Popular Form of Selection Process Used by Different Companys

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Project Report



(Submitted as partly fulfilment of PGDM program)

Under the Esteemed Guidance of

Prof. N.V.Anupama

GBS School of Business Studies, Hyderabad.

Submitted by:
Roll No: GBS-08-16-017

Under aegis of
GBS School of Business Studies
(Approved by A1CTE ministry of WO, New Delhi)

Aditya Court,
Road No.3, Banjara Hills, Hyd-500034.


I hereby declare that this project report titled “POPULAR FORM OF SELECTION
PROCESS USED BY DIFFERENT COMPANYS” has been successfully completed at
BHEL, AIRTEL, HCL towards the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the
degree “Post-Graduation in Diploma and Management– (Human Resources)” from GBS-
School of Business Studies, affiliated to AICTE. This is an original manuscript developed by
me and has not been furnished from any source thereof, has not formed the basis for the award
of any degree, diploma or any such titles by this institute or any other universities.



It gives me immense pleasure to express my boundless sense of gratitude to each person who
directly or indirectly helped me with hand and hand in completing this humble piece of work.

First, of all I would like to thank to Prof. Anupama (HR Faculty) under whose supervision and
guidance this report was completed.

I convey my special thanks to, Mr. K.C. Mishra, Dean at GBS-School of business studies
affiliated to AICTE for rendering valuable support. I am also very grateful to the management
of my college where I have been studying, for allowing me to do the course and project.

I am also thankful to my parents, classmates and friends who were in some or the other way
helpful to me in successfully completing this research study.

Success of every business enterprise depends on its human resource. Finding the right man for
the job and developing him into a valuable resource an indispensable requirement of every
organization. Proper Selection helps the line managers to work most effectively in
accomplishing the primary objective of the enterprise. To harness the human energies in the
service or organizational goals, every HR manager is expected to pay
proper attention to recruitment and selection activities in an organization. Thus, personnel
functions, recruitment and selection, when carried out properly, would enable the organization
to hire and retain the services of the best brains in the market. The world's best companies have
their strength with their people. The employees identify themselves with thecompany they are
working for. This also helps in building up their spirit, morale and spirit-de-cops which
becomes strength of the company. There are certain ways that are to be followed by every
organization, which ensures that it has right number and kind of people, at the right place and
right time, so that organization can achieve its planned objective. The project covers
introduction of Selection process, Purpose and Importance of selection, Steps in the selection
Process, and Suggestions to make the selection Process more effective. It also includes the
challenges faced by HR in selection process









The challenge of today’s HR managers is to create and nurture a pool of good employees in
the organization. It starts from selection process of the employees. ‘Interview’ has been used
as an important selection method by HR managers for long time. The cost of rehiring and
retraining solidifies the importance of hiring the right person for right position first. It requires
a reliable and valid interview process. This study attempts to develop a systematic approach of
employee selection interview. interview process does not guarantee 100 percent success in
hiring the best employees
into the organization, but the proper application of this approach, at least, will improve the
chances of hiring the best person for the job and the organization.

The size of the labour market, the image of the company, the place of posting, the nature of
job, the compensation package and a host of other factors influence the manner of aspirants are
likely to respond to the recruiting efforts of the company. Through the process of recruitment,
the company tries to locate prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies
at various levels. Recruiting, thus, provides a pool of applicants for selection.

Problem Definition
To select mean to choose. Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant
qualifications to fill jobs in an organisation. The basic purpose is to choose the individual who
can most successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified candidates.

The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate who would meet the
requirements of the job in an organisation best, to find out which job applicant will be
successful, if hired. To meet this goal, the company obtains and assesses information about the
applicants in terms of age, qualifications, skills, experience, etc. the needs of the job are
matched with the profile of candidates. The most suitable person is then picked up after
eliminating the unsuitable applicants through successive stages of selection process. How well
an employee is matched to a job is very important because it is directly affects the amount and
quality of employee’s work. Any mismatched in this regard can cost an organisation a great
deal of money, time and trouble, especially, in terms of training and operating costs. In course
of time, the employee may find the job distasteful and leave in frustration. He may even
circulate ‘hot news’ and juicy bits of negative information about the company, causing
incalculable harm to the company in the long run. Effective election, therefore, demands
constant monitoring of the ‘fit’ between people the job.

The Process
Selection is usually a series of hurdles or steps. Each one must be successfully cleared before
the applicant proceeds to the next one. The time and emphasis place on each step will vary
from one organisation to another and indeed, from job to job within the same organisation. The
sequence of steps may also vary from job to job and organisation to organisation. For example,
some organisations may give more importance to testing while others give more emphasis to
interviews and reference checks. Similarly, a single brief selection interview might be enough
for applicants for lower level positions, while applicants for managerial jobs might be
interviewed by several people.

