DevInfo 7 0 - Deployment Guide en - r7

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DevInfo 7.

0 Web
Deployment Guide

DevInfo Support Group

Last updated: 25 March 2013 (r7)


This guide instructs you in how to deploy the DevInfo 7.0 web application on a
local/external server, including how to set up and configure a DevInfo 7.0 web
Document Version Summary
Date Reason for Change Sections Updated
5 11 Feb 13  Added details on browser  Chapter 1 – System
compatibility/versions Requirements
 Added details on OS versions  Chapter 3 – Preparing
 Added chapter on deployment for Deployment (IIS 6)
using Windows Server  All chapters – headers,
2003/IIS 6 footers, screenshot
 Added headers, footers, numbers, numbered
screenshot numbers, topic headers
document version summary,
numbered topic headers
6 5 Mar 13  Mentioned need to remove  Chapters 2 and 3 –
Read-Only Properties for Preparing for
DevInfo folder after download, Deployment (pp. 10, 20,
added line on opening site 22, 43)
from any other machine
 Edited SQL script filename  Chapter 4 – Setting the
and name of Initial Catalog database for Web
Services (pp. 45-46)
7 22 Mar 13  Added details on editing  Chapter 5 –
language files in XML Configuring/optimizing
format your DevInfo 7
 Added guidelines on database (pp. 62-64,
customizing home page 65-70)
slider images
This database software has been developed by the UN system. The product has
been adapted from UNICEF ChildInfo technology. UNICEF owns and maintains the
source code for DevInfo.

Chapter 1: Introduction.....................................................................6
System requirements .......................................................................................... 8
Administrative requirements ................................................................................ 8
General deployment guidelines ........................................................................... 8

Chapter 2: Preparing for deployment (IIS 7 and higher) ..............10

1. Downloading the DevInfo 7 web application................................................... 10
2. Adding the application pool in IIS................................................................... 10
3. Setting up the application in IIS ..................................................................... 12
4. Editing permissions ....................................................................................... 15
5. Editing the configuration file settings.............................................................. 19

Chapter 3: Preparing for deployment (IIS 6) .................................22

1. Downloading the DevInfo 7 web application................................................... 22
2. Adding the application pool in IIS................................................................... 22
3. Setting up the application in IIS ..................................................................... 24
4. Editing permissions ....................................................................................... 38
5. Editing the configuration file settings.............................................................. 41

Chapter 4: Setting the database for Web Services .......................44

1. Configuring the DI 7 web services database on SQL server........................... 44
2. Configuring the settings for DevInfo 7 web services ....................................... 45
3. Preparing your offline DevInfo database for upload........................................ 46
4. Uploading the database to SQL server ......................................................... 49

Chapter 5: Configuring/optimizing your DevInfo 7 database ......52

1. Configuring the database settings ................................................................. 52
2. Configuring the application settings ............................................................... 58
3. Configuring language settings ....................................................................... 62
4. Modifying user settings .................................................................................. 65
5. Customizing home page slider images .......................................................... 65
Tracking web administrator activity .................................................................... 70
Introduction 1
The DevInfo 7 web application enables multiple users to concurrently access a
DevInfo SQL Server database from a single server installation. Deploying the
DevInfo 7 web application involves the following key steps:

1. Downloading the DevInfo 7 web application

2. Adding the application pool in IIS
3. Setting up the application in IIS
4. Editing permissions
5. Editing the configuration file settings
6. Configuring the DI 7 web services database on SQL server
7. Configuring the settings for DevInfo 7 web services
8. Preparing your offline DevInfo database for upload
9. Uploading the database to SQL server
10. Configuring the database settings
11. Configuring the application settings
12. Configuring language settings
13. Modifying user settings

These steps will be explained in the following chapters of this Deployment Guide.

Chapter 1: Introduction 6
Below please find a high-level diagram summarizing the various steps involved (Fig

Step 1: Server side

Create a blank database Set up the DI7 web

on SQL Server adaptation on IIS

Step 2: DevInfo 7.0 Data Admin application (including any conversion required
for DevInfo 6.0/6.1 databases)

DevInfo 6.0/6.1 DI 7 database

DX Access Remote.exe
database SQL Server Database

Step 3: DI7 Web adaptation - Admin panel

DI7 Web adaptation - Go through the

Set up database
Log in into the Admin database optimization
connection details
panel process

Fig. 1.1

Chapter 1: Introduction 7
System requirements

The minimum system requirements to install and run the DevInfo 7 web application
are as follows:

