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Linear Programming

Key Terms, Concepts, & Methods for the User

Notes for Chemical Engineering 4G03

We made it! We are at

Now, I move to a better a unique, global optimum,
adjacent corner point; and we are sure of it.
then the next adjacent

It seems as though
a lot of the work is
finding the first feasible
corner point.

Thomas Marlin
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Copyright © 2002, 2003 by Thomas Marlin, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


This material has been prepared for the student who wishes to learn the basic concepts about
linear programming. The material will prepare the student to use linear programming in
engineering practice. It should also provide a basis for further study into the mathematics,
algorithms and numerical implementation of linear programming.

“The Purpose of Mathematical Programming is Insight, not Numbers.”

Arthur Geoffrion (1976)

Linear Programming:
Key Terms, Concepts, & Methods for the User

Table of Contents

Section Title page

1.0 The Importance of Linear Programming 5
1.1 The Meaning of Optimization 5
1.2 The Importance of Linear Programming 6
1.3 Learning Goals 9
2.0 Key Modelling Assumptions and Limitations 10
2.1 Linearity 10
2.2 Divisibility 10
2.3 Certainty 11
2.4 Formulating a Linear Program 11
3.0 Linear Programming Properties and Advantages 12
3.1 Convexity 12
3.2 Activity of Inequalities 13
3.3 Location of Optimum 13
4.0 Principles for Solving a Linear Programming Problem 14
4.1 Solving Linear Equations 14
4.2 The LP Formulation 16
4.3 The Best Corner Point 19
5.0 The Linear Programming Simplex Algorithm 21
5.1 The Initial Basic Feasible Solution 21
5.2 Adding the cost to the matrix 23
5.3 LP solution algorithm using the tableau 24
5.4 Sample LP Tableau 25
6.0 Extensions and Special Cases 29
6.1 Simplex Extensions 29
6.1.1 General variable bounds (lower and upper)
6.1.2 Efficient simplex
6.1.3 Restart strategies
6.2 Special Cases (Weird Events) 30
6.2.1 No Feasible region
6.2.2 Unbounded solution
6.2.3 Tie on entering or leaving
6.2.4 Multiple optimal solutions
6.2.5 Redundancy of Constraints
6.2.6 Degeneracy of Constraints
7.0 Sensitivity and Range Analysis of LP Solutions 35
7.1 The Importance of Sensitivity Analysis 35
7.2 Sensitivity Analysis of the Optimum with No Basis Change 36
7.3 One-At-A-Time Parameter Changes 37
7.4 Multiple Parameter Changes - 100% Rules 40
7.5 Bounding objective for large changes in the RHS 42

8.0 Example Model Formulations for LP Problems 44
8.1 Straightforward LP Model 45
8.2 Base-Delta LP Modelling 45
8.3 Disjunctive Programming in LP Modelling 47
8.4 Separable Programming in LP Modelling 49
8.5 Linearizing Transformations in LP Modelling 50
8.6 Goal Programming in LP Modelling 50
8.7 Flow-property Blending Relationships in LP Modelling 52
8.8 Absolute value 53
8.9 Mini-Max problem 54
8.10 Minimum-proportional variable 54
8.11 General modelling guidelines 55
9.0 Presenting Optimization Results 56
9.1 Explaining the formulation 56
9.2 Explaining sensitivity analysis 57
9.3 Results analysis presentation 59
10 References 62
11 Study Questions 64


A Example Linear Programming Problem : Production Planning 73

B Learning Resources for Linear Programming on the WWW 76

Linear Programming
Key Terms, Concepts & Methods for the User

1.0 Linear Programming

We start our studies of optimization methods with linear programming. Basically, we select linear
programming because it

 is used widely in engineering practice

 enables us to practice problem formulation and results analysis, including inequality
constraints and variable bounds
 gives insight to the power of optimization (versus brute force simulation of many
 builds a foundation for other major categories of optimization algorithms

This first section explains why linear programming is a useful method and a good introduction to

1.1 The Meaning of Optimization

Fourth-year students already have considerable experience with mathematical modelling for
simulation, so what is new? In simulation, the results are defined by the user-selected values of
the variables and parameters. Thus, we often say that the system of equations used for simulation
has zero degrees of freedom; for example, a simulation model with 20 (linearly independent)
equations has 20 variables. In optimization, the model has more variables than linearly
independent equations; therefore, for a properly formulated optimization problem the user-
selected values of variables do not define the results. In optimization, the objective function is
used to guide the selection of values for the degrees of freedom, i.e., the "extra" variables.

Example 1.1 Gasoline Blending: A simple process example of simulation and optimization is
given in a blending problem. Simulation of the blending problem is depicted in Figure 1.1a,
where the flow rates of all streams are defined by the user and the total flow rate, physical
properties of the product stream and profit are determined using the model and the user-selected
values. Optimization is depicted in Figure 1.1b, where the objective is profit achieved when the
product satisfies quality specifications. Profit can be maximized by adjusting the five input flow
rates, which have different costs, within user-defined limits.

The optimization result could be estimated by a grid search approach that evaluated the
behavior of the blend process for many combinations of component flow rates. If we selected a
rather imprecise grid of ten values of flow per component, the grid would have the 105 cases to
evaluate; if each case required 0.1 second, the rough search would require over 150 minutes.
Clearly, a better approach is required. The linear programming method that we will learn in this
chapter can optimize the blending problem to high precision with a computing time of less than
one second.

For further details on problem definition, please see the lecture notes on “Formulating the
Optimization Problem”.

A. Simulation
Output is
User input the product
is five flow qualities
FC rates and profit
LSR Naphtha

N-Butane Final Blend


B. Optimization
Alkylate Output is
User input the
is costs and component
limits on flow rates
flows & and
Flow setpoints
product maximum
qualities profit

Figure 1.1 Gasoline blending example.

1.2 The Importance of Linear Programming

Since linear programming (LP) technology can solve large problems reliably, it was the first
method widely used for optimization using digital computation. It remains one of the most
important – likely the most important – optimization method. Linear programming is used in a
wide range of applications, such as design, manufacturing, personnel planning, investment
management, statistics, public health, national public policy, and many more.

A linear programming (LP) problem involves many variables and equations. Current
software can solve 100s of thousands to millions of equations and variables in a reasonable time.
How can we solve such large mathematical problems? The key feature is in the name – linear
programming. After several years of engineering study, you have seen that most models involve
non-linear expressions, and therefore, you might be dubious about the value of linear model.
Please keep an open mind, because we will see many useful applications and learn model
formulations that enable us to solve realistic problems with linear programming.

Optimization in general, and linear programming in many instances, is a natural way to

formulate and solve engineering problems. In the past, problems requiring fast solution could not
be solved using optimization, so that ad hoc solution methods were developed that gave rapid, but
sub-optimal, solutions. An example is automatic control, whose development predated digital
computation and linear programming. However, linear programming can solve some problems
very fast and is replacing older methods in selected real-time applications.

Example 1.2 Optimizing transportation costs: This example will demonstrate the importance
of having a systematic mathematical method for optimization. We will design a transportation
system between the plants, warehouses and customers in Figure 1.2. The manufacturing costs in
the plants are the same, as are the storage costs in the warehouses; therefore, our goal in this
problem is to satisfy the customer demands at minimum transportation costs. If faced with this
challenge (and not knowing optimization) you would likely apply a heuristic to find a solution.

The word "heuristic" in this context means a "a set of rules or procedures based on experience
and qualitative analysis that is not rigorous". Using reliable heuristics that provide nearly optimal
solutions is not a bad approach, if possible. However, we seldom have a bound on the gap
between the best (optimum) and the result achieved using a heuristic; thus, we will learn
optimization in this chapter. But first, let's apply two reasonable heuristics to this problem.

Heuristic 1, Sequential decision making: We will first decide the best policy for the warehouse-
to-customer flows; then, we will decide the best plant-to-warehouse flows. In the first step, we
rank the costs of satisfying the customer demands from the warehouses, from which we select the
flows that give the lowest cost alternates.

From W2 to C1 50,000 units

From W2 to C2 100,000 units
From W2 to C3 50,000 units

In the second step, we determine the flows that give the minimum cost for the plant to warehouse,
which are given below.

From P2 to W2 60,000 units (Note that the maximum production in P2 is 60,000)

From P1 to W2 140,000 units

This result satisfies all strict customer requirements and does not exceed the capacity of
plant 2; we will call this a feasible solution. The total cost is $1,200,000. Is this good; is this the
best? Without optimization, we do not know.


C1 50,000

P1 W1 4
5 C2
4 2

P2 W2

60,000 max C3 50,000

Figure 1.2 Transportation problem from Example 1.2. Costs ($/unit) are noted for each path. (This
example and figure are from Geffrion and Van Roy (1979); see this reference for further examples
and interesting discussion.)

Heuristic 2, Decision making with some look ahead: The first heuristic did not consider the
plant-warehouse costs when making the first decisions. In this heuristic, we will first find the
plant-warehouse-customer paths that give the lowest costs and decide on the best warehouse-
customer flows. The lowest cost paths are given in the flowing

For C1 P1-W1-C1
For C2 P2-W2-C2
For C3 P2-W2-C3

Observing these paths gives the following flows from the warehouses.