Steps in Selecting Process

A company is known by the people it employs. To attract people with talents, skills and
experience a company must create a favourable impression on the applicants’ right from the
stage of reception. Whoever meets the applicant initially should be tactful and able to extend
help in a friendly and courteous way. Employment possibilities must be presented honestly and
clearly. If no jobs are available at that point of time, the applicant may be asked to call back
the personnel department after some time.

Screening Interview
A preliminary interview is generally planned by large organisations to cut the cost of
selection by allowing only eligible candidates to go through the further stages in selection. A
junior executive from the Personnel Department may elicit responses from the applicants on
important items determining the suitability of an applicant for a job such as age, education,
experience, pay expectations, aptitude, location, choice etc. this ‘courtesy interview’ as it is
often called helps the department screen out obvious misfits. If the department finds the
candidate suitable, a prescribed application form is given to the applicants to fill and submit.

Application Blank
Application blank or form is one of the most common methods used to collect information on
the various aspects of the applicants’ academic, social, demographic, work related background
and references. It is a brief history sheet of employee’s background, usually containing the
following things:
 Personal data (address, sex, telephone number)
 Marital data
 Educational data
 Employment Experience
 Extra-curricular activities
 References and Recommendations

Usefulness of Application Blank or Form

Application blank is highly useful selection tool, in that way it serves three important purposes:
1. It introduces the candidate to the company in a formal way.
2. It helps the company to have a cross-comparison of the applicants; the company can
screen and reject candidates if they fail to meet the eligibility criteria at this stage itself.
3. It can serve as a basis to initiate a dialogue in the interview.

Selection Testing
In this section let’ examine the selection test or the employment test that attempts to asses’
intelligence, abilities, personality trait, performance simulation tests including work sampling
and the tests administered at assessment centres- followed by a discussion about the polygraph
test, graphology and integrity test.
A test is a standardized, objective measure of a person’s behaviour, performance or attitude. It
is standardised because the way the tests is carried out, the environment in which the test is

administered and the way the individual scores are calculated- are uniformly applied. It is
objective in that it tries to measure individual differences in a scientific way giving very little
room for individual bias and interpretation. Over the years employment tests have not only
gained importance but also a certain amount of inevitability in employment decisions. Since
they try to objectively determine how well an applicant meets the job requirement, most
companies do not hesitate to invest their time and money in selection testing in a big way.
Some of the commonly used employment tests are:

 Intelligence tests
 Aptitude tests
 Personality tests
 Achievement tests
 Miscellaneous tests such as graphology, polygraph and honesty tests.

1. Intelligence Tests: These are mental ability tests. They measure the incumbent’s learning
ability and the ability to understand instructions and make judgements. The basic objective
of such test is to pick up employees who are alert and quick at learning things so that they
can be offered adequate training to improve their skills for the benefit of the organization.
These tests measure several abilities such as memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency,
numerical ability, perception etc. Eg. Stanford-Binet Test, Binet-Simon Test, The Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale are example of standard intelligence test
2. Aptitude Test: Aptitude test measure an individual’s potential to learn certain skills-
clerical, mechanical, mathematical, etc. These tests indicate whether an individual has the
capabilities to learn a given job quickly and efficiently. To recruit efficient office staff,
aptitude tests are necessary. An aptitude tests is always administered in combination with
other tests like intelligence and personality tests as it does not measure on-the-job-
3. Personality Test: Of all test required for selection the personality tests have generated a
lot of heat and controversy. The definition of personality, methods of measuring personality
factors and the relationship between personality factors and actual job criteria has been the
subject of much discussion. Researchers have also questioned whether applicants answer
all the items truthfully or whether they try to respond in a socially desirable manner.
Regardless of these objections, many people still consider personality as a vital component
of job success.
4. Achievement Tests: These are designed to measure what the applicant can do on the job
currently, i.e., whether the teste knows what he or she claims to know. A typing test tests
shows the typing proficiency, a short hand tests measures the teste ability to take dictation
and transcribe, etc. Such proficiency tests are also known as work sampling test. Work
sampling is a selection tests wherein the job applicant’s ability to do a small portion of the
job is tested. These tests are of two types; Motor, involving physical manipulations of

