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Abstract—As the wavelength resource in mainstream wave- in traffic levels, primarily attributed to the exponential use of
length-division multiple-access (WDMA) systems becomes the Internet together with an increase in the number and range
exhausted, and the bit-rate limitation within a single wavelength of new services. All-optical fiber networking is considered to
bandwidth is reached, alternative approaches to implementing a
high-capacity optical fiber network need to be investigated. Co- be the central solution to overcoming the perceived limitations
herent optical code-division multiple-access (OCDMA) systems, of a totally electronic evolution. At the core of the development
that can access many users simultaneously and asynchronously is the huge inherent bandwidth of single mode optical fiber,
(or synchronously) across the single wavelength and same timeslot exhibiting a low-loss spectrum of up to 25 000 GHz [4], [5].
via spread spectrum techniques, are one alternative. In the
longer term, the advantages of OCDMA in tandem with WDMA Since the speed at which electrical signal can modulate
(OCDMA/WDMA) networks are compelling and worthy of optical carriers is limited, to fully exploit the optical fiber
further investigation in the goal of realising an extensive, flexible, bandwidth, optical multiplexing techniques have to be de-
high throughput and easily managed optical telecommunication ployed. There are three multiplexing alternatives: wavelength
infrastructure. In this paper, coherent OCDMA systems are division multiple access (WDMA) [6]–[8], optical time division
introduced, and the issues of the system implementation within
high-capacity optical fiber networks are discussed. A performance multiple access (OTDMA) [9]–[11] and optical code division
comparison between OCDMA and OTDMA systems is then multiple access (OCDMA) [12]–[16]. The term “division
carried out, both of them using narrow pulse laser sources. An multiple access” is used throughout, rather than “division
optical fiber network utilizing coherent OCDMA techniques as multiplexing,” to define not simply the transmission multiplex
one layer of a multiplexing hierarchy, in tandem with WDMA, but in addition indicates the access, routing and switching func-
is illustrated and a possible hybrid OCDMA/WDMA network
architecture (and its performances and advantages) is described. tionality. Whilst WDMA and OTDMA techniques partition the
available spectrum and time to different users, respectively,
Index Terms—Optical code division multiple access (OCDMA), OCDMA techniques multiplex users simultaneously and
optical fiber communications and networks, optical time division
multiple access (OTDMA), hybrid optical fiber OCDMA/WDMA asynchronously (or synchronously) across the same spectrum
networks, wavelength division multiple access (WDMA). and timeslot through a unique code.
The bulk of recent research activity in optical fiber net-
working has focused on WDMA networks, presently enjoying
rapid deployment worldwide as a means of increasing capacity
• wavelengths Gb/s, 1 Tb/s throughput experiment the best trade-off regarding capacity, performance, flexibility
demonstrated over 342 km in nonzero dispersion fiber and complexity of a variety of approaches to network provision.
[20]. An alternative to providing additional multiplexing at a single
However, upgrading these systems through the introduction of wavelength is through CDMA techniques. Direct-sequence (DS)
additional wavelengths will become more difficult due to the CDMA is a technique originating from spread spectrum (SS)
limitations governed by device characteristics. With respect to communications [30]. DS-CDMA techniques play an important
channel switching, wavelength routing is the next switching role in current wireless communication systems such as cellular
dimension for dense WDMA networks, with interferometric [31], microcellular [32], indoor [33] and satellite communica-
crosstalk being an essential issue in the implementation of tions [34]. Efficient multiple access capacity, effective reuse
cross-connects based on space and wavelength. This kind of of the frequency resource, asynchronous access capacity and
crosstalk, increasing with the number of ports and wavelengths, immunity to the multipath fading characteristic of wireless
cannot be filtered at the receiver since it predominately occurs transmission are important characteristics driving the use of this
at the same wavelength as the signal [21]. Hence, the extent of approach. DS-CDMA is also the likeliest candidate for the next
the wavelength routing that is realisable which in turn deter- generation of broad-band mobile communications [35].
