VNA - Models - Rytting
VNA - Models - Rytting
VNA - Models - Rytting
Error Models
Calibration Methods
Doug Rytting
Slide 1
Presentation Outline
• Network Analyzer Block Diagram and Error Model
• System Error Model for Error-Correction
• One-Port Error Model and Calibration
• Two-Port Error Models and Calibration
• 12-Term Method
• 16-Term Method
• 8-Term Method
• Measuring S-parameters
• Accuracy of Error-Correction
Slide 2
Network Analyzer
Block Diagram
Error Model
Slide 3
First the block diagram for a network analyzer is described and the
hardware flow graph is defined.
Network Analyzer Block Diagram
a0 a3
b0 b3
Port - 1 Port - 2
a1 b2
Cable Cable
b1 a2
Slide 4
Block Diagram – Forward Direction
Port - 1 a1 b2 Port - 2
b1 a2
a0 b0 b3
Slide 5
Error Model – Forward Direction
Slide 6
From the block diagram a flowgraph can be developed showing all the
possible signal paths. These paths not only include the main desired
signals but the loss, match errors, and leakage errors, of the network
analyzer along with the cables, connectors, or probes that connect to to
Also included in this model are the IF, A/D and detector non linearities
and the system noise.
Error Model Definitions
a1 = Incident Signal at Port-1 S11 = Refl Coef of DUT at Port-1
b1 = Reflected Signal at Port-1 S21 = Forward Trans Coef of DUT
a2 = Incident Signal at Port-2 S12 = Reverse Trans Coef of DUT
b2 = Transmitted signal at Port-2 S22 = Refl Coef of DUT at Port-2
Slide 7
The above table gives the description of each of the branches and the
key nodes for the flow graph. This provides a very complete model for
the network analyzer. However it is possible to reduce the flow graph
without any loss in accuracy. This reduced flow graph is much easier to
analyze and will be discussed next.
System Error Model
Slide 8
The simplified system error model is described. This system model will
be used to develop the error correction procedure.
System Model – Forward Direction
Port - 1 Port - 2
a1 b2
a0 b3
e10 S21 e32
e00 e11 S11 S22 e22
e01 S12
b1 a2 Branches With No Label = 1
LS−b 0
Directivity e 00 ≅ Leakage e30 ≅ La 0−b 3
LS− a 0
There are also Errors caused by the Converter, IF, Cables and Connectors
There are also Six Terms in the Reverse Direction
Slide 9
The resultant system error model is the forward portion of the well
known 12-term error mode. Each of the branches have an accurate
relationship to the original hardware oriented flow graph presented
earlier. The 6 forward terms described above show a simplified set of
equations relating the two flow graphs.
The directivity error is caused primarily by the coupler leakage or
‘coupler directivity.’ This error is also increased by cable and connector
match errors between the measurement coupler and the DUT. The
reflection and transmission tracking is caused by reflectometer and
mixer tracking as well as cable length imbalance between the measured
ports. The match error is the mathematical ratioed port match error that
is not necessarily the ‘raw’ port match. The leakage error is through the
LO path of the mixers. It is not the leakage of the switch and this model
assumes the switch leakage is negligible.
Improvements with Correction
Slide 10
A linear calibration procedure is applied to remove as many of the errors as possible. The
loss, directivity, match, and main leakage errors can be greatly reduced depending on the
accuracy of the calibration standards used.
However, the noise and linearity errors can not be reduced using a simple linear
calibration procedure. If fact the noise and linearity errors increase a small amount.
Residuals also remain that are caused by A/D quantization errors, clock leakage, etc.
Once the network analyzer is calibrated the drift, stability, and repeatability errors will
degrade the system performance. This usually means that the system will need to be
recalibrated at some interval depending on the system usage, environment and required
There are some lower level leakage paths in the RF hardware that are not modeled in
many of the error correction schemes.
Improvements with Correction
Slide 11
One Port Error Model
Slide 12
The one-port model will be first developed. This will then be used to
further develop the two-port model.
One Port: 3-Term Error Model
a0 b0
a0 Error a1
b0 Adapter b1
Reflectometer 3 Error Terms
Port - 1
a0 e00 = Directivity
e00 e11 Γ e11 = Port Match
Slide 13
The most simple case is the one port 3-term error model. From this
model the same approach will be used for the two port cases.
