Free Paradise Found
Free Paradise Found
Free Paradise Found
Paradise Found
By Charlie Hayes
This Free e-book offers the first few chapters of the book and may
be sufficient to end the search here and now.
If not, or if, for any other “reason”, there is an urge to read the
entire 254 page book, you may purchase either a download or a
print version at our online bookstore. (Note that Pradeep Apte’s
review (Page 11) does not appear in the full version as it arrived after
the book went to the printer).
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“Paradise Found”
First Edition
ISBN 978-09766619-4-8
“Get Sponsored “
(A guide For Racers Seeking Corporate Sponsorships)
Dedicated to all “Seekers of Truth” everywhere everywhen
- Charlie Hayes -
Enid, Oklahoma, USA
16 July, 2008
Partial Table Of Contents
Gratitude ..................................................................................... 7
Introduction .............................................................................. 15
First off to, thanks to my family for enduring my proselytizing while I
was still searching as I found such amazing pointers and ill-advisedly
tried to convince myself by convincing them!
Secondly, thanks to Maury Lee for some excellent editing.
Finally, I have great timeless gratitude for those who generously and
unswervingly pointed out the unperceivable obvious inconceivable
truth, beyond description, beyond language, beyond the beyond
(whatever THAT is!) …
Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa
Sri Ramana Maharshi
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Wayne (“Ram Tzu”) Liquorman
Ramesh Balsekar
Leo Hartong
Byron Katie
Jeff Foster
Tony Parsons
Unmani (Liza) Hyde
Stephen Wingate
Annette Nibley …
AND The “Final Teacher”, John Wheeler.
Especially, I must express an undying unborn immensity of Gratitude,
Respect and Love for my Timeless Friends” …
John Wheeler … John’s website is at (By
far the best expression, always fresh and up to date pointers from The
One Self – Who You Really Are).
John is also the author of “Awakening To The Natural State”,
“Shining In Plain View”, “Right Here Right Now”, and “You Were
Never Born”. All are available on And all highly
‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson … And a most Amazing expression, who
provided some much needed “ruthless compassion” and
“uncompromising love” with a precision and timing that can only
come from The One Who Abides As That…
And Finally,
John Greven … Who, along with John Wheeler and ‘Sailor’ Bob,
provided a few final pushes to a stubborn ego belief, out of mind into
nowhere. (John Greven is the author of “Oneness” – ‘The Destination
You Never Left’ and his website is Highly
One such potent pointer can be found in the introduction to this book.
Get that one and the search for meaning and knowledge ends in the
Full Stop of Eternity.
All are Best Friends In Forever… Paradise Found.
Q: What is the point of this book
A. There is no point. That is the point.
Foreword - By Stephen Wingate
With the power and force of a sledge-hammer, Charlie’s words strike
to the core of the mind destroying all false images and beliefs. His
intensity is palpable. Having all misconceptions crushed, the reader
has no way out and is left in their natural state of peace and well-
Charlie is tenacious and relentless in his communication of the
message of nonduality. And his relentless tenacity comes as no
surprise—he’s lived his entire life in the fast-lane. Whether he’s
racing cars, selling Ferraris, playing Jazz or sharing the message of
Oneness, he does it with energy, passion and love.
If you find yourself seeking and suffering, introduce yourself to the
Nondual sledge-hammer called Charlie Hayes, and you just may find
your spiritual search is over.
(Stephen’s website is
A Review – by Pradeep Apte
Nonduality Author Pradeep Apte writes, Dear Charlie, The spiritual
community all over the world would definitely be highly benefited by
this excellent work of yours that has been aptly titled “Paradise
Found”. Anyone who reads this text with rapt attention would quite
soon realize that there is “No one” as an individual doing so. The
direct and sledge-hammer way in which the “Individual” is destroyed
is reminiscent of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s approach towards almost
every seeker that came at his door.
To quote Maharaj:
“Only that individual who had lost his individuality has merged with
the ‘Parabrahman’. So the individuality must go. The entire world
moves on the basis of one concept, and that is ‘I am’ – the
fundamental concept of one’s individuality. Ultimately all these
concepts can and must be understood to be false, but the difficulty and
the essential thing is to be convinced that the original basic concept ‘I
am’ itself is false”
[Quotes 274 & 275 from “I AM (The complete ‘I am’ quotes of Sri
Nisargadatta Maharaj)”]
(To get a free download of Pradeep's e-book, write and ask for the link to The Nisargadatta I
AM Quotes.)
It is this last aspect about the difficulty of the conviction to come by
that the ‘I am’ is false where this book would come in handy and
make this process understandable and easy.
