack of experience of the contractor resulted
site supervision team to look up the anticipated ground con- in very poor core recovery in coarse-grained soils and
ditions and geohazards for each section and confirm cross- highly variable and often weathered and closely jointed
sections, cut slope angles and anticipated founding conditions rocks. Instead, the reference condition mapping combined
in advance of earthworks. Figure 9 shows an example of the with a limited amount of trial pitting became the principle
mapping used to subdivide the alignment on the basis of means of earthworks design.
reference condition. The base mapping was developed from
perspective views of the terrain using digitised published
contours in Autocad and then annotated using data from aerial Testing the reference condition mapping against design
photo interpretation and field mapping. and construction outcomes

Ground investigations The reference condition mapping was used to help refine
the alignment and several local route realignment options
Ground investigation borehole data should be an important were considered. Recommendations resulting from the
contributor to the delineation of rock and soil types, the mapping exercise were incorporated into the development
determination of geotechnical parameters and the devel- of the final horizontal and vertical alignment. These related
opment of reference conditions. Unfortunately, although principally to realignments to avoid tunnel sections, the
provision had been made in the construction contract for preferred route across or through cliffs on both sides of the
drilling investigations, these were undertaken in very lim- gorge, route options alongside the Blue Nile river, crossing
ited areas, concentrating on the Blue Nile and Difarsa points for both the Blue Nile and the Difarsa rivers, and
River bridge sites. Boreholes had been scheduled for deep realignments to avoid landslides and difficult side-long
cuts, retaining walls, and tunnel sections, but these were ground conditions.

The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 175

Fig. 9 Extract of reference condition mapping (Hearn 2011)

In order to facilitate a comparison between (1) predic- these have had no bearing to date on road stability or
tions and recommendations made by the reference condi- performance);
tion classification and (2) actual design and construction (c) A 350-m section where the local presence of thinly
outcomes, the alignment of the road through the gorge was bedded limestone and marl beneath taluvium was not
divided into 26 sections based on similarities of geology, predicted (though the presence of this material has
geomorphology and alignment (Figs. 7, 8). Table 4 sum- probably led to an increase in slope stability
marises the findings of the reference condition classifica- compared to overlying and adjacent taluvium);
tion for each of these sections and compares them to the (d) A 700-m section where cavities and seepage erosion,
final outcome, i.e. the design and post construction con- leading to small collapse features in approximately
dition. As Table 4 shows, the predicted ground conditions, six locations, were not predicted.
in terms of exposed rock and soil types, were very similar
A total of approximately 15 % of the alignment in the
to the conditions encountered during construction, and the
gorge, therefore, encounters ground conditions that contain
anticipated geohazards of slope stability, erosion and
materials or potential geohazards that were not predicted.
sediment transport reflected very closely the problems that
In these areas failures in cut slopes, deeper-seated ground
have been encountered. The main departures relate to:
movements, and cavity collapse have damaged the road
(a) An approximate 3 km section where black cotton over a total length of approximately 1 km, i.e. \2 % of the
soil and landslide debris were not predicted, and alignment in the gorge. With regard to (a) and (b) above,
neither was the presence of layers of plastic clay the presence of black cotton soil and the seam(s) of marl
derived from completely weathered volcaniclastic within the limestone might have been predicted upon closer
siltstone or ash that led to ground movements inspection during the mapping. However, the presence of
affecting the road at two main locations; plastic clay at depth within the interlayered volcanic se-
(b) Approximately 5 km of alignment where thin seams quence would have been be very difficult to foresee,
of marl within limestone were not predicted (though without the aid of good quality drill core. In the case of (c),

Table 4 Comparing the reference condition predictions with the final outcome

Section no. Length Reference conditions (RC) description RC recommended Actual slope Outcome Conclusions
(Figs. 7, 8) (km) slope design (V:H) design (V:H)

1 0.85 Descent from plateau (HW–CW basalt) Cuts in HW–CW Cuts in HW–CW Closely jointed basalt, breccia and tuff in The RC mapping was proven largely
across cliffs comprising fresh basalt basalt 1:1.75, SW– basalt 1:1.5 cut slopes, some minor rock falls, correct
underlain by interlayered lava and MW basalt 1:0.25 Cuts in SW–MW runoff erosion from plateau drainage,
breccia with local talus/taluvium (to 15 m high) basalt erosion, and re-deposition of
2 2.90 Mostly gentle slopes forming wide bench Cuts in landslide Cuts in landslide Colluvium and taluvium/landslide debris The RC mapping did not predict
underlain by colluvium and residually debris/taluvium 1:1 debris/taluvium 1:1 containing failed blocks of columnar- landslide debris or BCS. Two deep
weathered granular soils overlying (\15 m) (12 m high), BCS jointed basalt overlain by black cotton seated failures have affected the
interlayered basalt lava and breccia 1:1–1:1.5 for BCS 1:1.5 (up to 10 m soil (BCS) and transported BCS with road, both probably failing along
(\5 m) high) cobbles and boulders. Significant road an unforeseen weak tuff horizon at
runoff erosion, scour of side drains and depth
stream channels, shallow landslides in
BCS in cut slopes and deeper ground
movement along unforeseen CW tuff
layers within basalt/breccia sequence in
deep box cut and in slopes bordering
eroded stream channel
3 2.50 Hairpin stack on linear slope. Basalt Cuts in basalt Cut in basalt Excavations exposed deep basalt The RC mapping was proven largely
colluvium/taluvium overlying colluvium/taluvium colluvium/taluvium taluvium and BCS colluvium. correct; slopes cut steeper than
interlayered basalt lava and breccia on 1:1 (to 15 m high), at 1:1–1:1.5 (up to Ravelling, mudflows, and planar slides recommended have failed
upper slopes, with tuff and other 1:1.75 (15–20 m) 20 m high) have occurred. Locally clayey
volcaniclastic (VC) rocks on lower colluvium has had to be cut to 1:1 for
slopes daylighting reasons and slopes have
failed requiring retaining walls. Basalt
is exposed in cuttings in the lower
portion of the stack
4 0.30 Deep and active landslide on the side None None Extensive erosion below the culvert in the RC mapping was proven correct
slope of an incised gully gully in landslide materials and fill/
spoil. Road has undergone slight
deformation to approx. half road width
5 2.60 Side-long ground (SLG). Weathered tuff Cuts in tuff 1:1 (\5 m Cuts in weathered tuff Stable cuts excavated in very weak tuff RC mapping was proven correct. Cut
forms gentle slopes and benches and high),1:1.25 at 1:1.4 and agglomerate, overlain by basalt slopes excavated to less steep
steep slopes in volcanic rocks and (5–10 m high), taluvium with BCS colluvium. Friable angles than RC recommended
taluvium above. BCS, shallow slides on taluvium 1:1 tuff ravelling in cuts, erosion below
gully sides, channelized debris flows culverts, and debris fans from streams
(CDFs), and fans above
6 2.60 SLG across steep slopes and re-entrant Cuts in tuff 1:1 Cuts in tuff and Up to 3 m of basalt taluvium overlying RC mapping was proven correct. Cut
valleys formed in tuff over interlayered (\5 m), interlayered interlayered basalt/ alternating very weak tuff and closely slopes excavated to higher angles
lava and breccia. Colluvium, taluvium, basalt and breccia breccia at jointed basalt. Scour below culvert than recommended, stable but
and CDFs, including a large old debris 1:1 1:0.6–1:0.4 outlets, ravelling in cut slopes. Large ravelling
fan debris fan filled culvert and blocked
road by 1 m in 2013. Cuts ravelling
with blocked side drains
G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer
Table 4 continued
Section no. Length Reference conditions (RC) description RC recommended slope Actual slope Outcome Conclusions
(Figs. 7, 8) (km) design (V:H) design (V:H)