 Operating system: Windows Server 2003/XP Professional or above

 Software: Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 and Web Server IIS 6.0 or above
 Database: Microsoft SQL Server/Express 2005 or above
 Browser: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome

The content and images displayed in this guide, unless otherwise noted, follow
these system requirements:

 Operating system: Windows Server 2008

 Software: Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 and Web Server IIS 7.5
 Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
 Browser: Google Chrome Version 24.0

Administrative requirements

The DevInfo 7 web application and database need to be supported by a

webmaster/database administrator with the technical skills required to manage the
deployment and maintenance of the web process. The typical job responsibilities of
a webmaster would include:

 Registering and hosting the website

 Creating and editing databases
 Uploading databases online
 Handling database administration tasks

General deployment guidelines

The following guidelines should be observed during deployment of the DevInfo 7

web application to ensure success.

 It is important to use the exact names of the folders, services and

databases, when specified as such in this guide.

Chapter 1: Introduction 8
 The application must be installed on a system with administrator or
equivalent account rights given.
 When trouble-shooting during the installation and deployment process, be
sure to clear your browser cache before testing the application.
 Note that default values are automatically set for the various configuration
options. However, the administrator should customize these values based
on the system environment and user requirements.

Chapter 1: Introduction 9
Preparing for deployment 2
(IIS 7 and higher)

NOTE: This chapter is intended for use with IIS 7 and higher. If you are using IIS
6, please skip this chapter and proceed to Chapter 3.

Preparing for deployment of the DevInfo 7 web application involves the following
key steps:

1. Downloading the DevInfo 7 web application

2. Adding the application pool in IIS
3. Setting up the application in IIS
4. Editing permissions
5. Editing the configuration file settings

These steps will be explained below.

1. Downloading the DevInfo 7 web application

The first step is to download the DevInfo 7 web application from the di Downloads
section of and copy it to a new folder location on your drive. Be
sure to remove the Read-Only properties for the DevInfo folder after download.

2. Adding the application pool in IIS

The next step involves adding the application pool.

Open IIS Manager. In the Connections pane, right-click on Application Pools and
then select Add Application Pool (Fig. 2.1).

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 10

Fig. 2.1

Enter “DI7” in the Name box. Select .NET Frameworkv4.0 from the .NET
Framework version box. Be sure that Integrated is selected in the Managed
pipeline mode box (Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2

Click OK. The newly-created application pool will be displayed in the center pane.

If your machine is 64-bit, you will need to enable 32-bit applications. Select the
newly-created application pool (“DI7”) from the center pane and click Advanced
Settings from the Actions pane at right. In the Advanced Settings window, select
True from the Enable 32-Bit Applications drop-down box (Fig. 2.3).

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 11

Fig. 2.3

3. Setting up the application in IIS

The next step involves setting up the DevInfo 7 web application in IIS.

Unzip the previously downloaded DevInfo 7 web application and copy it to a folder
location on your machine. Open IIS Manager. You will need to create three

First, right-click on Default Web Site and select Add Application (Fig. 2.4).

Fig. 2.4

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 12

In the Alias box enter “devinfo”. Click Select to set the Application pool to the
newly-created “DI7” application pool. In the Physical path box, browse to select the
“DevInfo\di7web\” location in the root folder. When done, click OK (Fig. 2.5).

Fig. 2.5

Next, right-click again on Default Web Site and select Add Application. In the
Alias box enter “di7uilibservices”. Click Select to set the Application pool to the
newly-created “DI7” application pool. In the Physical path box, browse to select the
“di7uilibservices\” location in the root folder. When done, click OK (Fig. 2.6).

Fig. 2.6

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 13

Next, right-click again on Default Web Site and select Add Application. In the
Alias box enter “di7webservices”. Click Select to set the Application pool to the
newly-created “DI7” application pool. In the Physical path box, browse to select the
“di7webservices\” location in the root folder. When done, click OK (Fig. 2.7).

Fig. 2.7

IIS Manager should now display the three newly-created websites, each associated
to its respective folder, under the Default Web Site (Fig. 2.8).

Fig. 2.8

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 14

4. Editing permissions

Right-click on each of the three newly-created websites and select Edit

Permissions (Fig. 2.9).

Fig. 2.9

In the Properties window, under the Security tab, ensure that full control
permissions are given for the IUSR and IIS_IUSRS users by clicking on each of
these in the Group or user names box and verifying that the Full control
permission is checked (allowed) (Fig. 2.10).

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 15

Fig. 2.10

To modify the permission settings, select the desired user (e.g. IUSR or IIS_IUSRS)
and click the Edit button to change permissions as needed.

