Dlp-Tle-Ia (Week 1)
Dlp-Tle-Ia (Week 1)
Dlp-Tle-Ia (Week 1)
A. References
A. Review Previous Ask : What are the most Review with each group
Lessons widely used techniques in their plans from Activity
enhancing metal craft Sheet No. 4
products ?
B. Establishing purpose Intro: Ask: For the Intro: Refer to each group
for the Lesson There are many different 1. Are there metal craft shops output from Activity
industrial ways or present in your The Facilitator will situate Sheet
methods to enhance and communities? and encourage learners No. 4 (matrix 1 and matrix
decorate bamboo, wood, 2. What techniques do you to think of ways on how 2)
and metal products. mostly see while they work they will be able to use
These methods help on their products? the concepts learned Let each group discuss
improve not only the from the previous three if they will apply all
quality of our products (3) day sessions (wood enhancements that
but also the life of the
families engaged in and metal enhancing they have planned or
various livelihood techniques). they
1. Are there wooden
furniture shops present
in your communities?
2. What techniques do
you mostly see while
they work on their
C. Presenting examples Discuss with the learners The Facilitator will use
/instances of the the usual techniques two identical
new lessons being used in furniture wood/metal products
shops based on their found in his home or
observations from their Discuss with the learners shops. Show the class
community their observations on the the transformation of a
usual techniques being used product from its original
in shops in their community appearance (1st piece) ‐‐‐
that produces metalcrafts. ‐ to its enhanced version
(2nd piece).
D. Discussing new Refer to Activity Sheet No. Refer to Activity Sheet No. 2 Refer to Activity Sheet No. Refer to Activity Sheet
concepts and 1 (attached) ‐ Puzzle 3 – Learning Stations No.
practicing new skills – (attached) 4 – Enhancing
#1. Pair and Share (attached) Wood/Metal Products
E. Discussing new
concepts &
practicing new
skills #2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
F. Developing Mastery After the activity, instruct
(Leads to Formative all the groups to rate the
Assessment 3) output of other group
using the matrix 2
(rubric). One group will
rate the work of another
G. Finding Practical Ask: What are some of Ask: What are some of the sample Ask: What do you think
Applications of the sample products in products in metal now are the essence of
concepts and skills bamboo and woodcraft? craft? knowing
in daily living (Expected answers : (Expected answers: Accessories, the
Bamboo lamp, bamboo pen holder, wind chimes, etc. various
bottle holders, bamboo ways of
plant box, desktop
organizer, candle holder,
furniture, etc. enhancing wood and
metal crafts ?
H. Making Generalizations Ask : How important is the 1. If you are interested in Ask:
& Abstractions about knowledge on the different craft designing and
the lessons techniques on enhancing production, which will What benefits does a
the beauty of bamboo and you choose, wood crafts craftsman get from the
woodcrafts ? or metal craft? know‐how of enhancing
Ask : How important is the 2. In the Philippines, which wood and metal products?
knowledge on the different do you think should be (Expected response)
techniques on enhancing given focus, wood or Products made of
the beauty of metal crafts ? metal crafts ? bamboo, wood and
metal can be enhanced
through different
techniques in order to
increase their
marketability and
I. Evaluating Learning Ask the learners to Ask the learners to enumerate the Ask: After knowing the
enumerate the wood craft metal craft enhancing techniques different techniques on
enhancing techniques how to improve or
enhance wood and metal
products, what effects do
you think it will do to a
products’ marketability?
J. Additional activities for Before the session ends: Tell the learners to conduct a Reminder:
application or ‐ Break the class into survey (group of three (3) on:
remediation subgroups with 5 What types of finishing What sort of wood /metal
members per group. processes does wood and metal products did you found in
‐ Let them choose a craft artisans in their your homes, and your group is
leader and a communities used to enhance planning to work on as an
secretary/documenter their products . application of the three
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No.of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No.of learners who requires
additional acts.for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No.of learners who caught up
with the lessons
D. No.of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?