Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics
Inferring Seafloor A g e s and Relative P l a t e Velocity In 1968, a program of drilling into the seafloor was launched
By using the ages of reversals that had been worked out from as a joint project of major oceanographic institutions and the
magnetized lavas on land, geologists could assign ages to the National Science Foundation. Later, many nations joined the
bands of magnetized rocks on the seafloor. They could then effort. This global experiment aimed to drill through, re-
calculate how fast the seafloor opened by using the formula trieve, and study seafloor rocks from many places in the
speed = distance/time, where distance is measured from world's oceans. Using hollow drills, scientists brought up
the ridge axis and time equals seafloor age. For instance, the cores containing sections of seafloor rocks. In some cases,
magnetic anomaly pattern in Figure 2.10 shows that the the drilling penetrated thousands of meters below the sea-
boundary between the Gauss normal polarity chron and floor surface. Geologists now had an opportunity to work out
the Gilbert reverse polarity chron, which was dated from lava the history of the ocean basins from direct evidence.
flows at 3.3 million years, is located about 30 km away from One of the most important facts geologists sought was
the Reykjanes Ridge crest. Here, seafloor spreading moved the age of each sample. Small particles falling through the
ocean water—dust from the atmosphere, organic material enough to measure the motion. In Wegener's day, the accu-
from marine plants and animals—begin to accumulate as racy of astronomical positioning was poor; uncertainties in
seafloor sediments as soon as new oceanic crust forms. fixing intercontinental distances exceeded 100 m. Therefore,
Therefore, the age of the oldest sediments in the core, those even at the high rates of motion he was proposing, it would
immediately on top of the crust, tells the geologist how old take a number of years to observe drift. He claimed that two
the ocean floor is at that spot. The age of sediments is astronomical surveys of the distance between Europe and
obtained primarily from the fossil skeletons of tiny, single- Greenland (where he worked as a meteorologist), taken
celled animals that live in the ocean and sink to the bottom 6 years apart, supported his high rate, but he was wrong
when they die (see Chapter 8). Geologists found that the again. We now know that the spreading of the Mid-Atlantic
sediments in the cores become older with increasing dis- Ridge from one survey to the next was only about a tenth of
tance from mid-ocean ridges and that the age of the seafloor a meter—a thousand times too small to be observed by the
at any one place agrees almost perfectly with the age deter- techniques that were then available.
mined from magnetic reversal data. This agreement vali- Owing to the high accuracy required to observe plate
dated magnetic dating of the seafloor and clinched the con- motions directly, geodetic techniques did not play a signifi-
cept of seafloor spreading. cant role in the discovery of plate tectonics. Geologists had
to rely on the evidence for seafloor spreading from the geo-
logic record—the magnetic stripes and ages from fossils
described earlier. Beginning in the late 1970s, however, an
astronomical positioning method was developed that used
In his publications advocating continental drift, Alfred signals from distant "quasi-stellar radio sources" (quasars)
Wegener made a big mistake: he proposed that North recorded by huge dish antennas. This method can measure
America and Europe were drifting apart at a rate of nearly intercontinental distances to an amazing accuracy of 1 mm.
30 meters per year—a thousand times faster than the In 1986, a team of scientists using this method showed that
Atlantic seafloor is actually spreading! This unbelievably the distance between antennas in Europe (Sweden) and
high speed was one of the reasons that many scientists North America (Massachusetts) had increased 19 mm/year
roundly rejected his notions of continental drift. Wegener over a period of 5 years, very close to the rate predicted by
made his estimate by incorrectly assuming that the conti- geologic models of plate tectonics. Wegener's dream of
nents were joined together as Pangaea as recently as the last directly measuring continental drift by astronomical posi-
ice age (which occurred only about 20,000 years ago). His tioning was realized at last.
belief in a rapid rate also involved some wishful thinking: he Postscript: Today, the Great Pyramid of Egypt is not
hoped that the drift hypothesis could be confirmed by aimed directly north, as stated previously, but slightly east
repeated accurate measurements of the distance across the of north. Did the ancient Egyptian astronomers make a
Atlantic Ocean using astronomical positioning. mistake in orienting the pyramid 40 centuries ago? Archae-
ologists think probably not. Over this period, Africa drifted
A s t r o n o m i c a l Positioning Astronomical positioning— enough to rotate the pyramid out of alignment with true
measuring the positions of points on Earth's surface in rela- north.
tion to the fixed stars in the night sky—is a technique of
geodesy, the ancient science of measuring the shape of the Global Positioning S y s t e m Doing geodesy with big radio
Earth and locating points on its surface. Surveyors have telescopes is expensive and is not a practical tool for investi-
used astronomical positioning for centuries to determine gating plate tectonic motions in remote areas of the world.