If IUSR and IIS_IUSRS are not available in the Group or user names box, follow
these steps to add them to the list:

 Click Edit (Fig. 2.11).

Fig. 2.11

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 16

 In the newly-opened Permissions window, click Add (Fig. 2.12).

Fig. 2.12

 In the newly-opened Select Users or Groups window, click Advanced

(Fig. 2.13).

Fig. 2.13

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 17

 In the newly-opened Select Users or Groups window, click Find Now (Fig.

Fig. 2.14

 Select IUSR from the list in the Search results box and click OK (Fig.

Fig. 2.15

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 18

Repeat the same procedure to select IIS_IUSRS. Click OK and then proceed to
give both of these (IUSR and IIS_ISRS) full control permissions as explained above.

Be sure to edit permissions as explained for all three websites: Devinfo,

di7uilibservices and di7webservices.

5. Editing the configuration file settings

The next step involves editing the configuration settings within the web.config file
and the Appsettings.xml file, in order to reflect your own local host or domain
name. Both of these files are located within the downloaded DevInfo 7 web
application setup folder.

First locate and select the web.config file within the Devinfo\di7Web folder located
within the root folder. Right-click to open the file (using Notepad or another editor).

Replace each of the two instances where the default application path appears, with
your local host path or domain name as shown below (Fig. 2.16).

Fig. 2.16

To discover the specific path of your local host or domain name, right-click on the
devinfo site in the Connections pane, click Manage Application, and then click
Browse (Fig. 2.17).

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 19

Fig. 2.17

The local host path or domain name will appear in your browser window (Fig. 2.18).

Fig. 2.18

To open the website from any other machine (using Internet or Intranet), type in the
following URL: [IP address or name of the server]/[adaptation name].

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 20

Similarly, locate the Appsettings.xml file within the DevInfo\di7web\stock folder.
Right-click to edit the file (using Notepad or another editor), and replace each of the
two instances where the default application host path appears, with the path of your
local host or domain name (Fig. 2.19).

Fig. 2.19

Chapter 2: Preparing for Deployment – IIS 7 and higher 21

Preparing for deployment (IIS 6) 3
NOTE: This chapter is intended for use with IIS 6. If you are using IIS 7 or higher,
please skip this chapter and proceed to Chapter 4.

Preparing for deployment of the DevInfo 7 web application involves the following
key steps:

1. Downloading the DevInfo 7 web application

2. Adding the application pool in IIS
3. Setting up the application in IIS
4. Editing permissions
5. Editing the configuration file settings

These steps will be explained below.

1. Downloading the DevInfo 7 web application

The first step is to download the DevInfo 7 web application from the di Downloads
section of and copy it to a new folder location on your drive. Be
sure to remove the Read-Only properties for the DevInfo folder after download.

2. Adding the application pool in IIS

The next step involves adding the application pool.

Open IIS Manager. In the left pane, right-click on Application Pools, select New,
and select Application Pool (Fig. 3.1).

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 22

Fig. 3.1

Enter “DI7” in the Application pool ID box. Select the option button next to Use
default settings for new application pool and click OK (Fig. 3.2).

Fig. 3.2

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 23

3. Setting up the application in IIS

The next step involves setting up the DevInfo 7 web application in IIS.

Unzip the previously downloaded DevInfo 7 web application and copy it to a folder
location on your machine. Open IIS Manager. You will need to create three

First, right-click on Default Web Site, select New, and then select Virtual Directory
(Fig. 3.3).

Fig. 3.3

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 24

In the Alias box enter “DevInfo” and click Next (Fig. 3.4).

Fig. 3.4

In the Path box, browse to select the “di7web” location in the root folder. When
done, click Next (Fig. 3.5).

Fig. 3.5

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 25

Next, select the check boxes next to Read, Run scripts, Execute and Write and
click Next (Fig. 3.6).

Fig. 3.6

When done, click Finish (Fig. 3.7).

Fig. 3.7

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 26

Right-click on the newly-created website, “DevInfo”, and select Properties (Fig.

Fig. 3.8

In the Application pool box select “di7” and click Apply (Fig. 3.9).

Fig. 3.9

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 27

Click the Documents tab to display further options (Fig. 3.10).

Fig. 3.10

Click Add, enter “index.html” in the Default content page box, and click OK (Fig.

Fig. 3.11

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 28

Next click the ASP.NET tab (Fig. 3.12).

Fig. 3.12

From the ASP.NET version box, select 4.0 and click OK.

Next, right-click again on Default Web Site, select New, and then select Virtual
Directory (Fig. 3.13).

Fig. 3.13

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 29

In the Alias box, enter “di7uilibservices” (Fig. 3.14).

