Rock Mass Classification System
Rock Mass Classification System
Rock Mass Classification System
● Bieniawski’s RMR
● Barton’s Q-System
● Laubscher’s-MRMR
● Hoek’s-GSI
● Palmstrom’s RMi
1. Identify the most significant parameters influencing the behaviour of a rock mass.
2. Divide a particular rock mass formulation into groups of similar behaviour – rock
mass classes of varying quality.
4. Relate the experience of rock conditions at one site to the conditions and
experience encountered at others
VI Completely Comprises chemically intact rock having the character of a crusher-run aggregate. There
crushed but is no interlocking. Considerable side pressure is expected on tunnel supports. The block
chemically intact size could be a few centimeters to 30 cm.
VII Squeezing rock Squeezing is a mechanical process in which the rock advances into the tunnel opening
— without perceptible increase in volume. Moderate depth is a relative term and could be
moderate depth 150 to 1000 m.
VIII Squeezing rock The depth may be more than 150 m. The maximum recommended tunnel depth is 1000
— m.
great depth
IX Swelling rock Swelling is associated with volume change and is due to chemical change of the rock
usually in the presence of moisture or water. Some shales absorb moisture from air and
swell. Rocks containing swelling minerals such as montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite, etc.,
can swell and exert heavy pressure on rock supports.
Rock Conditionc Rock load Hp (ft) Remarks
1. Hard and intact Zero Light lining required only it spalling or popping occurs.
2. Hard strafified or 0-0.5B Light support, mainly for protection against spalls.
schistose Load may change erratically from point to point.
3. Massive, 0-0.25B
moderately jointed
4. Moderately blocky 0.25B-0.35 (B + Ht) No side pressure.
and seamy
5. Very blocky and (0.35-1.10) (B + Ht) Little or o side pressure.
Considerable side pressure.
6. Completely crushed 1.10 (B + Ht) Softening effects of seepage loward bottom of tunnel
require either continuous support for lower ends of ribs
or circular ribs.
7. Squeezing rock, (1.10-2.10) (B + H )
moderate depth t Heavy side pressure, invert struts required. Circular
8. Squeezing rock, (2.10-4.50) (B + H ) ribs are recommended.
great depth. t
9. Swelling rock Up to 250 ft, irrespective Circular ribs are required in extreme cases, use yielding
of the value of (B + Ht) support.
Rock in field is generally jointed. It was classified by core recovery in the past and latter in
sixties by modified core recovery (RQD)
Rock Quality Designation (RQD) is a
modified core recovery percentage in
which all the pieces of core >10 cm
long are counted as recovery and is
expressed as percentage of length
∑ 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡h 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑠>10 𝑐𝑚 ×100 % drilled
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡h 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑢𝑛
J v = total number of joints per cubic meter or the volumetric joint count.
E d and E r are the deformation moduli of the rock mass and the
intact rock, respectively
Rock Structure Rating (RSR)
• Wickham et al (1972) described a quantitative method for
describing the quality of a rock mass and for selecting
appropriate support on the basis of their Rock Structure Rating
(RSR) classification.
• Most of the case histories, used in the development of this
system, were for relatively small tunnels supported by means
of steel sets, although historically this system was the first to
make reference to shotcrete support.
• In spite of this limitation, it is worth examining the RSR
system in some detail since it demonstrates the logic involved
in developing a quasi-quantitative rock mass classification
Rock Structure Rating (RSR)
i. Parameter A : Geology
• Remedial Measure:
• RSR support estimates for a 24
ft (7.3m) diameter circular
• Note that rock bolts and
shotcrete are generally used
8 WF 31 steel sets
= 8 inch deep wide flange I section
weighing 31 lb per foot
Rock Mass Rating (RMR)
• RRS is rating of Rock Strength and it can be estimated by using UCS or PLSI values.
