MQL Steidle GMBH Gesamtkatalog GB Rev04

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Minimum. Lubrication.

Quantity. Systems.


Steidle GmbH has pioneered and paved the way for the
technique known as Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL),
which has now established itself as the most advanced stra-
tegy for metal processing.

Founded in 1979, Steidle GmbH began producing lubricoo-

ngs ys temsi nt heear l
y80‘s,whent heywer esti
„spr ayc ool ing“dev i
ces.Spur r
edonbyt hiss ucc
es s
,S t
GmbH then focused on the application of minimal quantiti
of liquids.
As a result of our research, development and production, we
were able to greatly extend our product range. Today,
Steidle offers a unique range of over half a dozen minimum
quantity lubrication (MQL) systems for internal and external
lubrication, metal-cutting and chipless forming operations,
for initial installers and end users. The range of products offered, expert advice, extensive
experience and continuous, customer-oriented innovations
You can put together your own individual system from over - all these factors give Steidle customers a distinct advan-
900 components (in the standard range alone). And, if for tage. Our product range is rounded off with lubricoolants
any reason, you cannot find anything suitable, the provision specially developed for MQL, and, as an expert systems
of tailor-made solutions is one of our strengths. supplier, you can rely on Steidle for all your MQL needs.



The idea behind MQL
In conventional circulating lubrication, an emulsion consisting
of lubricant concentrate (approx. 5%) and water (approx. offers a lot of advantages. A time-consuming and costly
95%) is generally used. Let us consider the effect of this mix- cleaning of chips and work piece is not needed. Similarly the
ture. Most of the emulsion serves only to cool down the heat machine and the surroundings remain dry, which improves
that is produced by its poor lubricant effect. This was the the safety of the workplace. No emulsions must be maintai-
starting point for MQL. If lubrication is optimized, the reduc- ned and disposed of any more and dry chips can be reused
tion in friction results in a reduction in the amount of heat as valuable materials. The tool lifetime normally increases.
produced, which means that there is less heat to dissipate.

Moreover, only a certain amount of the lubricant is needed Nowadays, the quantity of lubricant used needs to be bet-
for the lubrication process. Everything over and above this
amount is wasted. MQL. Compared to the amount used in closed-circuit coo-
ling, this corresponds to a ratio of approx. 1 : 10,000 or, in
So MQL also means using only the exact quantity of lubricoolant other words: only one drop of MQL is needed for every litre
red.T hisi
swhyMQLi sa lsok nowna s„dr yl ubr i
c ati
on“. of emulsion!
Properties & Suitability

= criteria fulfilled / very suitable

= partly fulfilled / semi-suitable

System Properties
Delivery principle
Piston pump
Delivery quantity
Micro quantities (up to 50 ml/h/nozzle)
Micro quantities (up to 2000 ml/h/nozzle)
Air/medium-mix, coarse
Air/medium-mix, fine
Air/medium-mix, aerosol
Liquid only (airless system)
Low viscose media (1 - 25 mm2/sat40°C)
Medium viscose media (25 - 50 mm2/sat40°C)
High viscose media (50 - 100 mm2/sat40°C)
Type of lubrication
External lubrication
Internal lubrication
Single channel/ external mixing
Dual channel/ internal mixing
Suitability for ranges of application
Metal-cutting operations
Thread moulding
Thread cutting
Chipless forming operations
Other applications
Lubrication of bearings
Chain lubrication
Application of mould release agents
Application of anti-corrosion agents
Page 6

Lubrimat® L60 / Sawfix® SF Pages 8 - 15

Piston pumps transport the minimum quantity of the medium to the
nozzle, which is then sprayed using compressed air. The discharge
rate can be set at a consistent level. The version of Sawfix® SF is
equipped with a nozzleblock for lubricating saws.

Centermat® C30 / Toolmat® T70 Pages 16 - 19

MQL systems produced especially for internal lubrication, for use in
internally cooled appliances. Both can be easily connected to machi-
ne tools. Toolmat® T70 has a hybrid nozzle which produces fine
particles, whereas with Centermat® C30, this function is carried out
byanaer osolboosterusi ngPRO- CYCLON® t echnology.

Spraymat® S700 Pages 20 - 21

Low pressure produced by the sprayed air in the nozzle sucks the
lubricant out of the unpressurized reservoir. Valves regulate the
quantity of air and liquid. Spraymat® S700 is suitable for the spray
application of larger quantities of liquid.

Pulsomat® P35 Pages 22 - 23

The„ ai
rless”l ubr i
onsyst em pr opelsonl yliquidfrom i t
snozzl e,
without any addition of air. The intervalled and pinpoint application
makes the Pulsomat® particularly suitable for chipless forming and
light metal-cutting operations.

Lubrimax® lubricoolants Pages 24 - 25

Steidle lubricoolants have been specially developed for MQL tech-
nology and so yield the best results. Alongside the all-purpose
Lubrimax® Edel C, which is suitable for most uses, products for
special purposes are also available.

Examples of application / Configuration help Pages 26 - 35

Various examples of practical applications demonstrate the variety
of possible uses for MQL. The Configuration help supports you
choosing your individual MQL system.

Page 7
Lubrimat® L60

Brief description: Piston pump system for spraying the smallest quantities of liquid.
Main application range: External MQL in all metal-cutting operations. Pinpoint or small area lubricati-
on in chipless forming operations. Application of mould release and anti-cor-
rosion agents or other spray-on substances.
Operating principle: The liquid flows from the reservoir into a piston pump. This
pushes an exact quantity of the lubricant into the internal feed
tube. Separately supplied compressed air splits the medium
at the nozzle tip and sprays it.
Adjustability: Swept volume of the pump (manual)
Clock frequency of the pump (manual)
Quantity of spray air (manual)
Spray air pressure (manual)
Switch on/ off via actuation control
device/drive (electric, pneumatic or manual)

Technical Data: Fig.: Lubrimat® L60

Operating pressure bar 4-8
Liquid throughput ml/h per nozzle 0 - 150 1)
Typical consumption ml/h per nozzle 10 - 20 1)
Lubricoolant Lubrimax® and others
Recommended viscosity mm2/
C)1 - 100
1) depending on application, medium used, viscosity and temperature

System components:

1. Base / Base addition

- Pneumatically driven, finely meterable piston pump  with FPM seals, manually
adjustable with PMC precise metering control  , enabling easy adjustment of the
volume using a dial. Volume 0 - 0.03 ml per stroke. If required, pumps with double flow
volume (2DF) with up to 0.06 ml per stroke are available.
- All pumps are standard synchronous drive. Separate drive, if required (all
pumps individually or certain groups). The use of the logic panel enables all
pumps to be operated using only one frequency generator.
- Ventilation unit  integrated underneath the pump module.  
- Frequency generator for pump pulses, manually adjustable 0 - 90 stroke min-1.
- A dedicated air valve for each nozzle, to enable the quantity of spray air to
be adjusted.
- Pressure reducing valve to set spray air pressure. It also equalizes
pressure variations in the supply tube and the system and ensures that the 
spray profile is even.
- Manometer ( 0–10bar )infrontofdoort odi splays prayai rpressure. Fig.: Pump module L60
- Coupler plug for compressed air supply to left side of housing.
- Air filter with integrated water separator and drainage opening on housing
- High-grade push in/screw fittings/ pneumatic tubes.
- Stable, compact metal housing (200x200x155, 250x250x210, 300x250x210, or 400x400x210) with
robust metal closer and door seal for dust protection and noise reduction, earthing pin.

Page 8
Lubrimat® L60

- Connections for feed tube with EASY-COAX®system (plug-in system for speedy, simple assembly,
disassembly and interchange, including EASY-COAX®twist-stop) on the left side of the housing.
- Component labelling in accordance with the designations in the pneumatic connection diagram.
- Numbering clips on every liquid conduit.

2. Reservoirs from 0.33 to 27 litres available:

- Housing assembly
- Reservoir 0.33 litre PA with screw cap, ventilation plug, drainage sieve.
- Reservoir 1.0-/2.0-/3.0-litre with plexiglass cylinder / NBR seals or glass
cylinder / FPM seals. With filler neck, screw plug, detachable sieve,
automatic ventilation, drainage sieve. Can be supplied with float switch
min or min+max (potential-free, either NC or NO).
- Reservoir 6.0-/10-/17-/27-litre aluminium. With filler neck, screw plug,
detachable sieve, automatic ventilation, drainage sieve stopcock and Fig.: Reservoir P2NC (2.0l)
fill level display. Combinated wall-housing bracket of sturdy aluminium
construction 40x40 with 4 mounting straps for wall installation.
Can be supplied with float switch min or min+max (potential-free,
either NC or NO).

Dimensions*: Reservoir with wall-housing bracket (incl. housing)

Type Vol. Dimensions depending on housing size (HxWxD)
200x200x150 250x250x210 300x250x210 400x400x210
A6AWG 6.0 553 x 265 x 370 598 x 265 x 370 654 x 265 x 370 748 x 400 x 370
A10AWG 10 589 x 315 x 370 634 x 315 x 370 690 x 315 x 370 784 x 400 x 370
A17AWG 17 622 x 369 x 370 667 x 369 x 370 723 x 369 x 370 817 x 400 x 370
A27AWG 27 653 x 491 x 390 698 x 491 x 390 754 x 491 x 390 848 x 491 x 390
*) = Dimensions given are approximate in mm, excluding mounting straps, feed tubes or valve rocker; for the float
switch min option: height +4, for the float switch min+max option: height +70.
Fig.: Lubrimat
with reservoir
- Wall installation A6AWGNC
- Reservoir 6.0-/10-/17-/27-litre aluminium as discribed before. With wall
bracket of sturdy aluminium construction 40x40 with 4 mounting straps for wall installation.
Can be supplied with float switch min or min+max (potential-free, either NC or NO).