7 3.10 Hairpin stack on narrow spur between two Cuts in interlayered Cuts in HW Open cuts and box cuts 15 m deep expose RC mapping was proven largely
incised drainage lines. Spur formed in basalt/breccia 1:1 interlayered shallow colluvium, HW basalt/tuff/ correct, though final cut slopes
HW interlayered basalt and breccia with basalt/breccia to agglomerate and less weathered rock dependent upon weathering
thin colluvial cover 1:1.3, SW–MW below. Ravelling and blockage to side grade—not differentiated in
interlayered drains recommendations
basalt/breccia to
8 0.70 Alignment crosses mostly river terraces. None None As predicted RC mapping was proven correct
Up to 4 m alluvium overlying HW–CW
basalt and interlayered basalt and
breccia. Terraces incised by gullies
9 2.70 Steep SLG in basalt taluvium overlying, Cuts in interlayered Cuts in MW–HW As predicted RC mapping was proven
weathered interlayered basalt, and HW– basalt and scoriaceous interlayered correct; however, exposed
CW scoriaceous basalt basalt 1:1 basalt and rock is HW and cut slope
agglomerate 1:1.3 angles are much lower than
10 5.00 Gentle slopes and terraces above limestone Cuts in limestone to 1:0.3 Cut in interbedded As predicted, though cuts through RC mapping was proven
cliffs underlain by subhorizontally (up to 15 m high), in limestone/marl to limestone also contain marl. Route correct, though limestone also
bedded limestone. Tension cracks have interbedded 1:0.3–1:0.25 aligned away from cliff edge. Cuts in contains marl horizons. Cuts
developed behind the cliff face below limestone/marl to 1:0.5 interbedded limestone/marl expose are steeper than recommended
and sections of cliff are overhanging/ (to \5 m high), 1:1 solution features and infilled joints. for limestone/marl and have
undercut (5–15 m high) Toppling failures from over-steep cuts failed
The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction

11 2.00 Upper portion of hairpin stack located on Cuts in interbedded Cuts in Following the initial cut through the RC mapping was proven
spur. Route cuts through limestone cliff limestone/marl 1:0.5 limestone/marl to limestone cliff the alignment crosses correct. Cuts are much steeper
(referred to above) and then climbs down (\5 m high),1:1 [1:0.5 and locally shallow taluvium and BCS with failed than recommended and are
slopes of talus, failed cliff blocks, (5–15 m high) [1:0.25 cliff blocks overlying interbedded unstable
limestone/marl colluvium, and limestone/marl. The marl is often thickly
transported BCS. Slope is underlain by bedded with subordinate limestone. The
interbedded limestone/marl with an limestone is open-jointed with
inactive fault inferred from air photos. A solution/calcite features. The distribution
hidden cliff is also interpreted beneath a of cuts through rock generally reflects the
taluvial/colluvial cover location of the hidden cliff. Rock falls
and mudflows have occurred in cut slopes
and seepages occur at the soil/rock
interface. Retaining walls have been
required to support some slopes in deeper
soil. Field evidence for the inferred fault
was not found

Table 4 continued

Section no. Length Reference conditions (RC) RC recommended Actual slope Outcome Conclusions
(Figs. 7, 8) (km) description slope design (V:H) design (V:H)