I am indeed thankful to you for making me a part of your book
through the teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. It is indeed
amazing what a way this astonishing teaching can go, just observe the
lineage: Dattatreya, The Navnaths, Sri Bhausaheb Maharaj, Sri
Siddharameshwar Maharaj, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Sailor Bob
Adamson, John Wheeler and now to Charlie Hayes!
My humble prostrations, with love,
Pradeep Apte,
A Review - By Scott Kiloby
Something strikes you the moment you start reading Paradise Found
by Charlie Hayes, which is the full force of the relentless message
here. Charlie is pointing in a no holds barred way to a truth so real, it
is literally everywhere as One Truth, as you and me and everything
we see, and yet it is nothing at all. This truth is therefore
inexpressible. Yet, Charlie is expressing something that every so-
called teacher ought to have the guts to say, which is: Do you see the
bullshit? Do you realize that your belief in this or that is no different
than a belief in Santa Claus? These are pointers that allow the reader
to look for himself or herself and discover there is no self.
In the foreword, Stephen Wingate poignantly refers to Charlie's
writing as having "the power and force of a sledge hammer." What is
so amazingly beautiful, however, is that after you take that sledge
hammer within, and allow it to destroy every belief, what is left is
genuine, "unconditioned, unbounded love." Charlie points to and
hammers on what is essentially an illusory story of lack called "me,"
which then reveals the abundance inherent in nothingness. Only a
genuine transformation beyond concepts could embrace the seemingly
paradoxical nature of such a realization.
With his signature ruthless compassion, Charlie states, "Keep seeking
Paradise. That will make it absolutely certain that you will NEVER
find Paradise." This kind of powerful and direct pointer leaves no
room to hide within a concept about this one inexpressible truth called
"enlightenment" or non-duality. It allows the reader to see the futility
of the search, to see that the search is the self, and that the self is
much ado about nothing. In seeing that futility, the possibility of true
spiritual awakening arises, the kind that realizes that even the concept
of awakening is bullcrap. This is the total deconstruction and
demolition of what you believe to be truth. Only the real, totally
liberating and loving truth could be that generous.
(Scott Kiloby is the author of “Love’s Quiet Revolution: The End Of
The Spiritual Search”. His website is
A Review - By Maury Lee
‘’Paradise Found’ is a book you can read over and over. I guarantee
you, Charlie stays on point. This book doesn't waver, it doesn't
examine 5,000 ideas. Just One. As many seekers have said, "I needed
to keep getting hit with the same brick”. Charlie Hayes uses just One
brick, over and over, in different ways. It's dependable. It works.
Charlie Hayes is one who will not ask you to believe anything. All his
writing is only pointing out "bullshit." Only right looking leads you
away from the "bullshit." In this book, Charlie reminds you not to
take his writing as Truth. He knows that all words fail. His words
point you to seeing No Thing. In this he succeeds.
There is no current teacher (my descriptive term) that speaks more
plainly, more directly, than Charlie Hayes. Tough love is an
understatement. Charlie has the unsophisticated mind of Nisargadatta.
If he calls you an 'idiot,' pay attention.
Charlie's forte is knowing that we don't know what we don't know.
Seeing this is his major effort. HOW TO LOOK. This book will help
you see what you've missed in all your reading, in all your ideas. His
writing makes it clear that "you don't know that you don't know.
Paradise Found is full of Charlie's sense of humor. The humor lets
you know that this is spoken with ease. It's only hard and serious until
no one gets it. Please, let Charlie laugh at you. Perhaps you'll start
laughing too. The sophisticated seeker wants answers. Charlie only
asks, "Who's asking?" When you can't find who's asking, Charlie's
book has done its work.
One thing about this book, it doesn't waver, it doesn't stray; it stays
right on point. Tough Love and bullshit don't sit well together.
Charlie's "Emperor" has no clothes. He will make it clear that you are
naked awareness only. If you want to keep your clothes, don't read
this book. If you do read it, and get hit by this bus, you will surely be
in Paradise.
(Maury’s website is
Only Love is Eternal.
All else is a Passing Show …
Arising and subsiding
Here in this timeless moment...
IN That Eternal Love that You are!
I. Disclaimer
As this book was being written the “author” came to see that what this
book points to simply cannot be described, expressed, written, shared,
represented, languaged, understood, experienced, or known - by the
“author”, or "anyone else".
Therefore the “seeing here” is that the writing - and the reading – of
these words, shall be ultimately known as absolutely FUTILE.
(But who would know that it's futile? Ha!)
So how is it that this book came out - in spite of that seeing?
Perhaps we should ask the legendary sage and author of an
appearing ponderation in language called “The Tao”, one "Lao Tzu"
According to legend (or translation and are these not the same?) Lao
Tzu may have said (depending on which of the billion translations
you come onto), “The Tao that can be spoken of is not the enduring
and unchanging Tao.”
