Pavement Testing
Pavement Testing
Pavement Testing
MAY 2000
ISBN 99912 - 0 - 315 - X
Reproduction of extracts from this Guideline may be made subject to due acknowledgement of the source.
Although this Guideline is believed to be correct at the time of printing, Roads Department does not accept any
contractual, tortious or other form of liability for its contents or for any consequences arising from its use. Anyone
using the information contained in the Guideline should apply their own skill and judgement to the particular issue
under consideration.
Guideline No. 1 The Design, Construction and Maintenance of Otta Seals (1999)
Guideline No. 2 Pavement Testing, Analysis and Interpretation of Test Data (2000)
Pavement testing and interpretation of test data is a fundamental phenomenon in the proper monitoring and
maintenance of road pavements in an economic way.
The first generation roads in Botswana have either reached, exceeded or are about to reach their design life and
would require major rehabilitation. The traffic has increased tremendously on the Road Network, both in terms of
number and axle loading, which means that the rehabilitation will require a considerable amount of funding. The
optimal use of such funds will depend on the timely intervention of maintenance and rehabilitation using the most
appropriate technology.
A significant proportion of the work of the Materials and Research Division of Roads Department involves both
pavement field testing and the analysis and interpretation of pavement test data. This information is used for the
determination of the pavement condition and maintenance requirements and to guide the road rehabilitation
Hence, it is in recognition of the importance of accurate data collection and its interpretation that guidelines on
the “Pavement Testing, Analysis and Interpretation of Test Data” had to be prepared in order to improve and
streamline in-house capacity for pavement assessment and reporting as well as ensure continuous use of compu-
ter tools and analysis techniques used in the process, some of which were developed in-house.
Andrew Nkaro
Acting Director of Roads
Roads Department
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications
The Working Group that guided the project and reviewed the Guideline, comprised of the following people:
Dr Bernard Obika, Roads Department
Mr Charles Overby, NPRA
Mr Barry Kemsley, Roads Department
Mr Baele Mmoloki, Roads Department
Mr Modise Segokgo, Roads Department
Mr Elliott Maswikiti, Roads Department
Mr Mogotsakgotla Kowa, Roads Department
Mr B Sharma, Roads Department
1.1 Background ....................................................................... 14
1.2 Purpose and scope of Guideline ........................................ 14
1.3 Structure of the Guideline .................................................. 15
2.1 The road function .............................................................. 16
2.2 Principles of road maintenance economics ....................... 16
2.3 Typical Pavement Structures ........................................... 17
2.3.1 Surfacings..........................................................19
2.3.2 Pavement layers ................................................... 19
2.3.3 Subgrade............................................................19
2.3.4 Sealed/unsealed shoulders .................................... 19
2.4 The environment ............................................................... 20
2.5 Traffic loading ................................................................... 20
3.1 Causes and types of pavement distress ............................ 21
3.2 Roughness ......................................................................... 23
3.3 Deformation ...................................................................... 23
3.4 Cracking ............................................................................ 24
3.5 Surface problems and surface texture .............................. 25
3.6 Pumping............................................................................. 26
3.7 Potholes and patching ........................................................ 26
3.8 Edge break ........................................................................ 26
3.9 Moisture/drainage .............................................................. 26
3.10 Soluble salt damage ........................................................... 27
4.1 Purpose of pavement evaluation ....................................... 28
4.1.1 Structural evaluation ............................................. 28
4.1.2 Functional evaluation ............................................. 28
4.2 Existing information ........................................................... 28
4.2.1 As built data .......................................................... 29
4.2.2 Maintenance history .............................................. 29
4.2.3 Historical traffic .................................................... 29
4.2.4 Climatic records .................................................... 30
4.3 Evaluation framework and selection of tests .................... 30
4.3.1 Evaluation framework ........................................... 30
4.3.2 Initial assessment .................................................. 31
4.3.3 Detailed assessment ............................................. 31
4.4 Test frequency .................................................................. 31
7.1 General .............................................................................. 40
7.2 Test procedures ................................................................. 41
7.3 Test frequency .................................................................. 42
7.4 Analysis and presentation .................................................. 42
8.1 General .............................................................................. 43
8.2 Deflection measurements .................................................. 44