things (e.g., trade tests for carpenters, electricians, plumbers) or Verbal, involving problem
situation that are primarily language-oriented or people-oriented (e.g., situational tests for
supervisory jobs).
Since work samples are miniature replicas of the actual job requirements, they are difficult
to fake. They offer concrete evidence of the proficiency of an applicant as against his ability
to the job. However, work sample tests are not cost effective and every candidate must be
tested individually. It is not easy to develop work samples for each job. Moreover, it is not
applicable to all levels of the organisation
5. Simulation Tests: Simulation exercise is a test which duplicate many of the activities and
problems an employee faces while at work. Such exercises are commonly used while hiring
managers at various levels in an organisation. To assess the potential of a candidate for
managerial positions assessment centres are commonly used.
6. Assessment Centre: An assessment centre is an extended work sample. It uses procedures
that incorporate group and individual exercises. These exercises are designed to stimulate
the type of work which the candidate will be expected to do. Initially a small batch of
applicants comes to the assessment centre (a separate room). Their performance in the
situational exercise is observed and evaluated by a team of 6-8 assessors. The assessors’
judgement on each exercise are compiled and combined to have a summary rating for each
candidate being assessed.

Difference between Work Sample method and Assessment Centre


 Suitable for routine, repetitive jobs  Suitable for managerial jobs, the
with visible outcomes outcomes are not behaviourally
 Takes a few minutes to test the
applicant  Takes days to conduct various
 Evaluated by one supervisor
 Evaluated by a team of trained
 Can be done on location where the observers
applicant performs a small segment
of the job  Requires a separate facility. The
centres are conducted for a variety of
 Usually completed on one applicant
task segments (that may not be the
at a time
real job) that may be included in the
real job
 Usually performed on groups of
applicants at the same time

Evaluation of Assessment Centre Technique:
The assessment center technique has several advantages. The flexibility of form and content,
the use of variety of techniques, standardised way of interpreting behaviour and pooled assessor
judgements accounts for its acceptance as a valuable selection tool for managerial jobs. It is
praised for content validity and wide acceptance in corporate circles. By providing a realistic
job preview, the techniques help a candidate make an appropriate career choice. The
performance ratings are more objective in nature and could be used for promotions and career
development decisions readily. However, the method is expensive to design and administer.
Blind acceptance of assessment data without considering other information on candidates (past
and current performance) is always not advisable.

7. Graphology Test: Graphology involves using a trained evaluator to examine the lines,
loops, hooks, stokes, curves and flourishes in a person’s handwriting to assess the person’s
personality and emotional make-up. The recruiting company, may, for example, ask the
applicants to complete the application forms and write about why they want a job. These
samples may be finally sent to graphologist for analysis and the result may be put use while
selecting a person. The use of graphology, however, is dependent on the training and
expertise of the person doing the analysis. In the actual practice, questions of validity and
just plain skepticism have limited in use.

8. Polygraph (Lie-Detector) tests: the polygraph records physical changes in the body as the
tests subject answers a series of questions. It records fluctuations in respiration, blood
pressure and perspiration on a moving roll of graph paper. The polygraph operator forms a
judgement as to whether the subject’s response was truthful or deceptive by examining the
biological movements recorded on the paper. Critic, however, questions the
appropriateness of the polygraphs in establishing the truth about an applicant’s behaviour.
The fact is that the polygraph records the biological reaction in response to stress and does
not record lying or even conditions necessarily accompanying lying. Is it possible to prove
that the responses recorded by the polygraph occur only because a lie has been told? What
about those situations in which a person lies without guilt (pathological liar) or lies
believing the responses to be true? The fact of the matter is that polygraphs are neither
reliable nor valid. Since they invade the privacy of those tested, many applicants
vehemently oppose the use of polygraph as a selection tool.

Integrity Test: These are designed to measure employee’s honestly to predict those who
are more likely to steal from an employer or otherwise act in a manner unacceptable to the
organization. The applicants who take these tests are expected to answer several ‘yes’ or
‘no’ type questions such as:

Typical Integrity Questions
Typical Integrity Questions Yes No

 Have you ever told a lie?

 Do you report to your boss if you know of
another employee stealing from the store?
 Do you carry office stationary back to your
home for occasional use?
 Do you mark attendance for your colleagues

Often these tests contain questions that repeat themselves in some way and the evaluator then
examines the consistency in responses. Companies that have used integrity tests have reported
success in tracking employees who indulge in ‘theft’. However, these tests ultimately suffer
from the same weakness as polygraph and graphology test.