12 0.72 Lower portion of the same hairpin Cuts in interbedded Cuts in interbedded As predicted. Excavations expose The RC mapping was proven
stack. There is a hidden cliff, large limestone/marl limestone/marl to 1:0.25, interbedded limestone and marl of correct. The potential for
displaced cliff sections, and rock 1:0.5 (\5 m high), cuts in landslide variable bedding thicknesses with open seepage erosion and cavity
masses are closely-jointed and 1:1 (5–15 m high), debris/taluvium to 1:0.7. joints and calcite deposition. Cut slopes collapse hazards was not
highly dilated. The alignment is cuts in landslide Locally 8–10 m of dense have been blast damaged, but the natural predicted. Cuts are much steeper
located at the head of a large debris/taluvium taluvium cut almost rock mass is highly dilated due to stress than recommended and are
(ancient?) slope failure with failed 1:1.5 vertically relief. Grabens created by mass unstable
cliff blocks transported downslope movement of cliff sections are filled with
taluvium and transported BCS. There are
back-tilted limestone rafts and a deep
failure scarp exposed in excavation
approximates to the extent of movements
shown on the RC mapping. Frequent
rock falls from over-steep cut slopes
have punctured side drains and caused
ponding. Small cavity collapse features
have developed in several locations,
aligned approximately with the hidden
cliff from which cliff detachments have
taken place. These may also be fault-
13 0.98 SLG traverse across deep and 38–40 Cuts in taluvium Cuts in taluvium to 1:1 (up As predicted, but thinly bedded, closely The presence of rock, albeit
talus/taluvium, with large recent 1:1.5 (up to 20 m to 25 m high) jointed and very weak limestone/marl is highly disturbed and very weak,
blocks from limestone cliffs above. high), 1:1.75–1:1.5 exposed in approx. 350 m of the was not anticipated. Cuts are
Also, limestone/marl colluvium. ([20 m high) excavation. Some cuts contain steeper than recommended and
Outcrop unexpected transported BCS, others are voided of have locally failed
fines due to seepage erosion. Ravelling
and shallow failures have caused damage
to rock trap walls
14 1.40 There are two main river terraces and Cuts in Cuts in 6 m colluvium As predicted. The main issues concern the The RC mapping was proven
SLG across limestone/marl limestone/marl above limestone/marl to stability of the deep cut slopes in correct. Cuts are steeper in
colluvium underlain by interbedded colluvium 1:1.5, [1:1, cuts in closely colluvium overlying interbedded overlying colluvium than
limestone and marl that forms cliffs interbedded jointed, thinly bedded limestone/marl that was excavated too recommended and have failed
above and below the alignment. A limestone/marl limestone and marl to steeply. The landslide has not moved
landslide, 100 m wide, has its toe in 1:0.5 (\5 m high), 1:1.1–1:1 below the road, but above the road the
the river bank of the Difarsa R and 1:1 (5–15 m high) rock mass has failed further. Seepage
its head in a failed cliff section erosion and cavity collapse have
above the road. A landslide and occurred in the vicinity of the landslide.
inferred inactive fault were mapped Toppling failures have occurred in over-
at the right bank abutment of the steep limestone cut slopes. Large
proposed Difarsa bridge site limestone blocks were encountered in
the slope at the right bank bridge
abutment, supporting the interpretation
of an ancient landslide, and displaced
river terrace sediments were indicative
of faulting
G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer
Table 4 continued
Section no. Length Reference conditions (RC) description RC recommended Actual slope Outcome Conclusions
(Figs. 7, 8) (km) slope design (V:H) design (V:H)

15 7.50 Blue Nile ‘valley floor’ traverse. Low level Cuts in limestone/marl Cuts in Cuts have exposed large boulder taluvium The RC mapping was proven
river terrace remnants and higher level colluvium 1:1.5 colluvium/taluvium to in a silt/clay matrix, 4–5 m exposed correct
colluvial terraces, with debris fans and 1:1.3 thickness. Folded/faulted interbedded
lobes of ancient landslides and debris limestone/marl exposed in excavations at
flows from the limestone/marl cliffs the Blue Nile bridge left bank abutment.
above. Failed cliff sections and localised Localised rock falls from the cliffs
landslides alongside the river. Recent above, though distant from the road.
rock falls and localised river scour Fans of fine-grained debris have
developed from tributary streams, though
these are minor. Scour has occurred
beneath culverts and some fill slopes
have undergone movement due to the use
of sub-standard fill materials
16 1.40 Climb across limestone and marl colluvial Cuts in limestone/marl Cuts in limestone/marl As predicted. Major erosion below side The RC mapping was proven
slopes with a hidden cliff in interbedded colluvium 1:1.5, colluvium and v weak drain turnout. Some fill slopes have correct. Cuts in colluvium
limestone/marl interbedded interbedded undergone movement due to the use of excavated to slightly steeper
limestone/marl 1:0.5 limestone/marl to sub-standard fill materials angles than recommended,
(\5 m high), 1:1 1:1.2 (c. 5 m high though mostly stable
(5–15 m high) beneath colluvium)
17 1.16 Very steep ascent of taluvial slopes and None None Some displacements have occurred to the The RC mapping was proven
hidden cliff formed in limestone high, steep fills necessitating local correct
replacement with clean rockfill and
The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction

gabion revetment (see text)

18 0.60 Bench or terrace, underlain by limestone, None None As predicted The RC mapping was proven
but covered in colluvium correct
19 0.90 Climb through steep slopes comprising Cuts in limestone cliff Cut in limestone with The RC mapping was used to design an The RC mapping was proven
boulders and blocks of failed limestone of 1:0.25–1:0.2 (up thin marl seam(s) up alignment comprising a high fill slope correct though the thin
cliff with 40–50 m high limestone cliffs to15 m high) to 1:0.2 (approx. 10 m beneath the cliffs and a box cut through (unforeseen) marl seams may
above. Large toppled and slumped high) the cliffs gradually daylighting on the play a significant role in long
blocks define the cliff face. Cut through plateau above. Excessive blasting caused term cliff and cut slope
limestone cliffs at top of slope movement of some of the cliff blocks stability
along sub-horizontal bedding. The
limestone contains thin seams of marl.
The long-term stability of parts of the
cliff face is suspect, and the design
provided for their removal. To date, this
has not been implemented. There have
been localised movements to the high fill

Table 4 continued

Section no. Length Reference conditions (RC) RC recommended Actual slope Outcome Conclusions
(Figs. 7, 8) (km) description slope design (V:H) design (V:H)

