Fenner Drive Coupling Tire Coupling
Fenner Drive Coupling Tire Coupling
Fenner Drive Coupling Tire Coupling
Fenaflex Couplings
Fenaflex couplings provide all the desirable features of an ideal flexible coupling, including Taper-Lock® fixing.
The Fenaflex coupling is a "torsionally elastic" coupling offering versatility to designers and engineers with a
choice of flange combinations to suit most applications.
The flanges are available in either F or H Taper-Lock® fitting or pilot bored, which can be bored to the required size.
With the addition of a spacer the coupling can be used to accommodate standard distances between shaft
ends and thereby facilitate pump maintenance.
Fenaflex couplings can accommodate simultaneous maximum misalignment in all planes without imposing
undue loads on adjacent bearings and the excellent shock-absorbing properties of the flexible tyre reduce
vibration and torsional oscillations.
Fenaflex tyres are available in natural rubber compounds for use in ambient temperatures between –50OC
and +50OC. Chloroprene rubber compounds are available for use in adverse operating conditions (e.g. oil or
grease contamination) and can be used in temperatures of –15OC to +70OC. The chloroprene compound
should also be used when fire-resistance and anti-static (F.R.A.S.) properties are required.
(a) Service Factor A Fenaflex coupling is required to transmit
Determine the required Service Factor 45kW from an A.C. electric motor which
from table below. runs at 1440 rev/min to a rotary screen for
(b) Design Power 12 hours per day. The motor shaft is 60mm
Multiply the normal running power by diameter and the screen shaft is 55mm
the service factor. This gives the design diameter. Taper Lock is required.
power which is used as a basis for (a) Service Factor
The appropriate service factor is 1,4.
SPECIAL CASES Type of Driving Unit
For applications where substantial shock, vibration and torque
Electric Motors Internal Combustion Engines†
fluctuations occur, and for reciprocating machines (e.g. internal
Steam Turbines Steam Engines
combustion engines, piston pumps and compressors) refer to
Water Turbines
Fenner Power Transmission Distributor with full machine details
for analysis. Hours per day duty Hours per day duty
Coupling Size
rev/min F40 F50 F60 F70 F80 F90 F100 F110 F120 F140 F160 F180 F200 F220 F250
100 0,25 0,69 11,33 2,62 113,93 5,24 7,07 9,16 113,9 124,3 139,5 165,7 97,6 121 154
200 0,50 1,38 12,66 5,24 117,85 110,5 114,1 118,3 127,9 148,7 179,0 131 195 243 307
300 0,75 2,07 13,99 7,85 111,8 115,7 121,2 127,5 141,8 173,0 118 197 293 364 461
400 1,01 2,76 15,32 10,5 15,7 120,9 128,3 136,6 155,7 197,4 158 263 1391 486 615
500 1,26 3,46 16,65 13,1 19,6 126,2 135,3 145,8 169,6 122 197 328 1488 607 768
600 1,51 4,15 17,98 15,7 23,6 131,4 142,4 155,0 183,6 146 237 394 1586 729 922
700 1,76 4,84 19,31 18,3 27,5 136,6 149,5 164,1 197,5 170 276 460 1684 850 1076
720 1,81 4,98 19,57 18,8 28,3 137,7 150,9 166,0 100 175 284 473 1703 875 1106
800 2,01 5,53 10,6 20,9 31,4 141,9 156,5 173,3 111 195 316 525 1781 972 1229
900 2,26 6,22 12,0 23,6 35,3 147,1 163,6 182,5 125 219 355 591 1879 1093 1383
960 2,41 6,63 12,8 25,1 37,7 150,3 167,9 188,0 134 234 379 630 1937 1166 1475
1000 2,51 6,91 13,3 26,2 39,3 152,4 170,7 191,6 139 243 395 657 1976 1215 1537
1200 3,02 8,29 16,0 31,4 47,1 162,8 184,8 110 167 292 474 788 1172
1400 3,52 9,68 18,6 36,6 55,0 173,3 199,0 128 195 341 553 919
1440 3,62 9,95 19,1 37,7 56,5 175,4 102 132 201 351 568 945
1600 4,02 11,1 21,3 41,9 62,8 183,8 113 147 223 390 632
1800 4,52 12,4 23,9 47,1 70,7 194,2 127 165 251 438
2000 5,03 13,8 26,6 52,4 78,5 105,5 141 183 279
2200 5,53 15,2 29,3 57,6 86,4 115 155 202
2400 6,03 16,6 31,9 62,8 94,2 126 170
The figures in heavier type are for standard
2600 6,53 18,0 34,6 68,1 102 136 184
motor speeds. All these power ratings are
2800 7,04 19,4 37,2 73,3 110 147
calculated at constant torque. For speeds
2880 7,24 19,9 38,3 75,4 113 151
below 100 rev/min and intermediate
3000 7,54 20,7 39,9 78,5 118 157
speeds use nominal torque ratings.
