Toronto Chapter 9

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Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines

144 9.1Intersection Design Intersections are where streets reduce the comfort or convenience
Principles meet – these locations generate a of another, but these should never
146 9.2 Key Needs and lot of interaction and potential supersede the need for safety of all
Perspectives of Each conflict among all modes. The road users, especially of the most
Road User principles outlined in this section vulnerable. Street context will
148 9.3 Accessibility and Universal enable the design of intersections inform intersection design,
Design of Intersections to function well for everyone, to including the physical space and
150 9.4 Context-Sensitive create an environment that is safe budget constraints. The street
Intersection Design and predictable. A key starting design process will ensure full
154 9.5 Intersection Elements And point is to understand the primary consideration of the needs of
Geometric Design needs of each modal user. Some various users and help to weigh the
160 9.6 Intersection Signals and street elements that improve the benefits and drawbacks of different
Other Traffic Controls conditions for one mode may intersection features.


Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.1
Intersection Design Principles


9 8


For illustrative purposes.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.1
Intersection Design Principles

1. Safety first: Intersections are They also minimize pedestrian

where the most points of conflict crossing distances and exposure to
occur between different street users. risk for vulnerable road users. They
The design of intersections should can also shorten signal cycle lengths
first ensure safe crossing for the most which benefits all modes by reducing
vulnerable users. delay and improving convenience.

2. Predictability: Provide clear 7. Active transportation: Observe

guidance for all users on where and anticipate pedestrian and cyclist
crossing movements are expected desire lines to inform design based
11 and the correct path of permitted on street context. For example,
movements. Simplify complex provide depressed curb ramps and
intersections where possible. wider crosswalks in locations with
higher pedestrian volumes, and bike
3. Visibility: Ensure unobstructed boxes where needed to enhance
sightlines among road users at safety for cyclists making turns.
intersections. Locate crosswalks close
to the intersection to improve the 8. Transit: Incorporate transit stops
visibility of pedestrians to drivers. at intersections to allow for
Reduce physical barriers and visual convenient transfers for transit users.
clutter. Consider transit priority measures
7 based on street context.
4. Multi-modal: Select traffic controls
based on equitable consideration of 9. Placemaking: Depending on
all street users, the street’s context street context and width, repurpose
and role in the network. Analyze space to enhance quality of life with
capacity from a multi-modal greening, street furniture, or public
perspective, focusing on movement art gateways, especially to define the
1 of people, rather than vehicles. entrance to unique neighbourhoods.

5. Accessibility: Incorporate 10. Maintenance and operations:

accessible design at intersections, Intersections should function well for
such as tactile walking surface all users all year, e.g. design to
indicators, curb ramps or depressed prevent ponding at ramps and snow
curbs, accessible pedestrian signals, from blocking access to pedestrian
walk speeds at crossings for all ages push buttons.
and abilities, and access to transit
stops, etc. 11. Manage stormwater:
Incorporate green street elements
6. Compact design and shorter depending on street context and
crossings: Compact intersections width, such as on curb extension to
tend to lower motor vehicle reduce stormwater runoff and
10 operating speeds and enable more recharge ground water, improve air
eye contact, which increases safety. quality and beautify.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.2
Key Needs and Perspectives of Each Road User


The principles outlined in this chapter enable the design of
intersections to function well for everyone, to create an environment
that is safe and predictable. A key starting point is to understand the
primary needs of each modal user. Keep in mind that some street
elements that improve the conditions for one mode may reduce
the comfort or convenience of another, but these should never
supersede the need for safety of all road users, especially the most

