Webpage: Sept. 28, 2018
Reading/Language Arts
In Language Arts our learning targets this week have included:
Dates to Remember: *review of the letters Dd, Ll, and Hh and their beginning and ending sounds.
*vowel sound “o”
Oct. 1-5 Spirit Week *Sight word review
Oct. 5 Fun Run *blending sounds
*recognizing Simple Sentences as a complete idea with a noun, verb, capital
Oct. 8 PTA Meeting, 7 pm
& period
Oct. 25 ½ day Parent Teacher
*identifying five senses words
Conferences, 1-4, 5-8 pm *Realism/Fantasy – understanding what is real & make believe
Oct. 30 Parent Teacher Conf. 5-8 In writing this week we have continued to work on writing complete
Oct. 31 No School for students sentences with capitals, space, periods, and using verb that really tell what
we are doing. We used five senses words and learned to use a web to helps
What’s New: us write! We wrote about our trip to the Apple Orchard from a web we
On the website: made!
*Calendar Baggie Books are up and running. Students have the same 8-10 books
for a week and are attempting to read each at least 3 times so they are
*Apple Orchard Pictures
fluent and able to retell the main ideas! Volunteers begin next week and
students have a day they exchange all books in which they are proficient!
Special Notes:
Spirit Week Schedule: This week our learning targets have included:
Monday: Family Feud Day (k-2 *demonstrating mastering of Unit 1 concepts regarding number recognition
wear all black; 3-5 all white); and partners to 10 through the unit test
Sack Race *using addition to solve problems and visualize equality
Tuesday: Pajama Day; TugO’War
Wed: Dress to Impress; Pudding Students have learned to use picture drawings and circle drawings to
Plunge model problems and find solutions.
Thursday: Day; We also began 2 new things during math! The first is MATH TEAMS.
Water Balloon Toss Math Teams are mixed ability teams of 2-3 students who sit together and
Friday: Spirit Day; Assembly work together as a team. They do this for teaching/whiteboard instruction
and during work time. The 2nd new idea is our No Write Zone which is an
area where students go without pencils, with their team, to check their daily
Thank you to all our Apple Orchard
work. They have erasers to erase wrong answers so then they can go fix
chaperones! We appreciate you! We
their work! They do this as a team before making individual math choices!
had a great time!
This frees me up to help students who are struggling with a concept and
need extra help! It is not routine yet but we are working at it!