20 1.45 Wide benches and gentle slopes Cuts in sandstone Cuts in M-HW mudstone As predicted, though a thin mudstone The RC mapping was proven largely
formed in sandstone with steeply 1:0.3–1:0.25 (up and sandstone to1:1.1 up horizon is present between limestone and correct. Cuts are less steep than
incised gully heads on flanks to10 m high) to 10 m high) sandstone. The alignment was modified recommended and undergoing
to avoid gully heads, though fill slope some erosion
movement has occurred due to erosion in
a gully head that could not be avoided
21 2.08 SLG across HW–CW basalt and Cuts in interlayered Cuts in MW–HW As predicted. Small failures have occurred The RC mapping was proven
volcaniclastic rocks overlying basalt/breccia/ interlayered basalt/ in cut slopes in weathered volcaniclastic correct. Cuts are steeper than
sandstone, the latter forming scoriaceous basalt breccia/scoriaceous rocks recommended and have failed
benches with failed cliffs below 1:1 basalt to 1:0.8 locally
22 2.65 Steep SLG and ridge top in talus Cuts in interlayered Cuts in v weak to weak, As predicted, though basalt is the more The RC mapping was proven
overlying interlayered columnar- basalt/breccia/ MW interlayered basalt/ common material encountered. The RC correct. Cuts are slightly less steep
jointed basalt, chloritic breccia and scoriaceous basalt breccia/scoriaceous mapping was used to modify sections of than recommended, but still suffer
volcaniclastic rocks 1:1, 1:0.25 in basalt basalt to 1:1.2 (10 m alignment by reducing steep side-long from small rock falls. The RCs
(15 m high), high), in closely jointed open cut in weathered in interbedded contained shallower recommended
1:0.5–1:0.3 in basalt to 1:0.25 (15 m basalt/breccia/scoriaceous basalt and angles for sheared or very closely
volcanic breccia high) increasing box cut through ridge top jointed basalt (1:1 for \5 m, 1:1.2
basalt. Gravel and cobble-sized rock fall for 5–10 m)
due to closely jointed rock. The cut
slopes may therefore be too steep for
these materials
23 2.35 SLG across interlayered basalt and Cuts in interlayered Cuts in MW–HW Minor ravelling from 1:1 cuts, rock falls The RC mapping was proven correct
volcaniclastic rocks, gullies and basalt/breccia/ interlayered basalt and from higher, steeper cuts. Erosion of
channelized debris streams and scoriaceous basalt mostly volcaniclastic volcaniclastic rocks is undermining
flows 1:1 rocks to 1:1 (10 m high) basalt flows, causing them to fail
and 1:0.6 (40 m high)
24 1.90 SLG across benches formed in tuff/ Cuts in Cuts in talus/colluvium to As predicted. Fans of basalt talus material The RC mapping was proven correct
breccia with steep slopes in basalt/ talus/colluvium 1:1–1:1.4, in up to 6 m deep. Tuff is v weak to weak,
volcaniclastic rocks above, talus 1:1.5 (\5 m high), interlayered basalt/ open jointed with ash layers. Differential
and colluvium. Potential for rock 1:1 in interlayered breccia/scoriaceous erosion and undercutting. Ravelling of
falls from undercut cliffs and basalt/breccia/ basalt and tuff to 1:1.2 cut slopes in weathered tuff and rock fall
CDFs. Eroding gully heads below scoriaceous basalt from cut slopes and gullies in
road interlayered basalt/breccia/scoriaceous
basalt. Debris hazards to road and
drainage system
G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer
The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 181

steeper than recommended and

hidden cliffs had been anticipated elsewhere along the

correct. Cuts in volcaniclastic

The RC mapping was proven

The RC mapping was proven

rocks and some basalts are
alignment, and so, with the benefit of hindsight, the pos-
sible presence of rock at locally shallow depth within the

are subject to rock fall

taluvium slope might have been predicted. It is noteworthy,
however, that boreholes drilled after the reference condi-
tion mapping also failed to identify this locally shallow

rockhead due to the thinly bedded and closely jointed

condition of the rock mass and the very poor quality of
drilling services available at the time on site. Finally, in the
case of (d), the cavity collapses might have been pre-

over agglomerate and tuff. Ravelling, minor

volcaniclastic rocks with tuff, ash and buried

of check dams in stream courses. Short-span

rock falls, and shallow slides from cut slopes

culvert outlets requiring extensive protection

erosion beneath culvert outlets, outflanking

As described. Thin BCS and BCS colluvium

red-brown palaeosols. Ravelling and scree

BCS black cotton soil, CDF channelized debris flows, SLG side long ground, SW, MW, HW, CW slightly, moderately, highly, and completely weathered
bridges across re-entrant valleys partially
dictable in general terms. So far they have occurred en-

in agglomerate and tuff, erosion beneath

closely jointed basalt and volcaniclastic
from weathered tuff and rock fall from

rocks. Up to 7 m deep talus/taluvium,

tirely within limestone and marl taluvium/colluvium and

As predicted. Closely jointed basalt,

especially around large failed blocks within these deposits.

They have been mostly initiated where road runoff has
works. Failing spoil slopes
entered the slope as a result of blocked or broken side
drains and will no doubt recur in the future unless the
blocked with debris

drainage system is regularly inspected, cleared and repaired

as necessary.