8.2.1 Type of equipment ................................................ 44
8.2.2 Test procedures ..................................................... 45
8.2.3 Test frequency ...................................................... 45
8.2.4 Analysis and presentation .................................... 45
8.3 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)................................ 46
8.3.1 General .................................................................. 46
8.3.2 Test procedures ..................................................... 46
8.3.3 Test frequency ...................................................... 46
8.3.4 Analysis and presentation .................................... 46
11.1 Simple methods of data evaluation .................................... 59
11.2 Parameters obtained from analyses .................................. 59
Appendix A Visual evaluation forms and description ............................ 65
Appendix B Visual Condition Index (VCI) ............................................ 67
Appendix C Roughness measurement .................................................. 68
Appendix D Pavement layer strength coefficients for
structural number (after Paterson, 1985)........................74
Appendix E Deflection measurement ................................................... 75
Appendix F Test pit profiles .................................................................. 83
Appendix G Equilibrium and predicted moisture content ....................... 86
Appendix H Cumulative sum method for identifying uniform sections....87
Appendix I Pavement condition rating form ........................................ 95
Appendix J Definition of terms ............................................................ 96
Figure 2.1
a-b Illustration of various design strategies on
maintenance and rehabilitation needs..................................17
Figure 2.2 Cross section terms and elements......................................17
Figure 2.3 Schematic illustration of various types of
bituminous surfacings.........................................................18
Figure 6.1 Example of relationship between deflection
and rut depth.....................................................................39
Figure 10.1Delineation of sections using as-built approach...................57
Figure C1 Operation of MERLIN......................................................65
Figure C2 Merlin data collection form.................................................67
Figure C3 Diagrammatical representation of the TRL
Integrator Unit fitted to a vehicle........................................69
Figure E1 Simplified pavements structure model.................................72
Figure E2 Diagrammatic representation of the Benkelman beam.........73
Figure E3 Diagrammatic representation of the FWD...........................77
Figure E4 Deflection bowl parameters...............................................79
Figure H1 Data and plots for Example 1.............................................84
Figure H2 Deflection data example.....................................................87
Figure H3 Outer wheel path data and 90th percentile
characteristics deflections...................................................89
Figure I1 Pavement condition rating form...........................................91
1 Introduction
3 Types of pavement
5 Visual evaluation
8 Pavement strength
Part D References
1 Introduction
2 Road Pavements
3 Types of pavement distress
4 Planning and selection of
appropriate testing
1 Introduction
3 Types of pavement
5 Visual evaluation
8 Pavement strength
Part D References
Analyse data
Uniform sections
Roughness Treatments
Visuals Rutting
Identification Pavement Analysis and for optimal
Local reports interpretation
of distress evaluation upgrading
Deflections DCPs
In-situ subgrade
Note: Stabilised material binders include pozzolans (lime, cement etc.) and bitumens
(penetration grades, emulsions, cutbacks etc.)
Table 2.1 Composition of typical Botswana bituminous pavements.
2.3.1 Surfacings
Various bituminous surfacings are available for use on roads (Figure 2.3).
The choice of the most appropriate surfacing type is usually based on the
life-cycle costs of the different surfacings, i.e. it is a function of their initial
construction cost and their effective service lives. However, aspects such as
the local maintenance capability, grade of the road, stiffness of the pave-
ment structure and traffic need to be considered during selection of the
surfacing type. A guide to typical surfacings and their expected lives is shown
in Table 2.2
1 Prime 4 1 Prime
2 Binder 3 2 Asphalt 2
3 Stone 2 Premix
4 Slurry 1
2.3.3 Subgrade
The subgrade materials are those in situ. They are usually improved by rip-
ping and recompacting to provide a uniform layer, and reduce material
variation in strength, which is undesirable and may lead to local pavement
distress. Subgrades are normally classified in terms of CBR, and the overlying
pavement structure is designed to limit stresses (and deformations) in the
Table 3.1 Typical distress types associated with performance. time and traffic
n stabilised layers: wider-spaced cracking (> 1 m), surface crushing;
n asphalt concrete: closer-spaced cracking (< 1 m), rutting.
cemented subbase indicators
Granular materials usually fail in shear because of their shear strength being
exceeded by the applied load. This is generally the result of excessive water The consequences of deformation occuring
in the pavement, which reduces the shear strength of the material. Granular are more severe than cracking, since the
useful life of the pavement can be consider-
materials are also prone to plastic deformation under load. This results in ably prolonged if cracks are attended to in
the gradual development of ruts, either due to compaction shown up by time and kept sealed.
traffic compaction or else by non-reversible plastic strain under load.