Tests as Selection Tool:

Test are useful selection devices in that they uncover qualifications and talents that can’t be
detected otherwise. They can be used to predict how well one would perform if one is hired,
why one behaves the way one does, what situational factors influence employee productivity,
etc. Tests also provide unbiased information that can be put to scientific and statistical analysis.
However, tests suffer from sizeable errors of estimate. Most psychological tests also have one
common weakness, that is, we can’t use scales which have a known zero point and equal
intervals. An intelligence test, for example starts at an arbitrary point, where a person may not
be able to answer question properly. This does not mean that the person is totally lacking in
intelligence. Likewise, a person who can answer all the 10 questions correctly cannot be called
twice as intelligent as the one who was able to answer only 5. If the test has commenced at
some other point, where their easier questions, their score might have been different. Test also
fails to elicit truthful responses from tastes. To compound the problem further, test results are
interpreted in a subjective was by testers and unless these testers do their homework well, the
results may not be reliable.

Standards for Selection Tests
To be useful as predictive and diagnostic selection tools, test must satisfy certain basic
 Reliability: Test scores should not vary widely under repeated conditions. If a test is
administered to the same individual repeatedly, he should get approximately identical
score. Reliability is the confidence that an indicator will measure the same thing every
 Validity: Validity is the extent to which an instrument measures what it intends to
measure. In a typing test validity measures a typist’s speed and accuracy. To determine
whether it really measures the speed and accuracy of a typist is to demonstrate its
validity. The question if determining the validity of a selection test, thus, has a lot to do
with later performance on the job.
 Qualified People: Test require an elevated level of professional skills in their
administration and interpretation. Professional technicians are needed for skilled
judgmental interpretations of test scores.
 Preparation: A test should be well prepared. It should be easy to understand and simple
to administer.
 Suitability: a test must fit the nature of the group on which it is applied. A written test
comprising difficult words would be fruitless when it is administered on less educated
 Usefulness: Exclusive reliance on any single test should be avoided since the results in
such a case are likely to be criticized. To be useful, it is always better to use a battery
of test.
 Standardization: Norms for finalising test scores should be established. There must
be prescribed methods and procedures for administering the test and for scoring or
interpreting it.

Methodology of the study

This is a qualitative research which is based on secondary data analysis. Secondary sources of
information included review of research reports, relevant published documents including
books, journals, and seminar papers. Again, internet has been used as another important source
of information.

The present research is confined to study the recruitment and selection process followed by
different company’s
The study reveals the recruitment and selection process followed in the organization. Whether
employees are satisfied with the recruitment process? Is the organization is providing ethical
process for recruiting employees? The organizational study of global private limited was done
with the study of recruitment and selection.

Literature Review
All employers are searching for the very best employers available, but very few know exactly
how to increase their odds of finding just the right person (Mills, 2007). Human resources are
critical for effective organizational functioning (Griffin, 2006). Its importance stems from
increased legal complexities, the recognition that human resources are valuable means for
improving productivity, and the awareness today of the costs associated with poor human
resource management (Wright and McMahan, 1992). Indeed, managers now realize that the
effectiveness of their HR function was a substantial impact on the bottom lines performance of
the firms. With very low unemployment levels, competition for the best employees is extremely
keen (Berkson, Ferris & Harris, 2003). The growing importance of good employees poses a
challenge to the HR managers. The selection process of today’s HR managers is becoming
complex and challenging.
Undoubtedly the overall aim of the selection process is to identify the candidates who are
suitable for the vacancy or wider requirements of the HR plan. ‘Interview’ has been used as a
‘critical selection method’ by HR managers. The interview is the most valid method in
determining an applicant’s organizational fit, level of motivation, and inter-personal skills
(Stevens, 1997). An interview is a specialized form of conversion conducted for a specific task-
related purpose (Whetton & Cameron, 2002). The primary objective of interview is to predict
whether a candidate will meet the performance expectation on the job (Camp et al, 2001). The
increasing competition for skilled and talented workers calls for effective interview. But what
makes an interview effective? An interview is regarded as effective when it can serve its
purpose, i.e. selecting the right candidate for the right job. Whetton and Cameron (2002) cite a
six-step process of conducting an interview, what they named as PEOPLE-oriented selection
interview process. Here the word ‘PEOPLE’ clearly explains the interview process: P =
prepare, E = Establish rapport, O = Obtain information, P = Provide information, L = lead to
close, and E = evaluate. Several contradictions arise among the scholars regarding effective
interview techniques such as what type of questions will be asked What kind of interview will
be applied i.e. individual or panel Will it be the traditional or behavioural interviewing and so
Having several managers sit around a table with the candidate avoid having to spend time
asking the same question over and over (Mill, 2007). Behavioural interview is more effective
than ‘trait interview’ in a sense that the trait approach, permits stereotyping candidates based
on first impression rather than predicating a candidate’s future behavior based on his /her life
history experiences (Green, 1991). Research indicates that behavioural interviews are nearly

