Research Mark
Research Mark
Research Mark
The study focuses on the Retention Policy in the Accountancy Department and
its effects to the academic performance of students, it may include the importance of the
policy in the preparation of accountancy students in the CPA Board Examination.
Retention Policy
Retention policies are especially important for associations due to their unique, central
role in so many industries and professions, (Leavitt, 2007). According to Nagaoka and
Roderick (2004) a central focus of this report is estimating whether retention had a
positive impact in students' achievement growth. Evaluating the effect of retention
means that the researchers have to find a comparison group of low-achieving students
who might represent what would have happened if those students who failed to make
the promotional cut-off had not been retained.
Academic Performance
Teacher’s Competence
According to Haskew [135] "The possessions of the teacher, his knowledge, skills,
attitude, personality configuration and the like are referred to as competencies, they
lend the character dimension to teaching". Medley and Mitzel [197] defined "The
competency of a teacher is defined as the average success of all his behaviors in
achieving their intended effects." Whereas Biddle and Ellena [35] reported, “Teaching
competency is one or more abilities of a teacher to produce agreed upon educational
Gage’s views [109] about teaching was, “Teaching skills are specific instructional
techniques and procedure that a teacher may use in the class-room. They represent an
analysis of the teaching process into relatively discrete components that can be used in
different combination in the continuous flow of the teacher's performance.”
Conceptual Framework
Retention Policy
Teacher’s Factor
A. Level of
B. Communication
1. What are the common reasons why accountancy fail to pass their accounting
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having retention policy?
3. Does the Policy serves as the motivation of students?
1. There are no common reasons why accountancy students fail to pass their
accounting subjects.
2. Retention Policy has no significant effect on the Academic Performance of
accountancy students.
This study is conducted to know the importance of Retention Policy and its
effects to students who are taking BSA degree and are aspiring to be a Certified Public
Accountant. It benefits my co-BSA students as they may get insights and learnings on
the Retention Policy and its importance for the preparation of the Board Examination.
This study is limited only on the effect of Retention Policy on the students’
academic performance.
Definition of Terms:
Accountancy Students – those who are taking the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Research Design
This study uses the Descriptive (Survey questionnaire and Observation) and
Flexible Design (Interview).
The respondents for this study are the BSA students in NDU.
The sample size would be 20 respondents chosen from the total population of
the BSA students who are officially enrolled in NDU using the Random Sampling
Research Instrument
This study uses the Questionnaire, Observation and Interview as the Research