Then if that is a pointer to Reality, why did this Lao Tzu guy go on to
write eighty or more verses of elegant yet pointless points?
Guess we’ll have to ask him. But wait he’s dead.
Now what?
Guess we’ll have to ask US. If we can find such a one.
II. Redundant Warning
Nothing in this book is real.
Nothing in this book is true.
This book points to something you do not know that you do not know.
That is not a thing that words can describe, evoke, or represent.
Without one or more of those, what is left?
Also “known” by “no-one” as
The Timeless Abode You Never Left.
Q: How do I tell the truth from the false?
C. That's easy. It's ALL false.
As my dear friend John Greven, author of “Oneness,” notes: “Here’s a
‘Litmus Test’ - If ANYTHING is assumed to be other than bullshit –
then there is something wrong with the perspective".
So? So: There IS no “true perspective”.
Full Stop.
Part One: A Priori Awareness
Prior to
I Am
You Are
“Ordinary Awareness”.
The fullness of Emptiness
Words! Begone!
Words Be FUN
1. Being and Reality
You Are Unborn - Empty Loving Awareness
See if you can actually find a separate entity you call "me" in direct,
actual experience. Look and see. Are you REALLY separate or is that
just a story you have believed like you used to believe in Santa Claus?
Paradise is found when YOU are lost! And the funny thing is, you
were never born. Only an idea arrived and you mistook that idea of
“me” apart from “other” to be what you are. But that’s a LIE! Cannot
accept this? Then ask WHO cannot accept this. But you can't force
Grace, That (The Real YOU) is more Real than the false idea of a
separate I, so allow That to erase the false, as That will, as best you
can. Relax and ask. Drop all answers, only ask. Am I? WHO Am I?
Am I? What Am I? Am I?
"How can you speak or develop any concept unless the primary
concept ‘I am’ is available? This primary concept begets further
concepts; that is all other concepts occur to it. However, whatever
concept occurs to you, including the primary concept ‘I am’, is not the
eternal state".
"I know exactly how transient this present state of affairs is, and I also
know the eternal state. I have no use for this ephemeral state. I
understand the false as false. Since I have found my true permanent
state I have no need for any of this; it has come on its own and it will
go on its own. In that fullness there is no need of any kind. I've had
that state of fullness after I met my guru; if I hadn't met him I would
have lived and died as an ordinary man". - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
(courtesy of Pradeep Apte,
Me too :-)
2. Was Wholeness Ever Lost?
Who claims “I am not whole and complete”?
Who claims I did something right and got the outcome I wanted so
now I am happy?
Who claims I did something wrong and got the outcome I didn’t want
so now I am unhappy?
Who thinks This Is Not paradise?
Who thinks?
Paradise cannot be found by you.
Paradise was never lost! How can what is not lost be found?
Can a thing that has no actual existence (you) ever discover that
which is not lost?
Ponder this.
3. What Is Unreal? What Is Real?
The Basics of it...
1. YOU are Awareness, simply being. No one can say they do not
exist. That existence, the sense of "I" as in "I Am," is undeniable and
inescapable. Try to NOT BE. Cannot be done. So the simple pointer
is, what you are IS That Presence of Awareness. YOU ARE. Being.
Just That! This True You ... BE-ING... is POINTED TO in language
with concepts like Impersonal Consciousness; Awareness, The
Absolute, The Ultimate Timeless Subject, or Not one Not two ...
YOU are just THAT, prior to the mind's translation into the thought I
Am and I am this or that.
2. You are NOT an "individual." There are NO "individuals"
anywhere except in unreal dream-like stories. The idea of a separate
person is a fiction, a mind-construction, a house of cards, as the story
tries to say, I’m ME! (Unsuccessfully!) This idea of a "me" is ... on
investigation ... seen to be a false claim by the thinking machinery to
its own separate existence. This ever-changing idea of a person is
simply unreal. WHO says "I'm Me?" The mind. To be blunt, it's
bullshit. The whole fabricated story of me is pure bullshit: all stories
of “individuals” are actually a fiction. As Shakespeare said, it’s a tale
told by an idiot, filled with sound and fury, signifying … NOTHING.
3. Let all thoughts drop into the Nothing from where they bubbled up,
except Who Am I?
The Core False Assumption
Q: I remember you had mentioned that "I" comes into play at the age
of 2. I want your opinion on what would be a good way to raise a kid.
A cousin of mine has a 2 year old kid. What advice would you give to
raise a kid so that the kid lives a life of free of suffering?"
C. The assumption here is that there is some ability to control what
There is not.
There is NO person.
When that is recognized fully all ideas of advising and opining
become what they are ... nonsense.
I suggest that you look at who asked this question? Who would give
advice and to whom?
All questions based on that core false premise, the erroneous
assumption of "personhood," will only always yield false “answers”!
