Thin Lens Focus Distance

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Selni Sandabunga , Aisyah Nurul Wahda, Maurizka Amaliah, Nur Aliyah Ibrahim

ICP A Chemistry

Have performed experiments on thin lens focal distance. This experiment aims to determine the focal
distance of a convex lens and a concave, plotting a graph of the object distance and the distance the
shadow in order to obtain focal distance based graph, and compare with the theoretical value of the graph
plots the results obtained by the lens focal distance. Tools and materials used in this lab include optical
bench, precision rails, slide holders diaphragm, bulb, convex lens, concave lens, power supply, display
catcher optic light, a light-stemmed, diaphragm darts, several connecting cables, and plastic ruler. In
practice there are two activities are carried out that determines the convex lens with a focal distance reign
1 / s to 1 / s' and determine the focal distance of the lens concave (negative), the first activity placed a
light source, lens positive 1, 2 positive lenses and screens the optical bench in a sequence, set the distance
between the light source with a positive lens focal distance lens 1sebesar 1 and set the distance of objects
and a positive lens 1 of about 10 cm and then slide the positive lens 2 in the direction of the object in
order to obtain a clear shadow on the screen and then measure the distance of objects and shadow
distance. Activity 2 is compiling as the first activity here it's just made a shadow on the screen which will
be the object of a concave lens and then put a negative lens before position shadow marked and screen
placed about 100 cm from the marked position and shift the negative lens closer / further from the screen
to obtain the object distance and the distance shadows, based on observations made can be concluded that
the convex lens the smaller the distance, the greater the distance the object shadow, and vice versa the
greater the distance, the smaller object distance shadow. While the concave lens object distance is
obtained or derived directly proportional to the distance of the shadow is formed.

Keywords: convex lens, concave lens, focus distance, object distance, and the distance
of the shadow.

1. How to determine the focus distance of a convex lens and a concave lens?
2. How to plot a graph of the distance to the object distance so that the shadow values
obtained focus distance based graph?
3. How to compare with the theoretical values plot a graph of the results obtained
focus distance of the lens ?

1. To determine the focus distance of a convex lens and a concave lens
2. Plot a graph of the distance to the object distance so that the shadow values obtained
focus distance based graph
3. Comparing the theoretical values with the graph plots the results obtained focus
distance of the lens.
The lens is an optical instrument that can transmit and refract light both convergent and
divegen. The lens in the form of clear objects made of glass or plastic. Definition lenses
can also transparent material whose surface is curved so as to deflect the rays that pass
through it onshore.
1. The nature of the lens, among others convex or convex lens is to collect light.
2. Concave lens or concave beam spread.
If there is light coming towards the lens, then there is refraction. There are two types of
lenses are convex and concave lenses. Convex lens is a lens that collects light
(convergent) opposite concave lens is a lens that scatter light (divergent). The nature of
the shadow of the same convex lens with a concave mirror image, whereas for the same
reflection properties of concave lens with a convex mirror. Calculations used in the
same lens with a mirror. The course of the beam at the lens is almost equal to the
mirror, the difference lies in the center of the lens. Convex lenses this lens is curved flat
out. Middle thicker than the edges. At first glance this looks like an elliptical lens. The
nature of light or rays on convex lens is
1. The beam comes the main axis parallel will passed through focus
2. The light coming towards the center of the lens which will be forwarded
3. Rays coming through the focus will be routed parallel to the main axis
Here's a picture on the beam path convex lens

For the formula to find the distance of the shadow on the convex lens
1 / f = 1 / s + 1 / s'
f = focal convex lens
s = spacing of objects
s' = distance of the shadow
The nature of the image formed by a convex lens is real, inverted, and enlarged. The
convex lens magnification (M)
M = S '/ S or M = h' / h
Concave lens
The opposite of a convex lens, this lens consists of two curved surfaces into. The edge
of the lens is thicker when compared to the middle of the lens. The course of the rays in
a concave lens

1. The beam comes the main axis parallel will be forwarded as though of focu
2. Light / light coming toward the focus will be passed parallel to the main axis
3. The light comes toward the center of the lens will be directly forwarded
Determining Focus Concave Lens to determine the focus of a concave lens as the
convex lens that is using the formula
Remember pal focus concave lens as a convex mirror, worth negative. Concave lens
formulaTo find the distance shadows
-1 / F = 1 / s + 1 / s
'f = focal convex lens
s = spacing of object
s' = distance of the shadow
The nature of the image formed by a convex lens is virtual, upright, reduced
The concave lens magnification (M)
M = S '/ S or M = h' / h
According to Tipler (1998) To makes it easy examination of image, can divide room
object and image room, namely:
Picture 3. Division of room on converging lens.

