ELEC3114 Control Systems Lecture 4: Reduction of Multiple Subsystems
ELEC3114 Control Systems Lecture 4: Reduction of Multiple Subsystems
ELEC3114 Control Systems Lecture 4: Reduction of Multiple Subsystems
Antenna Azimuth
Reduction of Multiple
• How to reduce a block diagram of multiple subsystems to a single
block representing the transfer function from input to output
Block diagrams
Cascaded subsystems
X1(s) = X2(s) =
Block diagrams
Parallel subsystems
Block diagrams
Feedback systems
C ( s) G( s)
Ge ( s) = =
R( s ) 1 ± G ( s ) H ( s )
C(s) = G(s)E(s)
E(s) = R(s) ⌥ H(s)C(s)
) C(s) = G(s)(R(s) ⌥ H(s)C(s))
) (1 ± G(s)H(s))C(s) = G(s)R(s)
C(s) G(s)
) =
R(s) 1 ± G(s)H(s)
" a2 %
K ∈ $ 0, ' : … Overdamped response
# 4&
a2 a
K= : s1,2 = … Critically damped
4 2
a2 … Underdamped response
K> :
Example 5.3 Find Tp, %OS, and Ts for the following system
Solution 25
C(s) s(s + 25) 25
T (s) = = = 2
R(s) 1+ 25 s + 5s + 25
s(s + 5)
So, π
Tp = = 0.726 s
ω n = 25 = 5 ω n 1− ζ 2
2ζω n = 5 −
1−ζ 2
ζ = 0.5 %OS = e ×100 = 16.303
Ts ≈ = 1.6
ζω n
Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise
Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Example 5.4 Find the value of the gain K for the system below so that it
responds with a 10% OS.
Solution C(s) K
T (s) = = 2
R(s) s + 5s + K
2ζω n = 5
ωn = K
5 25
ζ= ⇔K = 2
2 K 4ζ
10%OS ⇒ ζ = 0.591 ⇒ K = 17.9
Example 5.2 Reduce the following block diagram to a single transfer function
Antenna azimuth
Ns, Js, Ds
No, Jo, Do
Np, Jp, Dp
DC motor:
✓m (s) Kt /(Ra /Jm )
= ✓o (s) Ns
Ea (s) s(s + (1/Jm )(Dm + Kt Kb /Ra )) =
✓m (s) No
Jm = Js + (Ns /No )2 (Jo + JL ) + (Ns /No )2 (No /Np )2 Jp
✓p (s) No
= Js + (Ns /No )2 (Jo + JL ) + (Ns /Np )2 Jp =
✓o (s) Np
Dm = Ds + (Ns /No )2 (Do + DL ) + (Ns /Np )2 Dp
Antenna azimuth
Ns, Js, Ds
No, Jo, Do
Np, Jp, Dp
✓p (s)
K2 Np
Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise
Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
Antenna azimuth
✓p (s) No
K2 Np
✓o (s) G(s)
= K1
✓i (s) 1 + G(s)H(s)
K1 Kamp Kt Ns /(Ra Jm No )
= 2
s + ((Dm + Kt Kb /Ra )/Jm )s + K2 Kamp Kt Ns /(Ra Jm Np )
Signal-flow graphs
Signal-flow graphs
Example 5.5 Convert the cascaded, parallel, and feedback forms into signal
flow graphs
X1(s) = X2(s) =
X1(s) X1(s)
X2(s) X2(s)
(s) X3(s)
Example 5.6 Convert the block diagram from Example 5.2 to a signal-flow
Mason’s Rule
Mason’s Rule
Loop gain. The product of branch gains found by traversing a path that starts at
a node and ends at the same node, following the direction of the signal flow,
without passing through any other node more than once.
Mason’s Rule
Forward-path gain. The product of gains found by traversing a path from the
input node to the output node of the signal-flow graph in the direction of signal
flow, without going through any node more than once.
Mason’s Rule
Nontouching loops. Loops that do not have any nodes in common.
The loop G2(s)H1(s) does not touch the loops G4(s)H2(s), G4(s)G5(s)H3(s), and
G4(s)G6(s)H3(s). The latter three loops touch one another (have a node in
Mason’s Rule
Nontouching-loop gain. The product of loop gains from nontouching loops taken
two, three, four, or more at a time.
Mason’s Rule
Mason’s Rule
The transfer function C(s)/R(s) of a system represented by a signal flow graph is
C(s) k Tk k
G(s) = =
Notice alternating signs in
this formula
Example 5.7 Find the transfer function C(s)/R(s) for the following signal flow
• Identify forward path gains: only one,
• Identify loop gains: there are four,
Loop gains:
• Identify non-touching loop gains taken two at a time: there are three,
• Identify non-touching loop gains taken three at a time: there is only one
Loop gains:
Loop gains:
Example 5.27 Using Mason’s rule, find the transfer function, T(s) = C(s) /
R(s), for the system represented by figure below.
= = = =1
• Δ(s) = 1 − [G2(s)G4(s)G6(s)G!7(s)H3(s) +
27. G2(s)G5(s)G6(s)G7(s)H3(s) + G3(s)G4(s)G6(s)G7(s)H3(s) +
Closed-loop gains: G2G4G6G7H3; G2G5G6G7H3; G3G4G6G7H3; G3G5G6G7H3; G6H1; G7H2
G3(s)G5(s)G6(s)G7(s)H3(s) + G6(s)H1(s) + G7(s)H2(s)] +
Forward-path gains:7T(s)H
1 = G21(s)
G2G4G6G7; T2 = G1G2G5G6G7; T3 = G1G3G4G6G7; T4 =
• G1ΔG13G(s) = Δ (s) = Δ3(s) = Δ4(s) = 1.
5G6G7 2
1= 2= 3= 4=1 Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
1= 2= 3= 4=1
Control Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition by Norman S. Nise
Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.
T1 1 + T2 2 + T3 3 + T4 4
T(s) =