SS, $$, or @SS is sendspace, m3g4 is mega, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com, etc.
There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one.
$n!p<dot>li, s00<dot>gd, and h1v3<dot>@m links are cAsE sEnSeTiVe
Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying.
“Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps.
When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE
stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat
Thanks to all the anons here that provide us with their files and/or help!!!
This thread is awesomesauce3, and you're the reason!
The most recent version of this document and others can be found at
$n!p<dot>li /ShareThread
Fun and Educational!
What methods do people prefer to add OCR to a PDF? smallpdf.com does a pretty good job of lossless compression
OCR shouldn't be affecting the compression of the image in the PDF by default. Unless you are setting the OCR to
downsample a 300dpi page to 150dpi while performing the OCR. In which case you should set the OCR downsample to
match the actual page dpi.
But honestly if the PDF consists pages that are just images, you should extract them in Photoshop, and reduce the
resolution to 150dpi with the bicubic sharper option (Does a better job of downsampling than Acrobat), save to PNG, and
recreate the PDF, then OCR @ 150dpi.
A Hard To Find Game
www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b
7SRXXZ&v=2.5 $nip /Ckht3
--- --- ---
REVOLVING COLLECTIONS! Get 'Em While They're Hot!! (47 hours 59 minutes - or less!)
Most of the paper terrain is free anyway, you just need to hunt it down.
You can start with these:
Twilight: 2000 -East Africa Sourcebook, Rooks Gambit, The Korean Peninsula
Dark Conspiracy - Tampete
SS /filegroup/CbX04l2deJ7vMNMHBjE7N5qZVA%2F6WmRv
SS /file/g16pai
Capharnaum (English)
SS /file/v0d8w1
Raiders of R’lyeh
SS /filegroup/rbCe4eZd8BaJpEZac3xNUWUaEN%2Bdd8zs
Earthdawn 3e collection
SS /filegroup/mm96N74jYc1vynCKRb4%2BNz7Wm26rz1DBpHoEvGqA7qtJeNatL9xn9s9v%2BNpCDlwnl%2BObGzAcd
Legendary Games Pathfinder bundle. Thank you to a gracious donor! Bundle includes:
Aetheric Heroes
Ancient Curses
Ancient Idols
Ancient Tombs
Asian Archetypes - Magical
Beast of Legend Malevolent Medium Monsters
Corrupted Classes
Eldritch Elementalism
Faerie Bargains
Forest Kingdom Archetypes
Fort Scurvy
Horseshow Calamity
Intrigue Archetypes
Killer Clowns
Legendary Beginnings - Into the Faeweald
Legendary Beginnings - The King's Curse
Legendary Beginnings - The Thieves Den
Legendary Hybrids - Doomguard
Legendary Hybrids - Skinchanger
Legendary Monks
Legendary Villains - Wicked Witches
Legendary Worlds - Calcarata
Legendary Worlds - Carses
Legendary Worlds - Melefoni
Legendary Worlds - Terminus