Fig. 3.14

In the Path box, browse to select the “di7uilibservices\” location in the root folder.
When done, click Next (Fig. 3.15).

Fig. 3.15

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 30

Select the check boxes next to Read, Run scripts, Execute and Write and click
Next (Fig. 3.16).

Fig. 3.16

When done, click Finish (Fig. 3.17).

Fig. 3.17

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 31

Right-click on the newly-created website, “di7uilibservices”, and select Properties
(Fig. 3.18).

Fig. 3.18

From the Application Pool box select “di7” and click Apply (Fig. 3.19).

Fig. 3.19

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 32

Click the ASP.NET tab. From the ASP.NET version box, select 4.0 and click OK
(Fig. 3.20).

Fig. 3.20

For the third and final time, right-click again on Default Web Site, select New, and
then select Virtual Directory (Fig. 3.21).

Fig. 3.21

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 33

In the Alias box, enter “di7webservices” (Fig. 3.22).

Fig. 3.22

In the Path box, browse to select the “di7webservices\” location in the root folder.
When done, click Next (Fig. 3.23).

Fig. 3.23

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 34

Select the check boxes next to Read, Run scripts, Execute and Write and click
Next (Fig. 3.24).

Fig. 3.24

When done, click Finish (Fig. 3.25).

Fig. 3.25

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 35

Right-click on the newly-created website, “di7uilibservices” and select Properties
(Fig. 3.26).

Fig. 3.26

From the Application Pool box select “di7” and click Apply (Fig. 3.27).

Fig. 3.27

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 36

Click the ASP.NET tab. From the ASP.NET version box, select 4.0 and click OK
(Fig. 3.28).

Fig. 3.28

IIS Manager should now display the three newly-created websites, each associated
to its respective folder, under the Default Web Site (Fig. 3.29).

Fig. 3.29

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 37

4. Editing permissions

Right-click on each of the three newly-created websites and select Edit

Permissions (Fig. 3.30).

Fig. 3.30

In the Properties window, under the Security tab, ensure that full control
permissions are given for the IIS_WPG user by highlighting it in the Group or user
names box and verifying that the Full control permission is checked (allowed) (Fig.

Fig. 3.31

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 38

To modify the permission settings, select the Allow check box next to the desired
user (i.e. IIS_WPG).

If IIS_WPG is not available in the Group or user names box, follow these steps to
add it to the list:

 Click Add (Fig. 3.32).

Fig. 3.32

 In the newly-opened Select Users or Groups window, click Advanced

(Fig. 3.33).

Fig. 3.33

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 39

 In the newly-opened Select Users or Groups window, click Find Now (Fig.

Fig. 3.34

 Select IIS_WPG from the list in the Search results box and click OK (Fig.

Fig. 3.35

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 40

 Click OK and then proceed to give this user (IIS_WPG) full control
permissions as explained above.

Be sure to edit permissions as explained for all three websites: Devinfo,

di7uilibservices and di7webservices.

5. Editing the configuration file settings

The next step involves editing the configuration settings within the web.config file
and the Appsettings.xml file, in order to reflect your own local host or domain
name. Both of these files are located within the downloaded DevInfo 7 web
application setup folder.

First locate and select the web.config file within the Devinfo\di7Web folder located
within the root folder. Right-click to open the file (using Notepad or another editor).

Replace each of the two instances where the default application path appears, with
your local host path or domain name as shown below (Fig. 3.36).

Fig. 3.36

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 41

To discover the specific path of your local host or domain name, right-click on the
devinfo site in the Connections pane, click Manage Application, and then click
Browse (Fig. 3.37).

Fig. 3.37

The local host path or domain name will appear in your browser window (Fig. 3.38).

Fig. 3.38

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 42

To open the website from any other machine (using Internet or Intranet), type in the
following URL: [IP address or name of the server]/[adaptation name].

Similarly, locate the Appsettings.xml file within the DevInfo\di7web\stock folder.

Right-click to edit the file (using Notepad or another editor), and replace each of the
two instances where the default application host path appears, with the path of your
local host or domain name (Fig. 3.39).

Fig. 3.39

Chapter 3: Preparing for Deployment (IIS 6) 43

Setting the database for Web 4
Migration of a DevInfo database from MS Access to SQL server involves the
following key steps:

1. Configuring the DI 7 web services database on SQL server

2. Configuring the settings for DevInfo 7 web services
3. Preparing your offline DevInfo database for upload
4. Uploading the database to SQL server

These steps will be covered below.

