From Continental Drift To Plate Tectonics: Naomi Oreskes

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Naomi Oreskes


jigsaw-puzzle fit of the continental edges.1 Since the 19th century, geol-
ogists have known that some fossil plants and animals are extraordinar-
ily similar across the globe, and some sequences of rock formations in
distant continents are also strikingly alike. At the turn of the 20th cen-
tury, Austrian geologist Eduard Suess proposed the theory of Gond-
wanaland to account for these similarities: that a giant supercontinent
had once covered much or all of Earth's surface before breaking apart
to form continents and ocean basins. A few years later, German meteo-
rologist Alfred Wegener suggested an alternative explanation: conti-
nental drift. The paleontological patterns and jigsaw-puzzle fit could be
explained if the continents had migrated across the earth's surface,
sometimes joining together, sometimes breaking apart. Wegener argued
that for several hundred million years during the late Paleozoic and
Mesozoic eras (200 million to 300 million years ago), the continents
were united into a supercontinent that he labeled Pangea—all Earth.
Continental drift would also explain paleoclimate change, as continents
drifted through different climate zones and ocean circulation was
altered by the changing distribution of land and sea, while the interac-
tions of rifting and drifting land masses provided a mechanism for the
origins of mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes.
Continental drift was not accepted when first proposed, but in the
1960s it became a cornerstone of the new global theory of plate tecton-
ics. The motion of land masses is now explained as a consequence of
moving "plates"—large fragments of the earth's surface layer in which
the continents are embedded. These plates comprise the upper 45 to 60


miles (80 to 100 kilometers) of the earth's surface (now called the litho-
sphere), and move at a rate of 1 to 4 inches (3 to 10 centimeters) per
year. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountains are concentrated on plate
margins where two plates collide, split apart, or slide past one another.
Moreover, the global configuration of continents and oceans is con-
stantly changing. As Wegener suggested, the breakup of Pangea pro-
duced the configuration of continents and oceans that we have today.


One of the central scientific questions of 19th-century geology was the
origin of mountains. How were they formed? What process squeezed and
folded rocks like putty? What made the earth's surface move? Most the-
ories invoked terrestrial contraction as a causal force. It was widely
believed that Earth had formed as a hot, incandescent body, and had
been steadily cooling since the beginning of geological time. Because
most materials contract as they cool, it seemed logical to assume that
Earth had been contracting as it cooled, too. As it did, its surface would
have deformed, producing mountains.
In Europe, Austrian geologist Edward Suess (1831-1914) popularized
the image of Earth as a drying apple: as the planet contracted, its surface
wrinkled to accommodate the diminished surface area. Suess assumed
that Earth's initial crust was continuous, but broke apart as the interior
shrunk. The collapsed portions formed the ocean basins; the remaining
elevated portions formed the continents. With continued cooling, the
original continents became unstable and collapsed to form the next gen-
eration of ocean floor, and what had formerly been ocean now became
dry land. Over the course of geological history, there would be a con-
tinual interchange of land and sea, a periodic rearrangement of the land
The interchangeability of continents and oceans explained a number
of other perplexing geological observations, such as the presence of
marine fossils on land (which had long before puzzled Leonardo Da
Vinci) and the extensive interleaving of marine and terrestrial sediments
in the stratigraphic record. Suess' theory also explained the striking sim-
ilarities of fossils in parts of India, Africa, and South America. Indeed, in
some cases the fossils seemed to be identical, even though they were
found thousands of miles apart. These similarities had been recognized
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 5

since the mid-century, but they had been made newly problematic by
Darwin's theory of evolution. If plants and animals had evolved inde-
pendently in different places within diverse environments, then why did
they look so similar? Suess explained this conundrum by attributing
these similar species to an early geological age when the continents were
contiguous in an ancient supercontinent called Gondwanaland.2
Suess' theory was widely discussed and to varying degrees accepted
in Europe, but in North America geologist James Dwight Dana (1813-
1895) had developed a different version of contraction theory. Dana
suggested that the continents had formed early in earth history, when
low-temperature minerals such as quartz and feldspar had solidified.
Then the globe continued to cool and contract, until the high-temper-
ature minerals such as olivine and pyroxene finally solidified: on the
moon, to form the lunar craters; on Earth, to form the ocean basins. As
contraction continued after Earth was solid, its surface began to deform.
The boundaries between continents and oceans took up most of the
pressure—like the seams on a dress—and so mountains began to form
along continental margins. With continued contraction came continued
deformation, but with the continents and oceans always in the same rel-
ative positions.3 Although Dana's theory was a version of contraction, it
came to be known as permanence theory, because it viewed continents
and oceans as globally permanent features.
In North America, permanence theory was linked to the theory of geo-
synclines: subsiding sedimentary basins along continental margins. This
idea was developed primarily by James Hall (1811-1889), state paleontol-
ogist of New York and the first president of the Geological Society of Amer-
ica (1889). Hall noted that, beneath the forest cover, the Appalachian
mountains were built up of folded layers of shallow-water sedimentary
rocks, thousands of feet thick. How did these sequences of shallow-water
deposits form? How were they folded and uplifted into mountains? Hall
suggested that materials eroded off the continents accumulated in the
adjacent marginal basins, causing the basins to subside. Subsidence
allowed more sediments to accumulate, causing more subsidence, until
finally the weight of the pile caused the sediments to be heated, converted
to rock, and then uplifted into mountains.4 (The process of uplift, or
mountain-building, is called orogeny.} Dana modified Hall's view by argu-
ing that thick sedimentary piles were not the cause of subsidence but the
result of it. Either way the theory provided a concise explanation of how
thick sequences of shallow-water rocks could accumulate, but was vague
on the question of how they were transformed into mountain belts.