Pavements where only the base course is
Stabilised materials are initially far more rigid than granular materials and cemented with granular subbase are sensitive
fail in tension if overloaded with inadequate support. In time, stabilised to high axle loading and loss of strength by
ingress of water through surface cracks.
material cracks under loading or due to shrinkage and therefore behaves
more like a granular material. This need not necessarily result in any distress It is particularly important that the first scheduled
of the pavement. The shrinkage cracking associated with strongly stabilised reseal is not missed or deferred due to the
early development of block cracks in this
pavement type.
cracking Cracking :
Longitudinal Subgrade problems, poor construction.
rut depth
Crocodile Fatigue failure of surfacing or base.
time and traffic Poor drainage/high moisture content.
Poor bond under bituminous surfacing.
Transverse cracking
Shrinkage of asphalt through ageing.
Reflection of stabilisation cracks from base or
Volumetric shrinkage associated with leaking
Shrinkage of natural gravels through drying or self
Tearing by paver or steel wheeled rollers (asphalt).
Settlement at culvert or stuctures.
3.2 Roughness
The roughness of a road is the longitudinal irregularity of the wheel paths of Significant increases in roughness are normally
the road that affects the riding quality and the dynamics of moving vehicles. associated with structural deterioration and
indicate the need for a more comprehensive
The road roughness also has a significant impact on the operating costs of evaluation.
vehicles making use of the road. Surface roughness, as well as rutting, can
also have a major influence on the drainage of water from the pavement
surface. Although primarily a functional characteristic of roads, the surface
roughness is often indicative of structural deficiencies.
3.3 Deformation
Rutting is the most common manifestation of deformation and indicates The shape of the rut gives a useful first indi-
plastic deformation of the pavement layers and/or subgrade under repeated cation of the pavement layers that are likely to
have caused the rutting. A wide, evenshaped rut
traffic loading. Rutting is restricted to wheel paths. is typically indicative of problems in the lower
layers and narrow more sharply defined ruts
Other typical forms of deformation include depressions and mounds, are usually caused by problems in the upper
displacements, corrugations and undulations, all manifested as deviations pavement layers.
of the road surface from a uniform flat condition and having a detrimental
effect on the riding quality. Deformation often results from subgrade and
3.4 Cracking
The onset of cracking is a primary cause of subsequent rapid deterioration
of a pavement, principally due to ingress of moisture and weakening of
pavement layers, which is why its identification and treatment is a key
component of any pavement evaluation. Different forms of cracking can be
Crocodile cracking and associated shoving. due to different fundamental causes, so it is vital in the visual evaluation to
identify the types of cracking. For practical purposes, four different forms
of cracking are defined, as indicated in the following sections.
3.6 Pumping
Pumping occurs when water pressures generated in the pavement by traffic
loading cause water containing fine material to be ejected through cracks. It
is usually manifested as discolouration of the surfacing associated with
The presence of pumping is a sign of serious defici-
encies in the base layer and normally signals the cracking and is indicative of a loss of fine material from the pavement.
onset of rapid deterioration. Pumping is most readily apparent just after rains, because the freshly pumped
fines lie along the cracks and have not been dispersed by traffic. At other
times, tell-tale discolouration around cracks can be a good indication of
previous pumping.
3.9 Moisture/drainage
The effect of excessive moisture in the pavement structure has been discussed
(Sec 2.4) but bears repeating as it is probably the most important contributor
to pavement failures. Excessive moisture in the pavement structure is gene-
rally the result of inadequate side-drainage, poor shoulders, unmaintained
surface seals or a combination of these. High moisture contents in the pave-
n topography and geology of the surrounding area; Drainage inadequacy is often the cause of local-
ised areas of distress and the visual evaluation
n vegetation in the immediate area. should identify such inadequacies and possible
These factors will help establish specific remedial needs for the section in causes.
the subsequent data processing and section analysis.
As-built data ) - )
Maintenance history ) - )
Visuals ) - )
Test pits and material Where the mode of distress Field test equipment,
In house
testing needs to be confirmed nuclear density meter
RMS data is obtained on a network level and is * Judicious interpretation of deflection/curvature results is required for pavements with
not normally sufficiently detailed for project stabilised layers
level evaluations. Table 4.1 Typical pavement evaluation data requirements.
As-built, historical, visual, rutting and roughness data fulfil the minimum
need. These are usually the data types in a road management system (RMS)
that first identify a possible need for a more comprehensive evaluation. For
post-construction audits carried out prior to the development of any distress,
Test pits and material 2 or 3 per 10 Location and need should be identified
sampling kilometres during the field survey. Dependent on
number of uniform sections.