NOTE: In DevInfo 7, only a single database can be uploaded into an SQL


1. Configuring the DI 7 web services database

on SQL server

The first step is configuring the DI7 web services database. Open SQL Server,
right-click on the Databases folder and click New Database from the menu. Enter
the database name “di7webservices” and click OK (Fig. 4.1).

Chapter 4: Setting the database for Web Services 44

Fig. 4.1

Next, select the newly-created di7webservices database. From the toolbar, click
Open File , browse to the di7webservices\Stock folder location in the root folder

to select the DI7_WebService_Script.sql file, and then click from the

toolbar to run the query.

2. Configuring the settings for DevInfo 7 web


Next, locate the web.config file within the di7webservices folder within the root
folder. Highlight the file and right-click to edit it (using Notepad or another editor),
updating each of the following boldfaced items (Fig. 4.2) with the correct text:

<add key="DBConnString" value="Data Source= SQL Server IP;Initial

Catalog=di7webservices;User Id=User;Password=Password;" />

Chapter 4: Setting the database for Web Services 45

Fig. 4.2

3. Preparing your offline DevInfo database for


Databases created using the desktop version of DevInfo rely on MS Access to store
data, which provides the advantages of a relational database system coupled with
robust data handling. However, MS Access as a database medium presents
limitations in a server environment, where concurrent and multi-user access is

For web deployment, DevInfo employs the SQL server, a server-based database
engine capable of processing voluminous data in a multi-user environment. It also
provides features such as enhanced security, automated/user-controlled data
transfer methods, and a robust data processing platform.

Preparing your offline DevInfo database for upload involves two steps: (a) ensuring
that your database is in DevInfo 7 format and then (b) setting default options.

A. Ensuring the database is in DevInfo format

If the source DevInfo database is in DevInfo 6.0/6.1 format, it must be converted to

DevInfo 7 format before being uploaded to DevInfo 7 Web. This conversion can be
handled using the DI 6.0 to DI 7.0 data exchange utility.

From the expanded Data Exchange module in the DevInfo Data Admin 7
application, click DI6.0 to DI7.0.exe. The DX DI6.0 to DI7.0 data exchange utility
opens in a new window (Fig. 4.3).

Chapter 4: Setting the database for Web Services 46

Fig. 4.3

Select the desired DevInfo 6.0/6.1 database which you wish to convert to DevInfo 7
format. The files available from the default location are displayed in the Available
pane. Click to browse for a file in another location. Select a file by double-
clicking it to transfer it from the Available pane to the Selected pane.

When done, click Finish and specify the folder location where you wish to save the
converted database (e.g., C:\DevInfo\DevInfo 7.0\DevInfo 7.0\Data). The application
saves the file under the same name, with “_v7.0” appended at the end.

B. Setting default options

To set default subgroups, click Set Default Options from the expanded Template
module in the DevInfo 7.0 Data Admin application.

In Step 1, select the desired file type below the toolbar – offline or online, template
or database – and then select/specify the desired file.

In Step 2, select the default subgroup for each I-U-S combination by clicking the
arrow at the end of drop-down box in the Subgroup column and selecting the
desired subgroup. Note that the default subgroup specified appears at the top of the
search results in the DevInfo 7 User application (Fig. 4.4).

Chapter 4: Setting the database for Web Services 47

Fig. 4.4

Repeat this process for each of the subgroups in the various I-U-S combinations as

Step 3 is an optional step, allowing you to select the High is Good check box next
to those indicators for which a higher data value represents a better outcome. Note
that making the correct High is Good selections will not affect the user experience
in the DevInfo 7 User application. This feature has relevance only for certain
external applications which consume data from DevInfo databases (e.g., setting
traffic light color indices in the di Monitoring application).

When done, click Finish to save changes and exit.

Chapter 4: Setting the database for Web Services 48

4. Uploading the database to SQL server

The first step in uploading your offline DevInfo 7 database is creating a blank SQL
database. Right-click on the Databases folder and click New Database (Fig. 4.5).

Fig. 4.5

Enter the desired name of the blank SQL database and click OK (Fig. 4.6).

Fig. 4.6

Chapter 4: Setting the database for Web Services 49

The next step is uploading your offline database to SQL server using the DX
Access Remote.exe utility.

Click DX Access Remote.exe from the Data Exchange module in the DevInfo 7.0
Data Admin application. The utility opens in a new window.

In Step 1, select Upload Dataset and click Next.

In Step 2, click Browse at upper right to browse for and select the desired
offline DevInfo 7.0 database to upload. Select the database by either double-
clicking it or dragging it from the Available pane to the Selected pane. Click Next.