In the early 20th century, contraction theory was challenged by three

independent lines of evidence. The first came from field mapping. Nine-
teenth-century geologists had worked in great detail to determine the
structure of mountain belts, particularly the Swiss Alps and the North
American Appalachians. When they mapped the folded sequences of
rocks in these regions, they found the folds to be so extensive that if one
could unfold them the rock layers would extend for hundreds of miles.
Impossibly huge amounts of terrestrial contraction would have to be
involved. Geologists began to doubt contraction theory as an explana-
tion for the origins of mountains.
The second line of evidence came from geodesy—the science of the
shape (or figure) of the earth. While field geologists were unraveling the
structure of the Alps and Appalachians, cartographers with the Great
Trignometrical Survey of India were making geodetic measurements to
produce accurate maps of British colonial holdings.5 In the early 1850s,
Colonel (later Sir) George Everest, the surveyor-general of India, dis-
covered a discrepancy in the measured distance between two stations,
Kaliana and Kalianpur, 370 miles (600 kilometers) apart. When mea-
sured on the basis of surveyor's triangulations, the latitude difference
was five seconds greater than when computed on the basis of astronom-
ical observation. Everest thought the difference might be due to the
gravitational attraction of the Himalayas on the surveyors' plumb bobs,
and enlisted John Pratt (1809-1871), a Cambridge-trained mathemati-
cian and the archdeacon of Calcutta, to examine the problem. Pratt cal-
culated the expected gravitational effect of the mountains, and discov-
ered that the discrepancy was less than it should have been: it was as if
part of the mountains were missing. Pratt proposed that the observed
effects could be explained if the surface topography of the mountains
were somehow compensated by a deficit of mass beneath them—an idea
that came to be known as isostasy, or "equal standing." In the early 20th
century, isostasy was confirmed by detailed geodetic and gravity mea-
surements across the United States. John Hayford (1868-1925) and
William Bowie (1872-1940), working at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Sur-
vey, demonstrated that the distribution of gravity was most consistent
with the assumption of isostasy, not just in mountain belts, but across the
continents. Isostasy could be achieved either if the continents were less
dense than the layers of rock beneath them, or if they had deep roots,
like icebergs. Either way, they "floated" in the substrate beneath them,
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 7

and therefore they could not sink to become ocean basins. Continents
and oceans were not interchangeable.
Third, and most fundamental, physicists discovered radiogenic heat,
which contradicted the basic assumption of contraction theory that the
earth was steadily cooling. With contraction no longer assumed, earth
scientists were motivated to search for other driving forces of deforma-
tion. By the 1920s, many considered the science to be in a state of crisis:
with contraction theory discredited, how were geologists to account for
the evidence of prior continental connections? How were they to rec-
oncile the evidence from historical geology for the changing configura-
tion of land masses with the apparent permanence of continents and
oceans? This crisis was felt most acutely by European geologists who
had accepted Suess' theory, but Americans also realized that they faced
a dilemma. A number of scientists began to put forward alternative
theories of continental fragmentation or migration. Alfred Wegener
(1880-1930) is the most significant, for his theory was the most widely
discussed at the time, and the one that was later vindicated.
A pioneering meteorologist and author of an early text on the ther-
modynamics of the atmosphere, Wegener realized that paleoclimate
change could be explained if continents had migrated across climate
zones and the reconfiguration of land masses altered Earth's climate pat-
terns.6 However, continental drift was more than just a theory of paleo-
climate change. Wegener explicitly presented his theory as a means to
reconcile historical geology with isostasy: on the one hand, paleonto-
logical evidence that the continents had once been connected; on the
other, geodetic evidence that they could not be connected in the way
European contractionists had supposed by now-sunken crust. Wegener's
answer was to reconnect the continents by moving them laterally.
Wegener's theory was widely discussed in the 1920s and early 1930s.
It was also hotly rejected, particularly by geologists in the United States,
who labeled it bad science. The standard explanation for the rejection
of continental drift is the lack of a causal mechanism, but this explana-
tion is false. There was a spirited and rigorous international debate over
the possible mechanisms of continental migration, which ultimately set-
tled on the same explanation generally accepted today for plate tecton-
ics: convection currents in the earth's mantle.
The debate over the mechanism of continental drift centered on the
implications of isostasy. If continents floated in a denser substrate, then
this substrate had to be either fluid or plastic, and continents could at least
in principle move through it. There was good evidence that this was
indeed the case: in Scandinavia, geologists had documented a progressive

uplift of Finland and Scandinavia since the end of the Pleistocene epoch
(10,000 years ago), which they called the Fennoscandian rebound. The
accepted explanation for this phenomenon was that during the Pleis-
tocene epoch, the region had been depressed under the weight of a thick
sheet of glacial ice; as the ice gradually melted, the land surface gradually
rebounded. This provided empirical evidence that continents could move
through the substrate in which they were embedded, at least in the verti-
cal direction and at least during the Pleistocene. However, in Scandinavia
the cause of motion was generally agreed: first the weight of glacial ice,
then the pressure release upon its removal. What force would cause hori-
zontal movement? Would the substrate respond to horizontal movement
as it did to vertical movement? Debate over the mechanisms of drift con-
centrated on the long-term behavior of the substrate and the forces that
could cause continents to move laterally.
In the United States, the question was addressed by Harvard geology
professor Reginald A. Daly (1871-1957), North America's strongest
defender of continental drift. Daly argued that the key to tectonic prob-
lems was to be found in the earth's layered structure. Advances in seis-