In the one-port calibration procedure the model simplifies to just the
terms describing the directivity, port match , and tracking errors at port-
The errors can be lumped into a fictitious error adapter that modifies the
actual DUT reflection coefficient which is then measured by a ‘perfect’
One Port: 3-Term Error Model
Measured Actual
∆e = e00e11 - (e10e01)
Slide 14
Solving the one-port flow graph yields a bilinear relationship between the actual
and measured reflection coefficient. The actual reflection coefficient is
‘mapped’ or modified by the three error terms to the measured result. This
equation can be inverted to solve for the actual reflection coefficient knowing
the measured result and the three error terms.
The three error terms can be determined by measuring three known standards
(such as an open, short and load) that yield three simultaneous equations. These
three equations can then be solved for the three error terms.
Another popular calibration standard is called e-cal. With this technique the
reflection coefficient is selected electronically from a set of pre measured states.
These were measured using a network analyzer calibrated with primary
standards. This is strictly a transfer standard but as long as the e-cal standard is
stable it is very accurate. This type of standard allows fast calibrations, ease of
use and less operator error.
Two-Port Error Models
12-Term Method
16-Term Method
8-Term Method
Slide 15
The classic 12-term model will be developed first. Then the more recent
16-term and 8-term models will be described.
12-Term Error Model
a0 a1
Forward b0 b1
Perfect Error
Reflectometer Adapter
a0,a3 Reverse a3 a2
b3 b2
Slide 16
Many of the older and lower cost network analyzers use three couplers
instead of four for two port measurements. This puts the switch between
the incident and reflected couplers. If the switch characteristics change
as the switch is flipped from forward to reverse, the error adapter’s error
terms will change. Even some four coupler network analyzers use this
method as well, choosing not to use the fourth coupler for all
This is the original technique uses in the 1960’s for the first automatic
network analyzers. This TOSL (through, open, short, load) 12-term
model has been used for many years and is still widely used today.
12-Term Error Model
a0 b0
a0 a1
b0 b1
Forward Perfect DUT
Model Reflectometer [S]
a3 a2
b3 b2
b3 6 Error Terms
a'0 a'1
b'0 b'1
Reverse Perfect DUT
Model Reflectometer [S]
a'3 a'2
b'3 b'2
a'3 b'3 6 Error Terms
Slide 17
The two-port case can be modeled in the same manner as the one-port.
A fictitious error adapter is placed between the two-port DUT and the
‘perfect reflectometer’ measurement ports. This error adapter contains
the 6 error terms for the forward direction. A similar 6 term model is
used in the reverse direction.
12-Term Error Model
Port - 1 Port - 2
a1 b2
a0 b3
1 S21 e10e32
e00 e11 S11 S22 e22
e10e01 S12
b1 a2
e00 = Directivity
b0 S11 - e22 ∆S
e11 = Port-1 Match S11M = = e00 + (e10e01)
a0 1 - e11S11 - e22S22 + e11e22 ∆S
(e10e01) = Reflection Tracking
b3 S21
(e10e32) = Transmission Tracking S21M = = e30 + (e10e32)
a0 1 - e11S11 - e22S22 + e11e22 ∆S
e22 = Port-2 Match
e30 = Leakage
∆S = S11S22 - S21S12
Slide 18
Solving the forward flow graph yields measurements S11M and S21M.
These two equations contain all four actual S-parameters of the DUT
and the six forward error terms.
12-Term Error Model
Port - 1 a'1 b'2 Port - 2
S21 e'23e'32
e'11 S11 S22 e'22 e'33
e'23e'01 S12 1
b'0 a'3
b'1 a'2
e'33 = Directivity
b'3 S22 - e'11 ∆S
e'11 = Port-1 Match S22M = = e'33 + (e'23e'32)
a'3 1 - e'11S11 - e'22S22 + e'11e'22 ∆S
(e'23e'32) = Reflection Tracking
b'0 S12
(e'23e'01) = Transmission Tracking S12M = = e'03 + (e'23e'01)
a'3 1 - e'11S11 - e'22S22 + e'11e'22 ∆S
e'22 = Port-2 Match
e'03 = Leakage
∆S = S11S22 - S21S12
Slide 19
Solving the reverse flow graph yields measurements S22M and S12M.
These two equations contain all four actual S-parameters of the DUT
and the six reverse error terms.
The forward and reverse equations combine to give four equations
containing the four actual S-parameters of the DUT and 12 error terms.
If the 12 error terms are known these four equations can be solved for
the actual S-parameters of the DUT.
