Valmet Forward 1-2014 Eng Web PDF
Valmet Forward 1-2014 Eng Web PDF
Valmet Forward 1-2014 Eng Web PDF
va l me t ’S C US T OME R m ag a zine | 1/ 2014
Anu Salonsaari-Posti
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Communications
2 FORWARD 1/2014
In this issue 1/2014
2 Editorial
New Valmet is ready to serve!
4 In brief
News from Valmet.
12 In favor of fiber-based
Interview of Berry Wiersum.
at Greenpac.
26 Improving the Nueva Aldea
bleach plant
Two TwinRoll presses to Chile.
28 Health checks at ITC
Three-year service agreement
29 En route to a prosperous
Tissue making at Xiamen Sinyang.
51 Optimized dewatering
LineMaster and FluteMaster press
Increased efficiency 52 EU energy and climate
foRWARD 1/2014 3
In brief
UN’s Global Compact principles govern
Valmet’s operations
Valmet has been approved as a participant of the United
Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which is the world’s
largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative run
by the United Nations. The UN Global Compact works
toward the vision of a sustainable global economy which
delivers lasting benefits to people, communities and
Commitment to this globally acknowledged initia-
tive is regarded as very important at Valmet. We want
Sappi trusts Valmet’s our business operations to be based on fair play and respect to each others.
technology This mindset should cover all the actions throughout the value chain – from
sourcing to the use and recycling of our products.
Valmet will deliver a complete multi-fuel boiler to
Sappi Ltd’s Kirkniemi mill in Finland.The start-up of
the plant is scheduled for mid 2015.
The new boiler can flexibly use solid fuels such as
bark from the mill’s debarking process, other wood-
based fuels and coal. Together with the current biofuel
boiler the mill can produce biomass-based energy up Cheng Yang Paper Mill
to 100%. orders a containerboard line
Valmet will further rebuild a paper machine at the
Gratkorn mill of Sappi Austria Produktions in Austria.
to Vietnam
The large delivery will include the modernization
Valmet will supply an OptiConcept M containerboard production line
of all the main sections of the paper machine and it for Cheng Yang Paper Mill Co.,Ltd., a subsidiary of of Nine Dragons
targets to improve end product quality. The start-up Paper (Holdings) Ltd. in Vietnam. The new production line will pro-
will take place at the end of 2014. duce high-quality containerboard grades out of 100% recycled raw
Sappi also recently started up a project of con- materials. The machine will start up in 2015.
verting its graphic paper machine PM 2 at Alfeld, “The line ordered by Cheng Yang Paper Mill will be Valmet’s fifth
Germany, into a specialty paper machine. Read more OptiConcept M production line to be supplied to Asia. The advan-
about this on page 6. tage of the OptiConcept M technology is in its modular approach
which enables short delivery times, quick start-up and low project
costs. The OptiConcept M production line stands for economy of
total investment,” says Kari Räisänen, Sales Director of Valmet.
4 FORWARD 1/2014
Fortum, UPM and Valmet
developing technology for
biomass based fuels
Fortum, UPM and Valmet have joined forces
to develop a new, winning technology to
produce advanced high value lignocellulosic
fuels, such as transportation fuels or higher
value bio liquids. The idea is to develop cat-
alytic pyrolysis technology for upgrading
bio-oil and commercialise the solution. The
five-year project is called LignoCat (lignocel-
lulosic fuels by catalytic pyrolysis).
foRWARD 1/2014 5
Moving forward together
a “special”
is born
FORWARD 1/2014
The Sappi Alfeld Mill near Hannover in Germany has been making paper since the
1700s. Over the last 80 years it has carved out something of a solid reputation
in the field of bespoke, speciality papers, which has created a perfect platform
for growth in the uncertain world of paper production. Sappi recently took on
an ambitious project to convert its one remaining graphic paper machine at
Alfeld - PM 2 - into what is probably the largest, most innovative, automated
and versatile speciality paper machine on the planet, with a capacity of 135,000
tonnes/yr. Sappi chose Valmet as a partner to help it achieve its goal. TEXT Mark Rushton
foRWARD 1/2014 7
S appi is one of the world’s
largest producers of high
quality, coated graphic
papers, but unfortunate-
ly – and no matter how
good those products
are - the introduction of
the iPad, the Samsung
Galaxy, the Kindle, and a
raft of other electronic media devices have put a large dent
in graphic paper demand.
At this crucial crossroads, Sappi could easily have intro-
duced the unimaginative management philosophy of cut,
cut and cut some more. However in the case of Sappi Fine
Paper Europe’s Alfeld mill, a much bolder approach was
taken; to significantly expand into the lucrative market for
speciality papers.
“The existing PM 2 at Alfeld was losing us a lot of mon-
ey”, says Sappi Fine Paper Europe CEO, Berry Wiersum.
“And a graphic paper machine sitting in the middle of four
other paper machines which were more than paying their
one that could ease the transition from using lots of plastic
to using lots of paper instead – a growing trend in Europe.”
PM 2 was going to
the five or six tonnes per hour norm for a speciality ma-
chine to 20 tonnes per hour. The machine would also have
to cope with numerous, complex grade changes.
become a star paper It was a clear plan from the start that PM 2 was going to
become a star paper machine in the world of specialities.
machine in the world In May 2011, the Alfeld team including Karrer present-
ed to Sappi’s European management team in Brussels the
8 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
PM 2 was put forward, which was then broken by CEO manager for paper mills says of the PM 2 project: “From ↑ Project
Wiersum, uttering “Wow!” the beginning when the concept was first presented, it was Leopard
The machine
Another 14 months later, in July 2012, and after a lot of clear this was going to be an unusual one – a totally online was extensively
serious studies, discussions and site visits, Project Leop- concept with finished products coming off the end of the rebuilt to cover
ard commenced, and Valmet was appointed as the main machine. Added, interesting challenges are the wide basis a wide range of
supplier for the project. weight range and the differing speciality grades, at the products.
same time being produced on a wide machine at speed.
Sappi Alfeld: a demanding customer The Yankee cylinder of course was an absolute must to
Valmet’s scope of supply was a complex and all-encom- obtain the base paper surface quality.
passing one; the new PM 2 has a completely new headbox “We trialled many of the grades at our pilot plants in
with dilution circulation, forming, press and dryer sec- Finland making sure that the coatings and calendering
tions rebuilt. One of the essential ingredients in the rebuild demands would work across the grades needed,” continues
is a brand new solid casting 6.4 m diameter Yankee cyl- Laurikainen. “There is no doubt that the Sappi Alfeld mill
inder with hood. The machine also has a completely new was a demanding customer for this project, but they knew
coating section with air dryers plus two ValCoat coating what they wanted and they always came at us with their
stations, a multinip calender rebuild with existing Nipco ideas in a cooperative fashion.”
rolls, a reel rebuild and broke collection. The automation
supplied also included a DNA quality control system and A carnival atmosphere
machine control PCS7. Wim Devens, the company’s manager of central technolo-
Mauri Laurikainen, Valmet’s senior paper technology gy and engineering was Project Leopard’s leader from the
foRWARD 1/2014 9
Sappi side, he says: “We went through the whole process
with the main suppliers, and in the end it came out that
The new Opti range of Valmet had the experience and know-how in specialities,
as well as the facilities for the casting of the Yankee cylin-
products der. There was also a gut feeling among the team at Sappi
that Valmet was the right choice of supplier.”
Valmet has fused its paper and boardmaking With the order in place, it was then left to Devens and
offering to introduce the new Opti range of
the project team, the mill team, and the suppliers - which
products. All Valmet coating stations are com-
bined under one family name OptiCoat. Alfeld’s
was all overseen by a steering committee made up of the
two ValCoat blade coating stations represent senior management of both Sappi and Valmet - to ensure
the upgraded technology that is today called Op- the deadline for timing was met, as well as the guarantees
tiCoat Jet. Read the article “Our customers are of quality. But first, there was transportation of the massive
really happy with our products” at www.valmet. Yankee cylinder to arrange.
com/opticoatjet. The journey itself from Sweden to Germany by boat and
barge was not so much of a problem, but the road trip from
the river port to the mill was full of challenges, says Devens:
“It took over 100 local authority approvals to allow the
Yankee to pass through towns and villages and over bridges
to the mill. Street lighting had to be dismantled, high voltage
cables lifted and over 120 trees had to have branches sawn
off – 10 trees had to come down completely.
When the Yankee finally arrived in Alfeld, it was to
something of a carnival atmosphere as this was not only
one of the most exciting projects the town of Alfeld had
seen for some time, but it was also the biggest engineer-
ing project going on in the whole of Germany which was
being hit by the economic turndown. Devens said, “When
the Yankee arrived, it was as if the whole county had
turned out to watch, people were out on the streets, and
houses alongside the route were hosting barbecues and
10 FORWARD 1/2014
customer’s voice
parties. We had a small viewing area in the woodyard, and Devens concludes: “We are really happy all in all with
on the first weekend something like 1,500 visitors came to how it has gone and we have had splendid support from
see the huge Yankee.” Valmet whenever we have needed it during the installation
and start-up phase.”