Reginald Daly's mechanism of continental drift by gravity sliding. Reprinted with

permission of Scribner, a Division of Simon and Schuster, from Our Mobile Earth by
Reginald A. Daly, copyright © 1926 by Charles Scribner's Sons, renewed 1954 by
Reginald A. Daly, on p. 269.
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 9

mology suggested that the earth contained three major layers: crust, sub-
strate (or mantle), and core. The substrate, he suggested, might be
glassy, and therefore could flow in response to long-term stress just as old
plates of glass gradually thicken at their lower edges and glassy lavas flow
downhill. Continents might do the same. Building on the geosyncline
concept of Dana and Hall, Daly suggested that sedimentation along the
continental margins resulted in subtle elevation differences, which in
turn produced gravitational instabilities. Eventually, the continent could
rupture, sliding down over the glassy substrate under the force of grav-
ity. The sliding fragment would then override the other half—an early
suggestion of subduction—and, over time, the accumulation of small
increments of sliding would result in global continental drift.7
Daly urged his American colleagues to take up the question of drift,
but few did. Reaction in Europe was more favorable. Irish geologist John
Joly (1857-1933) linked the question to discoveries in radioactivity.
Trained as a physicist, Joly had demonstrated that the commonly
observed dark rings in micas—so-called pleochroic haloes—were caused
by radiation damage from tiny inclusions of uranium- and thorium-bear-
ing minerals, such as apatite. Radioactive elements were therefore ubiq-
uitous in rocks, suggesting that radiogenic heat was also ubiquitous. If it
was, then it could be a force for geological change. Joly proposed that as
radiogenic heat accumulated, the substrate would begin to melt. During
these episodes of melting, the continents could move under the influ-
ence of small forces, such as minor gravitational effects, that would oth-
erwise be ineffectual.8 Periodic melting, associated with magmatic cycles
caused by the build-up of radiogenic heat, would lead to the periods of
global mountain-building that many geologists saw evidence of when
they compared the geology of Europe and North America.
Joly's theory responded to a geophysical complaint against a plastic
substrate, voiced most clearly by Cambridge geophysicist Harold Jeffreys
(later Sir Harold), that the propagation of seismic waves indicated a fully
solid and rigid Earth. Jeffreys argued on physical grounds that continen-
tal drift was impossible in a solid, rigid Earth; Joly noted that although
Earth was solid now, it might not always have been. More widely credited
was the suggestion of British geologist Arthur Holmes (1890-1965) that
the substrate was partially molten or glassy—like magma. Underscoring
arguments made by Wegener, Holmes emphasized that the substrate did
not need to be liquid, only plastic, and that it might be rigid under high
strain rates (during seismic events) yet still be ductile under the low strain
rates that prevailed during orogeny (mountain-building). If it was plastic
in response to long-term stress, then continents could move within it.

Arthur Holmes' model of continental drift driven by mantle convection currents,

from Holmes (1929), Radioactivity and earth movements, Transactions of the Geolog-
ical Society of Glasgow 18: 579 (1929), used by permission of the Geological Society of

Holmes' driving force was convection currents in the mantle. He argued

that radiogenic heat would generate the convection: the mid-ocean ridges
were fragments of continental crust left behind after continents had split
apart above upwelling convection currents; the ocean deeps (geosyn-
clines) were the sites of downwelling currents where continents deformed
as the substrate descended. Between the ridges and the trenches, conti-
nents were dragged along in conveyor-belt fashion.9


Arthur Holmes' papers were widely read and cited; many geologists
thought he had found the cause of continental drift. However, opposi-
tion was nonetheless strong, particularly in the United States, where
reaction to Wegener's theory was vitriolic.
Three main factors contributed to the American animosity to conti-
nental drift. First, Americans were widely committed to the method of
multiple working hypotheses—the idea that scientific evidence should
be weighed in light of competing (multiple) theoretical explanations,
which one held provisionally until the weight of evidence was sufficient
to compel assent. This provisional stage was thought to require a long
time—certainly years, perhaps even decades. Most closely associated
with the University of Chicago geologist T. C. Chamberlin (1843-1928),
who had named it, the method of multiple working hypotheses reflected
American ideals expressed since the 18th century linking good science
to good government. Good science was anti-authoritarian, like democ-
racy; good science was pluralistic, like a free society. Americans going
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 11

back to Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin promoted the idea

that good science provided an exemplar for good government; Jefferson
advocated scientific study in large part for this very reason. And if good
science was a model for a free society, then bad science implicitly threat-
ened it.10 Consistent with the methodology of multiple working hy-
potheses, Americans believed good scientific method was empirical,
inductive, and modest, holding close to the objects of study and resist-
ing the impulse to go further. Alfred Wegener's work was interpreted as
violating these principles on several counts. It put the theory first and
then sought evidence for it. It settled too quickly on a single interpretive
framework. It was too large, too unifying, too ambitious. Features that
were later viewed as virtues of plate tectonics were attacked as flaws of
continental drift.11
Second, continental drift was incompatible with the version of isostasy
to which Americans subscribed. While John Pratt had suggested that iso-
static compensation could be achieved by subsurface density variations,
British Astronomer Royal George Biddell Airy (1801-1892) had pointed
out that the same surface effects could be produced by differences in
crustal thickness. In Pratt's view, the mountains would be underlain by
low-density crust, but the depth of isostatic compensation would be the
same everywhere. In Airy's view, the depth of compensation would be
variable, with the highest mountains underlain by the deepest roots.
When Hayford and Bowie set out to investigate isostasy, they based their
test on Pratt's model. By making the assumption of a uniform depth of
compensation, they were able to predict the surface effects of isostasy
very accurately throughout the United States—that is, to show that the
data were consistent with the predictions of the model. Therefore, they
concluded that the model was correct. Hayford and Bowie used Pratt's
model because it was simpler and therefore easier to use. What began as
a simplifying assumption evolved into a belief about the structure of the
crust. This belief had consequences for the reception of the theory of
drift, for if continental drift were true, then the large compressive forces
involved would squeeze the crust to generate thickness differences, ulti-
mately ending up with the Airy version of isostasy. Continental drift
seemed to refute Pratt isostasy, which had worked for Americans so well.
Rather then reject Pratt isostasy, they rejected continental drift.
Third, Americans rejected continental drift because of the legacy of
uniformitarianism. Uniformitarianism was the principle, articulated
most famously by British geologist Sir Charles Lyell (1797-1875), that
the best way to understand the geological record was by reference to
presently observable processes. To understand how sandstones formed,

