Lesson: 10 of 10
Lesson Title:
Presentation and Exhibit of Learning
Lesson Background:
Students will cumulate their images and stories to finalize their group presentations and prepare
their exhibit of learning for their Photovoice for Student Choice STEAM Interests. The students
will be given in class peer support to make changes to their presentations, prior to the exhibit of
learning. Students choose how they would like to present and will need to find a quiet space at
school or home to record the narration for their project. Those students who do not want to make
an audio recording will present their project in person to the class and the exhibit of learning.
Note: Students should have received various sections of the rubric starting at lesson five or six.
Giving the entire rubric at once will overwhelm them. However, the smaller pieces of this unit
are considered formative assessments from the field journal reflections, sharing in class and
checking for understanding, in addition to the draft of their stories and images. All the smaller
pieces will be pieced together to make one cumulative project.
Lesson Objectives:
1. Peer critique a group’s project providing “glows and grows” which includes the aesthetic
appearance and writing
2. Present the results of the Participatory Action Research project and learn about their
peers as well
3. Advocate for changes the students want made to the class instruction
Learning Objectives:
Students will:
1. advocate for changes they want to have made to their instruction in classes
2. present their results from their Photovoice project
3. understand themselves a bit better and know what they want to learn
Key Words:
Photovoice, Participatory Action Research, Perspectives, Ethical Behavior, Confidentiality,
Photo Release Form, Coding, Data, Trends, Themes, Storytelling
Setting: Classroom
2.4 Demonstrate elements of written and electronic communication, such as accurate spelling,
grammar, and format.
2.5 Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of
media and formats.
2.6 Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of digital media information and
communications technologies.
Conventions of Standard English:
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing
or speaking.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing.
Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that
information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on research findings, and speculation in a
Compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or
multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic.
Total Minutes
Print Rubrics for Self-Assessment
Print Posters for Presentation
Determine Location for Presentations
Invite Teachers/Admin and prepare them for student interation
Part I (Day 1)
A. Peer Critique
1. Student groups will form partnerships with each other for friendly peer critique.
2. One group will swap their presentation with another group.
3. Group members will state the “glows and the grows” using friendly critique to:
a. make sure stories flow and make sense
b. check for spelling mistakes and punctuation
c. provide feedback on presentation creativity
d. determine if the interests have been clearly identified
Lessons Adapted from YPAR
B. Make Revisions
Some class time will be used, but most revisions will need to be done at home
Groups will correct spelling and punctuation errors
Creative revisions will be made if deemed necessary by group
Part II (Day 2)
C. Exhibit of Learning
Students equally present in groups
Student defend and advocate for what they want to learn
Students able to convince peers and teachers or admin to support interests in learning
Students may not believe they have the power to advocate for change.
Students may not see Photovoice as a legitimate research methodology for advocacy.
Students may not be able to transfer their interests to other contexts.
Students may not be able see research as a cyclical process.
Friendly Critique
Rubric: Attachment
Adjust lessons according to specific IEP/504 plans.
Monitor student progress and help those who are terrified to present.
Allow students to use narrated presentations
Provide more time if needed.
Provide Word Banks and Sentence Frames to support narration & stories
Lessons Adapted from YPAR