5 Visual evaluation
6 Rut depth measurement
7 Roughness
8 Pavement strength
9 Test pit profiling and sampling
1 Introduction
3 Types of pavement
5 Visual evaluation
8 Pavement strength
Part D References
Degree Description
5 Extensive occurrence
The presence of significant rutting with the rut
Rut depth (mm)
1,32 mm
0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0
Deflection (mm)
0 0 0 0
0 5
1000 4,0
2 18 1369 3,5 20
2 2
40 2000 3,0
4 46 2976 2,4 4
60 4
4000 2,0
80 1,5
6 74 4687 1,7 6 6
100 6000
8 102 6468 1,2 8
140 10
10 130 8305 0,8 10 000
12 12
12 158 10186 0,6 12 000
14 14
14 000
14 186 12106
16 220
16 000
16 214 14059
18 18
18 242 16042
Comparison of roughness scales.
20 270 18051
Table 7.1 Approximate comparisons between IRI, QI, BI and PSI (after
Paterson, 19871).
Use has been made in Botswana of various straight edges but a MERLIN9
and a number of Rolling Straight Edges10 have been used more frequently.
High-speed profilometers are used for the RMS.
n Deflectograph, and;
n Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD).
The first two methods determine deflections under a slow moving vehicle
wheel load. The FWD gives a response to an impulse load of a falling
weight. Both latter methods also provide more information regarding the
shape of the deflection bowl. The absolute values obtained using each method
may differ significantly. It is therefore recommended that deflection values
be treated on face value, without attempting to convert to a different deflection
standard, as each method will certainly allow differentiation of structurally
dissimilar sections. The only proviso is that any deflection beam readings
be adjusted linearly to a nominal 40kN wheel load (80kN axle load) if Falling Weight Deflectometer showing geophones.
necessary. This processing will be done during the first stage of data
Both transient and rebound deflections can be measured with the Benkelman It should be noted that each method gives
Beam. In one case the loaded wheel moves towards the beam tip (transient) different specific deflection values, which can
be broadly correlated. However, the correlation
while in the other the wheel starts at the beam tip and moves away (rebound). will differ according to pavement structure, and
Slightly different responses are recorded but, in practice, the rebound method applied loading.
is far easier and quicker to apply. Detailed information on Benkelman Beam
and Falling Weight Deflectometer testing is included in Appendix E.
8.3.1 General
In most cases, the pavement strength will be determined using a DCP as this
is a simple, almost non-destructive test that gives valuable information.
9.2 Location
The location of test pits should be carried out once sufficient information is
available to divide the road into a number of preliminary uniform sections.
This can be based on PMS information, rut depth surveys, deflection surveys
and visual condition evaluations in association with the as-built records if
It is, however, important to ensure that sufficient test pits are investigated to
provide adequate information regarding the nature of the pavement and
subgrade materials and thicknesses of the pavement layers. It is suggested
in Table 4.2 that at least 2 or 3 test pits should be excavated per 10 km. No
hard and fast rules can be laid down for the test pit frequency, as it is depen-
dent on the nature of the problem. The situation, length of uniform sections, The location of the pits should be such that
pavement layer material use and design and mode of distress will all affect adequate warning is provided to traffic and the
the number of test pits. Ideally, however, test pits should be located in at area should be cordoned off with high visibility
least: cones. Warning signs and flagmen must also
be established to provide adequate advance
n the visibly best, and warning to the road user.
Test pitting is a skilled operation which must be 9.3 Size and depth
done methodically and comprehensively to gain
maximum benefit. Test pits are more “traffic
friendly” if excavated at an angle to the traffic
The areal extent of the test pit should be as small as possible so as to cause
direction. minimal disturbance of the pavement surface but large enough to:
n Permit a sample of sufficient size to be collected. A 100 mm thick
layer of typical material would generally provide 180 to 200 kg of
sample per square metre.
n Allow enough space to carry out in situ testing and excavation at
At least one test pit at each site should be excavated to a depth at which the
in situ material can be inspected and sampled. Where the road is built on a
high fill:
n the top 300 mm of the fill material, and
n all the overlying layers should be
10 Data analysis
11 Interpretation of results
1 Introduction
3 Types of pavement
5 Visual evaluation
8 Pavement strength
Part D References
Once all the field and laboratory data have been gathered, they should be
compiled into a format that the rehabilitation design engineer can use with
both confidence and minimal referral to the pavement evaluators. The data
should be verified, validated and then presented in the required or a stan-
Example of X-Y plot.
dard format.
As noted previously it is essential for all collected Graphical representation of the data is the fundamental basis by which uni-
data to be referred to the actual field positions, form sections can be identified and classified. It also allows initial data
usually in terms of the milestones (kilometre
posts). This then allows direct comparison of data validation by clearly showing if there are outliers in the data sets that should
values and obviously means that uniform be removed. The approach recommended is the use of spreadsheets for data
sections can be readily identified on the road. processing, whereby all available raw data values are firstly entered against
lineal position. This gives the basis for X-Y plotting and data review.