eight times more effective for predicting successful job performance (Merritt, 2003). Stress
interviews are becoming more common place in today’s business (Poundtone, 2003). In this
case interviewers observe how a candidate will react under pressure as well as his or her values
and ethics in stressful conditions. Koen (2004) suggested to avoid ‘closed questions’ that
require a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Again, a challenge for the interviewers is to keep bias out of the
interview (Hackney and Kleiner, 1994). Foster & Godkin (1998) think that the interviewer
often holds a stereotype of what represents a ‘good’ applicant. They often tend to favor
applicants who share his or her own attitudes. Interviews should always be planned properly,
meaning that interviewers must prepare for the interview (Dickel, 2008). Undoubtedly
interview is a two-way process. It is an interviewer’s best interest to find good prospects, hire
them, and have them stay in the organization.
Therefore, the interviewee should be provided sufficient information about the job and
organization. Buda (2003) suggested realistic job preview (RJP) to achieve this goal. It allows
job candidates to know favourable as well as unfavourable information about the job (Ganzach,
Pazy & Brainin, 2002). The task of HR managers does not complete just after the interview
session. The post-interview activities are vital for them. At least they should verify the
background investigation of the potential employee before finally offering the job. Background
investigations, or reference checks, are intended to verify that information on the application
form is correct and accurate and application. Organizations need to be aware of negligent hiring
liability. It occurs when an employer has failed to properly investigate an employee’s
background and that employee is later involved in wrongful conduct (Le & Kleiner, 2000).
There are an adequate number of literatures exist regarding the importance and techniques of
interview. But very few literatures exist regarding the systematic interview process. Given the
importance of an effective interview, this study attempts to develop a systematic approach of
conducting an effective interview

The systematic approach of conducting an effective interview

The importance of good employees is felt immensely among the HR managers in today’s
organizations. The selection of the right candidate(s) is of vital importance. ‘Interview’ has
emerged as a popular method of employee selection. The primary objective of interview is to
find out the right candidate for right position. It requires a well-structured interview that
produces more reliable and valid information for selection than an unstructured interview. A
well- structured interview can be best described in terms of ‘3D’: Development, Discussion,
and Decision. A systematic approach of conducting an interview should consist of these ‘3D’
that will increase the reliability and validity of the interview.

The systematic approach of conducting an effective interview
The importance of good employees is felt immensely among the HR managers in today’s
organizations. The selection of the right candidate(s) is of vital importance. ‘Interview’ has
emerged as a popular method of employee selection. The primary objective of interview is to
find out the right candidate for right position. It requires a well-structured interview that
produces more reliable and valid information for selection than an unstructured interview. A
well- structured interview can be best described in terms of ‘3D’: Development, Discussion,
and Decision. A systematic approach of conducting an interview should consist of these ‘3D’
that will increase the reliability and validity of the interview

Research design is defined as the specification of methods and procedures for accruing the
information needed. It is a plan of organization frame for doing the collection of data. Data
which is required for the study is collected from both the primary and secondary source Primary
data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to employees.
The employees sample size has been taken as 70 with the help of Convenience sampling
method. But the filled questionnaire received from the respondents is 35


• Collecting data properly from employees become difficulty due to the time constraint.
• Busy schedule of the employees also effected to some extent.
• There is a chance for bias in the information given by the respondents.
• The study was based on sample hence results were not fully absolute

Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in
an organization. Selection is much more than just choosing the best candidate. It is an attempt
to strike a happy balance between what the applicant can and wants to do and what the
organization requires. Selection is usually a series of hurdles or steps. Each one must be
successfully cleared before the applicant proceeds to the next one. The time and emphasis place
on each step will vary from one organisation to another and indeed, from job to job within the
same or Thesequence of steps may also vary from job to job and organisation toorganisation.
For example, some organisations may give more importance to testing while others give more
emphasis to interviews and reference checks. Similarly, a single brief selection interview might
be enough for applicants for lower level positions, while applicants for managerial jobs might
be interviewed by several people

Importance of Selection
Selecting the right employees is important for three main reasons: performance, costs and legal

At first, our own performance depends in part of our own subordinates. Employees with right
skills will do a better job for any company and for the owner. Employees without these requisite
skills or who are abrasive would not perform effectively and the company performance will
suffer. So, there is a time to screen out undesirables and to choose the better and perfect
candidate that can effectively contribute to company success.

