Master Data and Enterprise Structure Configuration:: Organizational Units in Accounting
Master Data and Enterprise Structure Configuration:: Organizational Units in Accounting
Master Data and Enterprise Structure Configuration:: Organizational Units in Accounting
Among other things, the following options are specified for each company code:
The company address
The chart of accounts (list of general ledger accounts)
The local currency (the currency used in a company code in which the local books are kept,
usually the national currency)
The fiscal year variant (specification of the periods and special periods of a fiscal year)
The controlling area
The determination whether balance sheets are also to be created at the business area level
The controlling area is an organizational unit within a company for which you can carry out
complete, self-contained cost accounting. A controlling area can cover one or more company codes.
The associated company codes must all use the same operative chart of accounts.
Purchasing Organizations:
A purchasing organization is an organizational unit within logistics that subdivides a company
according to the purchasing requirements.
Across a corporate group A purchasing organization procures for more than one client company code
When there are several purchasing organizations in a group of companies, you define one reference
purchasing organization and assign it to other purchasing organizations so that the conditions of the
reference purchasing organization can be used by other purchasing organizations for the purpose of
price determination.
Contracts in the reference purchasing organization can be referred by the assigned purchasing
organizations to release Contract Release Orders. So a reference purchasing organization extends
the flexibility of both cross company and company specific purchasing activities together which can
be used depending upon specific situations.
The vendor master record must also be maintained for the reference purchasing organization because
the reference purchasing organization is treated as a normal purchasing organization.
You define the valuation area by specifying the level at which the system valuates the stocks of
materials. This specification applies to the entire client.
The valuation data of a material is created for each company code. Price control and the price of
a material apply per company code. You can, therefore, valuate the same material consistently
in all plants of a company code.
The valuation data of a material is created for each plant. Price control and the price of a
material apply per plant. You can, therefore, valuate the same material differently in different
A plant is an organizational unit within Logistics that subdivides the enterprise for production,
procurement, maintenance, and materials planning. A plant produces materials or makes goods or
services available.
A plant is an operational unit or branch in a company with the following characteristics:
A plant and a division belong to just one business area.
A plant can be assigned to several combinations of sales organizations and distribution
A plant has an address and a language and belongs to a country.
A plant has its own material master data. Data can be maintained at plant level for various
views of the material master record, such as Materials Requirements Planning (MRP),
Purchasing, Storage, Work Scheduling, Production Resources/Tools, Forecast, Quality
Management, Sales, and Costing.
Several purchasing organizations can be assigned to a plant.
Production planning and production are carried at plant level. However, certain applications
can work on a cross-plant basis.
A plant can be defined as a maintenance planning plant.
To define the plant, in Customizing, go to Enterprise Structure → Definition→ Plant
Maintenance→ Maintain Maintenance Planning Plant.
A plant can simultaneously be a production plant and a maintenance planning plant.
Storage Locations:
The characteristics of a storage location are as follows:
A storage location is the level at which you physically manage the stocks of a material.
A storage location is the level at which the physical inventory process takes place (except when
the Warehouse Management system is activated).
The system manages the stocks at storage location level on a quantity basis only, not on a value
A storage location always belongs to a certain plant.
A storage location can have different addresses (for example, one for the delivery of general
cargo and another for bulk material). These addresses can differ from the plant address.
If you store several addresses for a storage location, the system always suggests the first address.
You can change the address by selecting a different address number on the Delivery Address tab
page (the system generates one address number per address).
The figure displays the interrelationships between the organizational levels of materials
management and sales.
You can assign purchasing organizations to a company code. However, you can also work with
purchasing organizations for which you have not assigned any company code (for example,
centralized purchasing).
Purchasing organizations can be responsible for one or more plants.
In contrast, sales organizations always have to be assigned.
Sales organizations can be responsible for one or more plants. A sales organization, a distribution
channel, and a division constitute a sales area.
The valuation level can be a plant or company code.
Organizational Levels for Materials Management and Accounting:
The system valuates materials at plant level or company code level. The valuation area key thus
corresponds to the plant key.
For product costing and production planning, a separate valuation area for each plant is mandatory.
The value-based inventory management of materials always takes place at the level of the valuation
In addition, substocks of a material may be subject to split valuation (for example, the system may
valuate stocks of a material produced in-house at a different price as compared to stocks procured
externally). You can achieve this using a valuation category and different valuation types.
Plant Definition:
The system has extended functions for setting up a (new) plant in Customizing under Enterprise
Structure→ Definition → Logistics - General → Define, copy, delete, check plant (EC02).