Commercial programmes such as DOTPLOT© Data such as test pit profiles should be prepared to indicate the uniformity
can be used for describing test pit profiles in a
standard graphical format.
of pavement structures in terms of layer thicknesses and material descriptions.
Comment on
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
Recorded Fixed Initial Adjusted Adjusted
of fixed and
stationing reference comparison recorded chainage
chainage Start + (I) stationing Start +
0 36 + 65 36 + 65 0 36 + 65 Section start
Project Length
Start Chainage End Chainage
Ov Or Or Or M&R M&R
CS 1 CS 2 CS 2 CS 3 CS 4 CS 4
TL 1 TL 1 TL 2 TL 2 TL 2 TL 3
Si = xi - xm + Si-1
xi = Parameter value at chainage i
xm = Mean parameter value
Si = Cumulative sum of the deviations from the mean parameter value at
chainage i
Si-1 = Cumulated sum at the previous chainage i.e. chainage (i-1)
Using the cumulative sums, the extent to which the measured parameter on
the different sections of road varies from the mean parameter value of the
entire surveyed length can be determined. Changes in the slope of the line
connecting the plotted cumulative sums will indicate boundaries between
homogeneous sections.
The Cusum calculation technique is included in a spreadsheet (Appendix
Category I Category II
Parameter Base course material X Y X Y
Cracking (%)**
10 20 15 25
- Crocodile
45 75 60 90
- Longitudinal
* Usually the 90th percentile values.
** As a percentage of length of the section being evaluated.
Table 11.1 Ranges of warning values for data interpretation.
1 Introduction
3 Types of pavement
5 Visual evaluation
8 Pavement strength
Part D References
4 Dry/brittle 3,0
5 Bleeding 3,0
10 Pumping 10,0
11 Rutting 8,0
12 Deformation 4,0
13 Patching 8,0
14 Failures/potholes 15,0
Table B.1 Proposed weightings for VCI calculation (modified after TRH 225).
Scaling factor = 10 T
OPERATOR :_________________
Tally box
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
V) When measurements are being taken the vehicle should be driven at constant speed, avoiding acceleration, deceleration
and gear changes. This is necessary because the vehicle’s response to a given profile varies with speed. To improve
reproducibility it is best to operate the RTRRMS at a standard speed of 80 km/h. However, if this speed is unsafe for
reasons of traffic, pedestrians or restrictive road geometry, a lower speed of 50 or 32 km/h can be used. Calibration
must be carried out for each operating speed used in the survey.
VI) Readings are recorded at half kilometre intervals. This distance should be measured with a precision odometer fitted
to the vehicle. The use of the vehicle odometer or kilometre posts is not recommended for survey purposes.
VII) There are two counters in the recording unit, connected by a changeover switch. This allows the observer to throw the
switch at the end of each measurement interval so that the reading can be manually recorded while the other counter
is working. The first counter can then be re-set to zero ready for the next changeover.
VIII)The type of road surfacing and any landmarks should be recorded to aid future analysis of the data. On completion of
the survey, the wire cord should be disconnected from the rear axle.
IX) After the survey, the results should be converted into vehicle response roughness values (VR). The counts measured
by the BI are in units of cumulative centimetres of uni-directional movement of the rear axle. These should be converted
to vehicle response roughness values using the following equation.
VR = BI count x 10
Section length
VR = Vehicle Response (mm/km)
BI = No of counts per section (cm)
Section length (kms)
X) These vehicle response roughness values should then be converted to units of estimated IRI, E[IRI], using a calibration
that is unique to the RTRRMS at that time.
The RTRRMS must be regularly calibrated against an instrument such as the MERLIN. Calibration should preferably be carried out
before the survey and checked on ‘control’ sites during the survey period to ensure that the RTRRMS remains within calibration. The
calibration of the RTRRMS will need to be re-checked before any subsequent surveys or after any part of the suspension of the vehicle
is replaced.
The calibration exercise involves comparing the results from the RTRRMS and the MERLIN over several short road sections. The
relationship obtained by this comparison can then be used to convert RTRRMS survey results into units of E[IRI]. The recommended
practice for roughness calibration is described below.
I) A minimum of eight sections on the road under evaluation should be selected with roughness levels that span the
range of roughness of the road. The sections should have a minimum length of 200m and should be of uniform
E[IRI] = a + b VR + c VR2
E[IRI] = Estimated IRI (m/km)
VR = Vehicle Response (mm/km)
a, b and c = constants
The calibration equation can then be used to convert data from the RTRRMS (VR) into units of E[IRI].
