IBM Cognos Installation

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IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence

Data Manager

Version 8.4.1

Installation and Configuration Guide

Product Information
This document applies to IBM Cognos 8 Version 8.4.1 and may also apply to subsequent releases. To check for newer versions of this document,
visit the IBM Cognos Information Centers (

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM, the IBM logo,, and Cognos are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., in many jurisdictions
worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on
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Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Intel, Intel logo, Intel Inside, Intel Inside logo, Intel Centrino, Intel Centrino logo, Celeron, Intel Xeon, Intel SpeedStep, Itanium, and Pentium
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.
Table of Contents

Introduction 7

Chapter 1: What’s New? 9

New Features in Version 8.4 9
Support for 64-bit Application Servers 9
Removed Features in Version 8.4 9
Text-based User Interface for Installing on UNIX and Linux 9
New Features in Version 8.3 9
Support for Windows Vista 10

Chapter 2: Data Manager Components 11

The Data Manager Engine 11
Data Manager Designer 11
Data Movement Service 11
Data Manager Network Services 12
Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 12
IBM Cognos Configuration 12

Chapter 3: Distribution Options 13

Installing Data Manager Network Services 13
Installing Data Manager Components on One Computer 14
Installing to the Same Location as Other IBM Cognos 8 Components 15
Installing to a Different Location than Other IBM Cognos 8 Components 17
Installing the Data Manager Engine and Data Manager Designer on Different Computers 17
Installing Only the Data Manager Engine 19
Installing Multiple Instances of the Data Manager Engine 19
Installing Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 21
Security Considerations 22

Chapter 4: Workflows for Installing and Configuring Data Manager 25

Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 27
Installing Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 30
Install the Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 Components 31
Install the SAP Gateway Functions 31
Apply the SAP Gateway Functions 32
Install the IBM Cognos Compression Utility 32
Set Access Permissions for the IBM Cognos SAP Gateway Functions 33
Uninstall Data Manager 34

Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager 37

Update the Java Environment 37
Start IBM Cognos Configuration 38
Default Settings for Data Manager 38
Update Data and Log File Locations for Windows Vista 39
Configuring Data Manager Network Services 40
Licensed Materials – Property of IBM
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 3
Table of Contents

Change the Socket Server Port Number and Password 40

Change the SOAP or Secure SOAP Server Port Number 40
Set Logging Options for the Server 41
Configure Data Manager Clients to Locate the Network Services Server 41
Set Logging Options for the Client 42
Add Connections for Additional Data Manager Engines 42
Set Data and Log File Locations 43
Enable or Disable Data Manager Services 43
Set the IBM Cognos 8 Gateway and Dispatcher Connections 44
Save Your Configuration Settings 45
Start or Stop the IBM Cognos 8 Service 45
Start or Stop the Data Manager Network Services Server 46
Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for IBM Cognos Components 47
Configure Data Manager for SSL 47
Set Up Shared Trust Between Data Manager Network Services Client and Server 48
Select and Rank Cipher Suites for SSL 50
Specify the Encoding to Use for Log Files and Reject Files 50
Specify the Encoding to Use for Log Files 50
Specify the Encoding to Use for Reject Files 51

Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers 53

Back Up Existing IBM Cognos Information 54
Set Environment Variables 55
Update the Java Environment 56
Configure IBM Cognos Components for Your Application Server 57
Build an Application File to Deploy to Your Application Server 57
Change the Application Server Startup Script 58
Configure Application Server Properties and Deploy IBM Cognos Components 59
Enable SSL 61

Chapter 8: Setting Up an Unattended Installation and Configuration 63

Configure a Transfer Specification File 63
Run an Unattended Installation 65
Export Configuration Settings from Another Computer 65
Apply Configuration Settings to a New Installation 65

Appendix A: Configuring Data Manager on UNIX or Linux Without a Graphical Interface 67

Manually Change Default Configuration Settings on UNIX or Linux 67
Starting and Stopping IBM Cognos 8 in Silent Mode on UNIX and Linux Computers 68
Manually Create an Application File to Deploy to an Application Server 69

Appendix B: Database Environment Variables 71

Appendix C: Change the Language of Day and Month Names 77

Appendix D: Installation and Configuration Problems 79

Installing on Windows Vista 79
Starting Data Manager on Windows Vista 79
Stopping Data Manager Network Services on HPUX and LINUX 79
Upgrading Data Manager when Using Data Manager Network Services 80
Uninstalling the Data Manager Socket Server 80

4 Data Manager
Table of Contents

Error Messages in SAP Log When Using Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 80

Index 81

Installation and Configuration Guide 5

Table of Contents

6 Data Manager

This document is intended for use with Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3.
The main purpose of Data Manager is to create data warehouses and data repositories for reporting,
analysis, and performance management. Data Manager does this by
● extracting operational data from multiple data sources

● merging and transforming the data to facilitate enterprise-wide reporting and analysis

● delivering the transformed data to coordinated data marts

This document describes how to install Data Manager on Windows, UNIX, and Linux computers,
and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 on Windows computers.

You should be familiar with
● database and data warehouse concepts

● security issues

● basic Windows or UNIX administration

● the existing server environment and security infrastructure in your organization

Related Documentation
Our documentation includes user guides, getting started guides, new features guides, readmes, and
other materials to meet the needs of our varied audience. The following documents contain related
information and may be referred to in this document.

Note: For online users of this document, a Web page such as The page cannot be found may appear
when clicking individual links in the following table. Documents are made available for your par-
ticular installation and translation configuration. If a link is unavailable, you can access the document
on the IBM Cognos Resource Center (

Document Description

IBM Cognos 8 New Features Describing features that are new in this release

Data Manager Getting Started Introducing Data Manager Designer to new users

Data Manager User Guide Using Data Manager to create data warehouses
and data repositories

Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 User Using SAP R/3 as a data source for Data
Guide Manager

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 7

Document Description

IBM Cognos Connection User Guide Using IBM Cognos Connection to publish, find,
manage, organize, and view IBM Cognos con-
tent, such as scorecards, reports, analyses, and

IBM Cognos 8 Administration and Security Managing servers, security, reports, and portal
Guide services; and setting up the samples, customizing
the user interface and troubleshooting

IBM Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Installing, upgrading, configuring, and testing
Guide IBM Cognos 8, changing application servers,
and setting up samples

IBM Cognos Configuration User Guide Using IBM Cognos Configuration to configure
IBM Cognos 8

Finding Information
Product documentation is available in online help from the Help menu or button in IBM Cognos
To find the most current product documentation, including all localized documentation and
knowledge base materials, access the IBM Cognos Resource Center (
You can also read PDF versions of the product readme files and installation guides directly from
IBM Cognos product CDs.

Getting Help
For more information about using this product or for technical assistance, visit the IBM Cognos
Resource Center ( This site provides
information on support, professional services, and education.

Printing Copyright Material

You can print selected pages, a section, or the whole book. You are granted a non-exclusive, non-
transferable license to use, copy, and reproduce the copyright materials, in printed or electronic
format, solely for the purpose of operating, maintaining, and providing internal training on IBM
Cognos software.

8 Data Manager
Chapter 1: What’s New?

This section contains a list of new, and removed features for this release. It will help you plan your
upgrade and application deployment strategies and the training requirements for your users.
For information about upgrading, see the Data Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
For information about new features for this release, see the New Features Guide.
For changes to previous versions, see New Features in Version 8.3.
To review an up-to-date list of environments supported by IBM Cognos products, such as operating
systems, patches, browsers, Web servers, directory servers, database servers, and application servers,
visit the IBM Cognos Resource Center (

New Features in Version 8.4

Listed below are new features since the last release. Links to directly-related topics are included.

Support for 64-bit Application Servers

IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence products are now available with support for 64-bit application
For information about supported application servers, visit the IBM Cognos Resource Center (http:
For information about configuration, see "Changing Application Servers" (p. 53).

Removed Features in Version 8.4

Listed below are features that are removed since the last release. Links to directly-related topics are

Text-based User Interface for Installing on UNIX and Linux

In earlier versions of IBM Cognos 8 BI products, you could run a text-based, or console-mode,
installation or uninstallation program on systems that did not have XWindows. In the current
release, the text-based installation and uninstallation programs are not available. Users who install
on UNIX and Linux without XWindows must run an unattended installation or uninstallation.

New Features in Version 8.3

Listed below are new features since the last release. Links to directly-related topics are included.

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 9
Chapter 1: What’s New?

Support for Windows Vista

Data Manager is supported on Windows Vista. With Windows Vista, Microsoft introduced security
enhancements to further protect the Program Files directory. This necessitated changes to environment
variables and the directories where user profiles are stored. For more information, see "Update
Data and Log File Locations for Windows Vista" (p. 39).

10 Data Manager
Chapter 2: Data Manager Components

IBM Cognos components integrate easily into your existing infrastructure by using resources that
are in your environment. Some of these existing resources are required, such as a Java Virtual
Machine or another database.
Some IBM Cognos components, including Data Manager Network Services, use an application
server. Apache Tomcat is provided with Data Manager, but you can configure IBM Cognos com-
ponents to run on supported application servers that you currently use in your environment.
Data Manager includes the following components.

The Data Manager Engine

The Data Manager engine consists of a number of programs that you can run from either Data
Manager Designer (on Windows) or directly on the command line (on Windows, UNIX, or Linux).
For most applications, IBM Cognos recommends that you design and prototype using Data Manager
Designer on a Windows computer. You can then deploy your builds to either a Windows, UNIX,
or Linux computer that has the Data Manager engine. However, you can also program the Data
Manager engine directly in the Data Manager language.
The Data Manager engine can be installed on Windows, UNIX, or Linux computers.

Data Manager Designer

In Data Manager Designer, you use builds to specify a set of processing rules that determine how
Data Manager acquires data from the source databases, transforms the data, and delivers it to the
target database. This information is stored in a Data Manager catalog.
Data Manager Designer can be installed only on Windows computers.

Data Movement Service

The Data Movement Service allows users to run and schedule builds and JobStreams on remote
computers using IBM Cognos Connection, the user interface for IBM Cognos 8. To use the Data
Movement Service, IBM Cognos 8 must be installed in your environment, and the Data Manager
engine must be installed in the same location as the IBM Cognos 8 server components.
The Data Movement Service is automatically installed with the Data Manager engine. You must
install the Data Manager engine in the same location as an IBM Cognos 8 server to be able to use
this service.

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 11
Chapter 2: Data Manager Components

Data Manager Network Services

Use Data Manager Network Services to execute builds and JobStreams on remote computers from
a Data Manager design environment computer. For example, if you installed the Data Manager
engine on a UNIX or Linux computer, you can also install the Data Manager Network Services
server so that you can execute builds and JobStreams on that server from Data Manager Designer.
If you do not install Data Manager Network Services, you must execute builds and JobStreams on
remote computers using the command line or scripts.
Data Manager Network Services includes a server component that must be installed with the Data
Manager engine. The server enables communication, either directly through a socket connection
or through an application server, between Data Manager Designer and the Data Manager engine.
Data Manager Network Services also provides auditing functions when you run builds so that you
can configure your environment if you intend to use more than one Data Manager engine.

Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 is an additional component that extends the data extraction
capabilities of Data Manager to include SAP R/3 data sources.
The installation program for Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 is provided on a separate CD.

IBM Cognos Configuration

IBM Cognos Configuration is a tool that you use to configure IBM Cognos components, and to
start and stop services for IBM Cognos components.
Use IBM Cognos Configuration to configure Data Manager to work with Data Manager Network
Services, the Data Movement Service, and other IBM Cognos 8 components.

12 Data Manager
Chapter 3: Distribution Options

There are several different options for distributing Data Manager components for an installation.
There are also security issues that you must consider if you install the Data Manager Network
Services component.
You can install all Data Manager components on one computer, or install the Data Manager engine
and Data Manager Designer on different computers. The best distribution option depends on your
requirements, resources, and preferences. Configuration requirements differ depending on whether
you install all components on a single computer or on multiple computers.
IBM Cognos 8 is compatible with other IBM Cognos products. If your environment includes IBM
Cognos 8 products, you must consider how Data Manager will fit into that environment. For
example, IBM Cognos 8 and Data Manager can both use the same instance of IBM Cognos Config-
uration if they are installed to the same directory. If you install Data Manager engine to the same
location as an IBM Cognos 8 application server, you can use the Data Movement Service to run
and schedule builds and JobStreams using IBM Cognos Connection.
You must also decide whether you want to install Data Manager Network Services (p. 13).
Other options include installing only the Data Manager engine (p. 19) or installing multiple instances
of the Data Manager engine (p. 19).

Installing Data Manager Network Services

Whether you install the Data Manager engine on the same computer or on a different computer
than Data Manager Designer, you must decide whether you want to install and use Data Manager
Network Services.

Note: Data Manager Network Services is available only in 32 bit installations.

If you install the network services, you should consider
● what service protocol you want to use for the network services -- Sockets, SOAP, or Secure

● which application server you want to use if you choose the SOAP or Secure SOAP protocol

● what security considerations you need for Data Manager Network Services

If you do not want to interact with the Data Manager engine remotely, you do not have to install
Data Manager Network Services. In this scenario, you use the Data Manager engine on different
computers through command line options or scripts. For more information, see "Installing Only
the Data Manager Engine" (p. 19).

Data Manager Network Services Configuration

The configuration for the network services includes the name of the computer and the port number
on which the Data Manager Network Services server is running.