3600 9,05 24,9 47,9 94,2
Coupling Size
Characteristics F40 F50 F60 F70 F80 F90 F100 F110 F120 F140 F160 F180 F200 F220 F250
Maximum speed rev/min 4500 4500 4000 3600 3100 3000 2600 2300 2050 1800 1600 1500 1300 1100 1000
Nominal Torque Nm TK N 24 66 127 250 375 500 675 875 1330 2325 3770 6270 9325 11600 14675
Maximum Torque Nm TK MAX 64 160 318 487 759 1096 1517 2137 3547 5642 9339 16455 23508 33125 42740
Torsional Stiffness Nm/O 5 13 26 41 63 91 126 178 296 470 778 1371 1959 2760 3562
Max, parallel misalignment mm 1,1 1,3 1,6 1,9 2,1 2,4 2,6 2,9 3,2 3,7 4,2 4,8 5,3 5,8 6,6
Maximum end float mm ± 1,3 1,7 2,0 2,3 2,6 3,0 3,3 3,7 4,0 4,6 5,3 6,0 6,6 7,3 8,2
Approximate mass, kg 0,1 0,3 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,4 2,3 2,6 3,4 7,7 8,0 10 15
Alternating Torque ± Nm
@ 10Hz TKW 11 26 53 81 127 183 252 356 591 940 1556 2742 3918 5521 7124
Resonance Factor V R 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Damping Coefficient Ψ 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9
Maximum torque figures should be regarded as short duration overload ratings for use in such circumstances as direct-on-line starting.
All flexible tyres have an angular misalignment capacity up to 4o.
F160 B – 140 – – – – 117 102 M20 402 345 187 78 19 15 35,8 0, 469
F160 F 4030 115 4 1/2" 92 77 80 – – – 402 345 197 78 19 15 32,5 0, 380
F160 H 4030 115 4 1/2" 92 77 80 – – – 402 345 197 78 19 15 32,5 0, 380
F180 B – 150 – – – – 137 114 M20 470 398 200 94 19 23 49,1 0, 871
F180 F 4535 125 5" 112 89 89 – – – 470 398 205 94 19 23 42,2 0, 847
F180 H 4535 125 5" 112 89 89 – – – 470 398 205 94 19 23 42,2 0, 847
F200 B – 150 – – – – 138 114 M20 508 429 200 103 19 24 58,2 1, 301
F200 F 4535 125 5" 113 89 89 – – – 508 429 205 103 19 24 53,6 1, 281
F200 H 4535 125 5" 113 89 89 – – – 508 429 205 103 19 24 53,6 1, 281
F220 B – 160 – – – – 154,5 127 M20 562 474 218 118 20 27 ,5 79,6 2, 142
F220 F 5040 125 5" 129,5 102 92 – – – 562 474 223 118 20 27 ,5 72,0 2, 104
F220 H 5040 125 5" 129,5 102 92 – – – 562 474 223 118 20 27 ,5 72,0 2, 104
F250 B – 190 – – – – 161,5 132 M20 628 532 254 125 25 29 ,5 104,0 3, 505
Dimensions in millimetres unless otherwise stated.
§ G is the amount by which clamping screws need to be withdrawn to release tyre.
† J is the wrench clearance to allow for tightening/loosening the bush on the shaft and the clamp ring screws on sizes F40, F50 and F60. The use of a shortened
wrench will allow this dimension to be reduced.
¶ M is half the distance between flanges. Shaft ends, although normally located twice M apart, can project beyond the flanges as shown. In this event
allow sufficient space between shaft ends for end float and misalignment.
* Mass and inertia figures are for single flange with mid range bore and include clamping ring, screws and washers and half tyre.
‡ For pilot bore 'B' flange code as listed.
Flanges are also available finish bored with keyway if required.
Bore must be specified on order.
# Note: On sizes F70, 80, 100 and 120 the 'F' direction bush is larger than that in the 'H'direction.
Size 80 (100) 100 140 100 140 180 140 180 140 180
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
F40 80 100 100 113 140 150
F50 100 116 140 156
F60 100 124 140 164
F70 100 114 140 154 180 194
F80 100 117 140 157 180 197
F90 140 158 180 198
F100 140 158 180 198
F110 140 156 180 196
F120 140 160 180 200
F140 140 163 180 203
Note: Alternative distances between shaft ends may be accommodated. Consult Fenner Power Transmission Distributor.