• RRQD is rating of Rock Quality Designation and it can be estimated by field procedure or
empirical formulae
• RJS is rating of Joint Spacing among the discontinuities and it can be estimated in the field
• The strength of intact rock is determined either by finding the Uniaxial Compressive
Strength (UCS) or Point Load Strength Index (PLSI) in laboratory.
Rating based on intact rock strength
Strong Weak
description Extreme Very Strong Medium Weak Very Extreme
> 250 250-100 100-50 50-25 25-5 5-1 <1
Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor
100-90 90-75 75-50 50-25 < 25
Rating 20 17 13 8 3
Rock Mass Rating (RMR)
3. Joint Spacing:
• It can be measured as a perpendicular distance between two neighbouring
discontinuities in the field.
• The spacing should be measured for all sets of discontinuities to account for the
maximum vulnerability of slope failure. The vulnerability of slope failure is higher
for closely spaced discontinuities.
Parameter Condition
Persistance up to 20 m
Aperture up to 5 mm
Cond- Roughness Slightly
Infilling None
Weathering Moderate
Em deformation modulus of rock mass, Ei Young’s modulus of intact rock, RMR rock mass rating, Q
rock mass quality, GSI Geological Strength Index, D Disturbance factor, σci uniaxial compressive
strength of intact rock, σcm uniaxial compressive strength of rock mass, RQD Rock Quality
Designation, RMi Rock Mass Index, WD weathering degree, ϕ m friction angle of rock mass, cm
cohesion of rock mass, vm Poisson's ratio of rock mass, Jn joint set rating, Jr joint roughness rating,
Jw joint water rating, Ja joint alteration rating, SRF stress reduction factor, γ rock density (t/m3)
(after Hoek,
Integration of Rock Mass Rating with support characteristics and roof deformation in coal mines
Correlation between
the RMR and the Q
index (after Jethwa)
Adjustments to the
RMR system for
mining applications
RQD J r Jw
Q= × ×
Where; Jn J a SRF
Q = Rock Quality
Jn= Number of joint set,
Jr= Joint roughness number,
Ja= Joint alteration number,
Jw= Joint water reduction
factor, and
SRF = Stress reduction
The rock quality can range from Q = 0.001 to Q = 1000 on a
logarithmic rock mass quality scale.
Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
(a) Weakness zones intersecting excavation, which may cause loosening of rock
mass when tunnel is excavated. SRF
A. Multiple occurrences of weakness zones containing clay or chemically 10.0
disintegrated rock, very loose surrounding rock (any depth)
B. Single-weakness zones containing clay or chemically disintegrated rock (depth of 5.0
excavation ≤ 50 m)
C. Single –weakness zones containing clay or chemically disintegrated rock (depth of 2.5
excavation > 50 m)
D. Multiple- shear zones in competent rock (clay-free), loose surrounding rock (any 7.5
E. Single-shear zones in competent rock (clay-free) (depth of excavation ≤ 50 m) 5.0
F. Single- shear zones in competent rock (clay-free) depth of excavation > 50m) 2.5
G Loose open joints, heavily jointed or “sugar cube” etc. (any depth) 5.0
Note: Reduce these SRF values by 25-50% if the relevant shear zones only influence but do not
intersect the excavation
Stress Reduction Factor (SRF) …..continued
(b) Competent rock, rock stress problems
qc/s1 sq/qc
(old) (new)
H Low stress, near surface, open joints >200 <0.01 2.5 2.5
J Medium stress, favorable stress condition 200–10 0.01–0.3 1.0 1.0
K High stress, very tight structure; usually favorable
10–5 0.3–0.4 0.5–2.0 0.5–2.0
to stability, may be unfavorable to wall stability
L Moderate slabbing after >1 hour in massive rock 5–3 0.5–0.65 5–9 5–50
M Slabbing and rock burst after a few minutes in
3–2 0.65–1.0 9–15 50–200
massive rock
N Heavy rock burst (strain-burst) and immediate
dynamic deformations in massive rock <2 >1 15–20 200–400
For strongly anisotropic virgin stress field (if measured): when 5 < s 1 /s 3 < 10, reduce q c to
0.75 q c ; when s 1 /s 3 > 10, reduce q c to 0.50 q c (where q c is unconfined compressive
strength), s 1 and s 3 are major and minor principal stresses, and s q is the maximum tangential
stress (estimated from elastic theory). Few case records available where depth of crown below
surface is less than span width; suggest SRF increase from 2.5 to 5 for such cases (see H).