Vol. type Vol. Dimensions* (HxBxT) weight (kg)

A6AW 6.0 288 x 260 x 370 4.0
A10AW 10 324 x 315 x 370 5.5
A17AW 17 357 x 369 x 370 7.0
A27AW 27 388 x 491 x 390 10.5
*) = Dimensions given are approximate, including wall bracket, stopcock and
filler neck; for the float valve min option: height +4, for the float valve
min+max option: height +70.
Fig.: Reservoir A27AWNC

Page 9
Lubrimat® L60

- Stirrer (pneumatic) for aluminium reservoirs

- The aluminium reservoirs (6.0- to 27- litres) are available with a
pneumatic stirrer. So it will be possible to keep media in motion
that otherwise would separate out. The pneumatic drive is lasting
and reliable and offers outstanding safety advantages (especially
explosive protection). The rpm of the rotating piston air engine is
progressively adjustable and an impulse generator guarantees
the proper start of the engine.
A combination with a float switch (min or min/max) is generally
possible, but in case of a disproportionate high rpm faulty switching
signals are possible.

Fig.1: A6AWQp

rpm 0–12,000 min -1 at 6 bar (without load)

operating pressure 2.
5–7. 0 bar
air consumption max. 100 L/min at 6 bar (without load)
air consumption typical < 60 L/min (depending on adjustment and load)
Stirrer blade diameter Ø 70 mm
Dimensions + 30 mm (added to the height of the reservoir)
Weight 1.5 kg
L/min (depending on adjustment and load)
Fig.2: Shaft and
stirring blade

3. Drive electric, pneumatic or manual option:

- Solenoid valve 3/2 way (up to 3 nozzles 120 Nl/min, 4 nozzles and over 1300 Nl/min) with auxiliary
actuation (for occasional manual switching on/off). Coil with plug in 24V DC, 24V AC, 110V AC or
230V AC. Cable bushing on left side of housing. In the case of separate actuation control device,
each pump (or group of pumps) is controlled via a dedicated solenoid valve.
- Pneumatic valve 3/2 way (up to 3 nozzles 550 Nl/min, 4 nozzles and over 1300 Nl/min). With push
nc onnec tionØ6f orc ontrolai
ronl eftout ersideofhous ing.
- Hand valve 3/2 way (600 Nl/min) as valve rocker on right outer side of housing.
- Mechanical valves 3/2 way (700Nl/min) as plunger, roller lever or knee roller lever in versions NC
orNO.Del i
ver edwitht hecor r
espondi ngconnec torsanda2m t ubePUNØ8t otheuni t

4. Feed tube
- Coaxial feed tube with EASY-COAX® system. Outer tube of strong
rubberc onst
ruc t
ionwi throbus tmet alsleeveØ1 1,innert ubef or
v eryofmedi um,const ructedofl ong- l
ePTFEØ3.St andar d
length 3,000, non-standard lengths up to 20,000 available on request.
Smallest bending radius R50.
- Numbering clips on feed tube for easy assignment of pumps and
nozzles. Fig.: EASY-COAX®

Page 10
Lubrimat® L60

5. Nozzle option:
- Nozzle copper tube Ø6wi thEASY- COAX® system. Can be bent once, most suitable for rigid
positioning. Nozzle head with flow optimized construction for targeted, fogless spraying and nickel
platedpr otec ti
vesl eeveØ8.St andardlength300,non- standardlengt
hsi n
increments of 50 can also be supplied. 2 clamps,
aconnect i
onbl oc k( 40x30x15wi th2fi
xinghol esØ6)
orac onnect ionbl ockwi thr oundmagnetØ80canbe
supplied for mounting, if required. Standard full jet,
also available as flat-jet (spray angle approx. 75° )
. K
- Nozzle multi link tube Ø17wi t
system. Can be bent several times, particularly suitable for flexible KS1/2
positioning. Nozzle head with flow optimized construction for targeted,
fogles ss pray ingandni ck el
-pl atedprotecti
ves l
eev eØ8.
Standard length 300, non-standard lengths in increments of 50 can
alsobesuppl ied.Aconnect i
onbl ock(40x30x15wi th2f i
orac onnect ionbl ockwi thr oundmagnetØ80canbesuppl i
edf or
mount ing,ifr equi red.St andar df ul
et,alsoav ail
abl easf lat
et(sprayangl eappr ox.75° ).
- Nozzl ef lexiblemet altubeØ9wi t
hEASY- COAX® system. Can be bent several times, particularly
suitable for flexible positioning. Nozzle head with flow optimized construction for targeted, fogless
s pr
ay ingandni c kel-pl
atedpr otecti
vesleev eØ12.St andar dlength340,butal s oav ai
abl ei n220
and420.Connect ionbl ock( 40x30x15wi th2fixinghol esØ6)wi thorwi t
houtr oundmagnetØ80
can be supplied for mounting, if required.
- Nozzleblocks (Aluminium) with EASY-COAX® system. For 1, 2 or 3 feed tubes. With optimized
spray points for band saws or circular saws and elongated holes for mounting 6x18 or 6x21.

- Individual solutions like conical nozzles, incorporated nozzles or complete spraying devices on

General information about spray angle / spray distance / spray surface:

-Ful ljetnoz zleshav eas pr
ayangl eof20- 25° ,flatjetnoz zlesof75° .
- In order to get an even covering of the surface*, the distance between the tip of the nozzle and
the surface must not be more than 150 mm.
- The size of the covered surface* can be calculated like follow (as thumbrule):
Full jet: Diameter of the surface* (b) = 1/3 of the distance nozzle to surface (a)
Flat jet: Length of the surface* (b)=1.5 x of the distance nozzle to surface (a)

* If the coverage of the surface will correspond to the ideal form shown here, will depend on the viscosity
and the surface tension of the media itself.

Page 11
Lubrimat® L60

6. Option
-4xr oundmagnetØ80( mount edont her evers eside)f oreas yinstal
onoft hehous i
(see example on page 12).
- 4 x mounting straps (mounted on the reverse side) for fixed installation of the housing.
(see example on page 6).
- Filler reservoir 2.0-litre, fits into the filler neck (reservoir 1.0 litre and higher). This solution enables
you to fill in media of high viscosity more easily. You do not have to wait until the media is poured
in as its own weight makes the media flow faster through the sieve. In addition the filler reservoir
hasabi ggeropeni ngØ.Di mensi ons:Ø120x240hei ght.

Order codes (Standard range, special solutions on request):

0. Base L60 MQL with piston pumps and precise metering control (PMC)

1. Base addition /..... (

/.....S (
/.....S (

2. Reservoir Y03 0.33-litre PA

P1 1.0-litre plexiglas / NBR

P2... as P1, but 2.0-litres

P3... as P1, but 3.0-litres
G1... as P1, but glass / FPM
G2... as P2, but glass / FPM
G3... as P3, but glass / FPM
A6AW 6.0-litre aluminium (wall installation) with wall bracket

A10AW... as A6AW, but 10-litre aluminium

A17AW... as A6AW, but 17-litre aluminium
A27AW... as A6AW, but 27-litre aluminium
A6AWG 6.0-litre aluminium (housing assembly) with wall-housing bracket

A10AWG... as A6AWG, but 10-litre aluminium

A17AWG... as A6AWG, but 17-litre aluminium
A27AWG... as A6AWG, but 27-litre aluminium
A.........Qp Stirrer, pneumatic

Page 12
Lubrimat® L60

3. Drive e...V.. electric up to 3 nozzles (24VDC, 24VAC, 110VAC oder 230VAC)

E...V.. electric 4 nozzles and over (24VDC, 24VAC, 110VAC oder 230VAC)
pv3 pneumatic up to 3 nozzles
PV3 pneumatic 4 nozzles and over
M3SNC2000 mechanic plunger valve, NC, with tube 2,000mm
M3RNC2000 mechanic roller lever valve, NC, with tube 2,000mm
M3KNC2000 mechanic knee roller lever valve, NC, with tube 2,000mm
H3 hand actuated control device

4. Feed tube ZM3000 feedt ube,met al out erØ1 1/i nnerPTFEØ3,l engt h( L)=3, 000(
s t
andar d)
ZM........ feed tube, length =.... (non-standard length, min. 500, in increments of 500)

5. Nozzle K coppert
KK coppert
KB coppert
KBR coppert

GL multi link tube (L=300)

GLB multi link tube (L=300) with connection block
GLBR multil inkt ube( L=300)wi thconnect ionbl ockandr

BS1/3 band saw nozzleblock for 1 feed tube/ with 3 spray points
BS2/2 band saw nozzleblock for 2 feed tubes/ with 2 spray points
BS3/3 band saw nozzleblock for 3 feed tubes/ with 3 spray points
KS1/2 circular saw nozzleblock for 1 feed tube/ with 2 spray points
KS2/2 circular saw nozzleblock for 2 feed tubes/ with 2 spray points
KS3/3 circular saw nozzleblock for 3 feed tubes/ with 3 spray points
(additional types and models also available))

6. Option RG housingmount ing4xr oundmagnetØ80

MG housing mounting 4 x mounting straps

Sample order code: L60/3 - P1NC - e24VDC - ZM3000 - GLBR - RG

0. Base 6. Option
1. Base addition
2. Reservoir 5. Nozzle
3. Drive 4. Feed tube

Page 13
Sawfix® SF

Brief description: Piston pump system for spraying the smallest quantities of liquid.
Main application range: External MQL for circular saws and band saws.
Operating principle: The liquid flows from the reservoir into a piston pump. This
pushes an exact amount of the medium into the internal feed
tube. Separately supplied compressed air splits the medium in the
nozzleblock into tiny particles of fluid and sprays it onto the
tooth profile of the saw.
Adjustability: Swept volume of the pump (manual), clock frequency of
the pump (manual), quantity of spray air (manual), switch
on/off via drive (electric, pneumatic or manual).

