PlanningExcerciseAquaponic TASK
PlanningExcerciseAquaponic TASK
PlanningExcerciseAquaponic TASK
This exercise uses the Excel spreadsheet PlanningExerciseAquaponic TOOL (Tschudi, 2018) to
dimension the recirculating aquaculture (RAS) part of an aquaponic system based on desired fish and
plant production quantity. This graph shows the system that should be dimensioned based on the
desired crop area and fish production in this TASK.
1. What is the 'feed rate as % of body weight' in order to have sufficient P for the cultivation of
plants in the system with the defined maximum stocking density as well as the given FCR and
fish feed protein content?
2. Which is the highest estimated recirculation rate (to remove TAN / to remove SS / for the oxygen
supply) and how much is it (l/min)?
3. What size should the surface of the solid removal unit (RFS) be? (Check under the section with
the highest recirculation rate)
4. What dimensions should the biofilter (volume, free board, diameter and air flow) be?
5. Please also dimension the system (feeding rate, highest estimated flow rate, size of RFS and
biofilter) according to the total N demand coverage using the Excel spreadsheet 2 – N flow
calculation. What do you notice when you compare the highest estimated flow rate of this
calculation to the previous value according to the P demand coverage? What is the reason for
this? Please explain.
6. What is the head loss of the AP system with three fish tanks? You should have calculated a
minimum required flow rate of about 1.4-1.5 l/s. For the following head loss calculation, use a
required flow rate of 1.5 l/s for the whole system and use Figure 1 to determine the flow rate for
each pipe segment. Complete Table 1 using Figure 2 to determine the pipe diameters and friction
loss (1 bar = 10 m friction loss) when a flow speed of 0.8 m/s is maintained. Then calculate the
head loss (Table 2) of the AP system.
Figure 1: Scheme of the AP System with three fish tanks and the pipe segments (numbers in black circle)
Table 1: Pipe diameters and friction loss: supplement with missing values
Flow Inside Major fric-
Pipe Start End Velocity Length Head loss
capacity Diameter tion loss
[l/s] [m/s] [mm] [m] [m]
1 bar =
1 14 1 1.5 0.8 50 0.16 20 0.32
2 1 2 0.8 2
3 1 3 0.8 4
4 3 4 0.8 2
x 3 X 0.8 4
y X Y 0.8 2
5 5 6 0.8 1
6 6 8 0.8 4
7 7 8 0.8 1
z 8 Z 0.8 4
w Z W 0.8 1
8 Z 9 1.5 0.8 50 0.16 5 0.08
9 10 11 1.5 0.8 50 0.16 8 0.128
10 11 12 - - - 0.3 10 0.3
11 12 13 1.5 0.8 50 0.16 3 0.048
7. Which of these pumps is most suitable for this system dimensioned on the P demand coverage?
a b c
Pumping height [m]