AFCAP MAL 016 Pavement Design Manual Malawi
AFCAP MAL 016 Pavement Design Manual Malawi
AFCAP MAL 016 Pavement Design Manual Malawi
for Low Volume Sealed Roads
Using the DCP Design Method
September 2013
for Low Volume Sealed Roads
Using the DCP Design Method
September 2013
IV Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method
Part A - 1: Introduction
I am pleased to provide the foreword to this Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using
the DCP Design Method. Since the publication of the Ministry’s Highway Design Manual in 1978,
ongoing research in the southern African region, including Malawi, has led to new technologies
and practices in the cost-effective provision of low volume sealed roads. As a result, the current
manual is no longer appropriate for the design of low volume sealed roads, and a new manual is
required to reflect these developments. This Manual supports the Malawi Government’s policy of
providing safe and reliable all-season road access to the country’s rural population through the use
of appropriate and cost-effective interventions.
The Government of Malawi commits significant funding for the improvement of road infrastructure
in the country. It is therefore important that such funding is utilised efficiently and effectively by all
roads agencies in Malawi. This can be achieved by their adherence to the best practice methods
and techniques included in the Manual. This Manual will complement the Ministry’s efforts in
providing policy guidance to the construction industry in the upgrading of gravel and earth roads
to a paved standard.
I am pleased to note that the preparation of the Manual was undertaken in close consultation with
all stakeholders in the road sector to ensure that it best meets practitioners’ requirements.
It is my sincere hope that this Manual will herald a new era in the more efficient and effective
provision of low volume sealed roads in Malawi. In so doing, it will make a substantial contribution
to the improved infrastructure of our country and, in the process, enhance economic growth and
reduce poverty.
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method V
Part A - 1: Introduction
The Ministry of Transport and Public Works is charged with the responsibility of providing adequate,
safe and well maintained transport infrastructure to effectively contribute to the socio-economic
growth and development of the country.
In discharging its responsibilities, the Ministry uses the Roads Authority to execute its policy in the
road sector. In this regard, the Authority is mandated to develop and maintain the classified road
network to an appropriate standard.
One of the major challenges faced by the Roads Authority has been the management of a large
network of unpaved roads which have imposed a significant technical and financial burden on the
organization. This is due, in part, to the use of non-renewable gravel resources which are being
seriously depleted. For these reasons, the Authority initiated the development of a new Design
Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method. The design approaches
included in the Manual are based on the body of local research information that has been available
from previous research and investigations carried out both in Malawi and in the region.
The Manual serves as a standard reference and source of good practice for the design and
construction of low volume sealed roads. The aim of the Manual is to provide all practitioners
with comprehensive guidance on the wide range of factors that need to be addressed in a holistic
manner when undertaking the upgrading of unpaved roads to a paved standard.
The Ministry expects all practitioners in the road sector to adhere to the approaches set out in
the Manual. This will ensure that a consistent, harmonised approach is followed in the design and
construction of low volume sealed roads in the country.
The Manual, by its very nature, will require periodic updating to take account of the dynamic
nature of developments in low volume road technology. The Ministry, therefore, would welcome
comments and suggestions from any stakeholders as feedback on all aspects of the Manual during
its implementation. All feedback will be carefully reviewed by professional experts with a view to
amending future updates of the manual.
Moffat Chitimbe
Secretary for Transport and Public Works
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
VI Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method
Part A - 1: Introduction
The Ministry of Transport and Public Works wishes to acknowledge the valuable support that
was provided by the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) for
the preparation of the Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design
method. The project was carried out under the aegis of the Africa Community Access Programme
(AFCAP) – a DFID-funded research programme that promotes safe and sustainable access for
rural communities in Africa. The project was managed by the Malawi Roads Authority, under the
direction of its Chief Executive officer - Eng. P.J. Kulemeka.
The project benefitted from the valuable inputs provided by a Technical Working Group comprising
professionals from both public and private sector organisations. The Technical Working Group
participated in workshop discussions, field work and training during the process of the development
of the Manual. The Technical Working Group comprised the following persons:
Roads Authority
- Eng. P.C. Kasakatira - Eng. D. Kalinde
- Eng. B.C. Kapoteza - Mr. W. Kaunde
- Eng. F. Dimu - Mr. S. Banda
Contractors Facilitator
- Mr. F. Kavwenje - Eng. J. Chagunda
- Mr. R. Dilawo
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method VII
Part A - 1: Introduction
Project Management:
The project was managed by the Crown Agents and carried out under the general guidance of the
AFCAP Technical Services Manager, Eng. R. Geddes.
Manual Development
The manual was developed and written by Eng. M. Pinard, AFCAP consultant.
Peer Review
The manual was reviewed by the following researchers who have all been involved in various aspects
of DCP development and its application to LVSR design:
- Dr. J. Rolt, Independent Consultant, formerly Chief Research Scientist, UK Transport Research
- Dr. P. Paige-Green, Chief Researcher, CSIR, South Africa
- Eng. E. Kleyn, Independent Consultant, South Africa
- Eng. G. van Zyl, Independent Consultant, South Africa
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VIII Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method
Part A - 1: Introduction
> Greater than
< Less than
% Percentage
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method IX
Part A - 1: Introduction
LVR Low Volume Road
LVSR Low Volume Sealed Road
M MC Moisture Content
MDD Maximum Dry Density
MGV Medium Goods Vehicle
MK Malawi Kwacha
MESA Million Equivalent Standard Axles
N NCIC National Construction Industry Council
NG Natural Gravel
NMT Non-motorised Traffic
NPV Net Present Value
O OMC Optimum Moisture Content
ORN Overseas Road Note
OWP Outer Wheel Path
P P075 Percentage material passing the 0.075mm sieve
PI Plasticity Index
PL Plastic Limit
PM Plastic Modulus
R RA Roads Authority
RC Relative Compaction
RHS Right Hand Side
S SADC Southern African Development Community
SB Subbase
SG Subgrade
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X Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method
Part A - 1: Introduction
Foreword II
Preface III
Acknowledgements IV
List of Abbreviations VI
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purpose 1
1.3 Scope 1
1.4 Development 2
1.5 Structure and Contents 3
1.6 Benefits of Using the Manual 3
1.7 Sources of Information 4
1.8 Updating the Manual 4
1.1 Introduction 9
1.2 Purpose and Scope 9
1.3 Goal 9
2.1 Introduction 11
2.2 Purpose and Scope 11
2.3 General Assessment 11
2.4 Visual Assessment 12
2.5 Structural Assessment 14
2.5 Strip Maps 16
3.1 Introduction 25
3.2 Purpose and Scope 25
3.3 Procedure for Estimating Design Traffic 26
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method XI
Part A - 1: Introduction
5.1 Introduction 47
5.2 Purpose and Scope 47
5.3 Background to DCP Method 47
5.4 Design Principles 47
5.5 DCP Design Procedure 51
5.6 Strengths and Limitations of the DCP Design Method 54
6.1 Introduction 61
6.2 Purpose and Scope 61
6.3 Approach to Using Local Materials 61
6.4 Selection of Materials 62
6.5 Specification of Materials 64
6.6 Testing of Materials 64
7.1 Introduction 69
7.2 Purpose and Scope 69
7.3 Bituminous Surfacings 69
7.4 Non-Bituminous Surfacings 72
7.5 Factors Affecting Choice of Surfacings 75
7.6 Life Cycle Cost Analysis 76
8.1 Introduction 81
8.2 Purpose and Scope 81
8.3 Hydrology 81
8.4 Road Level 82
8.5 Road Surface Drainage 83
8.6 Subsurface Drainage 84
8.7 Drainage Channels 84
8.8 Culverts 89
8.9 Low Level Structures 90
8.10 High Level Bridges 91
1.1 Introduction 93
1.2 Design Approach 93
1.3 The Road Environment 94
1.4 Environmentally Optimised Design 95
1.5 Design Strategy 95
1.6 Surfacing Options 96
` 1.7 Context Sensitivity 97
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XII Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method
Part A - 1: Introduction
2.1 Introduction 101
2.2 Climate 101
2.3 Moisture Regime 104
3.1 Introduction 107
3.2 Materials Characteristics 107
3.3 Local Materials 110
3.4 Specifications 110
3.5 Materials Selection 111
3.6 Materials Testing 113
3.7 Materials Prospecting 113
4.1 Introduction 117
4.2 Pavement Design Methods 118
5.1 Introduction 123
5.2 Problem Soils 123
5.3 Construction Issues 126
5.4 Vehicle Overloading 129
5.5 Maintenance Issues 129
5.6 Road Safety 131
6.1 Introduction 133
6.2 Life-Cycle Cost Analysis 133
6.3 Optimum Pavement Design Solution 136
7.1 Introduction 139
7.2 Planning Impacts 139
7.3 Design Impacts 140
7.4 Construction Impacts 140
7.5 Maintenance Impacts 141
7.6 Pavement Monitoring Impacts 141
7.7 Environmental Impacts 141
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method XIII
Part A - 1: Introduction
Annex 2B: Example of Determination of Uniform Sections from CUSUM Analysis 20
Annex 2C: Determination and Choice of DN Percentile Values 21
Annex 2D: Sample of Strip Map 22
Annex 2E: Evaluation of Condition of Existing Gravel Road 23
Annex 3A: Determination of Normal, Generated and Diverted Traffic 32
Annex 3B: Design Example: Determination of Traffic Design Loading 33
Annex 4A: Speed Reduction Measures in Villages 39
Annex 5A: Determination of Strength-Balance of Pavements 56
Annex 6A: Determination of Laboratory DN Value 65
Annex 7A: Life Cycle Cost Comparison between a Single Otta Seal plus
Sand Seal and a Double Chip Seal (hypothetical only) 78
Annex: A: DCP Design Example 145
Annex A1: Alpha-Beta Road: DCP Results and Analysis 151
Annex A2: Determination of 80th Percentile Values for Uniform Sections 154
Annex A3: Uniform Sections 156
Annex A4: Layer Strength Diagrams 156
Annex B: Glossary of Terms 160
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XIV Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method
Part A - 1: Introduction
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method XV
Part A - 1: Introduction
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XVI Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method
Part A - 1: Introduction
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method XVII
Part A - 1: Introduction
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XVIII Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part A
Part: A
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part A 1
Part A - 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
Low volume roads (LVRs), defined as those roads that carry both less than about 300 vehicles
per day (vpd) and about 1 million equivalent standard axles over their design life, constitute a
significant proportion of the Malawi classified road network. Whilst the approach to the design
of these relatively lightly trafficked roads follows the general principles of any good road design
practice, they nonetheless differ in a number of respects from the traditional approaches that are
generally directed at relatively heavily trafficked roads carrying a greater proportion of multi-axled
commercial vehicles. In particular, for LVRs relatively more pavement distress is attributable to the
environmental effects than is the case for higher volume situations.
Whilst there are significant life cycle benefits to be achieved from upgrading Malawi’s relatively lightly
trafficked unpaved roads to a paved standard, the cost of doing so following traditional standards
and specifications is prohibitive. However, based on research and investigations carried out over
many decades in the Southern African region, including Malawi, there is now performance based
evidence on which new design standards and specifications for various aspects of low volume
sealed road provision can be based. These findings have been incorporated in the development
of this Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method in which
the design of the pavement is based specifically on the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) design
method. The manual reflects historical experience in Malawi and the region and takes full account
of the positive experience gained in the country from the construction of similar roads dating back
over 20 years.
1.2 Purpose
The main purpose of this Manual is to provide practitioners with a rational, appropriate and
affordable approach to the design of LVSRs in Malawi. This is achieved by consolidating in one
document the latest approaches to the provision of LVSRs including developments in pavement
design and surfacing technology and use of road building techniques that allow maximum use to
be made of local materials.
The manual is expected to serve as a nationally recognised document, the application of which will
harmonise approaches to the provision of LVSRs in Malawi.
1.3 Scope
The Manual applies primarily to the upgrading of existing unsealed LVRs to a sealed standard
using the existing alignment to the maximum extent possible. However, the method can also be
used for the design of new roads albeit with a slightly different approach to the evaluation of the in
situ conditions and to the construction techniques required. The design is based on the Dynamic
Cone Penetrometer (DCP) and is aimed at achieving a balanced pavement design whilst optimising
the in situ material strength in the existing gravel road.
Other complementary aspects of road design are also dealt with so as to ensure that they are all
addressed in an appropriate manner by the designer. However, the following qualifications to the
scope of the manual should be noted:
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
2 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part A
Part A - 1: Introduction
• Geometric design: Since by their very nature LVSRs will generally follow the existing
alignment which may not be fully engineered, the Manual does not deal with geometric
design calculations for determining the horizontal and vertical curvature of the road but,
rather, assesses the adequacy of the existing alignment in terms of such issues as safety
and drainage.
• Surfacing design: A wide range of alternative surfacing types is presented and guidance
is provided on the factors which influence their choice for particular applications. However,
the detailed design of such surfacings is not addressed as this is available in other guidelines
on this subject.
• Drainage design: The Manual provides a framework to assist the designer in evaluating
the adequacy of existing drainage infrastructure and the need for new infrastructure.
However, the manual does not deal with detailed drainage design which can be found in
other guidelines on this subject.
1.4 Development
The development of the manual was overseen by a Technical Working Group comprising a wide
cross section of stakeholders in Malawi including representatives from the following organisations:
• Ministry of Transport
• Roads Authority
• Road Fund Administration
• National Construction Industry Council (NCIC)
• University of Malawi
• Consultants
• Contractors
• Road Materials Suppliers
As a result of the high level of local participation in the development of the manual, it has been
possible to capture and incorporate a significant amount of local knowledge in the document.
The manual draws extensively on the outputs of previous research and investigation work carried
out in Malawi as follows:
1) erformance Review of Design Standards and Technical Specifications for Low Volume
Sealed Roads in Malawi. AFCAP Project MAL/016, May 2011.
Collaborative Research Programme on Highway Engineering materials in the SADC Region:
Volume 1 – Performance of Low Volume Sealed Roads: Results and Recommendations
from Studies in Southern Africa. UK Transport Research Laboratory, November, 1999.
3) alawi Low Volume Roads Study: An investigation into the use of Laterite instead of
crushed stone or stabilised material as a base course for bituminous surfaced roads. Scott
Wilson Kirkpatrick and Partners/Henry Grace and Partners and Imperial College of Science
and Technology, UK. December, 1988.
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part A 3
Part A - 1: Introduction
1.5 Structure and Contents
for Low Volume
Design Manual
Sealed Roads
Part A (this part): Provides an overview of the manual, including its purpose and scope, the
approach to its development, its structure and content as well as the benefits to be
derived from using the manual and the manner of its updating.
Part B Provides the various steps to be followed in the design of a low volume sealed
road, including an evaluation of the existing road, the traffic characteristics; the DCP
pavement design procedure, an overview of alternative types of surfacings as well as
the other related aspects such as drainage, road safety considerations and materials
Part C Provides the design philosophy underlying the relatively new approaches to the
design of LVSRs. In so doing, it provides guidance on each aspect of the road
design process plus other supplementary topics not addressed in Part B such as
the significance of the road environment factors on design, vehicle overloading and
practical considerations, such as dealing with problem soils.
There are a number of benefits to be derived from adopting the approaches advocated in the
manual. These include providing LVSRs that:
• re less expensive in economic terms to build and to maintain through the adoption of
more appropriate, locally derived technology and design/construction techniques that are
better suited to local conditions
• inimise adverse environmental impacts, particularly with regard to the use of non-
renewable resources (gravel)
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
4 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part A
Part A - 1: Introduction
• ake better account of the needs of all stakeholders, particularly the local communities
served by these roads
• oster local road building and maintenance capacity through the greater use of small scale,
local contractors
• ltimately, facilitate the longer term goal of socio-economic growth, development and
poverty alleviation in the region
In addition to providing general information and guidance, the manual also serves as a valuable
source document because of its comprehensive lists of references from which readers can obtain
more detailed information to meet their particular needs. A bibliography can be found at the end of
each chapter of the Manual.
As LVSR technology is continually being researched and improved, it will be necessary to update
the manual periodically to reflect improvements in practice. All suggestions to improve the manual
should be in accordance with the following procedures:
• ny proposed amendments should be sent to the Chief Executive Officer, Roads Authority,
motivating the need for the change and indicating the proposed amendment
• ny agreed changes to the manual will be approved by the RA after which all stakeholders
will be advised accordingly
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part A 5
Part A - 1: Introduction
2.1 Pavement
The main components of LVSR pavement are shown in Figure 2-1 and whilst the purpose of these
various components is summarised in Table 2-1.
Base course
Improved subgrade/
new subbase
In situ subgrade
Surfacing •
Provides a smooth running surface
• Provides a safe, economical and durable all-weather surface
• Minimises vehicle operating and maintenance costs
• Reduces moisture infiltration into the pavement
• Provides suitable properties for the local environment,
e.g. dust suppression, skid resistance and surface texture
• Delineates traffic lanes and shoulders, bicycle paths, traffic
calming devices
• Visually enhances the road environment for road users and
adjacent residents
Subbase/improved • rovides a stable platform for the construction of the base and
subgrade (reformed surfacing
& compacted original • Assists in providing adequate pavement thickness so that the
gravel wearing course strains in the in situ subgrade are kept within acceptable limits
In situ subgrade • R
efers to the naturally occurring material on which the pavement
and improved subgrade are constructed
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6 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part A
Part A - 1: Introduction
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part A 7
Part A - 1: Introduction
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
8 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 1: Design Process
Part: B
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 9
There are a number of steps to be followed in upgrading an unsealed road to a sealed standard.
These steps constitute a design process that needs to be undertaken in a systematic and structured
manner in order to produce the most appropriate design that achieves the specified functionality
of the road in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner. The design process must
also be carried out in a manner that, at each stage, is fully responsive to the road environment in
Malawi in terms of such features as the climate (rainfall and temperature), drainage, topographic
and sub-soil conditions.
The purpose of this chapter is to outline the design process that is followed in the Manual in
upgrading an unpaved road to a paved standard. The various steps in the process and the main
outputs of each step are summarised Figure 2-1.
1.3 Goal
The goal of the road design process is to produce a design that will not only achieve operational
efficiency, but will also be safe and cost-effective, be aesthetically pleasing, and minimise the
environmental impacts. The role of the road designer is to produce the most appropriate design
that achieves the specified functionality using the design inputs from all relevant disciplines. The
design must take into account all inputs from stakeholders and road users.
Whereas, previously, economics were the dominant yardstick by which roads were evaluated, we
are now entering a new era, where the social, environmental and even cultural dimensions of roads
are being increasingly taken into account as part of the responsible decision-making process.
Today, the emphasis is on providing roads that are cost-effective and safe to use; that make
maximum use of locally available materials; that employ methods of construction that maximise the
use of local labour and, above all, that are sustainable in the long term through planned, affordable
maintenance interventions.
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10 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 1: Design Process
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 11
Information on the physical characteristics and condition of the existing gravel road and its
environment are needed before its upgrading requirements can be established. A preliminary road
evaluation must therefore be carried out involving appropriate investigations aimed at collecting
and compiling information on the road’s physical characteristics and surrounding environment as
an input for subsequent decision making and design.
The purpose of this chapter is to outline the scope of the preliminary road evaluation which will
typically include the following stages of investigations:
• General assessment
• Visual assessment
• Structural assessment
• vailable historical data from previous construction and maintenance should be collected
for review and any sections of poor alignment and accident black spots should be identified
for attention in the design
• erial photographs from Google Earth which provide a free and very useful source of
information, including a number of road environment factors such as the alignment of the
road, drainage patterns, low-lying areas, locations of settlements, etc.
• reviously collected information on the location and variety of materials used in constructing
the gravel road – usually available from the Central Materials Laboratory
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12 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 2: Design Process
also be noted for possible improvement including appropriate measures for producing a safer road
environment (Chapter 4).
In general, traditional, full scale topographic surveys are not necessary to determine the geometric
assessments indicated above. Instead, they can be achieved with the use of a simple GPS device
which is sufficiently accurate for a LVR upgrading. Where drainage may be problematic, for example,
at low-lying points on the road, cross-sections will be required using survey instruments.
Any historical traffic counts available should also be obtained and can provide useful inputs to
estimating future growth rates.
Samples of the base material, and if necessary the support layers in each uniform section, must be
tested in the laboratory to provide information to aid construction and to ensure that the materials
meet the relevant specifications as discussed in Chapter 6: Materials.
In flat terrain, low-lying, poorly drained areas should be noted and may require lifting the new road
on to a low embankment. This will not only facilitate longitudinal drainage but also avoid saturation
of the pavement by ensuring an adequate crown height relative to the invert of the side drains.
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 13
• Ruts
• Shear deformation
• Potholes
• Oversize material
• Culverts
- Adequacy of opening (size, flooding, length of culvert)
- Outlet conditions (ponding, silting, erosion, headwalls)
- Structural strength (condition of concrete or other materials)
• Surface drainage
- Standing water due to rutting, etc.
