Guide To System Development March 2009

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AIS: A Guide to System Development

Thoughts on AIS system design from an R&D perspective

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This document addresses design challenges for Automatic Identification Systems (AIS). Designed to prevent marine
collisions, AIS is a marine band data network based on a self-organizing TDMA access protocol. The SOTDMA protocol poses
significant hurdles for electronic designers. In this paper we discuss and clarify protocol structures and specifications,
as well as architecture implementation. We present a step-by-step process for encoding or decoding AIS messages. We
highlight key, system-level considerations for the data-link layer, GPS and transmit synchronization, DSC and AIS channel
deviation, power challenges and testing. As well, we shed light on NMEA 0183’s frequently misconstrued terms concerning
back-end interface design. We outline a new, software-defined radio approach to AIS design, developed by RF experts at
Fidus Systems.

AIS: A Guide to System Development provides practical guidance for design engineers, project managers and engineering
leaders in the fields of AIS, RF and software-defined radio.

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Fidus specializes in Electronic Product Development, developing products for a wide range of industries. Fidus has
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Fidus has delivered more than 700 projects for over 140 clients, from Tier-1 multinationals to SMEs to start-ups across
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© Copyright 2009 Fidus Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice. Version 1.0 July 10, 2007
Table of Contents

1. Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................ 1

2. What is AIS?............................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3. AIS System-Level Considerations............................................................................................................................................. 1

3.1 The Data Link Layer........................................................................................................................................................ 1

3.2 GPS and Transmit Synchronization................................................................................................................................ 2

3.3 DSC and AIS Channel Deviation..................................................................................................................................... 2

3.4 A Suite of Protocols......................................................................................................................................................... 3

3.5 AIS Message Specifics.................................................................................................................................................... 4

3.6 Back End Interface and System Integration.................................................................................................................. 4

3.7 Transmit Power Challenges............................................................................................................................................ 5

3.8 Testing the AIS System................................................................................................................................................... 6

3.9 Evolution of the AIS Specification.................................................................................................................................. 6

4. The Future of AIS....................................................................................................................................................................... 6

5. Relevant AIS Specifications....................................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction
On the surface the Automatic Identification System (AIS) protocol appears to be a straight-forward scheme for generating
a self-organized data network between marine vessels. Deeper investigation into the protocol structure and mass of ITU,
IALA, and IMO specifications, however, can quickly fog the picture and discourage an unsuspecting system designer.
From specific AIS protocol comprehension to conceptual architecture implementations, one faces a number of design
challenges when designing an AIS system. This document complements the specifications and guides readers to an easier
understanding of AIS and related issues.

2. What is AIS?
Designed to prevent marine collisions, AIS is essentially a VHF marine band data network based on a self organizing TDMA
access protocol.1 Although ships are generally equipped with radar, AIS has the advantage that it can “see around corners:”
it remains useful in the presence of obstacles.

The system operates on 2 default channels within the marine band radio spectrum:
(AIS1 = 161.975 MHz and AIS2 = 162.025 MHz).

This allows vessels to communicate automatically with each other, as well as with aids to navigation, search and rescue
aircraft and coastal base stations. Data communicated may include anything from a ship’s physical size, course, speed
and rate-of-turn, to its destination, cargo and number of passengers. Provisions are also made for AIS control and channel
management messages, as well as broadcast or addressed binary and safety-related messages.

AIS systems are typically integrated with vessel radar systems capable of overlaying and correlating AIS data with
conventionally-detected radar targets. Such integrated systems can turn the AIS display on or off. They often include
algorithms to sort and filter AIS data to elegantly extract specific information. Stand-alone AIS installations are also readily
found that take advantage of commercial, off-the-shelf display software such as Rose Point’s Coastal Explorer.

Combined with positional data, geographic maps, radar images and depth charts, AIS information provides a maritime
vessel with a complete view of its surrounding environment. AIS data communication is a powerful tool that easily lends
itself to such applications as vessel trafficking services, collision avoidance and search and rescue missions.

3. AIS System-Level Considerations

Designing an AIS system is a significant undertaking that involves subtle intricacies. The subsections that follow begin to
explore these intricacies and key aspects for AIS system designers to consider. Armed with this knowledge you may avoid
unexpected surprises. We assume that readers already have some knowledge of AIS and the ITU-R M.1371-2 specification.