The race is on
On the 30th of August 2013 the ‘old’ PM 2 was shut down “Biggest experience of my life”
and the serious race to the finish began, there were only Perhaps the most important person to finally ask about the
Challenging 39 days available for the installation of the Yankee and the success of the PM 2 project is mill director, Dr. Stephan
but in time rebuild. Karrer who originally came up with the concept: “Apart
Wim Devens Valmet gave the assurance that the project would take from the birth of my two children, this project really has
has great trust
in Valmet’s
39 days, and on October 12th 2013, exactly according been the biggest experience of my life. The last few months
performance. to plan, there was stock on the wire. “We couldn’t quite we have been optimizing the start-up and have been tiring
believe it,” says Devens. for everybody, but it makes me so proud that the whole
In place On the 17th October, and again absolutely according PM 2 team are still so delighted to be working on what is
and running to plan, Alfeld produced the first two saleable jumbo reels. going to be such a remarkable machine when it is fully up
The impressive
Yankee in “It was part of the agreement with Valmet that we had to to speed.”
operation. have two jumbo reels full of saleable paper to go out to our
speciality customers,” adds Devens. contact person
Expectations On Forward’s recent visit to Alfeld, more progress Mauri Laurikainen
met Senior Paper Technology
Dr. Stefan Karrer
had been made and now PM 2 can produce all of the top Manager, Engineering
has lived with quality grades required for its demanding, discerning
the project all the customers to its own quality benchmark Q1. So what is Tel. +358 400 644 174
way from the very next? Devens says: “Well, the work doesn’t end for us until
the end of July. We are now in the optimization stage, and
Showtime we are ironing out the problems that go with that. This
Customers and machine has quite a task ahead of it, we are expecting it to
partners paid do all grades from 50 to 180 g/m² with calender, without
a visit to the
mill during the
calender, with coater, without coater, one side, two sides,
inauguration on all those different parameters, and all at high speed. It is a
March 27, 2014. high expectation we have.”
foRWARD 1/2014 11
Forward had
the pleasure of
interviewing Berry
Wiersum, CEO,
Sappi Fine Paper
TEXT Mark Rushton
PHOTO Courtesy of Sappi
12 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
better option.”
rewarder of innovation, and that Are the sustainability factors of becomes a no-brainer in the end.
if you put a machine down like fiber-based packaging making the And for once, EU legislation is on
PM 2 at Alfeld, customers want to role of selling paper packaging any the pulp and paper industry’s side
come along with you, they love new easier? when it comes to sustainability of our
products. The profit margins are also The great news is that “yes”, the mes- products, which is going to open up
a lot more attractive than in graphic sage has actually finally got through, even more doors of opportunity.
papers as it is not a commodity area our customers and the consumer are
and it doesn’t have the same over- getting the fact that paper packaging Any particular comments to make
capacity issues. Making specialities is a much better option, and the big about the performance of PM 2 at
is rewarding in the sense you are brands love this as they have a story Alfeld so far?
no longer scratching a living as in to tell. For instance with our product Well, it is certainly a big, complicated
graphic papers, in specialities we are Algro Nature, they can recycle it if machine. Optimization is coming
actually making a decent living. it has a dry product in it, or put it along, it always seems to take longer
on the compost heap. The FMCG than we expected, but we have top
Sounds like everyone should be companies really like this idea as it quality products coming off it, which
doing it, what are the pit falls and makes them look like they are taking was the aim. We have also got to
challenges? the whole sustainability idea very a point where it is quality that is
Well, different recipes and the quality seriously. consistent, and we can depend on it.
demands from the customers of And it is a great story to tell, par- Of course the real aim is to keep the
course mean that you are entering ticularly when you talk to customers costs down, the volume up so that
a different ball game. All of these about the whole sustainable chain, we can streamline the production
products have to be certified, and by about how forests are being planted and have much less downtime when
that I mean that each one carries a all over Europe, how pulp comes changing grades. We are working
certificate of quality, as well as a list of from controlled sources, how energy hard with the Alfeld team and Val-
all the ingredients. We spend a lot of is renewable, or comes from waste met on that now.
time and effort on certifications and and then how all the products that All in all we have been extremely
a lot of effort trailing and proving to are made are then recyclable or com- happy with Valmet who have been
customers that the packaging we sup- postable. And then even better when a thoroughly competent lot, great
ply is going to perform the task they they realise it is a lighter weight and team workers, and have provided a
want it to. could even cost less than other less fantastic machine that started up on
sustainable materials. Fiber-based time and at the agreed price.
packaging ticks so many boxes that it
foRWARD 1/2014 13
Sustainabilit through
pellet firing
14 FORWARD 1/2014
customer’s voice
foRWARD 1/2014 15
that can fail, adding to better availability and reliability,”
lists Pentti Iso-Pietilä, Production Service Manager at
Tampereen Energiantuotanto. “Additionally, our operators’
capabilities improve, system upkeep is easier and there is less
system maintenance. And upkeep and maintenance costs are
lower – or at least we hope this will be the case in the future.”
“By using reliable automation technology, the operators
are able to flexibly control the district heat production pro-
cess and react to load variations,” explains Heikki Mylläri,
Sales Director, Automation, Metso.
With the history data that the system collects from
the process, the users are able to follow how the process
develops, learn from earlier situations and avoid the same
problems in the future. Plant safety is ensured by a safety
interlocking system.
“And as there are no barriers between the systems,
changes only need to be made in one system,” Mylläri con-
tinues. Other benefits include having the same spare parts
and the possibility to expand the system, for example, by
adding condition monitoring to the Sarankulma plant.
Flow chart of a
pellet-fired plant
16 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
Controlled locally or from generation during start-ups and quick load changes dur-
kilometers away ing production.
The Sarankulma
plant is un- The unmanned plant is controlled via a remote broadband The plant’s control capability has fulfilled the require-
manned and con- connection from the company’s main control room at ment of the district heating network of Tampere, a city of
trolled via a re-
the Lielahti power plant, about ten kilometers away. The circa 220,000 inhabitants. Plant efficiency and availability
mote connection have been at a high level. Also, flue gas emissions require-
from Tampereen same displays and functions are available also locally at
Energiatuotan- the plant. Having the same user interface, data collection, ments have been met; wood pellets are fired with low CO
to’s main control reporting and engineering tools at both locations improves and NOx emissions.
room at the
process operability, controllability and availability. So, everything is all set for the next heating season. Just
Lielahti power by pushing a button at the main
plant, about ten “We have minimal control room operator resources,
kilometers away. so remote control is beneficial for us in this respect. It control room kilometers away,
also makes it clear how to manage production entities,” the pellet-fired plant will go on contact person
Teemu Koskela
Iso-Pietilä points out. “And creating backup connections is stream when needed and provide Sales Director, Bioheat
simpler, since there is no linkage.” heat for housing and other facil- business
ities in the southern parts of the com
Tel. +358 50 400 8721
All set for the next heating season
Experience gained last winter with the pioneering pel-
let-fired plant in Tampere has been positive. Pulverized
fuel has allowed clean, energy-efficient and flexible heat
Pellets represent
CO2 neutral, re-
newable energy
and thus do not
harm the environ-
foRWARD 1/2014 17
RGE Group acquired a 90% stake in Shandong Rizhao SSYMB Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd, now
renamed ASIA SYMBOL Pulp & Paper. Situated on a 119-hectare site, the mill has a pulp line
and paperboard machine equipped with some of the most advanced production technologies.
The pulp mill is considered the largest in China, with an annual capacity of 1.8 million tonnes.
The mill has one high-grade coated cardboard line with a capacity of 170,000 tonnes, and a
liquid packaging board mill of 350,000 tonnes is under construction.
The manufacturing operations in China are measured among the world’s best in both produc-
tion and environmental management standards. This ensures that the products are of top
quality and are produced under the strictest environmental standards.
An impressive combination of SIA SYMBOL Pulp & Paper’s newest pulping
line in Rizhao, China, was supplied by
very low ecological footprint, high Valmet and produced its first pulp sheet at
the end of June 2010. This investment was
capacity and top-quality production. the biggest foreign investment ever seen in Shandong
These features go well with the province at the time. The sizeable investment gave
everyone reason to anticipate something exceptional.
environmental values that have Looking back, those expectations have been fulfilled.
been guiding ASIA SYMBOL Pulp & The Rizhao mill, located next to a city of three million
inhabitants, is designed for very low energy, water and
Paper’s operations over the years. chemical consumption. Compared to any other pulp mill
built in recent times, it ranks at the very top in terms of
TEXT Anne Riekkola and Andreas Liedberg environmental performance.