• Drainage channels
- Adequacy of side drains (shape of drain, ponding, silting, erosion)
- Catchwater drains and cut-off drains (shape of drain, ponding, silting, erosion)
- Mitre drains (frequency, shape of drain, ponding, silting, erosion)
Erosion is closely related to drainage and depends on soil type, climate and site conditions.
A general assessment of erosion potential is needed for embankments, cuttings, road reserve and
borrow areas, leading to design of anti-erosion measures where necessary.
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14 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 2: Design Process
A pavement structural assessment is required to ascertain the strength and bearing capacity of
the existing gravel road which is to be incorporated as part of the new pavement structure. The
procedure for undertaking the structural assessment of the gravel road is as follows:
The frequency of the DCP measurements will depend on a number of factors including the variability
in road conditions and level of confidence required. The recommended frequency for upgrading a
gravel road to a paved standard should be as follows, with the tests staggered at outer wheeltrack/
centre line/outer wheel track (See Table 2-1):
nsure that at least 20 DCP tests are performed per likely uniform section to provide adequate
data for statistical analysis.
Care must be exercised in carrying out the DCP survey by discarding any measurements which
could produce anomalous results. Such results could arise, for example, where large stones
occur in the pavement layer (see Figure 2-1) which would produce misleadingly high resistance to
penetration (low DN values).
Figure 2-1: Typical DCP effects with large stones in pavement layer
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 15
2.5.2 STEP 2: Obtain DCP penetration rates in pavement layers and input
results into DCP computer programme
As the inherent in situ strength of the material is strongly dependent on the prevailing moisture (and
density) conditions, it is essential that an estimate of the in situ moisture condition is made at the
time of the DCP survey for comparison with the expected moisture regime in service. To this end,
at least 2 samples per kilometre should be obtained for moisture content determination from the
outer wheel track road at depths of 0-150, 150-300 and 300-450 mm.
Table 2-2: Percentiles of maximum DCP penetration rate to be used to assess in situ material conditions
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16 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 2: Design Process
The in situ moisture content tends to be a function of the height of the pavement layer(s) above
natural ground level, adjacent cuttings, material properties and the depth of the water table below
natural ground level. Given a conducive moisture regime (see Section 8.4), after surfacing the
moisture content in the base tends to stabilise to equilibrium at typically 70 – 90% of OMC.
An example of the application of the above table to determine an appropriate percentile value of
the minimum in situ strength profile of the pavement that should be used for design purposes is
provided in Annex 2C.
In order to provide a good “picture” of the existing unpaved road in terms of the key road environment
factors that may affect the design of the paved road, a strip map should be produced. The details
included in this linear map will assist with the application of the Environmentally Optimised Design
(EOD) approach to the design of the road (See Annex 2D). The map will also be of assistance
to the designer in terms of showing such features as access roads, lay-bys/bus stops etc for
which particular attention should be given in terms of side drainage and visibility as well as to
the contractor in preparing his tender. Such a map would normally obviate the need for a more
traditional and expensive detailed topographic road survey that can hardly be justified for a low
volume road.
The following items should be included on the strip map which is illustrated in Annex 2E.
• Embankment
• Level
• Depression
• Cutting
During the visual assessment, the road condition should be rated into the following four categories
based on the degree and extent of the occurrence as described in Annex 2D.
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2.6.3 Traffic
Information on traffic volumes will influence both the pavement design (type of surfacing, thickness
and quality of pavement materials) and the geometric design (width of pavement and shoulders)
of the road.
Motorised traffic should be categorised and colour coded into the following bands:
• Drainage structures
• Direction and angle of water flow
• High points
• Low points
• Possible locations of mitre drains
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18 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 2: Design Process
Attention should be paid to the following issues when using the DCP.
• he equipment must be held vertically at all times. Any deviation from the vertical will
result in difficulties in getting repeatable readings from the measuring staff. In addition, the
friction effects between the falling mass and the upper rod reduce the energy imparted to
the cone
• he hammer must touch the base of the handle before being released, without jolting the
equipment vertically. The hammer should be released to fall under its on mass and not
“thrown” down
• hen testing “hard” materials, the hammer will often bounce a number of times on the anvil
before coming to rest. It should not be lifted for the next drop before coming to total rest
• he test should start with the upper portion of the shoulder of the cone flush with the
surface of the layer being tested
• uring testing, it is common to note that uplift or mounding of the layer around the DCP
hole occurs. This may result in a gradual rise of the measuring staff relative to the equipment
and hence a reduction in the reading being obtained. Care should be taken that the base of
the measuring staff is not affected by this “mounding”
• he cones will suffer from wear and deformation, particularly when testing hard materials,
and need to be replaced periodically. Prior to any test, the condition of the cone should be
checked to ensure that the point is sharp, the whole cone is screwed into the shaft and
the lower surface is not excessively rough (see Photograph 2A-1). High tensile or tempered
cones are not recommended as they tend to shear off when striking a hard stone
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 19
1 0 0 44 26 5 125 379
2 5 5 62 27 5 130 388
3 5 10 72 28 5 135 411
4 5 15 86 29 5 140 426
5 5 20 93 30 5 145 441
6 5 25 101 31 5 150 460
7 5 30 115 32 5 155 478
8 5 35 131 33 5 160 497
9 5 40 148 34 5 165 510
10 5 45 166 35 5 170 519
11 5 50 183 36 5 175 546
12 5 55 202 37 5 180 563
13 5 60 222 38 5 185 578
14 5 65 238 39 5 190 597
15 5 70 259 40 5 195 610
16 5 75 271 41 5 200 629
17 5 80 288 42 5 205 643
18 5 85 300 43 5 210 684
19 5 90 310 44 5 215 710
20 5 95 321 45 5 220 736
21 5 100 332 46 5 225 758
22 5 105 341 47 5 230 790
23 5 110 358 48 5 235 830
24 5 115 365 49 5
25 5 120 372 50 5
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20 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 2: Design Process
xample of Determination of Uniform Sections
from CUSUM Analysis
1. CUSUM Analysis
Chainage Measured DCP Difference (Accumulated
(km) (DN Value -mm/blow) from average (A-B) values of C)
1 14 -1.2 -1.2
2 13 -0.2 -1.4
3 15 -2.2 -3.6
4 14 -1.2 -4.8
5 13 -0.2 -5.0
6 14 -1.2 -6.2
7 7 5.8 -0.2
8 9 3.8 3.4
9 8 4.8 8.2
10 13 -0.2 8.0
11 15 -2.2 5.8
12 18 -5.2 0.6
13 14 -1.2 -0.6
14 16 -3.2 -3.8
15 14 -1.2 -5.0
16 14 -1.2 -6.2
17 15 -2.2 -8.4
18 18 -5.2 -13.6
19 14 -1.2 -14.8
20 15 -2.2 -17.0
21 9 3.8 -13.2
22 10 2.8 -10.4
23 9 3.8 -6.6
24 12 0.8 -5.8
25 9 3.8 -2.0
26 11 1.8 -0.2
Average: A = 12.8mm/blow
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 21
CUSUM of DCP DN values
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
etermination and Choice of DN Percentile
* This is one of the most carefully considered decisions the designer will have to make to ensure that a
reliable DCP design is achieved. See Section 2.5.5 for the basis on which the decision should be made.
** The percentile value in an Excel spreadsheet may be obtained from the expression:
= PERCENTILE(N$1:N$10,0.2) where N is the column containing the DN values.
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22 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 2: Design Process
2. Definition of percentile
A percentile of a range of values is the point in the range at or below which a given percentage of
values is found. For example, the 80th percentile of the distribution of DN values given in the above
example is the point at or below which 80% of the values fall, i.e. 8.19, as illustrated below.
2.29 Drier than at the time of DCP survey
3.75 20th 3.36
5.37 50th 5.24 Same as at time of DCP survey
8.67 80th 8.19 Wetter than at time of DCP
* %ile value may need to be adjusted for the design traffic loading as indicated in Table 2-2.
Road Profile
Bearing capacity
Road Plan Features
Condition Good Traffic < 75 vpd Gradient < 3% Bearing > 200
Fair 76-150 vpd 3 – 7% capacity 151-200
Poor 151-300 vpd 7 – 10% (DSN 800) 101-150
Very poor > 300 vpd > 10% <100
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 23
General approach
The assessment of the condition of the existing gravel road is based on functional descriptors in
which various attributes of distress are described in terms of type, degree and extent of occurrence
for each assessment segment, i.e. the length of road for which one assessment rating is recorded
(typically 1 km). During the survey the rating team (typically two raters) should travel along the road
at no more than 20-25 km/hr, and stopping at least one within every kilometer.
Types of distress
The types of distress to be recorded are as follows:
• Ruts
• Corrugations
• Gravel thickness loss
• Potholes
Degree of distress
The degree of a particular type of distress is a measure of its severity and should be the best
average assessment of the seriousness of a particular type of distress. The general descriptions of
degree of each type of distress are presented below.
Extent of distress
The extent of distress is a measure of how widespread the distress is over the length of the road
segment. The general descriptions of extent of each type of distress are presented below.
Extent Description
1 No or isolated occurrence over parts of the segment length
2 Intermittent (scattered) occurrence, over significant parts of the segment
length or extensive occurrence over a limited portion of the segment length
3 More frequent occurrence over a major portion of the segment length
4 Extensive occurrence over most of the segment length
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24 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 2: Design Process
Overall condition
The description of the overall condition of the gravel road is based on its composite rating which
reflects the raters assessment of the average degree and extent of each distress type as presented
in the table below.
Rating Description
1 = Good Few defects
2 = Fair Few defects with degree of defects seldom severe. Extent is only local if
degree is severe
3 = Poor General occurrence of particular defects with degree of severe
4 = Very poor Many defects. The degree of the majority of defects is severe and the extent is
predominantly general to extensive
Whereas the assessment of the various types of distress is based on reasonably quantitative
criteria, that for the overall condition assessment is based more on a qualitative assessment of
the individual ratings.
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Part B - 3: Traffic
3.1 Introduction
Reliable information on traffic volumes and patterns is essential for different aspects of the road
design process, including:
• Geometric design: For geometric design purposes, the volume and composition of
traffic, both motorised and non-motorised, influence the cross section design (carriageway
and shoulders)
• avement design: The deterioration of sealed roads caused by traffic results from both
the magnitude and frequency of individual axle loads. Thus, pavement design requires
information on the total number of commercial vehicles which will use the road and their
axle loads
• Road safety: The volume, type and characteristics of the traffic using the road will all
influence the type of road safety measures required to ensure a safe road environment,
particularly with regard to catering for the requirements of vulnerable road users, including
non-motorised traffic and pedestrians
The objective of this chapter is to provide the procedures required for estimating the design traffic
loading as outlined in Figure 3-1.
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26 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 3: Traffic
Figure 3-2 illustrates the definition of the design period in relation to its
terminal serviceability level (e.g. riding quality (roughness) or rutting).
Constructed pavement
Pavement serviceability
The various factors that influence the choice of design period include:
Based on the above factors, Table 3-1 provides guidance on the selection of the structural design
life. Choosing a relatively short design life reduces the problem of long-term traffic forecasting
whilst choosing a relatively long design life requires greater care in estimating the design traffic
loading if over/under-design of the pavement, and the related cost implications, are to be avoided.
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Part B - 3: Traffic
Table 3-1: Structural design period
The two most commonly used types of traffic surveys for LVRs are:
• utomatic Traffic Survey (traffic counters with inductive loops and weighing-in-motion
(WIM) sensors
• Manual Traffic Survey
The objective of undertaking either of the above types of traffic surveys is essentially to obtain an
estimate of the AADT using the road, disaggregated by vehicle type. Prediction of such traffic is
notoriously imprecise, especially where the roads serve a predominantly developmental or social
function. Thus, the timing, frequency and duration of traffic surveys should be given very careful
consideration in terms of striking a balance between cost and accuracy.
Errors in estimating traffic for LVSRs can be reduced by conforming to the following rules:
All traffic, both motorised and non-motorised, is grouped into one of twelve categories as shown
in Table 3-2 for subsequent capacity analysis for cross-section and surfacing design and axle load
analysis for pavement design.
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28 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 3: Traffic
Vehicle Classification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Car Pick-up 4WD Minibus Large Med. LGV MGV HGV Tractor Motor Bicycle Animal
bus bus Cycle cart
Capacity analysis Axle load analysis Capacity analysis
The axle load EF is determined from converting the surveyed axle loads to ESAs/axle and then
deriving a representative weighted average value for each vehicle class. In some cases, there will
be distinct differences in each direction and separate EFs should be derived for each direction.
In the DCP design method, the value of “n” has been found to be affected by the composition of the
pavement structure in terms of its “balance” which influences the load sensitivity of the pavement.
Moreover, the exponent “n” is related to the Pavement Balance Number, BN (the number of blows
to penetrate the top 12.5% of the pavement as a percentage of the number required to penetrate
800 mm), through the derived model which is illustrated in Figure 3-3. (See Chapter 5 and Annex 5A).
For LVSRs, which are commonly constructed from granular materials in both the base course and
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Part B - 3: Traffic
Figure 3-3: Relationship between BN100 and
load equivalent exponent (n) for strength-balanced pavements
improved subgrade, the mean BN value of the existing pavement should be determined for each
uniform section from which the related damage exponent “n” can be obtained from Figure 3-3 for
use in determining the design traffic loading for the section. However, the minimum recommended
value of n is 3.
3.3.4 STEP 4: Estimate mean daily ESA for each vehicle class
The estimated mean daily ESAs for each vehicle class (DESA) is obtained from the traffic data
derived in Step 2 and the VEFs derived in Step 3 as follows:
• Normal traffic – that which pass along the existing road in the absence of its upgrading
to a higher standard
• Diverted traffic – that which changes from another route to the project road, but still
travels between the same origin and destination points
• Generated traffic – additional traffic that occurs in response to the new or improved road
The methods typically used for determining normal, diverted and generated traffic are
presented in Annex 3A.
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30 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 3: Traffic
3.3.6 STEP 6: E
stimate cumulative ESA (CESA) for all vehicle classes over the
design period (in one direction)
The one-directional design traffic loading, i.e. the cumulative equivalent standard axles (CESA),
for each traffic category expected over the design life may be obtained from the following formula:
DESA = mean daily ESAs for each vehicle class in the first year (one direction)
(From Step 4)
r = assumed annual growth rate expressed as a decimal fraction (From Step 5)
N = design period in years (from Step 1)
The total CESA for all vehicle classes is then obtained from summing the CESA for each vehicle class.
Table 3-4: Lane width adjustment factors for design traffic loading
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Part B - 3: Traffic
Table 3-5: Designated traffic classes for pavement design
If estimates of cumulative traffic are close to the boundaries of the traffic ranges, then the basic
traffic data and forecasts should be re-evaluated and sensitivity analyses carried out to ensure that
the choice of traffic class is appropriate. Such an analyses would consider minimum/maximum
values for such key variables as traffic growth, VEF and design period.
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32 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 3: Traffic
etermination of Normal, Generated and
Diverted Traffic
Normal traffic: Different methods may be used to forecast normal traffic. These include:
Growth related to GDP - traffic growth can be related directly to growth in Gross Domestic
Product (GDP). This forecasting method is preferable because it refers to changes in overall
economic activity. However, it requires a reliable GDP forecast. If this is not available,
forecasts should be based on time series data as described below.
(b) Extrapolation of time series data - the most common form of traffic forecasting, this uses
estimates based on past traffic growth trends. Linear extrapolations assume growth rate
will remain constant in absolute terms; constant elasticity extrapolations assume constancy
in relative (percentage increase) terms. Fuel sales data may be used as an indicator of
national traffic growth, though improving fuel efficiency must be considered. Time series
extrapolations should not exceed the length of time of either the historical data or reliably
predictable economic conditions.
Differential growth rates – where a particular component of traffic grows at a different
rate, it should be specified and separately considered. Housing or factory developments,
for example, can affect road traffic growth rates and composition.
Diverted traffic: Such traffic is typically forecast to grow at the same rate as traffic on the road
from which it was diverted. Assignment of diverted traffic is normally done by an “all or nothing”
method. Here the assumption is that all vehicles which would save time or money by diverting will
do so. With this method, it is important that all perceived user costs are included.
Generated traffic: Such traffic is generally difficult to forecast accurately and can easily be over-
estimated. It is likely to be significant only in those cases where the road investment brings about
large reductions in transport costs. For example, small improvements in an existing developed
road system, or over short lengths of road are unlikely to create substantial generated traffic.
Generated traffic is best determined from demand relationships in which the price elasticity
of demand for transport reflects the responsiveness of traffic to a change in transport costs
following a road investment. This elasticity ranges typically from - 0.6 to - 2.0 with an average
of about -1.0. This means that a one per cent decrease in transport costs leads to a one percent
increase in traffic.
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 33
Part B - 3: Traffic
Traffic volume
Total traffic
Diverted traffic
Generated traffic
Current traffic
In summary, estimating traffic growth over the design period is very sensitive to economic conditions
and prone to error. It is therefore prudent to assume low, medium and high traffic growth rates as
an input to a traffic sensitivity analysis for pavement design purposes.
esign Example: Determination of Traffic
Design Loading
A. Design inputs:
Day Car Pick-up 4WD Mini- Large Med. LGV MGV HGV Tractor Motor Bicycle
bus bus cycle cart
Mon 65 14 10 4 1 2 9 1 0 1 11 81 1
Tue 55 12 8 4 2 4 11 2 0 2 12 69 2
Wed 60 10 6 5 2 4 7 1 0 1 11 57 1
Thu 72 13 7 6 3 8 9 3 0 1 15 63 3
Fri 80 18 12 8 2 4 6 2 0 2 25 80 3
Sat 95 20 15 10 3 10 25 4 0 7 20 52 4
Sun 50 9 7 6 1 3 10 1 0 2 15 42 1
ADT 68 14 9 6 2 5 11 2 0 2 16 63 2
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34 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 3: Traffic
B: Design calculations
2. Estimation of Cumulative ESAs (CESA) for all vehicle classes over design life
The design CESA can be computed from the following equation:
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 35
In principle, the aim of geometric design is to provide an alignment which is the best compromise
between operational efficiency, safety and economy. However, the lightly trafficked characteristics
of LVSRs mean that upgrading improvements should be planned at the lowest practicable standards
if costs are to be justified by benefits obtained. Thus, the challenge faced by the designer is to
provide for all road users so that they can travel safely on the road versus practical and cost
considerations on the ground.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance on the approach that should be adopted in
evaluating the adequacy of the geometrics and road safety characteristics of the existing alignment.
The chapter does not deal with the various factors affecting the choice of geometric standards or
details of alignment design (horizontal and vertical curvature, etc.) which are outside the scope of
the manual. Instead, the chapter focuses on the following elements of the existing gravel road in
the context of their adequacy for retention in the new paved road..
• Geometrics
- cross-section
- horizontal alignment
- vertical alignment
• Road safety
- road safety measures
4.3 Geometrics
4.3.1 Cross-section
The various elements of a LVSR cross-section are illustrated Figure 4-1. Each of these elements
can influence not only the capacity of the road, but also its safety, integrity (in terms of its drainage
adequacy) and, ultimately, its structural performance. The adequacy of the existing cross-section
must therefore be evaluated against the minimum requirements so that, where necessary, carefully
considered improvements can be made, bearing in mind the cost implications against the benefits
to be derived.
Centre line
Cutback slope Chamber Chamber Shoulder breakpoint
Shoulder Shoulder
Lane Lane Embankment
Open side drain side slope
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36 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 4: Geometrics and Road Safety
Of particular importance in assessing the adequacy of the roadway width is the issue of catering
simultaneously for the requirements of both motorised and non-motorised traffic as well as
pedestrians. Typically recommended values for the cross-section elements for various classes
of LVSRs are presented in Table 4-1 and provide a yardstick against which the adequacy of the
existing gravel road cross-section may be assessed.
(a) Roadway: The width of the roadway (carriageway plus shoulders) has a large effect on
construction costs and should be minimised subject to operational and safety criteria. In
principle, enough overall width should be provided for two design vehicles to pass each
other safely, if necessary at low speed in steep terrain.
If severe roadway width constraints exist, for example in urban or peri-urban areas, then
lesser roadway widths than indicated in Table 4-1 may be acceptable, particularly at the
lower end of the traffic range in each traffic class and, in addition, if the shoulders are
sealed and the incidence of NMT is low. In such cases, consideration can be given to
adapting the side drainage arrangements to economise on space constraints, with the use
of either covered or uncovered, U-type, brick-lined drains.