To divide the road into homogeneous sections, such as to minimise the variation in roughness within each section, it is
recommended that the cumulative sum method be used (Appendix H).
Surface course
Asphalt mixtures (cold or hot premix of low stability) 0.20
Asphalt concrete (hot premix of high stability)1
MR30 = 1 500 MPa 0.30
MR30 = 2 500 MPa 0.40
MR30 = 4 000 MPa or greater 0.45
Base course
Granular materials2 For maximum axle loading
< 80 kN > 80 kN
CBR = 30 %3 0.07 0
CBR = 50 % 0.10 0
CBR = 70 % 0.12 0.10
CBR = 90 % 0.13 0.12
CBR = 110 % 0.14 0.14
Cemented materials4
UCS = 0.7 MPa 0.10
UCS = 2.0 MPa 0.15
UCS = 3.5 MPa 0.20
UCS = 5.0 MPa 0.24
Bituminous materials5 0.32
Subbase and selected subgrade layers
(to total pavement depth of 700 mm)
Granular materials
CBR = 5 % 0.06
CBR = 15 % 0.09
CBR = 25 % 0.10
CBR = 50 % 0.12
CBR = 100 % 0.14
Cemented materials
UCS > 0.7 MPa 0.14
1) Applicable only when thickness > 30 mm. MR30 = resilient modulus by direct tensile test at 30 °C.
2) ai = (29.14 CBR – 0.1977 CBR2 + 0.00045 CBR3)10-4: the coefficient ai may be increased by 60 per cent if CBR >70
and the subbase is cement- or lime-treated. Note ai = 0 for CBR < 60 when axle loading exceeds 80 kN.
3) CBR = California Bearing Ratio (per cent) determined at equilibrium in situ moisture and density conditions.
4) ai = 0.075 + 0.039 UCS – 0.00088 UCS2; where UCS = Unconfined compressive strength in MPa at 14 days. “Cemented”
implies development of tensile strength through Portland cement or lime treatment, or the use of certain flyash, slag,
lateritic or ferricrete materials that are self-cementing over time.
5) Dense-graded bitumen-treated base of high stiffness, e.g., MR20 = 4 000 MPa, resilient modulus by indirect tensile test at
6) ai = 0.01 + 0.065 log10CBR.
The structural integrity of a pavement can be quickly and efficiently assessed by applying a load to the pavement surface and
measuring the resulting deflections. The numerous pavement deflection measurement techniques currently in use can be
categorised according to the applied load characteristics. Measuring the pavement surface deflection under a static or slow
moving load (Benkelman Beam) represents the first generation approach. The next generation involved the application of a
dynamic vibratory load (Road Rater and Dynaflect). The third generation deflection equipment (Falling Weight Deflectometer)
simulates the effect of a moving wheel load by applying a dynamic impulse load. Future equipment will attempt to measure
deflections caused by an actual wheel load moving at highway speeds.
This Appendix gives descriptions, procedures for use, and factors influencing the application of both the Benkelman beam and
the Falling Weight Deflectometer. These represent the main methods that may be used to obtain pavement deflections.
VI) The maximum and final reading of the dial gauge should be recorded while the lorry is driven slowly forward to
a point at least 5m in front of the marked point. The buzzer should remain on until the final reading is taken.
Care must be taken to ensure that a wheel does not touch the beam. If it does the test should be repeated.
VII) The transient deflection is the average of the loading and recovery deflections. Because of the 2:1 ratio of the
beam geometry over the pivot point (see Figure E2) the transient deflection is calculated by either:
VII) Adding the difference between initial and maximum dial gauge readings to the difference between maximum
and final dial gauge readings, or,
VIII)Calculating the loading deflection, as double the difference between the initial and maximum values, and the
recovery deflection, as double the difference between the maximum and final readings and then calculating the
mean of the two deflections.
IIX)At least two tests should be carried out at each chainage and the mean value is used to represent the transient
test result. If the results of the two tests do not fall within the repeatability limits described in Table E1 then a
third test should be carried out.
Whichever method is adopted for the deflection beam measurements, the possible effect of plastic flow upon the results
should be noted, although this is only likely to be significant for thicker or relatively fresh asphalts. When an asphalt surfacing
material flows plastically, it squeezes upwards between the dual loading wheels of the deflection truck which, in the transient
deflection test, reduces the transient loading deflection because the upward movement of the material counteracts the
downward movement of the pavement. The transient recovery deflection that is measured may be correct but further plastic
movement of the raised surfacing material can occur during the time taken for the wheels to move from the test point to the
final position, thereby causing an error in the recovery deflection reading. It is usually very clear from the test results when
plastic flow occurs and testing should be stopped to avoid recording erroneous data.