3.1 The Data Link Layer

Scattered throughout the AIS specifications are hints about processing in the data link layer. There is some mention of what
isn’t done (forward error correction, interleaving, bit scrambling, etc.) and some about what is (NRZI and HDLC encoding,
byte reversing, etc.), but it’s not easy to extract the tangible details of how to formulate or decode an accurate AIS message
for RF transmission.

It takes a considerable amount of time to determine the order in which to perform the encoding or decoding, and what
particular data is relevant at each stage of the process. Even the description for CRC calculation is not straight forward.
Eventually, with enough consulting between different specifications and clarifications, a designer can come up with an
appropriate algorithm for creating or decoding an AIS message. It’s tedious, but luckily, unnecessary. You can generate a
proper AIS message by following the sequential steps shown in figure 1. 2

Once you have completed the algorithm outlined in Figure 1 your system will be ready to generate accurate base band AIS
messages for RF transmission, but before you power up that transmit amplifier be sure you’ve synchronized your TDMA
frame to the UTC minute!

SOTDMA is a patented technology invented by Swedish engineer Håkan Lans

Applying these steps in reverse order will allow successful decoding of a received AIS data transmission. Note: Since the training sequence can start with either a 1 or a 0 and
the NRZI encoding can start with a 1 or a 0 there are a number of different bit combinations that can be detected for indication of a valid start/stop flag page 1
3.2 GPS and Transmit Synchronization
The AIS specification describes a number of methods in which a single participant can synchronize their system with the
rest of the AIS world. Synchronization is critical in this TDMA-based system, particularly for transmit functionality.

An accurate frame map must be generated that reflects RF activity on the network and indicates which slots have been
allocated and which are free for use.With a complete frame map along with accurate frame and slot timing, an AIS system
can select suitable transmission slots without the risk of data collisions. More stringent synchronization is required than
just slot selection, however. RF power for the AIS transmission
must reach its target level within 1 ms of the slot start and must
Figure 1: AIS Data Link Layer Processing decay to zero before the start of the adjacent slot. Such precise
synchronization is most easily achieved by providing a local
1. Formulate the data portion of the message as outlined in the system UTC (coordinated universal time) source. Integrating
message description section of the AIS specification (
- Use 6 bit ASCII characters where appropriate a local GPS receiver will provide the AIS system with local
- Apply the “@” empty character when necessary
access to standard NMEA 0183 GPS sentences (RMC, GGA,
GSA, etc.) and possibly a very accurate, 1-pulse-per-second
(1 PPS) signal. Many GPS receivers will generate such a pulse
2. If required, append zero bits at the end of the data that is aligned to the UTC second and guaranteed within 1μs
message to obtain an integer number of bytes accuracy. Depending on how involved the AIS system becomes,
processing delays will slightly skew NMEA sentences from the
actual GPS time. With the presence of a precise 1 PPS signal,
3. Calculate the cyclic redundancy check on the data you can make timing corrections that provide the AIS system
message resulting from step 2
- The correct CRC to calculate is referred to as FCS-16 with excellent synchronization accuracy.
- The table lookup method is commonly applied with the seed
0x8408 used to generate the CRC table
- The initial value of the CRC should default to 0xFFFF
A few simple hardware components and a bit of software, using
the GPS NMEA sentences in combination with the 1 PPS signal,
make it easy to line up the AIS TDMA frame and generate
4. Append the 16 bit CRC value to
the end of the data message
accurate slot synchronization.

Of course, in the event that information from the dedicated

5. Divide the message into 8 bit bytes and reverse
GPS is interrupted, the AIS system should still be capable of
the order of each byte synchronizing using alternate methods as described in the
- Bit 0 becomes bit 7, bit 1 becomes bit 6 etc.
specification. (ITU-R M.1371-2 section 3.1.1)