(b) Shoulders: Shoulders fulfill a variety of functions in the operation of LVSRs including:
• Structural
- to allow wide vehicles to pass each other safely on relatively narrow roads
• Safety
- to provide safe room for temporarily stopped or broken down vehicles
- to allow pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users to travel safely
• Drainage
- to allow rain water to drain from within the pavement layers
- To reduce the extent to which water flowing off the surface can penetrate into the
pavement (e.g. by extending a seal over the shoulder)
• hey provide better support and moisture protection for the pavement layers and
also reduce erosion of the shoulders (especially on steep gradients)
• They improve pavement performance by ensuring that the zone of seasonal moisture
variation does not penetrate under the outer wheel track
• They reduce maintenance costs by avoiding the need for regravelling at regular
• They reduce the risk of road accidents, especially where the edge drop between the
shoulder and the pavement is significant or the shoulders are relatively soft
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 37
(d) Side slopes: Side slopes should be designed to ensure the stability of the roadway and
to provide a reasonable opportunity for recovery if a vehicle goes out of control across the
shoulders. In addition, the position of the side drain invert should be a reasonable distance
away from the road to minimise the risk of infiltration of water into the road if the drain
should be full of water for any length of time. Figure 4-2 illustrates the layout of the side
slopes within the road cross section.
Toe of slope
Side slope Ditch Back slope
Table 4-2 indicates the side slope ratios recommended for use in the design of the side and back
slopes which is dependant on the type of material and the height of cuts and fills.
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38 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 4: Geometrics and Road Safety
It has also become apparent that the safety concerns of LVSR users are different to those of
HVSR users. This is largely because there tends to be a much higher incidence of vulnerable road
users (NMT, pedestrians and animals) on LVSRs than on HVSRs. The challenge in such a situation
is to ensure that the speed of motorised traffic is restrained to relatively low levels, particularly
within villages. This is not easily achieved because the roads serving these villages often serve two
conflicting functions in that they cater for both inter- and intra-village traffic. As a result, specific
speed reduction measures are required to minimise traffic accidents. Such measures may be
achieved in a number of ways including:
The context specific application of the above measures requires the development of a “total village
treatment” with the objective of instilling in the driver a perception that the village is a low-speed
environment in which driving speed should be reduced. This concept, which is increasingly being
adopted successfully in a number of countries, is elaborated upon in Annex 4A.
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 39
1. Introduction
Speed reduction measures in villages require special attention. This is because the roads serving
these villages are often required to serve two conflicting functions in that they must cater for both
inter- and intra-village traffic. As a result, traffic entering the village often does so at speeds that are
much too high for a village environment where there is slow moving turning traffic, parking outside
shops and stalls and the needs of pedestrians who require to move along or across the road. Such
a situation requires the need for a comprehensive “village treatment” which will induce a driver to
reduce speed significantly as he or she passes through a village.
1) Roadway bar markings: These are used in the approach zone as the initial warning to the
driver that a speed reduction is required. They are painted on the carriageway immediately
in advance of the village entry point or Gateway (Figure A-2).
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40 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 4: Geometrics and Road Safety
The gateway: This marks the main entrance to the village and is a clear indication to the
driver that the road is now changing in character at this point as an additional encouragement
to reduce speed. Details of the Gateway are shown in Figure A-3.
Rumble strips: These are used as warning devices to drivers to reinforce the fact that the
road through the village has been narrowed (Figure A-4).
Road humps: These are the main self-enforcing means of producing a speed reduction.
There are two types of humps as follows:
a) Watts profile hump which has been designed to provide the required reduction in
speed while at the same time providing a reasonably comfortable ride for passengers
and the least damaging effect on vehicles when travelling at the advisory speed
(Figure A-5).
The specific purpose of the Watts profile hump is to lower traffic speeds. As such,
it is most useful as a back-up to the gateway so that drivers have little option but to
slow down before reaching the core zone. For this reason, the first hump in a series
of humps should always be a Watts profile hump, and should always be sited in the
transition zone, i.e. between the Gateway and the core zone.
b) Flat-top hump (see Figure 4B.2): The top portion of this hump is flat with a ramp
on either side at a grade of 1:15. The height of the hump is 100 mm and the
minimum width of the flat section (measured along the road centre line) is 3.7 metres
(Figure A-6).
The flat-top hump will generally be used at locations within the core zone of the village where
there is the greatest pedestrian demand. In this situation, the hump may be combined with
a pedestrian crossing, which would be sited on the flat part of the hump.
The recommended spacing and combination of road humps is shown in Figure A-7.
Pedestrian crossings: Such crossings can be expediently combined with flat-top humps
by locating them on the flat top of the hump which itself is located in the core zone of the
village and has been designed to provide a safe crossing place for pedestrians, as well as
functioning as a speed retarder.
Traffic signs and road markings: These are used to provide warning information to
motorists at all elements of the village treatment, such as at entry to the Gateway, at the
start and exit of the core zone, in advance of road humps, advising speeds, etc.
Bus-bays and shelters: These should generally be provided in the core section of the
village and should be in pairs. They should be located back-to-back, i.e. when there is
a bus in each bay, they should be facing away from each other so that passengers leaving
a bus and then crossing the road, will be behind a bus parked on the opposite side, and
will not be crossing in front of it.
Pedestrian routes: The aim should be to identify the major pedestrian routes within the
village, to determine at what point they join the road, and whether any realignment is
necessary to ensure that pedestrians are led to appropriate crossing places. The main
pedestrian route within a village should always join the road within the core zone.
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Part B - 4: Geometrics and Road Safety
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Figure 4A-5: Village treatment – Watts profile hump Part B - 4: Geometrics and Road Safety
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Part B - 4: Geometrics and Road Safety
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46 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 4: Geometrics and Road Safety
for 500m km/h
Figure 4A-11: Figure 4A-12:
Plate for use with sign shown in Figure A-8 Plate for use with sign shown in Figures 9 and 10
Figure 4A-13: Village treatment – back-to-back bus-bays with flat top hump
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B 47
In order to upgrade an unsealed road to a sealed standard as cost effectively as possible, optimal
use must be made of the in situ materials within the prevailing road environment. As a result of
undergoing many years of trafficking, coupled with climatic wetting and drying cycles, the unsealed
road would have achieved a significant degree of subgrade compaction, localised areas would have
been strengthened and an accumulation of residual gravel wearing course over the years would
provide a sound support or foundation for the new road. Optimising the use of these conditions
usually results in a reduced need to import large quantities of virgin material by only adding a new
layer (s), if necessary, to cater for the design traffic.
The main purpose of this chapter is to present the design procedure to be followed in upgrading
an unpaved road to a LVSR standard, based on the use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)
method. The chapter presents the background to the development of the DCP design method,
provides an overview of the design approach, outlines the procedure to be followed in designing
LVSR roads and highlights the advantages and limitations of the method. A pavement design
example is presented in Annex A.
The original development of the DCP dates back to the mid-1950s in Australia based on an older
Swiss original, and was used initially as a non-destructive testing device to evaluate the shear
strength of a material in a pavement. The use of the DCP for pavement design purposes was
further enhanced in the mid-1960s and 1970s in South Africa where results from back analysis
of some 57 roads in different traffic and climatic environments, together with some accelerated
pavement testing with the Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) were used to verify the concepts used in
the design method and to establish expected life versus DCP penetration curves.
During the mid 1980s, a formal computerised method was developed for the DCP bringing in new
concepts and methodologies. The simplicity and ease of use makes the DCP ideally suited for
designing the upgrading of gravel roads to a paved standard. One of the major advantages of the
test is that the pavement is tested in the condition at which it performs. The simplicity of the test
allows repeated testing to minimise errors and also to allow for temporal effects.
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48 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 5: Pavement Design
To utilise the existing gravel road strength, the materials in the pavement structure need to be
tested for their actual in situ strength, using a DCP. This instrument has been designed to provide a
rapid, relatively low-cost, non-destructive method of estimating the in situ strength of fine-grained
and granular subgrades, base and sub-base materials and weakly cemented materials.
8 kg Hammer
3 mm
575 mm 60˚
1935 mm
20 mm
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1 3 10 30
DN (mm)/blow)
From a knowledge of the DN values of various pavement layers, those of relatively high and
relatively low strength can be distinguished from each other and the balance of the pavement at
any depth can be evaluated. This has led to the development of a pavement classification system
in which shallow, deep and inverted pavements can be distinguished from each other and further
differentiated in terms of whether they are well-balanced, averagely balanced or poorly balanced.
The more the final bearing capacity is derived from the upper pavement layers (base and subbase)
relative to the lower layers, the “shallower” the pavement structure. In contrast, the more the lower
layers (subgrade) contribute to the final bearing capacity relative to the upper layers, the “deeper”
the pavement structure.
Standard pavement balance curves and the classification of the pavement structure derived from
the DCP measurements are presented as part of the output of the DCP analysis programme and the
designer does not have to manually determine this information. Nonetheless, the underlying concepts
behind the manner of determining Standard Pavement Balance Curves (SPBC) and classifying
pavements on the basis of their balance is presented as background information in Annex 5A.
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50 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 5: Pavement Design
The relationship between the DN value and both CBR and UCS is illustrated in Figure 5-3. It must
be stressed that the CBR values were determined using the South African TMH 1 testing standards
for which the procedure for CBR determination differs significantly from the British Standards (BS).
Thus, the DN-CBR correlation based on the BS method of CBR determination would be quite
different to the one based on the TMH 1 method.
As illustrated in Figure 5-3, there is a fair amount of scatter in the DCP-CBR plot. This is due not
only to the inherent variability exhibited by natural gravels but also to the very poor reproducibility
of the CBR test. It is for this important reason that the evaluation of the imported material for use
in the pavement layer(s) is based on a laboratory DN value rather than a laboratory CBR value as
presented in Chapter 6.
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This chapter
Determine DN values in
Chapter 2
The manner of undertaking Steps 1 to 5 has been described previously in Chapter 2. In Section
2.5.5, the expected, long-term, in-service moisture conditions in the new sealed road were
considered in relation to the moisture conditions prevailing when the DCP survey was carried out
on. On this basis the DN value for each layer in each uniform section to be used for design is based
on the 20th, 50th or 80th percentile as indicated in Table 2-2.
The manner of carrying out the remaining Steps 6 to 9 of the DCP design procedure is
described below.
5.5.2 Step 6: Determine in situ layer strength profile for each uniform section
This determination is best undertaken using the DCP program. Input into the program the DN values
obtained from Step 5 and, based on an average analysis for each uniform section as undertaken
by the program, the layer strength (DN) profiles for each uniform section are plotted as shown
in Figures 5.5 and Figure 5.6 and the percentiles to be used in the design process are
computed automatically.
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52 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 5: Pavement Design
5.5.3 Step 7: D
etermine the required layer strength profile for each uniform
For a particular design traffic class (see Chapter 3), the required layer strength profile for each
uniform section is determined from the DCP design catalogue which is presented in Table 5-1 and
illustrated in Figure 5-7 for different traffic categories. These have been derived from back-analysis
of a number of LVSRs in the region, including Malawi.
The design catalogue is based on the anticipated, long term, in-service moisture condition. If there
is a risk of prolonged moisture ingress into the road pavement then the pavement design should
be based on the soaked condition.
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100 LE 0.01
LE 0.03
LE 0.1
Depth (mm)
LE 0.3
LE 0.03
LE 1
5.5.4 STEP 8: C
ompare representative in situ strength profiles with the required
strength profile
Plot the required strength profile on the same layer-strength diagram on which the uniform section
layer strength profiles were plotted as illustrated in Figure 5-8. The comparison between the in
situ strength profile with the required design strength profile allows the adequacy of the various
pavement layers in depth to be assessed for carrying the expected future traffic loading. Points
lying to the right of the required strength profile for a specific traffic category indicate material of
inadequate strength at that depth.
DN (mm)/blow)
Figure 5-8: Comparison of DCP design and in situ strength profiles
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54 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 5: Pavement Design
Option 2: If the in situ strength profile of the existing gravel road does not comply with the required
strength profile indicated by the DCP catalogue for the particular traffic class, then the upper
pavement layer(s) would need to be:
• eworked - if only the density is inadequate and the required DN value can be obtained at
the specified construction density and anticipated in-service moisture content
• Replaced – if the material quality (DN value at the specified construction density and
anticipated in-service moisture content) is inadequate, then appropriate quality material will
need to be imported to serve as the new upper pavement layer(s)
• Augmented – if the material quality (DN value) is adequate but the layer thickness is
inadequate, then imported material of appropriate quality will need to be imported to make
up the required thickness prior to compaction
5.6.1 Strengths
The main strengths of the DCP method are as follows:
• elatively low cost, robust apparatus that is quick and simple to use allowing comprehensive
characterisation of the in situ road conditions
• Provides improved precision limits compared to the CBR test
• Very little damage is done to the pavement being tested (effectively non-destructive) and
very useful information is obtained
• The pavement is tested in the condition at which it performs and the test can be carried out
in an identical manner both in the field and in the laboratory
• The simplicity of test allows repeated testing to minimise errors and also to account for
temporal effects
• The laboratory DN value is determined over a depth of 150 mm and not just the top
25 – 50 mm as with the CBR test
• The method is as good or better than any other method in taking into account variations in
moisture content and provides data quickly for analysis
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(a) The DCP survey would probably record a conservative DN value in the gravel wearing
course as, when incorporated in the new pavement structure, typically as the new subbase,
compaction to refusal of this layer would most likely result in a higher density/lower DN
value compared with that obtained during the original DCP survey. Underlying layers should
also be improved slightly during compaction of overlying materials.
(b) Improved drainage, which should be a mandatory requirement when upgrading a gravel
road to a paved standard, would invariably reduce in-service moisture conditions along the
section affected and, by so doing, lower DN values.
(c) For well balanced pavements, if the traditionally recommended load equivalent exponent
of 4 to 4.2 is used, this could over-estimate the design traffic loading which would result in
the need for a thicker pavement than required.
5.6.2 Limitations
The main limitations that are likely to affect the results and their interpretation and that need to be
considered when using the DCP design method include:
Many of the above limitations are controllable if taken into account when using the DCP. Ultimately,
the onus remains on the designer to understand the environment and implications of each test in
relation to the in situ state of the material. This includes aspects such as material composition,
presence of large stones or hard layers, moisture content, density, etc. Sound engineering
judgment and understanding as well as knowledge of the specific site are necessary to maximise
the information that can be obtained from a DCP profile. Thus, unless the field conditions are fully
comprehended, the design engineer may draw erroneous conclusions or wrongly extrapolate data
provided from site teams.
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56 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 5: Pavement Design
The above formula allows a series of curves to be developed for different pavement structure
numbers and depths. These can be plotted as Standard Pavement Balance Curves (SPBC) as
shown in Figure 5A-1.
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58 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 5: Pavement Design
Figure 5A-3 shows pavement strength-balance curves for typical natural gravel and lightly cemented
pavements in the Southern African region.
Figure 5A-3: Shows pavement strength-balance curves for typical natural gravel
and lightly cemented pavements in the Southern African region.
The higher the BN100 value (those tending to 80), the greater is the contribution to overall strength
from the upper pavement layers. Such pavements are considered to be “shallow” and tend to
be composed of one or two thin, strong and relatively stiff upper layer(s) with rapidly diminishing
support at depth from the underlying material. In contrast, the lower the BN100 value the greater the
contribution to overall strength from the lower pavement layers. Such pavements are considered
to be “deep” and tend to be composed of a number of relatively less rigid layers of relatively equal
strength, affording generous support at depth.
A relationship between the BN100 value and the power exponent “n” used to calculate the load
equivalency factor has also found that shallower pavements are more susceptible to overloading
(i.e. they exhibit a higher “n” exponent) than deep pavements.
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By way of example, Figure 5A-4 illustrates a balanced pavement structure while Figure 5A-5
illustrates an unbalanced structure in which the imbalance is indicated by the deviation of the
pavement balance curve from the SPBC.
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60 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 5: Pavement Design
The A and B parameter limits for defining the different categories in the pavement classification
system are summarised below:
Each cell in the classification system is defined by an A and a B descriptor, resulting in a possible
9 classification categories.
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Part B - 6: Materials
6.1 Introduction
Naturally occurring soils, gravel soil mixtures and gravels occur extensively in many parts of
Malawi. These unprocessed materials are a valuable resource as they are relatively cheap to exploit
compared, for example, to processed materials such as crushed rock, and are often the only
source of material within a reasonable haul distance of the road alignment. Thus, in order to
minimise construction costs, maximum use must be made of locally available materials. However,
their use requires not only a sound knowledge of their properties and behaviour but also of the
traffic loading, physical environment and their interactions.
Although many naturally occurring materials do not meet conventional selection criteria they,
nonetheless, still provide satisfactory performance. Their choice must therefore be based on
locally developed selection criteria, non-standard testing, and attention to construction technique.
In addition, it is important to recognise that the specifications for materials must be coupled to the
pavement design method being used - in this case, the DCP design method.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance on the selection and use of locally available
materials in the construction of LVSRs. The topics covered include:
In order to optimise the use of naturally occurring materials, a holistic approach is required in
which attention is paid to the compatibility between the pavement structure, the materials used,
the type of surfacing, construction processes and, above all, control of moisture through effective
drainage. Moreover, where some degree of risk in long-term performance can be accepted, then
strict requirements may be relaxed and a wide range of naturally occurring non-standard materials
may successfully be used. However, such use demands careful attention to three factors:
• asic engineering principles; there must be a careful evaluation of the in-service environment
and a reasonable assurance that adequate internal and external drainage will be provided
(see Chapter 8)
• compacted density; there must be very good construction quality control (see Section 6.4 (2)
• probability of failure; there must be a realistic acceptance of the higher risk of lesser
A fundamental feature of the DCP design method is that it utilises the existing road structure without
disturbing its inherent strength derived from consolidation by traffic over many years and requires the
addition of a minimum thickness base (sometimes subbase) layer of appropriate quality. Such quality
is expressed in terms of the materials DCP resistance to penetration, i.e. its DN value, at the specified
compaction density and expected in service moisture condition – the parameter that serves as the
criterion for selecting the materials to be used in the upper/base layer of the LVSR pavement.
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Part B - 6: Materials
The DCP design approach and related method of materials selection differ markedly from the more
traditional design approaches. In these latter approaches, pavement materials are traditionally
evaluated by classification tests, such as grading and plasticity. However, research and investigations
from the region and internationally have led to replacing these criteria with tests and specifications
based on the measurement of the required engineering properties of strength and stiffness. More
specifically, it has been shown that provided the design DN value is achieved - essentially a
measure of a material’s shear resistance to penetration at a given moisture and density - then in-
service performance indirectly takes account of the actual grading and plasticity of the material
which do not need to be separately specified for LVSRs. Thus, a poorly graded, highly plastic
material would not be expected to provide a relatively low DN value (high resistance to penetration)
that might be specified for the base layer of a LVSR.
The materials selected for use in the upper layers of a LVSR should exhibit the following attributes
at the specified density and anticipated in-service moisture content:
As discussed in Section 6.3, the criterion to be used for selecting a material for use in a LVSR
should be based primarily on its strength as measured by resistance to penetration, or DN value.
A proper evaluation of the suitability of the materials for incorporation in the pavement will require
a knowledge of the DN/moisture/density relationship as discussed below.
(1) Strength – The required strength of the material is determined in terms of a laboratory DCP
DN value at a specified moisture and density. The procedure for obtaining the laboratory
DN value of the material is presented in Annex 6A.
Table 6-1 provides an approximate guide to the relationship between the laboratory CBR and DN
values at varying moisture contents.
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Part B - 6: Materials
(2) The strength/density/moisture relationship: The moisture and density dependence
of the materials to be used in the imported upper/base layers of the new road must be
evaluated carefully so that a full understanding is obtained of the potential performance of
the material under the possible moisture conditions which may occur in service.
Achievement of the above will require that a normal borrow pit investigation is carried out
with representative samples being obtained for laboratory testing to determine the DN
value at varying moisture contents and densities.
Figure 6-1 shows a typical relationship between DN, density and moisture content for a
naturally occurring material in Malawi which illustrates two critical factors that crucially
affect the long-term performance of the road:
1) The need to specify the highest level of density practicable (so-called “compaction
to refusal” by employing the heaviest rollers available.
2) The need to ensure that the moisture content in the outer wheel track of the road
does not rise above OMC. This will require careful attention to drainage, as discussed
in Chapter 7.
DN at varying MC and % compaction
12.0 11.0%
8.0 7.3%
6.0 4.8%
OMC 3.8%
3.4% 3.5%
4.0 3.0%
2.0 1.4%
0.75 OMC
92% 93% 94% 95% 96% 97% 92% 99% 100% 101%
% BS Heavy Compaction
Grading modulus (GM): This parameter is expressed by the relationship:
GM = [300-(P2+P425+P075]/100 where P2, etc., denote the percentage passing through
that sieve size. Its inclusion as a specification criterion is to avoid the unnecessary testing
of materials that are patently unsuitable for use in a pavement layers in terms their grading
and/or plasticity, e.g. very fine, plastic soils or very coarsely/poorly graded gravels.
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64 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 6: Materials
The two material’s parameters that need to be specified for the imported pavement layers are
as follows:
(a) Density: The density to which the material in the upper/base layer must be compacted
should be the highest that is practicable, i.e. “compaction to refusal”.