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 13
Chapter 3: Distribution Options

If you use Data Manager Network Services, you must install the Data Manager Network Services
server on the same computer where you installed the Data Manager engine. Then, you must specify
the name of the computer and the port number for the server on the computer where you use the
Data Manager Network Service clients -- Data Manager Designer or the command line utilities.

Service Protocol
Data Manager Network Services can use Sockets, SOAP, or Secure SOAP network service protocols
for communication. Sockets uses a direct connection, whereas SOAP, the default for IBM Cognos
components, and Secure SOAP protocols require that you set up and configure an application server.

Application Server
The Data Manager Network Services installation includes Apache Tomcat, which runs the Data
Manager Network Services server for SOAP or Secure SOAP protocols. If you use another application
server with Data Manager Network Services, you must deploy the network services application to
your application server and change your configuration settings.

Installing Data Manager Components on One Computer

The default installation installs all Data Manager components on one computer. You can choose
this scenario for a proof of concept or demonstration environment.
Although, the Data Manager Network Services components are installed in this scenario, you can
choose whether to configure and use them. For example, you can execute builds and JobStreams
on the computer without using Data Manager Network Services. However, you can also create a
test environment and use Data Manager Network Services to provide communication between Data
Manager Designer and the Data Manager engine.
In the following diagram, all Data Manager components are installed to the same directory on one

Data Manager Designer

Data Manager Engine
Data Manager Network

Single-Computer Default
Installation of Data
Manager Components

Alternatively, you can choose to not install the network services components, as shown in the fol-
lowing diagram.

14 Data Manager
Chapter 3: Distribution Options

Data Manager Designer

Data Manager Engine

Installation of Data
Manager Components
without Network Services

Configuration Options
If you install the components to the same directory, you can begin using Data Manager without
any further configuration.
However, if you want to change the defaults or you want to test the Data Manager Network Services
components or if other IBM Cognos 8 components are installed, you can set the following:
● The port numbers for the Data Manager Network Services server, including the Socket server
port number, the SOAP or Secure SOAP port number, and the shutdown port number.
If other IBM Cognos 8 components are installed in the same location on the same computer,
you can use the same application server port number for the SOAP or Secure SOAP protocols
as is used for the IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher.

● Connections for the Data Manager Network Services clients -- Data Manager Designer or the
command line utilities -- to locate the Data Manager Network Services server.

● The protocol for Data Manager Designer to use Sockets, SOAP, or Secure SOAP.

● The IBM Cognos 8 gateway and dispatcher locations if other IBM Cognos 8 components are

● Log file locations.

If you do not use the Data Manager Network Services components, you must still set the host and
port numbers for the IBM Cognos 8 gateway and dispatcher if you want to access Cognos data
sources. You must then save your configuration before using Data Manager.

Installing to the Same Location as Other IBM Cognos 8 Components

If you have other IBM Cognos 8 components installed on a computer, Data Manager can be installed
to the same location. Data Manager will use the same tools as IBM Cognos 8, such as the application
server that was set up for IBM Cognos 8 components and IBM Cognos Configuration.
Installing the Data Manager engine into the same location as your IBM Cognos 8 Application Tier
Components allows you to use the Data Movement Service to run builds and JobStreams using the
IBM Cognos Connection interface. Data Manager Designer users can execute builds using either
the Data Movement Service or Data Manager Network Services, if it has been installed. They can
also run builds locally.

Installation and Configuration Guide 15

Chapter 3: Distribution Options

Because the IBM Cognos 8 gateway must be located with the Web server, the single computer must
also be running a Web server. If your Web server is on a UNIX or Linux computer, you must install
Data Manager Designer on a Windows computer.
In the following diagram, the Data Manager engine and all server components for IBM Cognos 8,
except Framework Manager, are installed on one computer. Framework Manager and Data Manager
Designer are located on another computer.

Data Manager Designer

Framework Manager

Installation of IBM Cognos

Server Components on
UNIX and Client Components
on Windows

Web server
IBM Cognos 8 Gateway
IBM Cognos 8 Application
Tier Components
Data Manager Engine
Data Manager Network

Query Content
database store

Configuration Options
If you want to change the default settings, you can set any of the following:
● The port numbers for the Data Manager Network Services server, including the Socket server
port number, the SOAP or Secure SOAP port number, and the shutdown port number.
With other IBM Cognos 8 components installed to the same location on the same computer,
you must use the same application server port number for the SOAP or Secure SOAP protocols
than is used for the IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher.

● Connections for the Data Manager Network Services clients -- Data Manager Designer or the
command line utilities -- to locate the Data Manager Network Services server.

● The protocol for Data Manager Designer to use Sockets, SOAP, or Secure SOAP.

● The IBM Cognos 8 gateway and dispatcher locations.

● Log file locations.

16 Data Manager
Chapter 3: Distribution Options

If you do not use the Data Manager Network Services components, you must still set the host and
port numbers for the IBM Cognos 8 gateway and dispatcher if you want to access Cognos data
sources. The values must be set for both the Data Manager Designer computer and the Data Manager
engine computer.

Installing to a Different Location than Other IBM Cognos 8 Components

Data Manager can also be installed to a different location on the same computer as other IBM
Cognos 8 components. If you are using the Data Manager Network Services, you must ensure that
you change the port numbers so that Data Manager Network Services uses a port number that is
different from the IBM Cognos 8 service for your other IBM Cognos 8 components.
If you install the Data Manager engine to a different location than your IBM Cognos 8 Application
Tier Components, you will not be able to use the Data Movement Service to run and schedule builds
using IBM Cognos Connection.

Configuration Options
You must set the following:
● The port numbers for the Data Manager Network Services server, including the Socket server
port number, the SOAP or Secure SOAP port number, and the shutdown port number.
With other IBM Cognos 8 components installed on the same computer but in different locations,
you must use a different application server port number for the SOAP or Secure SOAP protocols
than is used for the IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher.

● The IBM Cognos 8 gateway and dispatcher locations, if you use Data Manager with other IBM
Cognos 8 components.
To use the Data Movement Service you must ensure the IBM Cognos 8 gateway value is set.

If you want to change the defaults, you can also set the following:
● Connections for the Data Manager Network Services clients -- Data Manager Designer or the
command line utilities -- to locate the Data Manager Network Services server, including the
port number if you are using a port other than the default.

● The protocol for Data Manager Designer to use Sockets, SOAP, or Secure SOAP.

● Log file locations.

If you do not use the Data Manager Network Services components, you must still set the host and
port numbers for the IBM Cognos 8 gateway and dispatcher if you want to access Cognos data
sources. The values must be set for both Data Manager Designer computer and the Data Manager
engine computer.

Installing the Data Manager Engine and Data Manager Designer

on Different Computers
If you install the Data Manager engine and Data Manager Designer on different computers, you
can choose to use Data Manager Network Services to communicate between the two. You can also

Installation and Configuration Guide 17

Chapter 3: Distribution Options

choose not to use the Data Manager Network Services. Without the Data Manager Network Services,
you can run jobs on the Data Manager engine using the command line or scripts.

Using Data Manager Network Services

You must install the Data Manager Network Services server with the Data Manager engine, as
shown in the following diagram.

Data Manager Designer Data Manager Engine

Data Manager Network
Services server

Installation of Data
Manager Components

If you want to change the defaults, you can set the following:
● The port numbers for the Data Manager Network Services server, including the Socket server
port number, the SOAP or Secure SOAP port number, and the shutdown port number.
If other IBM Cognos 8 components are installed on the same computer, you can use the same
application server port number for the SOAP or Secure SOAP protocols than is used for the
IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher.

● Connections for the Data Manager Network Services clients -- Data Manager Designer or the
command line utilities -- to locate the Data Manager Network Services server.

● The protocol for Data Manager Designer to use Sockets, SOAP, or Secure SOAP.

● The IBM Cognos 8 gateway and dispatcher locations if other IBM Cognos 8 components are

● Log file locations.

Not Using Data Manager Network Services

This scenario is similar to the previous scenario, except that the jobs defined by Data Manager
Designer are run on the Data Manager engine computer from the command line or scripts.

Data Manager Designer Data Manager Engine

Installation of Data
Manager Components
Without Network

If you want to change the defaults, you can set log file locations.

18 Data Manager
Chapter 3: Distribution Options

If you have other IBM Cognos 8 components installed, you must set the host and port numbers for
the IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher and gateway if you want the Data Manager engine and Data Manager
Designer to access those components. The values must be set for both the Data Manager Designer
computer and the Data Manager engine computer.

Installing Only the Data Manager Engine

The Data Manager engine can be installed without any other Data Manager components.
In this scenario, the engine is run from the command line, and the jobs run by the Data Manager
engine are also defined on the command line.

Data Manager Engine

Installation of Data
Manager Engine

Configuration Options
If you want to change the defaults, you can set log file locations.
If you have other IBM Cognos 8 components installed, you must set the host and port numbers for
the IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher and gateway if you want the Data Manager engine to access those

Installing Multiple Instances of the Data Manager Engine

You can install multiple Data Manager engines in your environment. If you install Data Manager
Network Services, you can use Data Manager Designer to select the engine for running builds and
JobStreams on from Data Manager Designer. If you do not install the network services, you must
execute builds and JobStreams from the command line or through scripts.

Using Data Manager Network Services

You must install the Data Manager Network Services server with the Data Manager engine, as
shown in the following diagram.

Installation and Configuration Guide 19

Chapter 3: Distribution Options

Data Manager Designer

Data Manager Engine
Data Manager Network
Services server

Data Manager
Engine Installed on
Multiple Computers

Data Manager Engine

Data Manager Network
Services server

Data Manager Engine

Data Manager Network
Services server

If you want to change the defaults, you can set the following:
● The port numbers for the Data Manager Network Services server, including the Socket server
port number, the SOAP or Secure SOAP port number, and the shutdown port number.
If other IBM Cognos 8 components are installed on the same computer, you can use the same
application server port number for the SOAP or Secure SOAP protocols than is used for the
IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher.

● Connections for the Data Manager Network Services clients -- Data Manager Designer or the
command line utilities -- to locate the Data Manager Network Services server.

● The protocol for Data Manager Designer to use Sockets, SOAP, or Secure SOAP.

● The IBM Cognos 8 gateway and dispatcher locations if other IBM Cognos 8 components are

● Log file locations.

Not Using Data Manager Network Services

If you do not install Data Manager Network Services, the interaction with the Data Manager engine
is done from the command line or scripts.

20 Data Manager
Chapter 3: Distribution Options

Data Manager Designer Data Manager Engine

Data Manager
Engine Installed on
Multiple Computers
Without Network
Data Manager Engine

Data Manager Engine

If you want to change the defaults, you can set log file locations.
If you have other IBM Cognos 8 components installed, you must set the host and port numbers for
the IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher and gateway if you want the Data Manager engine and Data Manager
Designer to access those components. The values must be set for all computers where Data Manager
Designer or the Data Manager engine are installed.

Installing Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 must be installed on all computers where you have Data
Manager components if you want to use SAP R/3 as a data source for Data Manager. For example,
if you have Data Manager Designer and the Data Manager engine installed on different computers,
you must install Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 on both computers.
Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 can be installed only on Windows computers. Therefore,
you can only install Data Manager components on Windows computers if you use Data Manager
Connector for SAP R/3.
The SAP R/3 servers you use can be installed on Windows or UNIX.

Installation and Configuration Guide 21

Chapter 3: Distribution Options

Data Manager Designer Data Manager Engine

Data Manager Data Manager
Connector for SAP R/3 Connector for SAP R/3

Installation of Data
Manager Components
With Data Manager
Connector for SAP R/3

Configuration Requirements
You must do the following:
● Install the Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 components on your SAP server(s).

● Apply the Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 components using the SAP GUI.

● Install the IBM Cognos Compression Utility on your SAP server(s).

If you have installed Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 on several computers, you must perform
these configuration steps only once for each SAP server.

Security Considerations
Data Manager Network Services is an optional component that allows Data Manager builds and
JobStreams to be run and managed on remote servers. It consists of a server component that processes
requests and a client component, such as Data Manager Designer or the command line utilities.
When any network communication components are installed, it is important to consider the
security implications. Data Manager Network Services provides various options for ensuring the
security of the Data Manager environment.

Dedicated Users
By default, the Data Manager Network Services processes are run using a privileged user account.
We recommend that this account has the correct access controls for executing Data Manager builds
and JobStreams required for your specific application. These processes should not be run using a
local administrator account on Windows or as a root user on UNIX or Linux.
On Windows, you can use the Control Panel to set up the user account that is to start the Data
Manager Network Services server. On UNIX or Linux, ensure that the processes are started with
the correct account profile.
To ensure that Data Manager will start, it is important to make sure that the account has access to
the Data Manager executables and any temporary directories. By default, the account must have
read access to the installation location of the Data Manager software, and write access to the fol-
lowing directories:
● c8_location/datamanager/data

● c8_location/datamanager/dsnetlog

● c8_location/datamanager/log

22 Data Manager
Chapter 3: Distribution Options

● c8_location/log

Use the Service Access Password for Security

Data Manager Network Services supports an enhanced security model that allows only specific
Data Manager Network Services client computers to access a server. This requires that each client
installation must be set up with a known service access password that is set for each server. Without
this password, the server will not accept any request from a Data Manager Network Services client,
even if a valid catalog database connection is provided.
When no customized security is enabled, a default security profile is used. You can change the service
access password using IBM Cognos Configuration. This stops default clients from accessing the
Each Data Manager Network Services client that requires access to the server must be configured
with the password for each of the servers that is to be accessed. You do this by setting the service
access password on client computers using IBM Cognos Configuration.
For more information, see "Configuring Data Manager" (p. 37).