Legendary PLanet 4 - Confederates of the Shattered Zone - Art & Map Book
Mythic Magic Horror Spells
Mythis Magic Intrigue Spells
Mythic Monsters India
Mythic Monsters Sea Monsters
Occult Archetypes II
On the Siberian Line
Royal Tournaments
Shrine of Serpents
The Robot Summoner
The Smugglers Seal
Treasury of the Orient
Treasury of the Winter
Whisper House
$nip /CjmCh
War for the Crown [PF] Map and Cover (in German)
No. 208
Rappan Athuk 5e
SS /file/3t2idl
Pathfinder (German)
Spielleiterhandbuch Zweite Auflage (Gamemastery Guide 2nd Edition)
Almanachzu Taldor (Taldor, the First Empire)
Almanachzu Qadira (Qadira, Jewel of the East)
Handbuch Antihelden (Antihero's Handbook)
SS /filegroup/YueVaZIeyRHYM%2BV7KAdM5bQPsBIyqhiF
SS /file/kgfvwm
Chimaera Roleplaying Universe [Superhero Genre] Core Rulebook & Hellhounds Supplement
SS /filegroup/55evr2yz0JCIiC3Zc8%2FdAg
Eldritch Tales
SS /file/x30cq7
Miscellaneous Files
Gunframe - Anime Mecha Battle Game
Ruma - Dawn of Empire
Mythras - Agony & Ecstacy
The Robotic Age - Fully Customized
Thunderscape - Nations of Aden 1 - Vanora
SS /filegroup/Ffnk9Wh8B5ZdGgGejrkIs%2FSSU6qDZAzupPG4sAHBuBXHLkrnDBkmlg
SS /filegroup/eOhLMalOdu0Mn5gZiFj5wJnpLpeZqVyr
Empaths (PF)
SS /file/1e1pcd
Mythic D6
SS /file/g9xtou
No. 207
Everywhen [v1.03]
SS /filegroup/EKjqbta9DJAqB0uuW0oFdg
Torchbearer collection
SS /filegroup/o87XoeVWEj%2FjAq5nPEoW%2B54d6DGhlZ7ooB6f%2BTSuUNdjpwBahOdFhwABWU0FzzDN
Castle Falkenstein - The Ability Variations, The Feat Variations, and The Second Tarot Variation
SS /filegroup/W%2B3z7JgIMu4%2BPOQoAv0vjnhPw7iQHvMR
In Dark Alleys
SS /filegroup/604aeJsHVCtZsf5Xu%2BiSAgoj7NKDbgsCzgunGHR0ll8
SS /filegroup/3cg%2B1%2BlcNOmeYe5OMJAkdA
Ironclaw stuff
MF /folder/kglnhktl6md8e/IronClaw
No. 206
Argh! Thar Be Zombies
SS /file/aeb1db
Welcome Guests
SS /file/4rqu7z
Starfinder Armory
u$er$cl0ud /s77cp8lha4pn
Frostgrave expansions
SS /filegroup/hDOGa%2Fmtgbn%2FeaFm5o1c3kxHMe3A9r7K
-- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- --
Dungeon World Donations
Creature Decks - Aberrations & Magical Beasts
Creature Decks - Animals & Vermin
Creature Decks - Dragons, Undead, & Outsiders
Creature Decks - Fey, Constructs & Wildlife
Creature Decks - Humanoids & Monstrous Humanoids
Compendium Class - The Model
Playbook - The Flagellant
Playbook - The Guest Star
Sandy Pug Games - Dungeon World - Classtravaganza Pack
SS /filegroup/DQJcFRe9JyTlLDbAQtMr5WJTFYL1n2N1OxhOWXQQA80
-- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- --
Polaris collection
SS /filegroup/ozn7KRxT51XWAPEcmpwDesNTxVx1BTs5rY1l4j6BBKg
"Just got an updated sample PDF of a game I've been working on and playtesting for the better part of a decade now.
Couldn't have done it without /tg/ and all the free RPG books you guys have provided me.