(b) DN value: The DN value of the materials to be used in the upper/base layer of the pavement
at a specified density and moisture content. These values will be determined as an output
of the DCP design method.
(c) Grading modulus: The minimum GM (typically > 1.0) and maximum GM (typically < 2.25)
of the material as a prerequisite for subsequent laboratory testing.
Materials testing is normally prescribed in standards put out by various countries, of which the BS
(British), ASTM (American) and TMH (South Africa), are in common use in the region. Unfortunately,
these methods differ in many respects with regard to the actual test procedure and the method
of testing. For example, authorities employing a BS LL device will obtain a Plasticity Index (PI)
on average 4 units higher than those using an ASTM LL device. It is important, therefore, not to
indiscriminately mix testing standards because the differences in test procedure produce quite
different results leading to inconsistencies in the quality of materials incorporated in the road works.
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Part B - 6: Materials
ANNEX 6A: Determination of Laboratory DN Value
The procedure to be followed in determining the DN value of a material is similar to that for
the more traditional CBR test except that a DCP is used to penetrate the CBR mould instead of
the CBR plunger.
1. Collection of samples
Potential borrow pits shall be surveyed by trial pit excavation and sampling at the detailed design
stage. The survey shall prove sufficient quantities for all pavement layers and the sampling frequency
shall be the minimum indicated in Table 6A-1 per DN test.
2. Preparation of samples
The manner of dealing with oversize in the sample preparation for DN testing should
be in accordance with the SANS 3001 Procedure 2 (crushing method) which may be summarised
as follows:
3. Compaction of samples
Some natural, particularly pedogenic, gravels (e.g. laterite, calcrete) exhibit a self-cementing
property in service, i.e. they gain strength with time after compaction. This effect must be evaluated
as part of the test procedure by allowing the samples to cure prior to testing in the manner
prescribed below.
(a) Thoroughly mix and split each borrow pit sample into nine sub-samples for DN testing
in a CBR mould at three moisture contents: (a) soaked, (b) at OMC and (c) at 0.75 OMC
and three compactive efforts: (a) BS Light, (b) BS Intermediate and (c) BS Heavy as
summarised below:
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Part B - 6: Materials
(b) The samples should be allowed to equilibrate for the periods shown below before DN
testing is carried out to dissipate compaction stresses and to allow the samples to cure.
(a) 4 days soaked: After compaction, soak for 4 days, allow to drain for at least 15
minutes, then undertake a DCP test in the CBR mould to determine the soaked DN
At OMC: After compaction, seal in a plastic bag and allow to “cure” for 7 days
(relatively plastic, especially pedogenic, materials (PI > 6), or for 4 days (relatively
non-plastic materials (PI < 6)), then undertake a DCP test in the CBR mould to
determine the DN value at OMC. (N.B: The curing period is required to dissipate pore
pressure generated during the compaction process).
(c) At 0.75 OMC: Air dry the sample in the sun (pedogenic materials) or place the
sample in the oven to maximum 50 degrees Celsius (non-pedogenic materials) to
remove moisture. Check from time to time to determine when sufficient moisture has
been dried out to produce a sample moisture content of about 0.75 OMC (it doesn’t
have to be exactly 0.75 OMC, but as close as possible). Once this moisture content
is reached, seal the sample in a plastic bag and allow to cure for 7 days (pedogenic
materials) or for 4 days (non-pedogenic materials) to allow moisture equilibration
before undertaking the DCP test at approximately 0.75 OMC. Weigh again before
DCP testing to determine the exact moisture content at which the DN value was
4. Determination of DN value
Each of the nine specimens should be subjected to DCP testing in the CBR mould as summarised
below and illustrated in Figure 6A-1.
(a) Secure the CBR mould to the base plate and compact sample in standard CBR as indicated
in Section 1.1 above.
(b) Place the full mould on a level floor and place the annular weight on top of the mould.
(c) Place an empty CBR mould upside down next to the full mould as shown. Alternatively use
bricks or cement blocks to provide a steady platform for the base of the DCP ruler level with
or slightly higher than the top of the full mould.
(d) Position the tip of the DCP cone in the middle of the CBR mould, hold the DCP in a vertical
position, knock it down carefully until the top of the 3 mm shoulder is level with the top of
the sample and record the zero reading.
(e) Knock the cone into the sample with “n” number of blows and record the reading on
the ruler after every “n” blows as shown in the example. At OMC and 0.75 OMC “n” may
be 5. At 4-days soak “n” may be 1 or 2. “n” does not have to be the same number for
all readings.
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Part B - 6: Materials
(f) Continue until just before the tip of the cone touches the base plate and stop there in order
not to blunt the cone (the last reading minus the “zero blows” reading must be less than the
height of the mould 115 mm).
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Part B - 6: Materials
5. Procedure for calculating weighted average DN value for DCP lab test:
1. Record the readings as shown and calculate the DN per “n” blows and Average DN
per blow.
2. Calculate the Weighted Average DN for the whole test using the formula:
Note that the Weighted Average DN is different from the Average DN which is not
representative for the sample and is only to illustrate the difference.
3. Carry out at least 2 more tests on the same material and calculate the average DN
for the three (or more) tests.
4. Assess whether the material satisfies the design criteria from the DCP Design
Table 6A-1: Determination of lab DN values at varying moisture contents and specific density
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Part B - 7: Surfacings
7.1 Introduction
The surfacing is a very important part of a LVSR pavement. It prevents gravel loss, eliminates dust,
improves skid resistance, and reduces water ingress into the pavement. The prevention of water
ingress into the pavement is especially important in LVRSs where moisture sensitive materials are
often used.
There are a large number of surfacing options available for use on LVSRs and they offer a range of
attributes which need to be matched to such factors as expected traffic levels and loading, locally
available materials and skills, construction and maintenance regimes and the environment. Careful
consideration should therefore be given to all these factors in order to make a judicious choice of
surfacing to provide satisfactory performance and minimise life cycle costs.
• he various types of surfacings, both bituminous and non-bitumnous, that are potentially
suitable for use on LVSRs, including their constituents
• The performance characteristics and typical service lives of the various types of surfacings
• The factors affecting the choice of surfacings
The chapter does not deal with the design of surfacings which is outside of the scope of
the manual.
1) Surface dressing
2) Cape Seal
3) Otta seal
4) Cold mix asphalt
5) Slurry seal
6) Sand seal
The more common types of bituminous surfacings used on LVSRs are shown in Figure 7-1 and are
discussed briefly below.
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Part B - 7: Surfacings
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Part B - 7: Surfacings
7.3.5 Slurry seal
A Slurry Seal consists of a homogeneous mixture of pre-mixed materials comprising fine aggregate,
stable-mix grade emulsion (anionic or cationic) or a modified emulsion, water and filler (cement or
lime). The production of a slurry can be undertaken in simple concrete mixes or more sophisticated
purpose-designed machines which mix and spread the slurry. The seal is used for treating various
defects on an existing road surface such as arresting loss of chippings and restoring surface
Table 7-1 provides a broad indication of the relative service lives of different types of surface
treatments which, together with other factors (Section 7-5) could assist in the selection of the type
of surfacing in the context of a life-cycle cost analysis (Section 7-6).
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72 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 7: Surfacings
The detailed design of surface treatments is beyond the scope of this manual. Relevant references
dealing with such design are presented in the bibliography.
(3) Concrete
- Non-reinforced concrete
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Part B - 7: Surfacings
7.4.3 Fired clay brick
Bricks suitable for road surfacing can be produced by firing clay in large or small scale kilns using
coal, wood or some agricultural wastes as a fuel. The bricks must achieve certain strength, shape
and durability requirements. The fired bricks are generally laid on edge to form a layer of typical
100 mm thickness on sand or sand-cement bedding layer and jointed similarly. Kerbs or edge
restraints are necessary and can be provided by sand-cement mortared fired bricks. The fired
bricks are normally laid in a herring bone or other approved pattern to enhance load spreading
characteristics. Un-mortared brick paving is compacted with a plate compactor and the jointing
sand is topped up if necessary. For mortar bedded and jointed fired clay brick paving, no compaction
is required.
Concrete bricks are produced with a maximum aggregate size of 6 mm and typical dimensions of
200 x 100 x 70 mm thick with a minimum crushing strength of 25 MPa. Bricks below this strength
are unlikely to provide adequate resistance to traffic impact and are likely to break or wear rapidly
or irregularly.
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Part B - 7: Surfacings
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Part B - 7: Surfacings
7.4.5 Typical service lives
The service life of a non-bituminous surfacing is relatively much longer than for a bituminous
surfacing. This is due largely to the superior durability of the surfacing material, mostly natural
stone, which is very resistant to the environment. Provided that the foundation support and road
drainage are adequate, non-bituminous surfacings require relatively little maintenance and will last
almost infinitely.
The suitability of various types of surfacings for use on LVSRs, in terms of their efficiency and
effectiveness in relation to the operational factors outlined above is summarised in Table 7-2.
Whilst not exhaustive, the factors listed in the table provide a basic format which can be adapted
or developed to suit local conditions and subsequently used to assist in making a final choice of
surfacing options. These options can then be subjected to a life cycle cost analysis and a final
decision made with due regard to prevailing economic factors and be compatible with the overall
financial situation.
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Part B - 7: Surfacings
In order to determine the most cost-effective type of surfacing to use on a LVSR, it is necessary to
undertake a life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis of the feasible options. Such an analysis focuses on the
cost of the various surfacing options by comparing the construction and maintenance costs during
the life of the road according to the criterion of minimum total (life cycle) costs.
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Part B - 7: Surfacings
The analysis assumes that the vehicle operating costs imposed by the various options are similar
due to very small differences in their roughness levels.
In the life-cycle analysis process, the alternative pavement/surface options are compared by
converting all the costs and benefits that may occur at different times throughout the life of
each option to their present day values. Such values are obtained using discounted cash flow
techniques involving the use of an appropriate discount rate, to determine the Present Value (PV)
of the pavement/surface options. The lowest PV option represents the financially optimum solution.
The discount rate used must be representative of the country.
Figure 7-2 shows the manner of undertaking a LCC analysis by comparing the PV of all costs and
maintenance interventions that occur during a given analysis period. The example is a hypothetical
one used for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily reflect a real life situation.
An example of a LCC comparison between a single Otta Seal plus sand seal and a Double Surface
Dressing is presented in Annex 7A.
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78 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 7: Surfacings
ife Cycle Cost Comparison between a Single
Otta Seal plus Sand Seal and a Double Chip
Seal (hypothetical only)
1. An illustrative example of a life cycle cost analysis is presented below of the more
conventional double Chip Seal with the equivalent alternative of the single Otta Seal
plus a sand seal cover. The analysis assumes that “best practice” is followed in terms of
maintenance intervention measures being carried out at the appropriate time.
2. The life cycle cost analysis is based on discounted cash flow techniques, employing the
Present Worth Method of economic analysis. This method involves the conversion of all
costs incurred in the construction and subsequent maintenance of the seal, including
the provision of road marking, to a common base year of Present Value (PV) costs. It is
assumed that the vehicle operating costs are similar for both seals. The totals of the PV’s
of costs for both seals can then be compared with each other. The difference in these PV’s
gives a good relative comparison of the life cycle costs of the seals.
Table 7A-1: Life cycle cost analysis for Double Chip Seal
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Part B - 7: Surfacings
Table 7A-2: Life cycle cost analysis for single Otta Seal + sand seal cover
The above calculations indicate that, in LCC terms, the cost of the Double Chip seal option is
approximately 78% higher than the single Otta seal plus sand seal cover. As is apparent, the cost
advantage of the latter over the former is derived mainly as a result of lower initial construction
costs, longer seal life and less maintenance interventions. The difference would be even greater if
any haulage of aggregate is involved or if screened gravel within the project area were used for the
Otta Seal rather than crushed aggregate.
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Part B - 7: Surfacings
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Part B - 8: Drainage
8.1 Introduction
Effective internal and external drainage are of crucial importance to the good performance of LVSRs
which are generally constructed from relatively moisture-sensitive, naturally occurring materials.
Lack of good drainage can lead to ingress of water in the road structure, subsequent weakening
of the pavement materials and eventual failure of the road. It is therefore of critical importance to
ensure that when a gravel road is being upgraded to a sealed standard that the existing drainage
system is functioning properly and, if this is not the case, to undertake the necessary improvements.
Such improvements need to be considered carefully because judging the effectiveness of different
options is quite difficult and the cost of the options can vary greatly.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a drainage framework to assist the designer in evaluating
the adequacy of existing infrastructure and the need for new infrastructure when low volume gravel
roads are upgraded to a paved standard. The general approach adopted is to make maximum use
of existing drainage facilities and to evaluate their adequacy to ensure that the performance of the
road will not be adversely affected by inadequate drainage infrastructure. The chapter does not
deal with detailed drainage design which is outside of the scope of the manual.
• Hydrology
• Structural loading
• Road level
• Road surface drainage
• Sub-surface drainage
• Drainage channels
• Culverts
• Low level structures
• High level structures
• Subsurface drainage
8.3 Hydrology
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82 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 8: Drainage
Centre line
Side slope Subbase
Natural ground level d Improved subgrade
In situ subgrade
h = crown height
The recommended minimum crown height of 0.75 m applies to unlined drains in relatively flat ground
(longitudinal gradient, g, less than 1%). The recommended values for sloping ground (g > 1%) or
where lined drains are used, for example, in urban or peri-urban areas, are shown in Table 8-1.
Table 8-1: Recommended crown height in relation to drain type and longitudinal gradient
In addition to observing the crown height requirements, it is also equally important to ensure that
the bottom of the subbase is maintained at a height of at least 150 mm above the existing ground
level (distance d in Figure 8-1). This is to minimise the likelihood of wetting up of this pavement
layer due to moisture infiltration from the drain.
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Part B - 8: Drainage
Because of the critical importance of observing the minimum crown height and minimum height
of the bottom of the subbase above existing ground level, along the entire length of the road, the
measurement of this parameter should form an important part of the drainage assessment carried
out during the preliminary road evaluation (ref. Chapter 2). This is to ensure that any existing
drainage problems associated with depressed pavement construction, often observed on gravel
roads that have evolved over time with no strict adherence to observing minimum crown heights
(see Figure 8-.2), is avoided.
Centre line
Shallow ditches poor
surface drainage Natural surface
Water ponding
Shallow cut
Moisture migration
Figure 8-2: Potential drainage problems associated with depressed pavement construction
The adequacy of the drainage of deep cuttings should be investigated. Where necessary, measures
such as cut-off (interceptor or catch-water) drains up-slope and behind the cut face must be
provided (see Section 8.7.4). The application of other techniques such as reducing the batter
should only be used where absolutely necessary.
The erosion of the faces of the slopes should also be addressed where necessary. The stability of
fills and the role of stormwater should also be investigated in order to evaluate the need for kerbs,
down chutes, etc.
In order to shed rain water falling on the surface of the road, it is necessary to ensure that the
cross-section profile is constructed with adequate camber or cross-fall. The term camber implies
two slopes away from the centre line to the shoulders while cross-fall implies a single slope from
shoulder to shoulder.
The recommended camber or cross-fall values for sections of road which are not superelevated
are shown in Table 8-2. It is assumed that, as a matter of policy, shoulders will be sealed because
of the many advantages that this offers.
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84 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 8: Drainage
Adequate stormwater drainage may in some cases alleviate the need for expensive subsurface
drainage. Subsurface drains need only be installed when seepage or high water tables are
encountered and not as a general policy in cuts.
Localised seepage can be corrected in various ways but seepage along pervious layers combined
with changes in road elevation (grade) may require subsurface drains as well as ditches (see
Figure 8-3) or, sometimes, cut-off drains transversely across the road in situations where there is
a likelihood of water movement under pavement layers from higher positions on subgrade rock.
Centre line
(b) Perforated drain subsurface
alternate drain
Several types of drainage measures may be used for achieving effective external drainage of
a LVSR. Such measures seek to prevent water from damaging the pavement or surrounding
environment by safely channeling it away from or across the road, avoiding erosion and instability
of embankments and cuttings. They include:
• Side drains
• Erosion control devices: scour checks and lined drains
• Mitre drains
• Interceptor (cut-off or catch-water) drains
The design of a drainage channel to carry a given discharge is accomplished in two stages,
as follows:
(1) Stage A: Decide on a cross-section that will carry the design discharge on a given slope.
(2) Stage B: Determine the degree of protection required to prevent or minimise erosion.
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Part B - 8: Drainage
To accomplish the above, the existing drainage channels should be evaluated to determine whether
they need to be improved. The investigation should also address the need for other drainage
channels which do not exist, but which are required.
The following section highlights the important features of drainage channels that should be used
as a yardstick for assessing the adequacy of the existing channels.
As illustrated in Figure 8-4, side drains (also referred to as table drains) can be constructed in
three forms, V-shaped, rectangular or trapezoidal. These drains need to have sufficient capacity to
collect all rainwater from the road carriageway and dispose of it quickly and in a controlled manner
to minimise damage.
The V-shape is the standard shape for ditches constructed by a motor grader. It can easily
be maintained by heavy equipment. However, it carries a lower capacity than other cross
section types.
The rectangular shape requires less space but needs to be lined with bricks, mortared stone or
concrete, to maintain its shape. This shape is often used in urban or peri-urban areas where there
is limited space for drainage.
The trapezoid shape carries a relatively high flow capacity and by carefully selecting the right
gradients for its side slopes, will resist erosion. This shape is suited to labour-based work.
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86 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 8: Drainage
• he cost and erosion potential of the drain. For example, in soft materials the trapezoidal
drain may be easy to construct and to maintain whereas in hard materials (e.g. shales) it
could be costly and unnecessary to construct this type of drain and, instead, the use of
more outlets/mitre drains may be the more cost-effective solution
The following recommendations are made regarding desirable slopes for side drains:
(a) To avoid ponding and siltation minimum slope should be in the range 1- 2%.
(b) Drains steeper than 1% may need scour protection, depending on the erodability of the soil
and the vegetative cover.
(a) Scour checks: The scour check acts as a small dam and, when naturally silted up on the
upstream side, effectively reduces the gradient of the drain on that side, and therefore
the velocity of the water. Scour checks are usually constructed with natural stone or with
wooden stakes. Masonary or concrete scour checks require less maintenance but are
more expensive to construct.
The distance between scour checks depends on the road gradient and the erosion potential of
the soils. Table 8-3 shows recommended values but these may need to be modified for more
erodible soils.
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Part B - 8: Drainage
Table 8-3: Spacing between scour checks
(b) Lined drains: Depending on the road gradient (typically in excess of 8%), the strength of the
material in which the drains are excavated and the velocity of the runoff they are expected
to carry, side drains may need to be lined. Such lining can be made from concrete, stone
or bricks. Rock, if available, is the preferred building material and can be laid as a dry or
wet masonary. The size of the rocks should be a minimum of 200 mm to avoid being
washed away.
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88 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 8: Drainage
The downstream face of a mitre drain is usually protected by stone pitching, since the volume and
speed of flow of water which it deflects may cause scour and ultimately lead to breaching of the
mitre drain.
In order to ensure that water flows out of the side drain into the mitre drain, a block-off is required
as shown in Figure 8-7. It is essential that the mitre drain is able to discharge all the water from
the side drain. If the slope of the mitre drain is insufficient, the mitre drain needs to be made wide
enough to ensure this.
The desirable slope of the mitre drains is 2%. The gradient should not exceed 5% otherwise there
may be erosion in the drain or on the land where the water is discharged. The drain should lead
gradually across the land, getting increasingly shallower. Stones may need to be laid at the end of
the drain to help prevent erosion.
In flat terrain, a small gradient of 1 % or even 0.5% may be necessary to discharge water, or to
avoid very long drains. These low gradients should only be used when absolutely necessary. The
slope should be continuous with no high or low spots. For flat sections of road, mitre drains are
required at frequent intervals to minimise silting.
In mountainous terrain, it may be necessary to accept steeper gradients. In such cases, appropriate
soil erosion measures should be considered.
The angle between the mitre drain and the side drain should not be greater than 45 degrees. An
angle of 30 degrees is ideal. If it is necessary to take water off at an angle greater than 45 degrees, it
should be done in two or more bends so that each bend is not greater than 45 degrees (Figure 8-7).
30˚ to 45˚
The spacing of mitre drains is highly dependent on the material/erodability charecteristics, storm
duration/intensity and gradient. Table 8-4 gives the maximum spacing of mitre drains. However,
such spacings should normally be more frequent than this and values as low as one every 20 m
may be required to avoid damage to adjacent land, especially where it is cultivated.
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Part B - 8: Drainage
Table 8-4: Maximum spacing of mitre drains
Notes: 1
. A maximum of 100 m is preferred but not essential
2. At low gradients silting becomes a problem
Interceptor drains are seldom lined. They usually have a trapezoidal cross section and are
constructed with the undisturbed topsoil of the area as their inverts. They can readily be grassed as
a protection against scour and transverse weirs can also be constructed to reduce flow velocities.