Stress Reduction Factor (SRF) …..continued
Cases L, M, and N are usually most relevant for support design of deep tunnel excavation in hard
massive rock masses, with RQD/J n ratios from about 50–200.
(c) Squeezing rock; plastic flow of incompetent rock under the influence
of high rock pressures
(old) (new)
O Mild squeezing rock pressure 1–5 5–10
P Heavy squeezing rock pressure >5 10–20
(d) Swelling rock; chemical swelling activity depending on presence of water
Q Mild swelling rock pressure 5–10
R Heavy swelling rock pressure 10–15
For general characterization of rock masses distant from excavation influences, the use of SRF 5, 2.5, 1.0,
and 0.5 is recommended as depth increases from, say, 0–5, 5–25, 25–250, >250 m. This will help to adjust Q
for some of the effective stress effects, in combination with appropriate characterization values of J w .
Correlations with depth-dependent static modulus of deformation and seismic velocity will then follow the
practice used when these were developed.
Cases of squeezing rock may occur for depth H > 350Q 1/3 (Singh & Goel, 2006). Rock mass compressive
strength can be estimated from q cmass 7g (Q) 1/3 (MPa); g is the rock density in t/m 3 , and q cmass = rock mass
compressive strength.
3 Joint Sets
2 Estimated Spacing?
J1 = 1m; J2 = 0.5m; J3 = 0.25m
Jv = 1/1 + 1/0.5 + 1/0.25 = 7
For strongly anisotropic virgin stress field (if measured): when 5 < s 1 /s 3 < 10, reduce q c to
0.75 q c ; when s 1 /s 3 > 10, reduce q c to 0.50 q c (where q c is unconfined compressive
strength), s 1 and s 3 are major and minor principal stresses, and s q is the maximum tangential
stress (estimated from elastic theory). Few case records available where depth of crown below
surface is less than span width; suggest SRF increase from 2.5 to 5 for such cases (see H).
Q = 95/9 x 1.5/1 x 1/1
= 15.8
a. Block size It represents overall structure of rock mass (Table 4.5 next
(RQD/J n ): slide)
b. Inter -block ●
It has been found that tan-1 (J r /J a ) is a fair approximation of
shear strength the actual peak sliding angle of friction along the clay-coated
(J r /J a ): joints (Table 8.7).
This has been later modified by Barton (2008) as given in Eq.
c. Active stress It is an empirical factor describing the active effective
(J w /SRF): stress
It has been found that tan-1 (J r /J a ) is a fair approximation of the actual peak sliding angle
of friction along the clay-coated joints
Source: Barton, 2002.
Barton (2008) suggested the following correlations to obtain the cohesive strength (c p )
and angle of internal friction or frictional strength (f p ) of the rock mass.
Eqn, 8.16
When uncertainty of Parameters exists then use the Weighted Average Method
The rock mass quality (Q) is a very sensitive index and its value varies from 0.001 to
1000. Use of the Q-system is specifically recommended for tunnels and caverns with
an arched roof. On the basis of the Q-value, the rock masses are classified into nine
The rock bolt length (L) can be estimated from the excavation span (B)
and the ESR value: 0.15 𝐵
𝐿=2 +
Equivalent Dimensions can be obtained using following equation
Grimstad and Barton (1993) chart for the design of support including the required energy absorption capacity of SFRS
suggested by Papworth (2002).