From W1 to C1 50,000 units

From W2 to C2 100,000 units
From W2 to C3 50,000 units

Second, we select the lowest cost for plant-warehouse flows to satisfy the above decisions, which
are given in the following.

From P1 to W1 50,000 units

From P2 to W2 60,000 units (Note that the maximum production in P2 is 60,000)
From P1 to W2 90,000 units

This result satisfies all strict customer requirements and does not exceed the capacity of
plant 2; it is also a feasible solution. The total cost is $920,000, less than the first solution. Is
this good; is this the best? Without optimization, we do not know.

Optimization: This problem can be solved to determine the optimum using methods introduced
in this chapter. The computing time will be less than one second, and the minimum cost is
$740,000! That is a big improvement achieved with fast computation, so let's keep reading to
learn optimization.

The previous example has given some insight into the complexity of an optimization
problem. For the complex problems, even this small example, why do heuristics often fail?

 Complete enumeration of alternatives is usually impossible. For example, selecting 15

variables from 30 candidates has over 155,000 possibilities.
 Sequential decision making will not find correct solutions because of interactions among
 Capacity limits (for example, the maximum production in plant 2) are very difficult to include
in heuristics
 Problem data, especially costs and limits, change frequently. Therefore, the "same" problem
with different parameters has to be solved often.

In this chapter, we will learn linear programming to quickly and efficiently solve many
optimization problems.

1.3 Learning Goals

Optimization via linear programming is a vast topic, which for mastery requires sophisticated
mathematical analysis, advanced numerical methods, computer coding, mathematical modelling
and results analysis. Well, that is too much for 70 pages and too much for an introduction!
However, we want to be sure to learn what most engineers need to know for engineering practice.

One common method for explaining learning goals is to address three key categories;
attitudes, skills and knowledge (Rugarcia, et al, 2000). The key learning goals for linear
programming are given in Figure 1.3.

After you have completed this chapter, you will be able to

 explain the basic concepts of linear programming along with advantages and limitations
 sketch the feasible region in two dimensions and demonstrate the simplex algorithm
 formulate appropriate linear programming models of technical and economic applications
 analyze the results, including sensitivity and diagnosis of unusual events
 explain an optimization study from formulation to results analysis, including preparing a
formal report.

This chapter does not fully prepare you for developing a computer program to solve linear
programming or to extend the technology through research. However, it will provide a good
basis for engineering practice and if your interest is piqued, further studies.

Attitudes :
• An optimal solution is much better than an answer.
• Numbers without understanding are useless

Skills: Knowledge:
• Translate a Based of fundamental
complex problem concepts, we will learn
into a mathematical • formulation for LP
formulation • results analysis,
• Communicate including diagnosing
optimization results “weird events”
in “engineering terms” • sensitivity analysis

Figure 1.3 Learning Goals for engineering optimization.

2.0 Key Modelling Assumptions and Limitations

We begin with some key assumptions that limit the types of models used in linear programming.
We must understand and abide by these limitations. When first encountering these model
limitations, the engineering student might conclude that few realistic problems could the
represented. However, many model formulations have been developed for use with LPs, as we
will see in Section 8.

2.1 Linearity
This is the key feature that enables the impressive performance of LP methods. It also places
severe restrictions on the model; both the constraints and the objective function must be linear.
Therefore, the engineer must understand linearity. Linearity consists of the following two

Proportionality: The contribution of a variable to the objective function or constraint function is

proportional to the value of the variable.

Additivity: The value of an objective function or constraint function is the sum of the
contributions of each variable. Note that proportionality does not exclude cross-product terms, so
that the additivity property is required.

2.2 Divisibility
We assume that any variable can be divided into any small value, in other words, variables are
continuous. Other variables we encounter often can assume only specific values, such as 0.0 or
1.0; these we call discrete variables. Some examples of continuous and discrete variables are
given in the following.

Continuous Discrete
 Temperature  Number of automobiles
 Pressure manufactured per shift
 Flow of liquid  Number of trays in a distillation
 Mole fraction column
 Weight of granular material in a  Pipe diameter, because only
bin specific sizes are manufactured
 Enthalpy  One of several mutually exclusive
investment decisions

We might argue that some of these continuous variables are really discrete, because of a finite
number of molecules in a system or of quantum effects, but the divisibility assumption is
excellent for engineering problems.

We have two choices when discrete variables are present.

 We can assume that the all variables are continuous and round off the answer to the closest
integer for the variables that are not continuous.
 We can use a model with integer variables, which requires an entirely different solution
method, integer programming (Williams, 1999).

When we consider LP methods, we must have all continuous variables or we must be able to
model approximately using continuous variables and round off the answer to the nearest discrete
value after solution. This round-off method is not always appropriate, for example, when
selecting one of mutually exclusive investments.

2.3 Certainty
Often, we assume certainty without stating it, which is not a good practice. Here, we will
expressly acknowledge that we are assuming that all information used in the LP is known exactly.
We will see that we can evaluate the effects of changes in some of the data easily using sensitivity
(or post-optimal) analysis. Therefore, we typically report the optimization results for the base
case, or best estimate, of uncertain parameters and also provide how much the solution changes
for small changes in the uncertain parameters.

Using only the best estimate of the parameter is not appropriate for all problems. For
example, we might want to make a decision that is profitable (or safe or meets product
requirements) for all values of uncertain parameters within their range. If the uncertainly is large
and has a strong influence on the results, we will have to use linear programming solution
methods that explicitly consider uncertainty, such as stochastic linear programming (Sen and
Hingle, 1999).

2.4 Formulating a Linear Program

We formulate a linear programming problem by tailoring the general optimization problem. We

begin with the general optimization problem.

min z  f ( x )

s .t .
h(x)  0 (2.1)
g(x)  0
x min  x  x max

with x a vector of variables, h(x) equality constraints (equations) and g(x) inequality constraints.
The variables can be bounded between upper and lower limits. For a linear program, the
optimization problem is the following.

min z  c T x

s .t .
Ah x  bh (2.2)
Ag x  b g
x min  x  x max

with c T x  c1 x1  c 2 x 2  ....   c i xi
i 1
A = matrices of constant left-hand side coefficients multiplied by the variables x
bj = vectors of right-hand side constants
c = vector of cost coefficients

In general, the equations and inequalities define a region in which the optimum can exist, which
we call the feasible region. The point (or points) where z is minimized within the region is the

The reader should recognize that a user of LP software defines the problem by inputting the
coefficients c, A, b, xmin and xmax. The user does not perform the calculations explained in
Sections 4 and 5. However, informed users of linear programming must understand the solution
method so that they can properly select the LP method, formulate an appropriate linearized
model, and interpret the numerical results from a computer program.

3.0 Linear Programming Properties and Advantages

The properties introduced in the previous section enable us to greatly simplify our mathematical
models and to use very efficient solution methods. The solution method (algorithm) for LP uses
these following properties that result from the assumptions in Section 2.

3.1 Convexity
Convex set: The feasible region for a linear program has an important property that greatly
simplifies the problem solution, convexity. A region is convex if all points on a straight line
connecting any two points within the region are also in the region. A sketch of a general convex
region is given in Figure 3.1. Importantly, we will see that a problem stated as an LP, abiding by
the standard formulation in equation (2.2), involves a convex set

Convex objective: The objective function is linear, which is also convex. A convex function
satisfies the following expression.

f [ x1  (1   ) x 2 ]   f ( x1 )  (1   ) f ( x 2 ) (3.1)

with  = a constant having a value between 0 and 1.

A convex objective minimized over a convex

region is termed a convex programming problem.
An important theoretical result in optimization is
that a local optimum in a convex programming
problem is a global optimum. A point at which all
other surrounding (local) points are inferior or f(x)
worse is a local optimum. For convex
programming problems, this is automatically the
optimum within the entire region of x defined in
the problem! x

(a) (b)

Therefore, in linear programming a local

Figure 3.1 (a) Convex sets and convex
optimum is a global optimum! function

We must be careful to recall that the optimum might not be unique. The value for the objective at
the local optimum cannot be improved in the feasible region. However, many values for
variables x in the feasible region might have the same value of the objective function.

3.2 Activity of Inequalities

Here, we introduce a note on terminology regarding status of inequality constraints. Each

inequality is described by one of the following terms for any feasible point.

Inactive: When the values of the variables result in the left-hand side not being equal to
(Non-binding) the constant on the right hand side and conforming to the appropriate ( or )
inequality constraint.
Active: When the values of the variables result in the left-hand side being equal to the
(Binding) constant on the right hand side.

Some references use alternative terminology for the same concept, binding for active and non-
binding for inactive. Naturally, if the inequality constraint is violated, the point is infeasible. A
few examples are given in the following.

Inequality Variables values Status of inequality constraint

2.5x1 + 1.5 x2  10 x1 = 2 , x2 = 3  9.5 < 10 Inactive (feasible)
2.5x1 + 1.5 x2  10 x1 = 2 , x2 = 3.333  10 = 10 Active (feasible)
2.5x1 + 1.5 x2  10 x1 = 3 , x2 = 2  10.5 > 10 Infeasible (violated)

3.3 Location of Optimum

The efficiency and reliability of LP solution techniques depend upon a strong statement about the
location of the optimum in an LP problem. The statement involves corner point locations in the
feasible region.

