SISF Global Equity SA en
SISF Global Equity SA en
SISF Global Equity SA en
Superior share price performance: Globally high yield stocks, where the yield is backed
by secure dividends, have significantly outperformed the market over the longer term.
Support in bear markets: A notable characteristic of the way in which high yield stocks
have outperformed is by lagging the broader market during periods of decline.
Why invest in this fund Opportunity: The fund’s remit is global. We seek the highest, sustainable yield stocks in
each major region and build a diversified portfolio of stocks that will reap the benefits of high
yield wherever it is to be found.
Resources: Management of Schroder ISF Global Equity Yield combines the power of
quantitative screening techniques with the strength of Schroders’ extensive regional and
global fundamental research and investment capabilities.
Process: Our global equity yield investment process leverages these inputs in an efficient,
disciplined and risk controlled manner.
Our investment approach When investing for high yield we seek to build a diversified portfolio of high yield stocks
that we believe are attractive on two levels: firstly, because of the quality, sustainability and
growth potential of their dividend and secondly, because the fundamental outlook for the
companies is favourable.
Our investment process Our team-based investment process can be divided into two phases:
1) our high yield screens narrow the global investment universe to a ‘buy’ list. The screen
criteria are set to ensure that the companies on the list are liquid and have a high yield
backed by sustainable dividends that have the potential to grow
2) each stock on the list is assessed in the context of the fundamental research-based views
of Schroders’ over 80 equity analysts (in 12 countries) and over 60 regional portfolio
managers. Supported by the global equity team, the fund manager combines these inputs
within a benchmark ‘unaware’ high yield portfolio that is maintained with strict buy/sell
disciplines based on our screens and on changes to our fundamental-based views.
5,900 stocks
Screen Rationale
Global Equity
Yield portfolio
70 to 80 stocks
*Schroder International Selection Fund is referred to as Schroder ISF throughout this document
Schroder International Selection Fund
Global Equity Yield
Our investment team Drawing on the strength and experience of Schroders’ worldwide in-house research and
portfolio management capabilities, fund manager Sonja Schemmann and our specialist
global equity analysts are responsible for constructing Schroder ISF Global Equity Yield.
Supported by the team of global sector specialists and by the high yield screens developed
specifically for global yield portfolios by our in-house quantitative process team, Sonja is
responsible for the overall management and performance of Schroder ISF Global Equity Yield.
How does the fund fit – This fund is ideal for medium to long-term investors looking for capital growth (equity
exposure), with a regular income stream that could rise over time.
into an investor’s
– It would also suit investors looking to improve their overall portfolio profile (risk-return
portfolio? profile) since an equity yield fund is a lower-risk and less volatile alternative to a traditional
equity fund.
Fund terms Fund aim To provide a total return primarily through investment in equity
and equity related securities of companies worldwide which
offer attractive yields and sustainable dividend payments
Structure A sub-fund of Schroder International Selection Fund (the
“Company”). The Company is a Luxembourg registered
UCITS recognised in the UK under Section 264 of the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.
Fund manager Sonja Schemmann
Launch date 29 July 2005
Benchmark MSCI AC World
Base currency USD
Minimum investment A shares EUR 1,000 or USD 1,000 or their near equivalent in any other
freely convertible currency.
ISIN A shares LU0225284248
Reuters A shares LU0225284248.LUF
Bloomberg A shares SCHGEYA LX
Risk warning Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated.
Investors may not get back the full amount invested, as prices of shares and the income
from them may fall as well as rise. Exchange rate changes may cause the value of any
foreign investments to rise or fall.
Important information This document does not constitute an offer to anyone, or a solicitation by anyone, to subscribe for shares of
Schroder International Selection Fund (the “Company”). Nothing in this document should be construed as advice and
is therefore not a recommendation to buy or sell shares. Subscriptions for shares of the Company can only be made
on the basis of its latest prospectus together with the latest audited annual report (and subsequent unaudited semi-
annual report, if published), copies of which can be obtained, free of charge, from Schroder Investment Management
(Luxembourg) S.A. In accordance with the current prospectus, other than for the Schroder ISF Global Property
Securities fund, the Company will seek UK distributor status for all distribution A and C shares.An investment in the
Company entails risks, which are fully described in the prospectus.
Schroders has expressed its own views and opinions in this document and these may change. Schroder ISF Global
Equity Yield is not within the scope of the European Union Directive 2003/48/EC (Taxation of Savings Income in the
Form of Interest Payments), as implemented in Luxembourg Law. This document is issued by Schroder Investment
Management (Luxembourg) S.A., R.C.S. Luxembourg: B 37.799, 5, rue Höhenhof, L-1736 Senningerberg,
Luxembourg. For your security, all telephone calls are recorded.