Tle6 Industrial Arts Cot3.dlp
Tle6 Industrial Arts Cot3.dlp
Tle6 Industrial Arts Cot3.dlp
Region V
Lesson Plan
One of the steps to ensure the success of the/ Objective 6: Used
products is marketing. Product marketing is the set differentiated,
of activities one should be aware in order to know developmentally,
more about the products that made of bamboo, appropriate learning
wood and metal. experiences to address
learners’ gender, needs,
strength, interests and
2. Discussing new Here are some activities to determine market trends KRA 1
concepts and on products made of bamboo, wood or metal. Objective 3: Applied a
practicing new range of teaching
skills.#1 1. Direct Marketing – through demonstrations, strategies to develop
trade exhibits and other public venues. This critical and creative
is popular activity being done by the thinking as well as other
producers to motivate consumers or buyers higher order thinking
about the products. skills.
B. Discussing new If you are going to buy some finished products which KRA 2
concepts and do you prefer? Objective 4: Manage
practicing new Bamboo product? classroom structure to
skills #2 Wood product? engage learners,
Metal product? individually or in groups,
in meaningful
Why? exploration, discovery
and hands-on activities
within a range of physical
learning environments
Objective 4: Manage
classroom structure to
engage learners,
individually or in groups,
in meaningful
exploration, discovery
and hands-on activities
within a range of physical
learning environments.
V. Additional
activities for Conduct simple survey or interview local handicraft
application or manufacturers in your d. Gather information on the
remediation following.
Marketability of Bamboo, Wood and Metal Products
in your neighbourhood
Customers Preference
Do they prefer
Bamboo product? _____
Wood product? _____
Metal craft? ______ ____
Observed by:
Principal I