Recommended cut slope geometry

volcaniclastic rocks (up
locally to 1:0.5 in basalt

With respect to cut slope design, there is a general trend in

basalt and agglomerate

MW basalt and tuff to

to 1:1.2 (60 m high),
Cuts in closely jointed

1:1 (10–30 m high)

Table 4 suggesting that where slopes have been cut more

Cuts to approx. 1:1,

steeply than recommended for the reference condition en-

and to 1:0.7 in

to 30 m high)
design (V:H)

countered they have failed. There are also cases where cut
Actual slope

slopes have been excavated to shallower angles than rec-

ommended for the reference condition encountered. This is
primarily due to the unforeseen occurrence of higher
weathering grades and weaker horizons within the volcanic
multi-slope design
slope design (V:H)

Cuts in all rocks to

slope design may

RC recommended

1:1, but a multi-

may be required
Cuts to 1:1, but a

sequence. Nevertheless, the reference condition tables did

be required

indicate that recommended cutting angles were maximum

and that multi-slope profiles would probably need to be cut
to accommodate varying material strengths with depth.
Ayalew et al. (2009) developed a set of recommended
‘threshold’ cut slope geometries (angle against height)
Moderate to gentle slopes underlain by

breccia/scoriaceous basalt. CDFs and

breccia, and tuff. CDFs and ravelling
Steep SLG and steep-sided valley re-
entrants across talus and colluvium

from an empirical study of various materials exposed along

transported BCS derived from
basalt and interlayered basalt/

the Gohatsion–Dejen road, further downstream. These

overlying interlayered basalt,

of basalt debris from slopes

Reference conditions (RC)

values have been compared with cut slope angles recom-

mended in the project reference condition classification for
the Mekhane Selam to Gundewein road and observations of
the post-construction earthworks condition in order to
plateau areas

produce a final set of recommended cut slope angles related


to the depth of the cutting (Table 5).

Slope angles in Table 5 generally accord with those
proposed by Ayalew et al. (2009), but there are some dif-
ferences related to terminology and the nature of the ma-



terials exposed. In comparison with the recommendations

Table 4 continued

contained in the project reference conditions, Table 5

places greater emphasis on the importance of weathering in
Section no.
(Figs. 7, 8)

interlayered volcanic sequences. This is based on condi-

tions revealed during construction of the road that could


not have been reliably predicted from the surface. Cut

182 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

slope angles for mudrocks and gypsum of the Gohatsion/ unless they are provided with adequate drainage systems
Abay Formation, which are not exposed in the project area, that can be properly maintained.
have been modified from those in Ayalew et al. (2009) on
the basis of experience of similar materials in other parts of
the world, while those for black cotton soil are based on Review of reference conditions
discussions with Ethiopian road engineers during the
course of site work. The range of angles has been smoothed An independent review of the performance of the reference
to avoid sudden ‘jumps’, and represents a continuum be- condition classification was undertaken by Gregg (2009).
tween weak rocks and soils. Slope gradients are expressed This review reached the following main conclusions:
in terms of 1V:xH so that they can be readily converted to
• Using the Schmidt hammer hardness test to assess
the xH:1V ratios commonly used in Ethiopia.
empirically UCS and a revised GSI for the materials
The recommendations in Table 5 can be used as a first
actually exposed in excavations, the strengths of the
approximation for new road works and in helping to assess
more competent rocks (mainly limestone) were found
the stability of existing cut slopes. In strong, blocky rock
to be lower than had been assigned in the reference
masses, stable slope angles will be determined by the ori-
condition classification. Conversely, the less competent
entation of persistent discontinuities, while in subhorizon-
materials (mainly weathered basalt) were found to be
tally bedded strata with widely spaced discontinuities a
stronger. These discrepancies may have been due to the
stepped profile formed on discontinuity surfaces can give a
effects of blasting in the former case and the adoption
natural appearance and minimise damage caused by bulk
of a conservative approach in the latter.
blasting. In very steep terrain, space constraints may pre-
• The reference condition classification needed to be
clude high cut slopes at some of the angles specified in
expanded to include geotechnical parameters for (a) con-
Table 5, and, if excavation angles cannot be safely in-
glomeratic sandstone, (b) sand (weathering product),
creased, minor adjustments to the horizontal and vertical
and (c) highly weathered basalt with corestones.
alignment may reduce the height of cut required. Final
• Some of the deeper excavations exposed multiple
designs will need to be based on site-specific observations
reference conditions (up to four in some cases) and
of exposed soil and rock profiles and confirmatory slope
these proved very difficult to predict from surface
mapping alone. The stability of the entire slope may be
Depending upon ground conditions and space available,
controlled by the weakest material present (for example
designers can select either a continuous, compound, or
scoriaceous and highly weathered basalt).
benched slope profile. For example, a continuous slope
using an overall slope angle for the entire slope height With respect to the last point it should be noted that deep
would be appropriate where the strength of the exposed excavations in volcanic sequences have often been cut to
materials does not vary significantly with depth. A com- angles appropriate for materials exposed at the surface and
pound slope, comprising flatter and steeper sections, may this has led to ravelling in underlying weaker rock and
be designed where the strength of the exposed materials eventual rock fall due to undermining of the overlying
does vary with depth, though without borehole investiga- more competent material. This is most prevalent where
tions these variations can be very difficult to predict in basalt overlies weathered tuff or agglomerate. Another
advance of excavation. If the land take and the cut line are consideration is that, in some locations, the steepness and
based on a cutting angle suitable for slope materials ex- height of the terrain prevented application of the slope
posed at the surface and weaker materials are encountered angles prescribed in the reference condition classifications.
at depth then the cut slope cannot be adjusted very easily For example, in at least one section of alignment, 20-m-
and measures to strengthen, retain, or protect these mate- high slopes in well-jointed basalt overlying moderately
rials may need to be considered. Cut slopes may be ben- weathered agglomerate cut at 80 (c. 1V:0.2H) have been
ched at vertical intervals of 5–10 m, but in this case, the subject to rock fall, necessitating the construction of gabion
recommended slope angle–slope height relationships in rock trap protection alongside the road side drain. At other
Table 5 refer to the entire cut slope and not to each bench locations, excavations up to 35 m high cut at much shal-
face. Unless the overall angle of benched cut slopes is lower angles (average 55—c. 1V:0.7H) in the same ma-
reduced from those recommended in Table 5, thus incur- terials, but steeper than the original reference condition
ring increased excavation volumes and greater land take, recommendation of 1:1, have also been subject to minor
failures can be expected from individual bench faces. ravelling and rock fall. By contrast, multiple and complex
Hearn (2011) cautions that benches should not be formed sequences of basalt, tuff, and agglomerate cut to depths of
in colluvium/taluvium and that cuts in highly to completely 40 m at slopes of 60 (c. 1V:0.6H) have remained stable,
weathered rock or residual soil should not be benched and slopes cut entirely in agglomerate to depths of 20 m

