Chris Burden Solar System Seattle Map
Chris Burden Solar System Seattle Map
Chris Burden Solar System Seattle Map
1st & University entrance
1300 1st Avenue
1st Avenue S
Diva Dollz / Dollz & Dames Clothing
624 1st Avenue
The London Plane
300 Occidental Avenue S.
Occidental Avenue S
Provident Building
569 Occidental Avenue S.
Chris Burden Pro Shop at CenturyLink Field
800 Occidental Avenue S.
Scale Model of the Solar System 1983
August 2–5, 2018 Open Editions Book Store, Seattle Art Fair
Various locations in Seattle 1000 Occidental Avenue S.
Jupiter (88,770 miles in diameter) is represented by a sphere
1.33 inches in diameter. Jupiter is located in the Pro Shop at
CenturyLink Field, 800 Occidental Avenue S., since its
distance from the Sun would vary between a minimum of
576 feet (460 million miles) and a maximum of 634 feet (506
million miles).
Saturn (75,100 miles in diameter) is represented by a sphere
Chris Burden 1.13 inches in diameter. Saturn is located in the Provident
Building, 569 Occidental Avenue S., since its distance from
the Sun would vary between a minimum of 1,047 feet (836
million miles) and a maximum of 1,172 feet (935 million
Sun miles).
The sun (865,000 miles in diameter) is represented by a
sphere 13 inches in diameter. The sun is located in the A09
Gagosian booth at the Seattle Art Fair, 1000 Occidental
Uranus (11,470 miles in diameter) is represented by a sphere
Avenue S.
0.17 inches in diameter. Uranus is located in the London Plane,
300 Occidental Avenue S., since its distance from the Sun
would vary between a minimum of 2,126 feet (1,698 million
miles) and a maximum of 2,336 feet (1,866 million miles).
Mecury (3,100 miles in diameter) is represented by a sphere
0.05 inches in diameter. Mercury is located on the outside
wall of A09 Gagosian booth at the Seattle Art Fair since its
distance from the Sun would vary, due to its elliptical orbit,
Neptune (10,540 miles in diameter) is represented by a
between a minimum of 36 feet (28 million miles) and a
sphere 0.16 inches in diameter. Neptune is located in Diva
maximum of 55 feet (43 million miles).
Dollz, 624 1st Avenue, since its distance from the Sun would
vary between a minimum of 3,465 feet (2,767 million miles)
and a maximum of 3,528 feet (2,817 million miles).
Venus (7,700 miles in diameter) is represented by a sphere
0.12 inches in diameter. Venus is located at the Windermere
VIP lounge at the Seattle Art Fair since its distance from the
Pluto (3,370 miles in diameter) is represented by a sphere
Sun would vary between a minimum of 83.6 feet (66 million
0.05 inches in diameter. Pluto is located in the Seattle Art
miles) and a maximum of 84.8 feet (67 million miles).
Museum, 1300 1st Avenue, since its distance from the Sun
would vary between a minimum of 3,440 feet (2,748 million
miles) and a maximum of 5,720 feet (4,569 million miles).
Earth (7,900 miles in diameter) is represented by a sphere
0.12 inches in diameter. Earth is located in the Cafe Lounge
If you wish to receive a PDF with detailed information on the work,
at the Seattle Art Fair since its distance from the Sun would please contact us at
vary between a minimum of 114 feet (93 million miles) and
a maximum of 118 feet (94 million miles). #BurdenSolarSystem #SeattleArtFair