Step 3 allows you to select the online destination of the database. Click New at
top right to create a new online MS SQL database connection. Enter the connection
details for the newly-created blank SQL database. Specify any desired Connection
Name, but make sure that the Database Name is the name of the newly-created
blank SQL database (Fig. 4.7).

Fig. 4.7

Chapter 4: Setting the database for Web Services 50

Click Test to test the connection. After successfully testing the connection, click
Save. Finally, click Finish to initiate the upload to the remotely hosted MS SQL
database. The application returns a message when the upload is complete.

Chapter 4: Setting the database for Web Services 51

Configuring and optimizing your 5
DevInfo 7 database
Once your DevInfo database has been migrated into DevInfo 7 web format, you
need to configure and optimize the web database before it be properly accessed
and searched by users. This involves the following key steps:

1. Configuring the database settings

2. Configuring the application settings
3. Configuring language settings
4. Modifying user settings
5. Customizing home page slider images

1. Configuring the database settings

Launch your DevInfo 7 web application either by entering the URL or by right-
clicking on the devinfo site in the Connections pane in IIS Manager. Click
Manage Application and then click Browse (Fig. 5.1).

Fig. 5.1

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 52

The site should open in your browser window (Fig. 5.2).

Fig. 5.2

Click Login from the upper right menu bar and enter the following default
administrator login details:

 Email address:

 Password: support@2012

Note that you can later change the default admin login credentials via the User
Management module in the Admin Panel.

After login, click Database Settings at left, and then click New (Fig. 5.3).

Fig. 5.3

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 53

Enter the database connection details as requested, using the details of the DevInfo
7 database previously uploaded to MS SQL Server. In the Connection Name box,
enter the adaptation name to be displayed in the user application. In the Database
Name box, enter the name of the desired SQL server database. In the Description
box, enter a description of the database that will be visible to all site visitors (Fig.

Fig. 5.4

After entering the connection details, click Test Connection. Once the connection
is successfully tested, the Register button will be enabled and click Register to
register the database.

Click Next to proceed to optimizing the database.

Optimizing the database

Optimizing your database is a necessary step to enhance the speed and

performance of the web application.

NOTE: If the database is not optimized, then only the Advanced Search feature
will work – and not the Quick Data Search feature - in the DevInfo 7 Web
application. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you optimize the database.

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 54

First select Generate master files and ensure that all other check boxes are
cleared. Then click Optimize Database (Fig. 5.5).

NOTE: After clicking Optimize Database, it may take a significant amount of

time for the process to be completed, depending on the speed of your computer
and the size of the underlying database. If your database is small, you can select
all the check boxes under Generate master files at one go. If your database is
large, you may wish to select the check boxes one at a time (e.g., first Area, then
Footnotes, then IC, etc.) and then click Optimize Database, repeating the
process until all the master files are generated.

Fig. 5.5

Next select Generate Map Files and ensure that all other check boxes are cleared.
Then click Optimize Database.

Next select Generate QDS search results and ensure that all other check boxes
are cleared. Note that the text box under Generate search results should display
the default text “GENERAL”. Then click Optimize Database. This step generates
the search results for the Quick Data Search feature.

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 55

Next select Generate CSV File and ensure that all other check boxes are cleared.
Then click Optimize Database. This step generates the CSV file that will be
available for download from the home page.

NOTE: If the application is unable to successfully complete any of the

optimization activities above, it may be due to an issue with the underlying
database. Please contact the DevInfo Support Group at for
further assistance.

Setting default indicators and areas

Click Next to set default indicators and areas. This feature may be useful if your
database contains many indicators and areas, and you wish to limit the number of
indicators and areas that appear under the Quick Data Search results in the
DevInfo 7 User application, in order to speed up the search process (Fig. 5.6).

Fig. 5.6

The default indicators and areas set here determine which indicators and areas
appear in the search results when using the Quick Data Search. For example, if a
user enters the indicator “infant mortality rate” in the What? box under Quick Data

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 56

Search but does not specify any area, the application returns search results for all
the default areas (Fig. 5.7).

Fig. 5.7

Similarly, if the user enters a given area in the Where? box but does not specify any
indicator, the application will return search results for all the default indicators.

When you are done setting indicators and areas, click Finish.

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 57

2. Configuring the application settings

NOTE: While the application will still work if no application settings are configured,
it is recommended that you go through this step to enter/specify any desired
settings, to enhance the functionality and user-friendliness of the application.

To configure the application settings, click Application Settings from the left panel
(Fig. 5.8).

