WaterMeetingMaterials 154
WaterMeetingMaterials 154
WaterMeetingMaterials 154
August 7,2OL8
lntroduction of Panel:
o Laura Anderko, PhD, RN, Director, Mid-Atlantic Center for Children's Health
and the Environment
o FinalComments
List of terrns
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
ATSDR is directed by congressional mandate to perform specific functions concerning the effect on
public health of hazardous substances in the environment. These functions include public health
assessments of waste sites, health consultations concerning specific hazardous substances, health
surveillance and registries, response to emergency releases of hazardous substances, applied research in
support of public health assessments, information development and dissemination, and education and
training concerning hazardous substances.
A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide or radiation that is an agent directly involved in causing
cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic
GAC filter
A filter with granular activated carbon (GAC) is a proven option to remove certain chemicals, particularly
organic chemicals, from water. GAC filters also can be used to remove chemicals that give objectionable
odors or tastes to water such as hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs odor) or chlorine.
Health Advisory
Health advisories provide information on contaminants that can cause human health effects and are
known or anticipated to occur in drinking water. EPA's health advisories are non-enforceable and non-
regulatory and provide technical information to state agencies and other public health officials on health
effects, analytical methodologies, and treatment technologies associated with drinking water
Pennsylvania DEP
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is the agency in the state of
Pennsylvania responsible for protecting and preserving the land, air, water and public health through
enforcement of the state's environmental laws. The DEP is charged with the responsibility for
development of a balanced ecological system incorporating social, cultural and economic needs of the
commonwealth through development and protection. The DEP is responsible for the state's land, air and
water management programs, all aspects of environmental protection, and the regulation of mining
www.delawa reriverkeeper.org
http ://www.wate rfacts. com/faqs/
PFOA and PFOS have been the most extensively produced and studied of
these chemicals. They have been used to make carpets, clothing, fabrics
for furniture, paper packaging for food and other materials (e.g., cookware)
that are resistant to water, grease or stains. They are also used for
firefighting at air fields and in a number of industrial processes.
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Yes. The water provided by Aqua tests well below the current U.s.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) health advisory levels for
PFOA/PFOS and is safe to drink. Testing to date has not detected levels
over the EPA Health Advisory of 70 parts per trillion at active sources. Both
the EPA and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
consider this level protective of public health.
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ln Pennsylvania, the EPA and PA DEP set and regulate water standards
The EPA identifies the contaminants to regulate in drinking water, and they
set regulatory limits for amounts of certain contaminants. The EPA
currently regulates 90 chemicals in drinking water with "limits" called
maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Aqua uses the EPA's maximum
contaminant levels to ensure water quality.
There are some contaminants for which the EPA develops health
advisories that do not have set regulatory limits. The health advisories
provide technical information on health effects. PFAS are included in those
contaminants that have no regulatory limit but are associated with a health
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The EPA has jurisdiction over setting health advisory levels for water
contaminants in the U.S., including PFAS. The EPA's current health
advisory level is 70 parts per trillion for both contaminants, combined, as
set in May 2016.
Since 2016, there has been ongoing public concern and pressure in
impacted communities to further reduce the presence of PFAS in public
drinking water sources below the current EPA health advisory level.
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What is a part per trillon (ppt) equivalent to?
One paft per trillion is the equivalent of one grain of sand in an Olympic-
size swimming pool. The EPA's lifetime health advisory sets a combined
limit of 70 parts per trillion for PFOA and PFOS.
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Since the EPA announced a PFAS Health Advisory Level of 70 parts per
trillion in 2016, Aqua has taken proactive measures to ensure that we are
delivering safe water that meets all federal and state health requirements.
These include:
Bolstered by our work over the past two years, Aqua continues to move
fonruard with our plan to address PFAS in the anticipation of regulations.
Our PFAS action plan employs a tiered approach, starting with systems of
highest PFAS concentrations and evaluating the best actions. This plan
Developing this action plan for all sources is ongoing and may take some
time due in part to the regional and interconnected nature of our systems,
which require coordination with various local, state and federal
stakeholders. As an industry leader, Aqua remains steadfast in its
commitment to addressing this issue and we look forward to the EPA and
DEP issuing a rule that will help further guide our actions.
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What would happen if any of Aqua's water sources tested higher than
the EPA's health advisory level?
lf levels above the current HAL are detected, our customers, the EPA, and
the PA DEP will be immediately notified of the results and of our planned
remedial actions.
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How did the EPA set its Health Advisory Level for PFoS and PFOA?
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(Click on "reduction devices" at the bottom of the page for PFOS and
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No, there is no current requirement for testing for the presence of PFAS on
a weekly or monthly basis. Since PFAS are not regulated, there is no
requirement by the U.S. EPA or Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection to monitor for these contaminants. The only
monitoring that occurred was required between 2013 and 2015 by the U.S.
EPA as part of a national research effort called UCMR3.
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How quickly does Aqua Pennsylvania obtain results from the time the
Company initiates testing?
