Cot RPMS.T1 T3 051018
Cot RPMS.T1 T3 051018
Cot RPMS.T1 T3 051018
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The teacher demonstrates The teacher demonstrates The teacher demonstrates The teacher demonstrates The teacher applies high-level
minor content errors either in accurate knowledge of key accurate and in-depth accurate, in-depth and broad knowledge of content and
the presentation of the lesson concepts both in the presentation knowledge of most concepts knowledge of all concepts in pedagogy that creates a
or in responding to learners’ of the lesson and in responding to in the presentation of the the presentation of the lesson conducive learning
questions or comments. The learners’ questions or comments. lesson and in responding to and in responding to learners’ environment that enables an
lesson content displays learners’ questions in a questions in a manner that is in-depth and sophisticated
simple coherence. The lesson content displays manner that attempts to be responsive to learner‘s understanding of the teaching
coherence. responsive to student developmental needs and and learning process to meet
developmental learning promotes learning. individual or group learning
needs. needs within and across
The teacher attempts to make curriculum content areas.
connections across curriculum The teacher makes
content areas if appropriate. The teacher makes connections meaningful connections
across curriculum content areas across curriculum content
if appropriate. areas, if appropriate.
1. The teacher indicates some 1. The teacher clearly explains 1. The teacher displays 1. The teacher displays 1. The teacher applies
awareness of other ideas of concepts and makes no content comprehensive extensive knowledge of extensive knowledge of
the same discipline that are errors. understanding of the content. content beyond his/her
connected to the lesson but concepts and structure of area of specialization.
does not make solid 2. The content appears to be the disciplines. 2. The teacher cites intra-
connection. accurate and its focus shows and interdisciplinary 2. The teacher motivates
awareness of the ideas and 2. The teacher addresses content relationships. learners to investigate
structure of the discipline. content accurately and the content area to
makes connections across 3. The teacher addresses expand their knowledge
3. The teacher demonstrates disciplines. content accurately and its and satisfy their natural
factual knowledge of subject 3. focus is congruent with the curiosity.
matter and attempts to connect big ideas and/or structure of
content across disciplines. the discipline.
central ideas of the topic or lesson content is free from errors knowledge within and across
a basic logic in the sequence of the
curriculum content areas
lesson with one part linked to the
different learning/subject areas foundational knowledge and finer details HIGH-LEVEL KNOWLEDGE
taught and learned in the basic and within the curriculum content complex content knowledge within
secondary education curriculum area and across curriculum areas
lesser degree of errors in the content
of the lesson
Uses a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy
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The teacher uses loosely- The teacher occasionally applies The teacher frequently applies The teacher consistently applies The teacher integrates well-
connected teaching strategies to teaching strategies that address relevant strategies that enhance relevant strategies that enhance connected teaching strategies
address learners’ literacy and/or learners’ literacy and/or numeracy learners’ literacy and/or learners’ literacy and/or that promote individual and
numeracy needs. needs. numeracy skills. numeracy skills. group learners’ critical literacy
and/or critical numeracy skills.
1. The teacher defines general 1. In some parts of the lesson, 1. The teacher routinely 1. The teacher employs
1. The teacher uses activities
terms in the lesson but fails the teacher provides activities provides activities to enhance structured activities that
that enhance literacy
to define specific terms which address learners’ learners’ literacy and/or enhance and support
and/or numeracy in almost
needed to develop learners’ literacy and/or numeracy numeracy skills in all aspects learners’ higher level of
all aspects of the lesson.
needs but fails to do so in of the lesson. literacy and/or numeracy
full understanding of literacy some critical parts of the skills as a significant part
and/or numeracy concepts. lesson where either or both of his/her instruction.
skills are necessary.