study beach processes. To understand volcanic rocks, study modern vol-

canoes. To understand fossils, study modern organisms in similar habi-
tats. And so on. Lyell proposed uniformitarianism in part as an intellec-
tual response to the difficulties of interpreting the rock record, and in
part as a reaction against an earlier generation of natural historians who
had looked to the Bible as a basis for interpreting earth history. So uni-
formitarianism was associated in many geologists' minds with the exclu-
sion of religious arguments from geology and the consolidation of geol-
ogy as a science.
Whether or not Lyell's arguments were correct, by the early 20th cen-
tury the methodological principle of using the present to interpret the
past was deeply embedded in the practice of historical geology. Histori-
cal geologists routinely used fossil assemblages to make inferences about
climate zones. According to drift theory, however, continents in tropical
latitudes did not necessarily have tropical faunas, because the reconfig-
uration of continents and oceans might change matters altogether.
Wegener's theory raised the specter that the present was not the key to
the past—that it was just a moment in earth history, no more or less char-
acteristic than any other. This was not an idea that Americans were will-
ing to accept.
In North America, the debate over continental drift was quelled by an
alternative account of the faunal evidence. In 1933, geologists Charles
Schuchert (1858-1942) and Bailey Willis (1857-1949) proposed that the
continents had been intermittently connected by isthmian links, as the
isthmus of Panama presently connects North America and South Amer-
ica and the Bering Land Bridge recently connected North America and
Asia. The isthmuses had been raised up by orogenic forces, then sub-
sided under the influence of isostasy. This explanation was patently ad
hoc—there was no evidence of isthmian links other than the paleonto-
logical data they were designed to explain (away). Nevertheless, the idea
was widely accepted, and it undercut a major line of evidence of con-
tinental drift. In 1937, South African geologist Alexander du Toit
(1878-1948) published Our Wandering Continents, a comprehensive syn-
thesis of the geological evidence of continental drift, but it had little
impact in North America. Elsewhere, particularly in South Africa and
Australia, some geologists continued to advocate drift and to use it to
interpret their geological data, but these individuals were mostly iso-
lated. The consensus of scientific opinion was against continental drift.
There the matter rested for two decades, until the debate was reopened
on the basis of entirely new evidence.
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 13



Schuchert and Willis' alternative theory satisfied most North American

geologists that continental drift was no longer something they needed to
worry about, but the issue did not quite stop there. In the 1920s, a group
of American scientists led by William Bowie had begun a program in
cooperation with the U.S. Navy to measure gravity at sea. Bowie and Hay-
ford had demonstrated that isostasy applied over the continents, but did
it also apply over the oceans? What was the structure of the crust under
the ocean basins? What was the ocean floor made of? The answers to these
fundamental questions were unknown, and one's view of the earth might
change dramatically according to what the answers turned out to be.
Measuring gravity at sea was extremely difficult, because wind and
waves disturbed the sensitive apparatus used. The world's expert on the
subject was a Dutch geodesist, Felix Vening Meinesz (1887-1966), who
had invented a novel gravimeter that was resistant to external distur-
bance. In 1923, he demonstrated its efficacy in a series of Dutch subma-
rine expeditions to Indonesia, where he had discovered major gravity
anomalies associated with the Java Trench. Supporters of Wegener had
proposed that the Java Trench was the site of convergence of two giant
crustal slabs, and Vening Meinesz became interested in the possible con-
nection among gravity anomalies, ocean trenches, and crustal move-
ments. In 1928, Bowie invited Vening Meinesz to the United States, and
a series of gravity expeditions followed, focused on the Caribbean Sea
and the Gulf of Mexico. Among the scientists who participated in these
expeditions were two assistant professors, Harry H. Hess (1906-1969), a
young petrologist at Princeton, and Maurice Ewing (1906-1974) a fledg-
ling geophysicist at Lehigh who was rapidly becoming known for his pio-
neering work on refraction seismology (using explosives to send shock
waves through the earth's crust to determine its structure). On the 1937
Barracuda expedition, they were joined by another rising star, British
geophysicist Edward ("Teddy") Bullard (1907-1980).12
These expeditions confirmed Vening Meinesz's earlier discoveries: grav-
ity measurements in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico demonstrated
an association between negative gravity anomalies (regions of lower than
normal gravity) and regions where the ocean was particularly deep. Hess
discussed these results with Vening Meinesz, and both agreed that they indi-
cated some form of crustal disturbance or deformation. Apparently the
ocean basins were not static, but actively deforming, at least in certain zones.

Teddy (later Sir Edward) Bullard, taking a break from gravity measure-
ments in East Africa, ca. 1937. The photograph was taken by Bullard's first
wife, Margaret Lady Bullard, and supplied courtesy of Robert Parker,
Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

Familiar with European arguments over continental drift, Vening Meinesz

proposed that convection currents might be dragging the crust downward
into the denser mantle below, explaining both the ocean deeps and the neg-
ative gravity anomalies associated with them.13 Hess imagined vertical buck-
les in the crust, expressed on the surface as ocean trenches or deeps, and in
gravity measurements as negative anomalies. Borrowing a term from Ger-
man geologist Erich Haarmann, he called these downwarpings tectogenes.14
The tectogene concept received support from Vening Meinesz's
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 15

Harry Hess' tectogene concept explaining the origins of ocean deeps associ-
ated with negative gravity anomalies, from Hess (1933), Interpretation of geo-
logical and geophysical observations, in The Navy-Princeton Gravity Expedition
to the West Indies in 1932, edited by R. M. Field. Washington, D.C., U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, p. 30.

Dutch colleague, Philip Kuenen, who undertook a series of experiments

to show that the idea was at least physically possible, and from University
of California professor David Griggs, who created a laboratory model of
continental drift using a layer of paraffin over a tank of oil, in which con-
vection currents were simulated by the action of two rotating drums.15
While his experimental apparatus was very small, Griggs argued that the
scale of mantle convection currents could be very large, perhaps "cov-
ering the whole Pacific basin, comprising sinking peripheral currents
localizing the circum-Pacific mountains and rising currents in the cen-
ter."16 He noted that seismologists such as Caltech's Beno Gutenberg
and Charles Richter had noticed that the earthquakes around the edges
of the Pacific basin were concentrated in zones that dipped about 45
degrees toward the continents; perhaps these quakes were "caused by
slippage along the convection current surface."17 Hess was excited by
these suggestions, which helped to link his Caribbean work to global the-
ory. In 1939 he began to put the pieces together, writing:

Recently an important new concept concerning the origins of the negative

strip [of gravity anomalies] . . . has been set forward by David Griggs. It is
based on model experiments in which ... by means of horizontal rotating
cylinders, convection currents were set up in a fluid layer beneath the
"crust," and a convection cell was formed. A down-buckle in the crust, sim-
ilar to that produced in Kuenen's experiments, was developed where two
opposing currents meet and plunge downward. So long as the currents are
in operation, the down-buckle is maintained. . . . The currents which
Griggs suggested would have velocities [in nature] of one to ten centime-
ters [1/2 to 4 inches] per year.18

The year was 1939, and Griggs and Hess had hit upon what scientists
would later affirm as the rate of plate motions. But before they could go
any further, World War II broke out.


