X35P1 GB

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Progressive Central Lubrication System

Centralized lubrication systems with progressive dis-
tributors preferably serve the lubrication of machinery. The
lubrication capacity is up to approx. 100 lubrication points
per system.
The systems are suitable for grease and oil.

Progressive distributors distribute the lubricant to the
lubrication points connected to their outlets, in small mete-
red quantities progressively in a given sequence. When
the last lubrication point has been supplied, the process of
lubrication automatically starts again at the first lubrication
point. If lubrication is interrupted at any point, because the
pump is switched off or the delivery line is blocked, it conti-
nues from the same point when the system is re-started.

Fig. 1.
Progressive system with main and secondary distributors

Lubrication Quantity ccm Distributor Cycles


per h per 1 cycle per h

11 0,8 0,2
12 1,6 0,4 1,2 A 4
13 1,6 0,4
14 0,8 0,2
15 1,2 0,6
16 1,2 0,6
17 0,4 0,2
18 0,4 0,2 2,4 B 2
19 0,8 0,4
10 0,8 0,4
11 0,8 0,2
12 1,6 0,4
13 1,6 0,4
14 0,8 0,2 2,0 C 4
15 0,8 0,2
16 2,4 0,6
A 4,8 2,4
B 4,8 2,4 8,8 I 2
C 8,0 4,0
Fig. 2
Diagramm of a progressive system 17,6

X 35 P 1_GB / 3 0107HF

A simple feed pump may be used. The delivery pres- When a pressure relief valve is used and return of lubri-
sure and rate must be adequate for the number of lubrica- cant to the pump is necessary, the pump used should
tion points used and the back pressure in the piping. If a have a connection for the return line.
pump which does not incorporate a pressure relief valve is The max. delivery pressure for progressive distributor
used, a pressure relief valve or a switch unit should be in- type ZP-A must not exceed 160 bar, for progressive dis-
serted in the line to the first distributor to protect the pump tributor ZP-B the upper limit is 300 bar.
against over pressure.

Designation Quantity Max. possible Reservoir Drive power for details

and delivery capacity see
Code no. pressure publication
bar l no.


P_2005_1_GB_TBD H
max. 8 outlets

0,5 cm3 10,25

Manually operated pumps

per stroke 10,65

and outlet 125

VB - B

2 cm3 11,00
double stroke 11,60
120 14,00

FZ-B with 1 1.2 and/or 2,4 cm3

or per outlet with 1 drive by
2 outlets rotation of the alteratively
FZ-A with delivery plunger lubricated
1 to 6 and/or 8, max. 6 rotations/max. 200 2,50 machine or by
10, 12 outlets of the delivery for short periods 8,00 flange motor/as
Motor-driven pumps

plunger with 250 30,00 per choice

grease and oil

ratchet drive 0,18 kW

max. 10 rotations/min
with flange motor

BM-B up to

400 pressure
2,0 l/h control valve 8,00 0,18 kW
set to alteratively
4,0 l/h system 30,00 0,37 kW

Designation Quantity max. possible Reservoir Drive power for details
and delivery capacity see
Code no. pressure publication no.
bar l

BS-B up to

400 0,37 kW
07,0 l/h attached 30,00 alternatively
14,0 l/h pressure 60,00 0,75 kW
Motor-driven pumps

22,0 l/h control valve or or

set to system 100,00 1,5 kW
grease and oil


Autolub E 1-3
delivery 40 W
elements 02,00 at
1,0 cm3/min or 250 12 + 24 V DC
1,6 cm3/min or 04,00
2,1 cm3/min
as per choice

0,06 l/min
re-circulation 0,12 l/min
Lubricating oil circulation units

system with 0,18 l/min 10,00

10 ltr. bowl 0,25 l/min 125 0,18 kW
0,50 l/min 25,00
with 0,75 l/min
25 ltr. bowl 1,00 l/min

2,20 l/min 40,00

4,50 l/min 116 65,00 0,37 kW

P_2005_1_GB_TBD P

9 outlets with
0,5 cm3/Hub 1,6 compressed air
Pneumatically operated pumps

or 100
1 outlet with 4,0 2 to 5 bar
4,5 cm3/stroke


from compressed air

at an air pressure of 4 bar commer- 3 to 10 bar

approx. 6,5 l/h approx. 160 available gear ratio
tanks i = 45 : 1
50 / 200

EXAMPLES of progressive central lubrication systems

Progressiv distributor with screwed-in grease nipple

for supplying up to max. of 20 lubricantion points. The grease
gun is operated until the movement indicator has moved in
and out once, as a sign that all the lubrication points have
received their right amount of lubricant. Before applying the
grease gun, clean the grease nipples.
If the machine has more than 20 lubrication points,
distributor strips with grease nipples connected to progressi-
ve distributors are provided.