12-Term Error Model
⎛ S11M − e00 ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ S22M − e'33 ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ S − e30 ⎞ ⎛ S12M − e'03 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎢1 + ⎜ ⎟ e'22 ⎥ − e22 ⎜ 21M ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ e10 e01 ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ e'23 e'32 ⎠ ⎦ ⎝ e10 e32 ⎠ ⎝ e'23 e'01 ⎠
S11 =
⎛ S21M − e30 ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ S22M − e'33 ⎞ ⎤
⎜ ⎟ ⎢1 + ⎜ ⎟ (e'22 − e22 )⎥
⎝ e10 e32 ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ e'23 e'32 ⎠ ⎦
S21 =
⎛ S22M − e'33 ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ S11M − e00 ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ S − e30 ⎞ ⎛ S12M − e'03 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎢1 + ⎜ ⎟ e11 ⎥ − e'11 ⎜ 21M ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ e'23 e'32 ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ e10 e01 ⎠ ⎦ ⎝ e10 e32 ⎠ ⎝ e'23 e'01 ⎠
S22 =
⎛ S12M − e'03 ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ S11M − e00 ⎞ ⎤
⎜ ⎟ ⎢1 + ⎜ ⎟ (e11 − e'11 )⎥
⎝ e'23 e'01 ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ e10 e01 ⎠ ⎦
S12 =
Slide 20
12-Term Error Model
STEP 1: Calibrate Port-1 using One-Port procedure
S11M - e00
e22 =
S11Me11 - ∆e
Slide 21
The 12 error terms will now be determined. First solve for the 6 terms in
the forward direction. Then the same procedure can be used to solve for
the 6 reverse terms.
Step one calibrates port-1 of the network analyzer using the same
procedure used in the one-port case. This determines the directivity,
match, and reflection tracking at port-1 (e00, e11, and ∆e). From ∆e the
reflection tracking (e10e01) can be calculated.
Step two measures the leakage or crosstalk error (e30) from port-1 to
port-2 directly by placing loads on each of the ports.
Step three consists of connecting port-1 and port-2 together. Then
measure the port-2 match (e22) directly with the calibrated port-1
reflectometer. Then with the ports connected, measure the transmitted
signal and calculate the transmission tracking (e10e32).
16-Term Error Model
a0 b0
a0 a1
b0 b1
b3 b2
a3 b3 16 Error Terms
To remove the effects of an imperfect switch, use the procedure described later.
Slide 22
16-Term Error Model
a0 a1
b0 e01 b1 b1
b0 a1 e00, e33 Directivity
S11 e11, e22 Port Match
e10, e01, e32, e23 Tracking
e30 e03 e21 e12 S12 S21 e30, e03 Primary Leakage
b3 b2
Slide 23
16-Term Error Model
⎡b0 ⎤ ⎡ a1 ⎤
⎢b ⎥ T2 ⎤ ⎢a2 ⎥
⎢ 3⎥ = ⎡ 1
⎢ ⎥
Error Model ⎢
⎢a0 ⎥ ⎣T3 T4 ⎥⎦ ⎢ b1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣a3 ⎦ ⎣b2 ⎦
Slide 24
8-Term Error Model
a0 b0
a0 a1
b0 Error b1
Imperfect Y
Switch a3 Error a2
b3 b2
a3 b3 8 Error Terms
To remove the effects of an imperfect switch, use the procedure described later.
Slide 25
The 8-term model can be derived from the 16-term model. First assume
that the leakage terms are all zero. Or that the two primary leakage
terms can be determined in a separate calibration step. Then assume that
the switch is perfect and does not change the port match of the network
analyzer as it is switched from forward to reverse. This assumption is
valid if there are 4 measurement channels that are all on the DUT side
of the switch. Then it is possible to mathematically ratio out the switch.
This mathematical approach will be discussed later.
8-Term Error Model
a0 a1
e01 b1
b0 a1
b0 b1 S11
S12 S21
a3 a2 S22
a3 b2
e23 a2
b3 b2
Slide 26
The flow graph consists of an error adapter at the input and output of the
DUT. For ratio measurements of S-parameters, the number of error
terms is reduced to 7 since the error terms can be normalized.