18 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
foRWARD 1/2014 19
There are two good reasons to celebrate the BlackBelt that
ran on Papierfabrik Palm’s PM 6 from July 2013 to January
2014: First, it was the 1,000th delivery of this unique shoe
press belt, and second, it ran for almost
200 days. Congratulations!
TEXT Marjaana Lehtinen and Anne Paloheimo-Seppänen
A real su
Valmet’s 1,000th BlackBelt shoe press belt
on Palm PM 6
bsolutely, yes!” The answer given by Jürgen Kosse,
Mill Manager, Papierfabrik Palm GmbH & Co. KG,
in Wörth, Germany, to the question of whether
BlackBelt achieved the targets it was set leaves no
room for interpretation. “First, the product offers
excellent performance. Its various properties
contribute to a consistent, smooth run of the
paper machine. Belt performance is absolutely
constant from beginning to end, and the belt
improves press performance.”
In July 2013, the mill installed two
BlackBelt shoe press belts on PM 6: one in
20 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
BlackBelt shoe
press belt
• Made of high-performance
elastomer material reinforced with
dimensionally stable synthetic
• Available in several reinforcing
structures and surface options to
fulfill the demands of every shoe
• Wear-, chemical- and heat-
resistant, ensuring long and
trouble-free running.
• Excellent running results from
many demanding shoe press belt
the first press and another in the second press. The first High belt performance needs
was the 1,000th BlackBelt delivered by Valmet, and it ran teamwork
from July 2013 to January 2014 – almost 200 days. The As a paper producer, Palm wants to utilize the latest
second belt ran from July 2013 to October 2013. “The technological innovations in order to give its custom-
paper machine’s performance was very good, and we got a ers excellent-quality products and reliable service. The
perfect dewatering profile before and after the nip. The dry principles for the cooperation and success of this inde-
content after the press increased, and the moisture profile pendent family business are its openness and honesty. As a
after the press was excellent,” Kosse says. customer, the company sticks to the same principles with
Kosse names BlackBelt’s excellent material mix, long its own suppliers.
lifetime and good dewatering capability as the product “We expect good communication with our clothing/
highlights. “The dewatering process in the nip area looks shoe press belt supplier, steady advances in all products as
perfect. The most important properties in a good shoe
press belt are stiffness and hardness.”
foRWARD 1/2014 21
The 1000th
BlackBelt on
its way into the
Mr Jürgen Kosse,
Mill Manager at
Palm Wörth.
well as research and development for the customer’s ben- crew has to tell the supplier how the product works in
efit,” Kosse states. The mill also appreciates cooperation their daily process, and the supplier must provide develop-
in troubleshooting and finding successful solutions to all ment ideas and benchmark belt performance with other
kinds of problems. Responding rapidly to emergency cases machines. Finding solutions takes teamwork.”
and taking care of the relationship are also highly prized.
“We think Valmet is a perfect partner in research and Clear plans to optimize
development. We have received complete support in every the whole process
situation, and our wishes and requirements have been Since the PM 6 start-up, cooperation between Palm and
taken into account at all times. Our successful relationship Valmet has been close, and the mill is looking to the future
is in line with our principle of working together.” with optimism. The mill manager continues: “We are going
According to Kosse, the relationship between machine to optimize our process from the wet end to the winder
crew and supplier is very important. “The parties have to and increase the output of PM 6.” There are clear plans for
share their experiences with the product. The machine the PM 6 press section and the shoe press position in 2014.
They include using different felts, improving the work
with the steambox, getting better profiles after the press for
perfect paper quality and good performance, increasing the
dry content after the press and improving the dewatering
relation between the first and the second press.
While happy with the performance of the BlackBelt shoe
press belt, Palm has high expectations for the future devel-
Belt opment of belts in general. “We expect a long running time.
On the other side, we need consistent, smooth belt perfor-
22 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
foRWARD 1/2014 23
at Greenpac Mill
High-quality, lightweight maintenance operations for the entire production facilities
at Greenpac Mill. Valmet will also supply PM 1 with board
containerboard production line and machine clothing in a multi-year agreement.
“The board machine started on time and was produc-
mill maintenance agreement move ing good-quality product from day one. Valmet provided
the Greenpac Mill forward. excellent support for commissioning and start-up to en-
sure a smooth transition to normal operations. I was very
impressed with the overall simplicity and automation of
the paper machine, which meant we reached safe, efficient
TEXT Eric n July 15, 2013, Cascades Inc. announced production levels in a short time,” says Murray Hewitt,
Tetreault, that Greenpac Mill LLC group had
Marika Mattila General Manager of Greenpac Mill.
manufactured its first roll of lightweight
and Anne
Paloheimo- linerboard at its new, ultra-modern Multi-year mill maintenance
Seppänen containerboard mill. The Valmet-supplied PM 1 agreement provided by Valmet
containerboard production line successfully came on Before making the decision of outsourcing mill mainte-
stream at the company’s new mill site in Niagara Falls, NY, nance, Cascades personnel visited mills in Europe where
in the United States. similar agreements with Valmet have been running for
several years. “We are pleased to collaborate with Valmet
Safe, efficient board making in creating a unique world-class operation at our Green-
Valmet delivered a complete linerboard line from headbox pac site. After visiting a similar world-class site in Europe
to roll handling, including air systems, machine pulpers, we were convinced of the benefits, performance and
a broke collection system and a quality control system. customer satisfaction of Valmet maintenance operations”,
Valmet is additionally assuming full responsibility for mill says Marc-André Dépin, President and Chief Executive
24 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
raw material
The Greenpac Mill’s
PM 1 produces
containerboard out
of recycled fiber.
“After visiting similar
sites in Europe, we
became convinced
of the benefits of
Valmet maintenance
foRWARD 1/2014 25
Two TwinRoll presses to Chile
The Itata Valley in Chile is home with the existing presses. In particular, the availability was
low and we had problems getting them to run properly.”
to both wine and pulp production. A couple of years ago, Nueva Aldea turned to Valmet
to replace the wash press placed before the bleach plant.
Dazzling vineyards surround Nueva The solution was a TwinRoll Evolution press. The positive
Aldea – a modern pulp mill that has experience from that press was decisive when the mill de-
cided to replace two wash presses in the bleach plant. They
just been upgraded with an even turned to Valmet again, and Gunnar Viklund, Valmet’s
more effective bleach plant. project manager, was assigned to lead the project. “We are
confident in our ability to carry out these types of projects.
The challenge was the unusually short delivery time. The
presses needed to be installed within a window of ten days
TEXT Kristofer
ueva Aldea is part of the Arauco Group during which the mill was to shut down, so there were no
and has two fiber lines for market pulp safety margins,” he says.
production. One fiber line uses eucalyptus
and the other uses pine (Pinus radiata) Location and function
to produce market pulp. The wash presses had been The wash presses are TwinRoll presses, model TRPE-
an Achilles’ heel for the mill for some time. Patricio 1540. They were delivered in July 2013 and the shut-down
Henríquez, Director of Arauco’s Engineering and of the plant took place in October 2013. One press is
Construction Division, says: “We had some issues placed between the first stages of the bleaching sequence,
26 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
nies and neither is it the first time that Patricio Henríquez
and Gunnar Viklund have collaborated on a project.
Patricio Henríquez is positive about the outcome: “It has
been very easy to work with everyone on the project team.
We have been involved with Valmet on several projects
and we appreciate that they usually accomplish what they
promise. This is important to us and we feel comfortable
working with Valmet.”
Arauco’s Patricio
Henríquez is very
pleased with the
new equipment.
Since the launch in
2009, Valmet has
sold 83 TwinRoll
Evolution presses.
foRWARD 1/2014 27
Health checks
carried out at ITC Bhadrachalam
ITC Limited has made a three-year service agreement with
Valmet for a process audit and complete health check at
their Bhadrachalam Unit in Andhra Pradesh, India.
ith this agreement, Valmet will be expert services for a health check of the chippers, major
responsible for enhancement of fiber line equipment and a performance audit of Super-
the performance and operational Batch digesters, supplied by Valmet.
optimization of fiber lines 1 and 2, and “With Valmet’s expert services throughout the long-term
the SuperBatch digesters, including wood handling. The service agreement, we are able to ensure the availability of
scope includes providing expert services and a complete the plant by performing an equipment health check in a
health check of the equipment. planned way and be able to plan and execute effective main-
ITC has three wood handling lines, SuperBatch cooking tenance based on the information obtained. This helps ITC
and two fiber lines with ZTrac bleaching sequence, which to reduce unplanned down time and enhance the availabili-
have been supplied by Valmet. Fiber line 1 (with a capacity ty of the plant,” says K D Sharma, Deputy General Manager
of 340 TPD bleached pulp) was commissioned in 2002 and of the Pulp Mill and Soda Recovery Plant.
fiber line 2 (440 TPD bleached pulp) in May 2008.