Can An Idea Do Or Know ANYThing?
Q: I have a question about the Unknowable. Sometimes you refer to it
as happening to No one, nothing, emptiness etc. I know they are just
words. But then you say it is Oneness, which implies there is
Someone, and only that Someone who is in charge who is appearing
to make things appear. Are these terms not confusing to us who are
still suffering from the afflictions of the idea of a separate person?
C. Who asks these questions?
WHO claims "I am confused" or "we" are confused? What
mechanism claims “We are suffering”? Where IS this “us”? Unless
you think there is an us, there IS no us. That is only a thought, an
idea. You take an idea – a thought! - to be solid and real and THAT is
the fundamental error of the seeker mind. But LOOK: Can an IDEA
actually know or do anything at all? No. See that one right now!
You assume you are a thought, the idea “I am,” and then try to get
some “right concept” to add to the false, which merely reinforces the
false (!) … and that is never going to work because there ARE no
“right concepts”. ALL are words that point to that which is beyond
comprehension. What YOU are is PRIOR to al concepts and all
experiences; YOU ARE and prior to language.
And that is not “true” either! IT IS A POINTER and NOT some new
thing to believe.
What is missing is investigation: Look in that space of awareness
there and see right now …Where is that assumed solid personal
entity? Without assuming you are an idea in mind, where ARE you?
LOOK for that “person” and you find … nothing. You are that
nothing, arising as everything.
The mind CANNOT grasp it.
Go beyond thought to what IS - Presence, Awareness, Here Now
always and forever timeless spaceless Isness.
THAT is ungraspable.
Try to grasp This with mind and you must fail. It is like trying to tie
Space in a knot.
Q: Or have I not heard you properly?
C. When it’s “you” trying to “hear another” the message is
completely lost in concepts and confusions. So NO; there is NOT yet
the hearing of I AM hearing I AM.
See that and ask that one you take to be you, WHO is attempting to
grasp the ungraspable!
That is all.
Keep it really really simple! Come back to “The basics” (above) until
there is no sense of being a separate entity left to ask and desire
knowing for itself.
The 'me' of memory is a mere figment. Except for the word
or idea, nothing tangible is present. This recognition kicks
the legs out from under the belief for good. It is no use
saying 'I know there is no me present' and then returning to
stories, doubts or problems about the 'me'! So just see the
basic point right now. In truth you are fully, finally, and
completely free in this moment and ever. Any other
experience is a mere imagined concept that is taking place in
the ever-present freedom that you are. The end!
– John Wheeler
4. Illumination
Elimination (of the false) is Illumination (of the Real)
Paraphrasing the Tao, I say, To know your True Nature, the Eternal
Unchanging 'Always So', is to be illumined. How is this known? By
looking. The urge to Inquiry, Self-Investigation, is a kind of "grace."
Good fortune! Awareness of being (I am) happens in Timeless
Spaceless Being. This is seen by looking. Look for the one who looks.
That is a way of looking. Now. Always NOW.
Look. Where is the knower? Can't find one. Not ever. Seeing this,
what can disappear (with "grace") is the belief in the knower.
Concepts still arise but without the energy of belief they appear and
disappear like clouds. Then (now) - Presence-Awareness, the
cognizing emptiness, remains pristine, untouched, unaffected. That is
already always the actuality right now; the actual is just overlooked ...
until it isn't.
This happens NOW. Where does NOW start? When does HERE
begin? This Is It, Here and Now the Self is whole and complete. All is
already resolved in this Unborn Cognizing Vacant Self. You ARE
That. There is absolutely NO Way Out of Being. This is the Gift of
Unknowing ... Total Freedom.
Keep coming back to the simplicity of that which is aware.
Right now you are aware of these words. This awareness
that's looking out through your eyes is Love. Thoughts,
feelings, stories, and dramas all appear to you. You are the
Love you're seeking. We are all seeking Love. The great and
liberating realization is that we are the Love we are seeking,
and it is always here. Just notice—I am the Love I'm seeking.
I am Love. I Am.
- Stephen Wingate
5. Only YOU
Out Here in This Field
I Am You
You Are I
Out Here In The Now
Beyond All Dreams Of Being
Here, We Are
In Love
No-one knows This.
But when that Bus-Called-Oneness HITS you, all is known naturally
and by no knower.
Care to step in front of this bus?
Read ON.
Or not!
Maybe it is best not TO RISK LOSING EVERYTHING you hold
Then again …
WHAT IF That Bus is a one-way trip to Paradise … the Abode You
Never Left ………….
Step right this way………
Step into my parlor, said the Spider to the fly!
Fly into Me, dear moth. I welcome you home, come, come, fly into
Me, I Am the Love you seek, O dear moth!