Wherever possible, the drains should be diverted to a natural watercourse.
8.8 Culverts
The capacity of existing culverts should be determined to ascertain whether they are adequate
for the required return period. If less than the 1: 2 year flood, they should be upgraded to
accommodate the 1: 5 year flood (ref. Table 8-1). If more than the 1:2 year flood, but less than the
1:5 year flood, the designer must decide in terms of the characteristics of the area and previous
experience whether it is justified to upgrade the capacity. In the case where the 1:5 year flood can
be accommodated, existing culverts should be used as they are.
Existing culverts should also be checked for scour, especially at the outlets. Where warranted,
scour protection or energy dissipation must be accomplished.
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90 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part B
Part B - 8: Drainage
Where new culverts are required, careful consideration should be given to choosing the most
appropriate, cost-effective type for a particular application taking account of such factors as
purchase and transport costs. Regular maintenance of culverts is also critically important to ensure
unimpeded water flow. When laid at a minimum grade of about 2%, desirable self-cleansing of the
culvert can be achieved.
The designer is referred to the various available guidelines for the design of culverts.
• rifts: Provide a permanent running surface for traffic through a stream or river bed, and
are typically paved with reinforced concrete, masonary or hand-packed stone
• auseways: Are an intermediate drainage structure with service levels superior to drifts,
but inferior to low level bridges. They are normally used where flows would make drifts
impassable for extended periods of time
• ow level bridges: provide a river crossing designed to experience zero or very limited
damage when submerged. Although they occasionally result in short-term delays due to
flooding, they are usually recommended for low volume roads, due to their overall cost-
When “as–built” drawings are available for the above types of low level structures, the designer
should establish whether the existing structure can carry the expected loads. If such drawings are
not available, then the following should be done:
• he structure should be thoroughly inspected visually to establish whether there are any
signs of distress or failure, and if there are, to evaluate the implications thereof
• If the condition of the structure appears to be sound and no significant increase in traffic
volumes or changes in the vehicle composition using the road are expected, the structure
may be used as it is
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Part B - 8: Drainage
• If the condition of the structure appears to be sound, but a significant increase in traffic
volumes or a change in traffic composition is expected, slab thickness, reinforcement
details and span lengths should be determined and an analysis should be undertaken
to establish whether the existing structure is adequate to carry the expected loads. The
structure should be strengthened or replaced only if necessary
• If the structure is not in good condition, i.e. when signs of distress and failure are observed,
the implications of these must be evaluated in the light of the expected loading conditions
in order to establish whether the structure is adequate, or whether repairs, upgrading or
replacement is necessary
The designer is referred to the various available codes of practice for the design of highway
bridges and culverts which should be used for the evaluation of the structural loading of bridges
and culverts.
In principle, the approach to evaluating the adequacy of existing high level bridges is as described
above for low level structures.
Where new water crossings are considered necessary on the existing road, In general, the use
of high level bridges on low volume roads should only be considered if economically justifiable
otherwise, as far as possible, the existing low level structures should be retained with any necessary
remedial works.
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2.3 Drainage Elements
Part: C
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C 93
In order to upgrade unsealed roads to a low volume sealed road (LVSR) standard as cost-effectively
as possible, optimum use needs to be made of the in situ materials within the prevailing road
environment. To this end, the main emphasis is on using the existing road pavement structure
Prepared by:
without disturbing for:
inherent strength derived over many years from consolidation by traffic,
coupled with wetting and drying cycles, and on only adding a new layer(s), if necessary, to cater
Michael I. Pinard
Chief Executive
for the design traffic. TheOfficer
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) method of pavement
Independent design lends
Roads Authority
itself to such an approach. Private Bag 00426
Functional Building Gaborone
Private Bag B346
The adoption of appropriate designs for LVSRs does not mean BOTSWANA
an increased risk of failure but,
Lilongwe 3
rather, requires
MALAWI a greater degree of pavement engineering knowledge, experience and judgment
and the careful application of fundamental principles of pavement and material behaviour derived
from local or regional research. The primary 2011
requirements for mitigating against the risk of LVR
failure are to ensure that the pavements are well drained, the road is timeously and effectively
maintained and axle loads are controlled to acceptable limits.
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94 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 1: Design Considerations
Regional research has also shown that the relative influences of road deterioration factors are
significantly different for low volume roads compared with higher volume roads. A critical observation
is that for sealed roads carrying below 1.0 MESA, pavement deterioration was controlled mainly
by how the road responded to environmental factors, such as moisture changes in the pavement
layers, fill and subgrade, rather than to traffic as illustrated in Figure 1-1. The appropriate design
options for low volume roads therefore need to be responsive to a wide range of factors as captured
in the road environment with the most critical being internal and external drainage.
Percentage contribution
Area of Traffic
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Traffic (million ESA)
Figure 1-1: Traffic loading versus dominant mechanism of pavement distress (Schematic only)
The pavement design process must be fully responsive to the road environment in Malawi. This
environment can be considered to encompass both local climate (rainfall, temperature range
and evaporation), drainage (effectiveness of drains, carriageway crossfall and crown height) and
topographic and sub-soil conditions.
The various road environment factors that must be considered in the design of LVSRs are illustrated
in Figure 1-2. These factors can impact either on the surface of the road, the pavement or
the geometric aspects and should all be considered in the design of the road as discussed in
Part B of the manual.
Road Safety Regime Climate
Maintenance Regime
Sub-surface Hydrology
Construction Regime Subgrade
Traffic Construction
Controllable Uncontrollable
Factors Factors
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More than anything else, the management of moisture during the construction and during the
performance phases of a LVSR pavement affects the eventual outcome, and it is clear that very great
emphasis should be placed on this aspect of pavement design, construction and maintenance.
Invariably, the road environment factors encountered along a section of road will vary. In such
a situation, in order to be as cost-effective as possible, it is necessary to ensure that the use of
materials and pavement designs are matched to the road environment. This can be achieved by
selecting different pavement options in response to different impacting factors along the road
alignment, i.e. by adopting what is called an “environmentally optimised design” (EOD) approach.
This approach is illustrated in Figure 1-3.
The EOD approach economises on deployed resources to achieve an acceptable level of service
and results in the use of a spectrum of solutions ranging from a spot improvement through to the
entire road length, in the process using appropriate pavement compositions, drainage systems
and surfacings, including engineered natural surface (ENS), gravel, bituminous and non-bituminous
An appropriate design strategy needs to underpin the LVSR design philosophy enunciated above.
In this regard, a number of strategic factors affecting the design of LVSR pavements must be
decided at the planning stage in order to provide the necessary directive and inputs for these
design process. These factors are discussed below.
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96 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 1: Design Considerations
Design Life
The factors affecting the choice of the design life of a LVSR include:
It is normally more economical to use a relatively short design life for a LVSR particularly where
design data reliability is low and accurate traffic estimates cannot be made. Table 3-1 in Part B
provides guidance on the selection of the design life of a LVSR.
The risk of premature failure will depend on the extent to which the above factors are negative – the
greater the number of factors that are unsatisfactory, the greater the failure of risk. However, this
risk can be greatly reduced by minimising material variability, ensuring that the construction quality
is well controlled, that drainage measures are strictly implemented and maintenance is carried in
a timely manner.
In view of the vulnerability of gravel roads to the effects of the road environment, some form of
durable surfacing is required to protect the underlying natural gravel pavement structure. A wide
range of surfacing options is available including both bituminous and non-bituminous types.
In keeping with the EOD approach described in Section 1.4, such surfacings may be provided
for the entire length of the road, or only the most vulnerable sections. The approach may include
dealing with only individual critical sections (weak or vulnerable sections; roads through villages or
settlements) on a road link (spot improvements), or providing a total whole link design, which could
comprise different design options along its length.
The choice of surfacing type, and when to use it, involves a trade-off between initial construction
costs, level of service and maintenance requirements. This would entail the undertaking of a life-
cycle analysis which is described in Chapter 6.
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In addition to ensuring that the design developed is technically appropriate to the prevailing road
environment, there are a number of other factors that could influence the success of the LVSR
design, its implementation and long-term sustainability. This requires a broadly focused, multi-
dimensional and context sensitive approach in which a number of other influential factors are
considered as illustrated in Figure 1-4.
Politically Socially
supported acceptable
Financially Technologically
sound appropriate
Political support
Demand for low volume road provision needs to be framed under a national policy driven by
government and should be supported at the highest level. The cross-sectoral influence of low
volume road provision and its role in under-pinning other sectoral development strategies and
poverty alleviation programmes should be highlighted, quantified and understood.
The approach adopted for low volume road provision should complement national plans, policies
and strategies and should be responsive to wider needs and demands, including:
There is a need to maintain dialogue with political and public stakeholders in order to highlight
the advantages of design approaches and alternative, often unfamiliar, solutions selected for low
volume road provision and maintenance. The language used for advocacy should be carefully
chosen and should avoid negative connotations such as “low standard”; “low cost” and “marginal”.
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98 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 1: Design Considerations
Social acceptance
Provision of low volume rural road networks should be managed in a way that:
Institutional capacity
Road authorities and clients should:
Technology choice
Technologies for designing, constructing and maintaining low volume roads should:
Economic viability
Economic appraisal for low volume roads should:
• mploy tools for low volume roads that are capable of quantifying social, economic and
environmental costs and benefits
• Ensure investment decisions for low volume roads are based on an assessment of whole
life costs
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• oads should not be upgraded to engineered standards if funding is not in place for routine
and periodic maintenance requirements
• Designs should not be forwarded that require excessive allocation of maintenance resources
Environmentally sustainable
The design and management of low volume roads should:
• inimise the physical impacts of construction and maintenance activities on the natural
• Take account of socio-cultural impacts (community cohesion)
• Minimise the carbon footprint
• Optimise resource management and allow for recycling of non-renewable materials
• Minimise impacts and emissions that might contribute to climate change
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100 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 1: Design Considerations
1. Behrens L C (1999). Overview of Low-Volume Roads: Keynote Address. 7th Int. Conf.
On Low-Volume Roads. Transportation Research Record No. 1652. TRB.
2 CAPSA (1989). Cost Effective Low Volume Roads. Workshop Session, 5th Conf. on
Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa, Swaziland, 1989.8th
3. Edmonds G A (1979). Appropriate Technology for Low Volume Roads. 2nd Int. Conf. on
Low-Volume Roads. Transportation Research Record No. 702. TRB.
4. Kasakatira K (2010). Low Volume Sealed Roads – The Malawi Experience. 1st AFCAP
Practitioners Conference, 23-25 November, 2010, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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Part C - 2: Environment
2.1 Introduction
A LVSR pavement must be able to function effectively within the environment in which it is to operate.
This environment has to be accepted as it is and the design, construction and maintenance of the
road must be suitably adapted.
A wide range of environmental factors can affect the design of pavements and need to be carefully
considered in arriving at an optimum solution. For example, the prevailing climate will influence the
supply (precipitation, water table), evaporation (temperature ranges and extremes) and movement
of water in soils. These factors can affect the moisture content and strength of the road pavement,
the selection of suitable materials, and the design of bituminous surfacings.
Following construction and particularly the sealing of the pavement, a new environment is created
which can have a significant effect on the properties of the pavement materials and the underlying
soil. The new environment is the result of superimposing on the natural environment, man-made
factors such as new drainage conditions and surface properties (e.g. vegetated cover replaced by
an impervious seal; introduction of new or removal of old trees and vegetation cover on or near the
verges of the road and the road reserve, etc.)
Usually, the lighter the pavement (and traffic) the more pronounced the relative effect of the
environment will be on the performance of the pavement. For such pavements, environmentally-
induced rather than load-associated distress tends to determine the performance of such pavements.
Thus, structural design procedures for relatively light trafficked pavements and surfacings need to
take particular account of the stresses and strains caused by these environmental factors.
2.2 Climate
Malawi’s climate is tropical continental and largely influenced by the huge water mass of
Lake Malawi, which defines almost two-thirds of the country’s eastern border. The climate ranges
from semi-arid in the lower Shire valley, semi-arid to sub-humid on the plateaux and sub-humid in
the highlands.
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Part C - 2: Environment
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Part C - 2: Environment
Annual rainfall ranges from 700 mm to 2400 mm with mean annual rainfall being 1180 mm. Its
distribution is mostly influenced by the topography and proximity to Lake Malawi. The highest
rainfall is experienced in the high altitude and mountainous areas of Mulanje, Zomba, Dedza and
the plateaus of Viphya and Nyika whilst the lowest rainfall is experienced in the low lying areas
of the Lower Shire Valley and other rain shadow areas. Almost 90% of rainfall occurs between
December and March, with very little, if any, between May and October over most of the country.
Climatic zones
For pavement design purposes a country’s climate can
be divided into a number of zones (Table 3-1) based on Severe erosion of road side slopes in high
rainfall areas.
the Weinert “N” value, a climatic index which is related
primarily to the prevailing annual rainfall. This index (N value) correlates well with the macro climate,
as well as the Thornthwaite Moisture Index Im which gives an indication of the overall availability of
moisture during the year.
Table 2-1: Climatic zones: Approximate mean annual rainfall, N-Values and Thornthwaite
The Weinert N-values and climatic zones provide an important insight into the properties and
engineering characteristics of naturally occurring materials that occur in Malawi. This facilitates a good
understanding of the likely behaviour of these materials in
particular climatic environments and allows practitioners Weinert N-Value
The Weinert N-value is calculated from
to design and construct LVSRs with a greater degree of climatic data as follows:
confidence in a wide range of circumstances. N = 12.Ej
Where Ej = evaporation during hottest month
Pa = annual precipitation
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104 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 2: Environment
The moisture regime in which a LVSR pavement must operate has a particularly significant impact
on its performance due to the use of locally occurring unprocessed materials which tend to be
relatively moisture sensitive. This places extra emphasis on drainage and moisture control for
achieving satisfactory pavement life.
Each climatic zone will generally provide a different moisture regime which, other than in localised
areas of micro climate, would be related to the Weinert N-value – the lower the N-value, the greater
the availability of moisture during the year to wet up the pavement, and vice versa.
The various sources of moisture infiltration into a pavement are illustrated in Figure 2-2 and
measures for dealing with them are discussed in Part B, Chapter 8 – Drainage.
Mean annual temperatures vary with altitude, ranging from 25˚C in the Lower Shire Valley to 13˚C
on the Nyika Plateau. Frost may occasionally occur in lower lying land on the plateau.
Temperature and solar radiation can both have significant implications on the performance
of bituminous surfacings and should be taken into account in the surfacing design. This applies
to the short term performance related to bleeding and loss of aggregate, and also the rate of binder
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Part C - 2: Environment
1. Dickinson, E.J. (1981). Pavement temperature regimes in Australia: Their effect on the
performance of bituminous constructions and their relationship with average climate
indicators. Special Report 23. Aust. Road Res. Board.
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Part C - 2: Environment
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Part C - 3: Materials
3.1 Introduction
Naturally occurring soils, gravel soil mixtures and The term “natural gravel” refers to a gravelly The above per
material occurring in nature, such as laterite, of important i
gravels provide an important source of material for use which can be produced without crushing.
in the construction of LVSRs. This is because these Some processing to remove or breakdown materials and
unprocessed materials are relatively cheap to exploit
oversize may still be necessary. However, a considered, as
distinction is made between these “natural”
compared, for example, to processed materials such as gravels and material produced from crushed (dealt with in C
hard rock and typically referred to as
crushed rock, and are often the only source of material
“crushed stone.”
within a reasonable haul distance of the road. Thus, in 5.2.5 Ter
order to mimimise LVSR construction costs, maximum Materials
use should be made of such materials. This is a central Naturally occu
pillar of the LVSR design philosophy. and gravels. L
the in situ ma
Traditional specifications tend to exclude the use of or removing o
unprocessed materials in pavement layers in favour 25% of crush
of more expensive processed materials because they with small am
often do not comply with traditional (HVR-orientated) required.
As-dug, nodular laterite gravel used in
requirements. However, research work carried out in LVSR As-dug, nodular laterite is a typical example
of natural gravel that occurs extensively in
Malawi and elsewhere in the Southern African region has Malawi. This material has been successfully Standard/trad
shown quite clearly that such “non-standard” materials used in the construction of LVRSs despite its traditional spe
non-compliance with traditional strength and
can often be used successfully and cost-effectively in
plasticity requirements.
Highway and
LVSR pavements provided appropriate precautions are of constructio
observed as discussed in this chapter. probably perfo
is often exces
3.2 Materials Characteristics LVSRs.
Despite the innumerable influences that exist, there are some dominant materials characteristics An essential f
that affect pavement performance which should be appreciated in order to design and construct a requiremen
LVSRs with reasonable confidence. These characteristicsCrushed
on whether the materials
is a typical are
“standard” bution (gradi
used in an unbound or bound state which affects the mannermaterial that they
in which is produced by crushing
derive their strengthofin avoid the use
blasted, massive rock to a specified grading.
terms of the following intrinsic properties: weakening ef
fluvio-glacial g
• Inter-particle friction in temperate c
• Cohesive effects from fine particles regions has m
• Soil suction forces areas of such
• Physio-chemical (stabilisation) forces
The relative dependence of a material, and the influence of moisture, on each of the above components
of shear strength will significantly influence the manner in which
SADCthey can beon
Guideline incorporated
Sealeda Roads
pavement. In this regard, Table 3-1 summarises the typical relative characteristics of unbound and
bound materials that critically affect the way in which they can be incorporated into a pavement
in relation to their properties and the prevailing conditions of traffic, climate, economics and risk.
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108 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 3: Materials
Pavement type
Unbound Bound
Parameter Unprocessed Processed Highly Very highly
processed processed
Material Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
types As-dug gravel Screened gravel Crushed rock Stabilised gravel
Variability High Decreases Low
Modulus High Decreases Low
Development Cohesion Cohesion Particle Particle
of shear and suction suction and interlock interlock and
strength some particle chemical
interlock bonding
to moisture High Decreases Low
Design Material Selection criteria reduces volume Material
philosophy strength of moisture sensitive, soft and strength
maintained only poorly graded gravels maintained
in a dry state even in wetter
Appropriate Low traffic Traffic loading increases High traffic
use loading in very environment becomes wetter loading in
dry environment wetter
Cost Low Increases High High
materials such as later-
ite are highly dependent
on suction and cohe-
sion forces for devel- 75
opment of shear resist-
ance which will only be Equilibrium moisture content
generated at relatively
Soil strength (CBR)
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Part C - 3: Materials
Since most LVSRs are constructed from unbound materials, a good knowledge of the performance
characteristics of such materials is necessary for their successful use as discussed below:
• ategory 1 materials: are highly dependent on soil suction and cohesive forces for
development of shear resistance. The typical deficiency in hard, durable particles prevents
reliance on inter-particle friction. Thus, even modest levels of moisture, typically approaching
60% saturation, may be enough to reduce confining forces sufficiently to cause distress
and failure
• ategory 3 materials: have only minor dependency on suction and cohesion forces but
have a much greater reliance on internal friction which is maximised when the aggregate
is hard, durable and well graded. Very high levels of saturation, typically 80-100% will be
necessary to cause distress and this will usually result from pore pressure effects
More than anything else, the management of moisture The FMC/OMC ratio is a significant contributory
factor related to the performance of a LVSR. If,
during the construction and operational phases of a through effective drainage, the materials in the
pavement affects its performance, especially when road pavement can be maintained at a moisture
content that does not rise above OMC in the
unbound, unprocessed, generally relatively plastic rainy season, then more extensive use can be
materials are used. It is therefore very clear that made of local, relatively plastic materials that
might otherwise not be suitable if they were to
emphasis should be placed on minimising the entry
become soaked in service.
of moisture into a LVSR pavement so as to ensure
that it operates as much as possible at an unsaturated moisture content. The beneficial effect of
so doing is illustrated in Table 3-2 which shows the variation of a material’s strength (CBR) with
moisture content.
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Part C - 3: Materials
There are a number of naturally occurring materials in Malawi which, although they may not meet
the requirements traditionally specified for their use in the various layers of a road pavement are,
nonetheless, “fit for purpose”. The most abundant of these materials include:
Materials specifications are not • ecomposed granite – formed from the decomposition
always transferable from one region
of granitic rocks with a low content of quartz or silica.
to another. What may be appropriate
in one region, in relation to such Decomposed granite gravels tend to have low plasticity
factors as material type, climate and and, regardless of the low particle strength, the material
traffic loading, may well be quite
inappropriate in another region where is potentially suitable for use as a basecourse on low
these factors may be quite different. In volume roads
the final analysis, every materials has
its uses and limitations which must
be matched to the traffic, climatic 3.4 Specifications
and other conditions influencing its
performance. Costly failures in some
cases, as well as over-conservative, Specifications are meant to exclude unsatisfactory materials
uneconomic designs in others, can
result when conventional materials for use in roads by placing limits on tpecifications are meant
specifications are rigidly applied with to exclude unsatisfactory materials for use in roads by placing
little regard to local conditions.
limits on their various properties such as grading, plasticity
Conventional specifications are and strength. The derivation of appropriate limits requires an
generally insensitive to the local road
intimate knowledge of the material’s characteristics and their
environment and tend to be applied
in a blanket fashion irrespective likely performance in a specific road environment, particularly
of material type. This makes them climate and drainage measures, and for specific traffic loading.
generally inappropriate for application
in tropical climates where the The challenge is to relate the material’s physical properties
natural gravels behave differently to with performance in a particular environment.
commonly used pavement materials
in North America and Europe.