6. Bit stuff the resulting message from step 5

3.3 DSC and AIS Channel Deviation
according to the HDLC protocol
- Following 5 consecutive 1's in the data, insert a 0 bit into the message Although marine band channels 87b and 88b are generally
accepted worldwide as AIS channel 1 and AIS channel 2, this
is still not 100 percent clear. In the United States, several
7. Apply AIS ramp bits, training sequence and HDLC start and stop flags
VHF channels in the maritime band, including one of the AIS
(0x7E) to the data message channels, had been previously licensed for use by a company
- The 24 bit training sequence is specified as an alternating 1, 0
pattern and can begin with either a 0 or 1 called MariTEL. Once these channels had been allocated
- The resulting message structure should be as follows:
internationally for use by AIS, MariTEL was not initially willing
to give back rights to its previously-purchased AIS channel.
Negotiations between the U.S. Coast Guard, MariTEL and the
FCC have finally resolved this issue, but similar conflicts may
8. NRZI encode the message resulting from step 7
- The first bit can arbitrarily be selected as a 0 or 1
eventually re-surface.
- Only when a 0 is encountered in the data stream
should the encoding bit type be changed
Data message = 00100111010101001
For primarily this reason, AIS systems are required to be
NRZI encoded = 10010000110011011 or 01101111001100100 frequency agile and support the use of alternate AIS channels.
To ensure proper operation in all circumstances AIS systems
should contain built-in RF flexibility. The system should be
capable of adjusting to different center frequencies within the
9. Transmit the NRZI encoded message (from step 8)
from byte #1 (ramp byte) to byte #N VHF marine band spectrum, and switching between 25 kHz and
12.5 kHz channel bandwidths. AIS systems are directed to the page 2
appropriate RF settings under command from regional authorities such as base stations. These commands can travel over
a specific AIS message (message 22) or DSC expansion symbols added specifically for this purpose.

A fully-compliant AIS system must therefore contain a dedicated receiver fixed to marine band frequency 156.525 MHz
(DSC channel 70) and be capable of decoding all required message symbols (00, 01, 09, 10, 11, 12 and 13). In addition
to the fixed DCS receiver, transmissions must also be supported for responding to DSC polling messages. These DSC
transmissions may occur using the existing AIS transmitter, but must not interfere with scheduled AIS data transmissions.
Your means to achieve RF flexibility (via DSC or AIS message 22) will vary depending on how your radio front-end is

3.4 A Suite of Protocols

A fully functional AIS system should support each of the ITDMA (incremental TDMA), RATDMA (random access TDMA)
and SOTDMA (self organized TDMA) protocols. Although not applicable for the majority of AIS installations, base stations
must also support the FATDMA (fixed access TDMA) protocol. Under normal operation, the AIS system runs in SOTDMA
mode, but some situations call for the use of ITDMA and RATDMA and these should be considered equally important. One
such situation is the network entry phase. During network entry, the first transmission slot is selected using the RATDMA
protocol. The transmission in this slot is then executed using the ITDMA format with a keep flag set so that, in the next
frame, autonomous operation using the SOTDMA protocol can take over. (See Figure 2)

Figure 2: AIS Protocols During the Network Besides the network entry phase, RATDMA and
Entry Phase ITDMA are used in other circumstances,
including interrogation responses, temporary
Slot Increment of the
ITDMA Messages Allocates
message transmissions, request responses and
a Slot Ahead in the Frame binary or safety message acknowledgements.
The last ITDMA Message
The First
Slot is has a slot increment of 0 The advantage of ITDMA is that it permits the
Selected transmission of non-repeatable messages while
RATDMA FRAME 1 SOTDMA can only reserve slots for repeatable
messages that will continue for an extended
duration (i.e. Messages 1, 2 and 9).
Keep Flags of
Message AllocateAn ITDMA message contains a slot increment
the Slot for an
Additional Frame
field that allows slots to be allocated for
temporary transmission in future time slots. The
benefit of RATDMA lies in its random nature.

FRAME 2 Selection of transmit slots using a randomized
algorithm gives an equal probability for any
vessel to occupy a given time slot. The RATDMA
algorithm assigns a probability value between
0 and 100 to each message to be sent. It then
In the following frame the SOTDMA stores the message in a FIFO. When a candidate
protocol takes over using the
previously allocated slots slot arrives, a current probability value (derived
from several variables) is compared to the
assigned probability value. If the current
probability is larger, the message is sent and the current probability reset. Otherwise, the current probability is incremented
and the algorithm repeats at the next candidate slot.