In the 1920s the Navy had been cautious about funding basic scientific
research, concerned about the appropriate expenditure of Navy funds
and doubtful that work such as gravity measurement was likely to be of
operational use. World War II changed the situation, largely because of
submarine warfare. Allied forces suffered heavy losses in the early part
of the war from attack by German U-boats, and the U.S. Navy realized
that geophysics and oceanography might provide means to detect or
avoid submarines. Particularly salient were two lines of research: mag-
netics, which might provide direct means of submarine detection, and
physical oceanography, which might guide evasive maneuvers.
In the early 1940s, the U.S. Navy was experiencing difficulties with its
sonar equipment, which tended not to work well in the afternoon.
Thinking that marine organisms were interfering with transmissions (or
that operators were dozing off after lunch), the Navy asked Maurice
Ewing, then working at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, to
investigate. Together with colleague J. Lamar (Joe) Worzel, Ewing dis-
covered that temperature effects were bending the sound waves in such
a way as to create a "shadow zone"—a region in which sonar transmis-
sions went undetected. This discovery had enormous implications for
submarine warfare: if a submarine commander could accurately locate
the shadow zone, he could hide his ship within it. Moreover, Ewing and
Worzel discovered that under certain conditions sound waves would be
focused into a narrow region, in which they traveled for great distances.
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 17

They called this phenomenon sound channeling, and it became the basis
for SOFAR (SOund Fixing and Ranging), which the Navy used during
the war to locate downed airmen, and SOSUS (SOund SUrveillance Sys-
tem), the Navy's Cold War underwater acoustic array established to
detect Soviet submarines.19
While Ewing worked on underwater sound in a civilian capacity, Hess
joined the Naval Reserve and in 1941 was called to active duty. He
became the captain of an assault transport, the USS Cape Johnson, and
among her tasks was the echo-sounding of the Pacific basin. This was a
project with both military and scientific significance: for the Navy, an
accurate topographic map of the sea floor would provide captains with
an independent check on their navigation; for scientists, understanding
of the sea floor would be greatly enhanced by knowing its shape and
structure. This latter hope was fulfilled by Hess' discovery of "guyots"—
flat-topped mountains, which he named after Arnold Guyot, the first
professor of geology at Princeton. Hess interpreted these mountains as
ancient volcanoes whose tops had been eroded by wave action as they
gradually sank on a subsiding ocean floor.20 Guyots were strong evidence
that the ocean basins were not fossils of an early stage of earth history,
but were geologically active throughout time.
By war's end, the U.S. Navy was convinced of the value of geophysical
research. Through the newly established Office of Naval Research
(ONR), funds began to flow generously into American laboratories.21
Three institutions particularly benefited from ONR support: Woods
Hole, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the newly created
Lament Geological Observatory at Columbia University, now directed by
Ewing. Work at these institutions focused on physical oceanography for
its relation to underwater sound, magnetics for its relevance to subma-
rine detection, and bathymetry for mapping the sea floor. At Scripps and
Lament, seismology—the study of earthquakes and how shock waves
travel through the earth—was also developed, first as means to investi-
gate the structure of the sea floor and the nature of earthquakes; later
to detect underground nuclear explosions.
The years 1945-1970 may well have been the most exciting time in the
history of American earth science, as abundant funding led to a new age
of scientific exploration—not to get across the oceans, but to spend time
within and under them, and ultimately to understand them. Woods
Hole, Scripps, and Lament launched a series of major oceanographic
expeditions, collecting an enormous quantity of diverse data on the
bathymetry and structure of the sea floor, the physical and chemical
properties of the water column, the air-sea interaction and generation

of waves and currents, the sediments on the sea floor, and the magnetic
and gravity signatures of the solid rocks at the bottom of the sea. More
was learned about the oceans during these 25 years than in the entire
previous history of science. But there was one downside: much of the
data gathered was classified.

In the United Kingdom as in the United States, many scientists worked

during the war on military-scientific problems, among them Teddy
Bullard and P. M. S. Blackett (1897-1974). In the late 1920s, Bullard was
a graduate student at the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge Univer-
sity, directed by Nobel Laureate Ernest Rutherford. Blackett was also a
member of the lab and Bullard was assigned to work under Blackett on
the scattering of electrons in gases; Bullard soon discovered diffraction
patterns that supported recent theoretical advances in quantum
mechanics.22 Bullard's career was off to an outstanding start, but the year
was 1931, the Depression was at its nadir, and there was no work to be
had. Rutherford advised him to take whatever job he could find; that
turned out to be teaching surveying under Cambridge geodesist Colonel
Sir Lenox-Conyngham. Bullard became a demonstrator in the newly
established Department of Geodesy and Geophysics—now consisting of
two men.
Over the next eight years, Bullard worked on gravity measurements,
including a 1937 trip to the United States where he met Hess and Ewing.
Through Ewing, he also learned about refraction seismology, and began
studies of the continental shelf on the British side of the Atlantic Ocean
to parallel Ewing's studies of the North American side. Meanwhile Black-
ett was continuing work he had begun under Rutherford on the origin
of cosmic rays, for which he would win the 1948 Nobel Prize in Physics.
In 1939 both Bullard and Blackett became involved in war work.
Among other things, Bullard concentrated on magnetic minesweeping
and demagnetizing ships. After the war, both Bullard and Blackett
turned to questions of geomagnetism. For Blackett, the decision was a
conscious move away from nuclear physics, with its connections to the
atomic bomb.23 In 1947, now working at the University of Manchester,
Blackett proposed a theory to explain the earth's magnetic field: that
magnetism arose as a fundamental property of rotating matter. When
the planet rotated, it generated a magnetic field. To test his theory,
Blackett designed an astatic magnetometer, a highly sensitive device in
which he would rotate a massive object in an attempt to generate a
detectable magnetic field. Drawing on rich political connections from
his war work and a distinguished family background, Blackett arranged
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 19