Enhanced Security (HTTPS)

By default, Data Manager Network Services uses hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) when trans-
mitting using SOAP service protocol. However, security can be enhanced by using secure hypertext
transfer protocol (HTTPS).
HTTPS is a standard encrypted communication protocol that is implemented using the secure
sockets layer (SSL). HTTPS can only be used with Data Manager Network Services if you are using
SOAP as your service protocol. Using HTTPS allows Data Manager Network Services to enforce
authentication between server and client, as well as encrypting the transmitted data.
For more information, see "Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for IBM Cognos Compon-
ents" (p. 47).

Installation and Configuration Guide 23

Chapter 3: Distribution Options

24 Data Manager
Chapter 4: Workflows for Installing and Configur-
ing Data Manager

After you decide on the appropriate distribution options (p. 13) for your environment, you must
follow a specific workflow to install and configure Data Manager. For example, follow one workflow
to install on a single computer and another workflow to install on multiple computers.
The workflows do not include changing application servers. For more information, see "Changing
Application Servers" (p. 53).
We recommend that you print the workflow you plan to use. You can then use the printed copy as
a checklist to ensure that you have completed all tasks.
The following workflows show the required tasks for an installation on a single-computer, an
installation using a remote connection to the Data Manager engine, and an installation with other
IBM Cognos 8 components.

Single-Computer Installation
Install Use Data Manager

Install Data See the Data

Manager Manager User

Remote Installation of the Data Manager Engine

Install Set up environment Configure

Install Data Update the Java Configure Data

Manager environment of your Manager Network
Data Manager Services
Engine on UNIX

Set environment
variables if you
Configure Data
install on UNIX
Manager Designer
to Locate the
Network Services
Check default

Save Your

Start Data Manager

Network Services

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 25
Chapter 4: Workflows for Installing and Configuring Data Manager

Installation with Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

Install Configure

Install Data Configure Data

Manager Manager Network

Install Data
Connector for SAP Configure Data
R/3 Manager Designer
to Locate the
Network Services
Install and Apply Server
the SAP Gateway

Save Your
Install the IBM
Start Data Manager
Network Services
Check Default

Installation with IBM Cognos 8

Install Set up environment Configure

Install Data Update the Java Configure Data

Manager environment of your Manager Network
Data Manager Services
Engine on UNIX

Set environment
variables if you
Configure Data
install on UNIX
Manager Designer
to Locate the
Network Services
Check default

Set the
Connections for
the IBM Cognos 8
Gateway and

Save Your

Start Data Manager

Network Services

26 Data Manager
Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager
Connector for SAP R/3

The default installation installs all Data Manager components on a single computer. However, you
can select specific components to distribute to other computers. For example, you can install the
Data Manager engine on a UNIX or Linux computer.
If you are installing the Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3, you must install all Data Manager
components on Windows computers.

System Requirements
Before you install Data Manager, ensure that the computer meets all software and hardware
requirements. The hardware requirements depend on your IBM Cognos environment. You may
require additional resources, such as additional disk space.

Requirement Specification

Operating system Windows

● Sun Solaris



Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Intel-compatible


RAM Minimum: 1 GB

Operating system specifications File descriptor limit set to 1024 on Solaris


Disk space Minimum: 1 GB of free space on the drive that

contains the temporary directory used by IBM
Cognos components.

JRE Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

JRE is installed automatically with Data Man-
ager on Windows.
If you are using an application server, use the
JRE that is installed with it.

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 27
Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

Requirement Specification

Other For a terminal emulator to install Data Manager

on UNIX, the emulation should be set to VT220
equivalent or better to ensure that the hot keys
in the Installation wizard work
On Windows, Microsoft Data Access Compon-
ent (MDAC) for use with product samples

Data Manager requires that you have the appropriate database client drivers installed on any
computer where Data Manager Designer or the Data Manager engine are installed.
For an up-to-date list of the software environments supported by IBM Cognos products, see the
IBM Cognos Resource Center ( The
support site includes information about operating systems, system requirements, patches, Web
browsers, Web servers, directory servers, database servers, OLAP servers, and more.
If you are installing Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3, you must ensure that you have a SAP
Runtime Client installed. Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 uses the SAP Runtime Client to
communicate with the SAP server environment. The runtime client must be installed on the same
computer as Data Manager Designer, and on any computer where the Data Manager engine is
The SAP Runtime Client is typically installed during the SAP GUI client installation. Contact your
SAP system administrator to confirm that the SAP Runtime Client is installed.
For UNIX or Linux installations, we recommend that you install and run all IBM Cognos processes
as the same distinct user. For example, you can create a user named IBM Cognos to install and run
the processes. This user does not require root privileges to install or configure IBM Cognos products.
For information about setting database environment variables, see "Database Environment Vari-
ables" (p. 71).

Steps for Windows

1. Insert the IBM Cognos Data Manager product disk or go to the location where the installation
files were downloaded.
The installation wizard starts automatically from the product disk.

If no Welcome page appears, go to the operating system directory and double-click the
issetup.exe file.

2. Follow the directions in the installation wizard.

If you are installing Data Manager on a computer that already has IBM Cognos 8 installed,
you can install Data Manager to the same directory or to a different directory.
If you are installing in a directory that already has other IBM Cognos 8 components, you are
prompted to create backup copies of files that will be overwritten during the installation.

3. In the Finish page of the installation wizard, click Finish.

28 Data Manager
Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

● If you want to configure IBM Cognos components immediately, select Start IBM Cognos

● If you want to see late-breaking information about IBM Cognos components, select View
the Readme.

Steps for UNIX or Linux

1. Insert the IBM Cognos Data Manager product disk.

2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the installation location of your Java
Runtime Environment (JRE).
An example of the installation location of a Java Runtime Environment is
If you are installing Data Manager Network Services, the installation requires a JVM, such as
IBM Java, to run on Linux.

3. On HP-UX, set the _M_ARENA_OPTS environment variable as follows:

This increases the memory allocation for HP-UX to more closely match that of other UNIX

4. Mount the CD for your IBM Cognos product using Rock Ridge file extensions.

Important: To mount the IBM Cognos CD on HP-UX, do the following:

● Add the pfs_mount directory in your path.
For example,


export PATH

● To start the required NFS daemons and run the daemons in the background, type bg
pfs_mountd and then type bg pfsd

● To mount the drive, type

pfs_mount -t rrip <device><mount_dir> -o xlat=unix

For example,

pfs_mount /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 /cdrom -o xlat=unix

You can now install or copy files as a non-root user using an IBM Cognos CD from this

● When the installation is complete, type pfs_umount /cdrom and kill the pfsd and pfs_mountd
daemons to unmount the CD.

5. To start the installation wizard, go to the operating system directory and, if you are using
XWindows, type the following command:


Installation and Configuration Guide 29

Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

If you do not use XWindows, run an unattended installation (p. 65).

6. Follow the directions in the installation wizard.

Install Data Manager components in a directory that contains only ASCII characters in the
path name.
If you are installing Data Manager on a computer that already has IBM Cognos 8 installed,
you can install Data Manager to the same directory or to a different directory.
If you are installing in a directory that already has other IBM Cognos 8 components, you are
prompted to create backup copies of files that will be overwritten during the installation.

7. In the Finish page of the installation wizard, click Finish.

● If you want to configure IBM Cognos components immediately, select Start IBM Cognos

● If you want to see late-breaking information about IBM Cognos components, select View
the Readme.

8. Create an environment variable named COG_ROOT, and set the value to c8_location/.

9. If you have installed Data Manager Network Services, append the c8_location/bin directory to
the PATH environment variable.

10. To be able to run Data Manager from outside the bin directory, append the c8_location/bin
directory to the PATH environment variable and to the appropriate library path environment
● For Solaris, LD_LIBRARY_PATH



11. To be able to run a published data movement task, append the c8_location/bin directory to the
PATH environment variable.

Installing Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 extends the data extraction capabilities of Data Manager
so that you can access SAP R/3 data sources in the same way as you would any other relational
database system.
You must do the following to install Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3:
❑ Install Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 components.

❑ Install the SAP Gateway functions.

❑ Apply the SAP Gateway functions.

❑ Install the IBM Cognos compression utility.

30 Data Manager
Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

❑ Set access permissions for the IBM Cognos SAP Gateway functions.

Install the Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 Components

Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 can be installed only on Windows, and it must be installed
on all computers where Data Manager components are installed. To use Data Manager Connector
for SAP R/3, all of your Data Manager components must be installed on Windows. The SAP R/3
servers you use can be installed on Windows or UNIX.
Install Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 only after you install other Data Manager components,
and install it to the same location as other Data Manager components.
Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 is provided on a separate CD. Ensure that you insert the
correct CD into your computer.

1. Insert the Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 CD.

The Welcome page of the installation wizard should appear. If no Welcome page appears, in
the win32 directory on the CD, double-click the issetup.exe file.

2. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

Ensure that you install Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 only after you install other Data
Manager components. You must install it to the same location as other Data Manager

3. Click Finish.

Install the SAP Gateway Functions

Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 uses Advanced Business Applications Programming (ABAP)
function modules that interface with the SAP environment. The gateway functions must be installed
on each SAP server in your environment and should be installed by a SAP system administrator.
The installation the ABAP function modules for different versions of SAP. The module files are
located the c8_location\transports directory. A separate directory is created for each version of SAP
that is supported.

Note: If you are using SAP ERP Core Components (ECC5 or ECC6), you must use the ABAP
function modules in the c8_location\transports\v47 directory.
If your SAP servers are running on UNIX computers, you must copy the gateway functions from
the Windows computer where you installed Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 to the UNIX
computer where SAP is running.
If you install Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 on different computers, you only have to install
the gateway functions on each SAP server once.

Steps for SAP Servers in Windows

1. Copy the file named Knn.ext from the c8_location\transports\SAP_version directory to the
SAP_home\trans\cofiles directory on the SAP server.

Installation and Configuration Guide 31

Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

2. Copy the file named Rnn.ext from the c8_location\transports\SAP_version directory to the
SAP_home\trans\data directory on the SAP server.

You can now apply the functions.

Steps for SAP Servers on UNIX

1. Use file transfer protocol (FTP) in ASCII mode to copy the file named Knn.ext from the
c8_location\transports\SAP_version directory to the SAP_home/trans/cofiles directory on the
SAP server.

2. Use FTP in binary (bin) mode to copy the file named Rnn.ext from the c8_loca-
tion\transports\SAP_version directory to the SAP_home/trans/data directory on the SAP server.

You can now apply the functions.

Apply the SAP Gateway Functions

After you install the SAP gateway functions, you must apply them using SAP GUI. Applying the
functions should be performed by a SAP system administrator.
Even if you install Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 on different computers, you only have to
install the gateway functions on each SAP server once.

1. In the SAP GUI, start an STMS transaction.

2. Click Imports, and then double-click the queue name.

3. If a message appears prompting you to add to the import queue, click Yes and, if required, type
your password.

4. Click Extras, Other Requests, Add to load the transport request into the application queue.

5. In the queue, select the transport request name matching the name in the readme.txt file.

6. From the Request menu, click Import and type the target client number.

7. Click Start Import, and then click Yes. If required, type the password.

8. If you want to check the result, click Logs.

You can now install the IBM Cognos Compression Utility.

Install the IBM Cognos Compression Utility

The IBM Cognos compression utility is required for data compression on a SAP server. The corres-
ponding decompression function is included in the SAP gateway functions.
For SAP servers on UNIX, you must copy the compression utility files from the installation CD.
Even if you install Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 on different computers, you only have to
install the gateway functions on each SAP server once.

32 Data Manager
Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

If you have installed the IBM Cognos Compression Utility with DecisionStream version 7, you do
not have to reinstall the utility. The utility included in this installation is the same as was used in
version 7.

Steps for SAP Servers on Windows

1. Go to the c8_location\bin directory, and locate the files named udacompr.exe and zlib*.dll.

2. Copy these files to the DIR_EXECUTABLE directory on all Windows SAP servers.
The DIR_EXECUTABLE directory is usually defined as SAP_instance\SYS\exe\run.

Steps for SAP Servers on UNIX

1. Using binary transfer mode, FTP the files from the zipfiles/operating_system directory on the
Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 CD to the DIR_EXECUTABLE directory on all UNIX
SAP Servers.
The DIR_EXECUTABLE directory is usually defined as SAP_instance/SYS/exe/run.

2. On UNIX, run gunzip to uncompress the file named .tar.gz to create a file named .tar file.

3. Run tar -xvf to extract the contents of the .tar file. This creates four libz.* files.

4. Set execute privileges for all of the files.

Set Access Permissions for the IBM Cognos SAP Gateway Functions
For the SAP gateway functions to access SAP data, you must assign specific permissions to the user
accounts that connect to the SAP server.

1. Ensure that the SAP user accounts that use the SAP connector have the following privileges:
● S_RFC, for the authorization check for RFC access

● S_DATASET, for the authorization check for file access

● S_BTCH_JOB, for background processing

● S_TABU_DIS, for access to data in the tables

Incorrect privileges may result in run-time errors, such as the following:

1 . ERROR DS-DBMS-E400: UDA driver reported the following on connection
'ALIAS_01F1A4DC': DMS-E-SAP_CONNECTION_FAILURE, Connection to SAP failed: User
UDAQC4 has no RFC authorization for function group Z70F .