Progressive system with main and secondary distri-

butors and a hand-operated pump of type VB-B
As compared with the system having a distributor strip,
this system has the advantage, that because of the pipe
connections between the pump and the main distributor and
on to the secondary distributors, no dirt can reach the distri-
butors. The main distributor divides up the grease fed to it by
the pump between the secondary distributors in the right
The secondary distributors deliver metered quantities to
the lubrication points. The operator continues to operate the
pump until the signal lamp lights up and goes out again.
Every lubrication point connected to that distributor has then
received one shot of lubricant.
The pump depicted is also suitable for single - line
systems. The pressure relief device is not required on pro-
gressive systems. It can be made ineffective by a non-return
valve in the main supply line.

Progressive system with pneumatically operated

multi-line pump
If>several distributors are required, the outlets 1-9 can
be used, each outlet delivering 0.5 ccm lubricant per oper-
If only one distributor is to be supplied with lubricant, the
entire quantity of 9 x 0.5 = 4.5 ccm delivered by the pump is
taken from outlet X. In the example shown, the lines from con-
nections 1 and 2 lead directly to the lubrication points and the
lines from the connections 3 and 4 lead to the progressive
distributors, which deliver the lubricant to the lubrication
points in turn. Outlets 5 to 9 are closed.

Progressive system with multi-line pump operated

by electric motor
The pump will give adjustable metered quantities to each
of two outlets, so that it is possible, within limits, to vary the
quantity of lubricant delivered to the progressive distributors
per pump stroke, or the quantity of lubricant delivery to
the lubrication points per unit of time.
With short lenghts of piping and a large pump capacity,
the type ZP - A distributor can be used, otherwise type E 4
distributor should be used.
By using an additional time relay, it is possible to monitor
whether each limit switch has generated at least one signal
during the check period. If one signal is lacking, there is a fault
in the distributor involved and a warning signal is given.

EXAMPLES of progressive central lubrication systems

Progressive system with pump driven by the

machine being lubricated
In this example the pump is driven from the machine
being lubricated, via an oscillating lever, clutch, V-belt or
chain; the expense of any additional control system is thereby
The FZ-B type pump has two outlets and the quantity de-
livered per outlet is adjustable. If ZP- type progressive distri-
butors are used, there is a minimum flow rate which should be
maintained, regardless of the nature of the lubricant.

Single-line and dual-line systems connected to

progessive distributors
Whe reas checking of the operation of a single - line
system is not customary and of a dual - line system is very
expensive, the progressive distributors connected to the li-
nes offer a relatively inexpensive way of monitoring the opera-
tion of the distributors.

Progressive systems with two or more lines connec-

ted in parallel and able to be isolated, or operated
independently of one another.
Both the progressive systems in this example are con-
nected to the supply line, the first via an SA-V type 4/2-way
valve operated by an electric motor and the second via a
pneumatically operated 3/2-way valve also functioning as a
pressure regulating valve. By this means, the pressure at the
progressive distributor inlets is limited to the permissible level
of approx. 160 bar, even if the pressure in the supply line is
higher. The pump is switched on automatically as soon as the
progressive system is switched on.
If the lubricant requirement at the lubrication points is
large compared with the pump capacity, the separate lubri-
cation groups are interlocked in such a way that only one can
be switched on at a time while the others assume their waiting

Progressive system connected to spray nozzles for

spraying the faces of exposed gearwheels with
grease and for monitoring the grease, compressed
air and nozzle blockage (SP-A)
As soon as the limit switch on the progressive distributor
signals to report that all the spray nozzles have been supplied
with the appropriate amount of lubricant, the solenoid valve in
the compressed air line is opened for a preset lenght of time.
If the pressure switches for min. pressure do not report
the minimum pressure during the monitoring period, a fault
signal is given. A fault signal is also given if one of the nozzles
is blocked; in this case the associated pressure switch for
max. pressure issues a signal and thereby triggers off the
alarm signal.


DELIMON progressive distributors of type ZP-A and

ZP-B are available with 3 to 12 segments, corresponding to 6
to 24 lubricant outlets. Distributors of types ZP-C and ZP-D
are available in two different models with 3 to 6 segments,
corresponding to 6 to 22 lubricant outlets (larger number of
segments to order).
Distributors of type E 4 have 4 lubricant outlets.