Until relatively recently, most of the specifications used in
the Southern African region, including Malawi, tended to reflect temperate zone specifications
emanating from Europe and North America. These “conventional” specifications rely heavily on
experience related largely to “ideal” materials having the following properties:
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Part C - 3: Materials
For LVSRs there is now a general recognition that there is a greater need to view the application
of specifications in terms a “whole road environment”, rather than in terms of individual pavement
layers. This provides scope in some cases to consider a reduction in standard when considering
particular material types within defined environments. Recognising “fitness for purpose” is central
to assessing the appropriate use of non-standard materials in LVSRs.
In setting specification limits, a clear distinction should be drawn between the following material
types that occur in Malawi:
• Natural gravels: transported and residual soils and gravels such as alluvial sands, colluvial
deposits and residual clayey sand deposits
In general, whilst the use of conventional limits with natural gravels is often restrictive, for the
reasons stated above, such limits can be even more restrictive when applied to pedogenic materials.
The reasons for this are summarised below:
• hese materials are not necessarily chemically inert and may be capable of self-stabilisation
under the influence of wetting and drying cycles
• Where strength is inferred on the basis of grading, plasticity and/or laboratory CBR,
the potential for self-stabilisation is not taken into account
In addition to the above, conventional specifications refer to the material in its compacted/laid
state on the road. However, conflicts often arise between material acceptability as defined by the
specification and material suitability in terms of its actual engineering performance as a road making
material. This is particularly true when applied to laterites. These materials occur extensively in
Malawi and have performed exceptionally well in a variety of road environments despite their gross
non-compliance with conventional specifications.
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112 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 3: Materials
Both the mechanical stability Attainment of the above selection factors would normally lead to
and durability of a pavement
material are strongly correlated the following key attributes of any pavement, namely:
to its strength. Thus, strength
is one of the most important
parameters affecting the
• dequate bearing capacity under any individual applied load
performance of a LVSR. • Adequate bearing capacity to resist progressive failure under
repeated individual loads
When very high moisture
contents cannot be prevented, • The ability to retain that bearing capacity with time (durability)
an open-graded permeable • The ability to retain bearing capacity under various environmental
material may be advantageous
to reduce the development of influences which relates to material moisture content and, in
excess pore pressures. turn, to climate, drainage and moisture regime
Segregation of material within
the base can be of concern, In light of the results emanating from research work carried out in
particularly if oversize material
is permitted or if extensive Malawi and elsewhere in the Southern African region, the materials
water binding is used during selected for LVSRs should be based primarily on (1) strength and
(2) the strength/moisture/density relationship as discussed below.
Strength: The required strength is expressed in terms of the DCP design penetration rate
(DN value) for the specific traffic. The DN value reflects the required in situ strength at the
material at the expected in-service pavement moisture.
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
(5) Note factors pertaining to accessibility
Part C - 3: Materials
the pits lie in clusters or straight lines,
for additional material.
3.6 Materials Testing (8) Record other important information in
access, etc.
Materials testing is normally prescribed in standards put out by various countries, of which the BS
(9) region.
(British), ASTM (American) and TMH (South Africa), are in common use in the Update the base map accordingly.
these methods differ in many respects with regard to the actual test procedure
(10) and
Draw theupmethod
a planoffor the detailed s
testing. For example, authorities employing a BS Liquid Limit device will obtain according
a Plasticity Index
to the required material qua
(PI) on average 4 units higher than those using an ASTM Liquid Limit device. sites in case the first selection proves
Information about gravels in the landscape typically comes from four main sources:
The above sources of information are analysed all together to assess the likelihood that gravel may
occur at a particular place. A typical flow diagram for materials prospecting is shown in Figure 3-1.
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114 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 3: Materials
Desk Study
• Specification and quantity of materials required
• Interpretation of background material
• Provisional materials map
Plan Survey
• Decide survey methodology and procedure
• Carry out in-house or use consultants
• Consider environmental aspects
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C 115
Part C - 3: Materials
2. Emery, S.J. (1992): The Prediction of moisture content in untreated pavement layers
and application to design in southern Africa. CSIR Research Report 644, DRTT Bulletin
20, CSIR, Pretoria.
3. Grace, H and Toll, D G (1987). Recent Investigations into the Use of Plastic Laterites
as bases for Bituminous-Surfaced Low-Volume Roads. Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. on Low-
Volume Roads, Ithaca.
4. Gourley, C.S and P.A.K Greening. (1999). Performance of Low Volume Sealed Roads:
Results and Recommendations from Studies in Southern Africa. TRL Published Report
PR/OSC/167/99. Crowthorne.
5. McLennan, A K (1986). Towards a strategy for the use of marginal and naturally
occurring materials in pavements. 24th ARRB Regional Symposium, Bundaberg,
7. Mitchell, R L, van der Merwe C P and Geel, H K (1975). Standardised Flexible Pavement
Design for Rural Roads with Light to Medium Traffic, Ministry of Roads and Road
Traffic, Rhodesia Government.
8. Mitchell M F, Petzer, E C P and Van der Walt, N (1979). The optimum use of natural
materials for lightly trafficked roads in developing regions. Transp. Res. Record 702.
10. Netterberg, F. and P. Paige-Green (1988): Pavement materials for low volume roads in
Southern Africa: A review. Proceedings ATC Conference, Vol. 2B – Appropriate Materials
and Methods. Pretoria.
11. Netterberg, F (1993) Low-cost local road materials in southern Africa. Geotechnical
and Geological Engineering.
12. Paige-Green, P (1994). Recommendations for the use of marginal base course
materials in low volume roads in South Africa, CSIR Transportek, Pretoria.
13. Roads Department, Ministry of Works, Transport and Comm-unications, Botswana. (2000):
Methods and Procedures for Prospecting for Road Construction Materials. Guideline
No. 3.
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116 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 3: Materials
14. Roughton International in association with The University of Birmingham and the University
of Nottingham. (2000). Guidelines on Materials and Borrow Pit management for Low
Cost Roads. DFID, London.
15. Transport Research Laboratory (1993) Overseas Road Note 31. A guide to the structural
design of bitumen-surfaced roads in tropical and sub-tropical climates (1993):
Overseas Centre, TRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK. (4th edition).
16. Weinhert H H (1980). The natural road construction materials of Southern Africa.
Pretoria: Academica.
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The main objective of pavement design is to provide an economic, structurally balanced pavement
structure, in terms of material types and thicknesses, that can withstand the expected traffic loading
over a specified period of time (the chosen design life of the pavement), without deteriorating below
a pre-determined level of service.
The load carrying capacity of the pavement is a function of both the thickness and stiffness of the
materials used in the pavement layers and the support provided by the subgrade. Consequently,
a good knowledge of the mechanical properties of the materials comprising the pavement layers
and subgrade is important for designing the structure.
The outcome of the design process, in terms of the type and thickness of structure chosen,
is influenced by the preceding planning phase and, in turn, determines many aspects of the
subsequent construction and maintenance phases of road provision and management. Thus, in
order to achieve a successful outcome, there is a need to ensure that the LVR design process is
undertaken in a holistic manner and is based on a sound strategy that is related to the wide variety
of design factors that are specific to the Malawian physical, social and economic environments.
Figure 4-1 illustrates conceptually the way in which a pavement functions under loading. In essence,
the wheel load, W, is transmitted to the pavement surface through the tyre at an approximately
uniform vertical pressure, Po. The pavement then spreads the wheel load to the subgrade so that
the maximum pressure on the subgrade is only P1. By proper selection of pavement materials
and with adequate pavement thickness, P1 will be small enough to be easily supported by
the subgrade.
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Part C - 4: Pavement Design
Because of the different functions of the surfacing and pavement structure, these basic components
of a road are often independent of one another and a large number of combinations are possible.
However, in terms of the design of the overall road, some surfacings (e.g. surface treatment) do not
contribute to the overall structural strength of the road, while others (e.g. penetration macadam)
do. In the case of earth roads, the natural soil is the main structural component.
The above methods all vary with regard to their complexity in terms of the input parameters required
to undertake the design process. In general, the more complex methods, such as the theoretically
based Mechanistic-empirical design method, are unsuitable for use with low volume roads due to
their underlying assumptions that do not apply to the materials that are typically used to construct
such roads.
Design catalogues are the easiest design process to use as all the practical and theoretical work has
been carried out and different structures are presented in catalogue form for various combinations
of traffic, environmental effects, pavement materials and design options. These catalogues have
typically been based on accelerated testing (e.g. the South African TRH4 design method and the
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) design method) whilst others have been based on the results
of full-scale experiments where all factors affecting performance have been accurately measured
and their variability quantified (e.g. the UK Overseas road Note 31).
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Both the CBR and DCP pavement component (layer by layer) analysis methods are empirically
derived based on material shear strength and can only be accurate if used for the evaluation and
analysis of pavements similar to those for which they were derived. However, the DCP method is
much further developed and more advanced that the CBR method, allowing for detailed evaluation
and analysis of the pavement structure to an effective depth of 800 mm and incorporating concepts
such as “pavement strength balance” which influence the load sensitivity of the pavement. The
outline characteristics of the CBR and DCP methods of design are outlined below.
1) Very poor repeatability and reproducibility of CBR For a true mean value of 80, the
CBR can range from 48 to 112,
results with an overall coefficient of variation of the a range that can lead to vastly
order of 20-25%. differing interpretations of the
suitability of the soil for use in the
2) The test was designed as an indicator test for soils; pavement structure.
it is not a performance-related test which explains
The SADC/TRL design guide
the frequent anomalous behaviour of road pavements
(Performance of Low-Volume
constructed with materials of low CBRs. Sealed Roads: Results and
3) Although the test is used as an indicator test for material Recommendations from Studies
in Southern Africa) has been
selection, materials ranked in the soaked condition do developed for the design of LVSRs
not necessarily rank in the same order at the moisture but is based on the traditional CBR
contents prevalent in the road pavement.
Based on Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) full scale testing of 57 sections of low volume roads, an
evaluation was made of various types of low volume roads located in a variety of road environments.
Such testing revealed that most deformation occurred in the upper 200 mm of the pavements, and
not in the subgrade. Thus, pavement behaviour of LVRs is generally evaluated in terms of deformation
originating in the upper layers of the pavement due to inadequate shear strength of the pavement
materials and not due to deformation originating in the subgrade for which a compressive strain
criterion would need to be satisfied.
The main characteristics of the DCP design method are summarised in Table 4-2.
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120 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 4: Pavement Design
The reliability of the use of empirically derived component analysis design methods, such as the
DCP design method, depends strongly on whether the method is applicable for use on a specific
pavement. In this regard, the pavement needs to have a reasonably well-balanced structure. This
has been found to be typically the case with natural gravel pavements that have undergone “traffic
moulding or re-moulding” whereby compaction under traffic loading coupled with environmental
changes (wetting and drying cycles), cause the pavement structure to attain a strength profile
that exhibits a relatively smooth decrease in strength with increasing depth, i.e. a relatively well-
balanced pavement structure.
Because of the empirical nature of the DCP method, it should be applied in a multi-analysis
approach including visual surveys and test pit information. Moreover, the applicability of the method
should be thoroughly investigated before application. Nevertheless, when found applicable the
DCP method has been found to provide an easy to use and reliable procedure to determine the
upgrading requirements of unsealed roads.
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C 121
Notwithstanding the above, the DCP method can also be used for the design of new roads (where
no previous gravel road existed) and the rehabilitation of existing paved road. However, whilst the
principles of the method remain substantially the same as for upgrading gravel roads to a paved
standard, the procedures differ somewhat and are not the subject of this manual.
One of the major advantages of using a DCP is that the pavement is tested in the condition
reasonably representative of the conditions at which it performs. The simplicity of the test allows
repeated testing to minimise errors and also to account for temporal effects. Sound engineering
judgment and understanding as well as knowledge of the specific site are necessary to maximise
the information than can be obtained from a DCP profile.
In principle, the DCP method can also be used for the design of earth/sand roads for which the
procedure would be similar to that for gravel roads. However, because of the less substantial
nature of the in situ pavement, the construction process would be different in that there may be
need for initial compaction of the roadbed before undertaking the DCP survey to establish the
overlying pavement layer requirements.
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122 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 4: Pavement Design
1. Committee of State Road Authorities (1996). Structural design of flexible pavements for
interurban and rural roads. Pretoria: department of Transport. Technical Recommendations
for Highways (TRH4).
2. Kleyn, EG and van Zyl G D (1988). Application of the DCP to Light Pavement Design.
First Int. Symposium on Penetration testing, Orlando, USA.
3. Kleyn, E G (1982). Aspects of pavement evaluation and design as determined with the
aid of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP). M.Eng. Thesis, University of Pretoria,
4. Mitchell, R L, van der Merwe C P and Geel, H K (1975). Standardised Flexible Pavement
Design for Rural Roads with Light to Medium Traffic, Ministry of Roads and Road
Traffic, Rhodesia Government.
5. Transport Research Laboratory (1993). Overseas Road Note 31. A guide to the structural
design of bitumen-surfaced roads in tropical and sub-tropical climates (1993):
Overseas Centre, TRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK. (4th edition).
7. Van der Merwe, C.P. (1999). Material and Pavement Structures for Low Volume Roads
in Zimbabwe. Unpublished Report, Harare.
8. Wolff H, Emery, S J, van Zyl, G D and Paige-Green, P (1995). Design Catalogue for Low-
Volume Roads Developed for South African Conditions. Proc. Sixth Int. Conf. on Low-
Volume Roads, Proc. Sixth Int. Conf. on Low-Volume Roads, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June
25-29, 1995.
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C 123
• Expansive
Problem soils soils: These clay soils exhibit particularly large volumetric changes
• (swell and
Construction shrinkage) following variations in their moisture contents. They
Very High 8 %
Medium 2 %
• shrink and
Vehicle overloadingcrack when they dry out and swell when they get wet. The cracks
High 4 %
• allow water
Maintenance issues to penetrate deep into the soil, hence causing considerable ex-
Pavement of the Design, Materials & Surfacin
• Roadpansion. This results in deformation and unevenness
safety issues road surface, since
the expansion and the subsequent heave are never uniform. Furthermore, if the
side slopes are not gentle enough these volume changes may produce lateral
Some of the key factors that need to be taken into account in addressing the practical considerations
Low < 2 % displacements (“creep”) of the expansive soil. When dry, some expansive soils
listed above are discussed below. 70
present a sand-like texture and are prone to erosion to a much greater extent Expansiv
than what would be normally expected from their plasticity and clay content. (swell an
Very High 8 %
5.2 Problem Soils
Medium 2 %
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
shrink an
Low < 2 %
Plasticity Index % (PI)
Clay Content (< 2 µm)
High 4 %
The measures chosen to minimize or eliminate
50 the effects of expansive soils
measure of soil expansiveness
for unfavourable
LVSRs needproperties
to be economically realistic and proportionate to the risk allow wa
n der Merwe Chart).By virtue of their for road construction,
40 a number of subgrade soils fall into
of potential pavement damage and increased maintenance
the category of “problem soils” and, when encountered, would normally requireand usertreatment
special costs. pansion.
to be carried out on material the expan
0.425 mm sieve.
before acceptance include:
the pavement
foundation. In Malawi, the following types of problem soils
merit special consideration: 20
side slop
realignment, where possible
Low < 2 % displacem
• Expansive
excavation and replacement present a
• Micaceous soils
chemical treatment
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 than wha
• Low-strength soils Clay Content (< 2 µm)
minimising moisture changes The meas
Qualitative measure of soil expansiveness
Performance risk
wide (at least 2 m), sealed (Modified van der Merwe Chart). for LVSR
In assessing the appropriateness of the measures of potent
avoidance of side drains N.B - PI test to be carried out on material
available for dealing with problem soils, a careful
passing the 0.425 mm sieve.
Typical m
gentle side slopes (1:6 or flatter)
balance has to be struck between the cost of the
minimum earthworks cover
measures and the benefits to be derived. This would Expansive“black
Expansive “black cotton”
cotton” soil
exhibiting widely
gitudinal cracking caused of 0.6 m realig
requirebythat a life-cycle analysis be carried out to spaced
etric changes in an expansive
e. determine whether the costs
Collapsible of the These
sands: measures would
sandy soils t1 Time
be at least off- set by the benefits. Bearing in mind
occur mostly in the arid and semi-arid re- Normal settlement chem
the relatively gions
small user benefitsAfrica,
of southern generated by LVSRs
particularly in the
with soil partially
when compared
saturated minim
Kalahari Desert regions of western isBot-
with higher trafficked roads, it
unlikely that the more extensive w
swana and eastern and costly They
Namibia. measures
Additional settle-
would be justified.
a weakly cemented soil fabric which, ment - no change sh
under certain circumstances, may be in-
in applied pressure
but increase in
Expansive duced
soils to rapid settlement. A characteristic moisture content ge
Expansive soils are those
of these soils iswhich exhibit
that they areparticularly
all unsaturat- m
large volumetric changes (swell and shrinkage)
ed, generally have a low dry density and a Typical longitudinal cracking and pavement of
Typical longitudinal
deformation caused by largecracking caused by
volumetric changes
following variations
low clay in moisture
content. At thecontents. The
in-situ moisture Figure 5.7 - Thesoil
basic concept of additional
of volumetric
an expansive changes
subgrade. in an expansive
mechanism of expansion illustrated in Figure 5-1 large
is settlement due to collapse of soil fabric9 Collapsib
tlement in excess of 150 mm content they can withstand relatively soil subgrade.
that of seasonal wetting and drying, withexcess
of the movement of the water table. Soils at the
rolling. imposed stretches well in
Box 5.3do- Conditions occur mo
edge of the overburden
road wet up pressure
and dry out withat little
a different
or noratebefore
than those undertoabepaved satisfisurface,
thus bringingsettlement.
about differential movement. It ischange collapse settlement can
this movement rather than the low soil strength occur gions of so
However, without any Kalahari
(most expansive soils
in the are often
applied relatively
stress, but an strong at their
increase in equilibrium
the soilmoisture
must havecontent) which brings
a collapsible
about failure. Such failure typically takes the form of associated fabriclongitudinal crack development, swana and
moisture content, additional settlement
will occur, as shown in Figure 5.7. The it must be partially saturated a weakly
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
rate of settlement will depend on the the applied load must exceed the under cer
permeability of the soil. Useful indicators overburden pressure duced to r
for assessing the collapse potential of a of these so
124 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 5: Practical Considerations
occurring first in the shoulder area and developing subsequently in the carriageway, as well as
general unevenness of the pavement surface, arcuate cracking and settlement near trees and
transverse humps and cracks at culvert sites.
The chosen measures to minimise or eliminate the effects of expansive soils for LVSRs will depend
on their degree of expansiveness. This property may be determined from the relationship between
the Plasticity Index (PI) and clay content of the soil as illustrated in Figure 5-2 (Note: the PI is
measured on the material passing the 0.425 mm sieve).
Very high 8%
Medium 2%
Plasticity Index % (PI)
Low < 2%
High 4%
Low < 2%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C 125
• Acceptance of problem and strategy to re-work and re-seal e.g. after 10 years
• Realignment, where possible
• Excavation and replacement
• Chemical treatment
• Minimising moisture changes
- wide (at least 2 m), sealed shoulders
- avoidance of side drains
- gentle side slopes (1:6 or flatter)
- minimum earthworks cover 0.6 m
The measures for dealing with expansive soils need to be economically realistic and proportionate
to the risk of potential pavement damage and increased maintenance and user costs. Typical
measures include:
• Acceptance of problem and strategy to re-work and re-seal e.g. after 10 years
• Realignment, where possible
• Excavation and replacement
• Chemical treatment
• Minimising moisture changes
• Wide (at least 2 m), sealed shoulders
• Avoidance of side drains
• Gentle side slopes (1:6 or flatter)
• Minimum earthworks cover 0.6 m
Micaceous soils
Micaceous soils contain large quantities of mica (muscovite) and occur in such materials as
weathered granite, gneiss, mica schist and phylitte – materials that occur in various areas of Malawi.
These soils often cause problems with compaction because of the “spring action” of the muscovite
materials which may prevent achievement of the intended density or, even if it is achieved initially,
can cause rutting in the compacted layer at a later stage.