2. You must also ensure that the SAP accounts have the following additional permissions to import

Installation and Configuration Guide 33

Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

Authorization Object Field Value

S_RFC Activity 16 - Execute

Name of RFC to be protected SYST, ZCOGNOS_80A

S_DATASET Activity 06 - Delete

33 - Read
34 - Write
A7 - Write with filter

Physical file name *

Program Name with Search *


S_BTCH_JOB Job operations RELE Release Jobs (Released


Job group RELE Release Jobs (Released


● Before importing new tables from SAP, check that your administrator has added the
authorization group to the authorization object S_TABU_DIS in table TDDAT. If this
access is not granted, you cannot access the data in the tables.

● You can use the asterisk (*) to represent all values, when it appears alone, or partial values,
when used anywhere in a string.

Uninstall Data Manager

For Windows, we recommend that you use the uninstallation program to remove all IBM Cognos
program files. The uninstallation program does not remove configuration and user data files or all
the directories. You can manually remove remaining directories after the uninstallation program
Before you uninstall Data Manager on a UNIX or Linux computer, ensure that you back up any
data that you added to the installation directory.

Steps for Windows

1. From the Start menu, click Programs, IBM Cognos_Product, Uninstall IBM Cognos_Product,
Uninstall IBM Cognos_Product.

The Uninstall wizard appears.

34 Data Manager
Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

2. Select the language of the installation.

3. Select the components that you want to uninstall.

Log messages are written to a cognos_uninst_log.txt file that is created in your system Temp

Steps for UNIX or Linux

1. Stop the IBM Cognos 8 process:

● If you use XWindows, start IBM Cognos Configuration, and from the Actions menu, click

● If you do not use XWindows, go to the c8_location/bin directory, and type

./ -stop

2. Go to the c8_location/uninstall directory and type the appropriate command:

● If you use XWindows, type

./uninst -u

● If you do not use XWindows, do a silent uninstallation by typing

./uninst -u -s

3. Follow the instructions to complete the uninstallation.

Installation and Configuration Guide 35

Chapter 5: Install Data Manager and Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3

36 Data Manager
Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

You can use Data Manager with the default configuration values. However, additional configuration
is required if
● you have installed Data Manager components on different computers

● you want to use an application server for Data Manager Network Services other than one
provided with the installation

● you are installing into an environment with other IBM Cognos 8 components

● you want to use SSL for Data Manager Network Services

If you have installed Data Manager Network Services or intend to use Data Manager with other
IBM Cognos 8 components, you must save your configuration, even if you are using the default
settings. For more information, see "Save Your Configuration Settings" (p. 45).
For information about the properties that you can configure for IBM Cognos components, see the
IBM Cognos Configuration User Guide.
For information about SSL, see "Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for IBM Cognos Compon-
ents" (p. 47).

Update the Java Environment

Updating the Java environment may be required for UNIX or Linux installations.
IBM Cognos 8 cryptographic services use a .jar (Java Archive) file, named bcprov-jdknn-nnn.jar,
that must be located in your Java Runtime Environment (JRE). This file provides additional
encryption and decryption routines that are not supplied as part of a default JVM installation. To
ensure security, the encryption file must be loaded by the JVM using the java extensions directory.
If you want to use your own JRE and have JAVA_HOME set to that location on Windows or if
you are installing on UNIX or Linux, you must update the Java environment for the cryptographic
On Windows, you can set JAVA_HOME as a system variable or a user variable. If you set it as a
system variable, it may be necessary to restart your computer for it to take effect. If you set it as a
user variable, set it so that the environment in which Tomcat is running can access it.
If you do not have a JAVA_HOME variable already set on Windows, the JRE files provided with
the installation will be used, and you do not have to update any files in your environment. If
JAVA_HOME points to a Java version that is not valid for IBM Cognos BI, you must update
JAVA_HOME with the path to a valid Java version.

1. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the JRE location.

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 37
Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

For example, to set JAVA_HOME to a JRE that you are already using, the path is Java_loca-

2. Copy the bcprov-jdknn-nnn.jar file from the c8_location/bin/jre/version/lib/ext directory to the

Java_location/jre/lib/ext directory.

Start IBM Cognos Configuration

You use IBM Cognos Configuration to set the location and port number for the Data Manager
Network Services server, to set the protocol that you want to use for remote communication between
Data Manager Designer and the Data Manager engine, and to set log file locations. You can also
start and stop the services using IBM Cognos Configuration.
For information on starting and stopping services, see "Start or Stop the IBM Cognos 8 Ser-
vice" (p. 45).
If your UNIX or Linux environment does not support a Java-based graphical user interface, you
must configure your components by editing the cogstartup.xml file located in the c8_loca-
tion/configuration directory. After you edit the file, you can run IBM Cognos Configuration in
silent mode to apply the configuration. For more information, see "Configuring Data Manager on
UNIX or Linux Without a Graphical Interface" (p. 67) or the IBM Cognos Configuration User
Alternatively, you can start IBM Cognos Configuration from the last page of the installation wizard.
IBM Cognos Configuration uses cryptography to securely store access passwords, such as the service
access password for the Data Manager Network Services Socket server. Any access password you
enter into IBM Cognos Configuration is stored in unencrypted form until you save your configuration

Step for Windows

● From the Start menu, click Programs, IBM Cognos 8, IBM Cognos Configuration.

Step for UNIX or Linux

● Go to the c8_location/bin directory and type the appropriate command:
If you use XWindows, type

If you do not use XWindows, type

./ -s

Default Settings for Data Manager

The following table lists the default ports and URI settings for Data Manager. After installation,
you can use IBM Cognos Configuration to change the settings.

38 Data Manager
Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

Setting Description

Gateway URI The URI to the IBM Cognos 8 gateway.

Default: http://localhost:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.

Dispatcher URI for external applications The URI to the IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher.
Default: http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch

Data Manager SOAP Server URI The URI for the Data Manager SOAP server.
Default: http://localhost:9300/axis

Data Movement Service Enabled? Enables the Data Movement Service.

Default: True

Shutdown port number The shutdown port number for the IBM Cognos 8
service, including the Data Manager SOAP server
Default: 9399

Socket port number The socket server port number.

Default: 9310

Update Data and Log File Locations for Windows Vista

If you install Data Manager on Windows Vista, you must change file locations properties in IBM
Cognos Configuration so that Data Manager can use a single data location for all users.
Windows Vista has a security enhancement that restricts multiple users from sharing data locations.
You can define environment variables and use them in IBM Cognos Configuration when specifying
file locations. This allows you to direct applicable files to an area that will be accessible by users.
On Windows, two environment variables are preset for users: one for all users and one for the
specific user.
Because the environment variables represent system root locations, we recommend that you also
include the root directory name of the installation location when you specify file locations in IBM
Cognos Configuration. The default root directory for IBM Cognos 8 applications is c8.

1. In the IBM Cognos Configuration, expand Environment, and click Data Manager.

2. In the Value box for the data and log file locations, replace the relative path element, "..", with
the appropriate environment variable and root directory, using the following suggested envir-
onment variables:
● For a single file location per user, %LOCALAPPDATA%

Installation and Configuration Guide 39

Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

● For a single file location for all users on the computer, %PUBLIC%

For example,
To set a single file location per user, specify the path %LOCALAPPDATA%/c8/

Warning: You must set up a valid location. If the location does not exist, Data Manager cannot
write data and log files.

3. Repeat step 2 for the following property, if required:

Under Environment, Data Manager Network Services - Log files location.

4. From the File menu, click Save.

The environment variables are resolved when the file locations are accessed during system activities.

Configuring Data Manager Network Services

You use IBM Cognos Configuration to set port numbers and network protocols for Data Manager
Network Services. If you installed all components on the same computer, such as in a test environ-
ment, the default settings may be appropriate.
The Data Manager Network Services server can use different network protocols for communication
with Data Manager Designer. You can choose the protocol and set the port numbers. You can also
set logging options for the server.

Change the Socket Server Port Number and Password

If the default socket port number conflicts with another port number in your environment, you can
change it. Do not use port numbers that are reserved, well-known, or registered.
The Socket protocol requires a password to ensure that connections are coming from an authorized
source. If you change the password, you must also change the password for all Data Manager clients
that contact the server. The passwords must be the same as the password on the server. For more
information see, "Configure Data Manager Clients to Locate the Network Services Server" (p. 41).

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, under Data Manager, Data Manager Network Services, Server,
click Socket Server.

2. If you want to change the default password, type a password in Service Access Password.

Note: If you change this password, you must also change this password for all Data Manager
Network Service clients. The passwords must be the same.

3. If you want to change the socket port number, type a port number value in Socket Port Number.

Change the SOAP or Secure SOAP Server Port Number

If the default SOAP server port number conflicts with another port number in your environment,
you can change it to any open port number.

40 Data Manager
Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

Same Location on the Same Computer as IBM Cognos 8

If you installed other IBM Cognos 8 components to the same location on your computer, the port
number must be the same as the External Dispatcher URI for the IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher. You
must also ensure that the protocol, such as http or https, is the same.

Different Location on the Same Computer as IBM Cognos 8

If you installed Data Manager on the same computer as other IBM Cognos 8 components but to a
different location, the port number for it must be different from the port number for the IBM
Cognos 8 dispatcher. You must also ensure that you change the shutdown port number as well.

Multiple Instances of Data Manager on the Same Computer

If multiple installations of Data Manager are on the same computer and are using Data Manager
Network Services, ensure that the application server port numbers, including the application server
shutdown port number, are unique for each installation.

Tip: The shutdown port can be set in Environment, IBM Cognos 8 Service, IBM Cognos 8. The
default value is 9399.
Do not change the text after the port number. The URI must be in the form http://hostname:port/axis
or https://hostname:port/axis.

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, click Environment.

2. Click the Value box for Data Manager SOAP Server URI, and type a port number.

Set Logging Options for the Server

The logging severity value determines the amount of messages written to the log files by Data
Manager Network Services. You can enter 1, for the lowest, to 5, for the highest. The default is 3.

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, under Environment, Data Manager, Data Manager Network
Services, Server, click a server protocol.

2. Enter a value for Logging Severity.

Configure Data Manager Clients to Locate the Network Services

For Data Manager Designer or the command line utilities to communicate with the Data Manager
engine on a remote computer, you must set the correct host name, port number, protocol, and
Service Access Password for the Data Manager Network Services server.

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, under Environment, Data Manager, Data Manager Network
Services, Client, click a connection.

Installation and Configuration Guide 41

Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

The default connection name is localhost. You can use localhost if you have installed the Data
Manager engine on the same computer as Data Manager Designer. If you have installed Data
Manager on another computer, see "Add Connections for Additional Data Manager
Engines" (p. 42).

2. Click the Value box for Protocol for Remote Connections, and select the appropriate protocol.

Secure SOAP uses the secure protocol (https) for communication, whereas SOAP uses the
standard protocol (http). Socket uses a direct connection.

3. In the Port box, enter the port number for the server.

4. If the default password was changed, enter the Service Access Password.
This password is used by the Socket connection to ensure secure transactions.

If you use SOAP or Secure SOAP, you must still ensure that the Service Access Password matches
the password set for the Socket server.

Note: If you click Environment, Data Manager, Data Manager Network Services, Client, some
default properties are displayed. These values define a connection to a Data Manager Network
Services server on the same computer. The host value is localhost, and cannot be changed.
During the installation, a connection is added for the computer on which you installed Data
Manager — that is, localhost. If you want to change the port number on which the server is
running, you can change the value for the localhost connection. You do not have to change the
default value.

Set Logging Options for the Client

The logging severity value determines the amount of messages written to the log files by Data
Manager Network Services. You can enter 1, for the lowest, to 5, for the highest. The default is 3.

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, under Environment, Data Manager, Data Manager Network
Services, click Client.

2. Enter a value for Logging Severity.

Add Connections for Additional Data Manager Engines

If your environment was set up with several installations of the Data Manager engine with Data
Manager Network Services, you can add a connection for each Data Manager engine to your Data
Manager Design environment computer.

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, under Environment, Data Manager, Data Manager Network
Services, click Client.

2. Click Edit, New Resource, Data Manager Net Connection.

The New Resource dialog box appears.

42 Data Manager
Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

3. In the Name box, type the name of the computer on which the Data Manager engine has been
installed, and click OK.

The Name value must match the name of the computer on which the Data Manager engine
and the Data Manager Network Services server have been installed.
The settings for the connection are shown in IBM Cognos Configuration.

4. Click the Value box for Protocol for Remote Connections, and select the appropriate protocol.

Secure SOAP uses the secure protocol (https) for communication, whereas SOAP uses the
standard protocol (http). Socket uses a direct connection.

5. In the Port box, enter the port number for the server.

6. Enter the Service Access Password.

This password is used by the Socket connection to ensure secure transactions.

If you add a connection, you must change the default Service Access Password. Ensure that you
enter the same value that was set for the Socket server Service Access Password. For more
information, see "Change the Socket Server Port Number and Password" (p. 40).

If you use SOAP or Secure SOAP, you must still ensure that the Service Access Password matches
the password set for the Socket server.

Set Data and Log File Locations

You use IBM Cognos Configuration if you want to change the data and log file locations for Data
Manager Network Services.

