Jumbled Sentences
Jumbled Sentences
Jumbled Sentences
Que. 1 Read the following group of sentences. Answer: We see that except Q, none of the
The 1st and the last sentences are numbered 1 sentences seem to be linked with sentence 1. Q
and 6, the rest are numbered P,Q,R,S. Arrange tells how our life is full of ups and downs. So
these four sentences in proper order to form a what do we do when we are disheartened? We
meaningful paragraph/sentence. derive inspiration from the lives of great men.
1. Rani Padmini was a Rajput queen. Hence S comes next. How do their lives inspire
P. Allaudin Khilji invaded India and reached the us? Now if we place R first and P later, then 6
gates of Chittor, the capital city of the Rajputs. won’t relate to P. Hence P comes next in the
Q. But the Rajputs under Rani Padmini fought sequence followed by R. ( In this question, if we
like tigers. figure out the first sentence correctly, we needn’t
R. Khilji attacked Chittor again, and rushed into do the whole sequence, ‘cause there’s only one
the fort only to be stunned. option starting with Q.) The correct order is
S. Khilji desired to capture Chittor and its QSPR.
beautiful queen, Rani Padmini. Que. 3 Read the following group of sentences.
6. The Rani and the other women had burnt The 1st and the last sentences are numbered 1
themselves alive. and 6, the rest are numbered P,Q,R,S. Arrange
A. PQSR B. PSQR C. SQRP D. SRQP these four sentences in proper order to form a
Solution: B meaningful paragraph/sentence.
1.The majority of children world-wide who are
Answer: In all the sentences except P, Allaudin out of school are girls.
Khilji has been referred as ‘Khilji’. Without P. She marries much later in life and has fewer
introducing a person, we cannot refer to him by children.
only his last name. Hence P follows 1. Now the Q. A working woman spends 90% of her income
question arise, why did Khilji reach Chittor? S on the family.
gives the answer. He decided to capture Chittor R. An educated woman acquires self-respect and
and its queen. Now we might think, what was the confidence.
outcome of the battle? Did he win? What did Rani S. Child mortality drops and fewer cases of
Padmini do? Sentence R tells us that Khilji mothers die in child-birth.
attacked again, so there must be a sentence 6. So when you educate a woman she benefits
before this that would tell us why he did so. cascade across the society.
Hence Q would be the next in sequence followed 1. PSQR 2. RPSQ 3. QRPS 4. QPRS
by R. So the correct sequence is PSQR.
Que. 2 Read the following group of sentences.
The 1st and the last sentences are numbered 1 Answer: School is a place of education. Since the
and 6, the rest are numbered P,Q,R,S. Arrange majority of children world-wide who are out of
these four sentences in proper order to form a school are girls, hence girls are not receiving
meaningful paragraph/sentence. proper education. So the author goes on to say
1. Our life is full of ups and downs. how an educated woman is a boon to the society.
P. They too had problems in their lives. So, the first sentence in the sequence is R. The
Q. When we face failures we are often next sentence in the sequence in P because ‘an
disheartened. educated woman’ is referred to as ‘she’ in here.
R. They fought against all odds and achieved Since she has fewer children, child mortality rate
success. drops. Hence, S follows P. The last sentence Q
S. The lives of great men inspire us. talks about how a working woman spends whole
6. By following them we can overcome crises. of her income on the family. The correct
A. SQPR B. PSQR C. SPRQ D. QSPR sequence is RPSQ.
Que. 4 Read the following group of sentences. Solution
The 1st and the last sentences are numbered 1
and 6, the rest are numbered P,Q,R,S. Arrange Answer: We first check out the options. We see
these four sentences in proper order to form a that all the options start with R. Hence, R is
meaningful paragraph/sentence. definitely the 1st sentence. In this sentence the
1. We should plan our leisure carefully. author speaks about how Ashoka had decided to
P. The activity we choose should make us happy. conquer Kalinga. The next sentence should
Q. We should choose some interesting and useful reveal something about the outcome of the war.
activity. The sentence Q tells us that he emerged
R. It should increase our confidence. victorious in the war, hence the next sentence is
S. We should then work at it during our leisure. Q. This sentence also reveals that thousands of
6. That is the way to be healthy, wealthy and people were killed in the battle. The next
happy. sentence should connect to Q. P seems to fit here
1. PRQS 2. QSPR 3. QRPS 4. QPSR because it says that the slaughter had a
tremendous impact on King Ashoka. The last
Solution sentence S reveals as to what exact effect the war
had on the king. 6 mentions the consequence of
Answer: The first sentence tells us that we this change. The correct order is RQPS.
should plan our leisure carefully, which also
means we should choose our leisure activity Attempt these questions in our app. Download
wisely. Hence, Q follows 1. Now the question now
arise, which type of activity should we choose?
Since in the previous sentence we have already Que. 6 Directions: The 1st and the last parts of
mentioned about the activity. In this sentence, the paragraph are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of
activity should be referred to as ‘it’. Hence the the paragraph are split into four parts and
next sentence in the sequence should be R. The named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not
author goes on to explain exactly which type of given in their proper order. Read the sentence/
activity we must choose. He says we must choose paragraph and find out which of the four
the ones that make us happy. So the next combinations is correct.
sentence is P, followed by the last remaining 1. Research conducted across several negotiators
sentence S. ranging from sales negotiators to purchase and
labour negotiators shows that average
Que. 5 Read the following group of sentences. negotiators tend to counter propose more often
The 1st and the last sentences are numbered 1 than skilled negotiators.
and 6, the rest are numbered P,Q,R,S. Arrange P. Also, I may have suggested that my son buy a
these four sentences in proper order to form a pair of trousers at a certain price whereas my
meaningful paragraph/sentence. son would have made a counterproposal that he
1. In the first years on his reign, Ashoka was an would rather buy two pairs at half price each.
autocrat. Q. You may have suggested that you both come
P. The effect over the slaughter on his mind was in on Saturday to finish the work and your
profound. colleague may have counter proposed that you
Q. He was successful but thousands were slain in could stay back on Friday evening and finish it
the battle. instead.