• Removing the micaceous soil layer to below the material depth in the subgrade
• Stabilising the micaceous soil with lime or cement
For LVSRs, the loss of shape associated with micaceous subgrades would generally have to
be accepted unless the overlying pavement warrants the expense of the countermeasures
indicated above.
Low-strength Soils
Soils with a soaked CBR of less than 3 per cent (< 2 per cent in dry climates) are described as
Low-Strength soils. These soils may be extremely soft in their natural state or become extremely
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126 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 5: Practical Considerations
soft on soaking. They occur particularly in the low-lying, swampy areas of Malawi. They are easy
to identify either in situ or during site inspections or laboratory testing of their soaked strengths.
Typical treatment measures for such soils include:
Further details on the respective methods of treatment for low-strength soils need to be established
in the design stage at project level and the appropriate measure will depend on soil properties,
site conditions, available equipment, available materials, experience from other sites with similar
conditions and construction economy.
One of the challenges of utilising natural gravels in LVR pavements is to maximise their strength,
increase their stiffness and bearing capacity, increase their resistance to permanent (plastic)
deformation and reduce their permeability (and, hence, susceptibility to moisture ingress). These
attributes can be achieved through effective compaction, as discussed below.
Effective compaction of the existing running surface of the gravel road which is to be upgraded is
one of the most cost-effective means of improving the structural capacity of the LVSR pavement.
A well compacted running surface (effectively and typically the subbase of the new pavement)
possesses enhanced strength, stiffness and bearing capacity, is more resistant to moisture
penetration and less susceptible to differential settlement. The higher the density, the stronger the
layer support, the lesser the thickness of the overlying pavement layers and the more economic
the pavement structure. Thus, there is every benefit to achieving as high a density and related
strength as economically possible in the subgrade.
Maximising the strength potential of a subgrade soil can be achieved, not necessarily by compacting
to a pre-determined relative compaction level, as is traditionally done but, rather, by compacting
to the highest uniform level of density possible (“compaction to near refusal”) without
significant strength degradation of the particles. In so doing, there is a significant, beneficial,
gain in density, strength and stiffness and reduction in permeability, the benefits of which generally
outweigh the costs of the additional passes of the roller.
Compaction to near refusal ensures that the soil has been compacted at an appropriate moisture
content to its near elastic state as shown in Figure 5.3 at which point the air voids in the material
are relatively low (< 5%) with the significant benefit of reduced pavement deflection and increase in
pavement life as illustrated in Figure 5.4. If, however, the volume of voids is high after construction,
the pavement will densify under traffic loading and rutting will appear in the wheel tracks. Further,
if both the moisture content is high in service and the air voids are also high, the pavement is
potentially unstable and serious deformation is likely to occur, particularly with heavy traffic using
the road. These potentially adverse situations emphasise the importance of ensuring that the
subgrade compaction is carried out properly by controlling both the air voids and moisture content
at which the specified density is attained.
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Density / stiffness
Point of compaction
to near refusal
(near zero air voids)
Table 5-1 gives the minimum compaction requirements for the various layers in the pavement.
For the reasons stated above, where the higher densities can be realistically attained in the field
(compaction to near refusal) from field measurements on similar materials or other established
information, they should be specified in the tender documents.
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128 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 5: Practical Considerations
Quality Attainment
LVR design procedures assume that both the material properties and levels of density specified are
achieved in the field. However, in order to attain the specified densities, it is essential to ensure,
as far as practicable, the uniform application of water, the uniformity of mixing and uniformity of
compaction at or near OMC.
It is also important to note that layers below the one being compacted should be of sufficient
density and strength to facilitate effective compaction of the upper layer(s). Adherence to the
compaction recommendations given in Table 5-1 should ensure this.
Whilst it is necessary for natural gravels to be brought to OMC for efficient compaction, it is
necessary to ensure that premature sealing does not lock in construction moisture. This can
be achieved by allowing a significant amount of drying out to occur before sealing takes place,
typically to 50% of OMC, particularly for materials that rely on soil suction forces for strength gain
and improved stability.
The variability of natural gravels is a significant factor in the reliability of performance of the
pavement. However, various measures can be taken during construction to reduce such variability.
These include:
• areful selection during the winning process. Physical properties of natural gravels in
most deposits tend to change with depth and location. Careful selection of the material
during the winning process, coupled with appropriate testing on a grid pattern (e.g. use of
the linear shrinkage test) will often facilitate uniform stockpiling of the material. Mixing of
materials in the borrow pit before stockpiling will also assist with uniformity, provided poor
materials are removed beforehand
• Quality control and assurance: Quality attainment and control are paramount when using
unprocessed materials for LVR construction. Quality assurance procedures and the use
of statistical control methods are recommended. Such measures will eliminate the costly
ramifications flowing from arbitrary decisions to include or exclude the use of certain readily
available materials
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Incidences of vehicle overloading can have a significant negative impact on the performance of
a LVSR. Figure 5.5 illustrates the adverse impact of overloading on a road pavement and the
consequent need for unnecessarily high maintenance and rehabilitation costs.
The effects of overloading are observed especially by premature failures of surfacing layers (excessive
rutting, bleeding, loss of surface texture, and ravelling being prevalent as early indicators). Naturally,
every effort should be made to limit the amount of overloading (illegal loading) but it is recognised
that current controls may not always be sufficient.
Reduced remaining
service life Earlier time for rehabilitation
Remaining service life Time for rehabilitation
Increased level of Increased level of pavement
Level of Level of pavement deterioration deterioration after overlay
Pavement deterioration
Pavement deterioration
pavement deterioration pavement deterioration before overlay
before overlay after overlay
While the design process should account for the amount of heavy vehicle axle loads in determining
the design traffic loading (Chapter 6), the specific effects of the very heavy abnormal axle loads on
the pavement must be considered in finalising the design.
In situations where overloading is likely to occur, special attention must be given to the quality and
strength of all the pavement layers during construction. Amongst other measures, there may be
justification in adopting a higher traffic design loading which will result in the need for increased
quality and thickness of the base and subbase/subgrade layers. The specific measures that the
Engineer may deem necessary should, ideally, be based on either proven local practice or at least
specialised advice/analysis in order to maintain a well balanced structure.
The case for maintenance is a compelling one. Having Road maintenance seeks to conserve
as nearly as possible, the original
spent time, effort and money in planning, designing and designed condition of a road in a
constructing a LVSR, it is vital to ensure that the asset is manner most likely to minimise the total
cost to society of vehicle operation
preserved by timely and effective maintenance in order to: and accident cost, plus the cost of
providing the maintenance itself, under
the constraints of severe resource
• rolong the life of the road and postpones the day
when renewal will be required
• Reduce the cost of operating vehicles on roads; and
• Help to keep roads open and enable greater regularity, punctuality and safety of road
transport services
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130 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 5: Practical Considerations
The following routine and periodic maintenance activities, which may be of either a cyclic or
reactive nature, are essential to the preservation of LVSRs.
Routine maintenance: Many of the activities listed in Table 5-2 can be carried out cost-
fixed cost activities that are carried
out irrespective of the engineering effectively using labour-based methods. If some of the routine
characteristics of the road or the maintenance work is contracted on a “lengthmen contract”
density of traffic (e.g. grass cutting).
basis, for example, there would be little or no requirement for
Recurrent maintenance: maintenance labour camps for transport to and from the work
activities required throughout the
site, thereby saving money. Some periodic maintenance work
year but whose frequencies vary
with traffic, topography and climate may still require specialised equipment, e.g. bitumen sealing
(e.g. road marking). operations, but labour-based methods can be used for many
Periodic maintenance: activities.
those recurrent activities that are
required at intervals of several years
(e.g. resealing). In view of the moisture sensitive nature of the naturally occurring,
unprocessed materials that are typically used in the construction
of LVSRs, they will present a more demanding challenge than more heavily trafficked HVSRs for
their proper maintenance. Thus, in order to avoid their untimely deterioration, maintenance must
be scheduled and carried out more frequently and expeditiously than for HVSRs. Failure to do so
can result in the loss of a LVSR more quickly than a HVSR. It is therefore essential that the routine
and periodic activities maintenance activities listed in Table 5-2 are carried out timeously.
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It has also become apparent that the safety concerns of LVSR users are different than those of
HVSRs. This is largely because there tends to be a much higher incidence of vulnerable road users
(NMT, pedestrians and animals) on LVSRs than on HVSRs. The challenge in such a situation is to
ensure that the speed of motorised traffic is relatively low, particularly within villages. This may be
achieved in a number of ways including:
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132 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 5: Practical Considerations
1. Assum T (1998). Road Safety in Africa: Appraisal of Road Safety Initiatives in Five
African Countries, SSATP Working Paper No. 33, The World Bank, Washington, DC.
2. Austroads (1994). Road Safety Audits, NSW, Australia.
3. Dhliwayo, M E (1997). A Review of the Road Safety Situation in Africa, Proc. 3rd African
Road Safety Conference, Pretoria.
4. National Road Safety Council of Kenya. (1990). Manual on Accident Prevention Using
Low-Cost Engineering Countermeasures. Ministry of Public Works, Nairobi.
5. Ross A (1992). Road Safety Checks. Infrastructure Notes, Infrastructure and Urban
Development Department, World Bank, Washington, D.C.
7. TRL (1987). Maintenance Management for District Engineers. Overseas Road Note 1.
T R L, . Crowthorne.
10. Weston, D.J. 1980. Expansive soil treatment for southern Africa. Proc. Fourth Int. Conf.
on Expansive Soils, Denver.
11. Van Zyl, N J W and Freeme, C R (1984). Determination of damage done to roads by
heavy vehicles. Proc. Annual Transport Convention, Pretoria.
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C 133
There are always a number of potential alternatives available to the designer in the design of new
roads or the rehabilitation of existing ones, each capable of providing the required performance.
For example, as illustrated in Figure 6-1, for a given analysis period, one alternative might entail the
use of a relatively thin, inexpensive pavement which requires multiple strengthening interventions
(Alternative A) whilst another alternative might entail the use of a thicker, more costly pavement with
fewer interventions (Alternative B).
Alternative A Alternative B
Pavement condition
Terminal Serviceability
0 5 10 15 20
Pavement Life (years)
In order to make the most effective use of the available resources, the designer is required to find
which alternative will serve the needs of road users for a given level of service at the lowest cost
over time. Such a task can be achieved through the use of a life-cycle economic evaluation, often
referred to as “life-cycle” or “whole-of-life” costing.
A life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis requires identifying and evaluating the economic consequences of
various alternatives over time primarily according to the criterion of minimum total (life-cycle) costs.
As indicated in Figure 6-2, the principal components of a LCC analysis are the initial investment
or construction cost and the future costs of maintaining or rehabilitating the road, as well as the
benefits due to savings in user costs over the assessment period selected. An assessment of the
residual value of the road is also included so as to incorporate the possible different consequences
of construction and maintenance strategies for the pavement/surface options being investigated.
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134 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 6: Cost Analysis
Figure 6-2: Distribution of costs and benefits during the life cycle of a road option
• Analysis period
• Structural design period
• Construction costs
• Maintenance costs
• Road user costs
• Salvage value
• Discount rate
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OV = Overlay
(a) Analysis period: This period is the length of time for which comparisons of total costs are
to be made. It should be the same for all alternative strategies and should not be less than
the longest design period of the alternative strategies.
(b) Structural design period: This is the design life of the road at which time it would be
expected to have reached its terminal serviceability level and to require an appropriate
intervention such as an overlay.
(c) Construction costs: Unit costs for alternative pavement designs will vary widely depending
on such factors as locality, availability of suitable materials, scale of project and road
standard. Other factors that would typically warrant consideration include:
• Land acquisition costs
• Supervision and overhead cost
• Establishment costs
• Accommodation of traffic
• Relocation of services
(d) Maintenance costs: The nature and extent of future maintenance will be dependent on
pavement composition, traffic loading and environmental influences. An assessment needs
to be made of future annual routine maintenance requirements, periodic treatments such
as reseals, and rehabilitation such as structural overlays.
(e) Road user costs: These are normally not considered in a LCC analysis, as the pavement
designs are considered to provide “equivalent service” during the analysis period.
However, when evaluating the viability of costly measures to improve or maintain a high
roughness level, e.g. treatments for expansive clays, the savings for the road user (vehicle
operating costs) compared with the cheapest option are treated as benefits and should be
incorporated as one of the components in the LCC analysis (ref. Figure 6-2).
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136 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 6: Cost Analysis
(f) Salvage value: The value of the pavement at the end of the analysis period depends
on the extent to which it can be utilised in any future upgrading. For example, where the
predicted condition of the pavement at the end of the analysis period is such that the base
layer could serve as the subbase layer for the subsequent project, then the salvage value
would be equal to the cost in current value terms for construction in future to subbase level
discounted to the evaluation year.
(g) Discount rate: This rate must be selected to express future expenditure in terms of present
values and cost. The decision on discount rate is usually based on a combination of policy
and economic considerations.
The optimum pavement design solution, which should be the design objective, is a balance between
construction, maintenance and road user costs and, as illustrated in Figure 6.4, is very much traffic
related. Thus, the optimum structural capacity pavement for a relatively low traffic pavement might
well incur lower initial construction costs but, within its life cycle, this would be balanced by higher
maintenance and VOC. Conversely, a higher traffic pavement would incur higher initial construction
costs but lower maintenance and VOC.
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1. ACPA (2002): Life Cycle Cost Analysis. A Guide for Alternative Pavement Designs.
American Concrete Pavement Association, Stokie, Illinois, USA.
2. Baum, W.C. 91982): The Project Cycle. International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, The World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, USA.
4. Ozbay, K et al (2003): Guidelines for Life Cycle Analysis. Final Report. Report No.
FHWA-NJ-2003-012. Trenton, NJ.
5. Walls, J. and M.R. Smith. 91998): Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Design – Interim
Technical Bulletin. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., USA.
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Part C - 6: Cost Analysis
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Part C - 7: Implementation
7.1 Introduction
Although no two projects are alike, each has its own history and implementation of a particular
project entails following a process or cycle that, with some variations, is common to all. As illustrated
in Figure 7-1, the cycle typically comprises the basic stages of planning, design, construction and
maintenance. Each phase has important, but changing, impacts on the end result in terms of its
“level of influence” on the succeeding phase and the related effect on the total cost of the project.
Ultimately, the successful implementation of a project should be such as to meet all the objectives
of the project cycle within the budget and time constraints. This requires that the implementing
agency is organised to function in a seamless manner as the project progresses from one phase
to the next.
The planning phase of the project provides the “what, when and where” type of information to the
design and subsequent phases of the project. Information on the type of project required (e.g.
paved, unpaved, standard, etc.), its location (e.g. alignment within a corridor), how it is to be
constructed (e.g. labour or equipment based) invariably provides direction for the design stage
of the project and, indeed, the impact/influence on the construction and maintenance phases of
the project.
As indicated in Figure 7-1, the costs incurred during the planning phase are relatively small
compared with the total expenditure and are incurred during a relatively short period of the project’s
life. However, the downstream level of influence of planning is very large in terms of decisions and
commitments made during the early phases of the project.
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
140 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 7: Implementation
The design phase of the project in terms of the preparation of plans, specifications and tender
documents provide a direct and influential input for construction and represents the most obvious
and direct interaction between these phases.
The traditional outputs of the design phase are plans and specifications which provide a direct
input for construction and typically comprise the following:
• set of drawings that provide detailed longitudinal and cross-section details and other
design aspects
• A set of specifications that describe in detail the materials to be provided and construction
standards to be achieved
In addition to the contract documents and details for construction, proper interaction in the early
stages can assist the construction in the preliminary field engineering phase and in establishing
methods for locating materials and establishing quality and quantity control techniques.
As is the case with the planning phase, the costs incurred during the design phase of the project
are relatively small compared with the total expenditure but the impact/influence is enormous on
the construction and maintenance phases of the project. A well designed project coupled with
responsive tender documents are absolutely crucial if the final product is to achieve its primary
objective in terms of providing an optimum design solution at minimum life-cycle costs.
The construction phase of a road project converts a design recommendation into physical
reality. Successful construction meets the planning and design objectives within budget and time
constraints. In order to move the selected road design to the construction phase, a set of definitive
documents expressing the details of the selected design, or of the alternative offered for contract
tenders, is needed. These documents not only convey details to construction but also serve as
legal documents in procuring the services of a contractor.
The construction phase of a project will suffer if there are shortcomings in the tender documents
in terms of such factors as misleading materials information, inaccurate quantities or impractical
specifications. Such shortcomings are not uncommon on many projects in Malawi and inevitably
lead to an escalation of costs due to claims and delays to project completion.
Whilst the capital costs of construction are a fraction of the operating and maintenance costs,
the actual quality of construction can greatly impact on the cost of maintaining the road. This
emphasises the importance of ensuring a high degree of quality control in the use of local materials
and the adoption of construction methods that are appropriate to the multi-dimensional environment
in which the road is being provided.
Feedback from construction to design is also vital. A seemingly economical design is not effective
if it results in unusual or unmanageable construction problems. Such feedback can often lead to a
change in future specifications and more cost-effective designs.
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C 141
Part C - 7: Implementation
7.5 Maintenance Impacts
The last phase considered in relation to the preceding phases of the project cycle is maintenance.
This crucial activity occupies a significant number of years in the life of the project and the type
and cost of the activities required is influenced significantly by the preceding planning, design and
construction phases.
Careful consideration of the type of maintenance undertaken and its location along the road may
show some patterns of pavement behaviour that feed back to construction and show weaknesses
in design specifications and construction methods.
Periodic monitoring and evaluation of existing roads are desirable as they can show that certain
construction methods and technology, although acceptable under existing specifications, lead to
premature failure and rapid deterioration. For example, seemingly sound materials may degrade
in service which may lead to structural weaknesses. Monitoring the roughness progression would
also confirm assumptions in terms of different strategies and identify the terminal service level after
which rehabilitation would be required.
A good feedback system can also assist in solving many potential design and construction
problems. In this regard, the as-built construction records form the cornerstone of the maintenance
database. Such information provides the initial or zero-age evaluation of the pavement. Moreover,
if the construction data is good and effectively recoded, it will form the backbone of all future
evaluation because the data will be more detailed than can ever be obtained again. In addition,
these records can be used to assist in selecting the initial location of pavement sections to be
periodically monitored.
The implementation of a road project has a major effect on the immediate environment. The overall
impact is basically its very presence, but its most visible impact on the natural environment is often
during the construction phase. Appropriate measures should therefore be put in place for dealing
with environmental impacts during prior to construction, in the form of an Environmental Impact
Assessment Study, and during construction for which the following is a typical checklist of issues
to be addresed:
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142 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C
Part C - 7: Implementation
Consequential developments:
Will the project stimulate land clearance for agriculture, the development of industry or mineral
extraction? What steps can be taken to mitigate long-term adverse effects?
Social factors:
Has adequate provision been made for vehicle, pedestrian and NMT safety. Are the geometric
standards adopted likely to require provision of additional safety countermeasures (e.g. signage,
education programmes)?
Geotechnical damage:
Has the project been designed to minimise the possibility of landslides and other geotechnical
problems? Have long-term maintenance consequences been taken into account?
Materials resources:
Will the project result in the unacceptable depletion of material resources that may be needed for
subsequent maintenance or other construction projects? Will borrow pits be restored and can their
effect on the landscape be minimised?
Will the project result in increased risks from flooding or landslides as a result of disturbing
natural drainage patterns? Will later development of agricultural land and other settlements affect
hydrological conditions so that drainage works and bridges must be modified? Will any water
impoundments create health hazards?
Have the effects on animals and plants been considered? Has an ecological reconnaissance been
carried out to assess these effects?
Other factors:
Are air pollution, noise and vibration, and visual intrusion issues of concern in the project? If so,
what can be done to mitigate the effects?
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Part C 143
Part C - 7: Implementation
1. ACPA (2002): Life Cycle Cost Analysis. A Guide for Alternative Pavement Designs.
American Concrete Pavement Association, Stokie, Illinois, USA.
2. Baum, W.C. 91982): The Project Cycle. International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, The World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, USA.
4. Ozbay, K et al (2003): Guidelines for Life Cycle Analysis. Final Report. Report No. FHWA-
NJ-2003-012. Trenton, NJ.
5. Walls, J. and M.R. Smith. 91998): Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Design – Interim
Technical Bulletin. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., USA.
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
2.3 Drainage Elements
Annex: A
DCP Design
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A 145
- 1: Introduction
A.1 Project Details
Annex A:Part
- Project name: Alpha-Beta Road
- Road length: 17 km
- DCP survey carried out in dry season
Determine upgrading 12
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
146 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A
- 1: Introduction
DCPADesign Example
- The results of the DCP survey are presented in Annex A.1 of this annex.
- The uniform sections determined from the CUSUM analysis are illustrated in a chart in
Annex A.3 of this annex and are as follows:
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A 147
- 1: Introduction
DCPADesign Example
- A typical printout for Uniform Section 4 (Chainage 7.5 – 10.0 km) is shown in Figure A-1
while printouts for all sections are presented in Annex A.5 of this annex.
