Welding Inspection Report: Contract #: 04-0120F4 Cty: SF/ALA Rte: 80 PM: 13.2/13.9 File #: 69.28
Welding Inspection Report: Contract #: 04-0120F4 Cty: SF/ALA Rte: 80 PM: 13.2/13.9 File #: 69.28
Welding Inspection Report: Contract #: 04-0120F4 Cty: SF/ALA Rte: 80 PM: 13.2/13.9 File #: 69.28
Office of Structural Materials
Quality Assurance and Source Inspection
Contract #: 04-0120F4
Bay Area Branch
690 Walnut Ave.St. 150 Cty: SF/ALA Rte: 80 PM: 13.2/13.9
Vallejo, CA 94592-1133
File #: 69.28
(707) 649-5453
(707) 649-5493
Tower Bay 1: QA Inspector performed ultrasonic verification testing of skin plate Complete Joint Penetration
(CJP) butt joint after ZPMC QC UT acceptance. QA Inspector UT tested plate ESD1 SA216 A/K 13b side "B".
QA Ultrasonic Testing (UT) was performed to verify that a minimum of 10% of the weld meets the requirements
of the contract documents and AWS D1.5-2002. The weld and base metal were scanned utilizing a Krautkramer
Branson USN 60 #01RN5T. QA Inspector performed a base metal lamination check using a 25mm diameter 2.25
MHz transducer and a shear wave scan using a 20mm x 15mm 2.25 MHz transducer on a 70 and 45 degree angle
wedges from face A. For details please see the ultrasonic testing report TL-6027 dated April 27, 2008. QA
Inspector found the welds inspected to be in compliance with AWS D1.5- 2002 Table 6.3 and the contract
Bay 3: QA Inspector performed ultrasonic (UT) verification testing of Side Panels Complete Joint Penetration
(CJP) welds at joints SP121-001-001, SP148-001-001, SP361-001-001, SP334-001-001, and SP307-001-008 after
ZPMC QC acceptable UT inspection. The Ultrasonic Testing (UT) was performed to verify that 10% of the weld
meets the requirements of the contract documents and AWS D1.5-2002. The weld and base metal were scanned
utilizing a Krautkramer Branson USN 60 #01RN5T. QA Inspector performed a base metal lamination check using
a 25mm diameter 2.25 MHz transducer and a shear wave scan using a 20mm x 15mm 2.25 MHz transducer on a
70 degree angle wedge from face A. For details please see the ultrasonic testing report TL-6027 dated April 27,
2008. QA Inspector found the welds inspected to be in compliance with AWS D1.5- 2002 Table 6.3 and the
contract documents.
Bay 1:QA Inspector performed ultrasonic (UT) verification testing of Deck Panel U Rib Complete Joint
Penetration (CJP) welds at joint DP113-001-157 after ZPMC QC acceptable UT inspection. The Ultrasonic
Testing (UT) was performed to verify that 10% of the weld meets the requirements of the contract documents and
AWS D1.5-2002. The weld and base metal were scanned utilizing a Krautkramer Branson USN 60 #01RN5T.
QA Inspector performed a base metal lamination check using a 25mm diameter 2.25 MHz transducer and a shear
wave scan using a 20mm x 15mm 2.25 MHz transducer on a 70 degree angle wedge from face A. For details
please see the ultrasonic testing report TL-6027 dated April 27, 2008. QA Inspector found the welds inspected to
be in compliance with AWS D1.5- 2002 Table 6.3 and the contract documents.
Summary of Conversations:
No significant conversations this day.
This report is for the purpose of determining conformance with the contract documents and is not for the purpose
of making repair or fit for purpose recommendations. Should you require recommendations concerning repairs or
remedial efforts please contact Patrick Lowry, 858 344-2712, who represents the Office of Structural Materials for
your project.