• Desire lines inform crossings, so that • Maintenance and materials to have

PEDESTRIANS crosswalks align with the path of pavement quality that reduces
• Lower motor vehicle speeds, by travel. vibrations for cyclists.
rightsizing vehicle lanes and curb • Placemaking considerations, based • Nearby bicycle parking and Bike
radii, and traffic calming on local or on street context, such as buildings Share stations to support cycling
side streets such as installing curb that front on the street or have options for people, especially at
extensions or raised intersections. transparent storefronts (for “eyes on transfer points like transit or major
• Reduced exposure to risk and the street”), transit shelters and destinations.
conflicts, with clear sightlines and benches.
visibility, shorter crossing distances,
adequate pedestrian space on TRANSIT USERS
corners, and adequate crossing time. CYCLISTS • Good pedestrian and cycling
• Accessibility and universal design for • Lower motor vehicle speeds, by connections (see the previous
all, with curb ramps or depressed rightsizing vehicle lanes and turning sections), with sidewalks, transit
curbs (for people using assistive radii, and traffic calming on local or shelters benches, nearby bicycle
devices or people with shopping side streets such as installing curb parking, and Bike Share stations,
carts or strollers), tactile walking extensions or raised intersections. wayfinding, cycling route
surface indicators (for persons with • Reduced exposure to risk and information, and regular
low or no vision), accessible conflicts, with clear sightlines, shorter maintenance (e.g., snow removal).
pedestrian signals, dedicated space crossing distances, and dedicated • Reduced exposure risk and conflict,
(away from mixing with cyclists and space, separation and signal design such as curb extensions at bus stops,
vehicles), sufficient walk time for all for cyclists that are context sensitive. transit-only lanes and far-side bus
ages and abilities, and adequate • Guidance for safe streetcar track stops.
sidewalk and crosswalk widths given crossings, by providing markings at • Accessibility for all with context-
pedestrian volumes and the street safe angles. specific stop spacing, platforms, bus
context. • Wayfinding on cycling routes and pads and sidewalk ramps with tactile
• Adequate signalized crossing how to stay on the network and walking surface indicators, and well-
opportunities. navigate routes, especially at lit transit stops and adequate
complex intersections. pedestrian clearway widths.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.2
Key Needs and Perspectives of Each Road User

Pedestrians crossing a busy intersection in

North York.

• Reliable and improved travel times • Safe turning options, with context-
and schedules, with context-specific specific measures such as
measures such as frequent headways, phase-separated turning movements,
signal priority, queue jump lanes, and placement of advanced stop bars,
seamless connection to other transit. and clearly marked turn lanes.
• Placemaking considerations, based • Well-maintained intersections such as
on street context, such as buildings good pavement quality, pruned
that front on the street or have vegetation, and adequate levels of
transparent storefronts (for “eyes on lighting.
the street”), safe, comfortable • Wayfinding, with large visible street
waiting areas and transit-supportive name signs and other wayfinding Cycling facility is at sidewalk level for
developments. information to help people navigate accessible boarding on transit at the
the city, e.g. to locate reliable
parking options.
MOTORISTS • Reliable and improved travel times,
(e.g. TRANSIT, CARS AND TRUCKS) using coordinated signal timing,
• Reduced conflicts and severity of responsive vehicle detection and
crashes, with clear sight lines and signals, real-time information, traffic
visibility, dedicated space for all regulations and congestion reduction
modes, and predictability of by shifting more trips to walking,
expected movements (e.g. using cycling and transit.
pavement markings, signage and
signals/traffic controls).

Cycling infrastructure in Toronto that

promotes multi-modal mobility and

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.3
Accessibility and Universal Design of Intersections


Intersection design is an important component of providing
accessible and barrier-free environments for everyone. The following
are some examples of accessible and universal design strategies to
provide access, predictability, safety and convenience for people of
all ages and abilities at intersections.


To eliminate the need to step down These are the flat-topped bumps
from a curb to the roadway to cross detectable under foot that are used
at intersections, design intersections as warning or attention indicators for
with adequately wide and properly persons with low or no vision. TWSIs
designed curb ramps and depressed help warn someone with low or no
curbs at intersections. A curb ramp or vision that they are approaching a
depressed curb is needed for people hazard such as moving traffic or the
Depressed curbs smooth the transition with physical disabilities or even edge of a transit platform.
from sidewalks to roadways. people using shopping carts or
strollers. A fully depressed curb has
the benefit of removing trip hazards ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN
(e.g., the section of curb between SIGNALS (APS)
crosswalks), especially with high These have an audible locator tone
volumes of pedestrians. Curb ramps and also a walk indicator tone to
can also be found at transit stops, indicate to persons with low or no
such as for the Light Rail Transit vision when it is safe to cross the
stops. roadway and in which direction. APS
may be activated automatically, or by
push-button that has a tactile arrow
aligning with the direction of
crossing. This button vibrates when
Tactile Walking Surface Indicators are the pedestrian can cross for persons
detectable underfoot and used as a who are deafblind.
warning for people with low or no vision.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.3
Accessibility and Universal Design of Intersections

Elementary Figure 9-1: Not all pedestrians are able to
School Students cross the street at the same pace. Signal
0.8m/s timing should consider context and most
Older Women likely users.

c. L. Asher, M. Aresu, E. Falaschetti, J.

