Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English Vii I. Objectives: Value Infused
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English Vii I. Objectives: Value Infused
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English Vii I. Objectives: Value Infused
At the end of the 60-minute session, the students should be able to:
identify the correct verb that should be paired with the subject in sentences;
construct sentences with correct subject and verb agreement; and
utter the significance of the agreement between the heart and the mind when
making sound decisions.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Classroom Management
3. Prayer and Food for Thought
4. Checking of Attendance
B. Drill
“Group Word Search!”
The class will be divided into three groups. Each team must work together to
find five words hidden in the given set of letters that will be projected on the white
screen. A representative from each group will be assigned to write their answers on
the illustration board that will be provided by the teacher. The first group who will
be able to raise their illustration board containing the five correct answers will win.
A three-minute time limit will be allotted.
1. drizzle
2. vocalize
3. equinox
4. backflip
5. jukebox
C. Review
- Last time, we have already discussed the basic rule of the subject and verb
agreement. Can you still recall it? Take a look at these two sentences.
- Based on these two examples, what is the basic rule of the subject and
verb agreement?
Basic Rule:
A singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural
D. Motivation
“Agree or Disagree?”
The class will be divided into three groups. A representative from each group
will be given an “agree” sign and a “disagree” sign. Five sentences with either a
correct or an incorrect subject and verb agreement will be flashed on the white
screen. If the flashed sentence is grammatically correct, the representatives will have
to raise the “agree” sign, if not, they will have to raise the “disagree” sign. The signs
should only be raised after the 5-second timer, for every round, runs out. This is a
best-of-five game. In case of a tie, a clincher round will be held.
- Will you determine the correct verb that should be used in this sentence?
She or you (owns, own) the book.
- What can you say about the subjects and the verbs used in these two
Measles is an infection.
Politics is complicated.
- On that note, do you now have an idea what rule number three is?
Rule #3: Words such as economics, mathematics, physics, measles, politics,
and news are singular although they may seem plural.
1. Physics is our next subject.
- Based on your observation, will you speak out what the fourth rule is?
Rule #4: The expression “the number” is followed by a singular verb, while
the expression “a number” is followed by a plural verb.
1. The number of participants is enough.
2. A number of people are dancing.
- Will you determine the correct verb that should be used in this sentence?
A number of bags (has, have) been stolen.
- For the last rule, will you analyze these two sentences?
One-third of the paper is missing.
One-third of the papers are missing.
- How are these two sentences similar? How are they different?
- So, do you now have an idea what our fifth and last rule is?
Rule # 5: With words that indicate fractions, the agreement is guided by the
noun after “of”. If the noun after “of” is singular, use a singular verb. If it is
plural, use a plural verb.
1. One-half of the burgers were edible.
- Here is another example:
One-half of my artworks are expensive.
F. Application
“Bet On Your Verb-y!”
The class will be divided into three groups. Each group will be given five
tokens. Five sentences will be flashed on the screen. In each sentence, the subject
must be paired with either a singular or a plural verb. Using their tokens, each group
will place a bet on the verb that they think agrees with the subject. If they bet on the
correct verb, the tokens that they bet will be doubled, otherwise, they will lose those
tokens. After five rounds, the group with the most number of tokens will win. In case
of a tie, a clincher round will be held.
G. Generalization
- Will you give one rule of the subject and verb agreement that we have
learned today?
- Based on that rule, will you give an example of a sentence with a correct
subject and verb agreement?
- Will you give another rule and an example of a sentence for that rule?
- By having enough knowledge about the subject and verb agreement, will
you utter the significance of the agreement between the heart and the
mind when making sound decisions?
On your Learning Activity Sheet:
A. For numbers 1 to 7, determine the predicate that should be added to each of the
subjects below to satisfy the subject and verb agreement. Write the complete
sentence for each item.
B. For numbers 8 to 10, write three subject and verb agreement rules that we have
discussed and correctly construct your own example of a sentence for each rule.
8. Rule: ______________________________________________________________________________.
Example: ____________________________________________________________________.
9. Rule: ______________________________________________________________________________.
Example: ____________________________________________________________________.
10. Rule: _____________________________________________________________________________.
Example: ____________________________________________________________________.
On a whole sheet of paper, write a simple paragraph with a minimum of five
sentences about your favorite teacher. Underline the subject and encircle the verb that you
will use in each sentence. Be sure to observe correct subject and verb agreement.
Submission is on Wednesday.
Grading Criteria
Content 30%
Grammar 25%
Originality 25%
Format 20%
Total 100%
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