to borrow 37.4 pounds (17 kilograms) of pure gold from the Royal Mint,
which he rotated at high speed to simulate the effects of the more mas-
sive earth moving at lower speed.24 The experiment failed—no discern-
able field was generated.
Meanwhile, Bullard had become an advocate of an alternative view:
that the earth's field resulted from transient factors such as convection
currents in a liquid iron core—the so-called dynamo theory.25 This led
Bullard to conceive a test of the two theories. If Blackett were correct,
and the magnetic field arose from the total mass of the earth (like grav-
ity) , then it would be a distributed property and the intensity of mag-
netism would decrease with depth (as does gravity). On the other hand,
if Bullard were correct, the strength of the planetary magnetic field
would be unaffected by depth. This suggestion was taken up by Black-
ett's Manchester colleague, S. K. (Keith) Runcorn (1922-1995), who
began taking magnetometers down the shafts of coal mines. He found
no depth effect, and by 1951 it was clear that Blackett's theory was wrong.
At this point, Runcorn and Blackett turned their attention to mag-
netism in rocks. If the magnetic field was transient, then the history of
variations in the magnetic field might be recorded in rock remanent
magnetism—the ancient magnetic signatures of rocks. In the early 20th
century, Pierre Curie had discovered that rocks cooled in a magnetic
field take on the polarity of that field (the temperature at which this
occurs eventually became known as the Curie point). Therefore, if the
magnetic field varied, these variations might be recorded in rocks, par-
ticularly volcanic rocks that began life as magmas at temperatures above
the Curie point. There was evidence that this was so dating back to the
early 20th century; more recently the idea had been revived by Jan Hos-
pers, a Dutch graduate student who had entered the Ph.D. program at
Cambridge in 1949 trying to use remanent magnetism to correlate lava
flows in Iceland, and by John Graham, working in the United States at
the Carnegie Institution of Washington.26 Runcorn, now back at Cam-
bridge, borrowed Blackett's magnetometer and began to develop a geo-
magnetic research group. He also hired a field assistant, a recent geol-
ogy graduate named Edward (Ted) Irving. Runcorn and Irving began a
program of collecting samples of rocks from different age strata (rock
layers) in the United Kingdom.
In 1953, Blackett moved to Imperial College, London, where he set up
his own remanent magnetism group. He also encountered geology pro-
fessor H. H. Read, the man who inspired Arthur Holmes to make geology
his professional focus. During the war years with few students to teach,
Holmes had written a comprehensive textbook that had an extensive

discussion of continental drift, including the evidence of it and the possi-

ble role of convection currents to drive it. Years later at Imperial College,
it was said that when Blackett turned to Read to learn about rocks, Read
sent Blackett to the library to read Holmes. Whatever the truth of the mat-
ter, by the mid-1950s both Blackett and his group at Imperial and Run-
corn and his group at Cambridge were convinced that remanent mag-
netism held a record of the variations in the earth's magnetic field, and
that these variations showed that rocks had not remained stationary rela-
tive to Earth's magnetic field over the course of geological history.27
There were two possible interpretations of their data: either the
earth's poles had moved relative to the land masses (true polar wander),
or the land masses had moved relative to the poles (continental drift).
Runcorn realized this ambiguity could be resolved by comparing mag-
netic variations in rocks of the same age on different continents. By com-
piling remanent magnetism of rocks of varying ages, one could construct
a record of how the poles had seemed to move over time, an "apparent
polar-wandering path." If all the continents produced the same appar-
ent polar wandering path, it would mean that the poles had moved. If
they varied, it would indicate continental drift. Irving left Cambridge for
the Australian National University, where he began to compare appar-
ent polar-wandering paths for Australia, India, North America, and
Europe. The result? The paths were distinctly different among the con-
tinents. By 1956, both Irving and Blackett's group—now working on
rocks from India—were arguing for the paleomagnetic data as evidence
for continental drift, and Runcorn soon accepted their views.28 So did
Teddy Bullard, and so did Harry Hess.
Inspired by these developments, Hess revisited the question he had
set aside when he had gone off to war 20 years before: whether mantle
convection currents might drive continental drift. In a paper written in
1960, although not published until 1962, Hess argued that the British
paleomagnetic work had reopened the question, and the answer was
drift. Moreover, heat flow measurements by Bullard, working with
Scripps scientists Arthur Maxwell and Roger Revelle, showed that heat
flow through the oceanic crust was greatest at the mid-ocean ridges, con-
sistent with rising convection currents.29 Hess therefore suggested that
mantle convection might be driving the crust apart at mid-ocean ridges
and downward at ocean trenches, forcing the continental migrations in
their wake. "One may quibble over the details," he wrote, "but the gen-
eral picture on paleomagnetism is sufficiently compelling that it is more
reasonable to accept than to disregard it."30 He interpreted the oceanic
crust as an upper layer of the mantle that had been altered by interac-
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 21