Mindell (2012). Most older pedestrians
Older Men are unable to cross the road in time: a
cross-sectional study. Age and Ageing,
1.0m/s Oxford Press; L. J. H. Schulze (2006).
Current Standard Evaluation of cross-walk timing and the
application of a standard crossing light
timing formula, International Ergonomics
Former Standard


Typical walk speeds when crossing The hierarchy of vulnerable users has Safe, passable space is needed to
the street are 1.0 to 1.2 metres per pedestrians at the top, because they accommodate persons using
second (m/s), but this walking speed are unprotected when encountering assistive devices and the context-
could exclude one-third of older faster-moving road users such as specific pedestrian volumes at
pedestrians and 90 per cent of cyclists, motorcyclists and drivers. At intersections. Sidewalk and crosswalk
pedestrians using an assistive device intersections and mid-block widths should be commensurate with
such as a walker or cane. Where locations, it is important to provide the intensity of pedestrian activity
there are higher pedestrian volumes dedicated space for pedestrians, and and volumes at intersections, to
and the expectation of pedestrians separation from cyclists and motor minimize crowded conditions, and
with disabilities based on vehicles, whether on the sidewalk, at potential conflicts among modes.
demographics and land use context, transit stops, and at intersections –
the walk speed for traffic signals on street corners and crosswalks.
should be in the range of 0.8m/s to
1.0m/s to enable safe crossings for
people of all ages and abilities.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.4
Context-Sensitive Intersection Design

Intersection design will depend on street context including nearby
land uses, users of the street, and role in the network. The variety of
Toronto’s intersections is vast, and local conditions play a key role in
the design and selection of elements. The street design process will
ensure full consideration of the needs of various users and help to
weigh the benefits and drawbacks of different intersection features.

Following are some examples of common types of intersections and

their considerations for complete streets design.

Pedestrian priority phase (a.k.a.

“scramble”) at one of Toronto’s busiest

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.4
Context-Sensitive Intersection Design

For illustrative purposes.

pedestrians waiting on street corners

MAIN STREETS OR MIXED-USE (e.g., declutter corners, rightsize
CONNECTORS corner, set back buildings, etc.), and
Main Streets or Mixed-use other pedestrian safety measures.
Connectors often have a combination • To make cyclists more visible to other
of high traffic volumes, high road users, mark bicycle facilities
approach speeds, transit stops and through the intersection, including
pedestrian and cycling activity. The bike boxes or queue boxes,
challenge becomes balancing the providing designated bicycle signal
need to reduce risk to all road users, phases where appropriate, and
while accommodating traffic capacity regulatory and warning signs for Crossing at a major intersection in North
and turning movements for larger motorists where notable conflicts York.
vehicles. Consider the following exist.
design treatments: • Analyze intersection capacity from a
• Due to the size of these intersections, multi-modal perspective and focus
clear alignments and pavement on moving people, such as by
markings are needed to guide the prioritizing transit, in order to reduce
paths for all road users and to traffic congestion as intersections
provide predictable and visible become busier with residential and
movements. employment growth. Consider
• To help pedestrians of all ages and planned land uses, anticipated mode
abilities to safely cross wide split shifts, and latent demand for
roadways, consider pedestrian pedestrian, cyclists and transit users
crossing islands, zebra crosswalk during the design process.
markings, the City’s standard curb A main street intersection in
radii, leading pedestrian interval (LPI) Scarborough.
signals, adequate space for

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.4
Context-Sensitive Intersection Design

For illustrative purposes.

• Clearly mark controlled pedestrian

INTERSECTIONS BETWEEN and cyclist crossings (i.e. with stop
RESIDENTIAL STREETS WITH control, PXOs with flashing lights, or
MAIN, CIVIC AND CONNECTOR signals) wherever they exist.
STREETS • Analyze and design intersections
Design becomes complex for taking into account the
situations where lower volume streets transportation network. It may not be
intersect with higher volume streets, possible or practical to
because traffic flow and capacity will accommodate all movements at all
focus on the busier street, yet side times (e.g. through or left-turn
streets and their users also need to movements from the side street) at a Pavement markings indicate actuated
be accommodated. These two-way stop-controlled intersection. signals for cyclists.
intersections may be signalized or • If there is heavy traffic on the Main,
have two-way stop control such as Civic or Connector Street, with
stop signs. Consider the following insufficient gaps in traffic for safe
design treatments: turns, consider access management
strategies such as consolidating and
limiting driveways, laybys or other
conflict points, and potential turn
prohibitions from side streets.