Corner Point: A point is a corner point (p) if every line segment in the set (feasible region)
containing p has p as an endpoint. When explaining linear programming, various references
use the following terms, all having the same meaning: corner point, extreme point, and

From observing Figure 3.2, we can conclude the following (Hillier and Lieberman, 2001).

Consider a linear programming problem with feasible solutions and a bounded region. The
optimal value of the objective function is located at a corner-point solution! Thus, if the
problem has one optimal solution, it must be a corner point (vertex); if it has multiple
optimal solutions, at least two must be located at corner points (vertices).

In addition to the global optimum the solution method that we will learn determines the

 Bounded or unbounded – We need to determine whether the optimum values of one or

more variables are unbounded (giving an objective value of  ). If this occurs, the problem
formulation is in error, because no real system has variables with infinite range.

 Feasible or infeasible - We need to determine whether a feasible region exists or does not
exist (no solution). This could be due to a formulation error or a very stringent performance
requirement. For example, we might require a reactor product yield of over 60%, while the
maximum achievable is less than 60% because of side reactions.

Increasing profit

Variable x2

Shaded area
is the feasible

Variable x1

Figure 3.2. A typical LP problem showing the unique optimum at a corner point.

 Unique or alternative - The unique optimum value of the objective occurs at a corner point,
as indicated above. However, an “edge” intersecting the corner point could have the same
value of the objective.
 Sensitivity to coefficient changes - We need to determine sensitivity information regarding
the effects of changes in some of the parameters.

These are very complete results, not generally available in optimization. Therefore, for
computational efficiency and excellent results analysis,

We will seek to formulate an optimization problem as an LP, when the method provides
adequate accuracy for the problem being solved.

Now, we will learn how we can use these properties to define the principles for locating the
optimum of a linear program. Then, we will develop the algorithm in Section 5 that uses these
principles to locate the optimum with computational efficiency.

4.0 Principles for Solving a Linear Programming Problem

We have learned that the optimum of a linear program occurs at a corner point of the feasible
region. Our task here is to develop equations that define corner points and to establish criteria for
identifying the best corner point. These principles will result is set of equations. Therefore, we
begin by reviewing the solution to a set on linear equations.

4.1 Solving linear equations

We begin by reviewing the solution of a square set of linear equations with “m” equations and
variables. If the equations are linearly independent, a solution exists.

The set of linear equations can be represented in the following matrix equation.

Axb (4.1)

With A= coefficient matrix (mxm)

b= “right hand side” vector of constants (mx1)
x= vector of values of the variables xi (mx1)

The solution of the set of equations can be represented as the following, which requires
evaluating the inverse of the coefficient matrix, assuming that A is full rank (non-singular), so
that the inverse exists.

x = A-1 b (4.2)

The solution can be determined without solving explicitly for the inverse by applying the Gauss-
Jordan method, which applies elementary row operations to reduce the coefficient matrix to the
identity matrix.

Since similar approaches are used in linear programming, we will briefly review the
Gauss-Jordan method for solving a set of linear algebraic equation. This method employs
elementary row operations to rearrange the coefficient matrix to the identity matrix. When the
same row operations are applied to the right-hand side coefficients, the solution can be obtained
by observation, because elementary operations do not change the solution of the equations. (For
example, see Edgar et al 2001, Appendix A or Chapra and Canale, 1998).

Example 4.1 Let's solve the following set of linear equations.

2 x1  1x 2  3x 3  3
5 x1  4 x 2  3 x 3  2
1 2 3 (4.3)
x1  x 2  x 3  4
2 3 2

These equations can be restated in matrix form as the following.

Ax  b (4.4)
 2 1 3   x1   3
with 
A 5 4 3  x =  x2  b = 2
1 / 2 2 / 3 3 / 2  x3  4

To prepare for the Gauss-Jordan method, we align the left-hand side "A" coefficient matrix with
the rows of the right-hand side "b" values.

2 1 3 3
5 4 3 2
1/2 3/2 3/2 4 (4.5)

Now, we proceed to perform elementary row operations on the "A" matrix to yield an identity
matrix and also perform the same operations on the right-hand side values. We select the (1,1)
position for a pivot. First we divide the first row by 2 to achieve a value of 1.0 in the (1,1)
element. Then, we multiply the modified first row by -5 and add the values to the second row to
achieve a 0.0 in the (2,1) position. After these first two steps, we have the following matrix.

1 1/ 2 3/ 2 3/ 2
0 3 / 2  9 / 2  13 / 2
1/ 2 2 / 3 3/ 2 4 (4.6)

At the completion of the procedure, equation (4.5) is transformed in the following result.

1 0 0 23 / 6
0 1 0 7/2
0 0 1 43 / 18 (4.5)

Clearly, the result has been obtained, with x1 = -23/6, x2 = 7/2 and x3 = 43/18.

The elementary row operations in the Gauss-Jordan do not affect the solution of the linear
equations, but they result in coefficients that yield the solution by observation.

These calculations can be quite tedious and time consuming; however, they can be easily
performed by a computer program. In addition, excellent interactive tools are available to help
students "learn by doing". The educational tools require the student to make key decisions and
provide a few numbers, while the computer program performs the extensive calculations and
displays updated results. See Appendix B for the location of these tools on the WWW.

4.2 The LP formulation

A general LP problem could be formulated as given in the following.

min z  c T x

s.t .
Ahx  bh (4.6)
A 1 x  b1
A2x  b2

with A = coefficient matrices

c = original cost vector
b = vector of constants on the right hand side (rhs) of equation or inequality constraints
x = vector of problem variables
z = scalar objective function

It is probably worth repeating that this is the formulation used when inputting a problem
to a software package. The user does not usually perform the procedures described in this and the
next section, such as adding slack and artificial variables, arranging in canonical (standard) form,
and performing the tableau calculations. However, the engineer needs to know the concepts
behind the method to formulate models and interpret results.

The variables in equation (4.6) are limited to be greater than or equal to zero; we often term this
“non-negative”. We will generalize the approach later to include variables that can be negative as
well as positive and have lower and upper bounds.

The optimization problem is stated as a minimization to be consistent with most books on

optimization. We can solve a maximization problem by noting that maximizing (z) is equivalent
to minimizing (-z). Also, by convention the values of the right hand sides of the equations and
inequalities are positive (bi  0). We can always achieve a positive right hand side by multiplying
the equation or inequality by (-1). Recall that multiplying by (-1) changes the sense of an
inequality, e.g., less than (<) to greater than (>).

We want to convert to a formulation involving only equalities, since a corner point is

defined by equalities (the original equations and a subset of active equalities). Converting to
equalities can be achieved by adding a variable to any inequality. This variable has the value of
the difference between the left-hand side value (depending on the variable values) and the right-
hand side value (a constant). These variables are termed slack variables, which are limited to be
non-negative (0). By adding one slack variable to each inequality (but not to equalities),
inequalities are converted to equalities. When this addition has been completed, all relationships
among variables are equalities. Examples are given in the following.

Original expression Slack added to form equality

(Note that xs  0)
5x1  7 x 2  2.3x 3  37 5x1  7 x 2  2.3x 3  x s1  37
5x1  7x 2  2.3x 3  37 5 x1  7 x 2  2.3x3  x s 2  37
5x1  7 x 2  2.3x 3  37 No modification needed.

Unfortunately, the terminology is not consistent among references. We will use the term
“slack” for a variable added to convert an inequality to an equality, regardless of the sign of its
coefficient, plus or minus. Some references use “slack” when the coefficient is +1 and either
“surplus” or “excess” variable when the coefficient is –1.

After we have added slack variables where needed, we have the following

Standard Form of the Linear Programming Problem

min z  c T x

s .t . (4.7)
A xb

The A matrix in the equation above includes coefficients from all equalities and inequalities in
the original formulation, equation (4.6) and the coefficients of the slack variables added to the
problem to convert inequalities to equalities. The variable x vector includes original problem and
slack variables.

We will assume that the problem in standard form has more variables than equations.

If the problem had the same number of variables and (independent) equations, a single
solution exists, and no degrees of freedom would exist for optimization. If it had fewer variables
than equations, no solution would exist. When more variables exist, degrees of freedom exist for
improving the objective function while satisfying the equations. In most engineering
optimization problems, this assumption is valid. The most common reason for initially violating
the assumption is an overly restrictive definition of system performance. In this situation, we
usually convert the problem to one with additional variables using the “goal programming”
approach covered in Section 8.6.

We will use the letter “n” to denote the number of variables and “m” to denote the number of
equations, with n  m.

We can think of the problem as “m” variables that are determined by the equations and
“n-m” variables that are the degrees of freedom for optimization. Therefore, the solution
approach involves finding the correct set of variables for solving the equations and finding the
correct values for the remaining variables that minimize the objective function. We will use the
following terminology when referring to this selection.

Basic variables: “m” variables determined by the equations

Non-basic variables: “n-m” variables that are set to values that minimize the objective

Recall that the variables include slack variables, so that changing the selection of basic variables
has the effect of changing which inequalities are active (slacks = 0) or not active (slacks > 0).

