Rubric Cot Rpms Proficient 2022 2023
Rubric Cot Rpms Proficient 2022 2023
Rubric Cot Rpms Proficient 2022 2023
4 DEVELOPING The teacher demonstrates a range of associated pedagogical aspects of the indicator
that sometimes align with the learners’ developmental needs.
1. The teacher indicates some 1. The teacher clearly explains 1. The teacher displays 1. The teacher displays 1. The teacher applies
awareness of other ideas of concepts and makes no content comprehensive extensive knowledge of extensive knowledge of
the same discipline that are errors. understanding of the content. content beyond his/her
connected to the lesson but concepts and structure of area of specialization.
does not make solid 2. The content appears to be the disciplines. 2. The teacher cites intra-
connection. accurate and its focus shows and interdisciplinary 2. The teacher motivates
awareness of the ideas and 2. The teacher addresses content relationships. learners to investigate the
structure of the discipline. content accurately and content area to expand
makes connections across 3. The teacher addresses content their knowledge and
disciplines. accurately and its focus is satisfy their natural
3. The teacher demonstrates factual curiosity.
knowledge of subject matter and 3. congruent with the big ideas
attempts to connect content and/or structure of the
across disciplines. discipline.
1. The teacher defines general 1. In some parts of the lesson, the 1. The teacher uses activities that 1. The teacher routinely 1. The teacher employs
terms in the lesson but fails teacher provides activities enhance literacy and/or provides activities to enhance structured activities that
to define specific terms which address learners’ literacy numeracy in almost all learners’ literacy and/or enhance and support
needed to develop learners’ and/or numeracy aspects of the lesson. numeracy skills in all aspects learners’ higher level of
full understanding of literacy needs but fails to do so in of the lesson. literacy and/or numeracy
and/or numeracy concepts. some critical parts of the lesson skills as a significant part of
where either or both skills his/her instruction.
Example: The teacher defines are necessary.
fraction but fails to
define/explain numerator and
LOOSELY-CONNECTED TEACHING STRATEGIES OCCASIONALLY skills needed for reading and writing. These may
occurs irregularly in the duration of the lesson include
teaching approaches which are mismatched in
addressing literacy and/or numeracy needs awareness of sounds of language, awareness of print
FREQUENTLY and the relationship between letters and sounds. Other
CRITICAL LITERACY occurs often times in the duration of the lesson skills such as creating knowledge through writing as
critically analyzing and evaluating the meaning well as developing media and technology are part of
of text as it relates to global issues to inform CONSISTENTLY literacy skills.
a critical stance, response and/or action occurs constantly in the duration of the lesson
CRITICAL NUMERACY RELEVANT skills which consist of comprehending and applying
teaching approaches which are moderately fundamental arithmetic operations like addition,
ability to effectively use mathematical concepts in subtraction, multiplication, and division. Numeracy
applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating associated with the learners’ developmental needs to
skills may also include the ability to reason with
ideas enhance literacy and/or numeracy skills mathematical concepts like interpreting data, charts,
and diagrams; process information; solve problems and
make decisions based on logical thinking and
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The teacher provided The teacher uses questions and The teacher employs a range of The teacher challenges The teacher provides a broad
straightforward questions and activities that mostly require the targeted follow-up questions learners to justify their thinking range of questions and activities,
activities which lead learners learners to interpret, explain, or and activities that encourage and successfully engages most including those of higher-order
through a single path of inquiry. describe ideas learned. learners to explain, learners in the discussion using that challenge learners to analyze
demonstrate, and use ideas well-directed questions and their thinking to promote deeper
learned. activities.
1. The teacher asks, “Who has 1. The teacher makes some 1. The teacher employs a 1. The teacher challenges 1. Learners compare
an idea about this?” The attempt to engage learners in range of strategies to ensure learners cognitively to and contrast ideas.
usual same learners offer genuine discussion rather than that most learners are given advance high-level thinking
comments. simple, factual, or rote- type opportunities to give and discourse. 2. Learners synthesize or
discussion. opinions to the lesson and to summarize information
2. Many questions require react to the opinions of 2. Learners extend the within or across
rote-type responses. The teacher asks, “Can you others. discussion by inviting disciplines.
please explain this idea?” comments from their
2. The teacher creates a genuine classmates during the
discussion among learners, discussion and challenge
providing adequate time for one another’s thinking.
them to respond; as well as to
step aside when doing so is 3. Learners, themselves,
appropriate. ensure that all voices are
heard in the discussion.