8-Term Error Model
⎡b0 ⎤ ⎡ a1 ⎤
⎢b ⎥ T2 ⎤ ⎢a2 ⎥
⎢ 3⎥ = ⎡ T1 ⎢ ⎥
⎢a 0 ⎥ ⎢T T4 ⎥⎦ ⎢ b1 ⎥
⎣ 3
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣a 3 ⎦ ⎣b2 ⎦
⎡− ∆ 0 ⎤ ⎡e 0 ⎤
T1 = ⎢ X T2 = ⎢ 00
⎣ 0 − k∆Y ⎥⎦ ⎣0 ke33 ⎥⎦
⎡− e 0 ⎤ ⎡1 0 ⎤
T3 = ⎢ 11 T4 = ⎢
⎣ 0 − ke22 ⎥⎦ ⎥
⎣0 k ⎦
k= , ∆ X = e00e11 − e10e01 , ∆Y = e22 e33 − e32e23
Slide 27
8-Term Error Model
Expanding Yields:
Slide 28
8-Term Error Model
Using the cascade parameters in matrix form yields
1 ⎡ − ∆S S11 ⎤ 1 ⎡ − ∆M S11M ⎤
T= ⎢ TM =
S 21 ⎣− S 22 1 ⎥⎦ ⎢
S 21M ⎣− S 22M 1 ⎦⎥
1 ⎡− ∆ X e 00 ⎤ 1 ⎡− ∆ Y e 22 ⎤
TX = TY = ⎢− e
e10 ⎢− e
⎣ 11 1 ⎦
⎥ e 32 ⎣ 33 1 ⎥⎦
∆ X = e 00 e11 − e10 e 01 ∆ Y = e 22 e 33 − e 32 e 23
1 ⎡ − ∆ X e 00 ⎤ ⎡ − ∆ Y e 22 ⎤ 1
TM = =
(e10 e 32 ) ⎢⎣− e11 1 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣− e 33 ⎥
1 ⎦ (e10 e 32 )
Slide 29
Another approach is to cascade of the input error box (X), the DUT, and
the output error box (Y). The measured result of this cascade is most
easily calculated by using the cascade matrix definition (T-parameters).
This formulation was used by Engen and Hoer in their classic TRL
development for the six-port network analyzer. And is the same
approach used in the HP 8510 network analyzer.
From the last equation in the slide above, the 7 error terms are easily
identified. There are 3 at port-1 (∆X, e00, and e11) and 3 at port-2 (∆Y, e22,
and e33) and one transmission term (e10e32).
The calibration approach require enough calibration standards to allow
at least 7 independent observations of the measurement system.
8-Term Calibration Examples
Seven or more independent known conditions must be measured
A known impedance (Z0) and a port-1 to port-2 connection are required
Thru (T) or Line (L) with Unknown equal Reflect (R) Line (L) with known
TRL & LRL known S-parameters on port-1 and port-2 S11 and S22
[4 conditions] [1 condition] [2 conditions]
Thru (T) or Line (L) with Unknown equal Reflect (R) Known Match (M)
TRM & LRM known S-parameters on port-1 and port-2 on port-1 and port-2
[4 conditions] [1 condition] [2 conditions]
Thru (T) or Line (L) with 3 known Reflects (XYZ)
TXYZ & LXYZ known S-parameters on port-1 or port-2
[4 conditions] [3 conditions]
Traditional Thru (T) with 3 known Reflects (OSL) 3 known Reflect (OSL)
TOSL known S-parameters on port-1 on port-2
(Overdetermined) [4 conditions] [3 conditions] [3 condition]
Line (L) with known 2 unknown equal Reflects Known match (M)
LRRM S-parameters (RR) on port-1 and port-2 on port-1
[4 conditions] [2 conditions] [1 condition]
Unknown Line (U) with 3 known Reflects (XYZ) 3 known Reflects (XYZ)
UXYZ S12 = S21 on port-1 on port-2
[1 condition] [3 conditions] [3 conditions]
Slide 30
Slide 31
Measuring S-parameters
a0 b0
a0 a1
b0 b1
b3 b2
a3 b3
Forward Reverse
Slide 32
Measuring S-parameters
By defining
a′0 a
Γ1 = and Γ2 = 3
b′0 b3
b3 b'0
d = 1− Γ1Γ2
a0 a'3
Slide 33
Solving the 4 previous equations yield the above results. Note that the
equations are written to allow ratio measurements by the network
analyzer. Typically the network analyzer is more accurate making
measurements this way. Noise and other common mode errors are
Using this method for measuring the 4 S-parameters requires 6 ratio
measurements. The additional two measurements are required to
remove the effects of the switch. However, these two additional
measurements (Γ1 and Γ2) need only be made during the calibration step
since they do not change during measurement assuming the switch is
Slide 34
Accuracy of Error Correction
Slide 35
The error corrected measurement system can be nicely described using flow graphs. The
flow graph after error correction is very similar to the one before correction but with the
error terms reduced.