tion with sea water; Scripps geologist Robert Dietz (1914-1995) modi-
fied the hypothesis by arguing that the ocean crust was formed by sub-
marine basalt eruptions, and gave it the name it holds today: sea floor
spreading. Dietz's interpretation was later confirmed by direct examina-
tion of the sea floor.
Hess referred to his paper as an "essay in geopoetry," no doubt to
deflect criticism from the many North Americans who were still hostile
to continental drift.31 While the British had generally viewed the out-
come of the 1920s debate as a stalemate, and therefore open to recon-
sideration on the basis of new data, Americans generally believed that
drift had been refuted.32 It would take more work to convince North
American scientists to reconsider. Moreover, while Hess grew convinced
of continental drift on the basis of the apparent polar-wandering paths,
others doubted the paleomagnetic data. While it was true that some rock
sequences produced highly coherent patterns, others were less coher-
ent, and some were reversely magnetized. That is, the polarity of the mag-
netic field recorded in the rock was opposite to Earth's magnetic field.
Most people interpreted this as a sign that the data were unstable: some
rocks accurately recorded the surrounding magnetic field, others didn't.
Perhaps some minerals did not record the surrounding field, but some-
how reversed the direction. Or perhaps the polarities were altered by
later events.
Or perhaps Earth's magnetic field periodically reversed its polarity.
Early in the 20th century, French physicists B. Brunhes and P. L. Mer-
canton had suggested this idea: that reversed remanant magnetism in
rocks might be recording reversed polarity in the planetary field. But the
origin of the earth's field was then unknown; to postulate reversals in a
field of unknown origin was speculative in the extreme.33 In the 1920s,
Japanese geophysicist Motonari Matuyama undertook a detailed study
of magnetism in volcanic rocks in Japan and found a very consistent pat-
tern: recently erupted lavas were consistently polarized in line with the
present field, but reversed rocks were all Pleistocene in age or older
(more than 10,000 years). Matuyama argued for a Pleistocene field
reversal: that sometime around 10,000 years ago, Earth's magnetic field
reversed its polarity. But his work appears to have been largely ignored
by European and American scientists.34 Working in Iceland in the early
1950s, Jan Hospers found similar results: basalt flows there were alter-
nately normally and reversely magnetized.35
The question was taken up by a group in the United States at the Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley: geophysics professor John Verhoogen,
his postdoctoral fellow Ian McDougall, and graduate students Allan Cox

(1923-1987), Richard Doell, and Brent Dalyrymple. They wanted to

determine whether reversals reflected the ambient magnetic field or
were a consequence of the physical properties of the minerals involved.
Cox began a project analyzing hundreds of samples from the Snake
River basalts in the northwest United States, and found results that con-
firmed the work of Matuyama and Hospers: the patterns were coherent,
and they appeared to depend upon the age of the basalt flows. To pin
this down, Cox needed accurate ages for the flows.
At this point, a key instrumental development emerged. The radio-
metric uranium-lead (U-Pb) method for dating rocks had been around
since the 1910s, but given the long half-life of uranium, it was accurate
only for very old materials. However, Berkeley geochemists had devel-
oped the potassium-argon (K-Ar) dating technique to the point where
it was accurate for very young rocks, including basalts that might be only
a few hundred thousand years old. By this time, Cox, Doell, and Dal-
rymple had been hired as scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey, and
McDougall had moved to the Australian National University, where he
established a K-Ar laboratory with colleagues Don Tarling and Frangois
Chamalaun. The two groups were now working concurrently on the
same problem: accurate K-Ar dating of the magnetic reversals in rocks
to prove whether they recorded time-specific events in earth history, and,
if so, when they had occurred. By 1963, the combined work of the two
groups led to the establishment of a paleomagnetic timescale, with four
clearly dated reversals extending over the past four million years. Scien-
tists named the first two of these periods after Brunhes and Matuyama:
we live in the Brunhes normal epoch, which was preceded, starting
around 700,000 years ago, by the Matuyama reversed epoch.36
Meanwhile, throughout the 1950s, researchers at Scripps and Lament
had been collecting sea floor magnetic data, with funds and logistical
support provided by the U.S. Navy. In 1961, Scripps scientists Ronald
Mason and Arthur Raff published a widely read paper documenting a
distinctive pattern of normal and reversely magnetized rocks off the
northwest coast of the United States. The anomalies formed a series of
stripes, roughly parallel to the shoreline. Published in black and white,
they looked a bit like zebra stripes—slightly irregular, but stripes
nonetheless. Magnetic reversals plus sea floor spreading added up to a
testable hypothesis, proposed independently by Canadian geophysicist
Lawrence Morley and Cambridge geophysicists Frederick Vine and
Drummond Matthews (1931-1997). If the sea floor spreads while Earth's
magnetic field reverses, then the basalts forming the ocean floor will
record these events in the form of a series of parallel "stripes" of normal
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 23

and reversely magnetized rocks. Both Morley and Vine and Matthews
realized that Mason and Raff's zebra stripes might be the tangible evi-
dence needed to convert Hess' geopoetry into geo-fact.
The group best situated to examine the evidence was at Lamont, led
by James Heirtzler. Throughout the 1950s, Ewing had made sure that
magnetometers were towed behind every ship, and that the data col-
lected were catalogued systematically. For some years, Heirtzler and his
students had been studying sea floor remanent magnetism, and they had
inadvertently amassed the data needed to confirm or deny sea floor
spreading. Very quickly they did.37 In 1965, Heirtzler and Xavier Le
Pichon published the first of several articles documenting the magnetic
patterns of the Atlantic Ocean; by 1967-1968, Lamont scientists, includ-
ing Walter Pitman, proved that the sea floor magnetic stripes were con-
sistent with the predictions of the Vine and Matthews model.38 Mean-
while Neil Opdyke, also working at Lamont, showed that marine
sediments recorded the same magnetic events as terrestrial and sea floor
basalts, linking the continents with the oceans.39
Another group at Lamont had focused on bathymetric data—mea-
surements of the depth of the sea floor—primarily in the Atlantic.
These data were highly classified, but Bruce Heezen (1924-1977) and
Marie Tharp had found a creative means around security restrictions: a
physiographic map, essentally an artist's rendition of what the sea floor
would look like drained of water, based on quantitative measurements,
but without actually revealing them. In one glance, a geologist could see
the most important feature: a mountain chain running down the mid-
dle of the Atlantic Ocean floor, crosscut by an enormous series of east-
west bearing fractures that dislocated the ridge all along its length. A
fracture zone also ran down the middle of the mid-ocean ridge, and
Tharp noted that the shape of this central fracture zone suggested it was
a rift, a place where the ocean floor was being pulled apart. Heezen
interpreted the medial rift as evidence in support of the expanding
earth hypothesis, an idea that had been promoted in the mid-1950s by
Australian geologist S. Warren Carey. But other Lamont scientists now
saw it as strong evidence of Hess' theory. The sea floor was split down
the middle, the two sides were moving apart, and the rocks on either
side preserved a symmetrical pattern of the periodic reversals of Earth's
magnetic field.
One more piece in the puzzle would help to bring the whole picture
together: the recognition of transform faults by Canadian geologist J.
Tuzo Wilson (1908-1993). An unusually creative and insightful scientist,
Wilson had been studying Pacific oceanic islands, such as the Hawaiian
World Ocean Floor, Bruce C. Heezen and Marie Tharp, 1977. Copyright Marie Tharp, 1977.
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 25

