Regulations For B.Tech. Degree Programmes Under Faculty of Engineering

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The following regulations are made applicable to all the B.Tech. programmes
offered by the University under Faculty of Engineering except Marine Engineering with
effect from the academic year 2015-16.

I. B.Tech. Programme

The duration of the B.Tech course shall be eight semesters spanning over four
academic years. The teaching programme for each semester shall consist of 15

1.1 Branch

a) Civil Engineering
b) Computer Science and Engineering
c) Electrical and Electronics Engineering
d) Electronics and Communication Engineering
e) Information Technology
f) Mechanical Engineering
g) Safety and Fire Engineering

1.2 Structure of the B.Tech. Programme

1.2.1 The Programme of instruction will consist of the following :

i) General (common) core courses comprising Basic Sciences, Mathematics, and Basic
ii) Engineering core courses introducing the student to the foundations of Engineering
in the respective branch;
iii) Elective courses enabling the student to opt and undergo a set of courses of interest
to him/her;
iv) Professional practice including project, seminar, and industrial training and
v) Humanities courses on Communication Skills, Environmental Studies, and
Professional Ethics.

1.2.2. Every branch of the B.Tech. Programme will have a curriculum and syllabus for
the courses approved by the Academic Council.

1.2.3. The B.Tech Programmes offered by the University Departments/Schools/Cochin

University College of Engineering, Kuttanad shall follow the credit system.

1.2.4. The curriculum of any branch of the B.Tech Programme shall have a minimum
total of 176 credits.

1.3 Course Registration

It is mandatory for the students to register for the courses in each semester before the
commencement of the classes.

Before registration, the students should

a) Clear all dues including any fees to be paid and should not have any disciplinary
issues pending.
b) Meet the requirements regarding the minimum number of credits for promotion
stipulated in clause 1.10.

The dates for registration will be announced by the School/College in their academic
calendar. Late registration will be allowed up to 7 working days from the commencement
of the semester with late registration fee.

1.4 Mode of Evaluation

1.4.1. The performance of the students in theory courses will be evaluated based on
continuous assessment and end semester examination. In the case of practical courses,
the evaluation will be based on continuous assessment and end semester assessment,
which will be carried out internally.

1.4.2. For theory courses, there will be 40% weightage for internal assessment and 60%
weightage for end semester examination. For practical courses, continuous assessment
and end semester assessment will carry 50% weightage each.

1.4.3 In theory courses, the assessment pattern will be as follows:

Continuous assessment :

1. I Periodical Test – Maximum Marks : 12.5

2. II Periodical Test – Maximum Marks : 12.5
3. Assignments - Maximum Marks : 10
4. Attendance - Maximum Marks : 5

The End Semester Examination will be of 3 hours duration.

1.4.4 For each practical course, the assessment pattern will be as follows:

1. Continuous Assessment : 25 Marks

For continuous assessment, the marks may be awarded on the basis of the performance
of the student on the laboratory sessions. The break-up of marks for continuous
assessment of laboratory courses shall be :

a) Practical Records/Outputs : 10 Marks

b) Regular Lab work : 10 Marks


c) Test : 5 Marks

2. End semester assessment : 25 Marks

The end semester assessment will consist of an examination and a viva voce.

1.4.5. At the end of the semester, semester examination will be conducted in all the
theory courses offered in the semester and they will be of three hours duration unless
otherwise specified. The Controller of Examinations will make necessary arrangements
for setting the question papers and valuation of answer books for the end semester
examination of theory courses.

1.4.6. The end – semester assessment for the laboratory courses shall be conducted
internally by the respective department/division with at least two faculty members as
examiners. One of the examiners for conducting the end semester laboratory
examination shall be at the level of Assistant Professor or above in the regular cadre.

1.4.7. In the case of project work, the project guide concerned shall make the continuous
assessment. A committee consisting of the Project Co-ordinator (nominated by the Head
of the Department/Division), project guide, and at least one senior faculty member will
carry out the final review.

The weightages for the reviews shall be as follows:

Continuous assessment : 30 %
Project Report : 20%
Final review : 50%

1.4.8. The Viva-voce examination at the end of VIII Semester will be conducted by a
panel of examiners consisting of the Head of the Department/Division or his/her
nominee and one senior faculty of the Department/Division and one external expert.

1.4.9. A candidate shall not be allowed to improve the continuous assessment

marks in theory/laboratory courses. A candidate who desires to improve his/her
marks in the end semester examination in theory courses shall be permitted to do so in
the next available chance. This facility will be available only once for a theory course.