What will it cost me to regain Paradise?
What is the payoff for NOT coming Home to Paradise?
Consider this:
To sell Love out to be right, to win, to dominate, to avoid domination,
to justify “self” and invalidate “other”, is simply the disease of the
Mind Of Humanity.
Examples of this are stunningly abundant. Read the news. Watch a
political discussion between two pundits from the extremes of left or
right wing viewpoints.
All perspectives are false. No perspective is real. ONLY No-
Perspective is Real. :-) Oneness is what you ARE and That is NOT a
concept NOR an experience. NOT a "perspective". All of that comes
and goes on the screen of Awareness Itself ... The One That IS... This
Timeless Love that is simply beyond description.
This mechanistic human doingness (doing not being) that we call
“mind” lives in the imaginary infamy of a zealous need to argue and
win over what it perceives to be those poor ignorant ones to ITS point
of view, ITS perspective.
This can bring an experience of deep sadness laced with a ruthless
compassion that might lash out in what looks to a mind like anger or
outrage (as Sri Nisargadatta often demonstrated! Many a disrespectful
seeker got tossed out of that loft in Bombay; that is well documented.)
To be self-righteous, judgmental and argumentative with the Love
that WILL ultimately burn away that mind-stuff is a rather desperate
ploy of the ego’s last stand
Sri Nisargadatta and those who reaped the benefits of his pointers and
his ruthless Love had no time for fools. The true expression will
simply NOT suffer fools who value being right over being Freedom
Itself … not gladly nor otherwise! I speak from experience, having
got kicked out of a fine teacher’s meetings and told to NEVER return
… owing to that kind of ego-ing behavior of the imaginary ‘me’!
And I simply adore that guy now. Wayne Liquorman doesn’t need to
allow me into his presence. So what I am not welcome at his satsang?
There is no-one left to care one way or the other. The seeing is, this
that is Real IS Real everywhere and everywhen. So it is that only This
Love is Real. ALL else is imagination! Including the imaginary
characters called Wayne and Charlie.
So, I cannot help but love Wayne as the Self I Am.
This authentic expression is quite simply, Ruthless Love in action. If a
“you” objects and fights the expression then that organism identified
as a “you” is a being lived in a loss of paradise, by a false sense of
self that was never real and will never win. Love WILL destroy
anything unlike Itself, and that happens Just Now.
So the message is, as best “you” can let Love win! Die now. BE the
Infinite Love that you are and don’t give that diamond away for the
paltry and dubious gifts of being RIGHT.
To be right is to be dead to what is possible.
Be Love or be Dead Right. If there is a choice who would NOT
choose Infinite LOVE?
Good question.
Ponder this. Who chooses to be right rather than be Love-In-Action?
Who indeed.
Who are you? Are you a thing apart from Love? If you believe so,
then where is that “one apart” from Love? Where is that “one who is
right who just knows that another is wrong”?
ALL points of view are false. Not “wrong” … just flat FALSE.
Look within. Find out what is real and right now, right here, abandon
once and forever the dream of not-love that desires to be right and
loses paradise in the bargain. That is a bad bargain!
You don’t need to do anything to be free.
You are already free.
-Stephen Wingate
As IT Is.
As IT Is Not.
But ………..
Let’s be clear.
- From I Am to I Am
6. Don’t Believe Any Of This
Q: There is way more peace now. Still back and forth. But more
"back" than "forth". Last night after reading the quote below...
"Most people's activities are valueless, if not outright destructive.
Dominated by desire and fear, they can do nothing good. Ceasing to
do evil precedes beginning to do good. Hence the need for stopping
all activities for a time, to investigate one's urges and their motives,
see all that is false in one's life, purge the mind of all evil and then
only restart work, beginning with one's obvious duties".
With no desire or fear, there seems to me nothing that can be done. If
the business website is updated or anything for business is done it is
from a desire to make the business better. Without fear there seems to
be no desire. Without the desire to give a gift, no gift would be
bought. Without desire there seems to be no fear. Good and Evil.
Without the "I" there seems to be no "good" or "evil". Any word that
could be shared would be appreciated for I feel the hamster wheel
beginning to turn.
C. Be careful NOT to take the pointers or words of any "sage" or
"book" as some truth to be believed! Where is any believer? Where is
a person who is attached to or avoiding any desire or fear?
You wrote "It seems to me that there is nothing to be done." Where is
this "me?" Does it exist? Do you take a momentary appearing then
disappearing movement of energy arising as letters m and e forming
into a word "me" to be what you are? That is the only error. The
ONLY mistake is to take your Eternal Self to be a temporary thought!