The latest version of AIS specification recently added a CSTDMA (carrier sense TDMA) protocol to the group. This carrier
sense TDMA technology is intended for use only by class B AIS vessels. The idea is that a class B AIS unit would listen
to the VHF data channels and determine which slots are available for use. In addition, a class B vessel using CSTDMA
should maintain a detection window at the start of each slot. During this detection window, RF activity should be sensed
to guarantee that the slot is, in fact, free. Transmission using the CSTDMA protocol then would occur only after the system
ensures that the network is available and no interference with regular class A operations will occur. Aside from the network
access technique, AIS systems that employ only the CSTDMA protocol are subject to a majority of the same specifications
as are class A systems. page 3
3.5 AIS Message Specifics
Most AIS message types are straight forward, although further explanation may clear up minor details. This section
addresses some of these details, starting with the representation of geographic position. Longitude and latitude
coordinates are specified as being accurate to 1/10000 minute and are to be represented to this precision in binary
format. The decimal representation of either the longitude or latitude value can be calculated as follows and is easily
converted to binary form:

(600000 × Degrees )+ 
 
DataValue = (10000 × Minutes )+  NOTE: If the degrees value of the position is negative
than the 2’s complement representation of the above
(Seconds )  value must be used.
 

Several other messages require more attention. Message 9 is the standard SAR aircraft position report. The communication
state for this report is specified to be SOTDMA, while the data link access scheme can be either SOTDMA or ITDMA. For a
SAR aircraft, during the network entry phase, the access scheme should be ITDMA (with an ITDMA communication state).
The SOTDMA communication state should not be used in this instance, but using the ITDMA version does not appear to
be valid.

Messages 15, 16 and 20 should also be examined in detail to ensure that slot offsets and increments are correctly handled
and the AIS unit responds appropriately.

3.6 Back End Interface and System Integration

Two questions arise with any AIS system: What should I do with all this information? and How should AIS integrate with
other systems? ITU-R M.1371-2 specifies that the system communicate externally, using the IEC 61162 series protocol. The
61162 series of formats is the international version of the NMEA 0183 protocol. This limited specification provides a flexible
design approach when it comes to integrating the AIS unit, but leaves a significant amount of processing up to the AIS
system itself. Within this large amount of processing, pay careful attention to the following details:

VDL, VDM and VDO are three terms used throughout the NMEA 0183 specification. Don’t confuse one with the other. VDL is
the name given to the VHF data link. It refers to any communication that occurs between separate AIS systems.

Figure 3: VDO, VDM and VDL Messaging In contrast, VDM and VDO sentences are sent
between a single AIS unit and the host system it
is connected to. VDM and VDO sentences both
Host Computer/Navigation System
consist of encapsulated AIS messages wrapped
in NMEA 0183 format. Both are outputs of the
AIS system. Whenever a vessel transmits an AIS
(Addressed Binary
(NMEA Encapsulated AIS Message #6
(NMEA Encapsulated AIS Message #7 message over the RF link, a corresponding NMEA
Messages Message Request) (Binary Addressed Message)) (Binary Acknowledgement))
0183 sentence returns to the host. This sentence
is the encapsulated “own vessel” AIS message,
Vessel AIS System called VDO.
(send msg 6 over VDL and equivalent VDO to host via NMEA, receive msg 7
over VDL and send equivalent VDM to host via NMEA)

(AIS Message #6)
The VDM sentence, although also sent from the
(AIS Message #7)
AIS unit to the host system, has no relation to “own
Messages vessel” messages. A VDM sentence transfers the
entire contents of a received AIS message to an
Antenna external system by encapsulating it into a NMEA
0183 sentence. See Figure 3 for an example of
External AIS System
(receive msg 6 and reply with msg 7) VDO, VDM and VDL messaging. page 4
While most NMEA 0183 sentences used by AIS are straight-forward one-way communications, ABM (UAIS addressed binary
and safety related message), BBM (UAIS broadcast binary message) and AIR (UAIS interrogation request) sentences are
more complex. They require two-way interaction between vessel instrumentation and AIS equipment. By sending NMEA
0183 sentences ABM, BBM and AIR to the AIS unit, an external host can initiate transmission, from the AIS unit, of such
messages as: addressed binary, broadcast binary and interrogation.