The service agreements aim to optimize production
costs and maintain production and quality through ITC Limited is one of India’s foremost private sector companies with a
planned and executed servicing. The scope and content of market capitalization of US$ 35 billion and a turnover of US$ 7 billion.
the agreement is based on specific demands and require- ITC has a diversified presence in fast moving consumer goods, hotels,
ments. This agreement also includes training and sched- paperboards and specialty papers, packaging, agri business and
information technology.
uled maintenance operations at the mill. As part of the
agreement, Valmet has already executed the first round of
28 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
En route to a
Xiamen, the beautiful city located on the southeast he project at Xiamen
Sinyang Paper is being
coast of China, provides excellent conditions for implemented in two
trade and industry as well as for tourism and phases; the first phase,
which included a production unit
recreation. The Xiamen municipality is actively of 60,000 tonnes of tissue per year,
promoting and stimulating the realization of viable was completed in September 2012.
When phase two is completed, no
industrial projects. This article is about one of these: less than 470,000 tonnes of paper will
Xiamen Sinyang Paper Co. Ltd. TEXT AND PHOTOS Ingemar Myrén be produced per year, consisting of
foRWARD 1/2014 29
The OptiFlo II TIS multi-layer headbox and
the Advantage ViscoNip press provide
excellent sheet properties.
further expansion of tissue products but also a larger share Gao Bo, General Manager, says: “In order to produce
of other paper products, such as fine paper. high-quality tissue products we have chosen Valmet’s tis-
“Our decision to enter into the tissue business is based sue-making equipment. We believe Valmet has the world’s
on the Chinese tissue market’s growth in the past 20 years most advanced tissue machine technology and we are
and the potential for further growth in the coming years,” convinced we made the right decision. Our tissue product
says Chen Qi, Chairman of the Board of Xiamen Sinyang quality has been recognized by our peer tissue producers,
Paper Co. Ltd. which is inspiring us in our ongoing development. I would
“Our finished products are appreciated by the consum- like to mention that Valmet’s equipment, technology and
ers and our company is growing in a good direction.” onsite working teams have provided good support to the
Breaking into a market with established strong brands Sinyang project. Altogether, this has gradually increased
is a major task. A tissue maker capable of creating various our confidence for future growth.”
‘sheet designs’ on the base paper has valuable options to Sinyang are doing well in reaching their goals. Gao Bo
Chen Qi,
Chairman of the
differentiate the finished product. A new product that continues: “To position our products in the market, we
wipes, feels or even looks different arouses curiosity have done the market strategy planning, sales promotion
among consumers more than a copy of a leading brand, plan, building up the brands and considering the differ-
even if it is slightly improved. entiation market analysis. Sinyang now has a sales team
“Our Valmet machine provides excellent flexibility with with over 200 salesmen with previous experience in the
the fiber mix in the sheet,” says Lin Wen, Deputy Chief tissue business. In addition to our major brand, RINO,
Engineer. “We can adjust the percentage mixture of soft we have the supplementary brand, Enjoy. The two brands
wood / hard wood fibers from 20/80 to 40/60. This large cover more than 40 items: toilet rolls, handkerchiefs, soft
operating window gives us the possibility to meet the sheet pack facial, paper box facial and others. We hope that in
properties required by our own branded products as well one year our product portfolio will include over 100 items,
as meeting the specifications from our export customers.” covering all market categories targeting medium to high-
Sinyang’s first tissue line is an Advantage DCT 200HS end customers as well as special needs consumers. We also
tissue machine with a width of 5.6 m and a capacity of have an R&D team and are prepared to move ahead.
60,000 tonnes per year. The advanced Valmet technology In the past, the tissue machine start-up curve was usu-
has given superior ‘sheet property influencing capacities’. ally up for lengthy discussions since delays would impact
The OptiFlo II TIS multi-layer headbox and the Advan- upon the financial outcome of the project. Fulfilling the
tage ViscoNip press provide excellent sheet properties: curve was not a pure technology-related performance. The
softness (bulk softness and hand feel), strength and bulk. machine crew learned the various speed-related settings
The delivery also comprises an extensive automation and their interaction along with the process.
package. Today it is completely different. The trend has been
30 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
foRWARD 1/2014 31
process design of the Advantage DCT tissue machine and them. Their personnel are very experienced and practical.
the skill of Valmet’s installation supervisors and start-up The contacts and communications with them are good and contact person
experts. Their abundant experience contributed to guar- smooth. We have built a trustful relationship, even personal Svenerik Olsson
Vice President
anteeing the quality of the installation and achieving the friendship in some cases,” concludes Lin Wen. China Tissue Mills
superb start-up curve. Differentiated and innovative consumer products can Business
Tel.+86 13910171872
Luo Yaolin, director of the papermaking workshop, be expected from the developing and growing Xiamen svenerik.olsson@
shares the opinion that good training and good people are Sinyang Co. Ltd., who also announces continuing growth
behind the excellent start-up of the machine: “We started in exports.
training our staff six months prior to the start-up date Gao Bo: “Currently, we are following a balanced and
and their skill has played a key role in the tissue machine’s sustainable development path in production, product
good start-up and stable running performance to date. quality and sales. This will provide a good foundation for DOWNTOWN
Valmet has been very active in the training process, both acquiring a future market share and for taking us into PRESENCE
regarding training materials and in giving lectures.” phase two of our project.” The company
Chen Qi: “We, as well as other tissue manufacturers, has opened
“Maintaining the specified sheet quality throughout the
a beautiful
speed range is imperative and I am pleased to say that the predict that China’s tissue market will have strong further showroom in
very first jumbo roll produced was of good quality. Valmet growth. However, we will not only focus on the domestic downtown
has conducted and completed the performance tests. All market but also on increasing our global business. Cur- Xiamen where
the guaranteed figures have been fulfilled. rently, Sinyang is doing well in exports. Our global cus- potential
The perfectly shaped rolls demonstrate the good sheet tomers are in Europe, America, the Middle East, Australia
can view, feel
profiles (BW and moisture) and the stable and smooth and some Asian countries. Manufacturing in Xiamen is and receive
reeling operation in the Advantage SoftReel. excellent from an export point of view.” information
Valmet, previously known as Metso Paper, have reached Sinyang is en route to a prosperous future. about the
various SinYang
a market position where everyone seems to know about consumer
32 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
in the TMP refining process, staff mainline high consistency refiners in 2003. Valmet also
recommended installing additional measurement points
at the Hylte Mill called on Valmet for their current Metso Pulp Analyzer (MAP) for better
control of the pulp fiber length and shive content.
for help. David Wold
TEXT Hylte and Valmet agreed on a guaranteed energy saving
of 15 kWh/admt (air dry tonnes) of produced pulp. While
working in close collaboration with each other, they hit the
bull’s eye. For Hylte, this means a Return On Investment
foRWARD 1/2014 33
(ROI) of less than one year. What’s more, the saving has Pleased
been carried out without sacrificing TMP pulp quality. In with the
fact, according to Patrick Nordin, superintendent, me- From left: Patrick
chanical pulping, and Stefan Snygg, the project leader, the Nordin, TMP
Our target was to gain project has resulted in significantly greater pulp uniform-
ity. Currently, Hylte and Valmet are working on even more
Hylte Mill; Jonny
maximum control of ways to save more energy. Björklund,
Valmet; and
the refining process The task of the Conflo CF82 refiners is to further
refine the TMP pulp to paper machine specifications. The
Stefan Snygg,
in order to minimize installed AGS enables the refiners to run with an optimal
constant disc gap via automatic recalibrations during
Engineer, Hylte
34 FORWARD 1/2014
CUSTOMER’s voice
consistency of between 4 and 4.5%. Jonny Björklund, the the project, meaning very reliable.”
foRWARD 1/2014 35
Get inspired
36 FORWARD 1/2014
Resources are
increasingly becoming
a constraint in global
development and
welfare. Hence societies
and industries are being
driven to find more eco-
efficient raw materials
and sources of energy,
as well as to make
products and services in
a more sustainable way.
from renewable
raw materials
TEXT Marita Niemelä
foRWARD 1/2014 37
To give energy
more options
for renewable
energy, Valmet
is continually
its solutions
towards more
almet is contributing to Hence Valmet’s technologies are a perfect fit with the pulp,
resolving the sustainability paper and energy industries, where Valmet already has an
challenges by maximizing outstanding track record and large global installed base.
the value created from each The service and product offering cover the entire life cycle
processed tonne of biomass of the industrial processes, including new machine and
through improving the energy plant installations, rebuilds and services. In addition, Valmet
and raw materials efficiency is pursuing growth by developing and commercializing
of production lines. Thereby, new competitive technologies and services across various
Valmet is creating sustainable re- industry sectors for converting renewable resources into a
sults and supporting customers in spectrum of products. When developing new technologies,
moving their performance forward. Valmet is reliant upon on its world-class expertise in the
We are firmly committed to advanc- handling and processing of biomass on a commercial scale
ing our customers’ success. and providing customers with additional revenue streams
from their existing processes.