Fig. 5.8

Enter/specify the desired application settings as follows:


Adaptation Name Enter the name of the adaptation (e.g. LaoInfo, MDGInfo, etc.)

Adapted for Specify whether the adaptation is global, national or sub-


Select Country Select the name of the country, if national or sub-national

Specify sub- Enter sub-national region if the adaptation is sub-national

nation if any

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 58

Default Language Select the default application language

Show sliders Select the check box to display graphic sliders on the home
page. Note that slider images can be loaded in the following
location in the root folder:
n. See “5. Customizing home page slider images” below for
more details.

Slider Count Specify the number of graphic sliders on the home page

MRD Threshold Specify the number of queried data records above which only
Value the most recent data will be displayed by default

Hide Source Select the check box to hide the Source column in the data
Column view

QDS Cache For Select the check box if there are many areas in the database
Densed Areas

Disputed Select the check box to display disputed international

International boundaries in maps

Adaptation Mode Specify whether you wish to run the application as DevInfo 7
with the registry, or whether you wish to run the application as
a standalone registry (without DevInfo 7)

JS Version Enter the Java Script version number

Adaptation year Enter the year when the adaptation was first launched

Enable Gallery in Select the check box to enable the Gallery feature in the Quick
QDS Data Search results

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 59

Enable Select the check box to display these links in the home page
News/Innovations top menu bar
in Menu

Enable Cloud Select the check box to display the word cloud view icon in the
View in QDS Quick Data Search results

Enable Contact Select the check box to display these links in the home page
us/Support in top secondary menu bar
secondary menu

Enable Select the check box to display these links in the home page
Downloads/Traini bottom menu bar
de in footer

Google Analytics Specify the desired Google Analytics ID to track site traffic

Animation Time Specify the desired time interval, in seconds, between home
page slider animations

Contact of database administrator

Name, Institution, Enter the relevant database administrator contact details


Web Components

Component Version/ Displays the default web component version and library
Component Library URL

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 60


Facebook/Twitter Enter the desired Facebook/Twitter application ID and

Application ID/Secret Secret Keys to integrate these social media applications in
Key DevInfo when sharing search results and visualizations in
the user application


Enable DSD Selection Select the check box if you wish to upload a UNSD DSD
to support UNSD data exchange

Area Level Specify the area level for area mapping which will be used
if you wish to enable UNSD data exchange

MSD Area Id Specify the 3 digit country code used by UNSD if you wish
to do UNSD data exchange, which will be used to
generate the metadata files if no area is selected

Notify Via Email Select the check box to receive email notifications when
new data and metadata files are published

Default Value of Age Specify the default value of age for mapping if you wish to
For Mapping do UNSD data exchange

Default Value of Sex Specify the default value of sex for if you wish to do UNSD
For Mapping data exchange

Default Value of Specify the default value of location for mapping if you
Location For Mapping wish to do UNSD data exchange

Default Value of Specify the default value of frequency for mapping if you
Frequency For wish to do UNSD data exchange

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 61

Default Value of Specify the default value of source for mapping if you wish
Source For Mapping to do UNSD data exchange

Default Value of Specify the default value of nature for mapping if you wish
Nature For Mapping to do UNSD data exchange

Default Value of Unit Specify the default value of unit multiplier for mapping if
Multiplier For Mapping you wish to do UNSD data exchange

Select Specify the default indicator classification


When finished, click Update to save the new application settings.

3. Configuring language settings

To configure the language settings, click Language Settings from the left panel
(Fig. 5.9).

Fig. 5.9

Note that the application automatically detects the language(s) used in the
underlying database and displays the language file(s) for the detected language(s).

Select the option button next to the desired application language and then click
Generate Page XMLs.

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 62

If you wish to edit any of the language strings, click Edit (Fig. 5.10).

Fig. 5.10

You can either directly enter the new revised text in the right column, or you can
click the Export XLS File button to export the language strings to an Excel file,
make the desired changes offline, and click the Import XLS File button to import
the revised strings into the application. Be sure to click Generate Page XMLs when

Alternatively, you can choose to edit the language strings by editing the underlying
language files in XML format by following these steps:

 Download the desired language file in XML format from the di

Downloads section of the DevInfo website (
 Right-click on the file to open it in Notepad or another desired file editor.
 Note that most rows in the file consists of two elements: a “row key”
element and a “value” element. The “row key” element is the default
global element that should not be changed. The “value” element
represents the desired translation of the “row key” element and can be
edited/modified as desired (Fig. 5.11).