Picture 4. Division of room on diverging lens

Rules of use object room and image are as follows.

a. The amount of object room and image room equal to 5 (five).

b. If the number image room is greater than room object, image will be enlarged.

c. If the number image room is smaller than object room, image will be minimized.

d. If the image is behind lens, its real and inverted.

e. If the image is in front of the lens, its virtual and errect.

Tools and Materials

1. Optical Bench 1 piece.

2. Rail precision 2 pieces.
3. Diaphragm slide holder 1 piece.
4. The bulb 12 V, 18 W.
5. convex lens (f = 100 mm, and f = 200 mm) each 2 pieces.
6. The concave lens (f = 100 mm, and f = 200 mm) each 2 pieces.
7. The power supply (Power Supply 10 A, 12 V AC / DC) 1 piece.
8. Screen 1 piece optics shadow catcher.
9. Place 1 piece stemmed lamps.
10. Diaphragm arrows 1 piece.
11. Some double connecting cable.
12. Plastic Ruler (100 cm) 1 piece

Identification Variables

Activity 1 determines the focus distance of a convex lens with tattooing 1 / s versus 1 / s’
1 Manipulation variable :The distance of objects

2. Response variable. Manipulation able : shadow distance

3. Control variable : Positive lens focus distance

Activity 2: Determining the Focal Length Lens Concave (negative).
1 Manipulation variable :The distance of objects

2. Response variable. Manipulation able : shadow distance

3. Control variable : Positive lens focus distance

Operational Definition of Variables
Activity 1: Determining the Focal Length Convex Lens With tattooing 1 / S versus 1/S '.
1. The distance of objects is the distance from the object to the second positive lens
2. The distance the shadow is the distance from the lens to the screen positive 2
3. Focusing Distance is the distance from the lens to focus the image when the parallel
light rays entering the lens
Activity 2: Determining the Focal Length Lens Concave (negative).
1. Distance is the distance from the position of objects that have been marked to the
negative lens
2. Distance shadow distance is the distance from the screen to the marked position.
3. Focusing Distance is the distance from the lens to focus the image when the parallel
light rays entering the lens.

Work Procedure
Activity 1: Determining the Focal Length Convex Lens With tattooing 1 / S versus 1/S '.
1. Put the light source, a positive lens 1, objects, positive lens 2, and the screen on the
optical bench in order. Then set the distance of the object and the first positive lens
approximately 10 cm.
2. Placing the screen at a certain distance from the object.
3. Shift the second positive lens located between the object and the screen towards the
object so as to obtain a clear shadow on the screen. Then measure the distance from
the positive lens 2 as the distance of objects and measure the distance of two
positive lens to the screen as a shadow distance.
4. Repeat 2 and 3 activities as much as 11 times. Then record the data obtained in the
tabe observations.

Activity 2: Determining the Focal Length Lens Concave (negative).

1. Put the light source, a positive lens 1, objects, positive lens 2, and the screen on the
optical bench in order. Then adjust the distance between the light source with a
positive first lens focal distance of the lens 1, set the distance of objects and one
positive lens approximately 10 cm.
2. Create a clear image of objects on the screen. After that marks the position of the
shadow. Placing a negative lens before the shadow position marked.
3. Placing the screen at a specific position about 100 cm from the marked position.
4. Shift the negative lens toward or away from the screen to obtain a clear image.
5. Measure the distance from the lens to the position marked negative as the distance
of objects and measure the distance from flax negative distance to the screen as a
6. Repeat this activity several times, by placing the screen at another position. Then
record the data obtained in the observations table.