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The teacher manages The teacher manages classroom The teacher manages The teacher organizes and
The teacher manages
classroom structure and structure and engages the classroom structure and maintains classroom structure
classroom structure and
engages only some learners in majority of the learners in engages all learners in and engages learners,
engages most learners in
discovery or hands-on learning discovery and hands-on meaningful exploration, individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration,
activities within a range of learning discovery and hands-on meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on
physical learning environments. activities within a range of learning activities within a discovery and hands-on
learning activities within a range of
physical learning environments. range of physical learning learning activities within a
physical learning environments.
environments. range of physical learning
1. Only some learners work 1. The classroom layout is simple 1. The classroom layout and 1. The teacher keeps the 1. The teacher utilizes
productively within the allotted and somewhat suitable for available resources are learning environment free proactive classroom
time, physical space and different learning activities. generally suitable for different from congestion and structure management
resources. learning activities. facilitates activities practices to support flexible
2. Majority of the learners work appropriate within the movement of the learners in
productively within the allotted 2. Most learners work physical learning all learning activities.
time and physical space, using productively within the environment.
the available resources. allotted time, physical space 2. Learners are fully engaged
and resources. 2. All learners work productively in all activities by utilizing
within the allotted time, optimal space and time,
physical space and resources. appropriate to their needs.
1. The teacher relies on a 1. The teacher makes use of the 1. The teacher makes use of 1. The teacher supports the 1. The teacher provides
single strategy or some learners’ developmental levels developmental levels of learners’ needs through a thoughtful and appropriate
strategies allowing some or ways of learning to address learners in the classroom and variety of strategies, instructional adaptation for
learners to achieve the their learning needs. the different ways they learn materials, and/or pacing individual learner needs. The
instructional outcomes. by providing differentiated that make learning adaptation of instruction is
learning experiences that accessible and challenging realistic and effective. Diverse
2. The teacher provides enable most learners to for different groups of learners have opportunities to
activities for all learners but progress toward meeting learners. actively engage in various
does not enable most of them intended outcomes. learning activities.
to meet the intended 2. The teacher uses
outcomes. differentiated strategies that
motivate and engage groups
of learners at their cognitive
levels, allowing them to
achieve the learning
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The teacher implements the The teacher implements the The teacher implements the The teacher manages well- The teacher manages well-
lessons but only with some lessons but with inappropriate lessons with appropriate structured lessons with structured lessons with
elements of developmentally elements of developmentally developmentally emphasis on explicit
elements of developmentally sequenced teaching and
sequenced teaching and sequenced teaching and sequenced teaching and connections between previous
learning processes to meet
learning processes. learning processes. learning and new concepts and
learning processes. curriculum requirements and
varied teaching contexts. skills.
1. The teacher does not 1. The teacher’s demonstration of 1. The teacher connects 1. The sequence of activities 1. The progression from the
demonstrate understanding knowledge of pre-requisite outcomes to previous and purposefully scaffolds warm up into the main
of the pre- requisite relationships are inaccurate or future learning. Transitions learners toward achieving activity was thoughtfully
relationships when the lesson’s objectives. planned to review same basic
incomplete and transitions between activities are
planning and transitions concepts, followed by the
between activities are present smooth. activities that would take the
between activities are too 2. The sequence of learning
abrupt. but may catch learners off guard or application of this knowledge
disrupt the flow of the sequence. 2. The lesson sequence activities keeps learners
to the next level of
generally kept learners engaged in the content and exploration.
2. The sequence of the had a clear sense of
2. There may have been a minor engaged and moving from
lesson demonstrated some purpose throughout the
structure but there were missed opportunity or minor one portion to the next in a
organizational issue present reasonable manner. They vast majority of the class
some problems time.
with the organization that during the lesson that affected seemed to understand the
negatively impacted learning time. purpose of the lesson and
learning. what they were to do to
accomplish the purpose.
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The teacher utilizes learning The teacher utilizes learning The teacher utilizes learning The teacher utilizes learning The teacher integrates
resources, including ICT, which resources, including ICT, which resources, including ICT, which resources, including ICT, which extensive and multidisciplinary
are loosely-aligned with are occasionally aligned with the are generally aligned with the are consistently aligned with learning resources, including
the learning goals. learning goals. learning goals. the learning goals. ICT, which are appropriate and
aligned with the learning goals.
1. Instructional materials and 1. Instructional materials and 1. Instructional materials and 1. All instructional 1. Instructional materials are
resources are minimally resources are incompletely resources are fairly aligned materials and resources diverse and are consistently
aligned with the learning aligned with the instructional with the instructional are aligned with the aligned with the
goals. purposes. purposes. instructional purposes. instructional purposes.
• Printed materials like worksheets, flashcards, activity sheets, etc. GENERALLY ALIGNED
usually matched with the learning goals
• ICT Resources: slides presentation, audio visual, social media, and other
web-based applications CONSISTENTLY ALIGNED
substantially mismatched with the learning goals
• Manipulatives, models, and other tools
• ...and others wide range of learning resources