You can find the PDF at the link below. Not the full game, but it has everything you need to play and a passable amount of
character options. The other guys on the team didn't want to release anything for free before the kickstarter, so this is a
Play it, break it, let the PDF sit in your folder unused, and spread it around all you like. If you guys are feeling nice, we
appreciate feedback and publicity. Trying to build hype before we launch the kickstarter for a full art version and print
No. 205
Extensive Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2e collection
SS /filegroup/7XpITj8rX4ygM6PZ%2FdFx0THpL4AP3TQ0q2MdUN
Arkham Horror - The Lord of Nightmares Trilogy 2 - The Lies of Solace (fiction)
SS /file/fgmo1p
Arkham Horror
Dance of the Damned(Lord of Nightmares 1of3)
u$er$cl0ud /actrmjflw9jz
NOD Magazine
SS /filegroup/Yf9vSyG%2Bl9YG5ufbmvGPNWE572JTfYOzzBgsn
Chaosium fiction
m3g4 /#F!i8kCjKDI!fdKS0gc89Q-tv4zl4E6j_Q!2s0GmAoB id be obliged to them
Baker Street
SS /filegroup/c1XLEeMEiQOZi9b396hHR9%2Br7ub0p46GBpFzGZ19QO0
Stormbringer collection
MF /folder/074t60lqox5qa/Stormbringer
The Witcher
SS /file/ml5w02
No. 204
Monsroum symbatercodex (final)
SS /file/lqdtdq
All the Wrath & Glory stuff I have, including a character sheet I made with some autocalc
SS /filegroup/M9l49b3GBtf2DArwGPjcNWzNR6BXMPwwrjVfnUPf01GPSJYXAGg2NVNuyURUFlimF7Z9HRBnPt8
Palladium Fantasy
Monsters and Animals - 1st Ed 5th Print - PAL454
SS /file/weezuv
Harnmaster collection
SS /filegroup/%2B%2Bi0kHehatyuNnCBABxh8pqTR4qNP6f
No. 203
Traveller - T5 The Gazelle Class Close Escorts
SS /file/2ne6s0
ACKS core
SS /filegroup/wWaNP3RQ6grqG5PuXwKxPA
Several WoD Vampire OEFs (missing Player's guide and any German books)
SS /file/a6o7k2
WoD Documentary
m3g4 /#!Kd03BBrb!2lAYJXmIzkpsbHY3u9hRuk2y__E_qlQukByENk4gGTA
LL - RK1 Knives in the Dark, RK2 Evil Wizards in a Cave, and RK3 The Wizards Verse
SS /filegroup/iL5N3nk%2FSv%2BVzb%2BSH7XtAsu9MzdpzArzRxOtydFfw07ddpJzKpPa%2BQ
Baker Street - Core, Investigator's Pack, and the Case of the Missing Artifact
SS /filegroup/B6hksVvvMzBdwd5p2j7ZrWWG%2FLZR8FYa
Exilium collection
Xas Irkalla
SS /filegroup/rEEtyl0wVxKOOEBa4y4xTnBewSLImLHE
Oko Yrrhedesa - Eye of Yrrhedesa (Polish)
7th issue of Magia i Miecz
(THE most important thing for TTRPG in Poland. You want start from page 32)
82<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/BmouDD7Q/file.html
117<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/FMFxQMPC/file.html
There is also a well-known mistake with table designs. Since this is a 2d6 game, random tables have 36, not 51 possible
outcomes. If you see any table that operates on improbable outcomes to get on 2d6, it's just an editorial mistake that
never got fixed (despite, you know, having been published in total 4 times as a system). Fix tables yourself, but the best
solution is to make your own for 2d10 instead, as using 2d6 for tables gives a really small amount of possible outcomes
and options to pick from.
No Quarter Prime 6
115<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/cgH5Cz3z/file.html
Ghosts of Albion by Eden Studios
SS /file/b4uwhg
SS /file/rt6st6
Torchbearer collection
SS /filegroup/G%2BlDP7lTuWgc0XUmIsRbcJUFmkq3%2FWIYIshYLLINw%2Bqh0tzv5slPFzFuZsiSx77N
m3g4 /#F!HZEQ2AZL!F1asY2YmYM8d74vTZHayDw
dr!v3<dot>g00gl3 /file/d/1Xodo-uyfxk-F-2N1kL2lLN5yMCSXtgsP/view
VtM 5e
SS /file/tleqf6
SS /file/lqdtdq
Wh40K collection
dr0pb0x /sh/0wwdpy6vtowa30q/AACL_Y70m6w1QgVrQgv4ukAHa?dl=0
FATE - Morts
u$er$cl0ud /ta3vchh8h4u9
No. 201
Oko Yrrhedesa (The Eye of Yrrhedes) English wiki
In Pursuit of Power v2
SS /file/5s1otl
SS /file/eze1yn
43 AD
SS /filegroup/viwCWTsnhsveXdkNaXOE%2Bg
No. 200!