Streetcar at Kingston Road and

Scarborough Road.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.4
Context-Sensitive Intersection Design

For illustrative purposes.

intersections as they have low

INTERSECTIONS AT volumes and speeds. Design of these
RESIDENTIAL STREETS intersections focuses on pedestrian
Residential street intersections are accessibility and connectivity to
characterized by low traffic volumes homes, parks, community centres,
and slower speeds. In addition, and the pedestrian network to transit
people of all ages and abilities may and other streets. Cyclists are often
be on foot in the neighbourhood for accommodated in a similar manner
various activities such as getting to to motor vehicles or are supported
school, transit or nearby destinations. by bicycle-friendly street designs
Consider the following design noted in the Cycling chapter of this Multi-modal intersection of residential
treatments: document (e.g., adequately wide streets.
• Enhance pedestrian safety with curb lanes, bicycle detection at
crosswalks, all-way stop control, curb actuated signals, etc.).
extensions, raised intersections, and • While larger vehicles such as fire,
rightsizing corner radii as well as waste collection and snow plow
complementary mid-block measures trucks are important to consider, the
(e.g., chicanes, mid-block curb turning movements for these vehicles
extensions, etc.). will typically use the width of the
• In general, delay and capacity are not roadway to negotiate turns.
key factors for residential

Residential street intersections may

include curb extensions.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.5
Intersection Elements and Geometric Design


Various street elements and design features contribute to complete
streets strategies for intersections. The selection of features will
depend on street context such as land uses, networks, type of
intersection, alignment, number and type of lanes, speed, right-of-
way widths, and existing and projected volumes of different modal
users. The following illustrates some key examples of these features,
but is not meant to be an exhaustive list.

FOR ALL ROAD USERS The curved section of a curb that
connects two intersecting streets. Its
PAVEMENT MARKINGS & size affects the turning speed of
VISIBLE CROSSINGS vehicles, pedestrian crossing
Visible pavement markings such as distances, visibility, and space
stop bars, and pedestrian crosswalks available for pedestrians waiting to
(a.k.a. zebra pavement markings or cross the street.
parallel line markings) to indicate
where vehicles are to stop and where
Sight line obscured by a parked car. pedestrians and cyclists cross a
roadway at controlled crossings.

A clear view of people, activities and
objects. (a.k.a. “daylight triangles”
near intersections and driveways).
Ensuring good sight lines reduces
the risk of conflicts between all street
users and promotes safety for all.
Regulations that prohibit parking at
the corner can also improve blocked
sight lines.

Improved sight line due to parking

prohibition near the corner.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.5
Intersection Elements and Geometric Design

Simple placemaking can be combined

with curb extensions, like this example in

CURB EXTENSIONS These are raised areas of the
Curb extensions (a.k.a. bump-outs or roadway at intersections. They
bulb-outs) are enlarged sidewalk or improve the visibility of pedestrians
boulevard areas at corners. A crossing and increase the awareness
common complete streets measure of drivers travelling at inappropriate
that reduces pedestrian crossing speeds.
distances and signal cycle lengths,
and improves visibility and PLACEMAKING AT Raised crosswalk in Toronto.
pedestrian waiting areas on corners. INTERSECTIONS
Depending on street context, there
PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ISLANDS may be features that enhance the
An area protected by curbs where sense of place while balancing the
pedestrians can wait or rest while need for safety and clear sightlines.
crossing streets. They must have Features used at intersections
accessible features (e.g. curb ramps, include but are not limited to:
APS and TWSIs) and may be wayfinding signs, maps or
considered for high volume information pillars; landmarks;
c: Brandon Quigley

intersections with six or more lanes of gateway features; meeting locations

traffic. The decision to include islands with seating; pedestrian lighting;
or medians should be weighed pedestrian crossing islands with
against using that space instead for landscaping; decorative pavers; and
adequately wide sidewalks, cycling carefully selected street furniture Placemaking at intersections may include
facilities, and planting and furnishing and/or street art. cafés or other seating.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.5
Intersection Elements and Geometric Design

Left-turn queue boxes indicate a

designated area for cyclists to make a
left turn.


