A Step-By-Step Method of Rule-Of-Mixture of Fiber-And Particle-Reinforced Composite Materials
A Step-By-Step Method of Rule-Of-Mixture of Fiber-And Particle-Reinforced Composite Materials
A Step-By-Step Method of Rule-Of-Mixture of Fiber-And Particle-Reinforced Composite Materials
313-322, 1998
© 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
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ELSEVIER PII:S0263-8223 (98)00033-6
P particle
X the direction of fiber orientation
K bulk modulus x-y the plane perpendicular to fiber
G shear modulus 1,2, ...,n number of composition times
E Young's modulus
V Poisson's ratio
A area of cross-section INTRODUCTION
V volume fraction
thermal expansion coefficient Composite materials, such as fiber- and particle-
P property including K, E, G, v, e, etc. reinforced materials, are widely used in
a radius of reinforcing material (fiber engineering structures. The macroscopic mech-
or particle) anical (effective) properties of such composites
b radius of composite (or the external are very important in design of the composite
radius of 'matrix') structures. These effective properties can be
obtained using methods of rule-of-mixture
Superscripts derived from the micromechanics by using the
(+) upper-bound solution properties of the matrix and reinforcements.
(-) lower-bound solution The rule-of-mixture of composite materials has
been investigated for many years as summarized
Subscripts by Tsai & Hahn, [1] and Jones. [2] Since Cox
[3] presented a network method in 1952, a
m matrix number of methods have been proposed, such
f fiber as the cylinder model method, [4,5] and the
314 G. R. Liu
obtained by other methods and experimental
results. It is found that, for the longitudinal
modulus, the present method gives equally good x
predictions as other methods. For the trans-
verse modulus and shear modulus, the results
obtained by the present method show better
agreement with experimental results.
fiber volume fraction of the composite at step 2 remained a constant of A m. In this 'constant
increases to area composition', the fiber volume fraction for
each step is a constant of Vn. In actual fact, the
Vf2 = Vfl-b(1 -- Vf,) Vn = Vfl-l-Vmi Vfl (2)
area of the new matrix grows after each step of
where the composition, since a fiber has been added
Vm 1 = 1 -- Vfl (3) in. Taking into account the growing of the new
matrix area, a 'growing area composition' can
In the same way, the 'composite' at step 3 can also be made. In the growing area composition,
be composed and its property P3 can be the fiber volume fraction for each step is
obtained in the same manner. The total fiber changing, and the relation between N, Vn, and
volume fraction is now given by Vf can be easily derived as follows:
Vf3 ~-~Vfl+(1 --Vfl)Vf2 ~-~Vfl'l-VmlVf2 (4)
Vf(1 - Vfl )
After n steps of composition, the 'composite' N = (8)
with the property of Pn can be obtained, and Vfl(1 --Vf)
the total fiber volume fraction is given by
It has been confirmed that results obtained by
Vfn = Vfl"l'Vml Vf(n-1) the 'constant area composition' and 'growing
= V f l + V m l ( V f l + W m l El(n_2)) area composition' are equivalent, if N is large
= VflWVmI[VfI-t-VmI(VflWVmlVf(n_3))]
enough. However, the 'growing area composi-
2 3 tion' needs more steps to reach the desired fiber
= VfI'-FVflVmI-FVflVmI-FVmlVr(n_3) (5)
volume fraction Vf for a given fiber size. Results
in this paper are obtained by the 'constant area
= Vfl (1 + V m l + V 2 1 + .....1_ Vmin-l) composition'.
= 1-V n ml For particle-reinforced composite materials,
Hence we have the same idea can be employed. The only dif-
ference is that the sphere model is used for the
Ve. = 1 - ( 1 - gfl) n (6) particle-reinforced composites instead of the
Finally, if VfN = Vf after N step compositions, cylinder model for the fiber-reinforced compo-
we obtain the property of the composite sites. Hence eqns (2)-(8) are valid if Vn is
Pc "~PN, and N is given by replaced by Vpl and eqn (1) is replaced by
Vpl = a3[b 3 (9)
In(1 - VO
N= (7) The detailed formulae for computing the
ln(1 - Vf0
mechanical properties, including elastic moduli
It should be mentioned that in each step of and thermal expansion coefficient, are given in
composition, the area of the new matrix the next section.