Technical Data:

Operating pressure bar 4-8

Liquid throughput ml/h 0 - 150 1)
Typical consumption ml/h 15- 30 1)
Lubricoolant Lubrimax® and others
Recommended viscosity mm2/
C) 1 - 50
Dimensions (HxWxD)
Housing (without reservoir) mm 200 x 200 x 155
Nozzleblock mm 15x 52 x 30
1) depending on application, medium used, viscosity and temperature

System components:
1. Base / Base addition
- Pneumatically driven, finely meterable piston pump  with FPM seals, manually adjustable with
PMC precise metering control  , enabling easy adjustment of the volume using a dial.
Volume 0 - 0.03 ml per stroke, including adjusting key.
- Ventilation unit  integrated underneath the pump module.
- Frequency generator for pump pulse, manually adjustable 0 - 90 stroke min-1.
- Coupler plug for compressed air supply to left side of housing. 
- Air valve to set spray air quantity. 

- High-grade push in/screw fittings/ pneumatic tubes.

- Stable, compact metal housing 200x200x155 with robust metal closer and door seal

for dust protection and noise reduction, earthing pin.
- Connection for feed tube with EASY-COAX® system (plug-in system for speedy, Fig.: pump module SF
simple assembly, disassembly and interchange) on left side of housing.
- Component labelling in accordance with the designations in the pneumatic
connection diagram.
2. Reservoirs from 0.33 to 3.0 litres available.
- Reservoir 0.33 litre PA with screw cap, ventilation plug, drainage sieve.
- Reservoir 1.0-/2.0-/3.0-litre with plexiglass cylinder / NBR seals or glass cylinder /
FPM seals. With filler neck, screw plug, detachable sieve, automatic ventilation,
drainage sieve.
3. Drive options: Fig.: Reservoir P2 (2,0l)
- Solenoid valve 3/2 way (120 Nl/min) with auxiliary actuation (for occasional
manual switching on/off). Coil with plug in 24V DC, 24V AC, 110V AC or
230V AC. Cable bushing on left side of housing.
- Pneumatic valve 3/2 way (550 Nl/min). With push in connection Ø6 for
control air on left outer side of housing.
- Hand valve 3/2 way (600 Nl/min) as valve rocker on the right outer side of housing.
Page 14
Sawfix® SF

4. Feed tube
- Coaxial feed tube with EASY-COAX® system. Outer tube of strong rubber
cons t
ructionwithr obus tmet alsl
eev eØ11,innertubef
ordeliveryofmedi um,
cons t
ructedofl ong- l
ePTFEØ3.St andar
dl engt
h3,000,non-s t
andar dlengt
up to 20,000 available on request.

5. Nozzle
- Nozzleblock (aluminium 15x52x30) with EASY-COAX® system. For band
saws with 3 optimized spray points and two elongated holes for mounting
6x18. For circular saws with 2 optimized spray points and
one elongated hole for mounting 6x21. Fig.: Nozzleblocks KS1/2 and BS1/3

6. Option
- 4xr oundmagnetØ80( mount edont her ever ses ide)f oreasyi nst allati
onoft hehousi ng.
(see example on page 14).
- 4 x mounting straps (mounted on the reverse side) for fixed installation of the housing.
(see example on page 8).

Order codes:

0. Base SF MQL with piston pumps for saws

1. Base addition /1 (for 1 nozzleblock)

2. Reservoir Y03 0.33-litre PA

P1 1.0-litre plexiglas / NBR
P2 2.0-litre plexiglas / NBR
P3 3.0-litre plexiglas / NBR
G1 1.0-litre glass / FPM
G2 2.0-litre glass / FPM
G3 3.0-litre glass / FPM

3. Drive e...V.. electric (24VDC, 24VAC, 110VAC oder 230VAC)

pv3 pneumatic
H3 hand actuation

4. Feed tube ZM3000 feedt ube,met alout erØ1 1/innerPTFEØ3,L=3, 000( st

ZM........ feed tube, L=.... (non-standard length, min. 500, in increments of 500)

5. Nozzle BS1/3 band saw nozzle block for 1 feed tube / with 3 spray points
KS1/2 circular nozzle block for 1 feed tube / with 2 spray points

6. Option RG housingmount ing4xr oundmagnet sØ80

MG housing mounting 4 x mounting straps

Sample order code: SF/1 - Y03 - e24VDC - ZM3000 - BS1/3 - RG

0. Base 6. Option
1. Base addition
2. Reservoir 5. Nozzle
3. Drive 4. Feed tube
Page 15
Centermat® C30

Brief description: Aerosol booster with piston pumps and PRO-CYCLON®

technology to produce fine oil-air mixtures.
Main application range: Internal MQL for single channel rotary union, middle and
upper rpm.
Operating principle: A piston pump sprays the oil from the supply reservoir into a
spray chamber. Coarse drops are filtered out in the upper
separation chamber to produce a fine, homogenous aerosol
mixture. This is transported via the feed tube to the rotary
Adjustability: Pump swept volume and frequency (manual), quantity of
spray air (manual), quantity of additional air (manual)
At basic version C30/1: Simultaneously switch on/off of the spray nozzle and
the additional air (machine-controlled)
At full version C30/1 V7: Separated switch on/off of the spray nozzle1, the
spray nozzle2 and the additional air (each machine-controlled)

In the case of internal lubrication only the finest drops are able to get through as the centrifugal forces
inside the spindle eject the bigger oil droplets .The Centermat®C30 utilizes this effect through its use
of PRO CYCLON® technology. Coarse droplets are separated in the Centermat® C30 early on and

stable aerosol Mixture which is transported to the drill holes in the machine tool all the way through the
feed tube, rotary union and spindle.

The basic version C30/1 provides one spray Querschnitt Ø derKanäl

: Empfehlung
nozzle in the spray chamber and is designed for inmm

2 1 Kanal 2Kanäl
e 3Kanäl
e C30/1 C30/1V7 Mi

tools with a total channel cross section of 1.0 to 10 0,2 0,5 0,4 0,3 - - +

mm2. Suitable for applications where the tools 1,0 1,1 0,8 0,7 + + +
2,0 1,6 1,1 0,9 + + +
have similar channel cross sections in the above
3,0 2,0 1,4 1,1 + + +
mentioned range. 5,0 2,5 1,8 1,5 + + -
10 3,6 2,5 2,1 + + -
The full version C30/1 V7 provides two indepen- 60 8,7 6,2 5,0 - + -
dent spray nozzles in the spray chamber and is 120 12,4 8,7 7,1 - + -

designed for tools with a total channel cross section Tabell

ehlungabhängigvom Werk z
sc hni

of 1.0 to 10 mm2. Suitable for applications where

the tools have a wide range of total channel
cross sections. The additional air can also be switched on/off separately and this can be used for par-
ticularly large tools or for blowing-out.

For applications with a total channel cross section of 0.2 to 3.0 mm2 a special mini spray nozzle is
available on demand.