mines switch size and flexibility, places fundamental limits on CDMA techniques can be implemented directly in the op-
network flexibility [22], [23]. Both practical and fundamental tical domain based on continuous-wave (CW) [12], [13] or ultra-
limits will restrict the number of wavelengths, depending on short optical pulse laser sources [14]–[16]. Coherent OCDMA
the specific application [24]. techniques governed by similar principals to radio DS-CDMA,
can multiplex multiple users onto the huge optical spectrum
Even when considering the partitioning of the huge band-
via spread spectrum techniques, offering the same transmis-
width of optical fiber into around 100 sub-bands, additional
sion capacity as OTDMA systems (via interference cancella-
layers of multiplexing are required to fully exploit each subband
tion in an asynchronous transmission mode [36]). The tech-
(at a bandwidth of approximately 250 GHz). It is clear that cur-
niques can be used as an additional optical layer of a multi-
rently, due to a more straightforward implementation, WDMA
plexing hierarchy based on WDMA and allow electrical user
techniques that operate at a small number of wavelengths with
signals access to the optical network in a more natural way
each sub-band supporting data rates defined by the modulation
[37], [38]. The asynchronous operation of OCDMA systems
and detection speed limitation, is the preferred option. However
is a very desirable characteristic of any multiplexing technique
as the wavelength resource becomes exhausted, a further stage
especially at high data rates, and the accurate time of arrival
of system upgrade will be required.
measurement capability relaxes the problem of synchronization
Electrical TDMA is utilized to multiplex data from inde-
inherent in OTDMA implementations [39], [40]. OTDMA and
pendent WDMA users into single wavelength channels before
OCDMA systems both utilize narrow pulsed laser sources, but
then transmission across the network [25], [26]. To overcome
the latter has the advantage of de/multiplexing and detection
the bit-rate limitation imposed by electronics within a single
relying on commercial components rather than new generation
wavelength bandwidth, OTDMA techniques using narrow
devices required by OTDMA [9]–[11], [16]. Hence, the attrac-
optical pulse laser sources have been developed [9]–[11]. Since
tion of the approach is compelling despite the added imple-
the approach uses extremely narrow optical timeslots with
mentation complexity brought about at the receiver due to need
correspondingly large bandwidths, a natural increase in the
for carrier phase locking and the phase stability requirements
data rates (40 Gb/s–100 Gb/s or higher) at a single wavelength
(the linewidth) of the laser sources [41]. A network employing
bandwidth, is obtained by multiplexing low bit rate tributary
OCDMA/WDMA is capable of establishing more traffic con-
data streams directly in the optical domain. To further increase
nections than a network using WDMA only. These results also
the capacity, a combination of OTDMA with WDMA have
suggest that OCDMA/WDMA reduces connection setup failure
been developed as follows:
in any network condition and hence, reduces connection setup
• wavelengths Gb/s (1.4 Tb/s) transmitted through time as well as node buffering requirements [42]. In the longer
50 km of dispersion shifted fiber [27]; term, OCDMA in tandem with WDMA is thus worthy of further
• wavelengths Gb/s (1 Tb/s) transmitted over 342 investigation in the goal of realising an extensive, high capacity
km [28]; and easily managed optical telecommunication infrastructure.
• wavelengths Gb/s (3 Tb/s) transmitted over 40 km In the following sections, coherent OCDMA systems
of dispersion shifted fiber using supercontinuum WDMA are introduced. A performance comparison between
sources [29]. OCDMA-OTDMA is then carried out. An optical fiber
However, the technology involved in the implementation of network utilising the OCDMA technique as one layer of the
OTDMA is very different from that of WDMA; whereas the multiplexing hierarchy, in tandem with WDMA, is developed,
latter systems use components that are available commercially, and a possible hybrid OCDMA/WDMA network architecture
most of the devices required to implement OTDMA are still (and its performances and advantages) is described.
confined to the laboratory. In addition, OTDMA has still a
number of difficult hurdles to solve such as synchronization
and the immature technology of selecting one channel out of
multiplexed picosecond optical pulse data streams. Hence, scope In the optical domain, CDMA implementations can use both
for evolving new innovative methods exists in order to determine CW and narrow pulse laser sources. In this section, OCDMA
Fig. 2. Incoherent OCDMA systems using pulsed laser sources with passive
matched filter detection.
