Country Presentation: Nepal
Country Presentation: Nepal
Country Presentation: Nepal
Country Presentation
Bhimsen Timilsina
Under secretary
The views expressed in this presentation are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI),
the Asian Development Bank (ADB), its Board of Directors, or the governments they represent. ADBI does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this paper
and accepts no responsibility for any consequences of their use. Terminology used may not necessarily be consistent with ADB official terms.
INTRODUCTION Total Area: 147,181 Sq. Km.
Nepal has
federation ,
states (7), local
level (753)
(Metropolitan , Total Population: 26.6 Million
Municipalities Capital:
& rural Katmandu
´ Ministry of Health and population is responsible to promote health and hygiene through
water quality surveillance and emergency response.
´ Ministry of Education,science and technology is responsible for promoting WaSH in schools .
´ Ministry of Forest and Environment contributes in climate change resilient infra-structures
including the WaSH services.
´ Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board (RWSSFDB) is an autonomous
body under Ministry of Water Supply for implementation of small rural water and sanitation
projects through financing of World Bank, under which communities are supported in
planning, management and monitoring of WaSH services through Service Agencies.
´ local governments including rural municipalities and municipalities are also key actors in the
changed federal structure where these institutions are more responsible for local
development projects including WaSH.
´ INGOs, NGOS, CBOs, DPs , Private sector and civil societies are also involve in this areas as
support groups.
Financing on sustainable sanitation
´ NPC prepares Annual Development Program in consultation with concerned ministries
considering the budget ceiling circulated by the Ministry of Finance.
´ In Nepal, there are different ministries engaged in promoting of water, sanitation and
´ Concept of SWAp has been discussed in the sector since last many years however more
efforts are required to ensure coordinated efforts and achieve sector convergence.
´ As per the federal constitution, WaSH plans and programs will now be developed at
municipal level integrating with other development agenda mainly local development,
education and health services.
´ In the local planning process, communities have more power to shape up their local
plans in leadership of the elected municipal leaders.
´ Municipalities also invest in solid waste management and drainage.
´ The National Budget over the last four years indicates that the budget for sanitation is
increasing but that for wastewater and solid waste management is fluctuating.
Accomplished key activities on sustainable sanitation
3. Sector financing
§ Implementation of sector financing strategies as identified by the Nepal WaSH Sector
Development Plan
§ Engagement of Development Partners, private sector and local communities to leverage
resources and increase sector financing
4. Planning, monitoring and review
§ Establishment of SDG aligned data base management system through National
Management Information Project (NMIP) under the Department of Water supply and
§ Establishment of WaSH sector monitoring system at province and local levels
§ Formulation and implementation of WaSH plan in all municipalities and rural municipalities
§ Conduction of ODF impact study for pragmatic planning, financing and monitoring
Nepal's planned interventions for sustainable
sanitation cont..
5. Capacity development
§ Formulation of Capacity Development Master Plan for the
WaSH sector considering effectiveness and need of trainings
in new governance context
§ Conduct trainings and orientations to capacitate provincial
and local governments to implement WaSH plans and monitor
local level activities
§ Documentation of best practices and innovations of the
WaSH sector for strengthening learning alliance
Thank You For Attention !!!