Example: The teacher
defines fraction but fails to
define/explain numerator and
skills needed for reading and writing. These may
teaching approaches which are mismatched in occurs irregularly in the duration of the lesson awareness of sounds of language, awareness of print
addressing literacy and/or numeracy needs and the relationship between letters and sounds. Other
FREQUENTLY skills such as creating knowledge through writing as
CRITICAL LITERACY occurs often times in the duration of the lesson well as developing media and technology are part of
critically analyzing and evaluating the meaning literacy skills.
of text as it relates to global issues to inform CONSISTENTLY
a critical stance, response and/or action occurs constantly in the duration of the lesson NUMERACY SKILLS
skills which consist of comprehending and applying
CRITICAL NUMERACY RELEVANT fundamental arithmetic operations like addition,
ability to effectively use mathematical concepts in teaching approaches which are moderately subtraction, multiplication, and division. Numeracy
applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating ideas associated with the learners’ developmental needs to skills may also include the ability to reason with
enhance literacy and/or numeracy skills mathematical concepts like interpreting data, charts,
and diagrams; process information; solve problems and
make decisions based on logical thinking and
Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills
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The teacher provided The teacher uses questions and The teacher employs a range of The teacher challenges The teacher provides a broad
straightforward questions and activities that mostly require the targeted follow-up questions learners to justify their thinking range of questions and
activities which lead learners learners to interpret, explain, or and activities that encourage and successfully engages most activities, including those of
through a single path of inquiry. describe ideas learned. learners to explain, learners in the discussion using higher-order that challenge
demonstrate, and use ideas well-directed questions and learners to analyze their thinking
learned. activities. to promote deeper
1. The teacher asks, “Who has 1. The teacher makes some 1. The teacher employs a 1. The teacher challenges 1. Learners compare
an idea about this?” The attempt to engage learners in range of strategies to learners cognitively to and contrast ideas.
usual same learners offer genuine discussion rather ensure that most learners advance high-level thinking
comments. than simple, factual, or rote- are given opportunities to and discourse. 2. Learners synthesize or
type discussion. give opinions to the lesson summarize information
2. Many questions require and to react to the opinions 2. Learners extend the within or across
rote-type responses. The teacher asks, “Can you of others. discussion by inviting disciplines.
please explain this idea?” comments from their
2. The teacher creates a classmates during the
genuine discussion among discussion and challenge
learners, providing adequate one another’s thinking.
time for them to respond; as
well as to step aside when 3. Learners, themselves,
doing so is appropriate. ensure that all voices are
heard in the discussion.
require answers that go beyond simple information. They are more abstract and require advanced cognitive processes, e.g. giving and justifying opinions.
are predictable, not challenging and require answers based on obvious facts
Manages classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities within a range of physical and learning environments
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The teacher manages The teacher manages classroom The teacher manages The teacher organizes and
The teacher manages
classroom structure and structure and engages the classroom structure and maintains classroom structure
classroom structure and
engages only some learners in majority of the learners in engages all learners in and engages learners,
engages most learners in
discovery or hands-on learning discovery and hands-on learning meaningful exploration, individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration,
activities within a range of activities within a range of discovery and hands-on meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on
physical learning environments. physical learning environments. learning activities within a discovery and hands-on
learning activities within a range
range of physical learning learning activities within a
of physical learning
environments. range of physical learning
1. Only some learners work 1. The classroom layout is simple 1. The classroom layout and 1. The teacher keeps the 1. The teacher utilizes
productively within the allotted and somewhat suitable for available resources are learning environment free proactive classroom
time, physical space and different learning activities. generally suitable for different from congestion and structure management
resources. learning activities. facilitates activities practices to support flexible
2. Majority of the learners work appropriate within the movement of the learners
productively within the allotted 2. Most learners work physical learning in all learning activities.
time and physical space, productively within the environment.
using the available resources. allotted time, physical space 2. Learners are fully engaged
and resources. 2. All learners work in all activities by utilizing
productively within the optimal space and time,
allotted time, physical space appropriate to their needs.
and resources.