IRS MPa Joint Spacing Joint Condition
X 80% Size adj. Rating = 0 - 35 Rating = 0 - 40
RBS adj. Adjustment for
60-100% Cemented Joints
RBS Value Rating 70-100%
Joint Overall
(MPa) 0-25 Rating = 0-75
Detailed Design
Cavebility, Stability, Fragmentation, Sequence, Geometry, Pillars, Cave Angle, Support, Pit Slope
Deflnltlon of the structural terms
Nomogram for determining the
“corrected” IRS value
The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) is
the value derived from testing cores and is the
value assigned to the IRS.
The intact rock specimen may be
homogeneous or have intercalations of weaker
In the latter case, the procedure shown in
Figure should be adopted. Care must be taken
in determining this value as the cores that are
selected often represent the stronger material
in the rock mass.
Example: Let the UCS values for the strong
and weak rock be 100 (MPa) and 20 MPa,
It is estimated that 45% is made up of weak
rock. Using Figure, one locates this value on
the Y-axis, moves horizontally to the curve
representing the strength of the weak rock, and
then drops down to the horizontal axis. In
thiscase, the appropriate “corrected” IRS is
37 MPa.
Rock Block Strength: To obtain the RBS from the “corrected
IRS, various factors are applied depending upon whether the Mineral Hardness Scales
rock blocks are homogeneous or contain fractures and veins.
Mineral Mohs
Homogeneous Rock Blocks-If the rock block does not Talc 1
contain fractures or veins, the RBS is the IRS value
Gypsum 2
reduced to 80% to adjust for the small-to-large specimen
Calcite 3
Fluorite 4
Rock Blocks with Fractures and Veins-Fractures and Apatite 5
veins reduce the strength of the rock block in terms of the Orthoclase 6
number and frictional properties of the features.
Quartz 7
The Moh’s hardness number is used to define the frictional Topaz 8
properties of the vein and fracture filling.
Corundum 9
The standard hardness table is used only up to 5, because Diamond 10
values greater than 5 are not likely to be significant.
Open fractures or veins would be given a value of 1. The
vein and fracture filling must be weaker than the host rock.
IRS = 100 MPa,
To obtain the RBS,
Gypsum veins: Moh’s hardness = 2
the corrected IRS is
Fracture frequency per m = 8.0
adjusted by the size
The product of the inverse of hardness and the fracture
factor of 80% and
frequency is:
then by the fracture
Inverse of hardness index x fracture frequency = 0.5 x 8 = 4.0
frequency and
Using Figure below, one finds that the adjustment is 0.75.
RBS = 100 x 0.8 x 0.75 = 60 MPa.
RBS rating = 17.5
Although there
are situations
where there are
more than
three joint sets,
for simplicity they
should be
reduced to three
Adjustment factor for cemented joints
an additional
cemented joint with a
spacing of 0.85 m
would have an
adjustment of 90%.
The weathering
adjustment refers to the
anticipated change in RMS as
the weathering process alters
the exposed surfaces and
joint fillings.
Joint-Orientation Adjustment
attitude of the joints, with
respect to the vertical axis
of the block,
the frictional properties of
the joints, and
whether the bases of the
rock blocks are exposed,
Advancing tunnel faces in the direction of the dip is preferable to advancing
against the dip, as it is easier to support blocks with joints dipping in the
direction of advance.
An adjustment of 90% should be made when the advance is into the
dip of a set (or sets) of joints.
Adjustments to Mining Induced Stresses
The orientation, magnitude, and ratio of the field stresses should be known either
from stress measurements and/or stress analyses.
A compressive stress at a large angle to structures will increase the stability of
the rock mass and inhibit caving. In this case, the adjustment factor is 120%.
This was the situation in a caving operation where the back was stable and
caving only occurred when adjacent mining removed the high horizontal
stress. Stresses at a low angle will result in shear failure and have an
adjustment of 70%.