R. About the ninth year he decided to conquer R. This happens in everyday life too.
Kalinga. S. Think back to the last time you were
S. This caused a sudden change of his heart. discussing completing an assignment with one of
6. And joined the Buddhist community and your colleagues.
became a monk. 6. A difference in the frequency of usage of
1. RPQS 2. RSPQ 3. RQSP 4. RQPS counter proposing between skilled and average
negotiators suggests that counter proposing may
not be, as effective one tends to think it would be
Solution expression 'in addition'. Thus, it forms the fourth
Answer: The first sentence introduces different sentence. The fifth sentence would be option R
types of negotiators. The next sentence is R as progressing towards the customer’s needs. It
the presence of the word ‘this’ makes it obvious. constitutes the 'reason' about which statement 6
Sentence S follows which gives us an example. talks about.
Sentence Q talks further on the discussion with a
colleague, making it the following sentence. The Hence, 4 is the correct answer.
next sentence is P which talks about another Que. 8 Rearrange the following sentences/
example which is affirmed by the use of the word group of sentences (P), (Q), (R) and (S) in the
‘also’. Thus, the correct option is 2. proper sequence to form a meaningful
Que. 7 Directions: The 1st and the last parts of paragraph. Statements 1 and 6 are at their
the sentence/ paragraph are numbered 1 and 6. correct places.
The rest of the sentence / paragraph are split 1. For gourmet lovers the pumpkin mousse
into four parts and named P, Q, R and S, These should be tasty and invigorating.
four parts are not given in their proper order. P. Continue to bake till the ingredients become
Read the sentence / paragraph and find out soft but not mushy.
which of the four combinations is correct. Q. Peel the pumpkin and slice it.
1. A bank deals in money and money substitutes; R. Pressure cook for 20 minutes.
it also provides a range of financial services. S. Add maida and sugar to the pumpkin.
P. In addition, commissions may be charged for 6. Serve with hot pumpkin sauce.
services rendered. 1. RPQS 2. SRPQ 3. QPRS 4. QSRP
Q. In general, it covers its expenses and earns its Solution
profits by borrowing at one rate of interest and
lending at a higher rate. Answer: Since the passage is about a recipe,
R. A bank is under an obligation to repay its things should follow from scratch. Thus, Q which
customers’ balances either on demand or talks about peeling the pumpkin should be
whenever the amounts credited to them become placed first. Consequently, S should be the next
due. step which should be followed by R. Sentence P
S. In a formal sense, it borrows or receives is the last step of the process. Hence the correct
“deposits” from firms, individuals, and order is QSRP. And option 4 is the answer.
(sometimes) governments and, on the basis of
these resources, either makes “loans” to others Que. 9 Directions: The 1st and the last parts of
or purchases securities, which are listed as the paragraph are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of
“investments.” the paragraph are split into four parts and
6. For this reason, a bank must hold some cash named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not
(which for this purpose may include balances at given in their proper order. Read the sentence/
a bankers’ bank, such as a central bank) and paragraph and find out which of the four
keep a further proportion of its assets in forms combinations is correct.
that can readily be converted into cash. 1. With regard to defence, the purpose of the
1. PRSQ 2. SRPQ 3. QSPR 4. SQPR military is to defend the nation and be prepared
to do battle with its enemy.
Solution P. So in the agrarian era, if you need to destroy
Answer: the enemy’s productive capacity, what you want
to do is bum his fields, or if you’re really vicious,
The second sentence would be option S because salt them.
it tells us about the 'system of banking'. Note that Q. How do you do battle with your enemy?
the pronoun 'it' refers to 'a bank' mentioned in R. The idea is to destroy the enemy’s productive
sentence 1. The third sentence would be option capacity, and depending upon the economic
Q because it tells about the working of banks. It foundation, that productive capacity is different
also sums up what has been said in S. Option P in each case.
continues sentence S as indicated by the
S. But in the industrial era destroying the 6. From its beginnings in 2002 as a peaceful
enemy’s productive capacity means bombing the Islamist movement, it has transformed itself into
factories which are located in the cities. one of Africa’s deadliest terror machines.
6. Now in the information era, destroying the 1. PQSR 2. PQRS 3. SQPR 4. PSQR
enemy’s productive capacity means destroying
the information infrastructure. Solution
1. QRSP 2. QSRP 3. QRPS 4. QPRS Answer: The definite article ‘the’ used in (P)
Solution refers to ‘ISIS’ mentioned in (1). Thus, (P)
follows (1). ‘This’ in (Q) refers to the attack on
Answer: The paragraph talks about defeating the mosques, restaurants etc mentioned in (P).
the enemy. The first sentence ends with ‘..do Therefore,(P) is followed by (Q). The sentences
battle with its enemy’. The next sentence is (S) and (R) form the crucial link. Since (S)
obviously Q which raises a question on the way mentions the message and (R) describes what is
of battling an enemy. The sentence that would was, these two sentences will be placed together
follow is R that takes us deeper into the strategy in that order. The correct order is: PQSR. And 1 is
of battling an enemy and how to destroy the the correct answer.
productive capacity of the enemy. The next
sentence is P which talks about destroying it in
the agrarian era and the last sentence is S which
talks about destroying it in the industrial era.
The presence of the word ‘but’ in sentence S
makes it understandable that it is the concluding
sentence and something opposite to it has been
mentioned before. Thus, the correct order is