Fig. 1. Coherent OCDMA systems using CW laser sources with full coherent
Fig. 3. Coherent OCDMA systems using pulse laser sources with full coherent
E. Polarization Control
process. The key to simplifying the configuration is to effec- Polarization control is necessary in coherent systems to align
tively combine the phase locked loop and the demodulator with the polarization between the received and local optical signals.
the code-tracking loop. Fine polarization control ensures and maintains the maximum
Code tracking maintains the incoming and local codes in photocurrent produced by the correlation. In the extreme case,
synchronism for the duration of the transmission. Noncoherent no photocurrent is produced at the output of the balanced de-
operation is also used for the code tracking because, at low tector if the polarization directions of the two signals are or-
signal-to-noise ratios (SNR’s), it is difficult to lock the optical thogonal. Alignment of the polarization may be realized based
carrier phase prior to code tracking. Noncoherent code tracking on polarization control techniques such as installing special po-
thus offers an important advantage since the tracking perfor- larization-maintaining fibers, polarization tracking, polarization
mance is not directly influenced by the carrier phase locking scrambling, polarization shift keying and polarization diversity
process. [44]. Many demonstrations of coherent optical communication
In the tracking process, the local code and its one code systems have managed the issue of polarization [45], [46].
chip duration delayed version of the in-phase and the
quadrature-phase components are generated by a optical F. Multiuser Interference
code phase delay device and optical carrier phase shifter. Although the coherent OCDMA systems in Figs. 1(a) and
The local signals are correlated with the received optical signal 3(a) using bipolar orthogonal Walsh codes [16] in synchronous
by a 3-dB coupler and a dual balanced detector. The resultant transmission have no cochannel interference. Multiuser
correlation output is used to drive a loop filter and voltage interference is a major issue causing severe performance degra-
controlled clock (VCC). Since the transceivers within OCDMA dation in asynchronous transmission due to the nonorthogonal
systems are fixed, the code delay of all users is arbitrary but properties of the spreading codes. Whilst the poor bit error
constant within the duration of the transmission. Furthermore, rate (BER) ( – ) of current radio DS-CDMA systems
the code tracking performance can be improved by increasing is acceptable for voice transmission in current wireless com-
the optical power and reducing the loop bandwidth [40]. munications [31], this BER performance is unacceptable in
an optical fiber network (where a generally accepted BER is
D. Carrier Phase Synchronization in excess of ). However, this fundamental interference
Carrier phase synchronization is a prerequisite for successful is not completely random and is a function of carrier phase,
demodulation. The phase locking process (Fig. 5) is based on access delay and data bits of nondesired users. If the random
a digital decision-directed loop. In this loop, the data recovered ingredients of all users are estimated by the use of multiuser
by the demodulator is used to multiply a one-bit delayed output and multistage detection, multiuser interference can be rebuilt
of the integrator, subsequently of use for the phase locking op- and removed from the desired signal [47], [48].
eration, removing the information data component. The dis- The interference cancellation approach proposed for coherent
criminator output is then fed into a loop filter, followed by a OCDMA systems of Fig. 3(a) is shown in Fig. 6 [the principal
VCC, used to drive a continuously variable optical carrier phase is also suitable for the system in Fig. 1(a)]. Since full coherent
modulator in order to align the carrier phase. The factors lim- reception is used, the carrier phase and the code access delay
iting the performance of the phase locking are multiuser inter- can be derived from the code tracking and carrier phase locking
ference, phase noise and optical shot noise [41]. The required processes. Data symbols are known from the pre-stage detec-
locking performance has to be obtained through selection of a tion. The interference can be rebuilt via the estimated ingredi-
pulsed laser source with specified linewidth. The required laser ents and removed from the desired threshold decision signal.
proposed OCDMA/WDMA network, this can be achieved by all the photonic provisioning and restoration functions within
introducing coded channels at each wavelength. the network. Traffic entering the WDMA layer is multiplexed
Fig. 11 shows the various stages experienced by the traffic onto the appropriate wavelengths. Traffic is routed across the
routed from access node A to access node C. Traffic from the network according to its wavelength and not its header address.
user subnet is first multiplexed onto a coded channel or a set of Hence, it provides a course routing function. It also provides an
coded channels. It is then routed to the transport node adjacent optical path protection and configuration function by reconfig-
to the access node. At the transport node, the traffic is multi- uring and rerouting the wavelength channels. All traffic carried
plexed onto an appropriate wavelength according to its destina- by the affected channels will be reconfigured or rerouted ac-
tion. At each intermediate transport node, traffic is routed to the cording to the new optical configurations and routes defined by
appropriate output port according to its wavelength. The traffic wavelength.