The resulting problem is shown schematically in Figure 4.1. Clearly, we can make many
different selections of basic and non-basic variables. How do we determine the best, or optimum
selection? One way would be to evaluate all combinations of “m” variables selected from “n”.
We could solve the equations for each combination, and if the solution were feasible (x  0), we
could evaluate the objective function. After all feasible objective values were evaluated, we
could select the feasible corner point with the minimum objective as the optimum. While this
approach would yield the correct answer, it is extremely inefficient. For example, if m=10 and
n=20, the number of possible combinations to evaluate is about 185,000! Thus, we seek a more
efficient approach.

Basic Non-basic

 a11 ... a1m a1,m 1 ... a1n   x1   b1  Original, non-

     square equation
 ... ... ... ...   ...    ...  set of constraints
a m1 a mm a m ,m 1 ... a mn  x n  b m  in standard form

 a11 ... a1m   x1   b1  x m 1   0 

        
 ...   ...    ...   ...   ...
a m1  x m  b m   x n   0 
a mm

Square set of equations that can Non-basic variables which take

be solved for the basic variables the values that optimize the
objective. The values will be at
an extreme of allowed range.

Figure 4.1. Schematic of the LP solution approach: separating into basic and non-basic variables.
When bounded variables are considered, the non-basic variables can have values at
either their upper or lower bounds.

4.3 The Best Corner Point

The selection of basic and non-basic variables determines the set of inequalities that are active.
Figure 4.2 shows the importance of the active set in finding the optimum and gives insight into
the optimum corner point. In the example shown, only one set of active constraints gives the
minimum objective. The optimum corner point is determined from the gradient of the objective
and constraints.

Cone: A cone is defined by a set of vectors v1, v2 and so forth. A vector P is contained
within the cone if P can be expressed as a linear sum of the defining vectors (v1, v2, …) with
non-negative constants.

P = 1 v1 + 2v2 + …. With 1, 1..  0 (4.8)

Thus, P is a non-negative linear combination of the vectors defining the cone.

Thus, we arrive at the key definition of the corner point at which the optimum is located.

The optimum corner point has the gradient of the objective function contained within
the cone of the gradients of the active constraints.

Basic Non-basic

 a11 ... a1m a1,m 1 ... a1n   x1   b1  Original, non-

     square equation set
 ... ... ... ...  ...    ...  of constraints in
a m1 a mm a m ,m 1 ... a mn  x n  b m  standard form

The optimum

The gradient of the

objective decrease
must lie within the
the cone of the
gradients of the
active constraints.

Figure 4.2. Schematic of the optimality conditions for an optimum corner point in LP.

This situation is shown in Figure 4.2. Note that this criterion enables us to determine the
optimum from local information; we do not have to evaluate all or any other corner points.

When the specified condition is satisfied, no movement along a constraint can improve
the objective function. We know for an LP that (1) the optimum must be at a corner point and (2)
a local optimum is also global; therefore, the corner point is the global optimum. (Some special
cases with alternative optima are discussed later.)

The principles of optimization and the special features of linear programming result in the
following concepts for identifying the optimum.

1. Formulate the problem as a general LP optimization problem, equation (4.6)

2. Add slack variables to convert inequalities to equalities, equation (4.7)
3. Separate variables into basic and non-basic, Figure 4.1
4. Choose as the optimum the basic variable selection (from 3 above) that provides a
feasible solution with the optimum value of the objective function, Figure 4.2

These principles provide us with excellent insight into the LP method. The student
should be sure to understand the concepts shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2, which give a geometric
interpretation to the concepts. While these principles do not define an efficient method of
numerical computation, they provide a foundation for the algorithm given in the next section.

5.0 The Linear Programming Simplex Algorithm

Fortunately, the principles presented in the preceding section can be employed through a very
efficient algorithm. This algorithm is termed the “simplex” algorithm, which was developed by
George Dantzig. He developed the simplex algorithm in the 1940’s, and it remains the standard
method for numerical solution of linear programs. Currently, low-cost, efficient, robust software
is available to solve large systems using this method. Here, we will learn the basic algorithm,
which will enable us to formulate problems and interpret results. (Regrettably, other algorithms
have been named “simplex”; thus, the student is cautioned that we are here referring to the linear
programming simplex algorithm.)

The Simplex algorithm has the following excellent features.

 If an optimum exists, the algorithm defines an iterative procedure that concludes with the
 If an optimum does not exist, the algorithm provides guidance on why not.
 As shown by experience, the method is computationally efficient.

We will need the following definitions for concepts already covered.

Basic solution: A solution to the square, non-singular set of linear equations resulting from the
selection of basic variables, after setting the non-basic variables to constant values. (Currently,
non-basic xi = 0; later, each non-basic xi equals its maximum or minimum allowable value.)
These are also termed Corner Points.
Basic feasible solution: A basic solution for which all variables satisfy their bounds.
(Currently, xi  0; later, ximax  xi  ximin.). This is also called a Feasible Corner Point.
Optimal solution: A basic feasible solution for which the objective is at its optimum value.

5.1 Obtaining the initial Corner Point (Basic Feasible Solution)

The algorithm relies on a procedure that iteratively selects basic feasible solutions, but it must
start with a basic feasible solution. Therefore, we need a method for finding a set of “m” basic
vectors for which the resulting set of “m” linear equations has a solution, i.e., is non-singular.
The desired approach should work for any LP problem formulation starting with equation (4.7).

The method does this by again adding variables to the problem; these are artificial
variables that ensure that the system of equations has a solution. The variables are called
artificial variables because they are not related to the problem variables; the coefficients
associated with the artificial variables form an m-dimensional identity matrix. As we will see,
these variables do not affect the final optimum solution, because they are eliminated quickly from
the procedure; however, they are essential for finding an initial feasible corner point (basic
feasible solution). This initialization procedure is shown in Figure 5.1. The resulting initial
problem basis is in canonical form.

Canonical form: In a canonical form, each equation has one basic variable with a coefficient
of 1.0, and all other variables have coefficients of 0.0. Also, each basic variable appears only
once with a non-zero coefficient.

We have established an initial basic feasible solution (BFS) or corner point, and the LP
algorithm to be described can find any BFS from an initial BFS. However, we have changed the
problem by adding the artificial variables. Therefore, we must be sure that the artificial variables
are not part of the final solution (if possible). We achieve this by modifying the objective
function by placing a very large penalty (M>>0) on each artificial variable, as shown in the
following. Recall that the penalty is positive because we are minimizing the objective function.

z = c1x1 + …. + cnxn the original objective function (5.1)

za = c1x1 + …. + cnxn + Mxa1 + ….+Mxam the modified objective function (5.2)

All problem variables initially set to zero

 x1 
 
 ... 
 a11 ... a1m a1,m 1 ... a1n 1 ... 0  b1 
   xn   
 ... ... ... ... .. 1 ..    ...
 x a1   
a m1  b 
 ...   m 
 a mm a m ,m 1 ... a mn 0 .. 1
 
x am 

The artificial variables form a basis that ensures

a non-singular solution to the equations.

Figure 5.1. A schematic representation of forming the initial basic feasible solution to “m” equations
using artificial variables. This gives a non-singular, canonical form problem statement.

Thus, as we proceed with the optimization algorithm, the artificial variables will be
eliminated because of their “cost”. The value of M must be much larger than other cost
coefficients to be sure that it is eliminated. When the artificial variables have been eliminated,
the solution will be unaffected by this initial strategy. In fact, after all artificial variables become
zero, their contribution to the problem equations and objective function can be eliminated, which
reduces computation.

Now that we have an initial feasible corner point (BFS), we follow a procedure that
moves along adjacent corner points to improve the value of the objective function.

Adjacent corner points: Adjacent corner point solutions in an LP problem with “m” variables
share “m-1” of the same active constraints. They are connected by a line segment that is
defined by the intersection of the “m-1” common constraint boundaries.

When we say that we “move” among corner points, we are actually performing elementary
operations that do not change the solution to the set of equations.

Elementary operations: The following operations do not change the solution to an equation
set; these may be performed together.
1. multiplying an equation by a (non-zero) constant.
2. adding two equations

We have encountered this concept already in the Gauss-Jordan method for solving square sets of
linear equations. At each elementary operation, we have to make two decisions. First, we choose
the variable to enter the basis, i.e., switch from non-basic to basic. Second, we select the variable
to leave the basis. We make these choices to improve the objective function. The method is
complete and the optimum has been reached when the objective function cannot be improved by
moving to any adjacent corner point.