Valmet is building its future on
sound foundations Seizing the new opportunities
Valmet’s raw material focus is on non-food woody biomass, New biomass conversion technologies create opportu-
recycled paper, agricultural residues, purposely grown nities for companies, especially in the pulp and paper,
sustainable energy crops and combustible sorted waste. oil and gas, chemicals and materials, and power genera-
tion industries. It is estimated that by 2030 there will be
several entirely new value chains. Increasing numbers
of bio-based markets are expected to grow and pave the
way towards new technologies, products and production
systems. New kinds of eco-efficient gaseous, liquid and
solid fuels, chemicals and materials will be developed. In
New biomass conversion this business it is very important to manage the entire life
cycle of a product, from purchasing the raw material to
technologies create opportunities end use and recycling.
As an example, companies in the forest industry sector
for companies, especially in are in an excellent position to gain significant benefits
the pulp and paper, oil and gas, by implementing new biomass conversion technologies.
Integrated production of solid and liquid biofuels in the
chemicals and materials, and pulp and woodworking industries is an important out-
come. Biomaterials such as lignin-based carbon fibers and
power generation industries. nano-cellulose fibers, composites and bioplastics also have
great potential as bio-based materials will increasingly
emerge in the markets.
38 FORWARD 1/2014
foRWARD 1/2014 39
Maximizing the value of biomass Getting more out of processes
across industry sectors Because of rising energy prices, all industries are paying
Valmet is already providing customers with technologies more and more attention to the energy consumption and
for intensifying the sustainable use of wood, agricultural operating costs of their production lines. New innovations
materials, recyclable paper and various waste flows, and are already making pulp and papermakers’ production
has a long track record and vast experience in converting processes more efficient. For instance, a press to improve
biomass into renewable energy like heat, electricity and press dryness and save energy, as well as a new process for
gas, and recyclable products like paper, pulp, board and low consistency refining are already part of commercial
tissue. Valmet is also supporting customers in recovering practice. Pulp and paper companies can also improve
useful ingredients from secondary flows of their existing their product quality and materials efficiency through
processes and converting them into valuable end prod- light-weighting and by using new coating methods.
ucts. Valmet’s LignoBoost process, for example, separates For the needs of power generation, the current infra-
and collects lignin from the pulping liquor. The world’s structure for generating power and heat is based on coal
first commercial installation of LignoBoost technology and heavy fuel oil. Valmet offers solutions for markets
was supplied to Domtar in North America. Separation dominated by these traditional technologies. Valmet’s
of a portion of the Plymouth North Carolina pulp mill’s
total lignin production has enabled an increase in pulp
production capacity. It has also enabled the mill to create a
new revenue stream from a product that was traditionally
burned in a recovery boiler.
New solutions are also used to reach the targets of New revenue
sustainable development. For instance, Lahti Energia’s gas- streams
ification power plant in Lahti, Finland, uses solid recycled Valmet develops
fuel to efficiently generate electricity and district heat. Val- solutions for new
revenue streams
met supplied the main equipment for the plant, including
from renewable
a Metso mill-wide automation system. The environmental materials.
impact of the new plant has been positive. With a little
over one year of operation, Lahti Energy has significantly
reduced the need of coal. The CO₂ emissions under the
EU emissions trading system (EU ETS) where reduced by
26% from 2011 to 2012 and the specific emission of CO₂
reduced by 32% compared to the figures of 2011.
40 FORWARD 1/2014
foRWARD 1/2014 41
Valmet has launched a new online service for
spare and wear parts customers. Jukka Holopainen TEXT
42 FORWARD 1/2014
High capacity without web capacity is as essentially a matter of sequence size, high capacity, safety and fast installation
breaks times; very high capacity is reached even time, OptiWin Drum is the perfect solution.
The capacity of the Greenpac linerboard line with lower operating speeds. This increases Old winders do not comply with the most
is high, with a parent roll width of over 8 m winder reliability, because high speeds are recent safety standards and regulations. The
and a designed production speed of more used only when needed. safety of old equipment can be considerably
than 900 m/min. This sets high expectations improved by rebuilding, but achieving a safety
for winder capacity as well. The minimized
sequence time and speed kept in reserve are
the keys to reliably reaching these capacity
goals. Greenpac Mill needs just one Opti-
Win winder to reach its targets.
The winder capacity can be maximized
under any circumstances when the accel-
eration and deceleration are controlled by
Valmet drive controls. Over the last decade,
the dynamics of the winder have been the
main focus of research. With the results
achieved, Valmet has taken a serious step
towards increasing the designed speeds With Valmet winders, you get higher capacity even with lower speeds - thanks to faster
set change time and maximized acceleration / deceleration rate.
beyond 3,000 m/min. In this case too, drive
controls enable more advanced control
loops to control the tension levels under
changing speeds. Valmet holds the winder
speed world record of 3,201 m/min (10,502 Designed with efficiency level similar to a new winder will probably
ft/min). Yet in the case of liner winders, and safety in mind require a very costly investment. Safety may
By removing bottlenecks in a paper machine therefore become the decisive factor in choos-
and increasing the capacity, other issues ing a completely new winder.
may emerge. Existing winders are often Safety is a built-in feature in OptiWin
too inefficient for paper capacity –winder Drum winders. The first priority in a safe
capacity becomes the bottleneck. In most winder design is to eliminate all hazards. Re-
cases, rebuilding the existing winder will not maining risks are prevented with mechanical
solve the capacity problem. With its compact guards and safety devices. Highly automated
foRWARD 1/2014 43
functions from parent roll handling to set
change and roll tail gluing eliminate or min-
imize the need for operators to access areas
Compact and
within winder frames. Access is prevented
unless the winder functions are in a safe efficient dryer section
geometry for single-
state. This means that movements of e.g.
rider rolls and core locks are prevented with
safety latches. The essential functions need-
fabric applications
ed for winder operation can still be operated
with hold-to-run controls.
All the safety equipment is connected to a
safety PLC controlling and monitoring oper-
ator access. Safety circuits related to operator
safety are provided with parallel redundancy; Valmet has developed a new, compact
they are doubled to guarantee safe operation
in all situations.
OptiRun Single dryer section geometry
All the latest safety functions are in use at for single-fabric applications. This solution
Greenpac Mill. OptiWin winders are viewed
as the safest winders on the market. combines excellent runnability with low
Always ahead energy and maintenance costs.
The OptiWin winder is renowned for its high
TEXT Eero Eduardo Halmari
capacity and good reliability. No wonder,
since Valmet has been introducing new
technology to winders regularly. A very recent he new OptiRun Single The compact OptiRun Single
improvement is the traversing tail gluing with compact geometry is solution is best applicable to fine
technology also in use in the Greenpac winder. part of Valmet’s OptiRun paper and liner and fluting board
It gives the best tail fastening and is the easiest dryer section family. grades, and machine widths up to
gluing device on the market in terms of The idea behind this solution is to 8 meters. The speed range is 1,000
maintenance and operation. This device saves simplify the design by minimizing – 1,600 m/min. At lower machine
on running costs (labor the gaps between dryer cylinders and speeds the bottom roll can be a
and adhesive costs), rolls, and by reducing the number UnoRoll without a vacuum blower.
and maintenance costs contact person of blowers and air ducts, while still As the speed increases to more than
Kenneth Åkerlund
are also reduced over Product Manager, ensuring excellent runnability and 1,200 m/min, Edge VacRolls can be
its entire lifetime. Winders and Reels
fluent tail threading. Thanks to the used to facilitate tail threading and
kenneth.akerlund@ compact design, the wrap angle web edge behavior. At speeds of more
Tel. +358 40 865 6287
of the web on the cylinder surface than 1,400 m/min, VacRolls can be
is increased, thus increasing the used to ensure maximum runnability.
drying capacity. The minimized gaps The freely adjustable vacuum levels
contribute to less wear on the dryer mean that it is easily operated and
fabrics and sealings because there is there are optimal vacuum levels in all
less unwanted fabric bending. The conditions.
compact geometry provides very The compact OptiRun Single
New high vacuum (the underpressure solution is suitable for both new
OptiWin on the pocket when the web is on machines and rebuild installations.
winder up to -2 kPa compared with the Proven with two recent references,
conventional -0.3 kPa) on the whole runnability and tail threading are ex-
pocket, including the closing nip cellent. When using open fabrics and/
family of the bottom roll. The vacuum is or UnoRolls, cleanliness is improved
Valmet’s famous created by suction only, compared and the overall energy and mainte-
winders are now available under the
with the suction and blowing nance costs are lower compared with
renewed OptiWin winder family. Read
more about OptiWin winders at
technology used in conventional conventional systems. With this new blow boxes. This contributes to lower innovative dryer design, Valmet’s
energy consumption. OptiRun dryer section product
portfolio is able to provide perfect
solutions for all market needs.