The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 183

Table 5 Recommended cutting angles (V/H) for different materials and slope heights in the Blue Nile basin
General class of Typical rock and soil typesa Cut slope angle related to slope height
Up to 5–10 m 10–15 m 15–20 m Over
5m high high high 20 m
high high

Strong, blocky, rock Fresh-SW basalt, limestone, or well-cemented sandstone with 1V:0.3H–1V:0.2H (72–79) 1V:0.5H–1V:0.4H
mass (GSI 55–75) widely spaced discontinuities/fractures (including bedding (63–68)
planes and joints) (rock mass condition/discontinuity survey Depends on rock properties: the angle selected may be higher
required at accessible locations; a stepped slope profile than that indicated if the structure is very favourable or lower
formed on discontinuity surfaces may be appropriate where if it is unfavourable
bedding is subhorizontal)
Weak or partially SW interlayered basalt and volcaniclastic rocks (including 1V:0.4H 1V:0.5H 1V:0.6H 1V:0.7H 1V:0.8H
disturbed rock mass scoriaceous basalt, volcanic breccia, agglomerate, and tuff); (68) (63) (60) (56) (51)
(GSI 35–55) MW basalt, limestone, or sandstone with closely spaced, open
discontinuities (discontinuity survey may be appropriate)
SW interbedded limestone and marl or mudstone, shale, and 1V:0.5H 1V:0.7H 1V:0.8H 1V:1H 1V:1.25H
gypsum; poorly cemented sandstone; MW interlayered basalt (63) (56) (51) (45) (39)
and volcaniclastic rocks
Very weak or SW tuff/ash or tuffaceous siltstone; MW or highly fractured 1V:1H 1V:1.25H 1V:1.5H 1V:1.75H 1V:2H
fragmented rock mudstone or marl; HW, sheared or very closely jointed basalt, (45) (39) (34) (30) (27)
mass (GSI 15–35) with or without interlayered volcaniclastic rocks
MW-HW tuff/ash or tuffaceous siltstone; HW marl, mudstone 1V:1H 1V:1.5H 1V:1.75H 1V:1.2H 1V:2.5H
or shale; (45) (34) (30) (27) (22)
CW interlayered basalt and volcaniclastic rocks
Transported soils Compact matrix-supported colluvium or taluvium 1V:1H 1V:1.25H 1V:1.5H 1V:1.75H 1V:2H
(excluding (45) (39) (34) (30) (27)
transported BCS) Moderately compact matrix-supported colluvium or taluvium 1V:1.5H 1V:1.75H 1V:2H 1V:2.5H 1V:3H
(34) (30) (27) (22) (18)
Talus Talus (limestone and basalt typically reposed at 38o, 1V:1.28H) 1V:1.5H–1V:1.25H (34–39) Cuttings rarely higher
depending on angle of repose than 15 m;
Black cotton soils In situ or transported black clay soils 1V:2H 1V:2.5H 1V:3H buttressing or
(BCS) (27) (22) (18) excavate and replace,
drainage and erosion
control measures may
be required,
especially in BCS
SW, MW, HW, and CW, respectively, refer to slightly, moderately, highly, and completely weathered rock
Horizontal components of slopes steeper than 1:1 are given to one decimal place. Cutslope designs may be either continuous, compound, or
Many interlayered volcanic sequences contain thin sub-horizontal tuff or ash layers as well as weak materials associated with sub-vertical fault
zones. These materials can have much lower strength parameters than the surrounding materials and therefore need to be protected and/or
stabilised by methods such as buttressing and revetments.
This table does not include reference to red-brown residual soils because they are of limited occurrence within the project area. For further
information on these soils please refer to Fookes (1997b).

have remained stable at 70 (c. 1V:0.4H). These angles are Specific construction issues
significantly steeper than cutting angles for these materials
in both the original and revised recommendations and il- Earthworks versus structural engineering solutions
lustrate the difficulty in prescribing cut slope angles for
highly variable volcanic rocks. The preliminary design had made provision for the use of
From field observations made in 2014, 65 (slightly six cut and cover tunnels and extensive road fill retaining
steeper than 1V:0.5H) appears to be the maximum cutting walls. There were also several ‘viaducts’ or short-span
angle for blocky, strong basalt in deep excavations without bridges scheduled to cross the re-entrant valleys in the
incurring significant rock fall. This is consistent with the incised basalt topography on the western side of the gorge.
recommendations in Table 5. Figure 10 illustrates the case Finding sufficient width and foundation for constructing
where failures have occurred at slope heights less than this some of the tunnels would have been difficult and it was
where jointing is adverse. found that minor realignments and adjustments to the cross