5.2 Adding the cost to the matrix

These elementary operations must be performed on the coefficient matrix and the objective
function. We will display these procedures in the “simplex tableau”, which shows the
calculations and intermediate results nicely and was used for hand calculations prior to the advent
of digital computation. The tableau includes all model (constraint) equations and the objective
function. Recall that we represent the objective function value by the variable z, giving

z  c1x1  c 2 x 2  ......  c s1x s1  ......  c a1x a1  ....... (5.3)

which can be rearranged to give a constant rhs.

 z  [c1 x1  c 2 x 2  ......  c s1 x s1  ......  c a1 x a1  .......]  0 (5.4)

with ci = initial (original) cost coefficient for the problem variables, given in the problem
csi = 0 (initial cost of slacks is zero)
cai = M >> 0 (penalties for the artificial variables)

This cost expression can be included as the first equation to give the starting equation set for the
LP algorithm.

 z 
 
 1 c1 c2 ... 0 0 M ... M   1  (5.5)
   ...  0
0 ..   
 0 a11 a12 xn  b
... .... ... 1
 0 am1 amm am ,m 1 ... amn 0  
.. 1  
 ... 
 
 xam 

or showing the sub-matrices

 
 1 c T
0 M   x  0
   
0 A I *
I   x s  b 
 
x a 
A = original problem coefficient matrix I* = coefficient matrix for slack variables
b = right hand side values for the containing either +1 or –1,
original problem constraints depending on type of inequality; not
c = original problem cost coefficients necessarily square
z = scalar objective function xs = slack variables
x = original problem variables xa = artificial variables

We introduce another useful distinction in terminology. All of entries in equations (5.5)

and (5.6) are the “original” values from the initial problem definition. Naturally, after the
elementary row operations, the values will be changed. We will refer to the changed values as
the reduced values of the matrix entries. When the procedure has been completed, we will refer
to the values as the “optimal reduced values”. Sometimes, when the reference is obviously to the
optimal solution, e.g., when referring to the software output, we will use “reduced” to describe
the final values.

Recall that the values for the problem variables and slacks are initially zero, which gives
m artificial variables and m equations for this initial equation set. These matrix entries can be
represented in a “tableau”.

5.3 LP solution algorithm using the tableau

As we move to an adjacent corner point, we must select which two variables are “exchanged”,
i.e., which variable is removed from the basis and which enters the basis. The following tableau
rules determine the appropriate adjacent corner points until a solution is reached.

1. Entering by the cost test for rapid rate of improvement of the objective: The non-
basic variable chosen to enter the basis has the smallest negative (“most negative”)
tableau cost coefficient, because increasing the variable value will most rapidly decrease
the objective function for a minimization goal. Note that this rule does not consider the
change allowed to the next corner point.

Select the variable (column j=r) to enter the basis from the non-basic variables
having the minimum tableau reduced cost, cj, which must be less than zero.

Caution: Reference books use slightly different sign conventions, which change the sign
used in this test. The convention used here is consistent with Edgar et. al., 2001.

2. Leaving by the ratio test that ensures a feasible corner point: Compute bi/aij for all
rows i for all aij > 0), with j = the variable. Select the row with the minimum value of
bi/aij as designating the basic variable xi to leave; note that only one variable is related to
each equation (row) in canonical form. Recall that the leaving variable is decreased as
the entering variable increases. Because the variables are limited to be non-negative, we
select the variable with the smallest ratio, which selects the variable that reaches zero
with the smallest change in the entering variable. Thus, the leaving variable will have a
value of zero (and become a non-basic variable) after the entering variable has entered. If

we chose a variable with a larger ratio, one of the non-basic variables would have a
negative value after the pivot, which would represent an infeasible corner point.

b 
The leaving variable has the row i given by min  i  with s the column entering.
a is 0 a is
 

3. Pivot on the entering-leaving intersection to regain the canonical form: We now

pivot to result in the entering variable having a coefficient of 1.0 in the pivot row and 0.0
in all other rows. Since we began with a canonical formulation, we will continue with a
canonical formulation, with each basic variable having only one non-zero coefficient (and
that being 1.0). We will use ars to designate the pivot coefficient and Er the rth equation.

a. Replace the rth row (equation) Er with Er/ars.

b. For all other rows (equations), replace Ei with Ei – (Er)ais/ars.

4. Test for optimality at the new corner point: If the cost coefficients of all the non-basic
variables are positive, increasing any non-basic from zero will increase the objective
function. Therefore, no further improvement in the objective is possible. The current
result is optimal.

a. If all non-basic cj  0, an optimal solution is found. Stop.

b. If at least one non-basic cj < 0, continue by returning to 1. above.

How well does this simplex algorithm work? Recall that a problem having 20 variables
and 10 equations had about 185,000 corner points.

n n!
    185,000 (with n=20 and m=10) (5.7)
 
m ( n  m )! m!

If we used exhaustive search, we would have to check every one. The simplex algorithm solves
problems of this size in about 30 iterations (Winston, 1994; page 132)! There is no theoretical
reason for the excellent performance of the simplex method, since it searches along the boundary
of feasible corner points, but experience has shown that it performs well on nearly all real-world
problems (Shamir, 1987). (It is possible to formulate a “trick” problem for which the simplex
will perform poorly.)

5.4 Sample Tableau for a small LP problem

We will conclude this section with an example showing all tableaus. The reader will likely have
to review the algorithm steps above while following the solution tableaus given below.

Example 5.1: Solve the following linear programming problem and show all intermediate
tableaus (Winston, 1994; page 164).

1. The mathematical problem is stated in the following.

min z  2x1  3x 2
s.t .
0.5x1  0.25x 2  4
x1  3x 2  20
x1  x 2  10
x i  0 for i  1,2

2. We convert any inequalities to equalities. In this case, row 1 needs a slack variable with
a (+1) coefficient and row 2 a slack with a (-1) coefficient (surplus variable). Row 3 is
already an equality.

min z  2x1  3x 2
s.t .
0.5x1  0.25x 2  s1  4
x1  3x 2  s 2  20
x1  x2  10
x i  0 for i  1,2

3. Now, we modify the formulation to achieve a canonical form, in which an initial feasible
corner point (basic feasible solution) is easily achieved. We see that row 1 already has a
variable with a coefficient of +1, the slack. Therefore, we need to add artificial variables
to only rows 2 and 3.

min z  2x1  3x 2
s.t .
0.5x1  0.25x 2  s1 4
x1  3x 2  s2  a2  20
x1  x2  a 3  10
x i  0 for i  1,2

We see that the initial basis is [s1 a2 a3].

4. We have added the artificial variables, and we want to ensure that they do not appear in
the optimal solution, since they were introduced only to find an initial feasible corner
point. Therefore, we add large penalties; since the problem is a minimization, the
penalties are positive.

min z  2x1  3x 2  Ma 2  Ma 3
s.t .
0.5x1  0.25x 2  s1 4
x1  3x 2  s2  a2  20
x1  x2  a 3  10
x i  0 for i  1,2

5. We check to see that all rhs values are greater than or equal to zero, which is the case. If
any were not, we would multiply the row by (-1).

6. We now place all variables and values into the tableau. Recall that we rearrange row
zero to have a constant rhs.

 z  2x1  3x 2  Ma 2  Ma 3  0

z x1 x2 s1 s2 a2 a3 rhs Basic Ratio

-1 2 3 0 0 M M 0 z
0 .5 .25 1 0 0 0 4 s1 ---
0 1 3 0 -1 1 0 20 a2 ---
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 10 a3 ---

7. We are close to beginning the pivoting operation. However, we require all basic
variables to have zero elements in the objective (row 0) for a canonical form. Therefore,
we must eliminate the “M’s” in row zero for the basic variables a2 and a3 without
changing the solutions to the equations. We see that we can achieve this by adding the
following to row 0: (1) row 2 times (-M) and (2) row 3 times (-M). These steps will
cancel the penalties on variables a2 and a3 and give zero elements for the artificial
variables in the initial tableau. (Note that s1 has a zero value in row 0.)

Initial tableau
This (x2) is the variable entering the basis (smallest value < 0).

z x1 x2 s1 s2 a2 a3 rhs Basic Ratio

-1 -2M+2 -4M+3 0 M 0 0 -30M z
0 .5 .25 1 0 0 0 4 s1 16
0 1 3 0 -1 1 0 20 a2 20/3
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 10 a3 10

This (a2) is the variable leaving the basis.

Pivot element, ars (Smallest value of bi/aij for entering aij >0)

Now, we apply the pivoting rules to determine the entering and leaving variables, as
shown above.

8. We perform the pivoting calculations to yield a value of 1.0 for the pivoting coefficient
and zeros in all other coefficients in the column.

Second tableau

This (x1) is the variable entering the basis (smallest < 0).

z x1 x2 s1 s2 a2 a3 rhs Basic Ratio

-1 -2M/3+1 0 0 -M/3+1 +4M/3-1 0 -10M/3-20 z
0 5/12 0 1 1/12 -1/12 0 7/3 s1 28/5
0 1/3 1 0 -1/3 1/3 0 20/3 x2 20
0 2/3 0 0 1/3 -1/3 1 10/3 a3 5

This (a3) is the variable leaving the basis.

Pivot element, ars (Smallest value of bi/aij for entering aij >0)

9. Again, we perform the pivoting calculations to yield a value of 1.0 for the pivoting
coefficient and zeros in all other coefficients of the column.