The device under test will be degraded by the following residual errors and hardware
imperfections. The residual microwave errors (δ, τ1,2 and µ1,2) are mainly determined by
the errors of the calibration standards and are respectively the residual directivity, residual
tracking and residual match. Subscript 1 applies to port-1 and subscript 2 applies to port-2.
Ct1,t2 describes the cable transmission coefficient change and Cr1,r2 describe the change in
the cable reflection coefficient. Rt1,t2 characterizes the connector transmission repeatability
error and Rr1,r2 characterizes the connector reflection repeatability error. The low level
noise (NL1,2) of the converter determines the sensitivity of the system, and a high level
noise of the LO and IF (Nh1,2) contribute to the trace noise on the measurement data.
The front end and IF hardware will drift with time and temperature as characterized by the
stability terms (S1,2). The nonlinearities of the system with measurement level are
described by the dynamic accuracy (A1,2).
Accuracy of Error Correction
Slide 36
The flow graph can be solved and simplified to show the total system
uncertainty. These equations calculate the magnitude uncertainty (∆S11
and ∆S21) with each error term defined by its absolute magnitude. The
first part of the equation describes the systematic errors and these errors
typically add up in a worst case manner. The random, drift and stability
errors are typically characterized in an RSS fashion in the second part.
These equations do not include second order effects.
Accuracy of Error Correction
Slide 37
Accuracy of Error Correction
APC-7 (7 mm Coax) at 18 GHz
-40 dB -52 dB -60 dB -40 dB
-35 dB -41 dB -60 dB -40 dB
Tracking ± .1 dB ± .05 dB ± .01 dB ± .01 dB
Slide 38
This table gives the tradeoff in accuracy for various coax calibration methods. The example is for
APC-7 mm but can be scaled to other connector types. The relative differences stay about the same.
The OSL (Fixed Load) cal is the least expensive and easy to use. The tradeoff is that it has the
lowest accuracy, but this may be fine for many measurements. The directivity error is determined
by the load. The match and tracking errors are mainly determined by the the phase error of the
The OSL (Sliding Load) is the traditional calibration that has been used for many years for accurate
measurements. It is fairly expensive and sometimes the sliding load is not as easy to use. OSL
calibrations are popular for one-port measurements.
With the OSL calibrations the short and open determine most of the match and tracking error and
this error does not change dramatically with improved directivity values.
The TRL method provides the best accuracy and particularly for the match and tracking terms. It is
not always easy to use and the precision lines are reasonably expensive. The TRM calibration does
not change the directivity error over the OSL (load-fixed) method but reduces the match and
tracking errors. The TRL and TRM calibration methods need a two port measurement system in
order to calibrate. The TRM calibration is the easiest to use.
Accuracy of Error Correction
Slide 39
The first graph shows the transmission accuracy after error correction
using APC-7 connectors. The main error at high levels is due to
compression. At low levels it is primarily due to noise and uncorrected
leakage. This graph assumes that S11 and S22 of the DUT are zero.
The APC-7 reflection magnitude accuracy using the sliding load
calibration is shown in the second graph. The main error at small
reflection coefficients is due to the sliding load residual match. At high
levels the sliding load match and the open circuit phase error are the
primary contributors. This graph assumes S12 of the DUT is zero.
Slide 40
Example: TRL
Slide 41
The best know calibration method using the 8-term model is TRL. We
will now review this calibration method. The math nomenclature is
slightly different in this review.
The first step involves separating the system into a perfect reflectometer
followed by a 4-port error adapter. This error adapter represents all the
errors in the system that can be corrected. It can be split into two 2-port
error adapters, X (at port-1) and Y (at port-2), after removing the
leakage (crosstalk) terms as a first step in the calibration. Since X and Y
are 2-ports it would appear there are 8 unknowns to find, however since
all measurements are made as ratios of the b's and a's, there are actually
only 7 error terms to calculate. This means that only 7 characteristics of
the calibration standards are required to be known. If a thru (4 known
characteristics) is used as one of the standards, only 3 additional
characteristics of the standards are needed.
