Simple Tests To Assure Proper DC Motor Performance: Drop Testing Fields (Shunt, Series, Interpoles)
Simple Tests To Assure Proper DC Motor Performance: Drop Testing Fields (Shunt, Series, Interpoles)
Simple Tests To Assure Proper DC Motor Performance: Drop Testing Fields (Shunt, Series, Interpoles)
resistance to be measured is very low, If the brushholder leads are output voltage. Figure 1 illustrates the
typically requiring a digital low accidentally swapped, the polarity of interpole polarity test circuit.
resistance ohmmeter (DLRO) capable the armature relative to the interpoles
Compound (Series-to-Shunt)
of reading into the milli- or micro-ohm will be reversed. Depending on the Field Polarity
range. A variation in excess of 5% design, the brushes may not arc until The series and shunt field coil
from average for any one coil is an the motor is loaded. The arcing tends polarities should almost always be the
indicator of either a short or a high- to be proportional to the load, and same as each other; that is, cumulative
resistance connection. A coil resistance arcing at full load can be severe compound. Because of their instability,
that is too low indicates a short, and if enough to cause a flashover. This is there are almost no real-world applica-
too high, a poor connection (e.g., a one of the most common repair tions for differential compound motors.
“cold solder joint”). problems experienced unless the Differential compounding is the
A variation of the AC drop test is technician follows the procedure to condition where the series field coil
the impedance test. AC voltage is confirm interpole polarity. polarity opposes that of the associated
applied to a single coil, and the exact Low voltage AC, typically 30-60 shunt field coils.
voltage and current recorded. The volts, can be applied to the armature In almost all cases, if a differentially
exact same voltage is applied to each and interpole circuit to verify correct connected motor is operated with load,
of the other coils, and the currents are interpole polarity. The voltage is sparking at the brushes will occur due
compared. Impedance is the ratio of applied on two brushholders of to increased armature current. Output
voltage to current, and by keeping the opposite polarity, and the output power or torque is a function of field
voltage constant, any change in voltage is measured on the A1 and A2 strength multiplied by armature current.
current directly reflects a change in leads in the terminal box. The output The formula that relates this is:
impedance. Being an AC drop test, voltage will be less than the input Torque = k F I; where k is a constant,
the tolerance for acceptable imped- voltage if the interpole polarity is F is field flux (strength) and I is
ance variation is 10%. As with the AC correct. The principle at work here is armature current. The armature
drop test, the proximity of other iron that the interpole opposition of current must increase to compensate
will affect the results. Table 1 armature flux is like a “buck” for the weakened field with a differ-
summarizes the tolerance values for autotransformer; correct polarity ential connection.
both AC and DC drop tests. results in lower combined armature To verify series-to-shunt field
and interpole circuit output voltage. polarity, connect an analog DC
Table 1: Tolerance values for The typical output voltage of correct voltmeter (no more than 3 volts scale)
AC and DC drop tests. polarity interpoles is about 1/2 to 2/3 to the series field leads, with the
of the input voltage. If the output positive meter lead on S1. Using a 12-
Drop Test Tolerance voltage is higher than the input, 24 volt DC supply, flash (briefly
reverse the interpole leads. If the contact and immediately disconnect)
AC +/- 10% of the average
voltage drop voltages are the same, either the the shunt field, applying positive
DC +/- 5% of the average
interpoles are disconnected, or an voltage to the F1 lead, and observe
voltage drop equal number of them are opposing the deflection on the voltmeter.
If 120 volts is applied to 4 coils, the
each other. Therefore, check for If the meter indication is upscale
average voltage drop should be 30 volts. incorrect polarity. Motors with (positive), the fields are cumulative
Deviation should be within the stated compensating (pole-face) windings
tolerance from that average. compound, which is almost always
will typically develop a very low the correct relationship.
Interpole Polarity If the meter deflects downscale
Interpole polarity should be such (negative) the fields are differentially
that the interpoles oppose the magnetic compounded and probably incorrect.
A.C. Input ARM A.C. Output
flux of the armature. If the interpole In Part II next month, we will
polarity is incorrect, severe sparking at learn about these DC motor tests:
the brushes typically results. In some brushholder spacing, setting
cases, reversed interpole polarity can neutral and two-way run testing.
lead to flashover. Figure 1: Interpole polarity test.