Fiber-reinforced c o m p o s i t e material
For fiber-reinforced composite materials, the cylinder model can be used in each step of composi-
tion. In the cylinder model, the composite material is modeled with a cylinder fiber located in the
center of a cylinder matrix. The section of the model is shown in Fig. 2. Hashin [5] has presented the
formulae of the elastic moduli and the thermal expansion coefficient of transversely isotropic fiber-
reinforced composite materials by using the cylinder model. These formulae can be used in the nth
step of composition, but the quantities of the matrix are replaced by those of the 'composite'
obtained in the ( n - 1)th step.
Kn = Kn_ ,+ (10)
l/( Kf-- Kn- O+Vml/(K.- l+Gyz(.,-1))
316 G. R. Liu
Ex,, = Ex(,,_ l)Vml-i-ExfVfl+ 4(Vxyf-- l~xy(n-- 1)) VflVml (11)
V m l / K t + V f f f K n - l + l / G y z ( n - 1)
G xyn = G xy(n - 1)+ (12)
1](Gxyf - Gxy(n- 1))+ V m l / ( 2 G x y ( n - 1))
G yzn
( )<(7,
~ y z n <-~(+)
-- Vyzn (14)
where if ayzf > ayz( n _ 1) and Kf > K,, _,
G~-~ ) = Gy~(,,_,)+ (15)
1 V m I (K,,_ , + 2 G y z ( n _ ,))
Gyzf - Gyz(n -- 1) 2Gyz(~_ , )(K . _ l+Gyz( n_ i))
(l+fll)Vf ' }
G w(+)
, , -- Gyz(n 1) l+ 2 2 3 (16)
p -- V n [ 1 +3fl 1Vm f f ( ~ V f l + 1)]
~I -- '~f12
,p= ~-l-]~l (17)
1 +7fl2 ~ -- 1
l K. _, Kf Gyzf
= ,f12-- ,~= (18)
K,,_ 1+2Gyz( n_ 1) Kf+2Gyzf Gyz(n- l)
yzn = Gyz( n_ l)+ (19)
1 V m, (K,, _ 1+2Gyz(n- 1))
Gyzf -- Gyz(n -- 1 ) 2Gyz( n_ ,)(K,,_ l +Gyz( n_ ,))
G (yzn
- ) - G--y z ( n ' 1) 1+
(l+fl,)Vf, } (20)
-- 2 2 3
P -- Vn [1+3fll Vml/(OW n -- ill)]
It is seen that the formulae for Gyz, Ey and Vyz are given in the form of upper and lower bounds.
In the SBS method, however, the definite formulae must be used. Hence the following modification
for these formulae has to be made.
An SBS method of rule-of-mixture 317
From eqns (15), (16), (19) and (20), the following two facts are found:
the first is
G(+) I
yznl vfl
= o = G y z n Ivf, = o
Eqns (22) and (23) indicate that G<~+) and G(yz) are very close when V f l is small. Hence Gyz can be
a (+) if Vn is small enough. Fortunately, in the SBS method the composite is
given by G(fi-) or -yz
composed many times, and at each step the fiber volume fraction Vn is very small. Hence Gyz can be
approximately given by
I tf~_(+)a_/Z.(_)] (24)
Gyzn = ~ V yzn--,,ayzn :
For the same reason, the definite formulae of Ey and Vyz can also be obtained:
K--m'Gyz (25)
- K+mrGyz ' Vyz- K+mrGyz
Finally, with the use of the definite formulae of the elastic moduli, the formulae of the thermal
expansion coefficient can be obtained as follows:
For particle-reinforced composite materials, the sphere model is used in the SBS method. The
formulae of the elastic moduli and the thermal expansion coefficient of the particle-reinforced
composite can be found in Ref. [7]. Using these formulae, the formulae for the nth step of
composition can be written as
E- - - , v = - - - - 1 (32)
3K+G 2G
It should be noted that for the 'growing area composition', the fiber volume fraction in the nth
step is not a constant, but a function of n given by the following equation:
Vfl(n) - l+(n+l)Vfl (33)
Hence Vfl in eqns (10)-(27) must be replaced by Vfl(n ). For the same reason, for particle-reinforced
composite Vp~ must be replaced by Vpa(n) given by
gpl(n) = l + ( n + l ) V p l (34)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 0-005, 0.001, 0.0005, and 0.0001, while Vf = 0"3
and 0.7. Results show that Ex and V~yare almost
In the practical computation, none of PN can be independent of N, and results obtained by the
obtained to be exactly equal to Pc. However, we SBS method are very close to those obtained by
can obtain PN--1 and PN which satisfy the linear rule-of-mixture. However, Ey, Vyz and