CYCLIST-RELATED FEATURES Pavement markings indicating a safe
and designated area for cyclist
BICYCLE LANE MARKINGS making a left-turn maneuver. May be
Pavement markings indicating the accompanied by a right turn on red
paths of cyclists, e.g., a bicycle lane restriction if the queue box is in the
through the intersection or between path of vehicular right turns.
vehicle through-lanes and right-turn
lanes at intersections, to increase BICYCLE QUEUE BOXES
awareness at conflict points. A marked area where most cyclists
Arrows indicate the path of cyclists are anticipated to make two-stage
through an intersection. CROSS RIDES crossings to make a left turn. For
Cross rides indicate where cyclists pedestrian safety and clear sightlines,
may ride to cross a roadway at avoid pushing crosswalks far back
controlled crossings, alongside from the intersection.
pedestrians. Adequate width and
attention to design are required for
the crosswalk and cross ride to
prevent conflicts among cyclists and
more vulnerable pedestrians of all
ages and abilities.

Skip lines indicate cycling infrastructure

through an intersection.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.5
Intersection Elements and Geometric Design

Cyclists yield to pedestrians boarding a

streetcar on Roncesvalles Ave. in Toronto.


TRANSIT-RELATED FEATURES Queue jump lanes are typically
extended right turn lanes that
TRANSIT LANES provide opportunities for buses to
Dedicated lanes for public transit, move to the front of the queue.
such as HOV or bus lanes and Considered where heavy volumes of
designated transitways for buses, mixed traffic negatively impact
streetcars or light rail vehicles. These transit service, depending on space
enable greater frequency and and impacts to other road users.
reliability of transit service. BEHIND TRAFFIC
TRANSIT STOPS (STOPS, Stopping, parking or turn restrictions,
PLATFORMS, AND CROSSINGS) as this can improve performance of
Locations where transit riders wait through movements for transit and
for, board, and leave transit vehicles. other vehicles.
Transit stops may be curbside or on
platforms in the middle of the
roadway. They may also include
transit branding/signs, transit QUEUE JUMP
shelters/benches, wayfinding, LANE ALLOWING
schedule or real-time information
and transit payment systems.

Before and after Queue Jump Lanes are


Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.5
Intersection Elements and Geometric Design

Pavement markings show the path vehicles

should take through a skewed intersection.

build new ones. Decisions to

OTHER INTERSECTION DESIGN maintain existing channels require
STRATEGIES careful consideration and
engineering judgment.
Reconfigure an irregular intersection Interchanges intersect city streets in
(e.g., skewed, offset or complex) that urban areas and must be designed to
c: google

is confusing to road users. accommodate vulnerable road users,

including pedestrians of all abilities
Before. LANE ALIGNMENTS and cyclists, to ensure safety,
The path of vehicles as indicated by accessibility and connectivity with
pavement markings and the physical adjacent communities. Review best
design and curvature of the road. practices for context-sensitive design
The desired path for vehicles should options for interchanges intersecting
be clear and easy to follow, urban areas to support Complete
especially where there are transitions Streets goals.
in the number of lanes or where there
Roads that run overhead or
RIGHT-TURN CHANNELS (A.K.A. underground are called grade
‘PORK CHOPS’ BECAUSE THEY separated. Such facilities create
c: google

LOOK TRIANGULAR) significant barriers between

A triangular island used to channel neighbourhoods and for vulnerable
After an intersection in Scarborough is turning traffic. These dedicated turn road users. Review best practices for
normalized. channels present safety concerns for context-sensitive design options for
all road users as they result in poor addressing safety, multi-modal and
sightlines, and significant barriers to placemaking needs so that grade
persons with disabilities. The City of separated facilities support
Toronto’s policy is to remove right Complete Streets goals.
turn channels if possible and not to

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.5
Intersection Elements and Geometric Design

Multiple users at a downtown Toronto


Greening of an intersection in

Zebra markings at an intersection in


Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.6
Intersection Signals and Other Traffic Controls