184 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

Fig. 10 Rockslide in basalt

(65 cut angle/15 m cut height)
with adverse jointing

section, combined with the use of rock trap walls, repre- in box cut (Fig. 11), with the road formation level exca-
sented a cheaper earthworks solution. The tunnels were, vated to approximately 15 m beneath the topography on
therefore, removed from the final design. Generally, the either side. There was no clear reason for the heave at the
spans of the viaducts were reduced by adjusting the time, and no evidence for ground movement could be
horizontal alignment in the re-entrant valleys. This made found on the slopes either side. In 2013 very heavy rain on
the alignment more sinuous and increased the excavation the eastern side of the gorge resulted in flash flooding and
quantities on the re-entrant valley sides. Long lengths of extensive scour in a stream channel close to the area of
road fill retaining wall were also avoided by realigning the heave. This scour exposed a thin seam of plastic clay that
cross-section into the hillside to create a greater amount of was interpreted to be completely weathered volcaniclastic
cut and a reduced requirement for fill. Furthermore, fill siltstone. The slope between the eroded stream bank and
embankments were used in some sections where fill re- the road above failed and gave rise to road subsidence
taining walls had previously been proposed. over a distance of approximately 20 m (Fig. 11). Trial pits
One outcome of the earthworks-based approach was the excavated for retaining wall foundation alongside the road
generation of large quantities of spoil material, i.e. excess in the subsided area revealed the same plastic clay at
of excavation over fill requirements. This was exacerbated approximately 8 m below original road level. It was
by the contractor’s reluctance to haul large volumes of concluded, therefore, that slope failure had occurred
material to areas of fill deficiency. Consequently, spoil within this material and that it conceivably extended into
slopes were constructed in areas that had not been pre- the area of the box cut at an unknown depth beneath road
selected during the reconnaissance surveys and this re- level. The heave to the road in the box cut could therefore
sulted in the development of slope instability and erosion be due to the movement of the slope above into the box
problems in some areas. cut, partially along the surface of or within the plastic
clay. The fact that the plastic clay is not exposed in the cut
Deep-seated ground movements in the Difarsa valley slope means that movement along or within it is not en-
tirely kinematically feasible, giving rise to very slow rates
In Section 2 of the alignment shown in Fig. 7 and sum- of creep that were eventually manifested as heave in the
marised in Table 4, ground movements manifested them- road surface. Subsequent observations have confirmed the
selves in the form of apparent heave to the road surface by presence of tension cracks on the slopes almost 100 m
up to 100 mm over a road length of approximately 30 m above the road, thus supporting the mass movement
in 2012. The section of road affected had been constructed interpretation.

The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 185

Fig. 11 Slope failure and road


Negotiating failed limestone cliffs on the eastern side soils, and the occurrence of collapse features in side drains
of the gorge and the adjacent pavement (Fig. 14). The unstable cut
slopes can be rectified by finishing slope works to the
Figure 12 shows the detailed landscape model developed original design or introducing mitigation measures, such as
for the selection and design of a hairpin stack through the shotcrete facings and rock trap walls. The collapse features
limestone cliffs on the eastern side of the gorge above the were associated with cavities that appeared to have de-
Difarsa bridge site. Three main options were considered veloped beneath the road since its construction. They were
for negotiating these cliffs as shown on the model and up to 5–6 m wide, though mostly much smaller, and tended
described in Hearn (2011). Option 1 was selected based to occur preferentially along the boundary between dis-
on stability and cost considerations, although concerns placed rock and adjacent taluvial/colluvial soils. They
remained over the potential reactivation of previously usually occurred at locations where the side drain had been
failed ground. Failure of the limestone cliffs, which may broken by rock fall from adjacent cut slopes or where side
have been partly fault-controlled, had resulted in an drains had become blocked by fallen debris. In both
overall reduction of slope angle and the creation of situations, side drain runoff would have seeped, and in
taluvial slopes upon which an alignment could be more some cases flowed, into the subgrade leading to erosion of
easily designed. the silt/clay matrix.
An extract of the reference condition mapping for this
section of alignment (Fig. 13) shows the geomorphology of The stability of high fill slopes
the area and the failed sections of cliff. The solid red line is
the approximate alignment that was finally adopted. This On the western side of the gorge, in Sections 16 and 17 of
alignment was designed in such a way as to minimise the the alignment in Fig. 8 and in Table 4, the steepness and
undercutting of failed and dilated rock masses and to avoid configuration of the topography combined with the appar-
crossing the lower slope that was considered to be a large ent lack of outcrop led to the design of a five-bend hairpin
slope failure (Fig. 13). The post-construction condition of stack that was constructed predominantly in fill. The
this section of alignment (Sections 11 and 12 in Fig. 7 and middle limestone cliff was anticipated to be beneath an
in Table 4) is affected by rock falls and slides from un- extensive deposit of taluvium (limestone) and colluvium
finished cut slopes in interbedded limestone and marl, (marl) debris, but its exact location and depth was not
shallow slides in black cotton soil colluvium and taluvial known. The presence of a wide natural bench at the foot of

186 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

Fig. 12 Landscape model developed for detailed route selection

the slope provided sufficient room for the construction of Discussion

a rock fill embankment that allowed a road to be de-
signed to the required geometric specification. The final Design and construction in remote ‘mountainous’
configuration (Fig. 15) comprised rock fill in the lower locations
portion of the stack, a combination of rock fill and lo-
calised masonry retaining walls in the middle of the Apart from the use of boreholes for bridge abutment and
stack and predominantly full cut and box cut through pier foundation design at the Blue Nile and Difarsa rivers,
limestone in the upper part of the stack. The maximum the geotechnical design and construction of this new road
height of fill required in any one cross-section was 25 m. across the Blue Nile gorge has relied entirely on methods
The design of the fill slopes was based on a rock fill of surface engineering geological assessment and slope
with a nominal phi angle of 45 and a fill slope angle of stability analyses based on predicted ground conditions and
40. Because of the steepness of the site and the con- strength parameters from field observation. Aerial pho-
figuration of the alignment finally required, the con- tograph interpretation and field mapping techniques, to-
structed slope angles for the fill slopes were up to 50 in gether with the use of reference condition classifications,
places, i.e. too steep for the fill materials used. Conse- formed the basis of this assessment. Overall, the approach
quently, localised failure of the fill slope face occurred. has been very successful, but there have been some cases
This was addressed through the reconstruction of the where ground conditions and geohazards encountered
affected fill slopes using well-graded and compacted rock during construction had not been predicted. A compre-
fill with a higher friction angle and employing a 3-m- hensive programme of ground investigation to international
wide gabion revetment to provide additional strength and standards might have allowed these unpredicted outcomes
protection to the fill slope surface. to be foreseen and catered for in the final pre-construction