44 FORWARD 1/2014
Top References
Fujian Liansheng PM 6, China
Grade Recycled fluting
Design speed 1,200 m/min
Trim width 7,250 mm
Basis weight range 60 – 100 gsm
Capacity 300,000 tpy
Start-up 2012
This new machine features OptiRun Single with compact “The dryer section’s runnability and tail
geometry in the 7th dryer group. threading have performed perfectly. In
this section we almost never see any
Paper production line in Europe breaks or stuck doctors. We have even
Grade Specialty paper tested running without paper guiding
Design speed 1,500 m/min blows, and still the web runs through
Trim width 7,250 mm smoothly. I think this geometry has
Basis weight range 40 – 130 gsm quite unique advantages.”
Capacity 230,000 tpy Xue RONG JUN, Project
Start-up 2013 Manager, Fujian Liansheng
This machine has been rebuilt with OptiRun Single with
compact geometry in the 1st dryer group.
Before rebuild: After rebuild:
Runnability problems Excellent runnability contact person
High draws limiting speed Possibility to increase speed Mikko Kautto
Product Manager,
Problems with tail threading Fluent tail threading Dryer sections
Reduced efficiency Improved efficiency
Simple and easy blow box control Tel. +358 50 527 8074
foRWARD 1/2014 45
Increased efficiency
through maintenance services
Improved Profitability
Paper & board prices in Europe (8/2013)
Grade Price
WFC EUR 672/t
Newsprint EUR 466/t
Cartonboard EUR 717/t
hatever the maintenance need or upkeeping programs increase
strategy at a mill is, Valmet provides reliability
optimal maintenance solutions and The optimal solution for machine maintenance is to
services for it. Cooperation brings out plan almost everything in advance. Proactive solutions
and combines the best expertise of both parties. that reduce unplanned shutdowns and breaks improve
With efficient maintenance solutions, a paper mill can availability. Maintenance planning is most effective as
reach its goals and deliver the value needed when facing part of a maintenance management program. Valmet
challenges related to machine or operational performance. has developed a preventive maintenance plan that can be
“It is about focusing on each mill’s business goals. Together incorporated into a mill’s computerized mill maintenance
we can find solutions that are cost-effective, reduce down- system (CMMS). This preventive maintenance plan gives
time and improve runnability,” says Ari Saari, Product all the relevant information needed regarding the nec-
Specialist at Valmet. “Our extensive benchmarking data essary maintenance elements, such as routed preventive
and broad know-how and experience play a key role in maintenance plans, spare part information, drawings, bills
improving the efficiency of machine lines.” of materials, documents and machine cards.
Maintenance services help papermakers plan and opti- New upkeeping programs have been developed to
mize maintenance operations. These services include rolls control all operations on a production line or in a selected
and spare parts, automation and field services, studies, area of the machine line. They include tasks and observa-
upgrades, process development cooperation, maintenance tions ranging from normal preventive maintenance checks
management and outsourcing support. to process support and service packages. The main benefits
of the upkeeping program typically come from the detailed
Service solutions for many needs instructions and training of maintenance and production
“As a maintenance partner, Valmet can act as an advisor in personnel. “Who, what, when and how? The upkeeping
a support role or handle specific areas such as the mainte- program answers these questions in a very detailed way.
nance of one machine section, like a winder,” explains Saari. This makes maintenance work clear and reliable, which
“Or, we can take charge of maintenance management and then extends to the whole papermaking line,” Saari explains.
development, or be responsible for all maintenance.” Pro-
fessional resources and know-how are available to deliver a Profitability through maintenance
solution to meet the needs of the customer, from emergency outsourcing
repairs, OEM replacement parts or consumables all the way In maintenance cooperation, the most comprehensive
to a full-scope machine section performance boost. service solution covers complete maintenance outsourcing
“Unexpected breaks or failures in particular require at the mill site. It means that Valmet takes full responsi-
prompt action as they are costly for a mill. With our wide bility for a pulp or paper mill’s maintenance operations,
range of solutions and proven expertise, problems can be including hiring the required maintenance personnel.
contact person solved with minimal downtime,” Saari adds. Maintenance outsourcing enables a mill to decrease the
Jukka Koiranen
Director, Maintenance number of unplanned maintenance-related shutdowns and
Outsourcing, Services Tailor-made maintenance to lower maintenance costs compared with the industry
jukka.koiranen@ average, resulting in significant savings. The annual value of
+358 40 545 6173
More efficient maintenance services are based on tailored reducing unplanned shutdowns by one per cent can amount
Ari Saari
Product Specialist, maintenance agreements. Each agreement is designed to to one million euros. “In addition, a mill has access to the
match the specific mill and its culture with the target of machinery supplier’s know-how and resources, and only
Tel. +358 400 819 294 maximizing mill maintenance and production efficiency. one contact for all maintenance operations.”
Saari explains how the process typically gets started: “In
these cases, Valmet operates as a doctor. Through careful
studies we diagnose the main challenges and suggest a
cure for the problems.”
foRWARD 1/2014 47
48 FORWARD 1/2014
Eco-cities go TEXT Marjaana Lehtinen
illustration Shutterstock
ith the latest power generation has been made in steps. A major leap towards a fossil-free
technology, it is possible to balance city was taken in 2005 with the commissioning of a new,
environmental compliance with world-class waste-to-energy plant that features two
economic performance. In many 20 MWth Bubbling Fluidized Bed boilers. The plant’s
countries and cities, the current infrastructure to generate 200 GWh annual production of fossil-free energy has
power and heat is based on coal and heavy fuel oil. contributed to coming closer to the city’s goal.
However, their usage is becoming more challenging due
to their effect on climate change. Another major challenge
that cities face is the ever-increasing amount of waste and Increased efficiency and greater
how to handle waste streams sustainably. value from waste at all points of the
In finding the most efficient and sustainable solutions waste stream
to these challenges, it is important that decision-makers, Well-planned waste management can benefit cities in
research institutes, universities and technology providers many ways. Lahti, Finland is another city which has set
communicate and cooperate with each other, for example, high targets for sustainability and wants to be recognized
through public-private partnerships. Encouraging new as a truly green city. In April 2012, its energy company,
approaches are found in the Nordic countries where cities Lahti Energy Ltd., started up the Kymijärvi II plant, which
and local energy producers have successfully replaced is the world’s first gasification power plant running purely
fossil fuel energy flows with biomass and waste. on sorted waste, in other words, solid recovered fuel (SRF).
It produces 50 MW of electricity for the national grid and
90 MW of district heat for Lahti and its neighboring areas.
Waste is a valuable fuel According to the company’s experience, gasification is the
The view on waste is changing; what used to be a problem most energy-efficient way to utilize waste.
is now a valuable fuel. One tonne of combustible waste In Lahti, a new supply chain has been born around
contains the energy equivalent of approximately 300 liters waste. Fuel payments have created a new market for
of crude oil. Air pollution and the issue of hazardous fuel preparation, and the quality of SRF has improved.
emissions connected to combustion have been basically Tighter quality control benefits other SRF users as well, for
eliminated by modern environmental technology. example, material recycling of items such as metals. Fuel
One of the cities that has actively made its energy pro- suppliers have been able to invest in new machinery, and
duction more sustainable is Borås in Sweden. Years ago, operations have created approximately 100 new jobs in the
it set itself a goal to become a city free from fossil fuels. supply chain.