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The teacher rarely manages The teacher occasionally manages The teacher frequently The teacher consistently The teacher constructively
misbehavior against established misbehavior against established manages misbehavior against manages misbehavior against manages learner behavior by
rules of conduct. rules of conduct and the majority established rules of conduct established rules of conduct applying positive and non-
of the learners follow such rules. and most learners follow such and all learners follow such violent discipline to ensure
rules. rules. learning-focused environment.
1. Standards of conduct appear 1. The teacher’s standards of 1. The classroom 1. The teacher responds 1. Learners are actively
to have been established, but conduct are inconsistently management system has appropriately to encouraged to take
learners violate the rules. enforced resulting in some been implemented misbehavior of learners at responsibility for their
interference in learning and appropriately which is all times without any loss of behavior.
2. A prescribed process to some loss of instructional time. responsive to classroom instructional time.
address learner misconduct is and individual needs of 2. Well-established
communicated, but is not 2. Standards of conduct are clear learners. 2. Clear expectations for procedures for learners to
clear and requires repeated to some learners and may learner behavior are self-monitor their own
prompting, which delays or require repeated prompting. 2. The teacher’s standards of evident. Standards of classroom behavior are
disrupts the quality of behavior are consistently conduct are clear to all evident.
learning. 3. Appropriate expectations for reinforced resulting in little learners and with modest
behavior are established, but or no interference with impact on learning.
3. The teacher’s responses to some of these are unclear, or do learning. They are clear to
learners’ behavior are not address the needs of most most learners and require
inconsistent: sometimes learners. little prompting.
harsh, sometimes lenient.
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The teacher provides a limited The teacher provides The teacher provides The teacher provides The teacher provides
range of differentiated learning differentiated or developmentally differentiated and differentiated and differentiated and
experiences to address the appropriate learning experiences developmentally appropriate developmentally appropriate developmentally appropriate
learning needs of some to address the learning needs of learning experiences to learning experiences to learning experiences to address
learners. most learners. address the needs of most address the learning needs of the diverse learning
learners. different groups of learners. needs.
1. The teacher relies on a 1. The teacher makes use of the 1. The teacher makes use of 1. The teacher supports the 1. The teacher provides
single strategy or some learners’ developmental levels developmental levels of learners’ needs through a thoughtful and appropriate
strategies allowing some or ways of learning to address learners in the classroom variety of strategies, instructional adaptation for
learners to achieve the their learning needs. and the different ways they materials, and/or pacing individual learner needs. The
instructional outcomes. learn by providing that make learning adaptation of instruction is
differentiated learning accessible and challenging realistic and effective. Diverse
2. The teacher provides experiences that enable for different groups of learners have opportunities to
activities for all learners but most learners to progress learners. actively engage in various
does not enable most of toward meeting intended learning activities.
them to meet the intended outcomes. 2. The teacher uses
outcomes. differentiated strategies that
motivate and engage
groups of learners at their
cognitive levels, allowing
them to achieve the
learning outcomes.
learners’ different backgrounds: gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
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The teacher implements the The teacher implements the The teacher implements the The teacher manages well- The teacher manages well-
lessons but only with some lessons but with inappropriate lessons with appropriate structured lessons with structured lessons with
elements of developmentally elements of developmentally elements of developmentally developmentally emphasis on explicit
sequenced teaching and sequenced teaching and sequenced teaching and sequenced teaching and connections between previous
learning processes. learning processes. learning processes to meet
learning processes. learning and new concepts and
curriculum requirements
and varied teaching
1. The teacher does not 1. The teacher’s demonstration of 1. The teacher connects 1. The sequence of activities 1. The progression from the
demonstrate knowledge of pre-requisite outcomes to previous and purposefully scaffolds warm up into the main
understanding of the pre- relationships are inaccurate or future learning. Transitions learners toward achieving activity was thoughtfully
requisite relationships incomplete and transitions between activities are the lesson’s objectives. planned to review same
when planning and between activities are present smooth. basic concepts, followed by
transitions between but may catch learners off guard 2. The sequence of learning the activities that would take
activities are too abrupt. or disrupt the flow of the 2. The lesson sequence activities keeps learners the application of this
sequence. generally kept learners engaged in the content knowledge to the next level