Spacer Max. Bore Fenaflex Max. Bore
Nom Bush Bush
Spacer DBSE Fenaflex Size mm Inch Size mm Inch A B C D E F G H J K L M S T
SM12 80 F40 1210 32 1 1/4" 1008 25 1" 104 82 118 83 134 25 14 15 14 6 65 22 77 25
SM12 100 F40 1210 32 1 1/4" 1008 25 1" 104 82 118 83 140 25 14 15 14 22 77 22 77 25
SM16 100 F40* 1610 42 1 5/8" 1008 25 1" 104 82 127 80 157 25 18 15 14 9 88 22 94 32
SM16 140 F40* 1610 42 1 5/8" 1008 25 1" 104 82 127 80 187 25 18 15 14 9 128 22 134 32
SM16 100 F50 1610 42 1 5/8" 1210 32 1 1/4" 133 79 127 80 160 25 18 15 14 9 85 25 94 32
SM16 140 F50 1610 42 1 5/8" 1210 32 1 1/4" 133 79 127 80 200 25 18 15 14 9 125 25 134 32
SM16 100 F60 1610 42 1 5/8" 1610 42 1 5/8" 165 70 127 80 161 25 18 15 14 9 78 33 94 32
SM16 140 F60 1610 42 1 5/8" 1610 42 1 5/8" 165 70 127 80 201 25 18 15 14 9 118 33 134 32
SM25 100 F70† 2517 60 2 1/2" 2012 50 2" 187 80 178 123 180 45 22 16 14 9 80 23 94 48
SM25 140 F70† 2517 60 2 1/2" 2012 50 2" 187 80 178 123 220 45 22 16 14 9 120 23 134 48
SM25 180 F70† 2517 60 2 1/2" 2012 50 2" 187 80 178 123 260 45 22 16 14 9 160 23 174 48
SM25 100 F80 2517 60 2 1/2" 2517 60 2 1/2" 211 95 178 123 193 45 22 16 14 9 78 25 94 48
SM25 140 F80 2517 60 2 1/2" 2517 60 2 1/2" 211 95 178 123 233 45 22 16 14 9 118 25 134 48
SM25 180 F80 2517 60 2 1/2" 2517 60 2 1/2" 211 95 178 123 273 45 22 16 14 9 158 25 174 48
SM25 140 F90 2517 60 2 1/2" 2517 60 2 1/2" 235 108 178 123 233 45 22 16 14 9 116 27 134 48
SM25 180 F90 2517 60 2 1/2" 2517 60 2 1/2" 235 108 178 123 273 45 22 16 14 9 156 27 174 48
SM30 140 F100 3020 75 3" 3020 75 3" 254 120 216 146 245 51 29 20 17 9 116 27 134 60
SM30 180 F100 3020 75 3" 3020 75 3" 254 120 216 146 285 51 29 20 17 9 156 27 174 60
SM30 140 F110 3020 75 3" 3020 75 3" 279 134 216 146 245 51 29 20 17 9 118 25 134 60
SM30 180 F110 3020 75 3" 3020 75 3" 279 134 216 146 285 51 29 20 17 9 158 25 174 60
SM35 140 F120† 3525 100 4" 3525 100 4 " 314 140 248 178 272 63 34 20 17 9 114 29 134 80
SM35 180 F120† 3525 100 4" 3525 100 4 " 314 140 248 178 312 63 34 20 17 9 154 29 174 80
SM35 140 F140 3525 100 4" 3525 100 4 " 359 178 248 178 271 63 34 20 17 9 111 32 134 80
SM35 180 F140 3525 100 4" 3525 100 4 " 359 178 248 178 312 63 34 20 17 9 151 32 174 80
Note: Larger sizes of spacer coupling can be manufactured to order. Consult Fenner Power Transmission Distributor.
* F40 'B' Flange must be used to fit spacer shaft.
† 'F' Flange must be used to fit spacer shaft.
PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS:- F40 R12 to F60 R16 F70 R25 to F200 R50
Spacer lengths
The spacer lengths shown are the minimum
possible. Longer spacers can be supplied to
special order.
F60 RM16 1610 42 1615 42 165 127 183 120 191 25 38 37 – 44 115 8
F70 RM25 1610 42 2517 60 187 178 203 133 183 25 45 – – 56 106 11
F70 RM25 F 2012 50 2517 60 187 178 210 133 183 32 45 – – 56 106 11
F80 RM25 F 2517 60 2517 60 211 178 232 142 283 45 45 – – 59 200 12
F80 RM25 2012 50 2517 60 211 178 219 142 283 33 45 – – 59 200 12
F90 RM30 2517 60 3030 75 235 216 284 163 283 45 76 – – 71 191 21
F100 RM30 2517 60 3030 75 254 216 290 169 282 45 76 – – 75 188 23
F100 RM30 F 3020 75 3030 75 254 216 296 169 282 51 76 – – 75 188 23
F110 RM30 3020 75 3030 75 279 216 298 170 282 51 76 – – 76 187 26
F120 RM35 F 3525 100 3535 90 314 248 334 180 282 66 89 – – 78 187 35
F120 RM35 3020 75 3535 90 314 248 320 180 282 51 89 – – 78 187 35
F140 RM40 3525 100 4040 100 359 298 370 203 449 65 102 – 14 87 133 59
F160 RM45 4030 115 4545 110 402 330 416 224 449 77 115 – 16 98 325 92
F200 RM50 4535 125 5050 125 508 362 505 289 – 89 127 – 16 130 – –