The transition from using oil and gas in district heating The CO2 emissions were cut by 30 % from 2011 to
foRWARD 1/2014 49
2012, which is remarkable for a plant that has operated
only since April 2011. The company’s goal is to reduce
CO2 emissions to half from the 1990 level by 2025 and
help City of Lahti to seek the role of the leading green city Liner and fluting producers no
in Finland.
longer need to make compromises
between long felt lifetime and
Biomass and waste are playing an good dewatering. Valmet’s new
increasing role in the future energy
supply LineMaster press felt family for liner
All forms of renewable energy are needed to reduce green- and FluteMaster family for fluting
house emissions and plan for greener future. In addition to provide the optimal solution to
waste, the local renewable fuels such as various biomasses
are the most economically viable way – they generate both achieve both. TEXT Marjaana Lehtinen
heat and electricity, are locally available and benefit the
local economy. n the past few years, Valmet’s fabric product
With today’s technology biomass can also replace coal development has strongly focused on meeting the
in existing coal-fired plants. Such a plant was recently requirements set by packaging papers for press
started up in Vaasa, Finland. Local energy company, felts. As packaging papers are mainly made from
Vaskiluodon Voima now operates the world’s biggest bi- recycled fiber, cleanliness issues, plugging and short
omass gasification plant. With the new 140 MW gasifica- press felt lifetimes have presented major challenges for
tion plant, the company will be able to cut CO2 emissions producers. Production and energy efficiency also need to
by around 230,000 tonnes per year, equivalent to the be increasingly considered.
annual emissions of 70,000 cars. Liner and fluting machines have traditionally been
run with press felts featuring an open structure. Today, as
Several conversion technologies to machine speeds increase, dewatering is carried out both in
choose from the nips and through Uhle boxes. The press felts need to
All of these three cases feature Valmet’s technology. During be good at both.
the past ten years, the company has delivered more than “We have now developed press felt families that are
13 GWth of boiler capacity that utilizes renewable fuels and specifically optimized for packaging papers: LineMaster
reduces emissions associated with fossil-fuel-fired boilers. and FluteMaster for liner and fluting production,” says
“This CO2 neutral energy production has helped to avoid Leena Silakoski, Product Manager, Press Felts at Valmet.
40 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, “They complement our existing press felt product range,
corresponding to emissions from over 24 million cars,” says especially for packaging paper machines in the medium
Jyrki Holmala, President of Valmet’s Pulp and Energy busi- speed range. They have, however, also been run on faster
ness line. “This is possible thanks to our fluidized bed boiler packaging paper machines and even on folding boxboard
and gasification technology and their ability to convert machines with good results.”
various renewable raw materials, such as forest residuals,
non-food agro fuels and waste, into energy.” Unique: high void volume
The world’s largest biomass boilers come from Val- adjustability
met, but the company is also Europe’s leading provider of “A unique feature, and the greatest benefit from both of
medium- and small-scale power and heating plants using these new press felts, is the adjustability of void volume
biomass and fuels derived from recycled waste. thanks to a laminated structure. There can be either two or
Bio- and waste based fuel sources can be found in all three layers in the press felt,” explains Ari Tauschi, Product
corners of the world, and Valmet aims to create technol- Sales Manager, PMC at Valmet. “The same basic structure
ogy that can efficiently and sustainably utilize these local can be easily tailored to each customer’s specific position.”
resources globally. To fully cover all possibilities, the com- At the beginning of the press section, where a larger void
pany is constantly looking for ways to expand not only its volume is needed for dewatering, a triple-layer structure
technological base and geographical coverage but also to presents an ideal solution. A double-layer structure, in turn,
offer its comprehensive energy is suitable for later press positions where there is less water.
expertise for cities in their The new felts stay open even under high loads in a shoe
waste and energy challenges. contact person press or a long-nip press.
Jyrki Holmala
President, Pulp and Energy
Tel. +358 20 141 3210
50 FORWARD 1/2014
good dewatering has been one of the challenges in making Another plus: energy savings Product Manager,
Press Felts, Services
liner and fluting. Achieving a long lifetime has called for Yet another benefit presented by the new press felt leena.silakoski@,
open felts and dewatering, mostly over the Uhle boxes. designs involves savings and sustainability. As opti- tel. +358 40 774 9855
However, in many cases this is not the optimum way mized dewatering in the press section reduces steam Ari Tauschi,
to produce paper with regard to dry content, machine consumption in the dryer section, a mill saves energy. Product Manager,
Press Felts,
runnability and energy consumption in particular. Each “When nip dewatering increases, less Uhle box de- Services,
machine has its own dewatering strategy, which depends watering and less vacuum are needed. In the best case tel. +358 400 630 510
on its speed and construction. it may even be possible to close vacuum pumps that
“With the new LineMaster and FluteMaster felt designs, consume a lot of energy,” comments Leena Silakoski.
mills do not have to make compromises in felt dewatering “With the new press felts it is possible to optimize the
at the expense of felt lifetime. Instead, they can optimize dewatering process on each machine.”
water removal by choosing nip dewatering, combined Both LineMaster and FluteMaster press felts are
nip and Uhle box dewatering or Uhle box dewatering,” manufactured in Valmet’s production facilities in
Tauschi says. “Felt lifetime always depends on the mill’s Tampere, Finland.
running strategy and preferences. For example, in China
LineMaster FluteMaster
• Especially suitable for liner machines • Especially suitable for fluting machines or positions where high Uhle
• 1+1 or 1+1+1 laminated structure box dewatering is needed
• Monofilament MD yarns and twisted CMD yarns in the • 1+1 or 1+1+1 laminated structure
base fabric • Monofilament MD and CMD yarns in the base fabric
• Increased nip dewatering • High Uhle box dewatering
• Good batt fiber entanglement • Open structure, high void volume and good compaction resistance
• Adjusted water handling capacity • Good dewatering throughout the whole lifetime
• Long lifetime • Long lifetime
foRWARD 1/2014 51
Food for thought
Olli Rehn
The most cost-
effective way
to achieve our
objectives was
to have one
leading EU-level
40% target for
greenhouse gas
52 FORWARD 1/2014
expert’s voice
EU energy and
climate goals
The European Commission has begun a debate concerning
future EU climate, energy and industrial policy by
presenting a proposal for the 2030 package together with
the European Industrial Renaissance paper in January.
uropean Commission Vice-President Rehn is confident that these goals can be
Olli Rehn, responsible for economic and reached without setting nationally binding targets
monetary affairs, says that the focus of for EU member states. For example, a recent study
the new energy and climate framework by the UK Department of Energy and Climate
is on ensuring Europe transitions to a low-carbon suggests that setting a single emissions reduction
economy according to the principles laid out in the target of 40% would by itself account for 30% of
EU’s 2050 low-carbon roadmap. “The new proposal necessary investments in renewable energy. “On
is based on thinking that having one primary, top of that, member states are being asked to
Europe-wide target of greenhouse gas reductions make voluntary commitments as part of their own
of 40% and a well-functioning emissions trading energy and climate programs. If the markets and
scheme is the most cost-effective way to achieve these voluntary actions are not enough to encour-
our ambitious objectives,” says Rehn. Another age sufficient investments in renewable energy,
important goal of the package is to increase the the Commission will introduce new legislative
proportion of renewable energy sources to 27% of proposals to speed things along.”
the EU’s energy mix.
foRWARD 1/2014 53
At the same time, the Commission intends to avoid nisms that distort the energy market and lead to higher
carbon leakage and ensure Europe’s competitiveness by overall costs in reducing emissions and building new
offering free CO2 allowances for heavy industry. “We don’t renewable capacity.” Over-subsidized renewable energy
want our policies to lead to closures in our energy-efficient production has combined with the economic downturn
industries – which would only mean exporting our emis- to cause a significant slump in ETS prices. “This has led
sions to other parts of the world where emissions from to a contradictory situation where most market-based in-
industrial production are higher than ours,” Rehn adds. vestments and power generation are focused on increasing
the use of coal. This is the worst possible option for the
Revising subsidies policy climate,” he adds.
The Commission is planning to adjust the EU’s climate Renewable energy, energy savings and energy-efficient
and energy policies based on the lessons learnt from the technology will, however, remain the primary methods of
2020 package. For example, it is revising its state aid guide- achieving the EU’s CO2 emissions reduction targets. “In
lines on environmental and energy subsidies. According the future, different energy sources will have to compete
to Rehn, “The goal is to avoid over-subsidizing mecha- with each other in more open markets. This should in-
crease efficiency and productivity and reward the best and
most cost-effective solutions. It will lead to more competi-
tive green growth and economy,” Rehn predicts.
reducing the emissions. Growing up in such a polluted environment does not bode
well for the health of future generations. We owe it to our
children to get it right,” states Rehn.