chain, and found that the ages of the islands increased as one moved far-
ther from the East Pacific Rise—a mountainous region on the eastern
side of the Pacific. He realized this could be explained if the rise were a
volcanic center above an upwelling convection current and the islands
were moving progressively from that center by sea floor spreading.40 The
weight of geological data, together with the fit of the continents,
revealed that the earth's surface was "divided into rigid blocks separated
by zones of weakness," and that the "periodic break-up of continents and
then their slow progression to a new pattern may have happened several
times."41 In 1965, Wilson visited Cambridge, where he spoke at length
with Teddy Bullard, Fred Vine, Dan McKenzie, and others interested in
continental mobility, including Harry Hess, who also visited Cambridge
that year.42
Wilson now realized that the fracture zones that displaced the mid-
Atlantic ridge—and similar fracture zones mapped by Scripps scientist
W. H. (Bill) Menard (1920-1986) in the Pacific—provided a clear test of
the idea that the two sides of the ridge were moving apart as solid blocks.
Most people assumed that these fracture zones were strike-slip faults,
because the ridges were displaced across them. But Wilson had a new
idea. Normally, when geologists look at blocks of rock disturbed by an
earthquake, they can determine which direction the land has moved
based on the observable features that are displaced: a fence, a road, a
bridge, or a distinctive rock layer. If the fault is a strike-slip (or transcur-
rent) fault, where two blocks slip alongside each other as they do along
the San Andreas Fault, then geologists look across the fault to see which
way things have moved: if objects have moved to the right, then it's a right-
lateral fault; if they have moved to the left, then it's a left-lateral fault. But
if the mid-ocean ridges were rifts, with the ocean floor splitting apart
along them, then the slip directions on the faults that displaced the
ridges—what Wilson now called transform faults—would be the opposite
of what they would be along conventional strike-slip faults.43
This was a clear and unequivocal test, and developments in seismol-
ogy, hastened by the U.S. government's funding of a world wide standard
seismograph network (WWSSN), had recently made it possible to accu-
rately determine the slip directions on faults. Once again, Lamont sci-
entists were positioned to perform the test. In 1967, seismologist Lynn
Sykes demonstrated that the slip directions on the fracture zones that
cut across the mid-Atlantic ridge were consistent with Wilson's interpre-
tation. The offsets were not transcurrent faults, but, in Wilson's new ter-
minology, transform faults, where a mid-ocean rift was locally trans-
formed into a zone of crustal sliding, and then back again into another

The difference between transcurrent and transform faults, (a) In a

transcurrent (or strike-slip) fault, the direction of movement can be
determined from the offset of a feature intersecting the fault. If the
feature is moved to the left, it is a left-lateral fault, as shown here. The
north side of the fault has moved to the left (west), the south side of
the fault has moved to the right (east), and the fault may continue
indefinitely, (b) In a ridge-to-ridge transform fault, a section of the
mid-ocean ridge is fractured perpendicular to its length. In this case,
the right side of the ridge is moving to the right (east), the left side is
moving to the left (west), and the sense of motion is opposite of that
illustrated in (a). Note also that the fault does not extend indefinitely,
but terminates against the north-south running ridge segments.

rifting ridge segment. There was no longer any doubt that the oceans
were splitting apart.
Sykes and co-workers Jack Oliver and Bryan Isacks also examined the
slip directions on earthquakes associated with the edges of ocean basins.
These edges are characterized by zones of deep-focus earthquakes, either
beneath volcanic island chains like the Aleutians on the northern edge
of the Pacific, or beneath continental margin mountain belts such as the
Andes on the eastern edge of the Pacific. Sykes, Oliver, and Isacks found
that the slip directions were consistent with the overlap of one crustal
plate onto another, with the lower one slipping downward; the zones of
deep-focus earthquakes marked the position of the down-going slab.44
A global picture now emerged. Oceans split apart at their centers,
where new ocean floor is created by submarine volcanic eruptions. The
From Continental Drift to Plate Tectonics 27

crust then moves laterally across the ocean basins. Ultimately, it collides
with continents along their margins (edges), where the ocean crust sinks
underneath, back into Earth's mantle. As it does, it compresses the con-
tinental margins, generating folded mountain belts and magmas that
rise to the surface as volcanoes, and deep earthquakes as the cold, dense
ocean slab sinks farther and farther back into the earth.45
In 1967-1968, this picture was integrated into a synthetic, quantita-
tive theory. Working independently, Daniel P. McKenzie and Robert L.
Parker at Scripps and Jason Morgan at Princeton established the plate
tectonic model: that crustal motions could be understood as rigid body
rotations on a sphere.46 Building on Morgan's work, Xavier Le Pichon
summarized the relevant data in a map of the world divided into plates,
and calculated their rates of movement on the basis of paleomagnetic
data.47 The result became known as plate tectonics, and it was now the
unifying theory of the earth sciences. By the early 1970s, geologists were
working out its meaning for continental tectonics.48 After nearly a cen-
tury, scientists had finally answered the question of the origin of moun-
tains: they form when plates collide.
This has been a very broad overview. We turn now to how these events
looked at the time, to the people who made them happen.

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