Note: If you are installing Data Manager Network Services on Windows Vista, you must change
file locations properties in IBM Cognos Configuration so that Data Manager Network Services can
use a single data location for all users. For more information, see "Update Data and Log File Loc-
ations for Windows Vista" (p. 39).

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, expand Environment, and click Data Manager.

2. Click the Value box, and select a location for the data and log files.

3. In the Explorer window, click Data Manager Network Services.

4. Click the Value box, and select a location for the network services log files.

Enable or Disable Data Manager Services

You can prevent Data Manager Network Services or the Data Movement Service from being started
when you start the IBM Cognos 8 service. If you disable the Data Manager Network Services service,
you cannot submit remote jobs from Data Manager Designer or by using the command line or
scripts. If you have installed the Data Manager engine into the same location as an IBM Cognos 8
server, disabling the Data Movement Service will prevent users from running or scheduling builds

Installation and Configuration Guide 43

Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

from IBM Cognos Connection. It will also prevent Data Manager Designer users from executing
builds using the Data Movement Service.
However, Data Manager Designer users will still be able to submit jobs to the local Data Manager
engine and use the command line.

1. On the computer where you installed Data Manager Network Services server, start IBM Cognos

2. In the Explorer window, under Environment, click IBM Cognos 8 service.

3. In the Properties window, click the Value box next to Data Manager SOAP Service Enabled,
and do one of the following:

● To disable the service, click False.

● To enable the service, click True.

4. In the Properties window, click the Value box next to Data Movement Service Enabled, and
do one of the following:

● To disable the service, click False.

● To enable the service, click True.

Set the IBM Cognos 8 Gateway and Dispatcher Connections

Data Manager can access data sources used by other IBM Cognos 8 components. If you want to
access these data sources, you must configure the IBM Cognos 8 gateway and dispatcher on all
computers where Data Manager components are installed.
Also, to use the Data Movement Service to run and schedule builds and JobStreams, either from
Data Manager Designer or using IBM Cognos Connection, you must set the IBM Cognos 8 gateway.
If you installed Data Manager in the same location as IBM Cognos 8, the default settings may be
appropriate. The protocol and port number for the External dispatcher URI for IBM Cognos 8 and
the Data Manager SOAP Server URI must be the same. For example, if the External dispatcher
URI is http://localhost:9310/p2pd/servlet/dispatch, then the Data Manager SOAP Server URI must
be http://localhost:9310/axis.
If Data Manager is installed on another computer or to another location on the same computer as
IBM Cognos 8, the Dispatcher URI for external applications must point to the IBM Cognos 8 dis-
patcher and use the same protocol, but the Data Manager SOAP Server URI does not have to use
the same protocol.

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, click Environment.

2. Click the Value box for Gateway URI, and type the location for the IBM Cognos 8 gateway.

44 Data Manager
Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

For example, if you want to use the Data Movement Service, the Data Manager engine must
be installed in the same location as an IBM Cognos 8 server. The Gateway URI must point to
the IBM Cognos 8 gateway location. The IBM Cognos 8 gateway may be on a different computer
than the IBM Cognos 8 server and Data Manager engine.

3. Click the Value box for Dispatcher URI for external applications, and type the location for the
IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher.

Save Your Configuration Settings

After you specify the values for the mandatory configuration properties, or make any changes to
local property values, you must save the configuration.
When you save the configuration, passwords are encrypted and a certificate is issued to validate
the identity of the IBM Cognos computer. You can save the configuration in the default encoding
of your computer or in UTF-8 encoding.
Each time you save your configuration, the changes are stored in the cogstartup.xml and cogloc-
ale.xml files in the c8_location/configuration directory. At the same time, a backup copy of these
files, containing the previous configuration settings, is created with a date and time stamp in the
c8_location/configuration directory.

1. From the File menu, choose which encoding to use to save the configuration:

● If you use more than one language or character set in the configuration settings, click Save
As UTF-8.

● If you use the default encoding of your computer, click Save.

Errors, such as missing values for mandatory properties, cause an error message to appear. To
view the cause of the error, click the Details box.

Tip: You must restart the IBM Cognos service before the saved configuration values are applied
to your computer.

2. If you plan to use the local configuration as a template for configuring other computers that
have the same installed IBM Cognos components, export the configuration. For information,
see the IBM Cognos Configuration User Guide.

Start or Stop the IBM Cognos 8 Service

You use IBM Cognos Configuration to start and stop all IBM Cognos services, including the IBM
Cognos 8 service. If you installed other IBM Cognos components, they can all be started at the
same time.

Installation and Configuration Guide 45

Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

Note: Before you can use Data Manager Network Services or the Data Movement Service, you
must start the IBM Cognos 8 service.

● From the Actions menu, click Start or Stop.

Start or Stop the Data Manager Network Services Server

You use IBM Cognos Configuration to start and stop all IBM Cognos services, including the Data
Manager Network Services server. If you installed other IBM Cognos components, they can all be
started at the same time.
If you use only the Socket protocol, you can start this service without starting all other IBM Cognos
services. You can also prevent the SOAP server from starting by disabling the service. For more
information, see "Enable or Disable Data Manager Services" (p. 43).
If you use the SOAP server, you must still start the Socket service.

Steps for the Socket Server

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, under Environment, Data Manager, Data Manager Network
Services, Server, click Socket Server.

2. From the Actions menu, click Start or Stop.

Steps for the SOAP Server

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, under Environment, IBM Cognos 8 Service, click IBM Cognos 8.

2. From the Actions menu, click Start or Stop.

If you have other IBM Cognos 8 components installed on the same computer, all components
are started or stopped.

Steps for UNIX or Linux Without a Java-based Interface

1. Go to the c8_location/bin directory.

2. Choose whether to start or stop the service:

● To start the services, type ./ -s

● To stop the services, type ./ -stop

For more information, see "Configuring Data Manager on UNIX or Linux Without a Graphical
Interface" (p. 67).

46 Data Manager
Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for IBM Cognos

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol can be used to provide secure communication for Data
Manager Network Services.
To configure the SSL protocol, do the following:
❑ Configure Data Manager for standard, non-SSL protocol, and save the configuration.

❑ Stop the services.

❑ Configure Data Manager for SSL.

❑ Set up shared trust between IBM Cognos components installed on different computers.

❑ Start the services.

After configuring the SSL protocol, you can select and rank cipher suites, which control the quality
of protection used in the SSL connection.
For more information about configuring SSL when you have other IBM Cognos components
installed, see the IBM Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Configure Data Manager for SSL

You can configure IBM Cognos components to use the SSL protocol for connections between Data
Manager Network Services clients and Data Manager Network Services servers.
In a single computer, single location installation, such as in a test environment, you must stop the
service before adding SSL to your configuration. After you save the configuration with SSL settings,
you can restart the service.
In distributed installations, such as Data Manager components on different computers or different
locations on the same computer, you must first configure all IBM Cognos computers to use the
non-secure (http) protocol and save the configuration before you can configure the components for
After you configure all computers in the distributed installation to use the default, non-secure pro-
tocol, we recommend that you test your installation to ensure that IBM Cognos components are
working properly. After you test your installation, you can configure the SSL protocol.

If other IBM Cognos components are installed to the same location, the Data Manager SOAP Server
URI must use the same protocol as the External dispatcher URI. For example,

● If IBM Cognos 8 is configured to use SSL only for internal connections, the Internal dispatcher
URI property is set to https and the External dispatcher URI property is set to http. The Data
Manager SOAP Server URI should be set to http.

● If IBM Cognos 8 is configured to use SSL only for external connections, the Internal dispatcher
URI property is set to http and the External dispatcher URI property is set to https. The Data
Manager SOAP Server URI should be set to https.

Installation and Configuration Guide 47

Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

Note: In the above two cases, the port numbers for the two dispatcher URIs are different. If
the components are installed to the same location, the Data Manager SOAP Server URI must
use the same port number as well as the same protocol as the External dispatcher URI.

● If IBM Cognos 8 is configured for SSL for all connections, the URIs for both the Internal dis-
patcher URI and External dispatcher URI properties are set to https. The Data Manager SOAP
Server URI must also be set to https.

Note: If you have other IBM Cognos components installed, see the IBM Cognos 8 Installation and
Configuration Guide for more information about configuring SSL.
The following steps must be performed for all installations to use SSL.

Steps for the Data Manager Network Services Server

1. Start IBM Cognos Configuration on the Data Manager Network Services server computer.

2. In the Explorer window, click Environment.

3. In the Properties window, type https in the Data Manager SOAP Server URI instead of http.
If you have only Data Manager installed, you do not have to change the port number.

4. From the File menu, click Save.

Steps for a Data Manager Network Services Client

1. Start IBM Cognos Configuration on the Data Manager Network Services client computer.

2. In the Explorer window, under Environment, Data Manager, Data Manager Network Services,
Client, click Connection.

3. Click the Value box for Protocol for Remote Connection, and click Secure SOAP.

4. From the File menu, click Save.

Set Up Shared Trust Between Data Manager Network Services Client and Server
Setting up shared trust allows the components that are using the Secure SOAP (https) protocol to
use compatible encryption and decryption keys for secure transactions. In some cases the shared
trust is set up automatically when you save your configuration. In others cases, you may be required
to manually transfer security certificates between computers.
If you use Data Manager with other IBM Cognos 8 components, and both the Data Manager
Network Services client and server computer are configured with the IBM Cognos 8 gateway URI,
then you do not have to manually transfer the certificates. The certificates are automatically retrieved
from the gateway. Also, if you have the Data Manager Network Services client and server installed
on the same computer in the same location, such as a test environment, you do not have to manually
transfer the security certificates.
You must manually transfer certificate files between computers if

48 Data Manager
Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

● you do not use Data Manager with IBM Cognos 8 components and the Data Manager Network
Services server and client are installed on different computers or in different locations on the
same computer

● you use Data Manager with other IBM Cognos 8 components, and either the Data Manager
Network Services server or client is configured with the IBM Cognos 8 gateway URI, but not

In these cases, you must copy the IBM Cognos certificates generated on the Data Manager Network
Services server computer to all client computers. The certificate is generated when you save the
If you want the connection between the server and clients to be mutually authenticated, you must
also copy the certificates generated when you saved the configuration on the client to the server.
If you configured IBM Cognos components to use another certificate authority (CA), you do not
have to manually transfer the security certificates between computers.

Steps to Export a Certificate

1. Go to the c8_location/bin directory.

2. Export the certificate by typing the following command:

● On Windows, type

ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -E -T -r certificate_file -k c8_location/configuration/

signkeypair/jCAKeystore -p password

● On UNIX or Linux, type -E -T -r certificate_file-k c8_location/configuration/

signkeypair/jCAKeystore -p password

You can now import the certificate to the trust store on another computer.

Steps to Import a Certificate

1. Copy the certificate to a secure location.

2. Import the certificate by typing the following command:

● On Windows, type

ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -T -i -r certificate_file -k c8_location/configuration/

signkeypair/jCAKeystore -p password

● On UNIX or Linux, type -T -i -r certificate_file -k c8_location/configuration/

signkeypair/jCAKeystore -p password

You must have a JAVA_HOME value set to use these commands. If your JAVA_HOME path
includes spaces, you may have to edit the last line of the file to include quotation marks around

Installation and Configuration Guide 49

Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

Select and Rank Cipher Suites for SSL

An SSL connection begins with a negotiation in which the client and server present a list of supported
cipher suites in a priority sequence. A cipher suite provides the quality of protection for the connec-
tion. It contains cryptographic, authentication, hash, and key exchange algorithms. The SSL protocol
selects the highest priority suite that the client and the server both support.
A list of supported cipher suites for SSL is provided. You can eliminate cipher suites that do not
meet your requirements and then assign a priority, or preference, to the remaining cipher suites.
The selected cipher suites are presented in priority sequence for the client and server sides of the
negotiation. At least one of the selected cipher suites between the client and server platforms must
The list of supported cipher suites is dynamically generated on each computer, and depends on the
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or whether you have other cryptographic software installed on
the computer. If you have made changes to a computer, such as upgraded the JRE or installed
software that has upgraded the JRE, this may affect the supported cipher suites available on that
computer. If you no longer have a supported cipher suite that matches the other computers in your
environment, you may have to change the JRE on the computer to match the other computers in
your environment.

1. Start IBM Cognos Configuration.

2. In the Explorer window, click Cryptography, Cognos.

3. In the Properties window, click the Value column for the Supported ciphersuites property.

4. Click the edit button.

● To move a cipher suite to the Current values list, click the check box in the Available values
list and then click Add.

● To move a cipher suite up or down in the Current values list, click the check box and then
click the up or down arrows.

● To remove a cipher suite from the Current values list, click the check box and then click

5. Click OK.

6. From the File menu, click Save.

Specify the Encoding to Use for Log Files and Reject Files
If you are using Data Manager with multilingual or unicode data, you should specify unicode
encoding for your log files and reject files. By default, the encoding used is platform dependent.

Specify the Encoding to Use for Log Files

You can specify the encoding using one of these methods:

50 Data Manager
Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

● set an environment variable

● specify the encoding in the ds.ini file

Steps to Specify the Encoding Using an Environment Variable

1. On Windows, in the System Properties dialog box for your computer, click the Advanced tab,
and then Environment Variables.