The Little Book of Adventuring Classes Vol. 1 and 2 (Swords & Wizardry)
SS /filegroup/Rjtz%2BcEhzi1jqHARTBqQ6g
Starfinder Season 01
Scenario #20 Duskmire Accord 9
Scenario #21 Yesteryear's Sorrow
Pathfinder Season 10
Scenario #01 Oathbreaker's Die
Scenario #02 Bones of Biting Ants
Scenario #03 Death on the Ice
Pathfinder Playtest
Scenario #02 Raiders of Shrieking Peak
Scenario #03 Arclord's Envy
SF 3PP - Star Classes - Envoy and Classes of the Lost Spheres - Zodiac
SS /filegroup/xml1K4Yl2pp9gLBd0DiyEg
RPG novels (mirror this for your own use - it won't last forever)
m3g4 /#F!i8kCjKDI!fdKS0gc89Q-tv4zl4E6j_Q
New Alternity
SS /filegroup/Pq41Ke3P8bAXk56MBe5LJ2xT8UmBfeVRHjNnODPmPpKR3d3nEt%2Fr%2BQ
The Witcher
m3g4 /#!JPQj2AzQ!G_rqYFpGKpT8h1aWQ7fyEtTJEdI7mxCSVAS_Z38arTU
Kids on Bikes
u$er$cl0ud /zymdikskofcq
5e - Obsidian Apocalypse
SS /filegroup/DKT%2BiWnstM7AY%2BjVo6fXucI%2Bhi5rlkW9AKD9jAg%2BHRgCazx2DQf5zw
SS /file/ckjxjl
The Law
SS /file/525ud7
thingiverse.com is loaded with free files. Search for miniatures or terrain or barstool, or whatever you are looking for.
No. 199
Kidnap the Archpriest
SS /file/6gehs4
MF /file/cevdb0pfqn6pdvi/Yoon-Suin+the+Purple+Land.PDF
SS sese/file/o9fy7s
Victoriana 3rd Ed
SS /filegroup/q75RJOeJj6U5AaSwUtlBTQ1CZdAw3F9OiFVfguj2pWvRzSgZBH9UiCzVAZjAwG74
SS /filegroup/RBE8ae462GxtGot1iuBP%2Bg
Demon Gate
SS /file/mzvuhz
LFP0049 Random Esoteric Creature Generator - 10th Year Anniversary Edition [2018]
SS /file/u9vvzt
No. 198
Skull Wizards of the Chaos Caverns
Dust Warfare
SS /filegroup/ZFBqSLU3%2F1gcMbSu8hmy6eC2WQdEHrLA
Deep Roots
filescdn<dot>net /za6fvsnzjkb7
Wicked Pacts
SS /filegroup/Os8xoHZjdrPj4xM8skc9Zg
Arrows of Indra
SS /file/gky18f
Dark Yogi
SS /filegroup/0X7hNaNE%2BWcnqcI%2FKPgjLrhALWt81jclPj%2Bh96snTTyUnXP%2BXr%2FnnnjgFw%2Fta4hb
Engine Heart
SS /filegroup/rYiuU4bl8jB4GyciSVLPsjDWunigzKglAYWyKdjKK6vfotbC1uDdMQ
Dark Pacts
SS /filegroup/exw8xZuTZdCFG3uZvEMnIL6Lr6a3E%2Bo1
SS /file/m6bl8a
Devil's Swamp
SS /file/hm80md
No. 197
Kobold Press - Midgard Worldbook
u$er$cl0ud /nfo00gmoiog7
A Single Moment
SS /file/fn8xfw
SS /file/clcgwh
No. 196
The Feywild [5e]
SS /file/nojod9
Continuum RPG files all included with all the hipster passwords and security removed, except the Spanbook java software
(still searching for that)
SS /file/clcgwh
118<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/m0rjzQV8/file.html
Megadungeon #1-3
SS /filegroup/1Rz%2BS2gcCG5AMYlS0dit4pkMoHLBz4Lk
No. 195
Torchbearer Cards
MF /folder /7jmavsjk8cuxy/
QAGS - M-Force