Annex A:Part
DN (mm/blow)
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
148 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A
- 1: Introduction
- Figure A-1 above indicates that for an 80th percentile moisture condition, the strength of
the 0 – 150 mm layer for Uniform Section 4 is less than that required but is adequate for
Annex A:Part
- A comparison of the in situ and required layer-strength profiles can also be presented
manually for each uniform section to facilitate the determination of upgrading requirements
as illustrated in Table A-2.
Table A-2: Comparison of in situ and required layer strength profiles for uniform sections
Pavement Required
Layer DN DN Values - 80th Percentile*
(mm) Value Section no.
for LV
0.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
150-300 ≤6 10.47 7.75 10.07 5.37 5.99 9.71 4.94
300-450 ≤12 9.69 8.78 10.27 7.79 7.09 9.68 7.37
- As illustrated in Table A-3, the effect of adding a new base layer is to subjugate the existing
base layer to that of a subbase layer with a lower strength requirement which must be
evaluated against the required DN value of ≤ 6.
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Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A 149
- 1: Introduction
Table A-3: Impact of imported base layer on layer-strength profiles
Pavement Required
Annex A:Part
Layer DN DN Values - 80th Percentile
(mm) Value Section no.
for LV
0.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
150-300 ≤6 8.07 4.81 4.90 4.03 4.45 6.57 3.95
300-450 ≤12 10.47 7.75 10.07 5.37 5.99 9.71 4.94
450-600 ≤19 9.69 8.78 10.27 7.79 7.09 9.68 7.37
- As illustrated in Table A-3, the strength of the new subbase (previously the base of
the existing gravel road) in two if the uniform sections, Sections 1 and 6, is inadequate
(DN value > 6). Thus, a new subbase layer of the requisite strength is also required for
these sections to produce an adequate pavement structure for all sections as illustrated in
Table A-4.
Table A-4: Impact of imported base and subbase layers on layer-strength profiles
Pavement Required
Layer DN DN Values - 80th Percentile
(mm) Value Section no.
for LV
0.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
150-300 ≤6 6.00 4.81 4.90 4.03 4.45 6.60 3.95
300-450 ≤12 8.07 7.75 10.07 5.37 5.99 9.71 4.94
450-600 ≤19 10.47 8.78 10.27 7.79 7.09 9.71 7.37
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150 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A
- 1: Introduction
- In summary, a new base layer with a required DN value of ≤ 3.2 will be required for all the
uniform sections whilst a new subbase layer with a DN value of ≤ 6.00 will be required for
- The new base and subbase requirements may be achieved in a number of ways, including:
• eworking the existing layer - if only the density is inadequate and the required
DN value can be obtained at the specified construction density and anticipated in-
service moisture content
• eplacing the existing layer - if the material quality (DN value at the specified
construction density and anticipated in-service moisture content) is inadequate, then
appropriate quality material will need to be imported to serve as the new upper
pavement layer(s)
• ugmenting the existing layer - if the material quality (DN value) is adequate but
the layer thickness is inadequate, then imported material of appropriate quality will
need to be imported to make up the required thickness prior to compaction
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
ANNEX A1: Alpha-Beta Road: DCP Results and Analysis
Point Chainage DSN800 (blows) DN Base (0-150 mm) (mm/blow) DN Subbase (150-300 mm) (mm/blow) DN Subgrade (300-450 mm) (mm/blow)
1 0 289
206.77 82.23 82.23 2.29 4.11 -1.82 -1.82 5.15 6.33 -1.18 -1.18 3.06 7.57 -4.51 -4.51
2 0.25 85
-121.77 -39.54 4.44 4.11 0.33 -1.49 10.80 6.33 4.47 3.30 15.33 7.57 7.76 3.25
3 0.5 180
206.77 -26.77 -66.30 2.00 4.11 -2.11 -3.60 11.63 6.33 5.30 8.60 16.69 7.57 9.12 12.37
4 0.75 95
-178.07 8.67 4.11 4.56 0.96 8.04 6.33 1.71 10.31 7.87 7.57 0.30 12.67
5 1 135
206.77 -71.77
-249.84 3.75 4.11 -0.36 0.60 6.93 6.33 0.60 10.91 8.87 7.57 1.30 13.97
6 1.25 118
206.77 -88.77
-338.61 8.07 4.11 3.96 4.55 8.80 6.33 2.47 13.39 5.05 7.57 -2.52 11.46
7 1.5 115
206.77 -91.77
-430.38 5.11 4.11 1.00 5.55 9.37 6.33 3.04 16.43 8.05 7.57 0.48 11.94
8 1.75 120
206.77 -86.77
-517.14 5.37 4.11 1.26 6.81 6.24 6.33 -0.09 16.34 6.91 7.57 -0.66 11.28
9 2 107
206.77 -99.77
-616.91 6.60 4.11 2.49 9.30 7.17 6.33 0.84 17.19 9.69 7.57 2.12 13.40
10 2.25 110
206.77 -96.77
-713.68 10.12 4.11 6.01 15.31 10.47 6.33 4.14 21.33 9 7.57 1.43 14.83
11 2.5 355
206.77 148.23
-565.45 2.45 4.11 -1.66 13.65 2.09 6.33 -4.24 17.09 2.73 7.57 -4.84 9.99
12 2.75 128
206.77 -78.77
-644.22 4.74 4.11 0.63 14.28 8.05 6.33 1.72 18.81 10.19 7.57 2.62 12.61
13 3 309
206.77 102.23
-541.99 4.22 4.11 0.11 14.39 5.29 6.33 -1.04 17.78 4.36 7.57 -3.21 9.40
14 3.25 299
206.77 92.23
-449.75 3.75 4.11 -0.36 14.03 6.45 6.33 0.12 17.90 4.32 7.57 -3.25 6.15
15 3.5 304
206.77 97.23
-352.52 3.28 4.11 -0.83 13.20 7.61 6.33 1.28 19.18 4.25 7.57 -3.32 2.83
16 3.75 256
206.77 49.23
-303.29 1.86 4.11 -2.25 10.95 3.92 6.33 - 16.78 4.05 7.57 -3.52 -0.68
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method
17 4 144
206.77 -62.77
-366.06 3.65 4.11 -0.46 10.48 7.00 6.33 0.67 17.45 4.68 7.57 -2.89 -3.57
18 4.25 176
206.77 -30.77
-396.83 2.91 4.11 -1.20 9.28 5.36 6.33 -0.97 16.48 5.72 7.57 -1.85 -5.42
19 4.5 126
206.77 -80.77
-477.59 5.03 4.11 0.92 10.20 7.84 6.33 1.51 18.00 8.57 7.57 1.00 -4.42
Annex A
20 4.75 130
206.77 -76.77
-554.36 4.85 4.11 0.74 10.94 6.53 6.33 0.20 18.20 7.9 7.57 0.33 -4.09
21 5 199
206.77 -7.77 -562.13 2.93 4.11 -1.18 9.76 3.79 6.33 -2.54 15.66 6.84 7.57 -0.73 -4.82
22 5.25 145
206.77 -61.77
-623.90 3.85 4.11 -0.26 9.50 4.90 6.33 -1.43 14.23 12.93 7.57 5.36 0.54
23 5.5 161
206.77 -45.77
-669.67 2.72 4.11 -1.39 8.11 4.23 6.33 -2.10 12.14 7.28 7.57 -0.29 0.25
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
Annex A:Part
DCPADesign Example
- 1: Introduction
Annex A:Part
DCPADesign Example
- 1: Introduction
Point Chainage DSN800 (blows) DN Base (0-150 mm) (mm/blow) DN Subbase (150-300 mm) (mm/blow) DN Subgrade (300-450 mm) (mm/blow)
24 5.75 103 206.77 -103.77 -773.43 5.33 4.11 1.22 9.33 12.10 6.33 5.77 17.91 8.92 7.57 1.35 1.60
25 6 165 206.77 -41.77 -815.20 4.11 -4.11 5.22 6.33 -6.33 11.58 7.57 -7.57 -5.97
26 6.25 123 206.77 -83.77 -898.97 4.37 4.11 0.26 5.48 10.07 6.33 3.74 15.33 10.27 7.57 2.70 -3.26
27 6.5 87 206.77 -119.77 -1018.74 6.61 4.11 2.50 7.97 10.27 6.33 3.94 19.27 9.6 7.57 2.03 -1.23
28 6.75 147 206.77 -59.77 -1078.51 2.34 4.11 -1.77 6.20 6.69 6.33 0.36 19.63 13.23 7.57 5.66 4.43
29 7 141 206.77 -65.77 -1144.28 3.34 4.11 -0.77 5.43 6.28 6.33 -0.05 19.58 7 7.57 -0.57 3.86
30 7.25 102 206.77 -104.77 -1249.04 4.90 4.11 0.79 6.22 7.69 6.33 1.36 20.95 9.31 7.57 1.74 5.60
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
31 7.5 115 206.77 -91.77 -1340.81 3.95 4.11 -0.16 6.06 7.90 6.33 1.57 22.52 9.69 7.57 2.12 7.72
32 7.75 130 206.77 -76.77 -1417.58 4.69 4.11 0.58 6.64 5.32 6.33 -1.01 21.51 6.42 7.57 -1.15 6.57
33 8 162 206.77 -44.77 -1462.35 2.60 4.11 -1.51 5.13 4.10 6.33 -2.23 19.29 5.69 7.57 -1.88 4.69
34 8.25 168 206.77 -38.77 -1501.12 3.38 4.11 -0.73 4.40 4.07 6.33 -2.26 17.03 5.25 7.57 -2.32 2.37
35 8.5 171 206.77 -35.77 -1536.88 3.34 4.11 -0.77 3.63 4.54 6.33 -1.79 15.24 5.37 7.57 -2.20 0.17
36 8.75 190 206.77 -16.77 -1553.65 2.53 4.11 -1.58 2.05 4.80 6.33 -1.53 13.71 9.91 7.57 2.34 2.52
37 9 109 206.77 -97.77
-1651.42 5.67 4.11 1.56 3.61 8.23 6.33 1.90 15.62 7.26 7.57 -0.31 2.21
38 9.25 135 206.77 -71.77
-1723.19 3.86 4.11 -0.25 3.35 5.36 6.33 -0.97 14.65 5.13 7.57 -2.44 -0.23
39 9.5 180 206.77 -26.77
-1749.96 2.65 4.11 -1.46 1.89 4.06 6.33 -2.27 12.38 6.43 7.57 -1.14 -1.37
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method
65 16 184 206.77 -22.77 186.07 2.19 4.11 -1.92 -17.76 4.96 6.33 -1.37 -33.17 8.56 7.57 0.99 -58.83
66 16.25 206 206.77 -0.77 185.30 2.63 4.11 -1.48 -19.24 3.92 6.33 -2.41 -35.58 4.64 7.57 -2.93 -61.76
67 16.5 164 206.77 -42.77 142.54 3.80 4.11 -0.31 -19.55 3.27 6.33 -3.06 -38.64 6.48 7.57 -1.09 -62.84
Annex A
68 16.75 169 206.77 -37.77 104.77 2.69 4.11 -1.42 -20.97 4.76 6.33 -1.57 -40.20 6.58 7.57 -0.99 -63.83
69 17 102 206.77 -104.77 0.00 4.53 4.11 0.42 -20.55 2.24 6.33 -4.09 -44.29 10.85 7.57 3.28 -60.55
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
Annex A:Part
DCPADesign Example
- 1: Introduction
154 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A
- 1: Introduction
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A 155
- 1: Introduction
Annex A:Part Example
39 9.5
-1749.96 1.89 12.38 -1.37
40 9.75
-1803.72 1.15 11.09 -2.51
41 10 -1837.49 -0.61 10.16 1.34 174.4 4.03 5.37 7.79
42 10.25
-1865.26 -4.72 3.83 -6.23
43 10.5
-1889.03 -7.18 -2.50 -13.80
44 10.75
-1908.80 -7.95 -4.23 -16.67
45 11
-1998.57 -7.59 -4.85 -15.81
46 11.25
-1245.33 -11.70 -11.18 -23.37
47 11.5 -1260.10 -12.49 -13.70 -26.24
48 11.75
-1244.87 -13.76 -17.69 -28.38
49 12
-1330.64 -13.42 -16.91 -29.19
50 12.25 -622.41 -17.53 -23.23 -36.76
51 12.5 145.83 -21.64 -29.56 -44.33 167.4 4.45 5.59 7.09
52 12.75 51.06 -14.04 -24.92 -41.52
53 13 744.29 -15.42 -31.25 -49.09
54 13.25 639.52 -12.90 -27.72 -48.54
55 13.5 572.75 -13.94 -27.20 -47.84
56 13.75 497.99 -13.58 -27.66 -46.18
57 14 393.22 -11.22 -25.45 -45.63
58 14.25 272.45 -9.21 -23.70 -43.40
59 14.5 205.68 -10.62 -20.90 -43.71 140.0 6.57 9.71 9.68
60 14.75 178.91 -10.20 -23.24 -46.63
61 15 262.14 -12.54 -25.58 -47.86
62 15.25 226.38 -12.98 -26.94 -48.85
63 15.5 222.61 -13.71 -30.42 -52.25
64 15.75 208.84 -15.84 -31.80 -59.82
65 16 186.07 -17.76 -33.17 -58.83
66 16.25 185.30 -19.24 -35.58 -61.76
67 16.5 142.54 -19.55 -38.64 -62.84
68 16.75 104.77 -20.97 -40.20 -63.83
69 17 0.00 -20.55 -44.29 -60.55 203.6 3.95 4.94 7.37
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156 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A
- 1: Introduction
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A 157
- 1: Introduction
Annex A:Part Example
Uniform Section 2: Chainage 2.5 – 6.0
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
158 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A
- 1: Introduction
Annex A:Part Example
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex A 159
- 1: Introduction
Annex A:Part Example
Uniform Section 6: Chainage 12.5 – 14.5
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
Annex: B
of Terms
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex B 161
A - 1: Introduction
of Terms
B: Glossary
Base The layer of the pavement structure resting upon, and through which the
(or basecourse): load is transmitted to, the subbase, subgrade and supporting soil.
Formation: The surface of the improved subgrade, in its final shape, upon which the
pavement structure, consisting typically of the base course and surfacing is
Improved The layer immediately below the pavement which would typically be the
re-shaped and compacted wearing course of the unpaved road.
Subbase: That layer of the pavement structure that lies above the subgrade and below
the base or basecourse.
Subgrade: All the material below the pavement and may include the improved subgrade
and the in situ subgrade.
Surfacing: The uppermost pavement layer which provides the running surface for
traffic. It can consist of a bituminous or non-bituminous type of surfacing.
Borrow area: A site from which natural material, other than solid stone, is removed for
construction of the road works.
Naturally occurring Material from natural sources used in its original state for the construction
gravel/soil: of pavement layers.
Quarry: An open surface from which natural material, other than solid stone, is
removed by drilling and blasting, for construction of the works.
Bituminous binders: Petroleum derived adhesives used to stick chippings on to a road surface,
in surface dressing or to bind together a layer of surfacing or base material.
Bitumen emulsion: A binder in which petroleum bitumen, in finely divided droplets, is dispersed
in water by means of an emulsifying agent to form a stable mixture.
Bituminous seal:
A general term for thin bituminous wearing courses made of surface
treatments or slurry seals or a combination of both.
Cut-back bitumen: Bitumen whose viscosity has been reduced by the addition of a volatile
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
162 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex B
A - 1: Introduction
B: Glossary of Terms
Prime coat: An application of low viscosity bituminous binder to an absorbent surface,
usually the top of the base with the aim of waterproofing the surface being
sprayed and to help bind it to the overlying bituminous courses.
Straight-run Bitumen whose viscosity or composition has not been adjusted by blending
bitumen: with solvents or other substance.
Surface dressing: A surface treatment made of single sized aggregates of crushed material.
Can be constructed in single or multiple layers.
Surface treatment:
A general term for thin bituminous wearing courses made by rolling
aggregate into a sprayed thin film of bitumen. Aggregates can be made
of crushed or natural gravel with a grading depending on the desired type
of surface treatment to be produced. Can be constructed in single or
multiple layers.
Slurry seal: A surfacing material which consists of fine aggregate, mineral filler and
bitumen emulsion, used in one or two layers, or on top of a single surface
dressing (Cape seal).
Sand bitumen: A base material consisting of a cold, mix-in-place combination of sand and
either bitumen emulsion or cutback.
Wearing course The uppermost surfacing layer. Can consist of a bituminous mix or a
(bituminous): bituminous seal.
Atterberg Limits: Collective name for Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit tests. Originally proposed
by A. Atterberg for determining soil sattes.
California Bearing The value given to an ad-hoc penetration test where the value 100% applies
Ratio (CBR): to a standard sample of good quality crushed material.
Clay: The finest soil fraction. Comprises colloidally fine, complex silicates formed
by the natural decomposition of igneous rocks.
Clay fraction: That fraction of soil composed of particles smaller in size than
0.002 mm. This is the fraction that generally imparts plasticity to a soil and
in appropriate quantities helps bind the material together. Too much clay
can lead to unacceptable swelling and shrinkage in response to moisture.
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex B 163
A - 1: Introduction
of Terms
Cohesive soil: Soil containing sufficient clay or silt particles to impart significant plasticity
B: Glossary
and cohesion.
Compaction: The process whereby soil particles are densified, by rolling or other means,
to pack more closely together, thus increasing the dry density of the soil.
Dry density (DD): The mass of the dry material after drying to constant mass at 105 degrees
Celsius, contained in a unit volume of moist material.
Dry density/moisture The relationship between the dry density and moisture content of a soil
content relationship: when a given amount of compaction is applied.
Equilibrium moisture The moisture content at any point in a soil after moisture movements have
content (EMC): stabilised in a constructed pavement.
Lateritic: Soils and rocks containing iron oxides as a major constituent in concentrated
form, remaining behind when more soluble products have been leached
Linear Shrinkage The decrease in one dimension, expressed as a percentage of the original
(LS): dimension of the soil mass, when the moisture content is reduced from the
liquid limit to the oven-fry state.
Liquid Limit (LL): The moisture content, expressed as a percentage, at which the wet soil
fines passes from a plastic to a liquid condition.
Heavy compaction: Laboratory compaction of a soil sample using a 4.5 kg hammer falling
through a height of 115.5 mm to compact a soil in a 150 mm diameter
Moisture content: The loss in mass, expressed as a percentage of the dry material, when a soil
is dried to a constant mass of 105 degrees Celsius.
Optimum moisture That moisture content at which a specified amount of compaction will
content: produce the maximum dry density.
Particle size The spread of soil sizes (fraction) in a soil sample form gravel to sand to silt/
distribution (grading): clay as measured by passing the sample through a nest of standard sieves.
Plastic Limit (PL): The moisture content at which the damp soil fines pass from a plastic to a
solid condition, i.e. when the soil ceases to behave as a plastic material.
Plasticity Index LL – PL, an indication of the clay content of soils; the larger the PI, the larger
(PI): the clay content.
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s
164 Design Manual for Low Volume Sealed Roads Using the DCP Design Method Annex B
A - 1: Introduction
B: Glossary of Terms
Residual soils: These are the weathered remains of rocks that have undergone no
transportation. They are normally sandy or gravelly, with high concentrations
of oxides resulting from a leaching process.
Rock: Hard rigid coherent deposit forming part of the earth’s crust, which may be
of igneous (e.g. granite, basalt), sedimentary (e.g. limestone, sandstone)
or metamorphic (e.g. slate, hornfels) origin and which normally requires
blasting. Soft, more easily excavatable materials such as clays, shales and
sands which geologically are rocks will be termed soil in an engineering
Sand fraction: That portion in a soil mass that will pass between the sieve sizes of 2.0 mm
and 0.075 mm. In geological terms a sand is between 2.0 and 0.06 mm.
Silt: Mineral particles deposited as sediment in water and of such size that all
will pass the 0.075 mm sieve. Individual particles are indistinguishable to
the naked eye.
Silt fraction: That portion of the soil mass that lies between the sizes 0.06 mm and 0.002 mm.
Soil: A mixture of inorganic mineral particles together with some water and air,
which may be further described as sands, gravels, silts and clays.
Soil moisture The suction forces which generate the cohesion in fine grained soils below
suction: the Liquid Limit.
Design period: is the period during which the proposed pavement must carry the
estimated cumulative number of standard axles without he need for major
reconstruction work, except for re-sealing. At the end of this period the
pavement should still be in a sufficiently good condition that strengthening
will result in a further period of satisfactory traffic-carrying
Equivalent A design concept to enable the damaging effect of a range and number of
Standard Axle different axle loads, to be considered in the structural design of a pavement.
(ESA): The equivalent standard axle imposes a load of 8,200 kg.
M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d P u b l i c W o r k s