Type Metered Flow rate

quantity for oil cm3/min. for grease
per plunger viscosity 45 mm2/s cm3/min
stroke at 50 oC penetration
cm3 min. max. class 2
E4 0,4 1,0 200 0,1 200
ZP-A 0,5 0,5
ZP-C 0,2 1000 1,0 1000
ZP-B 0,5 1500 1500
and 1,2 0,5 3000 0,5 3000
Fig. 3
ZP-D 2,0 5000 5000 Examples of the division of the quantity delivered between the
different outlets of a type ZP-A distributor
The metered quantity per outlet can be adapted to the
lubricant demand of the lubrication points by connecting out-
lets in parallel in distributors of types ZP - A and ZP - C, or
in parallel and series in distributors of types ZP-B and ZP-D.
This is done when assembling the distributors by simply re-
moving seals or grup screws and plugging unused outlets.
This preparation of the distributor is carried out by DELIMON
and is included in the price of the distributor.
With the lubricant distributor type E 4, the quantities
delivered can be combined externally the distributor by the
use of appropriate fittings. Distributors may be installed in
any orientation.
ZP-distributors can be provided with patented, integra-
ted non-return valves within the outlets.
The quantity metered by one plunger in the distributor
is delivered to the lubrication point from the next segment
(in the entry direction). The plunger of the first segment de-
livers its metered quantity via the outlets in the last seg-
ment (end segment).

Fig. 4
Examples of the division of the quantity delivered between the
different outlets of a type ZP-B distributor

Devices and instruments for monitoring, control and pressure limitation

Movement indicator Over pressure protection

Each ZP-distributor can be supplied with two move- Pressure relief valves protect pumps and distributors
ment indicators installed within the end segment. All against excessive pressures in the pipe from pump to dis-
friction points connected to the distributor have been fed tributor. If the pressure is too high, lubricant is returned to
with lubricant one time when the movement indicators the reservoir via a return line. Some types of pump have a
have made one full stroke movement in both directions. pressure relief valve already incorporated.
Distributors are available with and without movement indi-
cator (as per choice).
Pressure switches monitor the operated pressure for
high or low levels; theit output signal operates pilot lights or
Electrical monitoring equipment warning systems. If necessary the signal will shut down the
pump motor or close a valve.
To check the operation, either one distributor, or each
of the distributors in the system, may be fitted with a limit
switch; an electrical contact is thereby opened and closed Over pressure indicators to be screwed into distributors
once per complete cycle of the distributor and this can be of type ZP-
indicated by pilot light or electrical pulse counter. When a lubrication point becomes blocked, the
If the number of cycles exceeds 1 cycle per second, pressure in the system exceeds the permissible level and an
approach switches with electronic monitoring are used. indicator pin projects from the over pressure indicator.
When the fault has been eliminated, the indicator pin auto-
matically returns to its initial position.
The over pressure indicator facilitates location of faults
in a system (for details see 65112-1200 M1.1).

Symbol Designation Remarks Code no. Details in

Pressure relief valve set at for small 38132 - 1241 PB_2005_1_GB_38132

NU - A 200 bar quantities of lubricant

Pressure relief valve set at for larger

38131 - 2111 P_2006_1_GB_SAG
SA - G 160 bar quantities of lubricant

Pressure relief valve

ÜK 18 - 20 001 to 020 bar for lubricating oil 38191 - 1113 38191 P 1e
ÜK 18 - 70 005 to 070 bar circulation systems 38191 - 1123

002 to 020 bar 34241 - 1213 Drawing

Pressure switch 005 to 050 bar for grease and oil 34241 - 1223 34241-1200 M1.1
040 to 400 bar 34241 - 1243

Over pressure indicator see drawing 63642 - 1311 M 1


We have developed special control modules for see publication no.:

progressive systems
type ZP - A ____________________ P_2005_1_GB_ZPA
Progressive _________________________ 66202 - 3501
type ZP - B ____________________ P_2005_1_GB_ZPB
Progressive / Extension _______________ 66202 - 3521
type ZP - C ____________________ P_2005_1_GB_ZPC
Progressive spray lubrication systems ___ 66202 - 2421
For detailed information, please ask for the relevant
descriptions indicating the a/m code number.
We also supply complete switch cabinets in which the
above mentioned modules are integrated.

Arminstraße 15 Phone: +49 211 77740 Niederlassung: Am Bockwald 4 Für reibungslose Bewegung
D-40227 Düsseldorf Fax: +49 211 7774 210 D-08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld For smooth motion
Postfach 10 20 52 kontakt@bijurdelimon.com Phone: +49 3774 65110
D-40011 Düsseldorf www.bijurdelimon.com Fax: +49 3774 651130

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