geographic boundaries on land, and sailors have used it to Since the mid-1980s, geologists have used a constellation of
locate their ships at sea. Four thousand years ago, Egyptian 24 Earth-orbiting satellites, called the Global Positioning Sys-
builders used astronomical positioning to aim the Great tem (GPS), to make the same types of measurements with the
Pyramid due north. same astounding accuracy using inexpensive, portable radio
Wegener imagined that geodesy could be used to meas- receivers not much bigger than this book (Figure 2.11). GPS
ure continental drift in the following way. Two observers, one receivers record high-frequency radio waves keyed to precise
in Europe and the other in North America, would simultane- atomic clocks aboard the satellites. The satellite constellation
ously determine their positions relative to the fixed stars. serves as an outside frame of reference, just as the fixed stars
From these positions, they would calculate the distance be- and quasars do in astronomical positioning.
tween their two observing posts at that instant. They would The changes in distance between land-based GPS re-
then repeat this distance measurement from the same observ- ceivers placed on different plates, recorded over several
ing posts sometime later—say, after 1 year. If the continents years, agree in both magnitude and direction with those
are drifting apart, then the distance should have increased, found from magnetic anomalies on the seafloor. These ex-
and the value of the increase would determine the speed of periments indicate that plate motions are remarkably steady
the drift. over periods of time ranging from a few years to millions of
For this technique to work, however, one must deter- years. Geologists are now using GPS to measure plate
mine the relative positions of the observing posts accurately motions on a yearly bpsis at many locations around the globe.
that led to the assembly of Pangaea and to its later fragmen-
tation into the continents we know today. Let's use what we
have learned about plate tectonics to see how this feat was
The color map in Figure 2.12 shows the ages of the world's
ocean floors as determined by magnetic reversal data and
fossils from deep-sea drilling. Each colored band represents
a span of time corresponding to the age of the crust within
that band. The boundaries between bands, called isochrons,
are contours that connect rocks of equal age. Isochrons tell us
the time that has elapsed since the crustal rocks were injected
as magma into a mid-ocean rift and, therefore, the amount of
spreading that has occurred since they formed. Notice how
the seafloor becomes progressively older on both sides of the
mid-ocean rifts. For example, the distance from a ridge axis
to a 140-million-year isochron (boundary between green and
blue bands) indicates the extent of new ocean floor created
over that time span. The more widely spaced isochrons (the
wider colored bands) of the eastern Pacific signify faster
spreading rates than those in the Atlantic.
In 1990, after a 20-year search, geologists found the old-
est oceanic rocks by drilling into the seafloor of the western
Pacific. These rocks turned out to be about 200 million years
old, only about 4 percent of Earth's age. This date indicates
how geologically young the seafloor is compared with the
continents. Over a period of 100 million to 200 million years
in some places and only tens of millions of years in others,
the ocean lithosphere forms, spreads, cools, and subducts
back into the underlying mantle. In contrast, the oldest con-
tinental rocks are about 4 billion years old.
4. Name three mountain belts that formed by continental col-
lisions that are occurring now or have occurred in the past.
5. Most active volcanoes are located on or near plate
boundaries. Give an example of a volcano that is not on a
plate boundary and describe a hypothesis consistent with
plate tectonics that can explain it.
1. Why are there active volcanoes along the Pacific coast
in Washington and Oregon but not along the eastern coast
of the United States?
2. What mistakes did Wegener make in formulating his
1. From Figure 2.5, trace the boundaries of the South Amer- theory of continental drift? Do you think the geologists of
ican Plate on a sheet of paper and identify segments that are his era were justified in rejecting his theory?
divergent, convergent, and transform-fault boundaries. Ap-
3. Would you characterize plate tectonics as a hypothesis,
proximately what fraction of the plate area is occupied by
a theory, or a fact? Why?
the South American continent? Is the fraction of the South
American Plate occupied by oceanic crust increasing or 4. In Figure 2.12, the isochrons are symmetrically distrib-
decreasing over time? Explain your answer using the princi- uted in the Atlantic Ocean but not in the Pacific. For exam-
ples of plate tectonics. ple, the oldest seafloor (in darkest blue) is found in the
western Pacific Ocean but not in the eastern Pacific. Why?
2. In Figure 2.5, identify an example of a transform-fault 5. The theory of plate tectonics was not widely accepted
boundary that (a) connects a divergent plate boundary with until the magnetic striping of the ocean floor was discovered.
a convergent plate boundary and (b) connects a convergent In light of earlier observations—the jigsaw-puzzle fit of the
plate boundary with another convergent plate boundary. continents, the occurrence of fossils of the same life-forms
on both sides of the Atlantic, and paleoclimatic conditions—
3. From the isochron map in Figure 2.12, estimate how long
why is the magnetic striping such a key piece of evidence?
ago the continents of Australia and Antarctica were sepa-
rated by seafloor spreading. Did this happen before or after 6. How do the differences between continental and
South America separated from Africa? oceanic crust affect the way plates interact?