Example: TRL
Slide 42
Example: TRL
Slide 43
Example: TRL
Slide 44
Example: TRL
Slide 45
There are several possible strategies in choosing standards. For the first standard (C1), the
use of a zero length thru is an obvious selection. But a non-zero length thru is also
acceptable if its characteristics are known or the desired reference plane is in the center of
the non-zero length thru. This standard will determine 4 of the error terms.
The second standard (C2) needs to provide a Z0 reference. In this solution, only the match of
this standard needs to be of concern. Its S21 and S12 can be any value and do not need to be
known. In fact, they will be found during the calibration process. This opens up the choices
to a wide range of 2-port components, such as a transmission line, pair of matched loads, or
an attenuator. This standard will determine 2 of the error terms.
For the final standard (C3) only one piece of information is needed. This could be an
unknown reflection value for the same reflection connected to each port (S11 = S22). Since
the other standards have been well matched, this standard should have a higher reflection.
This standard determines the last error term.
The table shows a partial list of possible calibration configurations with appropriate three
letter acronyms.
Example: TRL
Slide 46
Example: Unknown T, Known A & B
1 ⎡− ∆ X e00 ⎤ ⎡ − ∆ Y e22 ⎤ 1
TM = T = ATB
(e10 e32 ) ⎢⎣−e11 1 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣−e33 ⎥
1 ⎦ (e10 e32 )
(e10 e32 )2 detTM = det[ AB], since detT = 1, because S21 = S12
(e10 e32 ) = ±
Slide 47
This example is for the unknown thru calibration method (UXYZ). This
is most easily developed using the cascaded t-parameter formulation.
With 3 known standards at port-1 and port-2, 6 conditions are provided.
The thru standard with S21 = S12 provides the 7th required condition.
The key to solving this approach is that the determinant of T is unity for
the passive thru calibration connection (S21 = S12).
Example: Unknown B, Known A & T
1 ⎡− ∆ X e00 ⎤ ⎡ − ∆ Y e22 ⎤ 1
TM = T = ATB
(e10 e32 ) ⎢⎣ −e11 1 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣−e33 1 ⎥⎦ (e10 e32 )
B = T −1A −1TM = D, and D is completely known
(e10 e32 )
⎡ ∆Y e22 ⎤
⎢− ( e e ) (e10 e32 ) ⎥⎥ = ⎡D11 D12 ⎤
⎢ 10 32
⎢D ⎥
⎢− e33 1 ⎥ ⎣ 21 D 22 ⎦
⎢⎣ (e10 e32 ) (e10 e32 ) ⎥⎦
1 D12 D 21 D11
(e10 e32 ) = e22 = e33 = − ∆Y = −
D 22 D 22 D 22 D 22
Slide 48
8-Term to 10-Term -Forward DUT
Port - 1 Port - 2
a1 b2
a0 b3
e10 S21 e32
e00 e11 S11 S22 e22 e33
e01 S12 e23
b0 a3
b1 a2
Port - 1 Port - 2
a1 b2
a0 b3
e10 S21 e32
e00 e11 S11 S22 e22 e33
Γ3 =
e01 S12 e23 b3
b1 a2
e32 e 23 Γ3
e′22 = e 22 +
Port - 1 Port - 2
a1 b2
b3 1 − e33 Γ3
1 e10e'32
e00 e11 e'22 e32
e′32 =
S11 S22
e10e01 S12 1 − e33 Γ3
b1 a2
Slide 49
The 12-term and 8-term models describe the same system. So there must
be a relationship between them. First lets reduce the 12 term model to 10
terms by removing the crosstalk terms which can easily be measured in a
separate step. Then the 8-term model can be modified as shown above.
First the 4th measurement channel (a3) is removed by defining the ‘switch
match’ as Γ3. Then the forward model error terms for port match and
transmission tracking (e´22 and e´32) can be calculated. This gives the
standard forward model if we form the two products e10e01 and e10e´32 and
normalize e10 to 1.
8-Term to 10-Term -Reverse
Port - 1 Port - 2
a1 b2
a0 b3
e10 S21 e32
e00 e11 S11 S22 e22 e33
e01 S12 e23
b0 a3
b1 a2
Port - 1 Port - 2
a1 b2
a0 e10 S21 e32
Γ0 =
b0 Γ0 e00 e11 S11 S22 e22 e33
e01 S12 e23
b0 a3
b1 a2
e e Γ Port - 1 Port - 2
e′11 = e11 + 10 01 0 a1 b2
1 − e00 Γ0 S21 e23e32
Slide 50
Vector Network Analyzer References