2. In the System variables box, click New.

3. In the Variable name box, type the following:


4. In the Variable value box type the value for the required encoding. For example UTF-16.
You can also set the variable using the command line:
● On Windows, type

SET DS_LOG_ENCODING=encoding_to_use

● On UNIX or Linux, type

setenv DS_LOG_ENCODING "encoding_to_use"

Steps to Specify the Encoding in the ds.ini File

1. Open the ds.ini file. By default, this file is stored in the directory named c8_location/datamanager.

2. Under the [Encoding] section, add the encoding to use for the log file. For example,
Log Files=UTF-16

If the Log Files entry is preceded by a semi-colon, you must remove the semi-colon.

Specify the Encoding to Use for Reject Files

You can specify the encoding using one of these methods:
● set an environment variable

● specify the encoding in the ds.ini file

● enter a command specifying the encoding to use in the Execute Build or Execute JobStream
dialog box

For information about using the Execute Build or Execute JobStream dialog box, see the Data
Manager User Guide.

Steps to Specify the Encoding Using an Environment Variable

1. On Windows, in the System Properties dialog box for your computer, click the Advanced tab,
and then Environment Variables.

2. In the System variables box, click New.

Installation and Configuration Guide 51

Chapter 6: Configuring Data Manager

3. In the Variable name box, type the following:


4. In the Variable value box type the value for the required encoding. For example UTF-16.
You can also set the variable using the command line:
● On Windows, type

SET DS_REJECT_ENCODING=encoding_to_use

● On UNIX or Linux, type

setenv DS_REJECT_ENCODING "encoding_to_use"

Steps to Specify the Encoding in the ds.ini File

1. Open the ds.ini file. By default, this file is stored in the directory named c8_location/datamanager.

2. Under the [Encoding] section, add the encoding to use for the reject file. For example,
Reject Files=UTF-16
If the Reject Files entry is preceded by a semi-colon, you must remove the semi-colon.

52 Data Manager
Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers

IBM Cognos 8 components install and use Tomcat as the application server for running the Data
Manager Network Services SOAP server. If you do not want to use Tomcat, you can use any of the
following application servers:
● IBM WebSphere Application Server

● BEA WebLogic Server

Isolated JVM Instances

To eliminate potential java class or system resource conflicts, IBM Cognos 8 must be run in a Java
Virtual Machine (JVM) instance isolated from other existing applications. This ensures that IBM
Cognos 8 does not affect any existing customer applications. IBM Cognos 8 must be installed in a
JVM instance that is separate from the application server administrative processes to isolate both
IBM Cognos 8 and the administrative functions of the application server.
An isolated JVM instance can be established by creating one of the following:
● a separate server instance in IBM WebSphere

● a separate managed server in BEA WebLogic

For information about changing application servers when you have other IBM Cognos 8 components
installed, see the IBM Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Process to Change Application Servers

To set up Data Manager to run on your application server, do the following:
❑ Ensure that the IBM Cognos components are installed.

❑ Ensure that the application server is installed and operational on each computer where IBM
Cognos components are installed.
For more information, see your application server documentation.

❑ Ensure that the application server user account has full access permissions for the IBM Cognos

Tip: We recommend that you create a new UNIX or Linux group named cognos8. This group
must contain the user that starts the application server and the user that owns the IBM Cognos
files. Change the group ownership of the IBM Cognos files to the cognos8 group and change
the file permissions for all IBM Cognos files to GROUP READABLE/WRITABLE/
EXECUTABLE. For simplicity, you can also use the application server user account to install
and run IBM Cognos components.

❑ Back up any existing configuration information.

❑ Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable for your application server.

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 53
Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers

❑ Update the application server JRE with IBM Cognos security provider files.

❑ Configure your IBM Cognos components for your application server.

❑ Build the application file to deploy to your application server.

❑ Change start-up scripts for your application server, if necessary.

❑ Configure the application server, and deploy the application file.

Back Up Existing IBM Cognos Information

You must back up existing IBM Cognos information within the working environment prior to
changing application servers. You must do this if IBM Cognos 8 components are running on an
application server (including Tomcat) and you are changing to an application server that ships with
its own JVM. You must also back up information if you are changing to another JVM vendor.
Before configuring IBM Cognos 8 components to run on the new application server or JVM, you
must back up
● configuration information by exporting it
Any encrypted data is decrypted during the export.

● cryptographic keys by saving them to an alternative location

New cryptographic keys must be created using the same JVM that the application server uses.
Because these keys can be created only if the previous keys are deleted, it is important to back up
the previous keys.
To ensure the security and integrity of your IBM Cognos data, back up the configuration information
and cryptographic keys to a directory that is protected from unauthorized or inappropriate access.

Tip: To check if any cryptographic keys exist, look in the c8_location/configuration directory.
Cryptographic keys exist if this directory includes the subdirectories encryptkeypair and signkeypair.
If you have other IBM Cognos 8 components installed, you may also have a csk directory.

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, from the File menu, click Export As and save the configuration
information in a decrypted format.
When naming the file, use a name such as decrypted.xml.

2. Stop the IBM Cognos 8 service:

● If you use Tomcat, stop the IBM Cognos 8 service and close IBM Cognos Configuration.

● If you use an application server other than Tomcat, shut down IBM Cognos 8 in your

3. Back up any existing cryptographic keys by saving the appropriate files and directories to an
alternative location that is secure.
The files are

54 Data Manager
Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers

● c8_location/configuration/cogstartup.xml

● c8_location/configuration/caSerial

● c8_location/configuration/cogconfig.prefs

● c8_location/configuration/coglocale.xml

The directories are

● c8_location/configuration/encryptkeypair

● c8_location/configuration/signkeypair

● c8_location/configuration/csk (if it exists in your installation)

4. Delete the caSerial and cogconfig.prefs files and the directories encryptkeypair, signkeypair,
and csk, if it exists.

5. Replace the c8_location/configuration/cogstartup.xml file with the file that contains the data
exported from IBM Cognos Configuration, such as decrypted.xml.

Important: In the c8_location/configuration directory, rename the file to cogstartup.xml.

The information in this file is automatically re-encrypted using new cryptographic keys when
you save the configuration in IBM Cognos Configuration.

Set Environment Variables

You must set environment variables to identify the location of the JVM environment and the library
For information about editing an application server startup script, see "Change the Application
Server Startup Script" (p. 58).
On Windows, set a system or user variable or edit the application server startup or environment
script. If you set a user variable, ensure that you set it for the user account that runs the application
server or the administration console.
On UNIX and Linux, set an environment variable in the user profile or edit the application server
startup or environment script.

Tip: Most application servers provide a script for setting environment variables. For example, some
WebSphere versions include a command named setupCmdLine.bat or and Web-
Logic includes setEnv.cmd or You can modify these scripts to set the appropriate values
for use with IBM Cognos components. Most of these scripts set the JAVA_HOME environment
variable by default.

1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the JVM used by the application server.

Tip: If the application server provides a JVM, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to
reference it.

Installation and Configuration Guide 55

Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers

IBM Cognos Configuration uses this variable to create encryption keys for IBM Cognos com-
ponents that are compatible with the JVM used by the application server.
For example, for WebLogic installed on Windows, the JVM used by the application server is
specified as

2. Append c8_location/bin to the appropriate environment variable.

This variable is used to locate the IBM Cognos library files.

Operating system Environment variable

Windows PATH




Tip: To install multiple instances of IBM Cognos 8 on a single server, set the PATH, LIBPATH,
LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or SHLIB_PATH variable within the application server instance scope
and not as a global variable to ensure that each instance has a unique value.

Update the Java Environment

IBM Cognos 8 cryptographic services use a specific .jar (Java Archive) file, named bcprov-jdknn-nnn,
that must be located in the JVM environment used by your application server. This file provides
additional encryption and decryption routines that are not supplied with a default JVM installation.
To ensure security, the encryption file must be loaded by the JVM using the Java extensions directory.

1. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the JRE location.
For example, to set JAVA_HOME to a JRE that you are already using, the path is Java_loca-

2. Copy the bcprov-jdknn-nnn.jar file from the c8_location/bin/jre/version/lib/ext directory to the

Java_location/jre/lib/ext directory.

56 Data Manager
Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers

Configure IBM Cognos Components for Your Application Server

IBM Cognos 8 must be configured with the application server configuration information, and the
configuration must be saved to create new cryptographic keys. IBM Cognos Configuration uses the
JVM that is defined by the JAVA_HOME environment variable to generate the cryptographic keys.

1. Start IBM Cognos Configuration.
If you have existing incompatible encryption keys, you are prompted to automatically generate
new ones at this time.

Tip: Ensure that the existing keys are backed up to a secure location before proceeding. There
is no undo action available after you generate new keys.

2. In the Explorer window, click Environment.

3. Click the Value box for Data Manager SOAP Server URI, and set the port number and host
name or IP address for the server.
The application server must be configured to listen on the host name or IP address entered in
the URI. For more information, see your application server documentation.

4. In the Explorer window, expand Environment, IBM Cognos 8 service.

5. Right-click IBM Cognos 8, and then click Delete.

The IBM Cognos 8 service can only be used if you are using the Tomcat server that is provided
with IBM Cognos 8.

6. Complete other required configuration changes.

7. From the File menu, click Save.

Build an Application File to Deploy to Your Application Server

You use IBM Cognos Configuration to build the Data Manager Network Services server application
file to deploy to your application server.
You can build an application file only on the computer where the Data Manager Network Services
server is installed.
You can create a Web archive (WAR) file or an Enterprise archive (EAR) file. For information
about WAR and EAR files and which is supported by your application server, see the documentation
for your application server.

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, click Actions, Build Application Files.

The Build Application wizard appears.

2. Select Data Manager Network Services, and click Next.

Installation and Configuration Guide 57

Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers

For information about building application files when you have other IBM Cognos 8 components
installed, see the IBM Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide.

3. Select the type of application to build, select the Location where you want the file built, and
click Next.
The default file name is dsnet.extension and the file is created in the c8_location by default.
When you deploy the file, the context root for Data Manager Network Services must be axis.
You can deploy the application file to your application server. For information about deploying
applications, see your application server documentation.
After you deploy the application, and start the process, Data Manager Designer users can access
the Data Manager engine remotely.
It is not necessary to rebuild or redeploy the archive file when you make configuration changes
because configuration information is stored externally.

Change the Application Server Startup Script

Some application servers have specific requirements that you must meet before you can run an IBM
Cognos 8 service. Depending on the application server, you may have to define environment variables,
copy files, and add or change code in files.
If you are using BEA WebLogic Server, you must make changes to the application server startup
script to specify JVM settings.

Steps for WebSphere

1. Open the startServer.bat or setupCmdLine.bat command file for editing.
The file is located in the WebSphere/AppServer/bin directory.

2. Append the following line to the JAVA_OPTIONS system property:

For example,

3. Save and close the file.

Steps for WebLogic

1. Create a WebLogic Server (WLS) domain for IBM Cognos 8.
For WebLogic 7.0, you can use the Domain Configuration wizard to create the WLS domain.
For WebLogic 8.1, you can use the Configuration wizard to create the WLS domain.
For information about creating domains, see the WebLogic documentation.

2. Go to the appropriate directory and open the (UNIX) or startWebLogic.cmd

(Windows) file in an editor.

58 Data Manager
Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers

● For WebLogic 7,0, the file is located in the WebLogic7.0_loca-

tion/user_projects/domain_name directory.

● For WebLogic 8.1, the file is located in the WebLogic8.1_location/user_projects/domains/

domain_name directory.

The name of the startup script may vary depending on the type of WebLogic installation per-
formed. For example, in a managed server installation, the name of the startup script is start- (UNIX) or startManagedWebLogic.cmd (Windows).

3. Select the JVM run mode, and set the JAVA_VM value to -server.

For example,

4. Modify the JAVA_OPTIONS for WebLogic 7.0.x and 8.1.x to include -Ddsnet.dsnapp.

For example,\server\lib\
-Dorg.xml.sax.driver=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser -Dweblogic.

If you are running a single server, append the text to the file startWebLogic.cmd.

5. Set the minimum and maximum memory used by the JVM.

Typically, the memory is set by adding or changing two JVM parameters: -Xms and -Xmx. For
information about these parameters, see the JVM or application server documentation.

Tip: A minimum of one-quarter of your physical memory, and a maximum of one-half of your
physical memory (at least 512 MB) are suggested starting values that you can change to suit
your environment.

6. Ensure that the production mode is enabled by setting the STARTMODE value to true.
For example,

7. Save and close the file.

Configure Application Server Properties and Deploy IBM Cognos

Certain configuration or deployment steps are required to run IBM Cognos components on other
application servers.
To run applications on a WebLogic Server you must define and create a domain. A domain is the
basic administration unit for WebLogic Server. To run WebLogic Platform applications, you must
create a domain that includes the appropriate WebLogic Platform components.

Installation and Configuration Guide 59

Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers

Normally, you have an administration server and managed servers. WebLogic is designed so that
only one WebLogic Server in a domain can run the Administration service. This server is called the
Administration Server. All other servers in the domain are managed by the Administration Server
and obtain their runtime configuration from it. These servers are called managed servers.
The Administration server is the single point of control for the entire domain and it must be running
for you to make changes to the configuration of any of the managed servers running beneath it.
You use the BEA WebLogic Configuration wizard to create a domain and server. When you have
finished, you must start the Administration Server and deploy the Data Manager Network Services
Web application file.

Steps for WebSphere

1. Start the WebSphere Application Server, and then start the WebSphere Administrative Console.

2. Create a new server instance into which you want to deploy the IBM Cognos 8 application.

3. Install a new Enterprise Application using the archive file that contains the IBM Cognos
The context root must be set to axis for Data Manager Network Services.