2. The sequence of the engaged and moving from and had a clear sense of of exploration.
lesson demonstrated 2. There may have been a minor one portion to the next in a purpose throughout the
some structure but there missed opportunity or minor reasonable manner. They vast majority of the class
were some problems organizational issue present seemed to understand the time.
with the organization that during the lesson that affected purpose of the lesson and
negatively impacted learning time. what they were to do to
learning. accomplish the purpose.
MULTIPLE PATHWAYS FOR LEARNING different ways of presenting the lesson and activities suited to various learner needs
Selects, develops, organizes, and uses appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT,
to address learning goals
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The teacher utilizes learning The teacher utilizes learning The teacher utilizes learning The teacher utilizes learning The teacher integrates
resources, including ICT, resources, including ICT, which resources, including ICT, which resources, including ICT, which extensive and multidisciplinary
which are loosely-aligned with are occasionally aligned with the are generally aligned with the are consistently aligned with learning resources, including
the learning goals. learning goals. learning goals. the learning goals. ICT, which are appropriate and
aligned with the learning goals.
1. Instructional materials and 1. Instructional materials and 1. Instructional materials and 1. All instructional 1. Instructional materials are
resources are minimally resources are incompletely resources are fairly aligned materials and resources diverse and are consistently
aligned with the learning aligned with the instructional with the instructional are aligned with the aligned with the
goals. purposes. purposes. instructional purposes. instructional purposes.
• Printed materials like worksheets, flashcards, activity sheets, etc. GENERALLY ALIGNED
usually matched with the learning goals
• ICT Resources: slides presentation, audio visual, social media, and other
web-based applications CONSISTENTLY ALIGNED
substantially mismatched with the learning goals
• Manipulatives, models, and other tools
• ...and others wide range of learning resources
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The teacher provides a The teacher provides a range The teacher provides a range of The teacher provides The teacher integrates
limited range of assessment of assessment strategies but assessment strategies that assessment strategies assessment strategies
strategies but fails to address only some are aligned with address most of the learning consistent with the curriculum engages learners in self- and
the learning goals. the learning goals. goals. requirements. peer-assessment.
1. The assessment procedures 1. The teacher uses a variety of 1. The teacher uses a repertoire 1. The teacher predominantly 1. The teacher uses
focus on task completion assessment strategies which of assessment strategies uses assessment strategies assessment strategies
and/or compliance rather than are partially congruent to the which are aligned with the which are embedded as an which engage learners in
learner achievement of lesson intended learning outcomes. intended learning goals. integral part of the lesson assessment criteria to self-
purpose/ objective. and are aligned with the monitor and reflect on their
2. The teacher uses procedures 2. The teacher uses intended instructional or own progress.
that yield only some evidence of assessment procedures that consistent with the content
learning. draw out evidence of whether standards. 2. Learners frequently assess
learners have learned most their own work and the work
of the intended learning 2. Learners are encouraged to of their peers using
outcomes. assess and monitor the assessment criteria
quality of their own work embedded in the teacher-
against the assessment learners-generated rubrics,
criteria and performance peer reviews, and/or
standards that make active reflection logs.
use of that information in
their learning.
assessment used to identify each learner’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge and skills prior to instruction
assessment used to identify the parts of the lesson where learners need improvement,
e.g. recitation, activities and seatworks
assessment used to identify learner achievement, e.g. quizzes and tests
© Department of Education - Bureau of Human Resources and Organizational Development
The Classroom Observation Tool was developed through the Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ)
with support from the Australian Government through the Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST) Program