Technical Data:

Operating pressure bar 5-8

Typical air consumption Nl/min (at 5bar) C30/ 1:40–130 / C30/ 1V7:40-160
Typical oil consumption ml/h 10–30ml /h 1)
Lubricoolant Lubrimax® and others
Recommended viscosity mm2/
C) 1 - 50
Housing Dimensions (HxWxD) mm 500 x 300 x 210
Feedtube diameter mm Ø 12
1) depending on application, medium used, viscosity and temperature

Page 16
Centermat® C30

System components:
1. Base / Base addition
At basic version C30/1: One pneumatically driven, finely meterable piston pump to feed one spray
nozzle in the spray chamber.
At full version C30/1 V7: Two pneumatically driven, finely meterable piston pumps to feed two
spray nozzles in the spray chamber.
The following components are for both version identical:
- Piston pumps with FPM seals, manually adjustable with scale indicator, volume 0 - 0.03 ml per stroke.
- Spray nozzles with dedicated air valve wi t
hmanomet er(0–10bar )tos etspr ayai
rquant it
- Dedi cat edai rv alvewi thmanomet er(0–10bar )tosetquant ityofaddi t
ionalai r.
- Ventilation unit integrated on the side of the pump block.
- Frequency generator for pump pulse, manually adjustable 0 - 90 stroke min-1.
- Manometer ( 0–10bar )inthedoorf r
ontt oindi cateres ervoirpressure.
- Pneumatic pressure switch to switch off nozzles in case of pressure build up including visual
display unit in the door front. Automatic ventilation valve with hand actuation.
- Coupler plug NG8 for compressed air supply to left side of housing.
- Air filter with integrated water separator and drainage opening on underside of housing.
- Robust, compact metal housing 500x300x210 with robust metal closer and door seal for dust
protection and noise reduction, earthing pin, 4 mounting straps for wall mounting of the housing.
- Connect i
onf orf eedt ubewi thpush- incoupl erØ12ont heuppersi deofhousi ng.
2. Reservoirs
- Aluminium reservoir, 1.5 litre inside housing with float switch min (potential-free either NC or NO).
- Hand pump for filling the reservoir and funnel tube.
- Visual fill level display in door front.
3. Drive
At basic version C30/1: One solenoid valve for the spray nozzle and the additional air together.
At full version C30/1 V7: Two solenoid valves for the two spray nozzles, one for the additional air.
Each solenoid valve is 3/2 way (120 Nl/min) with auxiliary actuation (for occasional manual switching
on/off). Coil with plug in 24V DC, 24V AC, 110V AC or 230V AC and cable bushing.

4. Feed tube (
PUNØ12)Standard length 3,000, non-standard lengths up to 15,000 available on request.
Order codes:
0. Base C30 MQL for internal lubrication

1. Base addition /1 basic version with 1 spray nozzle (cross section of 1.0 to 10 mm2)
/1 V7 full version with 2 spray nozzles (cross section of 1.0 to 120 mm2)

2. Reservoir

3. Drive e...V.. electric (24VDC, 24VAC, 110VAC oder 230VAC)

4. Feed tube ZP3000 feedt ubePUNØ12,L=3, 000( standardl engt h)

ZP........ feed tube, L=......(non-standard length, min. 500, in increments of 500)
Sample order code: C30/1 V7 - A1HPNC - e24VDC - ZP3000

0. Base
1. Base addition
2. Reservoir
3. Drive 4. Feed tube
Page 17
Toolmat® T70

Brief description: Piston pump system with special nozzle design for fine oil-air mixtures.
Main application range: Internal MQL for single channel rotary union, lower and middle rpm
Operating principle: The piston pumps transport the liquid from the supply reservoir
to the hybrid nozzle which sprays the air-oil mixture through the
rotary transmission leadthrough. If requested, the hybrid nozzle
can extend into the rotary transmission leadthrough and the spindle.
Adjustability: Swept volume (manual), clock frequency of the pump (manual),
quantity of spray air (manual), quantity of casing air (manual),
switch on/off via actuation control device/ drive (electric,
pneumatic or manual)

With Toolmat® T70 the proven piston pumps provide for an exactly
selectable flow rate. The spray grade can be determined via the spray air.
The saturation of the mixture can be adjusted via the casing air. In the Vario3
and Vario7 versions, 3 or 7 pre-settable oil quantities can be selected.

Thehybr idnoz zleispr inc i

ver edf lush-mount edtot he3/ 8”threadcon-
nection at the end of the feed tube. So it is possible to mount the Toolmat ®
T70 at any appropriate connection.
Ifpos sibl
e,thehy bridnoz zl
emaypr ojec toutofthe3/ 8”ex t
ernal threadc onnec ti
foracer tainl engthsot hatt hebody( Ø5mm)oft hehybr idnozzl eext ends
through the axial rotary transmission leadthrough into the spindle. This more complex installation pays
off by better spraying results thanks to the shorter distance to the cooling channel outlet.

System components:

1. Base / Base addition

- Pneumatically driven, finely meterable piston pump  with double flow volume (2DF) with FPM
seals, manually adjustable volume dial  (0 - 0.06 ml per stroke). Vario3 and Vario7 variations have
piston pumps with simple flow (0 - 0.03 ml per stroke), individually adjustable.
- Ventilation unit  integrated underneath the pump module.
- Frequency generator for pump pulses, manually adjustable 0 - 90 stroke min-1.
- Dedicated air valve to determine spray air quantity.
- Dedicated air valve to determine casing air quantity.
- Manometer ( 0–10bar )int hedoorf ronttoindicates pr ayai rpr ess ure.
- Coupler plug for compressed air supply on left side of housing. 

- Air filter / water separator with drainage opening on underside of housing.

- High grade push in/screw fittings / pneumatic tubes.
- Stable, compact metal housing (250x250x210 or 300x250x210) with robust 
metal closer and door seal for dust protection and noise reduction, earthing pin.
- Connection for feed tube on the left side of housing. Fig.: Pump module T70
- Component labelling in accordance with the designations in the pneumatic connection diagram.

2. Reservoirs from 2.0 to 27 litres available (details, variations and data: see Lubrimat®, on page 9).

Page 18
Toolmat® T70

3. Drive electric, pneumatic or manual option:

- Solenoid valve 3/2 way (1300 Nl/min) with auxiliary actuation (for occasional manual switching on/off).
Coil with plug in 24V DC, 24V AC, 110V AC or 230V AC. Cable bushing on left side of housing. Vario3
and Vario7 also offer separate actuation control of each pump via a solenoid valve.
- Pneumat icv al
v e3/2way( 1300NI /min) .Withpus hi nc onnecti
onØ6f orcontrolairontheleftsideof hous i
- Hand valve 3/2 way (600 NI/min) as valve rocker on the right outer side of housing.
4. Feed tube
- Feedtubewit
hsupt o20,000avail
5. Nozzle
- HY:hy br
- HY…:hybr i
s…mm outofthe3/8”ext
feed tube.
6. Option
- 4xr oundmagnetØ80( mount edont herever ses ide)f oreasyi nst al
onoft hehousi ng.
- 4 x mounting straps (mounted on the reverse side) for fixed installation of the housing.
Technical Data:
Operating pressure bar 5-8
Liquid throughput ml/h 0–3001)
Typical consumption ml/h 20–501)
Lubricoolant Lubrimax® and others
Recommended viscosity mm2/
C) 1 - 50
Dimensions (HxWxD)
Housing (without reservoir) mm 250 x 250 x 210 (Standard and Vario3)
300 x 250 x 210 (Vario7)
1) depending on application, medium used, viscosity and temperature
Order codes:
0. Base T70 MQL for internal lubrication, hybrid nozzle on feed tube

1. Base addition /1 (for 1 nozzle, standard)

/1V3 (for 1 nozzle, Vario 3 = 3 pre-adjustable settings for the oil quantity)
/1V7 (for 1 nozzle, Vario 7 = 7 pre-adjustable settings for the oil quantity)

2. Reservoir (2.0 to 27 litres available, for order code see Lubrimat, page 12)

3. Drive E...V.. electric (24V DC, 24V AC, 110V AC oder 230V AC)
PV3 pneumatic
H3 hand actuated

4. Feed tube ZM3000 feedtube, metal outerØ16/i nner2xPTFEØ3, L=3, 000( st

ZM........ feed tube, L=.... (non-standard length, min. 500, in increments of 500)

5. Nozzle
HY... hy
ts…mm out

6. Option RG housingmount ing4xr oundmagnetØ80

MG housing mounting 4 x mounting straps
Sample order code: T70/1 - P2NC - E24VDC - ZM3000 - HY - RG

0. Base 6. Option
1. Base addition
2. Reservoir 5. Nozzle
3. Drive 4. Feed tube
Page 19
Spraymat® S700

Brief description: Low pressure system for spraying low viscose substances in medium quantities.
Main application range: External MQL in simple metal-cutting operations. As a spray system in application
of substances in not to small quantities. Depending on the substance and type
of application, a suction is recommended.
Operating principle: In the Venturi nozzle  , the spray air produces a partial vacuum, which causes
the liquid to be sucked out of the unpressurized reservoir  and sprayed.
Adjustability: Spray air  quantity (manual), quantity of liquid  (manual), spray air pressure
 (manual), switch on/off actuation (electric, pneumatic or manual)

Technical Data:
Nozzle VD07 Nozzle VD15
Operating pressure bar 4-7 4-7
Liquid throughput ml/h per nozzle 0 - 1.000 1) 0–6. 0001)
Typical consumption ml/h per nozzle 30 - 50 1) 50–1001)
Lubricoolant ®
Lubrimax and others Lubrimax® and others
Recommended viscosity mm2/ s(at40° C) 1 - 25 1) 1 - 50 1)
Max. suction height mm 1.000 1) 3.000 1)
Max. feed tube length mm 10.000 1) 20.000 1)
1) Partly application-specific, depending on operating pressure, medium used, tube length and suction height

Dimensions (HxWxD) of the standard version, depending on reservoir 

S700/1-Y1W 250 x 175 x 150

S700/1-Y6W 250 x 300 x 200
S700/1-Y20 300 x 400 x 300
S700/1-Y40 300 x 600 x 400 

System components:
Fig.: S700 with
1. Base / Base addition reservoir Y6
- For each nozzle a needle valve to adjust air spray and one to adjust quantity of liquid.
- Pressure reducing valve for spray air to adjust spray jet (low pressure =
coarse spray droplets; high pressure = fine spray droplets). 