1.5 Course completion and earning of credits.

Students registered for a course have to attend the course regularly and meet the
attendance rules of the university and appear for all the internal evaluation procedures
for the completion of the course. However, earning of credits is only on completion of the
semester examination and on getting a pass grade. Students, who have completed a
course, but could not write the semester examination for valid reasons, are permitted to
write the semester examination at the next opportunity and earn the credits without
under going the course again. Such students should get the permission from the
Controller of Examinations on recommendations from the HOD/Principal.


1.6 Eligibility to appear for the End Semester Examination

1.6.1. A candidate who has fulfilled the following conditions shall be deemed to have
satisfied the requirements for completion of a semester.

Ideally every student is expected to attend all classes and earn 100% attendance.
However, in order to allow provision for certain unavoidable reasons such as
medical/personal grounds, the student is expected to earn a minimum of 75%
attendance. Therefore, he/she shall secure not less than 75% of overall attendance in
that semester taking into account the total number of periods in all courses attended by
the candidate as against the total number of periods in all courses offered during that
particular semester.

1.6.2. The Principal/Head of the School/College shall have the power to condone
shortage of attendance up to 5% (between less than 75% and 70%) in a particular
semester due to medical reasons (hospitalization/accident/specific illness) duly verified
and recommended by the Head of the Division/Department and on production of medical
certificate from a registered medical practitioner endorsed by the University Medical
Officer and on payment of the required fee. However such condonation for shortage of
attendance shall be given only twice during the entire duration of the B.Tech.

1.6.3. The Vice-chancellor shall have the power to condone shortage of attendance up to
10% (between less than 70% and 65%) in a particular semester due to medical reasons
(hospitalization/accident/specific illness) duly verified and recommended by the
Principal/Head of the School/College and on production of Medical Certificate from a
registered medical practitioner endorsed by the University Medical Officer and on
payment of the required fee. However such condonation for shortage of attendance shall
be given only twice during the entire duration of the B.Tech. Programme.

1.6.4.The students participating in co-curricular/sports activities representing

Department/Division/School/University should produce the participation certificate
countersigned by Director Youth Welfare/Assistant Director Physical Education within
ten days of the event to the respective HOD. Under any circumstances, the certificate
will not be considered if the overall attendance of the candidate is less than 65%.

1.6.5. Candidates who secure less than 65% overall attendance will not be permitted to
write the End-Semester Examinations and are not permitted to go to next/subsequent
semester. They are required to repeat the incomplete semester in the next academic

1.7 Eligibility to write the Supplementary Examination

Supplementary examinations for a particular semester will be conducted along with the
regular examination of the next semester.

Failed candidates and those who could not write the semester examination due to health
reasons or other contingencies that are approved by the Head of the college/School can
register for the supplementary examination. Those who wish to improve their
performance in the end semester examinations can also register for the same, subject to
the provisions of clause 1.4.9. Grades awarded in the supplementary examination will
be taken as semester grades in these subjects and will be based on the semester
examination grading pattern in that subject. In the case of candidates appearing for
improvement of marks, the higher mark obtained will be considered for the purpose of

1.8 Revaluation

A candidate can apply for revaluation of his/her end semester examination answer paper
in a theory course, within 2 weeks from the declaration of results, on payment of a
prescribed fee along with prescribed application to the Controller of Examinations
through the Head of Department/School/College. The Controller of Examination will
arrange for the revaluation and the results will be intimated to the candidate concerned
through the Head of the Department/School/College. Revaluation is not permitted for
practical courses, seminar and for project work.

1.9 Pass Requirements

A candidate has to obtain a minimum of 50% marks for continuous assessment and end
semester examination put together with a minimum of 45% marks in the end semester
examination for a pass in theory and laboratory course.

1.10 Promotion to Higher Semester

Promotion from one semester to the next semester shall be subject to the following


III Semester 15 out of 22 credits of Semester I
IV Semester 30 out of 44 credits of Semesters I & II
V Semester 50 out of 66 credits of Semesters I, II & III
VI Semester 65 out of 88 credits of Semesters I to IV
VII Semester 85 out of 110 credits of Semesters I to V
VIII Semester 100 out of 132 credits of Semesters I to VI

1.11 Grading

1.11.1. Grades shall be awarded to the students in each course based on the total marks
obtained in continuous assessment and the end semester examination and as per the
provisions of clause 1.4.1.


The grading pattern shall be as follows :

Marks Obtained Grade Grade Points

90-100 S 10
85-89 A+ 9.5
80-84 A 9
75-79 B+ 8.5
70-74 B 8
65-69 C+ 7.5
60-64 C 7
55-59 D+ 6.5
50-54 D 6.0
<50 F 0
Failure due to shortage of FA 0
Course incomplete I 0

1.11.2. A student is considered to have credited a course or earned credits in respect of a

course if he/she secures a grade other than F for that course.