In the rebound test greater plastic flow will be induced in susceptible materials because of the time the wheels remain
stationary over the test point. When the truck is driven forward the road surface ‘rebounds’ but an indeterminate amount of
recovery of the displaced surfacing material can occur. There is thus no clear indication from the simple rebound test when
plastic flow occurs.
Drop Height
A number of detachable weights are locked on a hydraulic piston that facilitates their quick and precise lift. The weights are
thereafter dropped from a predetermined height. A circular, flexible, loading plate (150 mm radius) ensures the smooth load
transfer between the dropping weights and the potentially uneven pavement surface. A load cell, placed directly under the
dropping weight, accurately measures the loading level. The resultant pavement surface deflections are measured by 9
sensors / transducers placed under a sensors beam at the following offsets (from the loading plate’s centre): 0 / 150 / 200 /
300 / 600 / 900 / 1200 / 1500 /1800 mm. Multiple data transfer cables, also attached to the sensors beam, ensure the
communication between the load cell / sensors / FWD engines and the central computer.
E4.3 Calibrations
Three types of calibration of the sensors are done, namely absolute, reference and relative. Absolute calibration is done in the
factory, at the time of manufacture, while designated agents typically undertake reference calibration annually, also indoors.
The absolute and reference calibration results should be recorded by the agents in calibration certificates and be available for
inspection at all times.
The relative calibration is usually done monthly and/or at the start of every new project, in approximately 4 hours. During this
calibration, the sensors are placed one on top of each other and subjected to a standard vertical load. If all the sensors are
in good condition, their readings should be sensibly equal.
The load cell should be tested at the start and end of each testing session by plotting, on the computer screen, its output curve,
for a standard drop. This plotting option is available on most FWD equipment. If the load cell is in good condition, its output
curve shall have a continuous sinusoidal shape.
Generally, no other calibration is required, even when the equipment has to travel on rough roads or pull aside on grass.
E4.4 Output
At present, the FWD data acquisition software runs in an MS-DOS operating system. The testing output is stored in specific
text files with extensions such as: .f10, .f20 or .fwd (depending on the software type and version). These text files can be easily
viewed, in MS-DOS, with the “Edit file_name.f10/f20/fwd” command.
The general information is stored in the file’s header. The initial test drop parameters and results follow. Subsequently, all
drop loads and their corresponding pavement surface deflections are recorded separately, though grouped per test point.
The test point information is generally recorded per point, though it can also be recorded for each drop.
Microsoft Excel can be satisfactorily used to import and process these files. Once the potential user tries to open such a file,
the text import procedure is automatically started and a “delimited” file type is assigned. As this default file type is convenient,
the user can subsequently choose the delimiter type for converting the text to columns. For the purposes of FWD data
analysis, the most adequate delimiter type is ”space”. The resultant file can be saved as an Excel spreadsheet and used for
further processing.
It is however recommended that the FWD service provider processes these files according to the Client’s requirements.
Inherent measurement errors can be easily overlooked if the processing personnel do not have the required expertise.
E4.6 Backcalculation
Currently complete deflection bowls are used in an iterative procedure, known as backcalculation, to estimate the pavement
layer E-moduli. The straightforward goal of the backcalculation process is to estimate a set of layer E-moduli that best match
the measured and calculated deflections, at all offsets.
A physical model is assumed, with estimated E-moduli and Poisson’s ratios. The layer thicknesses are considered known.
A set of theoretical deflections is then mathematically derived (at the same offsets as the FWD sensors) based on the
estimated E-moduli and the traffic loading. This set of computed deflections is compared with the FWD measured one.
Based on the difference between the two sets of deflections, the estimated E-moduli are adjusted and the theoretical
deflections re-computed. This process is iterated until the difference between the computed and measured deflections is
being reduced to a minimum (that is, 5-10%).