- Manomet er( 0 – 10 bar )on pr essurer educing v alve toi ndi cate spr ay 

air pressure.
- Ascending pipe for liquid with non-return valve and liquid filter. 

2. Reservoirs 1.0 to 40 litres available:

- Reservoir 1.0 litre PE (S700/1 only) with aluminium screw cap, 

onpl ugandwal lbr acket( with2r oundmagnet sØ57,onr eques t
- Reservoir 6.0 / 20 or 40 litre PP, with filler neck, screw plug, detachable sieve, 
automatic ventilation, hinged cover, visual fill level display on the outside. Can
Fig. S700 with
be supplied with float switch min or min+max (potential-free, either NC or NO).
reservoir Y1W
Wal l
brac ketforr es ervoir6. 0lit
reonr eques t
,withorwi t
hout4r oundmagnet sØ57.

3. Actuation electric, pneumatic or manual option:

- Solenoid valve 3/2 way (up to 4 nozzles 120 Nl/min, over 4 nozzles 1300 NL/min) with auxiliary
actuation (for occasional manual switching on/off). Coil with plug in 24VDC, 24VAC, 110VAC or
230VAC. In case of separate actuation each nozzle (group) controlled via a dedicated solenoid
valve. Pneumatic valve 3/2 way (up to 4 nozzles 550 Nl/min, over 1300 NL/min)
- Hand actuated ball valve (2/2 way).
4. Feed tube, c oaxial,PUNØ8out erwithint ernalPUNØ3.St andar dlength:1,
length: see Technical Data. On request with outer metal protection sleeve.
5. Nozzle
- Venturi nozzle VD07 for lower capacity of up to 1l/h. Available in copper tube or multi link tube
style, length 300. Nozzle tip full jet as standard or flat-jet. Different mounting options available.

Page 20
Spraymat® S700

- Venturi nozzle VD15 for higher capacity of up to 6 l/h. Available in

copper tube or multi link tube style, length 300. Nozzle tip full jet.
Different mounting options available. Fig.: Multi link tube and
copper tube style
6. Option
- Pneumatic drip shut-off system (per nozzle) in FPM. Required if the nozzle is
inserted underneath (otherwise danger of subsequent dripping) or far above
(otherwise increased reaction time) of the reservoir level.
Fig.: Detail showing
Order codes: nozzle tip VD15,
0. Base S700 Spray system with Venturi nozzle VD07F and VD07

1. Base addition /..... (

/.....S... (
2. Reservoir Y1W 1.0-litre PE with wall bracket (S700/1 only)
Y1WR … wi t
h2xr oundmagnetØ57
Y6 6.0-litre PP
Y6W ... with wall bracket
Y6WR ...wi thwal lbr acketand4xr oundmagnetØ57

Y20 20-litre PP

Y40 40-litre PP,

3. Actuation e...V.. electric, up to 4 nozzles (24VDC, 24VAC, 110VAC or 230VAC) actuation

E...V.. electric, over 4 nozzles (24VDC, 24VAC, 110VAC or 230VAC) actuation
pv3 (PV3) pneumatic actuation, up to 4 nozzles
H2 hand actuation
4. Feed tube ZP1000 feedt ube,PUNØ3i nner/PUNØ8out er ,L=1,000
ZP........ non-standard length, L=.... (min. 500, in increments of 500)
ZPM....... feed tube as ZP, but with metal protection sleeve, length like ZP
5. Nozzle VD07GLB Venturi nozzle, full jet, multi link tube, L= 300, with connection block
VD07GLBR … withr oundmagnetØ80

VD07KK Venturi nozzle, full jet, copper tube (L= 300) with 2 clamps
VD07KB Venturi nozzle, full jet, copper tube (L= 300) with connection block
VD07KBR … withc onnec tionbl ockandr oundmagnetØ80

VD15GLB Venturi nozzle, full jet, multi link tube, L= 300, with connection block
VD15GLBR … withr oundmagnetØ80
VD15KK Venturi nozzle, full jet, copper tube (L= 300) with 2 clamps
VD15KB Venturi nozzle, full jet, copper tube (L= 300) with connection block
VD15KBR … withc onnec tionbl ockandr oundmagnetØ80
6. Option NpF pneumatic drip shut-off system, FPM

Sample order code: S700/3 - Y6WRNC - e24VDC - ZP1000 - VD07KBR - NpF

0. Base 6. Option
1. Base addition
2. Reservoir 5. Nozzle
3. Drive 4. Feed tube
Page 21
Pulsomat® P35

Brief description: Airless system for intermittent application of low viscose liquids
from a distance without the addition of air.
Main application range: External MQL in simple, metal-cutting and chipless
forming operations.
Operating principle: The liquid flows out of the reservoir into the piston
chamber. The piston is accelerated by means of a
compressed air impulse and shoots the liquid at high
pressure through the nozzle.
Adjustability: Fluid volume at the PMC precise metering control dial (manual)
Optional: Pressure of piston actuation air (manual)
Switch on/off via drive (electric, pneumatic mechanic or by foot pedal)

Fig. P35//1 - Y03 -

- GLV - SH3
Technical Data:
Operating pressure bar 3–8
Max. dosage quantity ml/stroke 0.06 1)
Lubricoolant Lubrimax® and others
Recommended viscosity mm2/s( at40°C) 1 - 50 2)
Max. distance mm 750 1)
Dimens i
onsoft hebaseuni
houtreser voi
P35/1-...-V mm Ø31x135
P35/1-...-GLV mm Ø31x270

System components:

1. Base / Base addition

- Compr essedai r-power edpi st
oni nalumini um housingØ31,l i
quidseal sofFPM cons tr
- Free adjustability of the fluid volume (up to max. 0.06 ml/stroke) including an indication scale from
0.00 to 6.40 at the PMC.
- Seating¼“f orres ervoir0. 33-lit
rePAorpus hinconnec torØ6f orfl
uident ry.
- Pushi nconnect orØ4f orcompr ess
edai rentr
y .
- Fixi

2. Reservoir 0.33 to 27 litres available:

- Base assembly: Reservoir 0.33 litre PA with screw cap, ventilation plug,
drainage sieve.
- Wall installation:
- Reservoir 1.0-litre PE, with screw cap, ventilation hole, stopcock,
feeding pipe L=1,500 and wall bracket (if required, with 2 x round Fig.: detail PMC dial
magnetØ57) .
- Reservoirs 6.0 to 27 litres from the Lubrimat series. See catalogue page 9.

Page 22
Pulsomat® P35

3. Drive electric, pneumatic, mechanic or pedal-operated option:

- Solenoid valve 3/2 way (120 Nl/min) with auxiliary actuation (for occasional manual switching on/off).
- Coil with plug in 24V DC, 24V AC, 110V AC or 230V AC.
- Pneumatic valve 3/2 way (550 Nl/min).
- Mechanic valves 3/2 way (700Nl/min) as plunger, roller lever or knee roller lever.
- Pneumatic foot pedal switch 3/2 way (800 Nl/min). If required, with protection cap.

5. Nozzle
- Asst andar dmul t
ilinkt ube( Ø13,L=170)wi thf ulljetnozzl e,
suitable for comfortable positioning. If required, this version
Fig.: P35/1 with multi link tube
can be converted into the short version.
nozzle GLV
- Also available as a short version with the full jet nozzle
(Ø13,L=32)i nst
alleddi rectl
yont hebas euni t,inc as eno
space for the multi link tube is given.

6. Option
Fig.: P35/1 with short version
- Stand with switchable block magnet (55x50x80) or round nozzle V
magnetØ80andwi thar ti
edbar( Lmax=250).
- Pressure reducing valve including manometer for improved
regulation of spray distance and profile (only in conjunction with a stand)

Order codes:
0.-1. Base and P35/1 airless system for one nozzle

2. Reservoir Y03 0.33-litre PA (base assembly)

Y1AW 1.0-litre PE with stopcock, wall bracket (wall installation)
Y1AWR 1.0- l
itrePEwi ths topcock ,wal l bracketand2xr oundmagnetØ57
.... further reservoirs (wall installation) 6.0 to 27 litres: order code see
Lubrimat, catalogue page 12.

3. Drive e...V.. electric (24VDC, 24VAC, 110VAC oder 230VAC)

pv3 pneumatic
M3SNC2000 mechanic plunger valve, NC, with tube 2,000mm
M3RNC2000 mechanic roller lever valve, NC, with tube 2,000mm
M3KNC2000 mechanic knee roller lever valve, NC, with tube 2,000mm
F3 foot pedal switch, pneumatic
F3S foot pedal switch, pneumatic, with protection cap

5. Nozzle GLV multi link tube with full jet nozzle, standard version
V full jet nozzle, short version

6. Option SH3 block magnet stand and articulated bar

SH4 round magnet stand and articulated bar
...DM pressure reducing valve with manometer (only in conjunction with a stand)

Sample order code: P35/1 - Y1AW - e24VDC - GLV - SH3 - DM

0. Base 6. Option
1. Base addition
2. Reservoir
3. Drive 5. Nozzle
Page 23

Lubrimax® Edel C
Lubrimax® Edel C is high grade vegetable oil with additives, developed for MQL. It is
used mainly in machining processes. The materials that it can be used with range from
unalloyed steels to hard, high-alloy high grade steels. Lubrimax® Edel C has excellent
wetting properties and the high grade EP additives improve the edge life of the tools.
Special additives prevent Lubrimax® from oxidising and thereby resinifying.
Lubrimax®Edel C is applied undiluted in small quantities. MQL systems with exact mete-
ring for the smallest quantities are suitable for applying Lubrimax® Edel C.