Second, it is important because it is costly to recruit and hire employees so cost-benefit ratio
must be considered while hiring of employees to avoid any unnecessary wastage of money and
the valuable resources. The total cost of hiring a manager could easily be 10 times as high as
once one adds search fees, interviewing time, reference checking, and travel and moving

Legal Obligations:
Thirdly it is important because of the two legal implications of incompetent hiring. Firstly,
equal employment law requires non-discriminatory selection procedures for selected groups.
Secondly, courts will find the employer liable when employees with criminal records or other
problems use access to customers’ homes to commit crimes. Lawyers call hiring workers with
such backgrounds, without proper safeguards, negligent hiring. So, the negligent hiring
highlights the need to think through what the job human requirements are. So, to avoid the
concept of negligent hiring, it is necessary to make a systematic effort to gain relevant
information about the applicant and verify all the documentation.

Essentials and Prerequisites for Selection:

(1) Picking individuals possessing relevant qualifications.
(2) Matching job requirements with the profile of the candidates.
(3) Using multiple tools and techniques to find the most suitable candidate suitable.
(4) Of achieving success on the job

Selection Process at HCL

HCL Technologies Limited (HCLT) was incorporated in 1991 as HCL Overseas Ltd; the name change was
undertaken in 1999. HCLT is one of the leading Indian IT services companies, offering a wide range of
services including enterprise application services (EAS), engineering and research and development
services (ERS), custom applications, remote infrastructure management services (RIMS), and business
process outsourcing (BPO). It caters to various industry verticals, including financial services,
manufacturing, telecom, retail, life sciences, media and entertainment, and energy and utilities. It
employed over 64,000 people, as of June 30, 2010. KEY HIGHLIGHTS Diversified portfolio of IT services

HCLT offers a range of world-class products and end-to-end business solutions in keeping with the
changing market conditions for various industry segments. HCL is continuously investing and
energising its customer application services (CAS), EAS, RIMS and ERS, businesses that are high growth
in nature. In addition, the company offers BPO services, which include front-office and back-office
support in areas such as operations management, business generation, management support and

Before the final selection process starts, following steps are undertaken -
i) Short-listing the appropriate candidates through their Bio data.

ii) Interviews with HR as well as Functional Head, and Department head to ensure
that the process is effective.
iii) PI test are generally carried out for engineering and executive level
The no. of factors taken into consideration before selection is
I) Experience
ii) Qualification
iii) Previous salary
Once the candidate is selected, he needs to fulfill several formalities that includes-
Application Form- Selected candidates need to fill in an application form that contains
valuable information like- caste, religion, birthplace, address, work experience etc.
Reference Checks- selected candidates are also asked to fill in a reference check form that
demands for information regarding the name, address, designation, organization and
relationship of the hired candidates with the references given by him.
Joining book- selected candidates also need to fill a sixty-page file that contains important
terms and conditions regarding company’s network usage policy etc.

Background verification
HCL requests names, addresses, and telephone numbers of references for verifying information
and perhaps, gaining additional background information on an applicant.
References are not usually checked until an applicant has successfully reached stage of
selection process.
Previous employers are preferable because they are already aware of the applicant’s
It normally seeks letters of reference or telephone references. The latter is advantageous
because of its accuracy and low cost. Previous employers, known as public figures, university
professors, neighbors or friends can act as references. Previous employers are preferable
because they are already aware of the applicant’s performance. But, the problem with this
reference is the tendency on the part of the previous employers to over-rate the applicant’s
performance just to get rid of the person. The telephone reference also has the advantage of
soliciting immediate, relatively candidate comments and attitude can sometimes be inferred
from hesitations and inflections in speech.

It may be stated that the information gathered through references hardly influence selection
decisions. The reasons are obvious:
 The candidate approaches only those persons who would speak well about him.

 People may write favorably about the candidate to get rid of him or her.
 People may not like to divulge the truth about a candidate, lest it might damage or ruin
his/her career.

After obtaining information through the preceding steps, selection decision- the most critical
of all the steps- must be made. The other stages in the selection process have been used to
narrow the number of the candidates. The final decision must be made the pool of individuals
who pass the tests, interviews and reference checks.
The view of the line manager will be generally considered in the final selection because it is
he/she who is responsible for the performance of the new employee. The HR manager plays a
crucial role in the final selection

After the selection decision, the candidate is required to undergo a physical fitness test. A job
offer is, often, contingent upon the candidate being declared fit after the physical examination.
The results of the medical fitness test are recorded in a statement and are preserved in the
personnel records. There are several objectives behind a physical test. Obviously, one reason
for a physical test is to detect if the individual carries any infectious disease. Secondly, the test assists
in determining whether an applicant is physically fit to perform the work. Thirdly, the physical
examination information can be used to determine if there are certain physical capabilities, which
differentiate successful and less successful employees. Fourth, medical check-up protects applicants
with health defects from undertaking work that could be detrimental to them or might otherwise
endanger the employer’s property. Finally, such an examination will protect the employer from workers
compensation claims that are not valid because the injuries or illness were present when the employee
was hired.