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 63

Fig. 5.11

 Type in the desired translation edits within the “value elements”, being
careful to keep the new text within the quotation marks.
 When done, save the XML file under the same filename and copy it to
the following folder location within your DevInfo 7 web folder structure:


 Re-launch the DevInfo 7 web application and refresh your browser

settings so the system will read the newly-edited language file.
 From the Language Settings option in the Admin Panel, select the
edited language file and click Generate Page XMLs to view your

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 64

4. Modifying user settings

If you wish to create a new admin account or change your default admin login
credentials, click User Management from the left panel (Fig. 5.12).

Fig. 5.12

Click Create Admin Account to create new admin account and enter in the desired
details. Note that the previous default admin credentials will no longer be valid.

Click Set As Admin to set any selected user as the new administrator. Note that
the previous admin credentials will no longer be valid.

Click Change Password to change the password for the selected user.

5. Customizing home page slider images

The DevInfo 7 web application home page displays a series of changing slider
images (Fig. 5.13).

Fig. 5.13

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 65

Follow the steps below to manage/edit the default home page slider images.

i. Create new slider images

New slider images can be created outside the DevInfo 7 application using any
graphics software. Each slider image should be 889 pixels wide x 357 pixels high.

At least one image should be displayed on the home page. The default setup file
provides options for up to six images, but this number can be increased as desired
by the administrator.

Be sure to save the images as .jpeg files using the following naming convention:

Slide _XX

in which “XX” refers to the number of the slide (e.g. “Slide_01”, “Slide_08”, etc.).

ii. Save images in the folder location

Save the new slider images in the following folder location where the DevInfo
application is hosted:

Devinfo\di7web\stock\themes\default\images\cust\slider_img\[language folder]

Note that the language folder consists of a two-letter abbreviation for the adaptation
language – e.g. “en”, “fr”, etc. By default, only the English language folder is created
upon application setup:


If you wish to add slider images in another language, simply create another folder
with the same path structure (via copy/paste), but replacing the “en” with the desired
two-letter language abbreviation. For example,

For Spanish: Devinfo\di7web\stock\themes\default\images\cust\slider_img\es

For French: Devinfo\di7web\stock\themes\default\images\cust\slider_img\fr

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 66

iii. Add HTML pages only if the number of images exceeds six

The default setup file provides options for up to six images. If you wish to display
more than six images, you will need to manually create additional HTML pages to
serve as “containers” to hold the additional images.

Browse to the following folder location:

Devinfo\di7web\stock\Adaptation\slider_html\[language folder]

Note that the folder contains six HTML pages (Fig. 5.14).

Fig. 5.14

First copy/paste any of the existing HTML pages as many times as needed so that
the number of HTML pages equals the number of slider images you wish to display,
and then rename the new HTML pages with the desired image number. For
example, if you wish to display 8 slider images, you will need to copy/paste any of
the existing HTML pages twice, and rename them accordingly (Fig. 5.15).

Fig. 5.15

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 67

Similarly, you can delete any of the existing HTML pages should you wish to display
fewer than six images.

iv. Modify the slidemaster XML file only if the number of images
exceeds six

The default setup file provides options for up to six images. If you wish to display
more than six images, you will need to manually create additional rows within the
slidemaster XML file to instruct the system to read these additional images.

Browse to the following folder location:

Devinfo\di7web\stock\Adaptation\slider_html\[language folder]

Right-click on the slidemaster.xml file and open it for editing, using Notepad or any
other desired file editor (Fig. 5.16).

Fig. 5.16

First copy/paste the last slider row (<item><![CDATA[slide_06.htm]]></item>)as

many times as needed so that the number of rows equals the number of slider
images you wish to display, and then edit the new row(s) with the desired image
numbers. For example, if you wish to display 8 slider images, you will need to
copy/paste the last slider row twice and rename them accordingly (Fig. 5.17).

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 68

Fig. 5.17

When you are done, save the XML file under the same name to overwrite the
current file.

v. Specify the number of slides

The next step is to specify the number of slides you wish to be displayed in the
DevInfo 7 application. To do this, log into the application using your administrator
credentials, click Admin Panel from the upper right corner, click Application
Settings, and then specify the desired number of slides in the Slider Count box
(Fig 5.18.).

Fig. 5.18

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 69

vi. Refresh browser settings

To view your changes, clear your browser cache and refresh your browser settings.
The new slider images should be available for viewing on the home page.

Tracking web administrator activity

To view a log of all activities performed by the web administrator in the Admin
Panel, click Log File from the top menu bar (Fig. 5.19).

Fig. 5.19

The application downloads a log file displaying details of all web administrator

Chapter 5: Configuring and optimizing your DevInfo 7 database 70

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