54 FORWARD 1/2014
The key element
in the whole
process is how
to decarbonize
the power sector
without placing
a further cost
burden on the
Back on track Another important element in the Need for investment
Deputy Director-General Marco policy package is the Commission’s CEPI is also very concerned about the
Mensink from the Confederation of proposal to keep the EU Emission uncertainty that the ongoing debate
European Paper Industries (CEPI) Trading Scheme unchanged until on European industrial and climate
is content that the focus is finally 2020. The paper industry should policy measures is causing, and the
back on industry. The 2030 package remain on the carbon leakage list and effect this is having on investment.
includes several positive aspects for receive free emissions trading allow- Mensink continues: “The industry is
the forest industry: The Commission ances based on the current system. not going to close down tomorrow,
and the EU member states empha- “These were important steps, as but neither are we getting the invest-
size the general importance of the there was a lot of pressure to change ments we need for the future. We
industry and recognize that European the system before 2020,” Mensink have all the resources and opportuni-
energy costs are uncompetitive. It points out. ties we need to stay in Europe if we
also admits that using distorting sub- keep on getting investments.”
sidies to push biomass for producing Decarbonizing the power Funds are needed to stimulate in-
renewable energy is a problem and sector novation, in particular. With its 2050
needs to end. CEPI does, however, criticize the roadmap and two team projects, CEPI
“There is growing recognition 2030 initiative for leaving the most has put a lot of effort into discovering
that burning wood in coal plants fundamental question unanswered. new technologies that will cut costs
at low efficiencies is not a solution “The key element in the whole pro- and reduce emissions, save energy
for climate change. This new policy cess is how to decarbonize the power and create more value in pulp and
communication recognizes the idea sector without placing a further cost papermaking. “If Europe really wants
that there should be a cascading use burden on the industry or making the to reach its climate targets, it has to
of biomass to increase its value first,” competitive situation worse,” stress- look at new ways of funding innova-
Mensink says. However, the pressure es Mensink. tion. We believe that the EU’s climate
remains on biomass markets, as Currently, the price of electricity in change goals cannot be achieved
some member states have long-term Europe is double that of the U.S. and without new breakthrough technolo-
subsidy commitments. “Secondly, the natural gas is two to four times more gies”, Mensink emphasizes.
focus is now going to shift from the expensive. “As long as member states
use of subsidies to using the price of translate climate policy into legisla-
carbon as the main driver to meet the tive targets, taxes, levies and costs
EU’s new targets for CO2 emissions while the rest of the world has no
and renewable energy,” he adds. climate policy, there will be an impact
on our competitiveness.”
foRWARD 1/2014 55
Around the world
Pellets Pulp baling targets Bleach plant
replacing fossil met in Estonia rebuild in
coal in Texas Estonian Cell of Estonia has Portugal
Zilkha Biomass Energy boosted its baling capacity Caima Industria de
LLC of Texas, United with a new slab press and Celulose in Portugal will
States, and Valmet partial baling line upgrade. rebuild its bleach plant.
have signed a five-year The mill has reached all The renewed plant will
collaboration agree- the targets of the project. start up at the begin-
ment in the field of Estonian Cell is the only mill ning of 2015.
steam exploded black in Europe sourcing products
pellets. solely from aspen.
Valmet’s tissue
technology to
Absormex CMPC Tissue
of Mexico is expanding
its tissue production
GoBiGas starts by buying a Valmet
up the world’s Advantage DCT200
first gasification tissue line. The new line
plant will add 60,000 tonnes
of high-quality toilet and
The Valmet-supplied gasi- tissue grades to the com-
fication plant at GoBiGas pany’s annual production.
(Gothenburg Biomass
Gasification Product)
was inaugurated in
March 2014 in Gothen-
PulPaper 2014
burg, Sweden. The plant gathers the Suzano pull mill
will use forest residues industry people inaugurated
and wood pellets to
Visit Valmet at the Pul-
produce gas to be used Suzano inaugurated their
Paper 2014 exhibition
in the transport sector new pulp mill in Imper-
and conference in Hel-
to replace fossil fuel. The atriz, Maranhão, Brazil,
sinki, Finland, on June
plant is first of its kind in with the presence of
3-5, 2014. PulPaper will
the world. President Dilma Rousseff.
be the meeting point
Valmet has supplied the
for the world’s pulp and
complete process equip-
papermakers this year.
ment for the mill.
56 FORWARD 1/2014
What is happening in the global pulp, paper and energy industries? Around
the world demonstrates some of the events and projects where Valmet has
worked together with its customers to move their performance forward.
Customer Days
to be held in
Valmet’s Customer
Days will be arranged
in Berlin, Germany, on
October 22 - 24, 2014.
The event will include
presentations of the
latest pulp, paper and
First bio-oil plant Pulp mill energy technologies.
commissioned relocated from
The fi
rst industrial-scale Finland to India
Prehydrolysis bio-oil production plant
was commissioned
Relocating an entire pulp
assists in Joensuu, Finland in
mill from one corner of
biorefining November, 2013. The
the world to another Mondi boilers
is a huge venture.This
processes plant will produce 50,000 was accomplished by
upgraded for
Bioprocess Pilot Facility
tonnes of bio-oil per year Ballarpur Industries of capacity and
from wood-based fuels.
has ordered a Valmet The bio-oil will replace
India by transferring the availability
prehydrolysis system 40-year-old Kaskinen
fossil oil in production of pulp mill from Finland to Mondi Group will up-
for its bio pilot plant in heat and power. grade its recovery boiler
Delft, the Netherlands. Ballarpur, India.
in Dynäs, Sweden, and
Prehydrolysis is an im- its power boiler in Stam-
portant step in the pro- bolijski in Bulgaria. Both
duction of second-gen- upgrades are targeting
eration ethanol and capacity and availability
several other biorefining increase.
foRWARD 1/2014 57
About Valmet
Valmet’s President and CEO Pasi Laine, In what way is Valmet different from
how has the new company’s journey Metso’s Pulp, Paper and Power business,
started? which it was before the turn of the year?
“The first part of the year has gone very well. We had “The time within Metso was a good time, too. During that
carefully prepared for the creation of the new company. time, new businesses were acquired that have significantly
We had prepared the company’s name, brand image and extended our field of operations. However, as an inde-
organizational structure, in good time, so starting the pendent company, we will now be able to react faster and
operations was quite straightforward. As the market also develop our business according to our own needs. This has
seems to have picked up during the first part of the year, also brought with it new kinds of responsibilities: we no
we can be satisfied with the beginning of the operations.” longer have a big brother to help us with our problems. We
58 FORWARD 1/2014
Valmet Corporation is a leading global developer and supplier of services
and technologies for the pulp, paper and energy industries. Our 11,000
professionals around the world work close to our customers and are
committed to moving our customers’ performance forward – every day.
have a new kind of freedom but also new responsibilities, Which issues will Valmet focus on in the
both of which are positive factors in my opinion.” future?
“Excellent customer skills are one of our key objectives.
What kind of comments have you received We also want to be a technology and innovation leader
from customers concerning the new in the future and develop new solutions to ensure the
company? success of our client industries. The development of our
“Our customers have accepted the new company and the own processes, such as quality, safety and procurement, is
“new old” company name quickly and without hesita- important and also benefits our customers.
tion. Many customers have expressed that they are happy We have launched an initiative promoting a “winning
about there being a dedicated company specifically for the team” spirit within the company, including positive energy,
clientele they represent, developing its operations precisely service orientation and commitment to our own and
according to their needs. I am very happy about the way our customers’ objectives. We want to become the global
Valmet has been accepted.” champion in serving our customers.”
Forward va l m e t ’ S C U S T O ME R m a g a z i n e
Forward Editor-in-chief Liedberg, Satu Lamminen, Eric ©Copyright Valmet Printed on April 25, 2014
Valmet’s customer magazine Anu Salonsaari-Posti Tetreault, Juha M Virtanen, Corporation
John Della-Bosca, Gaurav All rights reserved Reproduction permitted
Published by Managing editor Ghosh, Jingwei Liu, Sara Li quoting “Forward” as source.
Printed on MultiArk Silk
Valmet Corporation Elisa Lomperi
115/250 g/m2
PO Box 11 English language editor All product names used
FI-02151 Espoo, Finland Associate editors AAC Global Supplement printed on herein are trademarks of their
Tel. +358 10 672 0000 Annica Borstell, Marianne Bellcrest Translations Ltd. Lumiforte 115 g/m2 respective owners.
Kasjan, Taisa Noetzold, Marika
Address changes Mattila, Kaisamaija Marttila, Layout and art work Addresses Eero Halmari, Pauliina Purola, Neutron Design Valmet Corporation, customer
downloads/customer Katarina Ahsberg , Anne data
magazine Paloheimo-Seppanen, Riitta
Libris Oy
Pöntynen, Gunnar Vesterlund, ISSN 2342-2769
Kerstin Eriksson, Andreas
foRWARD 1/2014 59
Committed to moving our
customers’ performance
forward – every day
Valmet Corporation is now an independent, listed company that was reborn through the demerger of the pulp, paper and power
businesses from Metso Group in December 2013. We develop and supply competitive services and technologies for the pulp,
paper and energy industries.
Valmet’s services cover everything from maintenance outsourcing to mill and plant improvements and spare parts. Our strong
technology offering includes entire pulp mills, tissue, board and paper production lines, as well as power plants for bio-energy
production. Valmet and Metso will continue to work closely together to offer winning automation solutions.
Our 11,000 professionals around the world work close to our customers and are committed to moving our customers’
performance forward – every day.
Discover more at