4. Set the memory used by the JVM.

Usually, the memory is set by adding or changing the initial and maximum Java heap size. For
information about these parameters, see the JVM or application server documentation.

Tip: A minimum of one-quarter of your physical memory, and a maximum of one-half of your
physical memory (at least 512 MB) are suggested starting values that you can change to suit
your environment.

5. Stop and then restart the WebSphere application server instance used for IBM Cognos compon-

Steps for WebLogic

1. If you used the expanded directory option when building the application in IBM Cognos Con-
figuration, go to step 2. If you created a WAR file, deploy the application manually:
● Create a directory in a location that is accessible to the application server, giving the direct-
ory the same name as the context root.
The context root must be set to axis for Data Manager Network Services.
The following show example directory locations:
For WebLogic 7.0: WebLogic_location/user_projects/domain_name
For WebLogic 8.1: WebLogic_location/user_projects/domain/domain_name

● From the directory you just created, extract the application WAR file to the WebLogic
installation using the following command:
WebLogic_location/jdk_version/bin/jar xvfm "path_name/application.war"

Important: A space and then a period are required at the end of the command. In this
command, the period does not refer to the current directory.

60 Data Manager
Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers

2. Start the WebLogic Administration Server (and the WebLogic Managed Server, if appropriate)
associated with the IBM Cognos domain.

3. In the WebLogic console, configure a new Web application as follows:

● Set the application name.
For example, you can set the application name to cognos8.

● Set the path to the directory where the expanded application files are located.
For WebLogic 7.0, set the path to WebLogic_location/user_projects/domain_name/app_dir-
For WebLogic 8.1, set the path to WebLogic_location/user_projects/domains/
To use the custom loader, do not select the application WAR file from c8_location. Copy
the file to another location first.

4. Set the reload period for the Web application to -1 to improve performance.
This prevents WebLogic from checking for updated application files.

5. Restart the WebLogic Managed Server associated with the IBM Cognos domain to activate the

6. Start the Administrator Server for the domain you have created.
This server has the following default ports:
● For HTTP, the port is 7001.

● For HTTPS, the port is 7002.

7. Using the WebLogic administrator console, deploy the application file (WAR).
You must set the context for the web module to axis.

Enable SSL
If you use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for IBM Cognos components, you must also enable SSL
in the application server environment. You then identify the SSL server certificate to IBM Cognos

1. Configure the application server to use SSL.
An SSL server certificate is generated by another Certificate Authority (CA). The certificate of
the CA that generated the SSL server certificate is also provided.
For more information about configuring the application server to use SSL, refer to the application
server documentation. For information about using CA certificates with your application server,
see the CA documentation.

2. Copy the CA certificate to the installation_location/bin directory and rename the file to ca.cer.

Installation and Configuration Guide 61

Chapter 7: Changing Application Servers

This file must be Base-64 encoded X.509 format.

3. From the installation_location/bin directory:

● On Windows, type:

ThirdPartyCertificateTool.bat -T -i -r ca.cer -k ../configuration/signkeypair/jCAKeystore

-p password

● On UNIX or Linux, type: -T -i -r ca.cer -k ../configuration/signkeypair/jCAKeystore

-p password

Important: You must type jCAKeystore as the name of the CA key store.

62 Data Manager
Chapter 8: Setting Up an Unattended Installation
and Configuration

Set up an unattended installation and configuration to

● install an identical configuration across several computers on your network

● automate the installation and configuration process by specifying options and settings for users

Unattended installations require a transfer specification file (ATS). This file provides the installation
options that are used by the installation wizard rather than relying on user input. This file is created
each time the installation wizard is run. If you must install the same components on several com-
puters, you can use the installation wizard one time, and then use the transfer specification file
generated by that installation to perform the same installation on other computers. Transfer spe-
cification files are not generated for subsequent unattended installations.
To perform an unattended configuration you have to export configuration settings from another
installation, and then use a command to apply the settings to a new installation. You can export
the configuration settings from IBM Cognos Configuration.
Before you set up an unattended installation and configuration, ensure that all the system require-
ments and prerequisites are met and that all other products are installed and configured.
To set up an unattended installation and configuration, do the following:
❑ Copy the installation files from the CD to the computer where you want to run the installation.

❑ Configure a transfer specification file to specify installation options.

❑ Run an unattended installation.

❑ Export configuration settings from another computer.

❑ Apply configuration settings to a new installation.

Configure a Transfer Specification File

If you already used the installation wizard, you can use the transfer specification file created during
that installation to run unattended installations on other computers.
If you have not used the installation wizard to install components, you can use the default transfer
specification file, named response.ats, that is available on the CD. You should modify this file for
your environment before you use it for an unattended installation.

Steps Using a File Generated by an Installation on Another Computer

1. Use the installation wizard to copy the required components on one computer.

2. Go to the c8_location/instlog directory.

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 63
Chapter 8: Setting Up an Unattended Installation and Configuration

3. Locate the response.ats file.

The installation wizard creates a response.ats file based on the settings that you selected. You
can use this file for other unattended installations.

4. Copy the response.ats file to the computer where you plan to run the unattended installation.

5. On the computer where you plan to run the installation, insert the installation CD and copy
the contents to the computer.

6. Using a text editor, open the transfer specification file that you copied.

7. In the License Agreement dialogs, change the I Agree property to y.

8. Save the transfer specification file in the directory where you copied the contents of the
installation CD.

9. Repeat steps 1 to 5 on each computer where you plan to run the installation.
You can now run the unattended installation.

Steps Using the response.ats File

1. On the computer where you plan to run the installation, insert the installation CD and copy
the contents to the computer.

2. Go to the operating system directory, and open the response.ats file in a text editor.
For example, on Windows, go to the win32 directory.
Each section in the response.ats file corresponds to a dialog box in the installation wizard.

3. In the License Agreement dialogs, change the I Agree property to y.

4. Select the language by typing 1 next to the language that you want used.

5. Enter the location where you want Data Manager installed in the APPDIR value.
For example, type


Tip: Do not include a space on either side of the equal sign (=).

6. In the Component List section, type a 1 next to the components that you want installed.
● To install all components, set the DS_APP value to 1.

● To install only the Data Manager engine, set the DS_ENGINE_APP value to 1.

● To install only Data Manager Designer, set the DS_DESIGNER_APP value to 1.

● To install Data Manager Network Services, set the DS_NETWORK_APP value to 1.

7. If you are installing on Windows, set the APPFOLDER value to the name of the Start menu
folder from where you want Data Manager to be available.

Tip: To ensure that the shortcut folder is visible to all users, set ALLUSERS_FLAG to 1.

64 Data Manager
Chapter 8: Setting Up an Unattended Installation and Configuration

8. In the Install Conditions section, type a 1 next to each condition that you want to apply.

9. Save the response.ats file to a local directory.

You can now run the unattended installation.

Run an Unattended Installation

You start the unattended installation using the command line.
Before you run an unattended installation, ensure that all the system requirements and prerequisites
are met and that all other products are installed and configured. Also, ensure that you have access
to the installation files from the CD and a modified transfer specification file.

1. On the computer where you copied the installation files and the response.ats file, open a com-
mand window.

2. At a command prompt, go to the operating system directory.

For example, for Windows, go to the win32 directory.

3. Type the following command, where file_location is the directory where you copied the
response.ats file:

issetup -s file_location\response.ats

Export Configuration Settings from Another Computer

To apply configuration settings, you can export configuration settings from another computer that
has the same components installed. You use the exported configuration to apply the same configur-
ation to other installations.

1. In IBM Cognos Configuration, click File, Export as.

2. In the File name box, type a name for the configuration file.

3. Click Save.

Apply Configuration Settings to a New Installation

You import configuration settings using a command line. You cannot import settings using IBM
Cognos Configuration.

1. Copy the exported configuration file from the source computer or network location to the
c8_location/configuration directory on the computer where you want to apply the settings.

2. Rename the file to cogstartup.xml.

Installation and Configuration Guide 65

Chapter 8: Setting Up an Unattended Installation and Configuration

3. At a command prompt, go to the c8_location/bin directory.

4. Type the following:

● On Windows, type

cogconfigw.exe -s

● On UNIX or Linux, type

./ -s

Tip: Log messages are written to the cogconfig_response.csv file in the c8_location/logs directory.
You can check if the unattended configuration was successful by checking the return status. A
value of zero (0) indicates success and all other values indicate that an error occurred.
IBM Cognos Configuration applies the configuration settings specified in the cogstartup.xml
file, encrypts credentials, generates digital certificates, and, if applicable, starts IBM Cognos
services or processes.

66 Data Manager
Appendix A: Configuring Data Manager on UNIX
or Linux Without a Graphical Interface

If the console attached to your UNIX or Linux computer does not support a Java-based graphical
user interface, you must follow this process:
❑ Manually change the default configuration settings by editing the cogstartup.xml file.

❑ Apply the configuration and the locale settings to your computer by running IBM Cognos
Configuration in silent mode.

❑ If you want to change application servers, you must also build the application file.

If you have other IBM Cognos 8 components installed, see the IBM Cognos 8 Installation and
Configuration Guide for more information. For more information about using IBM Cognos Con-
figuration, see the IBM Cognos Configuration User Guide.

Manually Change Default Configuration Settings on UNIX or

If the console attached to your UNIX or Linux computer does not support a Java-based graphical
user interface, you must edit the cogstartup.xml to configure IBM Cognos 8 to work in your
There are some configuration settings that are not saved in the cogstartup.xml file unless you use
the graphical user interface. For example, the server time zone is not set for your IBM Cognos
components when you modify the cogstartup.xml file directly and then run IBM Cognos Configur-
ation in silent mode. In this case, other user settings that rely on the server time zone may not
operate as expected.

Important: By default, the cogstartup.xml file is encoded using UTF-8. When you save the cogstar-
tup.xml file, ensure that you change the encoding of your user locale to match the encoding used.
The encoding of your user locale is set by your environment variables.
When you edit the cogstartup.xml file, remember that XML is case-sensitive. Case is important in
all uses of text, including element and attribute labels, elements, and values.
Before you edit the cogstartup.xml file, ensure that you
● make a backup copy

● review the configuration requirements for your installation type

1. Go to the c8_location/configuration directory.

2. Open the cogstartup.xml file in an editor.

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 67
Appendix A: Configuring Data Manager on UNIX or Linux Without a Graphical Interface

3. Find the configuration setting that you want to change by looking at the help and description
comments that appear before the start tag of the <crn:parameter> elements.

4. Change the value of the <crn:value> element to suit your environment.

Tip: Use the type attribute to help you determine the data type for the configuration property.

5. Repeat steps 3 to 4 until the configuration values are appropriate your environment.

Note: Some values in cogstartup.xml, such as passwords, may be encrypted. Encrypted values
appear as an alphanumeric string and include encrypted="true" in their tag. If you want to
change an encrypted value, you must change the value to an unencrypted value and then change
encrypted="true" to encrypted="false". When you run IBM Cognos Configuration, any
values with encrypted="false" in their tag are re-encrypted.

6. Save and close the file.

You should now use a validating XML editor to validate your changes against the rules in the
cogstartup.xsd file, located in the c8_location/configuration.

Starting and Stopping IBM Cognos 8 in Silent Mode on UNIX

and Linux Computers
You run IBM Cognos Configuration in silent mode to apply the configuration settings and start
the services on UNIX or Linux computers that do not support a Java-based graphical user interface.
Before you run the configuration tool in silent mode, you should ensure the cogstartup.xml file is
valid according to the rules defined in the cogstartup.xsd file. The cogstartup.xsd file is located in
the c8_location/configuration directory.

Steps to Start IBM Cognos 8

1. Ensure that the cogstartup.xml file, located in the c8_location/configuration directory, has been
modified for your environment.

2. Go to the c8_location/bin directory.

3. Type the following command

./ -s

Tip: To view log messages that were generated during an unattended configuration, see the
cogconfig_response.csv file in the c8_location/logs directory.

IBM Cognos Configuration applies the configuration settings specified in the cogstartup.xml file,
encrypts credentials, generates digital certificates, and if applicable, starts the IBM Cognos 8 service
or process.

Steps to Stop IBM Cognos 8

1. Go to the c8_location/bin directory.

2. Type the following command

68 Data Manager
Appendix A: Configuring Data Manager on UNIX or Linux Without a Graphical Interface

./ -stop

Manually Create an Application File to Deploy to an Application

If you are deploying Data Manager Network Services to another application server, you must create
a deployment file. IBM Cognos 8 provides a Build Application wizard that you can use to create
the archive file. If your UNIX or Linux computer does not support a Java-based graphical user
interface, you must create the archive file manually.
You can create a Web archive (WAR) file or an Enterprise archive (EAR) file. For information
about WAR and EAR files and which is supported by your application server, see the documentation
for your application server.

Step to Create a WAR File

● Go to the c8_location/war/dsnet directory, and type


Step to Create an EAR File

● Go to the c8_location/war/dsnet directory, and type

./ ear

The file is created in the c8_location directory. You can deploy this file to your application server.

Installation and Configuration Guide 69

Appendix A: Configuring Data Manager on UNIX or Linux Without a Graphical Interface

70 Data Manager
Appendix B: Database Environment Variables

If your application uses a relational database or OLAP data source, you must set the database
environment variables for the user before you start the IBM Cognos processes. If you do a default
installation, ensure that you set and export the database environment variables before you start
installing. IBM Cognos products use these database variables to connect to your database. One
option is to include these variables in the .profile or .login script of the user who starts the IBM
Cognos services.