Strength of subgrade
(Overall pavement strength)
D0 - Maximum deflection
Strong subgrade
Strong base (Low D7)
(Low BLI)
Weak subgrade
(High D7)
Weak base
(High BLI)
The EMC/OMCm ratio in Botswana will differ from layer to layer as follows:
EMC/OMCm = 0.707
Base course
EMC/OMCm = 0.56
PI Difference differences
Chainage (xi) xi - mx (Cusum) Data values (PI)
1 20 -4.41 -4.41
2 18 -6.41 -10.82 70
3 7 -17.41 -28.24
4 20 60
-4.41 -32.65
5 22 -2.41 -35.06 50
6 24 -0.41 -35.47
7 30 5.59 -29.88 40
8 55 30.59 0.71
9 60 35.59 36.29 PI 30
10 45 20.59 56.88 20
11 62 37.59 94.47
12 10 -14.41 80.06 10
13 1 -23.41 56.65
14 3 -21.41 35.24 0
15 1 -23.41 11.82 0 5 10 15 20
16 2 -22.41 -10.59 Chainage
17 35 10.59 0.00
Average, mx = 24.41
0 5 10 15 20
Rasesa - Monemetsana
Processed deflection data - complete surveyed length
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
Corrected chainage (km)
Rasesa - Monemetsana
Cusum for deflection data - complete surveyed length
Section 3
Section 5
40 Section 8
Section 1 Section 2 Section 4 Section 6
Section 7 & 9
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
Corrected chainage (km)
1: start to km 44,86 0,34 (0,13) 0,35 (0,12) 0,34 (0,13) 0,35 (0,12)
2: km 44,86 - km 50,79 0,16 (0,07) 0,19 (0,06) 0,17 (0,07) 0,20 (0,07)
3: km 50,79 - km 51,62 0,25 (0,07) 0,30 (0,08) 0,25 (0,07) 0,30 (0,08)
4: km 51,62 - km 53,59 0,16 (0,07) 0,19 (0,06) 0,17 (0,07) 0,20 (0,07)
5: km 53,59 - km 55,64 0,32 (0,09) 0,34 (0,09) 0,32 (0,09) 0,34 (0,09)
6: km 55,64 - km 59,04 0,22 (0,07) 0,24 (0,07) 0,17 (0,07) 0,20 (0,07)
7: km 59,04 - km 62,19 0,16 (0,05) 0,17 (0,05) 0,17 (0,07) 0,20 (0,07)
8: km 62,19 - km 62,44 0,21 (0,08) 0,20 (0,07) 0,21 (0,08) 0,20 (0,07)
9: km 62,44 - km 63,39 0,16 (0,05) 0,17 (0,05) 0,17 (0,07) 0,20 (0,07)
The processing requires identifying the actual point at which the uniform section ends by direct examination of the Cusum
data sets. For example, the first section is marked by a Cusum peak of about 110 on one beam and about 104 on the other.
Paging through the data will quickly find where these values peak to identify the chainage and, the row number. This will
define the range extents for averages and standard deviations.
The most efficient method for processing is then firstly identifying all change points, in terms of chainage and spreadsheet
data row number, and only then calculating means and standard deviations. The reason for this is that all the calculation
functions can be kept together and simply edited for the appropriate data ranges, rather than placing these all through the
spreadsheet adjacent to the relevant tabulated spreadsheet data.
Without going into great detail on the specific values, it will be seen that the RHS values are generally the higher and in fact
represent the outer wheel path. The higher values will in any case be used to define the characteristic deflections. For the
particular data in this example, which are actually very low deflections overall, either method of processing in Table H.1 is
basically sound. For this example, however, the initial delineation will be used to define the uniform section characteristics
shown in Table H.2
The best way to review the selection is to show the characteristic uniform section data superimposed on the actual deflection
values, which readily confirms the validity of the selection or indicates further processing is required. This is shown in Figure
H.3, in this case showing only the outer wheel path deflections (RHS), and on a larger vertical scale.
Figure H.3 Outer wheel path data and 90th percentile characteristic deflections.
Distance (km) 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Upper Base 100 ETB (1986) (Insitu Qtz 1%Bit./1%Lime) 175 ETB (1986) (Insitu Qtz,1%Bit/1%Lime) 100 ETB (1986)
Lower Base 100 ETB (1986) (Insitu Qtz 1%Bit./1%Lime) 100 ETB (1986) (B / L)
Subbase C3 150 G5 (1986) 150 C3 (1986) (Insitu Qtz/Shale, 3% OPC) 150 C3 (1986) 150 G2 (1972)
Upper Selected 150 G5 (1972) 150 C3 (1986) (Insitu Shale /Dol, 3% OPC) 150 G5 (1972)
Lower Selected 150 G5 (1972)
Fast shoulder
Fast lane
Slow lane
Slow Shoulder
Distance (km) 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
(1995 , update 1997)
Aggregate loss
rse cracking
Visual assessments
Crocodile cracking
Summary of
Test Pit
Distance (km) 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40