Chemical-physical data
Colour yellow Density 0.93 g/cm3 ( 15°
Setting point <- 15° C Initial boiling point not available
Flash point 200° C Ignition temperature >200° C
Viscosity 88 mm2/ s(
C) Water hazard class WGK1
43 mm2/ s(

Lubrimax® Alu-Quick
Lubrimax®Alu-Quick is a hydrocarbon mixture. Lubrimax®Alu-Quick is used mainly in
machining of aluminium and forming of thin-walled metals up to 0.5 mm thick. Lubrimax ®
Alu-Quick is odour-neutral and when applied in thin coats, evaporates in the minimum
amount of time, leaving the workpiece and chips virtually dry.
Lubrimax®Alu-Quick is applied undiluted in thin coats. MQL systems with exact metering for
the smallest quantities are suitable for applying Lubrimax®Alu-Quick.

Chemical-physical data
Colour colourless Density 0.76 g/cm3 ( 20°
Setting point not available Initial boiling point 190° C
Flash point 76° C Ignition temperature not available
Viscosity 3.0 mm2/ s( 20°
C) Water hazard class WGK1
1.5 mm2/ s( 40°

Lubrimax® Alu Fleckfrei

Lubrimax®Alu Fleckfrei is a fatty alcohol mixture, specially developed for MQL for use
in metal-cutting and chipless aluminium forming operations with additional heat treatment.
Lubrimax®Alu Fleckfrei does not leave any tiny marks on the workpiece. Lubrimax ®Alu
Fleckfrei has a high lubrication effect, good wetting properties, is low-odour, is not harsh
on the skin and is biodegradable.
Lubrimax®Alu Fleckfrei is applied undiluted in small quantities. MQL systems with exact
metering for the smallest quantities are suitable for applying Lubrimax ®Alu Fleckfrei.

Chemical-physical data
Colour colourless Density 0.84 g/cm3 (
Setting point approx.- 68°C Initial boiling point 290° C
Flash point 156° C Ignition temperature ca.260° C
Viscosity 45 mm2/ s(20°
C) Water hazard class WGK1
20 mm / s(40°
Page 24

Twinmax® is a water-soluable lubricoolant for MQL based on vegetable oils and
emulsifiers in specific proportions. In addition to extremely low consumption,
Twinmax® offers excellent results in extra heavy machining of metals and all NE
metals, e.g. increased tool service life. Twinmax®also offers a high level of protection
against corrosion and wear. The emulsion leaves behind no sticky residues.
Twinmax®is used at a concentration of 5 % -10 %. In exceptional cases, it can also
be used undiluted. MQL systems with exact metering for the smallest quantities are
suitable for applying Twinmax® as well as systems for larger quantities.

Chemical-physical data

Colour amber Density 1.9 g/cm3 (20

Setting point +2° C Initial boiling point °C)
Flash point not available Ignition temperature not available
Viscosity 180 mm2/ s( 20°C) Water hazard class not available
70 mm2/ s(40° C) WGK1

Recommended micro lubrication lubricoolants depending on material type:




 

 

Ordering information:
Lubrimax® 5l 890 003
Edel C 20 l 890 004
200 l 890 005

Lubrimax® 5l 891 503

Alu-Quick 20 l 891 504
200 l 891 505

Lubrimax® 5l 890 503

Alu Fleckfrei 20 l 890 504
200 l 890 505

Twinmax® 5l 896 003

20 l 896 004
200 l 896 005

Please note: All our lubricoolants are free of PCB, PCT and other inorganic chlorine compounds,
nor do they contain nitrosamines or secondary amines.

Page 25
Examples of application

Milling in hardened tool steel (60 HRC) mould making with a processing time
of 3 hours per workpiece. In the case of dry processing, the edge life was not
sufficient for one workpiece. 2 MQL nozzles lubricate the milling cutters and
double the edge life. Thus, tool replacement during processing operations is
no longer necessary.

Milling ofac ompr es

sorrotormadeofal l
oyeds t
eelwi thami ll
ngc utterØ 250
mm. Compared to dry processing, the use of MQL resulted in increased edge
life, improved finished surfaces and a reduction in the temperature of the

Milling of plastic parts on a machining centre. Because emulsion would attack

the plastic, until the introduction of MQL, dry processing had been used.
However, this meant that the surface of the finished product was often unsa-
tisfactory. Now the milling process is lubricated using one nozzle. This has
improved surface quality, and has even made a gloss effect possible on some
types of plastic.

Milling and drilling of aluminium on a machining centre. MQL with internal

lubrication using internally cooled spindle and machine tool.

Milling ofringT- nut

sins urfacepl ates( Ø upt o3, 000mm)ofSt 52cons tuc t
Because of the size of the parts and the open construction, flood cooling is not
possible. Two nozzles lubricate the milling cutters. There was a 100% increase
in the edge life compared to dry processing.

Milling of sample gauges of plastic or aluminium on a Zimmermann FZ 40 5-

axle portal milling machine. In this process, the oil-air mixture is conducted
through a lateral cooling channel of the spindle and sprayed on by a multi-link
tube nozzle using an MQL system for the internal feed. In addition, chips are
removed from the workplace with the spray air function, if necessary.

Milling of individual pieces of diverse material types on a DMG 50T in the

mechanical workshop of an institute. Compared to the previous dry processing,
the lifetime of the tools could be decisively improved.

Milling of prototypes and samples of hardened steel. So far, lubrication has

been carried out in this case with a hand spray bottle, with which always too
much medium has been used contaminating the tool, chips and the surroundings.
With MQL not only the area surrounding the machine has become
clean and the chips have become dry but also the processed surface has
been improved decisively.

Please note: The applications presented here are all genuine practical examples. They are intended to give some insight into
how Steidle systems might be used. The list given here is intended to serve as an example only and is not a complete list.
Other types of procedures and materials not listed here may also be suitable for use with our products.

Page 26
Examples of application

Milling of 3m long, forged steel ingots made of X4CrNiMo16-5-1. The scale

layer is removed and the block is brought to size. With MQL it was possible to
increase the edge life of the tool compared to dry processing. Furthermore
processi ngti
mei sr educedby2½ hour speri ngotasadvanceandf eedi ng
could be improved.

Milling of toothed wheels made of bronze or steel casting on conventional

milling machines. A very high quality of the finished surfaces is required which
could not be implemented without lubrication. Thanks to MQL the quality of the
finished surfaces was improved by 30% and the machine environment
remains clean.

Turning of components for pump systems of high grade steel construction up

toØ 1, 200mm.2noz z l
eslubr i
et het ool.Theheav ypol l
onoft hear ea
around the open machinery, associated with conventional flood cooling, was
also largely eradicated. Furthermore, in relation to intricate materials, there
was also an improvement in the edge life and surface finish.

Turning ofgr oov edr ollsØ 1,500mm madeoff or

geds t
eel.Thedi amond
edges of the lathe tools were lubricated using one nozzle to prevent them
becoming too hot and consequently coming loose.

Turning in a tool and jig making shop. In this department, an employee became
ill and suffered from skin rashes due to contact with the lubricoolants. For
this reason an alternative for the flood cooling was investigated. After changeover
to MQL, the employee is now free of complaints.

Turning of aluminium screw connections with subsequent thread rolling. The

process was lubricated with emulsions, which however damaged the loading
robot. Trials of dry processing failed due to the built-up edge formation.
Production could be changed with MQL.

Turning on a Gildemeister Graziano CTX 310 of an educational establishment

for training and test purposes. Since the machine is not regularly used, it has
never been filled with lubricoolants. Problems with bad tool lifetimes were
faced, which can be removed with MQL.

Turning of internal threads in pressure measuring elements made of 1.4305.

Compared with the former lubrication, the oil consumption has been cut down
significantly by using MQL, without having any problems with increased tem-
peratures of the work piece or the tools.

Please note: The applications presented here are all genuine practical examples. They are intended to give some insight into
how Steidle systems might be used. The list given here is intended to serve as an example only and is not a complete list.
Other types of procedures and materials not listed here may also be suitable for use with our products.

Page 27
Examples of application

Tapping M4 x 9 in zinc die casting with prior drilling of the cored blind hole.
A single droplet of lubricant is fired onto the tool with a very high degree of
accuracy, prior to its use. 20 litres of MQL lubricant is sufficient for an annual
output of 1.2 million threads.

Tapping in zinc die casting for the automobile industry. Compared with the
presently used basic MQL equipment, it was possible to dose a significantly
more exact quantity and avoid nebulosity with a product made by Steidle.

Tapping M8 in die cast and stainless steel for the manufacture of door lokking
systems. Up to present, oil has been applied with a brush. Since this procedure
required too much efforts and costs and was not uniform, alternatives
were looked for. Thanks to the fogfree MQL, the lubrication is now processsafe,
saves time and an unnecessary displacement of oil is excluded.