And ... It is NOT that there is "nothing to be done." There is NO-
ONE. Then all "doing happens” as always, with no do-er and no effort
of thought or emotion... This no-desire no-fear is YOU as What-You-
Really-Are and ALL the rest starting from "me" is a dream-like
appearance on the Screen of Presence-Awareness and THAT THOU
Given THAT ... what there is in so-called "life" is... ACT as if "you"
have free will. Act as if you have control knowing full well that all
ideas of a "me" with control or free will are the dream of Being Itself.
Acting as if you have free will is simple... "you" have been doing that
your whole life. Knowing your Self as Presence-Awareness and even
before That, the Absolute, is NOT a belief and is NOT a "personal
matter." As long as there is a seeming person let that person act in its
own self-interest... just do what is next as if you can decide or do...
Who Is This "me?"
No-one no-where and that is the Real.
Let ‘er rip!
Follow-up: That has helped. Even when reading "Spiritual masters"
quotes. They are still only words and words can only point, and are
NOT The Absolute. Hence the saying the Tao that can be spoken is
not the Tao and why the truest answer to any question about this is
...Who is asking. That is the answer to all of the questions that have
arisen during this. "I" see now why you use it so much and why it is
so frustrating to the mind. This time it was not frustrating at all. Just
relief. Thank you!
C. You are very welcome! Much love to you.
7. Is This All There Is?
This Is It. As This Is. And Is Not.
But wait there’s LESS
What IS this IS about which thou rantest?
Good question.
What IS “is”?
Do You Exist?
How would you KNOW?
Heart is where the Home is.
Nobody Knows This.
Everything IS This.
How Do I Know I Exist?
How Do I Know YOU Exist?
How do YOU know I Exist?
Just Ask You
….. How do I know I exist?
8. The Addict You Believe You Are
What are the Core Addictions?
Isn’t it to I / Other?
Is it that this "I" seems to think, "I think therefore I am"?
The knowing naturally is I AM. I exist.
I am. YES.
I am ‘me’. Really? And what exactly is a ‘me’??
Ask YOU:
Did I used to believe this nonsensical uncomfirmable noise that
claims in deep space like a matrix, “I think therefore I am”? Or even
more new-agey, “I FEEL there for I am”?
Where’s your evidence?
Who thinks “I think I exist”?
Is it that you I Know “I Exist?”
Who Knows?
Who said That!! ??
Seek the Source of these movements …..
………and see what you find…
(if anything)
9. Catch And Release
Who Can ‘Accept What Comes’?
Some make claims like "We must let all possibilities exist in Peace,
meaning that we accept whatever comes." Who is there to "do" this
acceptance"? The undeniable FACT of The Eternal State is that all
"possibilities" ARE (Already Always!) existing Here and Now in
Perfect Peace.
All there IS is THAT - What-You-Are ... Nondual Being-Awareness-
Love. Loving all that appears without a separate Love-ER!
What IS IS and prior to appearances, while permeating the
appearances as Essence of All, and This ever-IS abides Beyond this
false "reality" of a "we" described in that assertion.
In That which IS there IS no "we", no "person" or "persons", to "let
all exist." That is arrogant ignorance. What some call “ego.”
WHAT IS EGO? A thought of claiming itself to be the source of the
being, doing and having of a body, mind, spirit conglomerate which
on investigation can be discovered to have no independent power or
will of “its” own.
This is a teaching of nice looking ignorance that can keep the seeker
stuck in a false identity that continually "tries to accept” what IS - and
always fails! But ONLY always……
It is quite a familiar trap. Don't get caught in that. It’s like icing on a
cow pie. As one guy who writes about what is real puts it, “If you
think you're enlightened, throw it away and begin again. The idea of
'enlightenment' is like a big ugly monster with a pretty face, inside
you. Like the idea of the Abyss is a big warm openhearted angel with
an ugly face”. (From the book “Noticing What You Already Know”
by Robin Dale
The recognition of this witnessing presence is not something
to be practised by an apparent separate entity. It is the
impersonal recognition of and by the ever-present One-Self-
-Leo Hartong
10. Source
Where IS “the Source”?
WHAT “Source”?
IS there such a thing as a “Source”?
If so exactly WHERE IS this “Source?”
Some teachings will tell you, “YOU are the Source of who you are
being, what you do, and what you have”.
Others will tell you, “YOU are NOT the Source of who you are, what
you do and what you have”.
Which is true?
Choose your poison!
Now if you look for the source of who you are, what you think, what
you feel, what you know, what you don’t know, and all the rest of
(ALL the rest of Totality) what do you find?
Do you find any locatable reference point that can be seen as Source?
If NOT: what is this notion of Source and either being Source or NOT
being source? Is it anything more substantial than a movement of
energy arises as a thought in the brain?
Look for yourself. Don’t believe, disbelieve, accept, or deny any
This is not about taking on beliefs of any sort; this is pointing to the
actual absence of a believer-entity that assumes IT is real and then
figures IT must “find the right teaching”.