Third tableau

All reduced costs are greater than 0.0. The objective cannot be decreased by changing
the basis, i.e., moving to an adjacent corner point. We have found the optimum!

z x1 x2 s1 s2 a2 a3 rhs Basic Ratio

-1 0 0 0 1/2 -1/2+M -3/2+M -25 z = 25
0 0 0 1 -1/8 1/8 -5/8 1/4 s1 = 1/4 ---
0 0 1 0 -1/2 1/2 -1/2 5 x2 = 5 ---
0 1 0 0 1/2 -1/2 3/2 5 x1 = 5 ---

10. In this problem, the optimum was reached after the artificial variables were eliminated.
Typically, (many) additional corner points would have to be evaluated using the pivoting

The solution is x1 = 5, x2 = 5; slack variables values are s1 = ¼ and s2 = 0.

The objective function value is z = 25.

The non-basic variables are equal to zero: s2 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0. Since all artificial

variables are zero, the solution is feasible. Since the reduced costs of the non-basics are
not zero, no alternative solutions exist. Since s2 is zero, the second inequality constraint
is active (or binding); since s1 > 0, the first inequality is inactive (not binding).

Now that the simplex method has been presented, you might be tempted to program the
algorithm. Two recommendations are offered. First, programming your own algorithm is an
excellent approach for learning; however, simple numerical implementations will fall victim to
numerical errors. Therefore, the second recommendation is to use commercially available codes
for engineering research and practice. These codes have been carefully developed to handle
many numerical difficulties caused by ill-conditioning and manipulating large matrices; therefore,
the student is advised against developing software for practical use, without considerable further
study in optimization mathematics and numerical methods. In addition, Appendix B gives

sources for educational, interactive computer programs that allow you to make key decisions,
e.g., the pivot element, and then allow the computer to perform the tedious calculations
automatically. They also provide some coaching, especially for clearly incorrect user choices.

6.0 Extensions and Special cases (Cautions on LP Weird Events)

We have learned the essential aspects of the simplex algorithm. In this section, we first introduce
several extensions to the simplex just described. These extensions provide greater flexibility to
the engineer in formulating models and solving problems. These extensions are available in
essentially all software solvers, so they are briefly explained without extensive theoretical

Then, several important special cases are discussed. They are not just mathematical anomalies!

Since these special cases occur in practice, the engineer must be able to recognize their
occurrence, modify the formulation (if possible) and determine good actions based on the
optimization study. The naive user can make serious mistakes!

6.1 Simplex Extensions

6.1.1 General variable bounds: We have assumed that the variables must be greater than zero
and have no upper bound. These are not serious limitations, as we could always reformulate a
model to abide by these restrictions. For example, an upper bound could be achieved for any
variable by adding a constraint to the problem, e.g., x10  45. However, the reformulation would
be larger, require longer computing times and be prone to errors by the analyst. Therefore,
software systems allow the user to define variables with any values for lower and upper bounds,
so long as the upper is greater than or equal to the lower bound.

Recall that the non-basic variables had values of zero in the “simple” simplex method just
described. When variables have lower and upper bounds, the non-basic variables are assigned the
bound value that improves the objective function the most, either their lower or upper bounds.
No user input is required to active these features.

Lower bounds: Not all variables have lower bounds of zero; for example, the lower bound for a
temperature could -20 C. One approach to this situation would be to define two new variables x’
and x’’, then, define

x = x’ – x’’ with x’0 and x’’0 (6.1)

Thus, the substitution of x’ and x’’ for x would leave an LP problem with all non-negative
variables (Winston, 1994; page 175). The software system automatically makes all substitutions;
the user simply defines the appropriate values for the variable bounds.

Upper bounds: The simplex method includes variable upper bounds in the method for
determining how much the entering variable can change. Limits to the size of the change of the
entering variable are now (Winston, 1994; page 587; Hillier and Lieberman, 2001; page 317):

1. One of the current basic variables becomes zero (or its lower bound), as always
2. The entering variable cannot exceed its upper bound.
3. One of the current basic variables increases to its upper bound.

6.1.2 Efficient Simplex: The simplex algorithm and tableau previously described requires that all
tableau elements be calculated at every iteration. With large problems, these calculations can be
very time-consuming. Improved approaches involve much reduced calculations at each iteration
that does not change the basic concepts of the simplex. These require a “revised simplex” and
“product form of the inverse” techniques (Winston, 1994; page 554; Hillier and Lieberman, 2001;
page 202). In addition, advanced matrix methods can be employed for “sparse” problems,
because only a small number of elements of the coefficient A matrix are non-zero in large

6.1.3 Restart Strategies: For large problems, starting from the initial canonical form with
numerous slack and artificial variables is very inefficient. Sometimes we want to solve a related
problem based on the results of the initial problem formulation. Therefore, software systems
provide the ability to restart with the information about the last optimal solution. It is possible to
change right hand side coefficients, objective coefficients, constraint coefficients, or add/subtract
some constraints (Rao, 1996; Chapter 4). We will not cover the details of these approaches, but
they can greatly speed the solution of similar large LPs solved sequentially.

6.2 Special cases (Cautions on LP Weird Events)

6.2.1 No Feasible Region: As shown in Figure 6.1, an LP problem could be formulated in a
manner that results in no feasible region. This could occur for two reasons. First, the engineer
has made a mistake in the formulation. Second, very stringent requirements are placed on the
performance of the problem system, so that no solution actually exists. We need to be able to
recognize when no feasible solution exists and to change the formulation, if appropriate.

Diagnosis: We can recognize when the problem has no feasible solution when the final optimal
tableau has one or more artificial variables in the basis. Since these variables have very large
penalties for being non-zero (in the basis), the only reason for them remaining in the basis would
be feasibility. Therefore, the problem has no feasible solution.

Remedial action: In many cases, we would like to learn how we could achieve a feasible
solution. One good way to do this is to add additional variables to inequality constraints that have
a substantial penalty (but much less than “M”). The solution will be able to find a least costly
“feasible” solution, even though it could include violations of the original inequality constraints.
The approach is explained under “goal programming” in Section 9.6.


X2  0

X1  0

Figure 6.1. A set of LP constraints that yield no feasible region.

6.2.2 Unbounded Solution: As shown in Figure 6.2, the solution to an LP problem could be
unbounded, so that one or more variables could increase to infinity and the objective function
decrease to minus infinity. This is always a result of a formulation error, because no variable in a
real problem can increase without limit.

Diagnosis: The symptom occurs when selecting the variable to leave the basis, which is
determined using the following equation.

x i  b i  a is x s (6.2)

Note that if ais is less than zero, the variable xi can increase without limit, without causing xi to
decrease to its lower bound of zero. If the reduced cost, cj, is less than zero for this variable, its
increase will be beneficial, because it will decrease the objective function. Thus if for a column
with cj<0, all ais<0, an unbounded solution will occur.

Remedial action: We should seek a modification to the problem definition that limits the feasible
region. For example, in a production problem, we might have inadvertently forgotten the market
(sales) limitation, or in a personnel allocation, we might have forgotten the limitation to the
availability of workers.
Variable x2

Increasing profit

Variable x1

Figure 6.2. A set of LP constraints and objective function that yield an unbounded LP.

6.2.3 Tie on entering or leaving criteria: It is possible that a numerical tie could occur in the
criteria for variables entering or leaving the basis. In both cases, the tie can be broken arbitrarily.
Actually, the tie in variables leaving the basis could theoretically result in an unending cycle;
however, this does not occur in real problems, so that most software does not include special
logic (Winston, 1994; page 160).

6.2.4 Multiple (Alternative) Optimal Solutions: The solution of an LP can have multiple
optima. The situation is shown graphically in two dimensions in Figure 6.3. We see that the
objective function is parallel to one of the active constraints. Thus, either of two corner points –
or any point on the line connecting them – has the same value of the objective function. Thus,
many (an infinite number) of values of x yield the same objective value.

Diagnosis: There are two ways to identify multiple optimal corner points.

1) This situation can be diagnosed by evaluating the reduced costs of all non-basic variables in
the final optimum tableau. If any non-basic variable has a reduced cost of 0.0, it can enter the
basis (and another can leave as a consequence) with no effect on the objective function. Thus, the
diagnosis looks at the optimal solution and determines if any non-basic reduced cost is = 0. If
yes, then alternative solutions exist.
2) An additional symptom can be recognized by observing Figure 6.3. We see that the right hand
side (RHS) of one or more of the active constraints at (either) optimal solution has a zero
marginal value and the marginal value has a non-zero range in both directions.

Remedial action: Alternative solutions might not be a concern, since we will find at least one
policy that achieves the best value of the objective. However, we should find all solutions and
select the optimum that is truly best, because the objective function might not represent all goals,
i.e., alternative solutions are not really equivalent. Common situations concerning alternative
solutions are summarized on the following.

Increasing profit

Variable x2

corner points

Shaded area
is the feasible

Variable x1
Constraint rhs can
be changed with no
change to OBJ
Figure 6.3 Schematic of LP with alternative optima corner points (anywhere on the connecting line is
also optimal). The user must employ additional criteria to select the best solution.

 Perhaps, one solution is close and one far from our current variable values. In some situations
there are "hidden costs" for changing conditions that might not be represented in the model.
Examples are changing plant operations, which could lead to poor quality products during
transitions, and challenges in communicating changes to a schedule that has been adopted in
an organization.