There are several objectives behind a physical test:

 One reason for a physical test is to detect if the individual carries any infectious disease.
 Secondly, the test assists in determining whether an applicant is physically fit to perform
the work.
 Thirdly, the physical examination information can be used to determine if there are certain
physical capabilities, which differentiate successful and less successful employees.
 Fourth, medical check-up protects applicants with health defects from undertaking work that
could be detrimental to them or might otherwise endanger the employer’s property.
 Finally, such an examination will protect the employer from workers compensation claims
that are not valid because the injuries or illness were present when the employee was hired.
After passing through the medical checkup the results are positive then PROCESS RESOURCE
UPDATE of new joiners is done.


The next step in the selection process is job offer to those applicants who have crossed all the
previous hurdles. Job offer is made through a letter of appointed. Such a letter generally
contains a date by which the appointee must report on duty. The appointee must be given
reasonable time for reporting. This is particularly necessary when he or she is already in
employment, in which case the appointee is required to obtain a relieving certificate from the
previous employer. Again, a new job may require movement to another city, which means
considerable preparation, and movement of property. The company may also want the
individual to delay the date of reporting on duty. If the new employee’s first job upon joining
the company is to go on company until perhaps a week before such training begins. Naturally,
this practice cannot be abused, especially if the individual is unemployed and does not have
sufficient finances. Decency demands that the rejected applicants be informed about their non-
selection. Their applicants may be preserved for future use, if any.


Bharti Airtel Limited is an Indian global telecommunications services company

based in New Delhi, India. It operates in 16 countries across South Asia and Africa.
Airtel provides GSM, 3G, 4G LTE and VoLTE mobile services, fixed line broadband and
voice services depending upon the country of operation. Airtel had also rolled out
its VoLTE technology across seven telecom circles namely Mumbai, Maharashtra and
Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana,
Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kolkata in India and should roll out the technology in rest
circles by end of March 2018.[6] It is the largest mobile network operator in India and
the third largest in the world with over 386 million subscribers.[7][8] Airtel was named
India's second most valuable brand in the first ever Brands ranking by Millward
Brown and WPP plc.[9]
Airtel is credited with pioneering the business strategy of outsourcing all of its business
operations except marketing, sales and finance and building the 'minutes factory'
model of low cost and high volumes. The strategy has since been adopted by several
operators.[10]Airtel's equipment is provided and maintained by Ericsson, Huawei,
and Nokia Solutions and Networks[11] whereas IT support is provided by IBM


The candidates who are being selected internally need not undergo the selection process. Since
the company already knows the employee’s ability.

Only if the existing employee is good technical ability he will be selected, and the selection
will be done to fill the vacancy.

Moreover, if there is a vacancy in the company first they will try to fill it internally. The team
leaders who works under the project managers will be given priority, since he knows what he
works is, how to deal the clients, etc.



The revenues the existing employee made.

 His efficiency.

 The employee’s technical ability.

 Work experience of the employee.

 Doing the selection internally is cost effective.

 Time is not wasted.

The selection process in company refers to the person come through external source of
recruitment must undergo the above selection process; this selection process has a series of
hurdles which the applicants must undergo if they are selected.










The test refers here is technical test. Bharti Airtel conduct test for the qualified candidates after
they are screened based on the application blanks so as measure the candidate’s ability in
technical side.


This is an interview where the selection members will interview the candidate, here the real
capacity of the applicant will be revealed. Because a series of question will be asked as quickly
as possible and the applicant must satisfy the panel members through his answers.


This is the final round of the entire selection process. In this round the personal details of the
candidates, his expectation towards the company will be known and according to the
applicant’s attitude towards the job the applicant will be selected.


The purpose of this test is to know the technical ability of the candidate.



 To know the information about the candidates.

 To provide the candidates with the facts of the job and the organization.

 To judge the suitability of candidates to the job.

 To see the inner self and feelings of the candidates.




Tests technical engineers

Technical interview HR manager and senior technical persons.

Panel interview HR managers, HR persons, project Manager

Direct interview project Manager.

For test, and technical interview the questions will be designed of Bharti Airtel.

The selection process will be done externally by the company only when there are no suitable
candidates in the company.

For example, when the team leaders lack in technical ability, experience, performance or the
company looks for external selection


Resumes received from consultants and/or from the advertisements released in
Newspaper/Magazine are screened by HRD Department in consultation with the concerned
The shortlisted candidates are contacted for interview through an interview call letter/telephone
call/e-mail l or through the consultants.
Interview schedule is prepared and sent to the concerned Department’s HOD, Interview panel
and a copy is kept for HRD Department records. The Interview Schedule include the
following requirement.


Any candidate appearing for an interview in the company is required to fill in his/her in the
prescribed “Personal Data Form"

Interviews are conducted by a panel, which includes a staff member from the concerned
department and may include a had representative.

Interview assessment Format is filled up by the interview panel immediately after the interview
and all the relevant papers are forwarded to the HRD Department at the earliest. The Interview
Assessment include the following form which considers the following information



In this 80% of employees agreed that organization do proper job analysis for better candidate’s.
8.6% said no and 11.4 persons said that may or may not do proper job analysis

In this 71% said that organization clearly defend their job duties and job duties while appearing
selection process and 23% of persons said that they didn’t clearly informed .so maximum
number of companies are they don’t inform duties to candidates appearing for selection process


75% of employees think that organization prefer refer candidates.20% of employees think that
organization prefer refer candidates. This leads to loss of productivity of organization because
they lack skills

65% persons are agreed to selection process methods they are reliable. And 20 percent of
people voted may are may not ,40 percent of people doubting


65% of respondents agreed that organizations conduct the recruitment and selection process in
a timed schedule, while 20 % of people did not agree and 14.3% of respondents are neutral.

Is advise available Hr during selection process?

In this 66% of respondents feel that there are having advices to hr during selection process. And 25%
feels that they don’t and 9% feels neutral so they felt that hr. doesn’t provide adequate pool of

In this case 30% of people voted as rating number 2 because he doesn’t find applicants in nontraditional
sources whenever organization require


In this majority of people agreed organization look experience candidates because experience candidate
gives more productivity


In this most of the respondents66% feel that hr provide adequate pool of candidates. 25% feels that they
don’t and 9% feel that they may be provide

Majority of people agreed that organization use satisfactory methods in interview for selecting
appropriate candidates

Most of the people think that resume screening and shortlisting the candidates are used for


Success of every business enterprise depends on its human resource. selecting the right people
for your business is a challenge. Finding the right man for the job and developing him into a
valuable resource is an indispensable requirement of every organization. Proper recruitment
helps the line managers to work most effectively in accomplishing the primary objective of the
enterprise. To harness the human energies in the service or organizational goals, every manager
is expected to pay proper attention to recruitment and selection activities in an organization.
Thus, personnel functions recruitment and selection, when carried out properly, would enable
the organization to hire and retain the services of the best brains in the market. The recruitment
process informs qualified individuals
aboutemployment opportunities, create a positive image of the company, provide enough
their qualifications and interests, and generate enthusiasm among the bestcandidates so that th
ey will apply for the vacant positions. Recruitmentrepresents the first contact that a company
makes with potentialemployees. It is through recruitment that many individuals will come to
know accompany, and eventually decide whether they wish to work for it.


 Using this survey that could identify the SELECT modules conducted in the
organization, various factors considered in selection process and the satisfaction level
of the employee towards the selection process
 After Analysis of the company selection procedure I found out the company is using
quite effective method of doing selection of candidates and they always take in
consideration. The cost benefit ratio which is quite important from the long perspective
of hiring employees
 The most important feature in company’s selection policy is that we need to take in
consideration the ratio between the turn-up and line-up candidates, and after analysis
I found it most of the employees are also holding the same opinion.
 The ratio of selected candidates to joining candidates is quite effective and highest in
number as the employees being selected are also of the view that they are analysed
properly and effectively.


 organizations must select healthy and suitable employees capable of achieving high
productivity, they should devise a formal and logical selection process and consistently
adhere to it without deviations. Also, they should always consider factors such as
experience, educational qualification, location, etc., with no iota of bias, discrimination or
favouritism during their selection process
 Most of the respondent were satisfied but changes are required according to the changing
scenario as selection process has a great impact on the working of the company as a fresh
blood, new idea enters
 Selection process is good, but it should also be modified according to the requirements and
should job profile so that main objective of selecting the candidate could be achieved
 Conduct another interview, if necessary. Sometimes it may be difficult to judge a candidate’s
potentiality in a single interview session. In this case, the candidate may be called for another
interview that will ultimately improve the validity of the selection process.

Berkson, M. Howard., Ferris, R. Gerald., & Harris, M. Michael. (2003). The recruitment
interview process: Persuasion and organization reputation promotion in competitive labour
markets. HRM Review, 19(2), 362-367
Buda, R. (2003). The interactive effect of message framing, presentation order, and source
credibility on recruitment practices. International Journal of Management, 20(2), 156-164.
Camp, Richaurd., Vielhaber, E. Mary., & Simonetti, L. Jack. (2001). Strategic interviewing:
How to hire good people. San Francisco: Jossey – Bass


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