SDG GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Mec600 - Engineer in Society
SDG GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Mec600 - Engineer in Society
SDG GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Mec600 - Engineer in Society
SDG is a way that will allow continuing advancement in the quality of human life with a
slightly reduced intensity of resources. This will ensure the supply of a generous enhanced
stock of natural resources to the future generation. One of few SDG is goal no. 9 and referred
as “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”. The importance of SDG 9 is to the long-term
planning of a country. Investment in Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure is important as it
can increase and leap the economic growth. For industry, as the world develop more natural
resource is reducing due to mass usage by certain sector of industry. This would be a huge
problem if no new alternative proposed in near future as our main resources being decreased
day by day. Therefore, by investing in industry and innovation we could lead to new
discoveries as the sector of information and innovation growth. This would eventually lead to
securing the resources for the next generation. Beside that, for Infrastructure in understand
that 3.8 billion people a still not able to access internet. Lacking in internet access could be a
huge wall for the society progression in information, knowledge and learning. This problem
would affect greatly on the society with low income compare to a more stable economy
country. Therefore by counter this problem it would benefit and bring many advantage to the
Having bad Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure could lead many could lead to
many bad effect such as bring poor standard of living. This is because good infrastructure
will accelerate the progress of information and economic growth. For example a low income
country is a country that is mot likely to have bad infrastructure such as Libya ,Haiti,
Lebanon and etc. While on the contrary, for a well advanced country such as Spain, Sweden
and Germany you can witness the sector Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure is well
develop and maintained. Therefore there is a few suggestion for the third world country to
improve their bad Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
Problem suggestion
An estimated 3.8 billion people still do not 1)create zero rating service
have access to the Internet -most company in certain charge additional
cost for data. This will cause those who less
fortunate unable to have internet access. By
applying zero rating this will make
accessing information easier. For example
Wikipedia makes makes a zero rated version
of their app available, which is free to use.
2)Reducing taxes
-Several country apply additional taxes for
connectivity and fixed internet connection.
This problem could cause lack of internet
access for some less fortunate families. This
problem could lead to reducing the
incentives for Internet Service Providers to
make infrastructure investments in
underserved areas.
Basic infrastructure like roads, information 1)Government should play their part
and communication technologies, sanitation, -the government should give more
electrical power and water remains scarce in consideration to the rehabilitation of the
many developing countries. infrastructure, assign substantial budget to
rehabilitate the infrastructure in order the
people live in distance places get an
opportunity to develop their economy.
Too much infrastructure project will lead to 1) Stop deforestation
environmental degradation
-Deforestation will lead to many problem
especially in city such as flash flood, land
slide and etc. Therefore, stopping
deforestation is crucial for our
environmental system.
Lack of resources could be one of the main challenges in implementing good infrastructure.
For example, lack of resources will lead to shortage of manpower. Thus, this problem will
create a weaker enforcement by responsible institutions to carry out their responsibility.
Most of the people in the community still not able to grasp the importance of proper
infrastructure in achieving sustainable transport. Although so bureaucrat understand the
importance but they have limited the capability to influence the policy process since the local
government have commitment to economic growth and other priorities which think is more
important than a having a proper infrastructure.
others when something bad happen. Lack of strict rules also is a challenge for implementing
good infrastructure. The lack of legal empowerment has also been noted as affecting the
implementation of measures and schemes. In Malaysia, the lack of legal power on the part of
the local authorities in determining transport development in their jurisdiction has been said
to cause inefficient transport provision.
1) Bribe
Bribing is one of the most common unethical behaviour in infrastructure industry. Bribery
always involve bribing authorities or paying kickbacks to win contracts. Bribery in the
construction of public infrastructure will always causes serious implication for undeveloped
or develop country. Therefore one of the solution to this bribery is to focus on the procedures
surrounding decision making during project preparation. To combat the problem, breaking
the link among participants in the various stages of project delivery may be the only way to
improving the governance of project preparation.
2) Safety issue
Safety issue was known for unethical problem is due to the knowingly engaging in unsafe
workplace, building, or inspection practice. ethics also relates to corporate social
responsibility. Good ethic is providing a safe workplace lays the foundation for
organizational excellence and integrity in strategic, financial and operational performance. To
overcome this problem a leader must create a safety culture within its employer in the
3) Conflict of interest