The City of Toronto uses various intersection signals and other
traffic control devices to facilitate safe movement of all road users,
guided by the recent Traffic Signal Operation Policies and Strategies
(2015). These policies align with the complete streets approach and
are based on industry standards, guidelines, and best practices,
including the Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) Book 12, the Ontario
Highway Traffic Act (HTA), the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (MUTCD) for Canada, and the Transportation Association of
Canada (TAC) Guidelines.

often determined by technical (“SCRAMBLE”) Modification of signal timing to have
warrants that get updated from time Vehicular traffic is stopped on all coordinated ‘green lights’ for better
to time by the City to account for approaches and pedestrians can traffic flow.
best practices. Technical warrants cross in any direction, including
often use numeric inputs and data, diagonally. Typically used where TRANSIT SIGNAL PRIORITY
such as volumes, collision history, there is a large volume of Modification of signal timing for
conflict data/near misses, speed, pedestrians, lack of space for transit vehicles such as extending
delay and environmental/site audits. pedestrians, and issues with wait ‘green light’.
What follows is a list of examples of times, crowding and safety.
intersection signals and traffic control BLANK-OUT NO LEFT TURN SIGN
devices used in the City of Toronto. BICYCLE DETECTION AT SIGNALS Electronic sign (a.k.a. LED Blank-Out
Detection technology that allows Sign) that is well-illuminated to
cyclists to trigger a ‘green light’ at an indicate time-of-day restrictions for
INTERSECTION SIGNALS intersection and not wait for a larger left turns at intersections. Its purpose
or heavier vehicle in order to is to help drivers recognize turn
PEDESTRIAN COUNTDOWN navigate an intersection. restrictions to improve compliance
SIGNALS and traffic flow.
Device shows the number of seconds BICYCLE SIGNALS (E.G., TRAIL
left for crossing a street. Pedestrians CROSSINGS) DEDICATED OR SEPARATED LEFT
should begin crossing with the WALK Electronic signals for cyclists to guide TURN SIGNALS
signal and finish crossing by zero. and coordinate their movements with Also called a fully-protected left-turn
other traffic (e.g., cars, transit and phase, vehicles may turn left only
LEADING PEDESTRIAN INTERVAL pedestrians) and may indicate bicycle while facing a left turn green arrow,
WALK signal is about 5 seconds signal phases or other bicycle- and have the right-of-way with no
ahead of the green traffic signal to specific timing strategies. conflicting movements with other
give pedestrians time to become road users permitted.
visible in the crosswalk to drivers. LEADING CYCLING INTERVAL
An advanced green for cyclists to
give priority to bicycle movements at
an intersection.

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.6
Intersection Signals and Other Traffic Controls

A Leading Pedestrian Interval gives pedestrians a five second head start, making them
more visible to turning motorists.


OTHER TRAFFIC CONTROLS Designated areas for pedestrians to RESTRICTION
cross where there are no traffic A sign that indicates to vehicles that
STOP SIGNS (OR STOP signals, and located on the route to they are not allowed to turn right
CONTROLS) or in the vicinity of schools. School when facing a red traffic light. No
A sign that indicates to vehicles to crosswalks are indicated by signs and Right Turns On Red are implemented
come to a complete stop (at the stop markings, and/or where a school for various safety reasons, including
line or crosswalk) and wait until the crossing guard is present. to reduce collisions of right-turning
way is clear before entering the vehicles with vehicles proceeding on
intersection. YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS their green light, and also between
A sign that indicates to vehicles to let right-turning vehicles and
PEDESTRIAN CROSSOVERS (PXOS) pedestrians go first, and to stop and pedestrians crossing with their WALK
Designated areas for pedestrians to wait for any pedestrians to fully cross signal.
cross where there are no traffic the road at the crosswalk.
signals. Drivers and cyclists are to Signals and traffic control devices are
watch for pedestrians at these YIELD SIGN often combined with physical, built
crossings and must yield the right-of- A sign that indicates to vehicles to let environment features, such as
way to pedestrians in the crosswalk. traffic in the intersection or rightsized traffic lanes, curb radii/
Pedestrian crossovers are indicated approaching the intersection to go extensions, and cycling facilities to
by signs, markings, and yellow lights. first, and to stop if necessary and create safer streets.
It is against the law to pass any proceed only when the way is clear.
vehicle within 30m of the pedestrian

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.6
Intersection Signals and Other Traffic Controls