SS /filegroup/CfM3kVLe7psAs6aYyAjCEPy7346Z7Ww1
Bestiary of Faerun - Monsters of the Forgotten Realms (5e)
m3g4 /#!LLZTTQID!UedHa1CZrh1BU2TGiX8qOh3YnKN7eTv3o0t84MIjQRM
Starfinder Armory
SS /file/gowpbc
V5 (WoD)
SS /file/y58z9w
SS /file/tleqf6 (different bookmarks)
@n0nfil3 /Rcv0C3fbb0/Sexy_Humanized_Ponies.pdf
WoW - Arthas
SS /file/dqpnma
SS /file/1231tx
SS /file/h322l7
Desolation Ubiquity
SS /filegroup/D%2B3xY0yFizJ%2F2TkY71%2FKPCZXKJr0mR3w
No. 194
D20 weekly (probably not complete)
SS /file/rn4aoe
Perilous Wilds
u$er$cl0ud /xy9rbextj3ok
Art of Symbaroum
SS /file/3335ul
ELEMENTAL collection
SS /filegroup/S2bO9W%2BfUgS3i88y%2BYDeB8AP8OBSZJcJ
The Splinter
SS /filegroup/AOq%2FKKK3IgvlKNd8DYQ0xzCctWlpZIBs
No. 193
Revised Four Against Darkness
SS /file/bbwyeu
Scavengers RPG
Scavengers Expanded
SS /filegroup/z9%2FuUGafYgz8T6V3Fa6c1w
Neomancer RPG
Neomancer Beta Rules
Neomancer Campaign - The Salvation Code
SS /filegroup/1ZydYAHkPwpL1MjL7mLIlHtODXHhx4xO
Changeling 2e
@n0nfil3<dot>com /Mch16dfabe/
GURPS 3e - Module Prime Alpha (8101) (sorry, two pages are damaged)
SS /file/tqdruw
S09-24 Beneath Unbroken Waves
S09-25 Betrayal in the Bones
SF S01-18 The Blackmoon Survey
SF S01-19 To Conquer the Dragon
SS /filegroup/ZzD7P1z2Slbm%2BcoGsYlk64T4WdDRQ6Rl
SS /file/ua8cym
Aqelarre English
SS /file/4d434q
No. 192
A bunch of Thaumatology related files
SS /filegroup/qxkR%2B1c9Ijd3ZxNoPFOPy4lFibnp8SA%2Fs7YX%2FpSoarcQiGi5%2BBDXj1mh8OLssldEuBWrmo
Star Thugs
SS /file/pzx92t
Elite Dangerous
SS /filegroup/5GXuoYQ3BJyWOZ19XNRHoXwKfuFyu
36<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/R6TRVsAF/file.html
D100 Dungeon
SS /file/fvck7u
App for opening links from your clipboard (can also be found on github)
MF /file/9g981b7nb4h8ysx
Undercroft 01
u$er$cl0ud /ns48r02uvcpm
Undercroft 02
u$er$cl0ud /ih4f3l0tx7qn
Undercroft 03
u$er$cl0ud 70wii692c0nf
Undercroft 04
u$er$cl0ud /jzd3m1555ywc
Undercroft 05
u$er$cl0ud /pvl35a69nac4
Undercroft 06
u$er$cl0ud /fuowt32s81mp
Undercroft 07
u$er$cl0ud /t8frqtvlrosn
Undercroft 08
u$er$cl0ud /gkw2065uw84x
Undercroft 09
u$er$cl0ud /h1s6vp2z3adg
Undercroft 10
u$er$cl0ud /cy4010h9eky9
No. 191
Die Screaming collection
SS /filegroup/GL5FY1DfJiEp3ws%2FWUXU51q9rPnKELbp
Numenera - Destiny and Discovery
SS /file/xyucpg
Authentic Thaumaturgy
SS /file/qhrrhi
No. 190
Star Trek Adventures
SS /filegroup/kmOz182zTpByE8Vf%2FX2NnCw7HM0RcSKmHy%2BKNBmZfxjw%2BG9duLR0WkFSlOR5bW6Lx
Osprey - MAA 502 - Byzantine Naval Forces 1261-1461 - The Roman Empire's Last Marines True