The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 187

Fig. 13 Extract from the reference condition mapping for the hairpin stack through the limestone cliffs

design, especially with respect to the sequencing of vol- project planning and design stages. This is a reflection not
canic strata in deep excavations. That said, it would have only of mapping scale, but also advances in academic
been very difficult to gain access for drilling rigs to many knowledge. In the project area, for example, recent geo-
locations within the gorge prior to the construction of the logical mapping (Chumburo 2009) and research (e.g. Gani
pioneer track. For environmental reasons the pioneer track et al. 2009) have identified major faults. The Ashangi
more or less followed the approximate centre-line of the volcanic sequence has been subdivided into several pulses
designed alignment and cut slopes had to be excavated to of basaltic lava eruption separated by episodes of pyro-
facilitate this. One of the problems faced during con- clastic activity and quiescent periods during which eroded
struction in some areas was the fact that these deep ‘tem- materials were re-deposited as sediments at some locations
porary’ cuts effectively became part of the permanent (see Table 1) while palaeosols developed at others (see
works because of access difficulties and health and safety Table 2). Weak materials contained in fault zones or in
concerns that arose when trying to modify their geometry layers formed during quiescent periods are likely to affect
after they had been excavated. groundwater flow and destabilise cut slopes.
Figure 16 shows interlayered basalt and volcaniclastic
Enhanced geological knowledge and the total geology rocks revealed in a sidelong cutting on the upper slopes of
approach the gorge on the western side of the Blue Nile (Section 25
in Table 4 and on Fig. 8). A distinctive layer of very weak
The increasing coverage of 1:250,000 scale regional geo- clay-rich ‘white tuff’ towards the base of the cut slope is
logical maps in Ethiopia has significantly improved the underlain by coarse volcaniclastic deposits and overlain in
quality of information on ground conditions available at turn by yellowish grey, moderately weathered basalt, grey

188 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

Fig. 14 Typical collapse

feature affecting side drains and
adjacent pavement

Fig. 15 High fill slopes with

localised failures on over-steep

tuff, and grey slightly weathered basalt. The ‘white tuff’, pyroclastic flow altered by hydrothermal processes. X-ray
which disintegrated to flakes in jar slake tests, may be rich diffraction analysis would reveal the clay’s mineralogy and
in kaolin clay and is possibly a late-stage rhyolitic might assist in confirming its origin. Superimposing strata

The role of engineering geology in route selection, design, and construction 189

Fig. 16 Cut slopes in volcanic

strata containing a prominent
layer of very weak ‘white tuff’

boundaries from the new geological map (Chumburo 2009) to include sufficient provision for specialist inputs during
onto the site location map (Fig. 1) indicated that this layer construction was a key factor in allowing this to happen.
may correlate with unit Tpb1 between major basalt units One further point worthy of mention is the exposure of
Tv2 and Tv3 (Table 1). This is important because it would steeply dipping limestone in cut slopes through the wide
have been very difficult to predict the presence of the natural bench at the foot of the hairpin stack shown in
‘white tuff’ before construction commenced, but similar Fig. 15. There is no known structural reason as to why
weak materials can now be anticipated elsewhere at the fairly massive limestone beds with this orientation might
same horizon. Moreover, strata revealed in excavations are be present at this location. Deep-seated slope instability
likely to provide invaluable data for geological research originating on the cliffs above might be one explanation.
and for updating the regional maps. There is a progressive change in the steepness and orien-
One criticism that might be levelled at the ‘total geology tation of the bedding with distance from a hypothetical
approach’ applied to the Mekhane Selam to Gundewein centre-line of movement that would be consistent with a
road is the fact that the reference condition classifications rotational mechanism of failure. However, there is no to-
and their field designations were not updated for each pographic evidence for a large deep-seated failure at this
section of the road as construction proceeded. Instead, location and the exposure might be the remnant of an an-
large scale engineering geological field maps, cross-sec- cient mass movement with a topography that has long since
tions, and site-specific engineering geological reports were been removed. If this were the case it would serve to limit
prepared that addressed ground conditions exposed at in- the extent to which such features could be identified or
dividual sites with recommendations for detailed design or anticipated from geomorphological evidence alone.
design revision. These assessments were made by visiting
specialists of the geo-team and their recommendations Landscape fragility and road construction impacts
were largely adopted by the full-time site supervision staff.
The fact that the reference condition documents were not The main geohazards to affect the road to date have re-
methodically updated is a weakness in the overall sulted largely from the effects of stream erosion and
geotechnical approach, but is not considered to have been a seepage erosion in colluvial/taluvial deposits, both of
constraint on the design and construction of the road be- which have been significantly exacerbated by the effects of
cause of the frequency and detail with which specialist road runoff. There is a limit to the extent to which these
engineering geological assessments and reporting were effects can be prevented through proactive design as they
carried out during construction. The foresight of the ERA occur in response to cloud bursts and the effects of

190 G. J. Hearn, G. S. Pettifer

temporary blockages and damage to drainage structures. Lulseged Ayalew; Mesfin Teshome; Seyoum Belew, Kirti Bahadur
The latter are brought about by erosion and rock fall from Thapa; Solomon Assefa; and many others. Drawings were prepared
by Karen Finlay. The Mekhane Selam–Gundewein road was con-
cut slopes and changes to the runoff regime associated with structed by CGCOC (CGC Overseas Construction Group, Beijing).
road drainage and, to a lesser extent in the project area, The pre-construction design was undertaken by Renardet. SA/SABA
land use change. The engineering response to these geo- Engineering and their efforts to identify the optimum road corridor
hazards has been to reinstate sections of affected road and formed an important contribution to the final design. Tim Hunt pro-
vided comments on the final draft of this paper.
to reconstruct side drains, clear blocked culverts and install
gabion checkdams to help control the flow of water and
reduce the volume of sediment entering culverts. Another
important issue to consider is the fact that the processes
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