Observation Results
Activity 1
Positive Lens Focal Length = 10cm
Ruler NST = 0,1cm
Table 1. Convex Lens Focal Length

No Distance Object Distance Shadows 1 1

(cm-1) (cm-1)
(s’) s s '

1 │11,30 ± 0,05│ │51,70 ± 0,05│ 0,088 0,019

2 │12,00 ± 0,05│ │43,60 ± 0,05│ 0,083 0,023

3 │12,30 ± 0,05│ │34,30 ± 0,05│ 0,081 0,029

4 │13,00 ± 0,05│ │28,90 ± 0,05│ 0,077 0,035

5 │13,50 ± 0,05│ │26,60 ± 0,05│ 0,074 0,038

6 │14,00 ± 0,05│ │25,50 ± 0,05│ 0,071 0,039

7 │14,50 ± 0,05│ │23,80 ± 0,05│ 0,069 0,042

8 │15,00 ± 0,05│ │22,90 ± 0,05│ 0,067 0,047

9 │15,50 ± 0,05│ │22,30 ± 0,05│ 0,065 0,045

10 │16,00 ± 0,05│ │21,00 ± 0,05│ 0,063 0,048

11 │16,50 ± 0,05│ │20,10 ± 0,05│ 0,060 0,050

Activity 2

Positive Lens Focal Length = 10 cm

Ruler NST = 0.1 cm

Table 2. Concave Lens Focal Length

No Distance Object Distance Shadows 1 1
(cm-1) (cm-1)
(s) (cm) (s’) s s '


1 │3,00 ± 0,05│ │7,30 ± 0,05│ 0,333 0,137

2 │2,50 ± 0,05│ │10,00 ± 0,05│ 0,400 0,100

3 │2,40 ± 0,05│ │12,10 ± 0,05│ 0,417 0,083

4 │2,30 ± 0,05│ │14,50 ± 0,05│ 0,435 0,069

5 │2,20 ± 0,05│ │17,00 ± 0,05│ 0,455 0,059

6 │2,10 ± 0,05│ │20,30 ± 0,05│ 0,476 0,049

7 │2,00 ± 0,05│ │22,80 ± 0,05│ 0,500 0,044

8 │1,90 ± 0,05│ │25,00 ± 0,05│ 0,526 0,040

9 │1,80 ± 0,05│ │28,00 ± 0,05│ 0,400 0,036

10 │1,70 ± 0,05│ │31,30 ± 0,05│ 0,417 0,032

11 │1,60 ± 0,05│ │32,30 ± 0,05│ 0,435 0,031

12 │1,50 ± 0,05│ │36,20 ± 0,05│ 0,455 0,028

13 │1,40 ± 0,05│ │38,00 ± 0,05│ 0,500 0,026

Data Analysis

Activity 1

Relationship s to s' On Convex Lens

S' (cm)

50 Series1
40 Linear (Series1)
20 y = -5.4004x + 104.66
10 R² = 0.8107
0 5 10 15 20
S (cm)

Axis x
Limit measure 5 cm
NST = Number of scale = = 1 cm

1 1 1
∆fx = ∆ = × NST = × 1 cm = 0.5 cm
s 2 2
1 1 1 1
= + ′→ =0
fx s s s′
1 1
fx s
1 1
fx 19.5
fx = 19.5 cm

Axis y

Limit measure 5 cm
NST = Number of = = 1 cm
scale 5

1 1 1
∆fy = ∆ = × NST = × 1 = 0,5 cm
s 2 2
1 1 1 1
= + ′→ =0
fy s s s
1 1
f𝑦 s′
1 1
f𝑦 102.5
f𝑦 = 102.5 cm
f𝑥 + f𝑦 102.5 + 19.5 122
f̅ = =( )= = 61 cm
2 2 2
∂f̅ ∂f̅
∂𝑓 = | |∆f𝑥 + | |∆f
∂f𝑥 ∂f𝑦 𝑦
1 1
∆𝑓 = | ∆f𝑥 + ∆f𝑦 |
2 2
1 1
∆𝑓 ∆f𝑥 + 2 ∆f𝑦
=| 2 |
f̅ 1
(f + f )
2 x 𝑦

∆f𝑥 + ∆f𝑦
∆𝑓 = | | f̅
f𝑥 + f𝑦
0.5cm + 0.5cm
=| | 61cm
19.5 cm + 102.5 cm
1 cm
=| | 61 cm
∆𝑓 = 0.5cm
𝑅𝐸 = × 100%

0.5 cm
= × 100%
= 0,82% → 4 SF
DC = 100% − KR
= 100% − 0,82%
= 99,18%
PF = |f̅ ± ∆𝑓|
= |61.00 ± 0.50|cm
Activity 2

Relationship s to s' On Concave Lens

y = 20.339x + 63.355 40
s' (cm)

R² = 0.9602 35
25 Linear (Series1)
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
s (cm)