Verbatim from original paper
The adjustment for high stresses that cause rock failure can be as low as
A classic example of this was on a mine where the RMR was 60 in the low-
stress area, but the same rock mass in a high-stress area was classified as
having an RMR of 40. The 40 is not the RMR, but the MRMR, and the
adjustment in this case is 40/60 = 67%.
when examining mass-mining methods. For example, the
stability/cavability of a deposit cannot be based on the
MRMR from a drift assessment alone, as widely spaced
major structures play a significant role.
Structures at a spacing of 10 m would have a marginal effect
on the overall IRMR value obtained from drift mapping, but
would have a large effect on the cavability of an orebody by
providing planes along which displacements can occur.
The MRMR value gives a hydraulic radius (HR) required for assuring cavability.
This figure should be adjusted for the influence of major structures by using the
following procedure to obtain an "influence" number.
The rankings are plotted in Table
AdJustment factor for major structures
Applications of MRMR
Geological Strength Index (GSI)
• Hoek et al. (1995) proposed the GSI chart for classification of rock mass.
• GSI chart is more suitable for rock mass classification as it overcomes the
difficulties that are encountered during the evaluation of weak rock mass in
• It is broadly used for quick and qualitative assessment of rock mass based on
two parameters, (i) the structure of the rock mass and (ii) the condition of
the discontinuities..
Geological Strength Index (GSI)
• Initially, the chart had four categories of rock mass structure and five
categories of surface conditions.
failure criteria (Hoek et al., 2002) and modulus of deformation (Hoek and
Diederichs, 2006).
• The relationships between GSI,RMR and Q was given by Hoek et al. (1995)
as shown below.
• Later, GSI chart was slightly modified by Marinos and Hoek (2000) that
had six classes of rock structure namely intact or massive, blocky, very
blocky, blocky/folded, crushed/disintegrated and laminated/sheared using
five categories of surface conditions of discontinuities namely very-good,
good, fair, poor and very-poor.
• The purpose of Marinos and Hoek (2000) chart is to provide a range of
GSI based on visual inspection by an expert.
• GSI chart was further simplified by Somnez and Ulusey (2002), Cai et al.
(2004), Russo (2009) and Hoek et al. (2013) to obtain values based on field
measurements in case of difficulty in using the chart provided by Marinos
and Hoek (2000).
GSI Chart
by Somnez and Ulusey (2002):
D is a factor which depends upon the degree of disturbance to which the rock mass has
been subjected to blast damage and stress relaxation
Strength of intact rock
The constants m b , s, and ‘a’ define the shape of the curvilinear failure plot
Hoek and Diederichs (2006), using a database of rock mass deformation modulus
measurements from projects in China (including Taiwan), proposed the following
equation for estimating rock mass modulus
Estimating rock mass deformation modulus
when the laboratory measured values for E i are not available, the rock mass reduction
values (MR) proposed by Deere (1968) can be used for estimating the intact rock
modulus. When no information on the intact rock deformation modulus is available, the
following alternative equation for estimating the rock mass modulus E rm (MPa)
was proposed by Hoek and Diederichs (2006)
The overall design process
The influence of size is
considered in determining
the use of GSI.
The starting point for this
chart is a typical intact
rock core, but there is no
reason why this starting
point should not be the
intrablock structure within
the core as suggested by
Day et al. (2012).
They emphasized that the
reduction of the intact
rock strength by this
method must be carried
out with care to avoid
over-penalization of the
rock mass strength
Relationship between ratio of cohesive strength of rock Friction angle (φ) of rock mass for D = 0 for different
mass to UCS of intact rock (c/qc) and GSI for different mr GSI and mr values. (From Hoek and Brown, 1997)
values for D = 0. (From Hoek and Brown, 1997)
Typical applications of the GSI chart to exposed faces in a range of rock formations.
Orthogonal jointing in
granitic rock on a dam site.
GSI is not applicable on this
scale since the stability of
the exposed face is
controlled by the geometry
of intersecting joints. It can
be applied to larger scale
Typical applications of the GSI chart to exposed faces in a range of rock formations.