It varies, but under ideal circumstances, we have results to our experts for
review as soon as two weeks from sampling. However, our laboratory does
large volumes of testing that is required by environmental agencies for our
day-to-day operations, which can impact our schedule for PFOS/A testing
and posting to our website. For comparison, outside laboratories have
taken up to two months to get us results. We know communities are eager
to get these results sooner, and so we've invested in the capability to
conduct these tests in-house, which lets us get the information to you
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At Aqua Pennsylvania, our mission is to protect and provide Earth's most essential resource. We
vigilantty guard the safety and quatity of our customers'drinking water every day. When something
interferes with that mission, we take it very seriousty. Here, we outtine the PFAS issue in southeast
Pennsylvania, and steps we're taking to address it.
ln May 2016, the U.S. Environmentat Protection Agency, charged with setting standards for drinking
water safety and quatity, reptaced its 2009 provisionaI heatth advisories for PFAS with a lifetime
heatth advisory levet of 70 parts per trittion for both contaminants, assigning a lower advisory [eve[
for the chemicals in our water. This [eve[ is not currentty a regutatory limit. Residents, community
leaders, etected officials and water utitities, inctuding Aqua, have urged the EPA to adopt a
scientificatty based strong regutation, address the source of the contamination, and provide
recommendations for effective treatment. tm rtant to note at[ active ua water sou
inctudjn-q your drinkinq water source, have atways fa[[en below that health advisory levet.
White we have and are continuing to take action on wetls with the highest concentrations of PFAS,
instituting this action ptan for attsources is ongoing and may take some time due in part to the
regionatand interconnected nature of our systems, which requires coordination with various locat,
state and federaI stakehotders.
Beyond operational efforts, Aqua is committed to educating customers and the pubtic on PFAS
through our dedicated website, WaterFacts.com, and through meetings with stakehotders. These
actions inctude:
. Regutarly sharing updated [aboratory results and PFAS information on WaterFacts.com,
and sending notifications each time new resutts are posted;
o Hosting information sessions with affected township and state officials so communities
stay informed;
. Attending meetings with the U.S. Navy, Air Force, EPA, PA Department of Environmental
Protection and other agencies to [earn more about locatand nationatefforts to address
PFAS; and
. Being proactive participants surrounding this issue on the nationa[ levet, participating in
the May 2018 NationaI Leadership Summit by the EPA on PFAS.
As an industry leader, Aqua remains steadfast in its commitment to addressing this issue and we
look forward to the EPA and DEP issuing a rule that wi[[ hetp further guide our actions.
More lnformation
Please visit WaterFacts.com for up-to-date information on how Aqua is addressing PFAS in your
community and to sign up for aterts when additionat information is posted. lf you have additionat
questions or woutd like information about wetl sources that serve your home, ptease contact us at
877 .9 87 .27 82 o r c u stse rve re p [y@Aq u aAm e ri ca. co m.
a EPA continues to work with other federal agencies to address PFAS contamination across
the nation. ln the past few years, researchers in state and federal agencies, in academia,
and in industry have been working to develop new data to improve our understanding of
the toxicity of these compounds in the environment and how often they might be found.
o Different agencies play different roles in protecting public health, and the multiple tools
and measures they develop are used for different purposes. lt is important to note that the
risk values that EPA and ATSDR develop are guidelines rather than mandates. All states
have the authority to set their own limits for environmental contaminants and many states
have already developed their own guidance varues for pFAS.
a EPA is takingthe lead on this important public health issue and is committed to take
actions to meet the needs of impacted communities.
a EPA is developing a variety of tools, including toxicity values, analytical methods and
treatment options, that can work together to provide information and solutions to address
these chemicals.
a EPA is working on developing a national PFAS Management Plan that will provide
information and solutions to states and communities.
a EPA is providingthe public with the opportunity to send written input to develop the pFAS
Management Plan by visiting : httos:/ . resu lations.sov/ docket?D=EPA-HO -ow-2018-
0270EPA. Public comments will be accepted through midnight (12:00 a.m.) Sept. 2g,z1tg.
Current Actions:
a EPA held a National Leadership Summit on PFAS in Washington DC from May 22-23,
hearing from experts and stakeholders. As part of this national effort in developing a pFAS
Management Plan, the Agency is committed to taking four specific actions:
PFAS Community Engagement
Cheltenham High School, WYncote, PA
August 7,zOLg
o The first action is to evaluate the need for a drinking water standard. To regulate
a contaminant under the Safe Drinking Water Act, EPA must follow a formal
procedure and obtain additional input.
o The second action is beginning the necessary steps to propose designating PFOA
and PFOS as "hazardous substances."
o The third action is developing groundwater cleanup recommendations by this fall
for PFOA and PFOS at contaminated sites.
o The fourth action is continuing to work in close collaboration with our federal and
state partners to develop toxicity values for replacement chemicals such as GenX
and PFBS.
a Two weeks ago, on July 25, EPA held an all-day, all-evening, community engagement
session in Horsham to hear directly from the community on this issue - one of a series of
meetings being held by EPA across the country
a EpA is listening to the public on how to best help states and communities facing this issue.
a EPA's health advisories are non-enforceable and non-regulatory and provide technical
information to state agencies and other public health officials on health effects,
methodologies, and treatment technologies associated with drinking water contamination
a To date, EPA has not established national drinking water standards - or a maximum
contaminant level (MCL) - for PFOA and PFOS.