Oracle Databases
The following table describes the environment variables for Oracle databases and provides example
values. Contact your database or network administrator for the correct values for your system.

Environment variable Description

ORACLE_HOME The top level directory that contains the database

client software or the entire database installation.
Example: /usr/oracle

Note: A script may be available to create the

environment variables. For more information,
see the Oracle documentation.
Example: /usr/local/bin/coraenv

TNS_ADMIN The directory that contains the Oracle file tns-

names.ora, which allows calls to the Oracle
database to set the required server connections.
Example: $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

Oracle 10G Client

The following table describes the environment variables for Oracle 10G clients and provides example
values. Contact your database or network administrator for the correct values for your system.

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 71
Appendix B: Database Environment Variables

Environment variable Description

On Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_PATH The load library path.

On AIX: LIBPATH Some database vendors supply both 32-bit and
64-bit database client libraries. If you are using
a 64-bit UNIX operating system, your default
load library path probably references the 64-bit
client libraries. If you are using the Oracle 9.2
client you must ensure that the 32-bit database
client libraries are installed and that the appro-
priate environment variables are set to enable
IBM Cognos products to use the 32-bit database
client version.


NLS_LANG Oracle's NLS_LANG environment variable and

the locale of properties must be IBM Cognos
Configuration compatible to avoid unexpected
NLS_LANG format: language_territory.charac-
ter set
For example, NLS_LANG French_France.
On UNIX, a compatible IBM Cognos Configur-
ation Locale settings is Locale fr-fr.
On AIX: Native Locale fr_FR.ISO8859-15
On HP-UX: Native Locale fr_FR.iso88591
On Solaris: Native Locale fr Encoding iso-8859-

72 Data Manager
Appendix B: Database Environment Variables

Environment variable Description

On Windows, compatible IBM Cognos Config-

uration Locale settings are
● Locale fr-fr

● Native Locale fra_fra.28591

● Encoding iso-8859-1

For more information, see your Oracle docu-

mentation, and Locale properties in the IBM
Cognos Configuration User Guide.

Sybase Databases
The following table describes the environment variables for Sybase databases and provides example
values. Contact your database or network administrator for the correct values for your system.

Environment variable Description

SYBASE The top level directory that contains the database

client software or the entire database installation.
Example: /usr/sybase

SYBASE_OCS Open Client (OC/S) installation directory for the

version of the client you installed.
Examples: OCS-12_5 and OCS-12_0

On Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_PATH The load library path.

On AIX: LIBPATH You must add the OCS driver to your load lib-
rary path.

DSQUERY The default database server connection.

Example: mySybaseInstance

Installation and Configuration Guide 73

Appendix B: Database Environment Variables

Informix Databases
The following table describes the environment variables for Informix databases and provides example
values. Contact your database or network administrator for the correct values for your system.

Environment variable Description

INFORMIXDIR The top-level directory that contains the database

client software or the entire database installation.
Example: /usr/informix

On Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_PATH The load library path.

On AIX: LIBPATH You must add the driver location to your load
library path.

INFORMIXSERVER The default database server connection.

Example: myInformixInstance

DB2 Databases
The following table describes the environment variables for DB2 databases and provides example
values. Contact your database or network administrator for the correct values for your system.

Environment variable Description

DB2DIR The top level directory that contains the data-

base client software or the entire database
Example: /usr/db2

Note: A script may be available to create the

environment variables. For more information,
see the DB2 documentation.
Example: db2profile or db2cshrc

74 Data Manager
Appendix B: Database Environment Variables

Environment variable Description

On Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_PATH The load library path.

On AIX: LIBPATH You must add the driver location to your load
library path.

DB2INSTANCE The default database server connection.

Example: myDB2Instance

Teradata Databases
The following table describes the environment variables for Teradata databases and provides
example values. Contact your database or network administrator for the correct values for your

Environment variable Description

TERADATA The top level directory that contains the database

client software or the entire database installation.
Example: /usr/teradata

ODBCINI The location of the teradata .odbc.ini file.

Example: /usr/teradata/.odbc.ini

On Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_PATH The load library path.

On AIX: LIBPATH You must add the driver location to your load
library path.
On Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_

Installation and Configuration Guide 75

Appendix B: Database Environment Variables

Essbase Databases
The following table describes the environment variables for Essbase databases and provides example
values. Contact your database or network administrator for the correct values for your system.

Environment variable Description

ARBORPATH The top level directory that contains the database

client software or the entire database installation.
Example: /usr/essbase

Note: A script may be available to create the

environment variables. For more information,
see the Essbase documentation.
Example: essbaseenv.csh

76 Data Manager
Appendix C: Change the Language of Day and
Month Names

Data Manager includes configuration files so that you can use English, French, or German names
for months and days. English is used by default.
You can use French or German for day and month names by replacing files with the French or
German files that are provided in the installation. To use another language, you must create your
own files.

Steps to Use French or German

1. In the c8_location\datamanager\message directory, back up day.gls and month.gls by saving
the files using a different name.
For example, save day.gls as dayeng.gls

2. Rename dayfr.gls and monthfr.gls, if you want to use French, or daygr.gls and monthgr.gls, if
you want to use German, to day.gls and month.gls.
French or German names for months and days are used the next time you use Data Manager.

Steps to Use a Language Other Than English, French, or German

1. In the c8_location\datamanager\message directory, back up day.gls and month.gls by saving
the files using a different name.
For example, save day.gls as dayeng.gls

2. In a text editor, open day.gls.

3. Edit the file by changing the English names to the appropriate names for the other language.
Do not add or remove any lines, and ensure that you do not add space or tab characters after
the names.

4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 for month.gls

5. Save the day.gls and month.gls files, overwriting the original files.
The names for months and days are generated using the translated files the next time you use
Data Manager.

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 77
Appendix C: Change the Language of Day and Month Names

78 Data Manager
Appendix D: Installation and Configuration Prob-

This section provides solutions for problems you may encounter when installing and configuring
Data Manager.

Installing on Windows Vista

Data Manager is supported on Windows Vista. With Windows Vista, Microsoft introduced security
enhancements to further protect the Program Files directory. If you are installing Data Manager
on Windows Vista, you must consider the following:
● roaming profiles
Profiles of users are stored in a different location than in earlier Windows operating systems.
The Documents and Settings directory is replaced by the Users directory. The All Users directory
is replaced by the Public directory.

● environment variables
The default paths that are associated with environment variables has changed. If you use scripts
or applications that reference these paths in the environment variables, you may need to update
In addition, you must reconfigure the default file locations in IBM Cognos Configuration so
that a single file location can be used across operating systems in your IBM Cognos 8 environ-

Data Manager Network Services Server is not supported on Windows Vista. You should disable it
during the installation process.

Starting Data Manager on Windows Vista

If you have installed Data Manager on Windows Vista, you must log on as an Administrator when
you start Data Manager for the first time, otherwise Data Manager is unable to write to the registry.

Stopping Data Manager Network Services on HPUX and LINUX

Using -stop only stops one service. To stop more than one service, either kill the processes
manually with kill -9 <pid>, or execute ./cogbootstrapservice -stop in addition to ./

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 79
Appendix D: Installation and Configuration Problems

Upgrading Data Manager when Using Data Manager Network

An issue exists where the IBM Cognos 8 Socket service fails to start after installing Data Manager
into the same location as an earlier version. When installing Data Manager with Data Manager
Network Services the recommended approach is to first uninstall the earlier version.

Uninstalling the Data Manager Socket Server

If Data Manager Network Services is installed, configured and started on a Windows host, a file
named dsnetSOCK.service is created in the c8_location/logs/ directory.
This file is required to correctly uninstall the Data Manager Socket Server. Do not delete this file,
or any other file with a .service extension, when clearing out unwanted log files from this directory.

Error Messages in SAP Log When Using Data Manager Con-

nector for SAP R/3
You are using Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3 and the following error message appears in
the SAP log:
To resolve this problem, on computers where you have Data Manager components installed, create
a system level environment variable named SAPCOMPRESSION and set the value to OFF.

80 Data Manager

application servers Data files location
changing, 53 configuring for Windows Vista, 39
startup scripts for WebLogic Application Server, 58 Data Manager, 11
startup scripts for WebSphere Application Server, 58 configuring, 37
installing, 27
B uninstalling, 34
BEA WebLogic Server, 53 Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3, 12
installing, 30
C Data Manager Designer, 11
changing locating additional Network Services servers, 42
Data Manager SOAP Server URI, 40 locating Network Services server, 41
network services password, 40 Data Manager engine, 11
network services port number, 40 Data Manager Network Services, 12
cipher suites application servers, 13
setting a priority for SSL connections, 50 configuring, 40
cogstartup.xml file, 68 enabling or disabling, 43
component descriptions security, 13
IBM Cognos Configuration, 12 service protocols, 13
components, 11 troubleshooting, 79, 80
Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3, 12 Data Manager SOAP Server URI
Data Manager Designer, 11 changing, 40
Data Manager engine, 11 Data Manager socket server
Data Manager Network Services, 12 troubleshooting, 80
Data Movement Service, 11 Data Movement Service, 11
configuration, 37 enabling or disabling, 43
manual on UNIX, 67 setting the IBM Cognos 8 gateway, 44
running from command line, 68 dataset errors
workflows, 25 troubleshooting, 80
configuration issues, 79 DB2
configuration settings environment variables, 74
saving, 45 default settings, 38
configuring disabling
Data Manager, 37 services, 43
Data Manager Network Services, 40 distributing components
IBM Cognos components, 37 Data Manager Network Services, 13
Secure SOAP, 47 installation scenarios, 13
SSL, 47
console mode
for installing on UNIX and Linux, 9

Licensed Materials – Property of IBM

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2009. 81

E installation
enabling workflows, 25
services, 43 installation issues, 79
SSL for an application server, 61 installations
Enterprise archive file (EAR) distributing components, 13
deploying to application servers, 69 scenarios, 13
environment variables system requirements, 27
DB2, 74 unattended, 63
Essbase, 76 installing
Informix, 74 Data Manager, 27
Oracle, 71 Data Manager Connector for SAP R/3, 30
Oracle 10G client, 71
requirements on Windows Vista, 39 J
Sybase, 73 Java
Teradata, 75 updating runtime environments, 37, 56
Essbase JREs
environment variables, 76 updating, 37, 56
F copying security provider files, 56
file locations
requirements on Windows Vista, 39 L
language settings
H changing day and months, 77
HPUX Linux
troubleshooting, 79 console-mode installation is deprecated, 9
https starting and stopping the IBM Cognos 8 service, 68
security, 22 LINUX
troubleshooting, 79
I log files
IBM Cognos 8 encoding, 50
setting dispatcher location, 44 Log files location
setting gateway location, 44 configuring for Windows Vista, 39
IBM Cognos 8 service logging options
starting, 45 setting, 41, 43
starting from the command line, 68
stopping, 45 O
stopping from the command line, 68 Oracle
IBM Cognos components environment variables, 71
configuring, 37 Oracle 10G client
descriptions, 11 environment variables, 71
IBM Cognos Configuration, 12
starting, 38 P
IBM Cognos Resource Center, 8 passwords
IBM WebSphere Application Server, 53 secure access, 22
Informix port numbers
environment variables, 74 default values, 38

82 Data Manager

Q services, 45, 46
quality of protection in SSL connections, 50 starting the IBM Cognos 8 service
from the command line, 68
S startup scripts for WebSphere application server, 60
saving stopping
configuration settings, 45 services, 45, 46
Secure SOAP stopping the IBM Cognos 8 service
configuring, 47 from the command line, 68
security, 13 Sybase
dedicated users, 22 environment variables, 73
https, 22 system requirements, 27
secure SOAP, 22
service access password, 22 T
security provider files Teradata
copying to application server JVM, 56 environment variables, 75
server transfer specification file (.ats)
adding connections, 42 unattended installations, 63
setting the location of the server, 41 troubleshooting
service access password, 22 Data Manager Network Services, 79, 80
services Data Manager socket server, 80
disabling, 43 dataset errors, 80
enabling, 43 HPUX, 79
starting, 45, 46 LINUX, 79
starting from the command line, 68 uninstalling, 80
stopping, 45, 46 upgrading, 80
stopping from the command line, 68 Windows vista, 79
single computer installation
installation and configuration workflows, 25 U
SOAP server unattended installations, 63
starting, 46 uninstalling
stopping, 46 Data Manager, 34
SOAP server port number troubleshooting, 80
changing, 40 UNIX
socket server console-mode installation is deprecated, 9
starting, 46 manually configuring, 67
stopping, 46 starting and stopping the IBM Cognos 8 service, 68
socket server password updating
changing, 40 java environment, 37, 56
socket server port number upgrading
changing, 40 troubleshooting, 80
configuring, 47 W
enabling for an application server, 61 Web archive file (WAR)
quality of protection, 50 deploying to application servers, 69
starting WebLogic
IBM Cognos Configuration, 38 application server, 60

Installation and Configuration Guide 83


WebLogic Application Server

startup script, 58
application server, 60
WebSphere Application Server
startup script, 58
Windows vista
troubleshooting, 79
Windows Vista
requirements for file locations, 39
installation and configuration, 25

84 Data Manager

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