79<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/gxxIJcY0/file.html
The original Dark Sun ESD releases from 2000 (Not sure how much the ones on DTRPG vary from these)
79<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/5sU7NQP3/file.html
DCC - Lankhmar
SS /filegroup/WRWUTo3LstJe1I9VZPi23VIpCHdAR6vXg85nnzAr%2FH9NMIA%2BJ7pHbBlShOk4s
Fireborn RPG
SS /file/1r1ufo
No. 189
Scion: Origin
SS /file/ekzzl2
SS /file/9b25qo
Tome of Horrors 5e
SS /file/p9ehpm
Rappan Athuk 5e
SS /file/ldqqg0
FATE - Shardland
SS /file/tw3b3m
No. 188
Patrol - The Trench Raiders
SS /file/f8sxe4
SS /filegroup/z%2FMnp759eD2gRnceKVmiOhNOIsmWMSZZ
Six of Swords
SS /file/22uvf6
HERO 5 - Ultimate Mentalist (missing cover), and Cops, Crews, and Cabals
SS /filegroup/PgtBofKT2KlN2aHfZ%2BCiGw
Earthdawn 4e
SS /filegroup/Zu%2FEslw4dpzFn2lowhq%2BEf%2FJP%2FTVTJ0CB22xHtChPpP8tD%2FtITUduQ
Delta Green - Lover in the Ice with the rest of the collection
SS /filegroup/5plcckUi9lVwDgaumCi6lDm7dVS5owWDhHo66JIsy7lec9kAlODHsA
Splicers - I Am Legion
73<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/UOPEZbni/file.html
No. 187
Numenera 2
SS /file/xyucpg
Colonial Gothic
SS /file/s58rp3
Squawk 1e
SS /file/oogia3
Solo collection
MF /folder/1ecybp6dp8rix/SoloTG
SS /file/7icow0
No. 186
CHA4028 - Runequest - Roleplaying in Glorantha (exp 08/06/18)
ufil3<dot>i0 /93m3u
Degenesis collectoin
m3g4 /#F!PGoB3Y7B!EincoMGJMQDC097GLd9YlQ
Cthonic Codex, Marvels and Malisons, The Complete Vivimancer, Theorems and Thaumaturgy, Wonders and
$nip /Igloo
SS /file/wsfyk6
SotDL - SDL1813 In the Emperor's Secret Service, and SDL1814 City of Thieves
SS /filegroup/tO1QwrupuxrRgd9zZPWrAQ
Albedo comics
Harnmaster collection
nzbot<dot>com /collection.php?c=16843679
No. 185
Recent donations: Thunderscape [PF] files, Malifaux (Through the Breach), Wyrd Chronicles, Summerland, Frozen Skies,
first 3 Aden Gazettes for Pathfinder, and whatever else. (Some of these are duplicates)
$nip /IvXpo
Quantum Black
SS /file/weigl4
u$er$cl0ud /n5uvbkec2h8p
Dragon Pool
54<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/3YDz0akA/file.html
-- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -
"My odrive app is kind of ready to use. There are some issues left of course...
If you are afraid to run it, you can find project on github. 'Load all' can take a while because troves are huge, but after that
you can save trove structure in file."
MasterPDF Editor - the linux version is free, and it can save the image files directly from the PDF
https://www.hardcoded.net/dupeguru/Scribd autobot