may undergo wavelength conversion, performed directly in the The OCDMA layer builds on the optical topology provided
optical domain using optical wavelength converters. A generic by the WDMA layer. It provides codes for each individual
transport node architecture is shown in Fig. 12. traffic stream offered by the user subnet layer. Effectively
the function of the OCDMA layer is to increase the capacity
C. The Management Hierarchy offered within the wavelength channels. Each traffic stream
Fig. 13 shows the overall management hierarchy for an can be multiplexed into a single or a set of coded channels
OCDMA/WDMA network. The physical layer transmits at each wavelength. This allows multiple class traffic types
bits over a communication channel. It deals with the optical to be carried within a single wavelength channel. Hence, the
interfaces over the physical medium and also provides network OCDMA layer provides all the necessary management and
security functions such as network failure protection. operating functions for each coded channel and indirectly
The WDMA layer builds on the transmission capability of the for each traffic stream. These include routing of each traffic
physical layer. It provides the services to the OCDMA layer and stream from one user subnet to another user subnet across the
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rate carried by each wavelength. Here, another approach has length router construction using arrayed-waveguide grating multi/de-
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Ivan Andonovic (S’79–SM’97) is a Professor of
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[51] S. Kawanishi and O. Kamatani, “All-optical time division multiplexing
Electrical Engineering Department at the University
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responsible for the design, manufacture, and test of
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for implementing optical signal processing, and
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holder of a two-year Royal Society Industrial Fellowship in collaboration with
[54] S. Kawanishi and M. Saruwatari, “Ultra-high-speed PLL-type clock re-
BT Labs, during which time he was tasked with investigating novel approaches
covery circuit based on all-optical gain modulation in travelling-wave
to networking. He has edited two books and authored/co-authored five chapters
laser diode amplifier,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 11, pp. 2123–2129,
in books and over 170 journal and conference papers. He has been Chairman
Nov. 1993.
on the IEE professional group E13, held a BT Short Term Fellowship and held
[55] A. D. Ellis and D. M. Spirit, “Unrepeatered transmission over 80 km
Visiting Scientist status with the Communications Research Labs. of Japan.
standard fiber at 40 Gb/s,” Electron. Lett., vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 72–74, Jan.
Prof. Andonovic is a Fellow of the IEE and a member of the Optical Society
of America (OSA).
[56] M. Nakazawa, K. Suzuki, H. Kubota, E. Yamada, and Y. Kimura,
“Straight-line soliton data transmission at 20 Gbit/s beyond
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Moshe Tur (M’98–SM’94–F’98) was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel, in 1948. He
and frequency domain,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. QE-29, pp.
received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the Hebrew University,
2189–2197, 1993.
Jerusalem, Israel, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, and
[58] O. Kamatana, S. Sawanishi, and M. Saruwatari, “Prescaled 6.3 GHz
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel , respectively.
clock recovery from 50 Gbit/s TDM optical signal with 50 GHz PLL
He spent the academic years 1981–1983 at Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
using four-wave mixing in a travelling-wave laser diode optical ampli-
where, initially following his Ph.D. work, he studied speckle phenomena, and
fier,” Electron. Lett., vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 807–809, May 1994.
various theories of wave propagation in random media. Later, he participated
[59] O. Kamatani and S. Kawanishi, “Ultrahigh-speed clock recovery with
in the development of new architectures for single-mode fiber optic signal pro-
phase lock loop based on four-wave mixing in a traveling-wave laser
cessing, and investigated the effect of laser phase noise on such processors. He
diode amplifier,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 14, pp. 1757–1767, Aug.
is presently the Chairman of the Interdisciplinary Department and Professor of
Electrical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at Tel-Aviv University,
[60] R. Ramaswami and A. Segall, “Distributed network control for wave-
Tel-Aviv, Israel, where he established a fiber-optic sensing laboratory. He au-
length routed optical network,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM’96, 1996, pp.
thored or co-authored more than 150 journal and conference technical papers
with recent emphasis on fiber-optic bit rate limiters, fiber lasers, fiber-optic
[61] Y. Mei and C. Qiao, “Efficient distributed control protocols for WDM
sensor arrays, the statistics of phase-induced intensity noise in fiber-optic sys-
all-optical networks,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Commun. Networks
tems, fiber sensing in smart structures, and polarization mode dispersion in fiber
(IC3N), Sept. 1997.
optic communication and sensing.
Dr. Tur is also a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA).