An Exploratory Study On Kenyan Consumer Ordering Habits: Final Report

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An Exploratory Study on Kenyan Consumer Ordering Habits

Final Report
June 2012

Executive Summary 3
Key Research Findings 3
Challenges and Recommendations 4
Background 5
The Partners 8
Research Objectives 8
Research Methods 9
Research Methods 9
Sample Design 9
Current Consumer Ordering Habits 11
Current Delivery/Distribution Processes in Place 16
Challenges With Current Ordering and Distribution
Processes 21
Preferred Platforms for Placing Orders 23
Preferred Distribution Mechanism for Ordered Items 27
Preference for a Proposed Mobile Shop Solution 29
Conclusions 30

Executive Summary
Weza Tele (Nairobi, Kenya) and iHub Research (Nairobi, Kenya) conducted a 2-month ex-
ploratory study in Nairobi beginning in March 2012 to understand various consumers’ or-
dering and vendors’ distribution habits. At one time or other, a consumer will place an or-
der, make a payment for this order and receive the order. Given new trends arising in the
supply and distribution sector, such as e-commerce and m-commerce, the study set out
to understand the following: current habits in this sector; challenges experienced by both
consumers and sellers; preferred methods of ordering and distribution of goods and ser-
vices; the demand for an online mobile commerce solution. The findings of the research
would inform Weza Tele and other e-commerce companies on the opportunities that lie in
the management of the supply and distribution chains in the area of m-commerce. There
were a total of 28 customer respondents and 21 seller respondents interviewed in vari-
ous locations in and around the Nairobi Central Business District.

Key Research Findings

The major findings from this research are:

• Ordering Trends: Most consumers (82%) are currently making their

orders manually and similarly, most sellers (85.7%) process manually
placed orders. Despite majority of sellers (62%) having a point of sales
(POS) system, many (95%) still received orders manually by writing on a
physical piece of paper and later recording these sales in their system.
Payment of these orders is also mainly via cash (90.4% of payments
to vendors) followed by mobile money payments (mostly the M-Pesa
payments). Each consumer places at least one order a day while the
number of orders received by vendors is largely dependent on their core
• Distribution Trends: Current delivery trends are not deviant from
the ordering trends. 71.4% of customers interviewed currently either
queue or wait for their orders to be prepared and take them with them
after payment. Delivery of ordered goods is not a common method of
distribution of ordered items (only 3.6% of customers said they waited
for their goods to be delivered to them). Deliveries are mainly made for
orders that are placed via a phone call or online and are conditional, based
on the location of the customer.
• Preferred ordering methods: Despite the frustrations of manual
ordering, many consumers and sellers (35.7% and 42.9% respectively)
still prefer the process to remain manual as it is a more trusted method

and there is a guarantee of the quality of goods received. A mobile phone
system is least preferred with 90% of consumers interviewed favoring it
less than the e-platforms and phone call orders. On the other hand, all the
seller respondents were averse to the e-platform methods preferring the
mobile phone system instead for its efficiency.
• Preferred distribution methods: Consumers would prefer if their orders
were delivered to them (50% of consumers), or they pick-up when ready
(32%), as compared to them coming in to queue to receive their orders.
These methods, they believe are timesaving and eliminate the issue of
wrong orders respectively. The sellers on the other hand prefer to deliver
the goods or that the consumers queue to pick up their goods (38% each
for sellers and buyers). Some businesses require the consumers to come
in physically because of consultation and it would not be possible to use
means such as the phone call orders.
• Preference for a Mobile commerce solution: Most customers (71.4%)
and sellers (81%) are interested in a mobile commerce solution where
one can manage the entire distribution chain: make orders; payments
and deliveries of these orders. However, many would still like to see a
demonstration of such an application before they decide to use it.

Challenges and Recommendations

In terms of challenges faced by consumers, most of these were due to the length of time
it takes to receive an order as a result of the very manual aspects of the ordering and
distribution processes. The sellers also face technical difficulties when the systems they
have put in place fail.

In as much as there may be automated solutions to ease some of these challenges and
improve the experience of the consumers, it seems like there is a need for providers of
these solutions to dispel the trust issues as they market these products as well as come
up with feasible mechanisms to guarantee quality of goods received that have been or-
dered via their platforms.

E-commerce or electronic commerce is the purchasing, selling, and exchanging of goods
and services over computer networks (such as the Internet) i.e. transactions or terms of
sale are performed electronically. Contrary to popular belief, e-commerce processes do
not just occur on the web only. In fact, e-commerce was alive and well in use in business-
to-business transactions before the invention of the internet, back in the 70s. Such trans-
actions back then were made via an intranet, or Value-Added Networks (VANs), known as
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

E-commerce can be broken into four main categories:

• B2B – Business-to-Business,
• B2C – Business –to-Consumer,
• C2B – Consumer-to-Business, and
• C2C – Consumer-to-Consumer.1
Over time and with the increased penetration of the mobile ecosystem, a new subset of
E-commerce has come up, M-Commerce, which stands for Mobile Commerce, and refers to
commercial transactions being conducted over cellular and mobile devices. M-commerce
has created new opportunities such as the ability to purchase physical goods in a mobile
online store or through mobile applications that interact closely with the physical store’s
point-of-sale system. This is an advantageous mechanism for commerce as it bypasses
the checkout process, which includes queuing and physically waiting to order and pur-
chase goods.

Mobile Payments also known as mobile money, generally refer to payment services that
are operated under financial regulation and performed from or via a mobile device.2 These
mobile payments can be integrated into the e-commerce and m-commerce platforms to
provide a convenient mechanism to pay for the good and services on the online plat-
forms. These 3 aspects (e-commerce, m-commerce and mobile payments), together, form
the E-commerce eco-system.

According to the latest Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) statistics3 there is

a significant increase in the number of mobile subscribers in the country, up from 26.49
million subscriptions recorded during the previous quarter, to 28.08 million mobile sub-
scriptions as of January 2012. This represents a mobile penetration of 71% of the total

Prof. Channa G., Solapur,
Mas, I. and Radcliffe D., Mobile Payments go Viral: M-PESA in Kenya; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ,March 2010
Quarterly Sector Statistics Report, 2nd Quarter, Communications Commission of Kenya, October-December

population. Similarly, data services and usage still continues to remarkably increase with
a recorded 6,152,687 Internet subscriptions up from 5.4 million during the previous quar-
ter. This actually represents an estimated number of 17.38 million Internet users in the
country i.e. Internet penetration by these figures now stands at 36%, an unbelievable
95% increase from the previous year.

These figures show that there is clearly potential for adoption and increased usage of e-
commerce transactions in the market. Further, the m-commerce is also presented with a
great market as 98% of the Internet access is driven through 3G/EDGE/GPRS, essentially,
a mobile device.

The CCK latest report also takes a keen focus on mobile payment and related statis-
tics. They report that there are 18.9 million mobile money transfers recorded from about
70% of total mobile subscriptions that are also subscribed to mobile money services. It is
worth noting too that Kshs. 176 billion worth of deposits were made to 47,997 agents
over those three months.

To strengthen the significance of these numbers are the mobile payment companies that
have capitalized on these opportunities arising and are dominating money transfer ser-
vices in Kenya. Among the key players and stakeholders in the industry is M-PESA (M for
mobile, Pesa is Swahili for money), a small-value electronic payment and store of value
system that is accessible from ordinary mobile phones. M-PESA has seen exception-
al growth since its introduction by mobile phone operator Safaricom in Kenya in March

Other notable mobile payment services and companies that exist include:
• Pesapal: Pesapal is an e-Commerce platform whose focus is on Kenya. It
is built to work seamlessly with Kenya’s main mobile payment services,
that is, Airtel’s Mobile Money and Safaricom’s M-Pesa
• KopoKopo: KopoKopo offers a software-as-a-service platform that
enables microfinance institutions to integrate one or multiple mobile
money systems with their core banking software on a pay-as-you-go
• M-payer: MPAYER is an application tailored for businesses and
organizations that would like to accept and manage cash and/or mobile
money payments with need for real-time customer feedback experience.

Currently in many commercial business that deal with ordering and delivery of products
or services, there are day-to-day problems of long queues, order delays, payment and
delivery management, costly brokers in the middle of the distribution channel, and orders
placed by calling that are inefficient and cumbersome. For example, most restaurants
and eateries in Nairobi face these problems, which lead to customer dissatisfaction, com-
plaints, costly brokers, and inefficient order and delivery management. Thus, desiring

Mas, I. and Radcliffe D., Mobile Payments go Viral: M-PESA in Kenya; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ,March 2010

to tap into the over 26.4 million mobile subscribers, many businesses are interested in
showcasing their products online, as well as allowing their customers to place orders
through their mobile phone in a bid to increase not only market but also the efficacy of
these ordering and distribution channels.

Weza Tele, in collaboration with iHub Research, conducted a research study to demystify
current and potential consumer ordering and delivery habits, especially with regards to
the mobile commerce space in Kenya by first evaluating and understanding the consumer
ordering habits and the delivery/distribution mechanisms currently in place.

The Partners
Weza Tele
Weza Tele is a visionary firm that leverages on tech-
nologies such as, USSD-the focal technology, Mobile
Web, and SMS to provide order management, distri-
bution, tracking, circulation and validation solutions.
Weza Tele also offers reliable customer service, sup-
port and maintenance to its clients. Their core ob-
jective is to provide innovative solutions to supply chain problems, with an emphasis on
order management, validation, and tracking.

iHub Research
Findings on the participation of African researchers of
ICTD in academic publications highlight emerging con-
cern for African researchers and their low level of rep-
resentation in formal academic literature. Dismayed by
such low levels of research stemming from Africa, iHub—
Nairobi’s Tech Innovation Center—decided to develop a research arm to facilitate local
research capacity building and to conduct local qualitative and quantitative research in
Africa. iHub Research works from within the nerve center of Kenya’s technology com-
munity. The organization has expertise in technology research and facilitates local ICT
research capacity in the region. iHub Research brings information on technology and its
uses to the technology community, enabling entrepreneurs and developers to make bet-
ter decisions on what to build and how to build it.

Research Objectives
The main objectives of this research therefore are:

1. Investigate current consumers ordering and delivery habits

2. Identify potential for injection of mobile commerce into the existing
ordering and delivery mechanisms.

Research Methods
Specifically, this research aimed to address the following 5 questions to determine the
current ordering processes being utilized in the service chain.
1. What are the current ordering processes in place?
2. What are the current delivery/distribution processes in place?
3. How do consumers prefer to order for their products/service using the
different platforms, e.g. Mobile phone devices, Desktop, Pick up, phone
call orders?
4. What would people order using their preferred platform?
5. What would consumers prefer their orders to be delivered or pick up?

Research Methods
Mixed methods were used to conduct this research, which included In-depth interviews,
survey questionnaires, observations, and desk research for the initial literature review.

Sample Design
Originally, the research was to target a sample size of 36 research participants that would
comprise of:

• 20 individuals from restaurants and coffee houses (10 management + 10

customers) around CBD and Ngong road
• 10 individuals from the community, e.g. in Bishop Magua building
• 2 individuals from supermarkets (preferably Uchumi and Nakumatt)
• 4 individuals from distribution/delivery companies (Nitume, MamaMikes,
Rush Nairobi, Petty Errands)

However, at the end of the research data collection, 49 respondents from different busi-
ness environments were interviewed i.e.: Restaurants, Pharmacies, Clothes Stores, Deliv-
ery/Distribution Companies, Grocery Stores, Coffee Shops, Supermarkets and Electronics

Of these respondents, 28 were customers of the various business as well as general cus-
tomers, and the remaining 21 respondents were business owners and sellers.

Figure 1.0: Respondent Demographics (Customers)

Figure 2.0: Respondent Demographics (Sellers)

Main Findings
Current Consumer Ordering Habits
Physical orders, followed closely by the phone call orders are most prominent features
of consumer ordering behaviors. Payment by cash is the most dominant means of pay-
ing for orders although more and more customers are also using the credit card payment
methods when they place their orders at the different stores. A growing trend observed
in this research is that of making payments for orders via mobile payments systems, the
most popular being the M-Pesa service. Mobile payments were ranked third by the re-
spondents interviewed in the survey in terms of popularity.

Vendors have not yet embraced automated ordering systems despite the fact that more
than half of them have point of sale systems installed in their business. They first take
orders manually on a piece of paper before keying them into their systems afterwards.

All consumers make at least one order a day. On the other hand, the number of orders
received by vendors on average, is largely dependent on their core business, with large
retail stores such as the supermarket recording the highest number (up to 100 orders),
while more specialized stores such as the pharmacies and grocery stores only recording
less than 50 orders in a day. Despite some businesses having deliveries as their core
business, they also still registered very few orders

Most orders are paid for physically/manually

Majority of consumers generally place their orders physically at the shop as they are
buying the item and make their payments immediately after in cash. These orders are
manually taken in by the vendors, which may then be keyed into a point of sales system
or manually recorded in a ledger book.

82% of the customers interviewed stated that currently they walk in, are served and
then pay immediately afterwards. Of these walk-in customers, 82% of the consumers
pay for their orders in cash while 8.7% of the consumers pay by using either cash or M-
Pesa (mobile money) and another 8.7% use either cash or a credit card.

Figure 3.0: How consumers make and pay for their orders

7% of respondents place orders through their phones by calling the vendors, but also
place orders physically to the store. These orders, they reported, are paid for either by
cash, credit card or M-Pesa. An equal percentage doubles up physical ordering with phone
call orders, which they pay using M-Pesa, cash or credit card. The online platform was not
popular with only one of the respondents stating that they made their orders online and
paid for these using a credit card or cash.

The vendors interviewed corroborated these findings that walk in’s dominated the cur-
rent ordering habits with 85.7% of these stating that most of their customers came phys-
ically to their shops or stores to make their orders. Of these, 44.44% said that phone call
orders also played a big role in how their customers placed their orders. 14.2% vendors
stated that they receive orders through, call, email/online platform and SMS as well.

Figure 4.0: How vendors receive payments for ordered goods

Furthermore, 90.4% vendors receive payments via cash regularly with credit cards as
the next most common method of receiving payments for services rendered or goods or-
dered. Of the 21 sellers interviewed, 57% said that they received credit cards as supple-
mentary methods of payment. M-Pesa was third most popular, with 52.38% of vendors
stating they also received payments via the mobile money platform.

Most (95.2%) of the vendors reported manually receiving orders with the remaining ven-
dors, an online retail shop, stating that their ordering system was automated because
all their processes occurred online. Of the 20 vendors with manual systems, 60% stated
that they first received the orders, recorded them in a ledger or a piece of paper physi-
cally, before keying them into their machines later. The remaining 40% described their
manual system by stating that customers physically came in and personally made, col-
lected their orders or had them delivered to them.

Regardless, 62% of the total vendors have a point of sales system (POS) that automates
their sales processes. The modal POS was a system called Micros, which was used by
30.7% of these vendors. The second most popular was the ERP and ISALES systems
used by 15.3% of vendors each. Other POS that received mentions include Cistech, the
Barclays/KCB merchant points, EPOS and Navison.

Figure 5.0: Manual vs. Automated Vendors

Number of orders received in a day dependent on core

Most customers make at least an order a day with vendors recording anywhere between
5 to over a 1000 orders placed with them daily, largely dependent on the nature of the

All customers interviewed stated making orders at least once a day. 75% of the consum-
ers reported that they only made an order a day, while 17.85% stated making orders
twice a day. 7.14% stated that they made at least 3 to 5 orders daily.

Figure 6.0: Average number of orders placed by consumers in a day

The vendors on the other hand received varying amounts of orders, depending on their
core business. The busier vendors with a larger clientele base such as the supermarkets
recorded orders reaching up to 1000 in number.

Majority of the medium scale business (29%) such as the grocery shop, the pharmacy
and a few restaurants receive 30-50 orders a day. The companies interviewed whose
core business is making deliveries, had surprisingly few orders processed in a day, i.e.
0-10 orders. The other restaurants and pharmacies interviewed recorded 150-500 orders
received in a day.

Figure 7.0: Average Number of orders received in a day by various businesses

Current Delivery/Distribution Processes in Place

Current delivery trends are not deviant from the ordering trends. Particularly, as custom-
ers prefer to make their orders physically, as expected, they either queue or wait for their
orders to be prepared and take them with them after payment. Delivery of ordered goods
is not a common method of distribution of ordered items with only one consumer stat-
ing that they waited for their orders to be delivered while majority of the vendors also
reported that they made less than 10 deliveries in a day.

Nevertheless, customers who favor the delivery method of distribution are those whose
orders are typically placed by phone call. These customers leave instructions on where
and when they would like the deliveries to be made and often make payments after the
deliveries have been made. However, the deliveries are conditional, based on the location
of the customer with most sellers only distributing with a 5-8km radius of their business.
Queuing most popular method of receiving orders
Most of the consumers queue to obtain their orders, and often have to wait to receive
their orders for a period of time between 5-20 minutes.

Figure 8.0: How consumers order and receive their orders

71.4% of the customers interviewed said that they mainly queued to wait for their order.
All of these are customers who had previously stated that they physically walk into the
shop or store to make their orders. Most of them (90.47%) also stated that they usually
waited between 5-20 minutes to receive the orders they had placed. This was also men-
tioned as a common occurrence by vendors with 57% of them stating that their custom-
ers often queued to obtain their orders. Two of the businesses provided a seating area
for these customers to wait from.

Only one consumer stated that they wait for their order to be delivered by the seller,
a process that usually takes 10 minutes after the order has been placed online. The
remaining consumers (25%) stated that they would make the order prior and then walk
in to collect the order afterward when it was ready for pick-up. 42.85% of these had
mentioned that they generally placed their orders by phone and all of them stated it took
anywhere between 5 minutes to half an hour to pick-up these orders.

Figure 9.0: Average time it takes to receive order via the various methods

Many vendors also provide an option for delivery of orders placed beforehand. 80.9% of
the vendor respondents stated that they did give their customers the option of person-
alized delivery, depending on the location of the customers. Regardless, this was not a
very popular means for collection of orders with 82% of the vendors stating that they
only made less than ten deliveries in a day. 9.5% other vendors each had between 30-50
deliveries (an online shop) to make in a day and 60-150 deliveries (a restaurant) respec-

Figure 10.0: Average Number of deliveries in a day by various businesses

Phone call orders mainly distributed by delivery

Customers who need to pick up their orders may have placed their orders prior through a
phone call and wait up to thirty minutes before they come in to collect their orders. Ac-
cording to the survey, most of the orders (76.4%) made for delivery were made via phone
calls to the vendor together with instructions for delivery, after which payments for the
order were made upon receipt of the goods.

Only one vendor received their orders and payments on an online platform with instruc-
tions for delivery; their core business operates from this online platform. The remain-
ing three vendors had their customers walk in, place order and pay for the goods then
wait for the orders to be delivered according to the instructions left behind. These were
mainly the large supermarkets interviewed.

Delivery of orders aminly within a 5-8Km radius
The orders come with instructions for delivery which normally is within Nairobi (the envi-
rons of the business) even though others have a country wide distribution network and
may also deliver anywhere in the world through partnerships with established courier
services such as EMS.

58.8% (n=10) of the vendors who do deliveries, mainly made the deliveries within a 5-8
km radius of the business, or the environs of Nairobi. 2 other vendors made deliveries up
to upcountry as well, while 3 made deliveries both within the country as well as abroad,
as far as US and South Africa. One vendor enlisted the services of a courier company to
ship abroad deliveries that were not within Kenya.
Location of customer greatly influences deliveries
The time it takes to make deliveries mainly depends on the location of the customer.
50% of the vendors approximated about one hour to make a delivery while those who do
deliveries only within Nairobi stated that it took an estimated time of 15 minutes to 20
minutes to make the deliveries. A couple of the vendors stated an allowance of anywhere
between half a day to a full day to ensure the delivery reached the customer. 12 vendors
(70.5%) who do deliveries have in their employment 2-10 employees to handle these de-
liveries while 2 other vendors have about 20 people to assist with deliveries and another,
more than 40 people. These companies with large staff numbers dealing with deliveries
are those that receive high traffic of orders for delivery and have a fully-fledged distribu-
tion infrastructure. One vendor actually outsources all its delivery process to a courier

A trend observed from the interviews was that motorbike riders and delivery vehicles did
majority of the delivery with 70.5% of the vendors relying on these means for their de-
liveries. One company makes use of the courier vehicles while the other sends their staff
on foot to make these deliveries to areas that are close to the business location.

Location of customer greatly influences collection of orders

Only one grocery shop and one pharmacy among the interviewed sellers stated that they
did not have an option for pick-ups. The other vendors who allow for pick-ups receive
different numbers of requests to do pick-ups: 31.5% of vendors receive less than 5 re-
quests; 31.5% vendors have 6-10 customers doing pick-ups daily; 10.5% vendors have
11-20 customers coming in to collect their prior orders and 15.8% others 20-30 custom-
ers. The average amount of time it takes these vendors to prepare orders for pick up is
15 minutes. Most of the vendors stated that this largely depended on the availability
and nature of the product that has been ordered. 9.5% vendors each take about 20-30
minutes to prepare items for collection while a similar number require at least an hour to
do so.

Similarly, the vendors reasoned that the time it took for customers to collect their items
was variable to the location of the customer placing the order. 7 of these vendors, (36%)
stated that it took their customers one hour to come pick-up their ordered items; 4 other

vendors (21%) gave half an hour as an estimate for the time it took their customers to
come in to collect their ordered items.

It is observed that according to the information collected from these vendors, all the or-
ders for collection were ready before the customers coming in to collect them.

Figure 11.0: Pick-up Requests received daily by varoius businesses

Challenges With Current Ordering and Distribution

In terms of challenges faced by consumers, most of these arose as a result of the very
manual aspects of the ordering and distribution processes. Customers complain of having
to wait in long and disorderly queues to get their orders. Further, the sellers face techni-
cal difficulties when the systems they have put in place fail. Further, many of them are
sometimes not able to handle the number of orders coming in with requests for delivery.
Payment defaults are also reported challenges

Faced by Consumers
The current ordering and delivery processes have not been without their challenges with
85.71% of the interviewed consumer respondents stating that they experience frustra-
tions with current ordering systems.

The greatest challenge faced by these consumers is in relation to the length of time they
wait before they are served. Several (42.8%) of the consumers complained that they
waited for a long period of time before they could make/receive their orders. Another
major challenge that arose with regards to the current mechanisms in place was that
those who queued for their orders stood in long queues that were sometimes disorderly
with overcrowding around the counters contributing to this issue (41.6%). Other chal-

lenges that consumers face include; difficulty in locating items they require; regular price
fluctuations without warning; failure to process credit card payments.

Of the four users who do not receive challenges with their current ordering processes,
one of them orders for items online while three are walk-in customers who had also
stated that they pay in cash.

Figure 12.0: Challenges faced by Consumers

Faced by Sellers
76.19% of the sellers interviewed reported facing several challenges with regards to the
ordering and distribution processes they have in place as well. 31.25% of these sellers
face challenges with the technologies that they have in place to assist in the ordering
and distribution process stating that sometimes they experience system failures, or slow
systems which may result in long wait and queues to receive orders.

18.75% other sellers stated that sometimes they were overwhelmed by the number of
deliveries that they had to make or orders they receive, and find themselves under capac-
ity to handle all the orders coming in. 18.75% others mentioned that they faced difficul-
ties whenever their stock was is short supply or not there at all.

31.25% sellers moreover stated that some customers delayed on making payments or
defaulted altogether. In addition, they also complained that it confused them when their
customers were undecided and changed or withdrew their orders completely.

Figure 13.0: Challenges faced by Sellers

Preferred Platforms for Placing Orders

Most consumers and sellers wish for more efficient ordering mechanisms to ease the
challenges they currently face when ordering. Some vendors believe that the delivering
services are costly to the business and would wish to stop these.

Despite the frustrations of manual ordering, many consumers and sellers would still pre-
fer the process to remain manual, stating trust and guarantee of the quality of goods
received; they are able to verify their orders before purchase. A mobile phone system is
least preferred with consumers favoring it less than the e-platforms and phone call or-
ders. On the other hand, the sellers are averse to the e-platform methods preferring the
mobile phone system instead for its efficiency.

Consumers and Vendors wish for more efficient systems in
Based on the challenges mentioned in the previous section, some consumers wished for
better ordering processes than those that they actually used. 21.43% of them would
prefer a system that was much faster to avoid time wastage and overcrowding when it
came to queuing. 14.29% of customers further preferred that the orders they place be
delivered in a timely manner, with one of them talking about paying for that order via
M-Pesa. 7.14% would like it if the retailer called them whenever their orders were ready.
Another 10.71% would prefer if the retailer expanded the space of their premises and
7.14% a well stocked and well organized business premises. 7.14% of consumers also
stated that they would enjoy making phone orders, one using an order number system,
one online orders and one other anything that did not involve him queuing for his order.

Vendors wished for more efficient systems to handle the ordering service to delivery
process in their businesses. 19.05% sellers wanted to introduce more vehicles and mo-
torcycles to speed up and increase the efficiency of the delivery processes in place.
9.52% other vendors however, wanted to stop doing deliveries because it was costly for
the business. 19.05% of other vendors also suggested a possible system for automat-
ing stocktaking and therefore increasing the efficiency in receiving supplies and orders.
23.81% vendors proposed finding a way to serve and attend to customer deliveries bet-
ter with two suggesting the use of tools such as the mobile phone.

Greater preference for manual ordering systems

In terms of actual ordering platforms, regardless of the frustrations experienced in cur-
rent ordering systems, most of the consumers still prefer to use a manual ordering sys-
tem i.e. queuing to place your order. 35.71% consumers stated that they would prefer
this method giving the main reason of a guarantee of receiving the correct order. Other
reasons given include that they are used to manual ordering, and won’t need to pay extra
or waste time for delivery or phone calls. 32.14% consumers said they would prefer plac-
ing their orders via phone call orders due to certainty of delivery and faster deliveries.
21.42% consumers preferred E-commerce or a desktop platform stating that it was an
easier, faster and safer route to use while the least popular was a mobile phone ordering
system with only 10.71% consumers preferring it, saying that it was faster and present-
ed you with a menu of what is available.

Figure 14.0: Methods Users Would Prefer To Use To Order

Majority of the sellers (42.86%) favored the manual ordering with most of them rea-
soning that it was best because their customers can get to see goods before ordering,
reducing the number of complaints of wrong orders. Others preferred this method as the
primary business require for consultation (medicines from a pharmacy) or fitting (as is the
case of the clothes store). 23.81% vendors also preferred the phone call orders system
claiming it to be a straightforward line of communication with client, therefore, making it
easier to describe orders.

None of the sellers interviewed were interested in the e-commerce/desktop platforms

but 38.1% of them said they would like to implement the mobile phone system order-
ing stating that it would make the process easier and save on time. 7.14% of these said
they would prefer it primarily because they would like to try it out. Only one seller would
prefer an SMS ordering system because they could use the SMS received to reference the

Among the items that interviewed respondents said they would order using these pre-
ferred platforms include: clothes, hair and beauty products, food stuff, medicine, grocer-
ies and stationeries’ with the biggest reason cited being that these were items they
were to use.

Figure 15.0: Goods Users Would Prefer To Order on the Different Platforms

Majority of the sellers stated their prime business goods as the items they would like
their customers to order via the preferred platform stating that it was the only items they
dealt with.

Preferred Distribution Mechanism for Ordered Items
Most of the consumers would prefer if their orders were delivered to them, or they pick-
up when ready, as compared to them coming in to queue to receive their orders. These
methods, they believe are timesaving and eliminate the issue of wrong orders respec-

The sellers on the other hand prefer to deliver the goods or that the consumers queue
to pick up their goods. Some businesses require the consumers to come in physically
because of consultation and it would not be possible to use means such as the phone
call orders. The businesses that have not implemented deliveries, condition on introduc-
ing the option with expansion of the business and would rather do it themselves than
engage a delivery company due to cumbersome logistical issues.

Delivery option most Preferred for receiving ordered items

50% of the customers surveyed would most prefer if their orders were delivered to them
while 32.14% most preferred to pick-up their orders when they were ready. 17.86% cus-
tomers most preferred queuing to receive their orders. Of those who preferred the deliv-
eries to be done directly to them, 14.29% cited laziness as the main reason for preferring
this option and one stated that he would often forget to go collect his orders. However,
the remaining 78.57% believed it was a time saving process as some were too busy to
go collect their orders and others thought it cumbersome to travel to and fro to collect
their orders.

The customers who most preferred to pick up their orders mostly believed that this meth-
od would eliminate the problem of wrong deliveries as they could scrutinize the goods
they ordered before paying and leaving. 33% of these also thought that it would elimi-
nate the process of waiting to receive order if they came to collect it once it was ready
and hence time saving. Similarly, the customers who would prefer to queue stated that
it was easier for them to change their orders especially if what they received were not
what they had in mind when they came in to purchase. One of these respondents particu-
larly believed by queuing he could save money that he would otherwise pay for delivery
of the same article.

Figure 16.0: Methods Users Would Prefer To Use To Receive Their Orders

In terms of preferences for distributing customer orders, 38.1% vendors most preferred
to deliver the customer orders. 75% of these stated that they would like to ensure their
customer satisfaction and 37.5% others also stated that deliveries was their core busi-
ness and definitely preferred the method. Another 38.1% vendors on the other hand
preferred that their customers queue for their orders with one of them stating that they
did not want to be held liable for any eventualities from the delivery process such as
damaged goods in transit. 25% vendors thought that by letting the customers queue,
they would give them a better service experience while 14.29% vendors preferred if
their customers were free to choose goods physically as it also promoted impulse buying
therefore increasing their business.

9.52% of the vendors would like if their customers picked up their ordered goods to
ensure customer satisfaction and adequate preparatory period for vendor to prepare for
the goods while another 9.52% did not have any particular preference stating that they
would go with whichever platforms their customers liked.

Those who had not yet implemented deliveries into the businesses, only 36.36% were
considering to do so with 27.27% basing this on the condition of the business growing.
Others like the pharmacies require the patient to come in for consultation and did not
think this as a feasible idea. While one other did not have adequate resources in terms of
delivery vehicles.

Only one of these vendors would then consider working with existing companies that do
deliveries as their core business to distribute your products/services to your customers.
This vendor thought it advantageous to maximize on the delivery companies existing re-
sources to solve their delivery issue. The remainder thought it as a cumbersome compli-
cated process that would also prove to be expensive in the long run to outsource delivery

Preference for a Proposed Mobile Commerce Solution
Great Customer Interest in Potential Mobile Solution
The interviewer proposed the idea of a customized mobile solution to the customer and
vendor respondents that would integrate ordering and distribution processes. Essential-
ly, this proposed solution is a mash up of the entire distribution chain from ordering to
payment to distribution of orders and is supposed to ease the challenges faced in these
71.43% of the customer respondents showed interest in such a solution with the remain-
ing 28.57% saying that they were not interested in it. Only one respondent who particu-
larly said he was not interested stated the reason, ‘No, I want to be sure that what I have
ordered for is what I will receive… these systems tend not to give me the confidence of

One of the respondents interested in this solution said it was conditioned on the fact
that there were no extra charges for such a service while the others said it was helpful
to manage expectations especially with regards to the status of their order as it is being
delivered. In terms of reliability, another 80% respondents believed it would be a reliable
system as it was time saving. 10% however were not sure, as they had never tried such
a system before.

46.43% customers foresaw such a system being a cause of frustration and cited the fol-
lowing reasons for this:
• It could become a slow system if there were numerous users on it
• There may be some form of system failure
• There was no guarantee of obtaining what you order for and in a timely
• A customer would not be able to negotiate prices on such a system.
• Customers are not accustomed to it and some may not know how to use it

Current ordering verses Preferred ordering habits:
The more versatile the services and goods offered coupled with the size of the business,
it seems, the more the orders they receive. With all consumers stating to order at least
once a day, each faced with frustrations, it shows that there is great potential for any
form of intervention in the distribution chain.

However, based on the responses received, despite customers currently make orders
physically, a system that has been marred by challenges such as long waits for orders,
there was no remarkable difference in their preference of ordering system, with the con-
sumer still preferring the physical queuing system that allows them to manually place
their orders. This has been shown to be as a result of lack of trust in the virtual mecha-
nisms of placing orders, primarily because the customers do not seem to think they have
a guarantee on the quality and accuracy of the order they will receive.

In the same light, customers are also wary of making payments prior to reception of goods
for the same reason, preferring instead, to making payments by cash upon delivery.

Phone call ordering and mobile money payments seem to be a potential area to exploit
given that more and more consumers are adopting these mechanisms as they go about
ordering and receiving their orders from the vendors. E-platforms remain largely unpopu-
lar with few customers currently using it to order and even fewer wanting to use it to

Current distribution vs. Preferred distribution habits:

Regardless of the fact that customers still want to manually place their orders, there is
potential to switch from the current queuing methods for collection to adopting more and
more delivery services as most customers want to embrace delivery systems of distribu-
tion. This could be as a result of the frustrations that arise when the customer has to
wait for long to collect their orders. This shows potential for growth in deliveries in the
distribution chain.
Potential for a mobile solution
There is a marked potential for a mobile solution that cohesively mashes up the entire
distribution chain from ordering to payment to distribution of orders with majority of
respondents believing it to be a very reliable and attractive to market solution. However,
most of these respondents foresee frustrations arising from the actual delivery of the
goods and system failure but reserve further opinion of the system until they have tried

out the mobile commerce system.

Moreover, so as to solve some of these challenges and foreseen frustrations from both
the sellers and consumers, it is necessary to address the main points of concern for the
virtual methods of ordering and delivery processes. Particularly, there needs to be a way
in which to guarantee the quality of the products received by those who would place
orders on an online or mobile platform and an organized micro-distribution system of the
ordered goods ensuring an effective eco-system that mashes up the entire distribution
chain from ordering to payment to distribution of orders to make the virtual ordering pro-
cesses work efficiently. Building this eco-system is considered to be the most difficult
approach which myorder hopes to solve.

It is necessary to note that the conclusions from this research are not representative and
Weza Tele in collaboration with iHub research will conduct the next phase of the research
based on a wider survey capturing trends and preferences in different areas in Kenya so
as to have a conclusive view of the consumer ordering habits and potential of having a
mobile platform that helps customers order goods from shops around them for delivery
or pick up. This will be enhanced through the myorder platform and in-house distribution
manpower and partners in place.

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