Dynamic optimization occurs in many fields, such as scheduling personnel for airlines,
deciding when to produce various products in a flexible manufacturing plant, and in
automatic process control where we optimize a trajectory to the set point. When solving
dynamic optimization, we often resolve the problem periodically. We solve for a "long" time
in the future, but we implement only the solution variables related to the current time. As we
resolve the problem, alternative optima could cause large changes in the variable values from
solution to solution. This is termed "nervousness" and is to be avoided.

To select an alternative optimum that is "close", we could add a term to the objective that
(slightly) penalizes changes from the current policy being implemented; this would “break
ties” and select the least disruptive solution.

 Perhaps, we have had good experience with one solution while we have had either poor
experience or no experience with other solutions. Naturally, we will select the solution close
to values where we believe that model is accurate and which has given good results in the
past when implemented.

6.2.5 Redundancy of Constraints: We have considered “normal” cases in which the active
constraints specify the solution, i.e., the values of the basic variables. Constraint redundancy
involves a case in which one or more “extra” constraints are active at the solution, with these
"extra" constraints not influencing the solution. This situation is shown in Figure 6.4. In this
case, the optimum would be defined completely by either constraints 1 and 2 or 2 and 3. The
solution found is correct, but standard sensitivity analysis can be misleading. To see why,
consider the following two situations.

a. An increase in the rhs of constraint 3: In this situation, the objective function value does
not change. Thus, the sensitivity is 0.0.
b. A decrease in the rhs of constraint 3: In this situation, the feasible region is reduced, and
the objective function is increased (assuming this is a minimization problem). Since the
optimum values of the variables change, the sensitivity is non-zero.

We use linear programming to make decisions about how to improve the solution via
post-optimal analysis, and clearly, redundant constraints are difficult to analyze. This has
received considerable attention and guidance is available for the user (Rubin and Wagoner, 1990)
and the system developer (Koltai and Terlaky, 2000).

Diagnosis: We can determine when this situation occurs by analyzing the sensitivity of the
optimum (see Section 7). Sensitivity analysis gives the range of the rhs of every constraint over
which the value can be changed without changing the basis. If this range has zero as either its
maximum or minimum allowable change, the solution has redundant constraints, and the standard
sensitivity output from software should not be used.

Remedial Action: The values of the objective function and variables are reliable for the solution.
However, the sensitivity depends upon the direction of the change; therefore, we must be aware
of the following caution in analyzing the results.

Variable x2


Variable x1

Figure 6.4. Schematic of an LP problem with a redundant constraint at the solution. Care must be
taken when using the sensitivity analysis results.

The engineer should not rely upon standard sensitivity analysis results when the optimum
experiences constraint redundancy. The engineer should evaluate sensitivity by executing
“delta” cases, each being a reoptimization of the problem with the appropriate parameter(s)

We close with a comment about the likelihood of redundancy. As we work with systems over
time and invest to improve their performance, we increase capacities where (1) the objective is
limited and (2) we receive a large improvement with a small investment. This process leads to a
situation in which many inequality constraints are nearly active, and large investments are
required for further improvement. In this situation, constraint redundancy often occurs. This is
not just a mathematical peculiarity; it is a challenge for practitioners.

6.2.6 Degeneracy of Constraints: Constraint degeneracy involves a case in which more

inequality constraints are active at the solution than the dimension of the problem. For example,
a problem could have two degrees of freedom (number of variables - number of equality
constraints = 2) and three inequality constraints active at the optimum. Thus, constraint
redundancy (subsection 6.5.5) involves degeneracy, but other situations also occur. As another
example, the pyramid feasible region in Figure 6.5 has an optimum at the top peak. In this
situation, the dimension of the problem is three, but four constraints are active at the optimum.
Note that none of the inequality constraints are redundant, removing any will change the optimal
solution and the objective function.

Diagnosis: The simplex algorithm will select three of the four constraints in Figure 6.5.
Degeneracy can be diagnosed by observing that changing the basis by making the fourth
constraint active and one of the original three inactive does not change the solution.

Remedial Action: The value of the objective function and variables is reliable for the solution.
However, the sensitivity depends upon the direction of the change; therefore, we must again be
aware of the following caution in analyzing the results.

The engineer should not rely upon standard sensitivity analysis results when the optimum
experiences constraint degeneracy. The engineer should evaluate sensitivity by executing
“delta” cases, each being a reoptimization of the problem with the appropriate parameter(s)



Figure 6.5. Schematic of an LP problem with the optimum at the top corner point, which has
degenerate constraints (without redundancy). Care must be taken when using the
sensitivity analysis results.

7.0 Sensitivity and Range Analysis of LP Solutions

We have seen that the simplex LP algorithm provides solutions to very complex linear problems
with inequality constraints. The good news does not stop there; the method also provides
valuable sensitivity information about the optimal solution. Sometimes, we term this “post-
optimal” analysis.

7.1 Importance of sensitivity analysis

We seek a full understanding of the solution that extends beyond the values of the objective and
variables at the optimum point. We want to understand how sensitive the result is to changes in
input data and how the values change with these data changes. A few typical uses of sensitivity
analysis are given in the following, and we should note that these results are available with the
solution at essentially no cost in computation!

 Sensitivity to the model: We want to determine how sensitive the results are to the system
model. When we find that a small change in a parameter could change the decision, we will
have to carefully investigate the uncertainty in that parameter.
 Sensitivity to the scenario: When given an opportunity to change decisions, we can use the
sensitivity values to see if the new opportunity could be attractive. For example, if we choose
Feed A over feed B, we will also learn how much the price of feed B must decrease to make
it an attractive choice. This information would be important in negotiating with the supplier.
 Range of validity: The sensitivity values are accurate over a limited range of values of the
specific parameter. We will determine the range over which our solution is valid.

The sensitivity results discussed in this section could be determined by changing a parameter
by a small amount and solving another optimization problem. However, we will initially
concentrate on information that is available with the base case solution, because (1) this
information is useful in engineering practice, (2) it reinforces our understanding of linear
programming, (3) it provides insight that helps us diagnose potential problems that were
discussed in Section 6, and (4) the results are easily determined.

Again, sensitivity results not provided by the methods in this section can be evaluated with
numerical differentiation of multiple optimization cases. For example, the reoptimization
procedure is required for sensitivity to changes

 in the left-hand side coefficients (the "A" matrix),

 parameter changes that require a basis change to find the optimal solution
 in a solution that involves constraint degeneracies (including redundancies)

We will concentrate on results that are reported with the LP solution in many available
software packages. We will begin with changes in only one parameter and extend the results to
multiple parameters. We conclude with approximations to sensitivity results when a basis change
is required.

7.2 Sensitivity analysis of the optimum without a basis change

Sensitivity tells us the effect of a small change in one or more parameters that were assumed
constant when finding the optimum. Thus, the sensitivity is z/, with  = a parameter like a
cost or rhs constant. We could evaluate the sensitivity in several ways.

1. Sensitivity = z/ with all x = constant

2. Sensitivity = z/ with all basic variables, xB, allowed to change so the results represent
an optimal solution at the same corner point for the modified problem.

We select the second option (2), since we want to learn the effect of a change on the optimum.
Also, we recognize that using the approach in (1) above would lead to infeasibility for many
cases, since the optimal solution is located at a corner point.

The sensitivity is reported using the optimal basis and evaluates the range and effects of
parameter changes at the same corner point, i.e., with the basis - without requiring a basis

We should be careful when explaining sensitivities. The sensitivities that we are
evaluating are the derivatives of the objective (or variable) with respect to a parameter, for
example dz/db4. This is often explained as the effect on the optimal objective of a change in b4 of
"1 unit". In linear programming, the derivative is constant until a basis change; therefore, this
imprecise explanation is acceptable if the basis does not change for a 1-unit change in the
parameter. Remember that a value of 1.0 is not small when the units are millions of dollars or
thousands of tons of production!

When the parameter changes are small enough (as defined later), the basis does not
change and the sensitivity information is available with very limited calculation. This becomes
clear when we consider the equation below for the optimal solution of the LP.

A x   A x   b 
* (7.1)

with A*NB = The coefficient matrix for non-basic variables at the solution
A*B= The coefficient matrix for basic variables at the solution
x*NB = The vector of non-basic variables at the solution (at a bound)
x*B = The vector of basic variables at the solution (between their bounds)
b* = The values of the RHS at the solution

Note that “at the solution” indicates the values after all elementary operations; these are the
“reduced” values, not the original values in the initial problem definition. All of these values are
available in the final tableau.

Also, we assume that the system is not degenerate. If it is degenerate, the sensitivity
results here are suspect, as discussed in Section 6.2.5 where a method for testing for degeneracy
is provided and recommendations for sensitivity analysis are provided.

We recall that the non-basic variables are constant at either their lower or upper bound;
thus, only the values of the basic variables change for changes in parameters (small enough so
that the basis does not change). Also, the reduced costs of the basic variables are zero.

Finally, we emphasize that the sensitivities have engineering units, so that we cannot
compare magnitudes of numbers directly. The engineer must determine the units and carefully
interpret the meaning of the sensitivities.