Thread moulding of two internal threads with a TIN-coated M10 thread for-
mer in sanitary installation products made of galvanized sheet steel. It was neces-
sary to avoid the flood cooling so that first the dry processing was tested,
through which the lifetime of the tool only amounted to approx. 200 threads.
With the Steidle MQL, good lifetimes of 7,000 threads have been achieved.

Thread moulding in zinc die cast parts with a Maxion drill in the company of
a subcontractor. Up to present, lubrication by brush has been used, which
resulted in an oiling of insufficient quantity or too much quantity. Through the
refitting of an MQL airless system the productivity could be increased by 10 %
and the lifetime of the tool by approx. 30%.

Thread moulding M5 x 5 of aluminium sections for plant engineering. First of

all the tap holes are punched out. The thread former is briefly sprayed by a
nozzle prior to use. There was a drastic reduction in the quantity of lubricant
required compared to the drip feed lubricators previously used.

Thread moulding of M8 and M6 threads in assembly plates made of V2A.

The specified edge life of the tool could be exceeded by 33% with the system
directly planned with MQL.

Thread moulding M36 in rotor rings for wind power stations. Rings with a
diameter of up to 6m are made of high-grade forged steel. As a high dimen-
sional accuracy is demanded, the workpiece must not heat up too much. More
oil as common for MQL is used here deliberately to reach the necessary coo-
ling effect.

Please note: The applications presented here are all genuine practical examples. They are intended to give some insight into
how Steidle systems might be used. The list given here is intended to serve as an example only and is not a complete list.
Other types of procedures and materials not listed here may also be suitable for use with our products.

Page 28
Examples of application

Deep hole drilling of aluminium pump cases at a drilling depth of 260 mm.
Switching to MQL internal lubrication trebled the edge life in comparison to
internal cooling using emulsion.

Deep hole drilling of hydraulic shafts using single-lip drills. When MQL is
used,t hel ifespanoft hedri
lsexceedst hemanuf act urer‘ss peci
approx. 50%. The MQL spray air also has the useful function of blowing any
chips out of the drill hole.

Deep hole drilling ofØ13mm wi t

hadr i
ingdept hof400mm.Chi psc anbe
easier removed out of the hole thanks to a good chip break and the lower own
weight with MQL. As a result, the workpieces with a diameter of only 70mm
remain cool.

Drilling of rectangular steel tubes. Flood cooling was

used previously. Switching to MQL resulted in a reduction
in pollution and improved workplace safety. In
addition, the lifespan of the drills trebled.
before after

Drilling Ø 11.5ofahol enot c hforapl as mac ut

t i
ngmac hi
nei nX2Cr NiMo22,
80 mm thick. Dry boring was the method used previously. Using a drill with
internal MQL cooling resulted in a 20 fold increase in the edge life and a reduction
in the processing time from 20 to 6 minutes, as tool replacement was no
longer necessary.

Drilling and thread cutting on a machine centre to the specifications of a

particular customer. The work was to be carried out using MQL with internal
lubrication. In the comparative test, 4,000 holes were drilled using flood cooling;
using MQL, the required edge life of 8,000 drill holes was achieved.

Drilling Ø 4mm ofal umi ni

um r ollers(Ø 250mm)onamac hinec entre.The
holes must be dry as taper pins are to be subsequently affixed into them.
When using flood cooling, the emulsion therefore had to be specially centrifuged
out using a lathe. However, with MQL, the drill is lubricated using a nozzle.
The drill holes stay dry and centrifuging is no longer necessary.

Drilling with the internal lubrication on a complete processing system provided

with three spindles for structural design parts, such as for e.g. double Tcarriers
up to 9 m length of St37. Due to the missing closed housing a flood
coolingi snotpos s i
ble.Dr i
llholesofupt oØ40mm ar epr ov i
ded.Thei ntegrat ed
saw unit has also been equipped with MQL.

Please note: The applications presented here are all genuine practical examples. They are intended to give some insight into
how Steidle systems might be used. The list given here is intended to serve as an example only and is not a complete list.
Other types of procedures and materials not listed here may also be suitable for use with our products.

Page 29
Examples of application

Band sawing of aluminium tubing. Two nozzleblocks provide lubrication both

before and after the tubing has been cut. When flood cooling was used, the
emulsion ran into the tubes and had to be removed, and this also impaired the
safety of working conditions.

Band sawing of steel pipes for drilling systems for the construction of deep
wells and streets on a forte. Through the length of the pipes, it always led to
a considerable discharge of emulsion in the surroundings of the machine.
Thanks to the use of the MQL system, the surroundings of the machine were
“madedr y“.

Band sawing of diverse solid materials up to a diameter of 600 mm with MQL

on an Amada H-600 with band height of 55. The customer appreciated the surroun-
dings of the machine, which is now clean. Furthermore, the waste disposal
costs of the emulsions are saved. Also the emulsion cannot freeze in winter
any more.

Band sawing for a large steel business on Kasto twinA4 saw equipment. In case
ofs awsofs ol
dmat eri
alØ100mm i npairs,li
mepr oblemsoc c ur
redwi ththe
old spraying device, which did not produce the required volume. With a
Steidle system, the rods are now sawed without any failure and at normal
Cold circular saws for the series manufacture of sanitary tapware. The
salient brass casting is separated by the sawing equipment. A flood cooling
was out of question, because it was not desirable to have any residues when
remelting the gates. Dry processing and MQL were compared in a test series.
Due to the longer lifetimes, an amortisation period for the MQL system of 13
days resulted.
Cold circular saws ofs teelr ol
sØ 400mm.Bec aus et hesaw wasr arel
used, the costs of maintaining and removing the emulsion bore far outweighed
thes aw‘ spr oduc ti
vity.Swi t
chingt oMQLmeanst hatemul si
onisnol onger

Cold circular saws of aluminium profiles at a job order production company

on a Kaltenbach SKL450NA. The old spraying device did not provide satisfying
performance. With a new MQL device and medium of Steidle, very good
results were achieved immediately. The consumption could be reduced from
4 to 1.5 litre per day. The lifetime could be increased by even up to 1,000%, avoi-
dingbuilt-up edges.
Hack sawing in a tool shop. The Kasto HBS1 was operated with a flood cooling
system. However, as this unit is not used frequently, the emulsion always
spoiled completely during the warm time of the year. With the MQL system,
which has been installed in the meantime, this problem does not arise any

Please note: The applications presented here are all genuine practical examples. They are intended to give some insight into
how Steidle systems might be used. The list given here is intended to serve as an example only and is not a complete list.
Other types of procedures and materials not listed here may also be suitable for use with our products.

Page 30
Examples of application

Engraving coated aluminium sheets. Because one nozzle lubricates the

process, the workpiece remains so clean that it can be painted directly without
the need for the components to be cleaned. Prior to the use of MQL, flood
cooling was used and all the workpieces had to be washed.

Engraving of text elements in plastic plates with HSS cutter. As a conse-

quence of the high speed (up to 60,000 min-1), the plastic glues at the tool
which results in a low edge life. Gluing is successfully prevented with a MQL

Countersinking ( 90°)of doorf

uctedof St37(coldrolled)wi t
hc oated
HSS (high-performance speed cutting steel) countersinks. The lifespan of the
machinery rose to 40,000 countersinks compared to 10,000 for dry processing.

Countersinking ofs heets t

eel 8mm t hi
ckus i
ngØ20mm c arbi
dec ount ersinks,
hardened subsequently. Emulsion residues in the hardening furnace resulted
in poor flue gas values and sooting of the furnace. With MLS, the countersink
is lubricated using one nozzle, resulting in an edge life of 10,000 drill holes.

Reaming of slots for ball-heads made of aluminium die casting with PKD reamers
ofdi amet er
s bet ween Ø 22 R 6 and Ø 40 R 6.I nf ormert i
mes,t his
machine was operated with a flood cooling. With MQL a perfect surface and
high lifetimes of the reamers are obtained.

Grinding and polishing of knife blades with a double belt grinding machine,
which is normally operated in dry condition. In order to prevent the tarnishing
of the blades, grinding oil was sprayed in lowest quantities onto the band
preventing the glazing of the grinding belts. With MQL, the surfaces have an
even grinding pattern and the belts have a higher lifetime.

Grinding of HSS drills with CBN grinding wheels, sprayed by 3 nozzles.

Compared to flood cooling, the method used previously, the finished surface
is now greatly improved and the work environment remains cleaner.

Grinding of motor saw chains through a grinding service. Up to present, the

grinding has been done in completely dry condition, which sometimes led to a
wearing-out of the cutting edged through increased temperature, as a result of
which the chain had to be ground again. With MQL, the smallest quantities of
lubricating material are sufficient to achieve a very good micro-section with an
essentially clean cutting edge and to avoid the wearing-out.

Please note: The applications presented here are all genuine practical examples. They are intended to give some insight into
how Steidle systems might be used. The list given here is intended to serve as an example only and is not a complete list.
Other types of procedures and materials not listed here may also be suitable for use with our products.

Page 31
Examples of application

Punching of connecting rods. The top side and underside are sprayed.
Compared with manual lubrication, the method used previously, the application
of the lubricant is now much more even and the tool life greater.

Punching of rivets, buttons and eyes for the garment industry, made of
various types of metals (high grade steel, steel, brass). Each band conveyor
is sprayed on both sides by two nozzles.

Punching of back-up strips made of a compound of zinced steel and a white

steel band. When punching the ends small pieces of waste are produced that
may be pulled into the tool. A fine adhesion-preventing coating is applied with
an MQL system.