You must look into this for yourself. This is a matter NOT for
philosophy, and NOT for belief or dogma, but rather it is a pointing to
support YOU in seeing the facts of what is Real (You ARE) and what
is False (the idea of a separate entity that can control and manage its
dream life).
11. WHO?
Who thinks I am?
What thinks “I Think”?
Is the thought I exist always happening?
Or Not?
Can a thought think!!??
Really? Who thinks so?
Thoughts about thoughts about thoughts
Thoughts come and go.
YOU are that Eternal Love . . . .
IN which all arises, hangs about for a bit, and disappears.
What Never Changes?
All is Perfect in The Unborn
That is here always forever now right before the next thought.
Silent Screen …
Made Of Love
12. Who knows?
“The Shadow Knows” – Really?
“Me and my Shadow” … are WE really really real?
Who Cares? “I” Care! (Who…?)
Where’s the knower … claiming “I know this or that”?
Seek that.
Find that knower.
Really look into YOU for that knower, that author of the life story, the
claimer of the happening of the appearing universal show as “mine?”
What is seen on looking?
Looking into naked Awareness from naked Awareness, the seeing
arises for no-one that what we call “mind” is a transparency that the
Light of This Loving Isness shines through, creating the show, just
like the light in the movie projector seems to make the movie appear
on a blank white empty ordinary screen…..
Being Is Primal and prior to States Of.
The issue of your fundamental identity goes right to the heart of
discovering your essential nature of non-conceptual awareness (many
terms are used to point to it). In realizing your real identity, there is a
simultaneous understanding of the nature of appearances, since they
are only an expression of that which you are. In that non-conceptual
reality, there is no concept present of an "I", "you", "other" and so on,
as all those notions are created in thoughts, which are a subsequent
appearance on the pure awareness itself.
-John Wheeler
13. Being – The Eternal State
What IS this “Eternal State”…?
Our website is known as
But wait … what does that “name” point to?
Awareness and only that. Nondual, Undivided, Totality, Isness,
Unicity – these are also words that point to That Which Is yet cannot
be grasped. To try to grasp This with the thought-form of that which
we call “the mind” is rather like trying to grasp space with your foot.
The original working title of “Paradise Found” title was "Being, the
Eternal State".
But there was a nagging Energy from Oneness that there was still
something a bit misleading in that expression. (She never lets
anything that could be misleading get past Her!)
So that energy was pondered , and was found intuitively that the title
as it was didn't really seem to express this wild, open, raw LOVE that
in direct experience here IS the actuality of what is Real, alive and
Never-ending. Then I received a contribution from a great guy who
points out the Real in some of the same ways it happens here.
Here is that interchange:
What Is ‘The Eternal State’?
I asked Randall Friend (a cool guy who shares this One-Essence from
Kentucky, USA) – “How would you respond to a seeker who asked,
‘I hear about 'the eternal state'. Sounds like freedom from fear of
death amongst other 'good things'. But MY question is, What IS 'The
Eternal State'?"
Randall points out,
The "Eternal State" is not really a state at all - it is THAT IN WHICH
all states appear. A "state" can only be known through distinction,
through using words and thoughts to define the appearance, to define
the very ONE who is looking for this state; to create a story of a ME
that wants some Eternal State. But words aren't the thing - words
never actually break up the appearance, never actually create
separation, never actually create a subject and object.
Once we speak of or try to define an Eternal State, we assume all
other states and someone who can find it. The "Eternal State" is only
ever THIS HERE NOW - it is the mind in which this world is
created. The thought "I AM" appears in thought, then the world
follows. Once the I AM comes, then everything OTHER THAN the I
AM is assumed. Then we have an "outside" world in which "I" am
only a small, separated part, in which "I" am afraid and "I" desire,
where "I" am born and "I" will die.
THIS - HERE NOW - IS the totality of present appearance, the
Wholeness, Oneness itself. The "Eternal State" requires time - THIS
HERE NOW requires no time, for it is all that IS - this very instant,
before, during and after thought, in which the concepts of the ME, the
SEEKER and the WORLD float by like clouds in the sky. You ARE
the sky AND the clouds - but we only know of "sky" and "clouds" in
In the Eternal Stateless-State, there is no question of states, no
question of one who is seeking the Eternal State, no question of being
outside of or away from or ever finding the Eternal State. And the
Eternal State is fully present HERE and NOW - it is not achievable or
attainable - it is UNAVOIDABLE and INESCAPABLE - NOW! As
Bob [‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson] says, FULL STOP!
So as thoughts and words pause, there is simple resting in pure
knowing, pure experiencing, present awareness in which there is no
"aware-er", in which no separation EVER existed, a resting in pure
SEE-Ing in which there is no ME to rest and nothing to see.