Axis x
Limit Measure 1 cm
NST = Number of = = 0.2cm
scale 5

1 1 1
∆fx = ∆ = × NST = × 0.2 cm = 0.1 cm
s 2 2
1 1 1 1
= + ′→ =0
fx s s s′
1 1
fx s

1 1
fx −3.1

fx = −3.1 cm
Axis y
Limit Measure 5 cm
NST = Number of scale = = 1 cm

1 1 1
∆fy = ∆ = × NST = × 1 cm = 0.5 cm
s 2 2
1 1 1 1
= + ′→ =0
fy s s s
1 1
f𝑦 s′
1 1
f𝑦 63
f𝑦 = 63cm
f𝑥 + f𝑦 −3.1 + 63 59.9
f̅ = =( )= = 29.95 cm
2 2 2
∂f̅ ∂f̅
∂𝑓 = | |∆f𝑥 + | |∆f
∂f𝑥 ∂f𝑦 𝑦
1 1
∆𝑓 = | ∆f𝑥 + ∆f𝑦 |
2 2
1 1
∆f +
= |2
𝑥 2 ∆f𝑦 |
f̅ 1
2 (fx + f𝑦 )
∆f𝑥 + ∆f𝑦
∆𝑓 = | | f̅
f𝑥 + f𝑦
0.1 cm + 0.5 cm
=| | 29.95 cm
−3.1 cm + 63 cm
0.6 cm
=| | 29.95cm
59.95 cm
= | 0.01| 29.95 cm

∆𝑓 = 0,3cm

𝑅𝐸 = × 100%

= × 100%
29.95 cm
= 1.008 % → 3 SF
DC = 100% − KR
= 100% − 1.5%
= 98.992%
PF = |𝑓 ± ∆𝑓|
= |29.9 ± 0.3|cm
Based on observations or experiments conducted focus distance of objects can
be searched in two ways at the distance of the object, is the closer and keep the lens on
the body. And based on the plot a graph that has been created, the convex lens obtained
data on the x-axis, the object distance of 0.5 cm and the distance on the y-axis, is
shadow object distance of 0.5 cm, so that reported in the reporting of physics, that PF =
|61.00 ± 0.50|cm. While the concave lens, based on a plot chart has been created,
obtained results on the x axis, which is the object distance of 0.1 cm and the distance of
the shadow of 0.5 cm, so that reported in the reporting of physics, that PF = |29.9 ±
0.3| cm. The data obtained indicate that the images forming distance is inversely
proportional to the distance of the object. The greater the distance of the object from the
optical center of the smaller the distance the shadow is formed. Thus it can be seen that
the focal distance of the lens is different from the focus. Because the lens focal distance
is the distance of the shadow when it reaches the most obvious form. Based on
experiments that done object convex lens shadows always be behind the lens and has
the properties of a real image, inverted reduced / enlarged upside down real / virtual
upright minimized, while the image formed concave lens is always in front of the lens
so that it has the nature of the virtual image, upright and minimized. In experiments
conducted with the convex lens eleven variations of the data and the concave lens
experiments were conducted with thirteen variation data for the purpose can be obtained
results more accurate data and generate distance more precise focal point with the more
data we obtained variations will get the accuracy of the data maximum.
In doing this experiment, there are many errors that cause data obtained are less precise,
for it in subsequent experiments on the focusing distance of the practitioner should be
more thoroughly in seeing and observing the experiment, more focused and more
leverage so that the results are relevant to the error small, as expected.
Based on the observations it can be concluded that the focus distance an object can be
determined or sought to bring and keep the lens. In the smaller convex lens object distance,
the greater the distance the shadow, and vice versa the greater the distance, the smaller
object distance shadow. While the concave lens object distance is obtained or derived
directly proportional to the distance of the shadow is formed.
We recommend that before doing the experiment in advance is advisable to understand the
concept of the experiment, a tool that will be used and working procedures, in order to
practice running smoothly and easily understood. Perform experiments activities carefully
in order to get maximum results and precise.
Andhika. 2013. Convex and Concave Lens.
cembung-dan-lensa-cekung/. Accessed on January 8, 2015.
Ratna. 2012. Function Lens Convex and Concave.
cekung-dan-cembung#.VK6Q-HuZ7IU. Accessed on January 8, 2015
Tipler, Paul A. 2001. Fisika untuk Sains dan Teknik Edisi Ketiga Jilid 1. Jakarta :

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