Bending of copper closed circular pipelines. The rolls are sprayed during the
bending process. Consequently, the copper no longer sticks to the roll coils
and the finished products do not have to be reworked.

Forming ofbl anks(Ø15mm,hei ght40mm)ofl eadc ons

industry components in one operating cycle. One droplet of forming oil
is fired onto each blank prior to the operating cycle.

Remodelling of pipes made of St37 and V4A for the manufacturing of lightning
conductors. Up to present, the very viscous forming-oil was applied
manually with a brush. The complete process has now been automated, so
that only an MQL system sprays on the end of the pipe.

Remodelling of sealing cap made of stainless steel, which has been moiste-
ned with a kind of drop-feed lubricator up to present. However, the quantity
was so high that the manufactured parts had to be collected in draining reservoirs
and cleaned. With the present MQL system, the consumption was reduced
from 10 to 3 litres oil per layer. In addition, the lifetime of the cleaning bath
has increased, since the oil injection is lower.
Beading of high grade steel elements in washing machine drum production.
Four nozzles lubricate the forming rollers and protect them against overheating
and wearing out

Please note: The applications presented here are all genuine practical examples. They are intended to give some insight into
how Steidle systems might be used. The list given here is intended to serve as an example only and is not a complete list.
Other types of procedures and materials not listed here may also be suitable for use with our products.

Page 32
Examples of application

Calibration of cylindrical gears made of forged steel for automatic transmission

cars. The trapezoidal section is calibrated on a hydraulic press using a mould
made of hardened tool steel. Prior to the switch to MQL, the calibration oil was
applied manually, whereas now the workpiece is sprayed by 6 nozzles. This has
meant a considerable reduction in oil consumption and processing time.

Calibration in a production department of motor operated valves. In this process,

ac ali
on bal lofø 5 mm mustbe pr essed t hrough a t rans i
tdr il
ofø4. 95mm.Thepr ocessshoul dactuallyt akepl acei ndr ys tate,butt he
internal wall of the drill hole was too raw after pushing the ball through. Now
a spraying system moistens the drill hole and the ball.

Broaching of coupling supports for lifts made of aluminium alloy. The uncoated
round broach needle is sprayed by 4 nozzles. Compared to flood cooling, the
tool life has increased by approx. 20% and pollution of the work environment
is a thing of the past.

Broaching for the manufacture of steel truck axles. A large amount of oil was
shot on the needle with an oil dispenser beforehand resulting in a consumption
of oil of approx. 3 litres per day and in a contamination of the surroundings
of the machine by oil residues. Now only 0.3 litres are consumed per day and
the parts, the chips and the area surrounding the machine are clean.

Broaching of locating bushes which are provided approx. 300mm inside a

trailer axle. Four nozzles provide for a spraying onto the broach during the
insert stroke; other air nozzles remove possible pasting chips from the broach
during the extension stroke.

Cooling of compound springs for trucks, made of spring steel. After forming
at900° C,af ixi
nghol ei spunc
hedout.2nozzless pr
ayanemul si
onont othe
punch( Ø 12–16mm)t okeepitcool
spreventsmat eri
albui l
has trebled the tool life.

Application of release agents in moulds for zinc die casting. Prior to the
casting process, a carrier with 6 nozzles travels between the moulds and
sprays them for 5 seconds. The even application successfully prevents the
finished die cast components from sticking to the mould and this has resulted
in a greatly improved surface quality.

Application of anti-corrosion agents on channel sections made of flat steel.

After forming, the workpieces of 2m length shall be provided with a rust protec-
tion for transport. One flat jet nozzle each sprays onto the material from the top
and the bottom.

Please note: The applications presented here are all genuine practical examples. They are intended to give some insight into
how Steidle systems might be used. The list given here is intended to serve as an example only and is not a complete list.
Other types of procedures and materials not listed here may also be suitable for use with our products.

Page 33
Configuration help

If you have decided for a system of Steidle, you can choose the components individually and submit
your RfQ with the order code or place the order. In the following you will find some instructions for
the configuration:

1. Basic addition
The basic addition determines the number of the feed pipes and thus the number of nozzles or nozzle
blocks connected. By default, all nozzles of a system work simultaneously. If you wish to have the indivi
dual nozzles(gr oups)wor ks epar atel
y,a“ separ atedri
ve”hast obes elected.

Frequently asked questions to this topic:

- How many nozzles do I need?
Normally, 1 nozzle per cutting tool to be lubricated is sufficient. At least 2 nozzles are to be
recommended for milling in view of the multi-dimensional traversing directions. For smaller saws,
one nozzle block with one feed pipe is sufficient; larger saws require several.
- Can I connect two or more nozzles to one feed pipe?
No. Since this could never guarantee a uniform distribution, a nozzle could be undersupplied. In
view of the already low minimum quantities a failure of the lubrication system could result.
- Can I increase the number of nozzles later?
This is not possible for most of the devices without a larger modification. Therefore the number
of the nozzles required should be selected right from the beginning.

2. Reservoir

The medium to be sprayed is stored in the reservoir. Different sizes are available. As option, you
can select float switch, stirrer and several fixation options depending on the system.

Frequently asked questions to this topic:

- How large should the reservoir be selected?
Normally 20-50 ml is sprayed per nozzle and spraying hour with the MQL. If this value is multipli
ed with the effective spraying time per day, you receive the medium consumption of the system
per day. Select the size of the reservoir so that you do not have to refill too many times.
Consumpt ioni nmlperday=20–50mlxnumberofnoz zlesxspr ay i
ngt i
- When do I need a float switch?
A float switch is reasonable, if the system with the reservoir is not located in the field of view of
the user or if a heavy contamination of the reservoir or the filling level display has to be expected
due to the working environment; in addition, if a serious damage would quickly occur due to
a failure of the lubrication system.
- Shall I take the float switch as NC (=opener) or NO (=closer)?
In most cases, both can be used for the control which monitors the contact signal of the float
switch. However, the NC offers the advantage that a possible parting of a cable in the line is
monitored at the same time.

3. Drive

Through the drive you switch the system on and off. This drive can be carried out by an electrical
or pneumatic control signal or through manual actuation by means of a switch. In this case, the
sys t
emswor kasl ongast hesi gnalisali
veand/ ort hes wi
c hisont hepos ition“open” .(Ex cept ion:
Pulsomat, which carries out only one stroke per signal.)

Page 34
Configuration help

Frequently asked questions to this topic:

- Do I need current to operate the systems?
No. All Steidle systems work exclusively with compressed air. Current is only necessary to open
the compressed air supply, if you have selected an electric drive control.
- How much compressed air do I need for the system?
Except for Pulsomat, all Steidle systems use compressed air as spray air. Normally approx.
50 NI/min per nozzle are consumed
- Can I also use the compressed air of my machine (instead of the compressed air from the network)?
Yes, but in most cases only as control air. If it is used as working air, the air pressure and the
compressed air flow rate must be adapted to the system requirements.

4. Feed tube
Feed tubes are the connection between the basic device (housing or reservoir) and the nozzle. They
conduc tt
hemedi um andthes prayairandc anbedes ignedc oax ial
ly( “
hosei nhos e“)orpar all
Depending on the system, the tubes are provided with a metal sleeve.

Frequently asked questions to this topic:

- Which length do I need?
Please consider where you wish to install the basic device and the nozzles and how you wish to
lay the feed tubes between them. Measure this distance generously. Please note the maximum
tube lengths depending on the system (see technical data).
- Can I shorten or lengthen a tube on my own?
This is possible only in the system Centermat.
- Can I install the tubes in a cable drag chain?
Yes, in this case, please select always the PUN synthetic tube version (presently on demand),
since the danger of rubbing against other cables is too large for the tubes with metal sleeve.

5. Nozzles
In most cases, nozzles can be delivered in copper tube design (for rigid arrangement) and multilink
tube design (flexible arrangement). For the fixing of the nozzles, connection blocks, round
magnet systems or clamp mounting are available. Apart from the full jet nozzles, also flat jet
nozzles can be offered for some systems. Saws can be provided with nozzle blocks.

Frequently asked questions to this topic:

- Which nozzle length do I need?
By default, nozzles are 300mmm long. Other lengths are possible on demand.
Please note that for larger lengths a decrease of the position stability has to be expected.
- Can I shorten a nozzle myself?
No. The nozzles have a coaxial design and therefore, cannot be shortened.

6. Option
Depending on the system, fixing for the basic device, additional filling reservoirs or a drip shut of
(S700) are available as option.

Page 35
Is there anything else you would like to know?
Then contact us.
We are happy to advise you directly,
or personally on-site through one of sales partners.

You can benefit from our extensive experience and expertise in all matters relating
to minimum quantity lubrication systems by requesting our advice on the best
equipment to suit your machinery or how to switch your production process to MQL.

your contact person:

This document is subject to technical alterations

and no guarantee is made as to its accuracy.
All lengths and diameters are stated in mm.
Measurements and technical details are purely descriptive and are
not intended as a guarantee as to the properties of any product.

Steidle GmbH . Röt tgerweg12 . D-51371 Leverkusen

T: +49 (0) 214 / 8 25 11-25 . F: +49 (0) 214 / 8 25 11-26 .

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