Grade 5 DLL English 5 Q2 Week 2
Grade 5 DLL English 5 Q2 Week 2
Grade 5 DLL English 5 Q2 Week 2
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher For more DEPED Downloads, visit: Learning Area ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time August 29-September 2, 2016/8:00-8:50, 8:50:9:40 A.M. Quarter SECOND
B. Performance Standards Analyzes text types to Orally communicates Use strategies to decode Use a variety of research Draft text using appropriate text
effectively understand information, opinions, and ideas correctly the meaning of words strategies to effectively write a types for a variety of audience
information/messages effectively to different audience in isolation and in context. variety of texts for various and purposes
using a variety of literary audiences and purposes
C. Learning Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide
Competencies/Objectives EN5LC –II.b-3.19 EN5OL –II.b-1.25 EN5V –II.b-20.2.1 EN5SS –II.b-1.5.3 EN5WG –II.b-2.2.5; EN5G- IIa-
Write for the LC code for each 3.9
Identifying informational text Giving precise information in a Identifying different meanings Using card catalog to locate Writing paragraphs showing
types given topic of content specific words resources cause and effect
(denotation and connotation)
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask: What is text structure? Group the pupils into four Shows different pictures in the Ask: if you want to borrow Group the pupils into four
lesson How can information help groups. Give each group a three class ( books, where would you go? groups and in a manila paper,
us to understand what we are set of words. Ask them to write Group the class into two. Let the What do you use to borrow have themlisted as many verbs
reading? the synonym and antonym of first class identify the meaning books from the library? they can think of. The teacher
the words in a manila paper. of the word while the other the winner a prize.
group must give their own
meaning about the pictures.
C. Presenting Explain to the students that they Read the following words orally. Today, we are going to discuss Show pupils a picture of a card Say, “Today we are going to
examples/instances of the new are going to examine how 1. Strange about the connotation and catalog. Explain what it is and learn about subject-verb
lesson informational text is organized 2. Alternate denotation of the words in how it is used. agreement. Write sentences
and used to present different 3. Articulate Science. Based on the game that following the rules on subject-
structures and show students 4. Magnetic we have,we simply identify the verb agreement.”
examples of each. 5. Entrepreneur difference of the two. “We will also study about cause
and effect. You must be able
identify which part of the
sentence is the cause and effect.
D. Discussing new concepts and Ask students to work with a Ask: How do you think we could Teacher will divide the group Show samples of cards in the Show them a chart of examples
practicing new skills #1 partner to create a definition of define the following words? into four. Give manila paper and card catalog such as subject and of subject-verb agreement.
an assigned text structure. They What could we use to define the pictures. Let them post the author card and title card. Have pupils read and practice
will be given a variety of books words? pictures on it and make a Ask: Where do we see the card Activity on “Try and Learn.”
and share their definition with column for connotation and catalog?
the class denotation. What information is indicated in
the card catalog?
E. Discussing new concepts and Let partners share their The teacher will then discuss Denotation- the dictionary Ask: Should we pull the cards
practicing new skills #2 definitions with the class and what is the difference between meaning of a word or the literal out of the category?
show an assigned text structure. denotation and connotation meaning of a word.
They will be given a variety of Connotation- the emotional or
books and share their definition cultural meaning attached to a
with the class. word
F. Developing mastery -The class will play “Advance Say: Going back to the selection, Write the following sentence in The class will be divided into The class will be divided into
Game”. Each group will be given you will now look for the key the inverted order. two groups. four. Each group should give
small banners with signal words sentence, supporting details and Say: I have here an outline. new name of the product to
written on it. The leader will main idea in each paragraph Group 1 will make a paragraph endorse. A representative from
hold and raise it once the (carousel) based on the first part of the each group must explain the
teacher asked for the answer. outline while Group 2 will works ideas used to influence the
in the second part of the viewers.
outline. Your outputs will be
combined to form a two-
paragraph composition.
G. Finding practical applications -Ask pupils the steps in washing Each group will roam around Compose coherent sentences is The teacher will present
of concepts and skills in daily clothes the room and see the posted inverted order using the given advertisement, and then the
living Manila papers with selections. verbs that agree with the pupils will determine the ideas
Each selection will ask for either subjects in each item which used to influence the viewers.
the key sentence. comes first in the inverted order
of the sentence.
H. Making generalizations and What are signal words? How will you identify the key Give an example. How is outlining a two- What are the ideas/images in
abstractions about the lesson What words are used to signal sentence, main idea and paragraph composition done? the media that are explicitly
the sequence or step-by-step supporting details in a used to influence the viewers?
direction? paragraph/selection?
I. Evaluating learning Fill in the blank whether the Give the key sentence Compose coherent sentences in Form a two-paragraph The teacher will present
correct signal words to supporting details and main the inverted order using the composition using the following advertisement then the pupils
determine the correct sequence idea of the selection. given (phrase below) outline. will determine the ideas used to
in preparing a peanut butter influence the viewers.
J. Additional activities for What are the steps in cooking Read the following selections. Write the following sentences in Write a two-paragraph Choose at least three TV
application or remediation rice? Then, identify what is asked in inverted order. composition about your favorite commercials and determine if it
Complete the process by each item by choosing the letter 1. My favorite hobby is sports. is stereotype, point of view, or
supplying the missing steps. of the correct answer from the reading myths and propaganda.
given answers. tales.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?