PN-I <Pc<PN. Hence the Pc can be obtained G~ depend on N as shown in Fig. 3. From this
by linear interpolation of PN ~ and PN. figure it can be also seen that G~y is most
greatly dependent on N, and that all results
Convergence of results
G ~ (vf=o.3)
matrix and fiber are given as follows:
1 0.1
E xf E xf G xyf ~ 0 I I I , I ~ I , D0
-80, k- -10, ---20,[
Em Eyf Gm ( 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
) N
])xyf = 0.25, ~)yz = 0.30, vm = 0-34 Fig. 3. Convergence of the elastic moduli of a unidirec-
tional graphite-epoxy composite obtained by the SBS
Vfa is taken as 1-0, 0-2, 0.15, 0-1, 0-05, 0-01, method.
An SBS method of rule-of-mixture 319
converge very quickly to constants. When Vf is
smaller (Vf = 0.3), G~ converges more quickly. 25
It can be found from Fig. 3 that the proper- Ey
ties of the composite are approximately inde-
pendent of N (hence are independent of
Vfl = a2/b2), when N is large enough. That is,
for a given a, the properties of the composite 15
are approximately independent of b, when b/a is
greater than a critical value, say, q. In the other
words, when b > qa, the macroscopic mechan-
ical properties converge and, therefore, are
valid for use. Hence, the critical value q actually
gives the boundary between the macroscopic
5 \rl,= 1.0
and microscopic mechanical properties. The
macroscopic mechanical properties are only
valid for computing average effects over an area 0 , I , I , I' , I ,
/ Gm 0.0~
12 GLASS/EPOXY 0;1 i
/ ,oI
8 8 0.3
,L ,.o,i
6 ji '~/
4 ¢ / ':"
0 I.--.~ 01 , ! , I I I , I ,
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Vf Vf
Fig. 6. Theoretical predictions and experimental data for Fig. 8. Theoretical predictions and experimental data for
shear modulus (Gf = 20Gm; solid line: SBS method; dot shear modulus (Gf = 20Gm; solid line: SBS method; dot
line: Tsai's prediction with C-factor; [2] dot-dash line line: FEM [14] based on a random model' with a factor
Hashin bounds [11]). /~).
-~z14 i
Gm 0.0
8 o 40
30 B=0.4
4 :
20 i
I0 j
. ....-~
0 , I , I , I , I , O ~ , I ,
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.G 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Vf v~
Fig. 7. Theoretical predictions and experimental data for Fig. 9. Theoretical predictions and experimental data for
shear modulus (Ge = 20Gin; solid line: SBS method; dot shear modulus (Gf = 120Gm; solid line: SBS method; dot
line: FEM based on square array; [8] dot-dash line: FEM line: FEM [14] based on a i'andom model' with a factor
based on hexagonal array [14]). /~).
An SBS method of rule-of-mixture 321
4 jx" im
l -0.2
2 - o.1 A new SBS method of rule-of-mixture, is pre-
sented in this paper. Results obtained by the
0 , I , I , I , I , 0.0 SBS method agree better with experimental
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 results than existing methods, especially for the
shear modulus of unidirectional fiber-reinforced
Vf composite materials. Moreover, the SBS
Fig. 10. Theoretical predictions and experimental data for
elastic modulus of a particle-reinforced composite (solid method is very easy to use. This method may
line: SBS method; dot line: three-phase model [7]). also be extended to predict other mechanical
and physical properties of fiber- and particle-
reinforced composite materials, such as the
The comparison of the shear modulus electrical properties, optical properties and so
obtained by the present method and the finite on.
element method is shown in Figs 7 and 8. In the
finite element method the fibers in the compo-
site are assumed to have a square array, or a REFERENCES
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