Interlocking angular
Andesite blocks
defined by several
joint sets, exposed in
an open pit mine
bench. GSI is fully
applicable in this
situation and on this
Typical applications of the GSI chart to exposed faces in a range of rock formations.
Complex folding in a
bedded sedimentary
deposit. GSI is
applicable with care
since averaging of the
intact properties is
required to calculate
rock mass properties
Typical applications of the GSI chart to exposed faces in a range of rock formations.
sediments with
almost complete
loss of structural
patterns. Care is
required in using
GSI in this type of
rock mass. Use the
GSI charts by
Marinos et al.
(2005) and Marinos
Rock Mass Index (RMi)
• Palmstrom (1995) proposed a rock mass index (RMi) to characterize rock mass
strength as a construction material.
• The presence of various defects (discontinuities) in a rock mass that tend to reduce
its inherent strength are taken care of in rock mass index (RMi), which is expressed
qc = uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of the intact rock material in MPa.
J p = jointing parameter composed of mainly four jointing characteristics, namely,
block volume or density of joints, joint roughness, joint alteration, and joint size.
Selection of Parameters used in RMi:
study of more than 15 different classification systems have been used
by Palmstrom (1995) when selecting the following input parameters
for RMi:
1.Size of the blocks delineated by joints—measured as block
volume, Vb
2.Strength of the block material—measured as UCS, qc
3.Shear strength of the block faces—characterized by factors for
the joint characteristics, jR and jA (Tables 10.1 and 10.3 see
subsequent slides)
4.Size and termination of the joints—given as their length and
continuity factor, jL (Table 10.2see subsequent slides)
The UCS of intact rock, q c , is defined and can be determined within a reasonable
The jointing parameter (J P ), however, is a combined parameter made up of the block
volume, V b , which can be found from field measurements, and the joint condition factor,
jC, which is the result of three independent joint parameters (roughness, alteration, and
It has been shown by Palmstrom (2005), the correlation between the block volume
(V b ) and the volumetric joint count (J v ) {see the RQD slides} is
where b is the block shape factor, having the following characterization:l
For equi dimensional (cubical or compact) blocks b = 27
For slightly long (prismatic) and for slightly flat (tabular) blocks b = 28–32
For moderately long and for moderately flat blocks b = 33–59
For long and for flat blocks b = 60–200
For very long and for very flat blocks b > 200.
A common value for b = 36.
Palmstrom (2005) has shown that the block shape factor (b) may crudely be estimated
b = 20 + 7(a3)/(a1)
where a1 and a3 are the shortest and longest dimensions of the block.
Determination of J p given V p
V b is given in m3
The ratings for the five parameters are given in Table 2 (next slide).
Rock Mass Rating (RMR) is the sum of the five parameter ratings.
If there are more than one rock type in the roof,
RMR is evaluated separately for each rock type, and the combined RMR is obtained
Combined RMR = S (RMR of each bed X bed thickness)/S (thickness of each bed)
The RMR so obtained may be adjusted, if necessary, to account for some special
situations in the mine like great depth, stresses and method of work.
Table 2: Classification ratings for parameters
Parameter Range of values
In the USA, Unal related rock load to RMR by the following expression:
P = rock load in t/m2
B = width of gallery in m
V = density of rock in t/m3
Pre-Mining Assessment of Roof Quality
The Geo-mechanics classification can be applied even at the exploratory stage of a
Most of the parameters can be obtained by core drilling from the surface.
The core pieces of the immediate roof of a seam can be measured to determine
RQD and layer thickness. Dry density, strength and weatherability properties can be
obtained by laboratory testing of the cores.
Pumping tests above the seam level would indicate the groundwater character of the
roof strata.
Most of the structural features like jointing and major faults, and many sedimentary
features could be identified by a set of two or more drill holes.
From this information, a rough assessment of the support requirement could be
made prior to mining. This should be updated after making exploratory drivages and
while actual mining.
In case there are other working mines in the area, information can be obtained and
used to plan initially which may need to be updated depending on the experience.