Seniors crossing at a major intersection in


the analysis and review of future • Adequate crossing times and walk
GENERAL GUIDANCE ON infrastructure, new developments speeds accounting for all ages and
INTERSECTION SIGNALS AND and environmental assessment abilities: Consider how to best
TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES studies. accommodate slow walkers through
When reviewing or making decisions the provision of the shortest possible
about signals or traffic control • Connectivity in Networks & Desire crossing distance and adequate
devices, there are some key Lines: Understand existing and signal time. Long crossing distances
considerations to keep in mind for aspirational pedestrian and cyclist not only increase pedestrian
the safety and comfort of all road desire lines and active transportation exposure to risk of collision in the
users regardless of age and ability: networks to identify opportunities to street, they also require longer signal
introduce safe crossings, such as cycles to give enough time to safely
• Key principles of complete streets: PXOs or Traffic Control Signals. cross the street.
Provide equitable consideration of all
road users, and consideration of a • Spacing between controlled • Reduce need to push buttons (use
street’s context in the design of the crossings: Consider land uses, fixed-time mode): Fixed time or
street and the selection of traffic density, pedestrian volumes and automated walk signals are
control devices. demographics when looking at appropriate in locations with
spacing of controlled crossings. All moderate and higher pedestrian
• Safety first: Consider the use of a pedestrians, especially persons with volumes, such as downtown and
combination of physical design (e.g., disabilities benefit from having more main street shopping areas, and in
rightsized traffic lanes and corner closely spaced crossing the proximity of pedestrian trip
radii) and traffic control features to opportunities. The desire for widely generators.
achieve the desired ‘target speed’ for spaced intersections for faster motor
the street’s context. vehicle movements needs to be • TTC or Fire pre-emption: Identify if
weighed against the impacts on there is currently or potentially the
• Use future, not past data: Use safety, connectivity and accessibility need to operate with TTC or Fire pre-
projected future volumes and not of pedestrians and cyclists. emption and weigh the needs and
past or existing data for all modes in benefits given the street context and

Toronto Complete Streets Guidelines Street Design for Intersections 9.6
Intersection Signals and Other Traffic Controls

Street and intersection design must

consider the roles of streets at different
times of the day and night.

• Coordinated signal timing: The should be adjusted to meet various • Ministry of Transportation of Ontario.
purpose of coordinated signal timing modal and directional demands to Ontario Traffic Manual Book 11:
is to help manage traffic flow along a optimize people-moving capacity Pavement, Hazard and Delineation
corridor. In addition, balancing the and convenience. Markings. 2000.
traffic volumes between intersections • Ministry of Transportation of Ontario.
helps to prevent or reduce queued Ontario Traffic Manual Book 12:
up traffic. In real life conditions, MORE INFORMATION: Traffic Signals. 2012.
however, there are numerous • City of Toronto. Accessibility Design • Ministry of Transportation of Ontario.
disruptions that may make it difficult Guidelines. 2004. Ontario Traffic Manual Book 15:
to perfectly meter traffic. • City of Toronto. Complete Pedestrian Crossing Facilities. 2016.
Interchanges: Urbanization of Grade • Ministry of Transportation of Ontario.
• Short signal cycles: In general, short Separated Facilities. Anticipated Ontario Traffic Manual Book 18:
signal cycles (60-90 seconds) are 2017. Cycling Facilities. 2013.
preferred as they provide predictable • City of Toronto. Criteria for • National Association of City
and regular crossings, and generally Evaluating Request for Queue-Jump Transportation Officials. Urban Street
minimize overall delay for all users. Lanes. Updates underway (in use Design Guide. 2013.
While short cycles tend to encourage internally). • New York City Department of
people to obey the signals compared • City of Toronto. Curb Radii Transportation. Making Safer Streets.
with locations with longer delays, the Guidelines. 2015. 2013.
short cycle length needs to be • City of Toronto. Traffic Signal • Transportation Association of
weighed against the safety benefits Operations Policies and Strategies. Canada. Pedestrian Crossing Control
of separated signal phases, such 2015. Guide. 2012.
having dedicated left-turn signals. • “Highway Safety Manual.” American • Welle, Ben. “Cities Safer by Design:
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• Different times of day and night: Transportation Officials. 2016. Traffic Safety through Urban and
Consider the changing nature and • Institute of Transportation Engineers Street Design”. World Resources
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of the day, as demand may change Designing Walkable Urban
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different times. Traffic signal timing Approach. 2010.


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