TONY PARSONS - Nothing Here, Nothing There PDF
TONY PARSONS - Nothing Here, Nothing There PDF
TONY PARSONS - Nothing Here, Nothing There PDF
Could it be compassion?
No no, fuck off with compassion! The only compassion is Clarity. In
the end the only compassion is to demonstrate to people that there
is no one there. Giving that is the greatest treasure of all. If you sell
yourself short by trying to convince them that there is someone
there to limit this treasure I would then say that is the greatest evil
you can do although there is no such thing as 'evil' in my world. In
the end you promote the idea of a seeker.
One could say, 'You think you are a seeker, so seek', in order to
discover at the end there never was a seeker?
I can't say that. But that could be an approach.
You are very direct: 'Nobody here, nobody there.' That is your
message isn't it?
Yes. Ahaa! (roaring with laughter). Yeah, it is — in the end there is
no one.
I am always moved when you make this gesture of what you call
'This' or 'That' or 'It' or 'The Beloved' 'or 'Being Intimate With What
(roaring with laughter). Some people hate it! In Bristol they tell me:
'Don't use that word 'The Beloved', I hate it.
Tell us about 'Walking in the Desert'. How was that for you? It took a
long time before you started talking in groups about self-
realization or enlightenment.
Yes, but basically I wouldn't say I was in the 'desert' then. I didn't
have very much 'desert'. Some people do and some people don't. It
depends on who you are in all of this. For me awakening, that
walking across the park, was a joy moving into a greater deeper joy.
And thereafter what I saw was great wisdom appearing, it wasn't
mine, it was just wisdom saying: All there is, is This. And for many
years after that it was in a way like going into This and going back
into identification, then going into This and then going back into
Amigo #3 was about 'what is love'? The other day you said that
falling in love has nothing to do with Love (with a capital L). Can you
say some more about that?
Basically, what we see in the manifestation, is our attempt, or
people's attempt, or apparently people's attempts to love and that
is manifested in all sorts of different ways. What we are trying to
touch is something that is beyond relationship. You meet somebody
and you try to love them or you do love part of them and maybe
you don't like the other part and so there is a relationship between
this and that. And we attempt to bring love into that relationship
and actually sometimes we do touch unconditional love. When we
touch unconditional love, then actually at that moment there aren't
two people there is simply unconditional Love.
Could you speak about the two different Paths: the Way of the
Insight or Knowingness and the Path of Love, Surrender and
Devotion? Does 'nobody here, nobody there' actually mean
surrendering to what is? Is surrender important?
It is in one way —except what seekers have to realize is that the
whole seeker is an illusory thing. The only thing worth realizing is
that there is no one. And actually at the end there is no one who
can seek. There is nothing to seek but, what I do see is that for
some apparent people (and I have to add the word 'apparent') the
way for them is to understand and be clear and then the melting
happens. For other people understanding is not really that relevant.
It is not important for them. Somehow for them it is an intuitive
opening into what is being talked about. There is an element of
understanding and clarity about it but basically I do see these
people are ready to just open. In the end every apparent person in
the world lives in their own unique Invitation. Whatever is
happening to that person is uniquely their invitation to discover
that they are the One. So everybody in the world actually is
meditating. Everybody in the world is in what you could call 'a
process', except that the process is not happening in time because
there is no time.
How would you call your teaching? 'The Beloved'? 'As It Is'? 'Nobody
Here Nobody There'? 'Intimate With What Is'? 'The Divine
Expression'? 'All Is The Invitation'? Is it a teaching? Did you figure it
Well, I am not a teacher but you could say those are the sort of
things that come out of this voicebox. (chuckling) I have no
'teaching'. There is no one here to teach. There is no one to be
taught ...
But you are sitting there and we are listening to you. You are there,
we are here. That is the basic setting ...
I dearly love for that situation not to happen. I would dearly love not
to sit there and you sit here. I would someway like to get rid of that
sense of me telling you — I'd give anything. As soon as you come in
here and sit there and there is this guy, here, in the front, the mind
thinks 'he knows something that I have not got'. I will give anything
for that not to happen.