No seeker to ask the question and no one left to respond.
Randall's pointer is perfect and VERY clear! I LOVE it. And his
expression of the inexpressible "Isness" IS in perfect alignment with
some ancient texts ("Upanishads") that say much the same. Maybe a
more "spiritually correct" title would have been "Being - The Eternal
Stateless State". Maybe. (That's how my website has been titled for
over a year.) But that all feel apart as the final title came roaring out
of wild raw LOVE … Paradise Found! Unbounded unbridled
lovingness that accepts any and all appearances with absolute
affection and NO attachment, and NO aversion, to any of it! The
Peace that gently holds in its Divine Embrace ALL of it, love and
war, hatred and lust, greed and generosity, all the opposing ideas and
Bottom line is, you cannot "Attain an Eternal State". In Being, There
IS NO “Eternal State". And, YOU ARE THAT Stateless State,
Unborn and absolutely FREE. In That, anything can happen.
Anything! Even THIS.
Again, I love what Nisargadatta said about this "state" -
"I know exactly how transient this present state of affairs is, and I also
know the eternal state. I have no use for this ephemeral state. I
understand the false as false. Since I have found my true permanent
state I have no need for any of this; it has come on its own and it will
go on its own. In that fullness there is no need of any kind. I've had
that state of fullness after I met my guru; if I hadn't met him I would
have lived and died as an ordinary man". Courtesy of Pradeep Apte,
Me too :-)... Gracias John Wheeler!
This is it. But it appears
as though it’s not.
There is no individual, but
it appears as though there is.
- Jeff Foster
14. What IS “Is”?
What IS “Is?”
Suffering is content. Awareness is context. Awareness is the
source in which all arises and dissolves. Awareness remains
unaffected, just like the mirror remains empty, regardless of
what seems to appear in it. Recognize that you are the
unaffected Awareness/Witness to which the person and its
experiences – good and bad – are a witnessed object. HERE
the point of gravity shifts from content to context. This
context is empty and marvelous and it does not suffer. It is
the peace prior to the mind generated divisions of good/bad,
pain/pleasure, yin/yang. You are that Peace.
-Leo Hartong
The TRUE "end game" consists NOT in rooting out the ego
or dismissing the "I" thought as "not me." The final stroke
comes in simply seeing what you already always ARE.
Being IS and there is no escape from That, nor any
possibility of attaining That. You ARE.
Can you deny that this Isness IS obviously Present and
Aware, open, empty and clear? It is the most available and
undeniable space. IT IS. That was never lost. You are That.
That's all there is to this - Seeing what was never absent and
always completely free.
- From I Am to I Am
Words! Words!
The Way is beyond language,
for in it there is no yesterday,
no tomorrow
no today.
- Seng T’san
Empty Mind, Zen Mind
(Excerpted from “No Way Out” by Charlie Hayes)
“To this ultimate state, no law or description applies”
that we do not know the true nature of things.
Live neither in the entanglements of outer things,
nor in ideas or feelings of emptiness.
Be serene and at one with things
and erroneous views will disappear by themselves.
The arising of other gives rise to self;
giving rise to self generates others.
Know these seeming two as facets
of the One Fundamental Reality.
In this Emptiness, these two are really one—
and each contains all phenomena.
If not comparing, nor attached to "refined" and "vulgar"—
you will not fall into judgment and opinion.
Words! Words!
The Way is beyond language,
for in it there is no yesterday,
no tomorrow
no today.
About The Author
Charlie Hayes, once also known as Ishan, was first a Jazz musician,
then a professional racing driver, a racing cars and parts distributor, a
Ferrari Dealer. Later after a devastating failure of his business he
became what most call a “seeker”, trying to find the source of
happiness, peace and love that he felt was utterly missing despite his
success and fame.
After thirty years of seeking through many paths, teachers, books and
gurus, Hayes met his “final teacher”, Nonduality Author John
Wheeler of Santa Cruz, California in late 2004 and shortly afterwards
met John’s teacher, ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson, in Australia.
He recalls, “John and Bob pointed out the simplicity of Being – the
undeniable knowingness of the awareness called “I Am” – as the
natural state of wholeness, and also pointed out that the assumed
person was merely a thought that had been mistakenly identified as a
self apart from Wholeness and could be seen AS false with some
investigation. This put paid to the long search for Paradise in short
Charlie offers meetings in Oklahoma (which are also available free of
charge via conference calls), and occasionally offers talks at other
locations where he is invited to share this Good News of Paradise
Found. He can be reached at +1 580-366-4083, or by e-mail at
There is also a website is
All are welcome.
Love Is Empty, and Meaningless.
That’s what makes It LOVE.
- From I Am to I Am