Two tests help you determine whether these messages have transmitted successfully

1. Analyse future VDM (UAIS VHF data link message) sentences, and
2. Check whether you’ve received an ABK (UAIS addressed and binary broadcast acknowledge) sentence from the AIS unit.

Confusion may arise because the ABK sentence has a different function depending on the type of host request. When an
ABM message is requested, the AIS unit will respond with an ABK to acknowledge the addressed binary message result.
The ABK sentence can indicate:

• An invalid ABM message

• Success or failure of message 6 or 12 transmission, and
• Success or failure of message 7 or 13 reception from the addressed station.

In the case of a requested BBM or AIR, the ABK sentence from the AIS unit is used only to indicate an invalid BBM/AIR or
acknowledge the success or failure in broadcasting the requested AIS message. There is no acknowledgement status for
received AIS messages in response to the BBM or AIR. It is therefore the responsibility of the host system to monitor VDM
sentences from the AIS unit and determine whether the appropriate response was received.

Another important consideration with the NMEA 0183 interface concerns the handling of multiple-sentence messages. The
NMEA 0183 specification defines the maximum number of characters in an NMEA 0183 sentence to be 82. AIS systems
are inevitably going to receive multi-slot AIS messages that would far exceed this 82 character limit when translated to
NMEA 0183 sentences for transfer to external systems. The NMEA specification gives no indication as to where the division
point between multiple sentence messages should occur, but a maximum of 9 sentences can be used for 1 message. Each
sentence should be long enough to fit within the 9 sentence limit.

Each sentence will contain its own preamble and checksum, but only the last sentence should contain a fill bit field for
ensuring the total message is an integer number of 6 bit characters.

Although normally quite flexible, the NMEA 0183 interface format presents considerable difficulty in certain situations.
For example, many manufacturers desire to fully integrate an AIS system within their current navigational equipment.
Their system may presently operate within a VME or similar type chassis that uses a high-speed backplane interface.
By restricting this interface to the AIS unit at the lower-speed NMEA 0183 standard, we may introduce a bottleneck for
backplane data transfers. Under such circumstances, it should be reasonable to maintain any externally required interfaces
at the NMEA 0183 standard, while allowing communication between the AIS unit itself and the rest of the system to use the
current communication standard.

3.7 Transmit Power Challenges

ITU-R M.1371-2 states that an AIS system should be capable of transmitting at 2 and 12.5 Watt power levels with the
default being 12.5. While many AIS installations are intended for large oceanic vessels, where the physical size of an AIS
transponder is not an issue, in certain applications it may be ideal to have a relatively compact AIS unit. For example, many
pleasure boaters may be interested in the wealth of data that can be gathered via AIS. An attractive solution for these
individuals would be a handheld, battery-powered unit that could plug into their laptop computer. But high transmit power
requirements mean the system must include reasonably large power amplifiers, not to mention a significantly-sized source
for all this power. Such applications provide a significant challenge for designers in developing compliant systems small and
sleek enough to appeal to this market segment. page 5
3.8 Testing the AIS System
Complete RF and hardware testing of an AIS system will typically require familiar test equipment such as signal generators,
spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, oscilloscopes, etc. Such instruments are readily available in most hardware labs
and this aspect of testing is reasonably straight forward.

System-level AIS tests, on the other hand, present a challenge. Very little equipment is available on the market for testing
AIS devices. Furthermore, what is offered has limited functionality. Before investing significantly in regulatory testing, you’re
going to want to answer a few questions:

• How can I know that my system is operationally close to where it needs to be? You might compare the operation of your design to a
commercial, off-the-shelf system, but that will leave major gaps in the required testing.
• How can I fill up both AIS communication channels with valid AIS data and test the system throughput?
• Can I verify that my AIS protocol is executing properly?
• Am I transmitting in correct time slots according to UTC synchronization? How will I know whether my UTC synchronization is correct?
• Does any test equipment exist to generate all AIS messages for a full receiver functionality test? Will I need to develop my own test
• System-level AIS testing poses a major dilemma and deserves serious consideration before you enter the development phase.