Table 4: Recommended support system for development workings
Roof description Boiling systems Conventional supports
1. Very Poor Roof (a) Yielding steel arches under high stress
conditions, (b) Rigid steel arches under
(Class V)
moderate stress conditions.
2. Poor Roof (a) Full column grouted bolls using quick setting (a) Rigid steel arches for roof with structural
grout, supplemented with steel channel/w-strap. disturbances, (b) Steel beam (200 mm x 100
For flaky roof, wire mesh in addition. (b) For mm) set on brick wall for permanent roadways
(Class IV) temporary roadways, roof stitching along with (c) Steel bars set into pillars or on steel props.
roof bolls and W-straps.
3. Fair Roof (a) Full column grouted bolts using quick selling (a) Steel cross bars set into pillars or on steel
grout, (b) For temporary roadways, roof stitching props for permanent roadways. (b) Steel props
(Class III)
supplemented by spot bolting in disturbed areas. for temporary roadways. Can also be used in
permanent roadways.
4. Good Roof (a) Full column grouted bolts for permanent Steel props for permanent roadways.
roadways, (b) Roof stitching with additional spot
(Class II)
bolting in disturbed areas in permanent
5. Very Good Roof No support except for spot bolting in disturbed areas.
(Class I)
N.B.: 1. Grouted bolts also imply the use of cement capsules.
2. ‘Quick setting’ implies the development of an anchorage capacity of al least 10 kN in 30 minutes
and about 50 kN in 2 hours.
Table 5: Recommended support system for freshly exposed roof (upto 10 m from the face)
Roof Bolting systems Conventional supports
1. Very Poor The system of support indicated in Table 4 should
Roof (Class V} be erected closely following the face,
2. Poor Roof (a) Point anchored (mechanical or grouted with quick setting (a) Cross bars on steel chocks or hydraulic props
(Class IV) resin) bolts for immediate tension, to be fully grouted soon with minimum 5 tonnes setting load.
afterwards, W- straps where necessary.(b) Full column
grouted bolts with quick setting grout.
3. Fair Roof (a) Combination bolts as at (a) above.(b) Full column grouted (a) Light duly hydraulic props.(b) Steel props. (c)
(Class III) bolts with quick setting grout. (c) Recoverable, bolls. Triangular chocks at junctions. (d) Safari supports.
4. Good Roof (a) Recoverable bolts.(b) Full column grouted -bolts (a) Steel props. (b) Safari supports.
(Class II)
5. Very Good No support except for spot bolting in disturbed areas.
Roof (Class 1)
1. Grouted bolts also imply the use of cement capsules,
2. ‘Quick setting’ implies the development of an anchorage capacity of at least 10 kN in 30 minutes and
about 50 kN in 2 hours.
3. Vertical supports should be set with minimum 5 tonnes setting load to prevent dislodgement due to
4. ‘Very poor’ and ‘poor’ roof should be supported as soon as it has been exposed
Load bearing capacity of common support systems being used in Indian coal mines
Sl. No. Support type Load bearing capacity (tonnes)
1 Roof bolt (full column grouted with quick setting cement 6
capsules) ( Thermo mechanically treated, TMT, ribbed bolt of 22
mm diameter)
2. Roof bolt (fully grouted with resin capsule) (TMT ribbed bolt of 12
22 mm diameter)
3. Roof stitching 8
4. Rope dowel 4
5. Wooden prop 10
6. Steel prop 30
7. Steel chock 30
8. Wooden chock 20
9. Pit prop (2.5 m height) and (4.5 m height) 15 & 12
10. Roof/rope truss 10
11. Brick walling (40 cm thick) 10
12. Rigid arches (vertical load) and (side loads) 7 (/m length) & 2(/m length)
To estimate the support load density by different support system used in mine, the
equation for applied support load density,
If supports used in the mine are combination of rock bolts, cogs and pit props, then the
applied support load density can be estimated from the modified equation given as