1.11.3. Grade Point Average.

The academic performance of a student in a semester is indicated by the Semester Grade

Point Average (SGPA).
SGPA = G1C1+G2C2+G3C3+…………GnCn

Where ‘G’ refers to the grade point and ‘C’ refers to the credit value of
corresponding course undergone by the student.

1.11.4 Grade Card

The Grade Card issued at the end of the semester to each student by the controller of
Examinations, will contain the following :

a) The code, title, number of credits of each course registered in the semester,
b) The letter grade obtained,
c) The total number of credits earned by the student upto the end of that semester and

1.12. Classification

The classification based on CGPA is as follows:

CGPA 8 and above : First Class with Distinction
CGPA 6.5 and above, but less than 8 : First Class
CGPA 6 and above, but less than 6.5 : Second Class

1.13 Faculty Advisor

To help the students in planning their courses of study and for general advice on the
academic programme, the Head of the Department of the student will attach a certain
number of students to a teacher of the Department who shall function as Faculty Advisor
for those students throughout their period of study. Such Faculty Advisor shall advise
the students and monitor the courses taken by the students, check the attendance and
progress of the students attached to him/her and counsel them periodically. If
necessary, the Faculty Advisor may also discuss with or inform the parents about the
progress/performance of the students concerned.

1.14 Class Committee

A class committee consists of teachers of the class concerned, student representatives

and a chairperson who does not handle any subject for the class( It is like the
‘Quality Circle’ more commonly used in industries), with the overall goal of improving the
teaching –learning process. The functions of the class committee include :
• Solving problems experienced by students in the classroom and in the laboratories
in consultation with Head of the Division/Principal/Director.
• Clarifying the Regulations of the degree programme and the details of rules therein
• Informing the student representatives the academic schedule including the dates
of assessments and the syllabus coverage for each assessment.
• Informing the student representatives the details of Regulations regarding
weightage used for each assessment.
• Discussing in the class committee meeting the breakup of marks for each
experiment/exercise/module of work, in case of practical course
(laboratory/drawing/project work/seminar etc) and informing the students.
• Analyzing the performance of the students of the class after each test and finding
ways and means of improving the performance of the students.
• Identifying the students who are low achievers or weak in their subjects if any,
and requesting the teachers concerned to provide some additional help or
guidance or coaching to such students.

The class committee is normally constituted by the Head of the Division. However, if the
students of different branches are mixed in each class the class committee is to be
constituted by the Principal/Director. The class committee shall be constituted within a
week from the date of commencement of a semester. At least 4 student-representatives
from the respective class (usually 2 boys and 2 girls) shall be included in the class
committee. The student representatives shall be nominated on the basis of their
academic performance since the First Semester of the B.Tech. programme. In the case of
First and Second semesters, the rank obtained in the Common Admission Test (CAT)
shall be the criterion for nominating the student representatives. The Chairperson of the
class committee may invite the Faculty Advisor(s) and the Head of the Division to the
meeting of the class committee. The chairperson of the class committee is required

to prepare the minutes of every meeting, submit the same to the Head of the Division
within two days of the meeting and arrange to circulate the same among students
concerned and teachers. If there are some points in the minutes requiring action by the
University the same shall be brought to the attention of the Principal/Director and the

The first meeting of the class committee shall be held within fifteen days from the date of
commencement of the semester. The nature and weightage of internal assessments
shall be decided in the first meeting, within the framework of the Regulations and the
same shall be communicated to the students. Two or three subsequent meetings in a
semester may be held at suitable intervals. During these meetings the student members
representing the entire class, shall meaningfully, interact and express their opinions and
suggestions of the class students to improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning

1.15 Course Committee for common courses

Each common theory course offered to more than one discipline or group of disciplines,
shall have a “Common Course Committee” comprising all the teachers teaching the
common course with one of them nominated as common course Coordinator. The
nomination of the Course Coordinator shall be made by the Principal/Director in
consultation with Heads of Divisions from among the teachers teaching the common
courses. The “Common Course Committee” shall meet as often as possible and ensure
uniform evaluation of internal assessments after arriving at a common scheme of
evaluation for the tests. Where ever feasible, the common course committee shall
prepare a common question paper for the test(s).

1.16 Discipline

Every student is required to observe discipline and decorous behavior both inside and
outside the campus and refrain from any activity which may tarnish the image of the
University. Any act of indiscipline, misbehavior including unfair practice in
examinations will be referred to the authorities of the University that will make a
detailed enquiry on the matter and decide on the course of action to be taken.

1.17 Amendment to Regulations

Notwithstanding all that has been stated above, the University has the right to modify
any of the above regulations from time to time.

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