3.9 Evolution of the AIS Specification

A potentially critical obstacle in AIS system designs is the evolution of AIS protocol. As this system becomes more widely
used, official specifications undergo constant enlargements and improvements. Designers need to consider such
unknowns as:

• Will future specifications add a requirement to ensure that vessel-specific data is accurate and up-to-date?
• Will more channels be added to increase the traffic capacity?
• Are 6.25 kHz bandwidth channels going to be used?
• Are more AIS messages types going to be added?
• Will your system design adapt to such changes in AIS operation?

Software revisions may be simple, but many RF front-end solutions are not very flexible. Classical, super-heterodyne radio
architectures may not adapt easily to specification changes, but other methods can provide the answer.

Fidus has developed a software-defined radio employing DSP-and FPGA-based architectures. With capabilities of modern
high-speed ADCs and under-sampling techniques, Fidus’ design can digitally capture and process the entire VHF marine
band directly from RF in the digital domain. Such a solution permits major design changes to accommodate almost any new
AIS specifications. For further details please contact Fidus.

4. The Future of AIS

Despite challenges faced by AIS system designers, the utility, wide application range and value added through AIS
messaging all point to a bright future for this technology. There is indeed room for development. To date little advancement
has occurred in long-range applications: not just long-range data re-broadcasts, but also in other methods to increase the
availability of AIS information. It may be possible, for example, to link aids to navigation—and extend the range of useful—
information by joining AIS networks that are currently too distant for communication.

Advancements are also possible in the areas of data encryption and error correction to make the system more secure
and reliable.

Although development potential remains, AIS already appeals to a broad range of organizations from Coast Guard Search
& Rescue (SAR) aircraft to ocean tankers and afternoon pleasure boaters. AIS will continue to develop as a key part of the
mariner’s tool kit. page 6
5. Relevant AIS Specifications

I. ITU-R M.1371-2 Technical Characteristics for a Universal Shipborne Automatic Identification System using Time
Division Multiple Access in the VHF Maritime Mobile Band

II. ITU-R M.1084 Interim Solutions for Improved Efficiency in the use of the Band 156-174MHz by Stations in the
Maritime Mobile Service

III. ITU-R M.493-11 Digital Selective Calling System for use in the Maritime Mobile Service

IV. ITU-R M.541-9 Operational Procedures for the use of Digital Selective Calling Equipment in the Maritime Mobile

V. ITU-R M.825-3 Characteristics of a Transponder System using Digital Selective Calling Techniques for use with Vessel
Traffic Services and Ship to Ship Identification

VI. NMEA 0183 Standard for Interfacing Marine Electronic Devices

VII. IEC 60936-5 Guidelines for the use and Display of AIS Information on Radar

VIII. IEC 60945 Maritime Navigation and Radio-communication Equipment and Systems – General Requirements –
Methods of Testing and Required Test Results

IX. IEC 61162-1 Maritime Navigation and Radio-communication Equipment and Systems – Digital Interfaces –
Part 1: Single Talker and Multiple Listeners

X. IEC 61162-2 Maritime Navigation and Radio-communication Equipment and Systems – Digital Interfaces –
Part 2: Single Talker and Multiple Listeners, High-Speed Transmission

XI. IEC 61162-410 Maritime Navigation and Radio-communication Equipment and Systems – Digital Interfaces –
Part 410: Multiple Talkers and Multiple Listeners – Ship Systems Interconnection – Transport Profile Requirements
and Basic Transport Profile

XII. IEC 61174 Maritime Navigation and Radio-communication Equipment and Systems – Electronic Chart Display and
Information System – Operational and Performance Requirements, Methods of Testing and Required Test Results

XIII. IEC 61993-2 Maritime Navigation and Radio-communication Equipment and Systems – Automatic Identification
Systems – Part 2: Class A Shipborne Equipment of the Universal Automatic Identification System Operational and
Performance Requirements, Methods of Test and Required Test Results

XIV. IALA Technical Clarification on ITU Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-1 Edition 1.4 December 2003

XV. IALA Guidelines on the Universal Automatic Identification System Volume 1, Part I – Operational Issues Edition 1.1

XVI. IALA Guidelines on the Universal Automatic Identification System Volume 1, Part II – Technical Issues Edition 1.1

XVII. ISO/IEC 3309: 1993 Information Technology – Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between System –
High Level Data Link Control Procedures Frame Structure page 7

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