7.3 One-At-A-Time Parameter Changes

In this subsection, we consider the effects of a change to the value of a single parameter. This
helps us analyze the solution and understand effects of changes.

7.3.1 Active inequality constraint RHS change: We would like to understand the effects of
changes in the rhs values of the active inequality constraints. We can identify the active
inequalities because they have non-zero marginal values and zero-valued slack variables. First,
we determine how large a change can occur (in either direction) without requiring a basis change.
This situation is shown schematically in Figure 7.1. The value of constraint 1 can be increased to
1b or decreased to 1a without a basis change, i.e., the same corner point being optimal. Certainly,
the objective function and variable values change, and these can be easily determined from the
simple calculations shown below.

Effect of the basic variables

A X  A X   b 

* (7.2)

 0 
b 
A X 
B   i
 0 
 
 0 

 0   x B1 
   x  {This is a “marginal
X B*   1 b
 AB*  i    B 2 
 0   .. 
mechanism” required to
stay at the optimum
    when bi occurs.}
 0  x Bm 

Effect on the non-basic variables: X   0


Effect on the objective function: z  bi c Ri  (7.6)

with cRi the sensitivity of the inequality i

Therefore, we can determine the change in variables (xB) and objective (z) for a change in
the rhs value of any single inequality constraint. The change in the variables is quite useful
because it provides the changes in variables in a coordinated manner that maintains optimal
results. Consider the situation in which we are optimizing the operation of a plant and we are not
sure of the value of a constraint, e.g., the maximum reflux in a distillation tower. The result in
equation (7.4) gives how all basic variables (not at bounds) should be changed to retain feasibility
and optimality.
Variable x2


1 1a

Variable x1

Figure 7.1. A schematic showing the changes that can occur to constraint 1 that do not require a
basis change.

7.3.2 Inactive inequality constraint RHS change: We would also like to learn the maximum
changes in the rhs of inactive inequality constraints. Within this range, they would not affect the
solution, i.e., the values of the variables and the objective function. This is easily determined as
the value of the slack variable associated with the constraint, because when the slack is zero, the
constraint is active.

Effect on the basic variables: X   0


Effect on the non-basic variables: X   0


Effect on the objective function: z  bi c Ri   0 (7.9)

with cRi the sensitivity of the inequality i = 0

Standard LP software reports the constraint sensitivity information in tabular form. For every
constraint, the following are reported. Naturally, the format depends upon the product.

Constraint ID Status slack Shadow price Maximum Maximum

(sensitivity of allowable allowable
(Active/inactive) rhs) increase (AI) decrease (AD)
Max. Reflux flow Active 0 3.74 47 123
Max. Pump 7 Inactive 321 0 1.0E30 321

7.3.3 Equality constraint RHS change: Equality constraints are always satisfied, so that they are
always “active”. Thus, changing the rhs of an equation always affects the basic variables and
potentially, the objective. The sensitivity results are the same as given in equations (7.4) to (7.6).

7.3.4 Cost change for non-basic variable: For a minimization problem, the reduced cost for a
non-basic variable at the optimum is positive. For this variable to enter the basis, the reduced
cost must be negative. Therefore, the reduced cost of the non-basic variable must change from its
optimal value to 0.0 to effect a basis change, i.e., to have an effect on the solution. For a cost
change greater than –(margin variable value), no change occurs to the problem variables or to the
objective function. If the cost change is less than (– variable margin value), we must return to the
tableau and calculate the pivots to the new optimum.

7.3.5 Cost change for a basic variable: The costs of the basic variables affect the slope of the
constant profit (objective) lines and the gradient of the profit. To retain the same basis, the
gradient of the profit can change, as long as the gradient remains within the cone of the corner
point constraints. The concept is demonstrated in Figure 7.2. This sets the maximum and
minimum allowable changes in the basic cost. Within these changes, the optimum corner point
and variable values do not change, but the objective value changes.

Effect on the basic variables: X   0


Effect on the non-basic variables: X   0


Effect on the objective   

z  c j x j (7.9)
with cj the change in the original cost of the variable j

The modified
original optimum

Original problem Problem with one

cost modification

Figure 7.2. Schematic of the effect of a cost change to a basic variable. It the case shown, the cost
parameter change was large enough to cause a basis change.

7.4 Multiple Parameter Changes - 100% Rules

In a few cases, we can reach strong conclusions about the effects of more than one parameter.
Some of these methods are presented here (Bradley, et al, 1977; Winston, 1994; page 262). This
collection of approaches is generally referred to as the 100% Rules, because they determine the
combined (100%) effect of multiple changes. If the "worst case" combined effect does not
change the basis, the sensitivity analysis can be performed using the base case optimization
results. If the "worst case" combined effect could involve a basis change, a re-optimization with
all parameter changes is required.

7.4.1 Objective function original costs: Case 1. All non-basic variables (reduced costs  0)

We can calculate the following metrics, which measure the fraction of the maximum allowable
change that has occurred.

If cj > 0 rj = cj/AIj with AI the maximum allowable increase w/o a basis
If cj < 0 rj = -cj/ADj with AD the maximum allowable decrease w/o a basis

If each of the rj  1.0, the effect of all the changes will not cause a basis change. Therefore, the
variables will be unchanged, and the modified objective function is easily calculated.

Effect on the basic variables: X   0

Effect on the non-basic variables: X   0


Effect on the objective function:   

z   c j x j (7.13)

with cj the change in the original cost of the

variable j

7.4.2 Objective function original costs: Case 2. One or more basic variables along with non-
basic variable costs

It this case, we calculate the same metrics as above and apply the following 100% rule.

If  rj  1.0, we are sure that the basis has not changed.

Effect on the basic variables: X   0


Effect on the non-basic variables: X   0


Effect on the objective function:   

z   c j x j (7.16)

with cj the change in the original cost of the

variable j

If  rj > 1.0, we are not sure whether the basis has or has not changed. We would have to
calculate the new optimization case.

7.4.3 Inequality rhs value change: Case 1. All inactive constraints

We can calculate the following metrics, which measure the fraction of the maximum allowable
change that has occurred.

If bj > 0 rj = bj/AIj with AI the maximum allowable increase w/o a basis
If bj < 0 rj = -bj/ADj with AD the maximum allowable decrease w/o a basis

If each of the rj  1.0, the effect of all the changes will not cause a basis change. Therefore, the
variables and the objective will be unchanged.

7.4.4 Inequality rhs value change: Case 2. Inactive and active constraints

It this case, we calculate the same metrics as above and apply the following 100% rule.

If  rj  1.0, we are sure that the basis has not changed. The final values for x can be calculated
using equation (7.4) with several bi, and the profit can be calculated using equation (7.5).

Effect on the basic variables:

 b1   x B1 
   x  {This is a “marginal

X B*   
* 1  bi 
 AB   B2 
 ..   .. 
mechanism” required to
stay at the optimum
    when bi occurs.}
bm  x Bm 

Effect on the non-basic variables: X   0


Effect on the objective function: z   bi c Ri  (7.20)

with cRi the sensitivity of the inequality i

If  rj > 1.0, we are not sure whether the basis has or has not changed. We would have to
calculate the new optimization case, which might involve pivot operations.

Recall that we could always resort to making all changes and resubmitting the problem for
optimization. Therefore, we can evaluate complex sensitivities not covered by the above
methods, although at the cost of increased computation.

7.5 Bounding objective for large changes in the RHS

We would like to determine the sensitivity of the objective function for "large changes" in the
inequality constraint bounds. This can be done using the method described above, which requires
calculating the results for each corner point as the solution moves from the base case. However,
can we determine some sensitivity information without these calculations? The answer is a
limited "yes", but since the basis might change, we will have to accept sensitivity information that
is not be exact, but provides useful limits.

To understand the concept, we will consider the base case linear programming solution
shown in Figure 7.3a. This figure shows the standard sensitivity result for a change in the limit to
inequality 1 that increases the range of the feasible region - without a basis change. In contrast,
Figure 7.3b shows the same situation, but with a basis change. We can see that the sensitivity of
a change in an active inequality that increases the feasible region must be unchanged or decrease
from the base case sensitivity. By similar argument, the sensitivity of a change in an active
inequality that decreases the feasible region must be unchanged or increase from the base case

For a linear program minimizing the objective, the objective function must always
decrease (or remain unchanged) as the size of the feasible region is increased. Also, the objective
function must increase (or remain unchanged) as the feasible region is decreased. We can use
this principle to develop a useful generalization about the sensitivity analysis of an LP when the
basis changes any number of times.

Profit gradient Profit gradient

Perturbed optimal
corner point

Constraint that
becomes active as
Perturbed optimal
constraint 1 is
corner point
changed by Y
Original optimal
corner point

2 2
Feasible region Feasible region Y
1 1
1 1

Sensitivity for Y change in constraint 1 = |Profit / Y| = base case Sensitivity for Y change in constraint 1 = |Profit / Y| =  basis change<  base case

Figure 7.3a. The sensitivity of the objective to a Figure 7.3a. The sensitivity of the objective to a
RHS change that increases the feasible region RHS change that increases the feasible region
without a basis change. with a basis change.

For a linear program minimizing the objective, the objective function is monotonically
decreasing (increasing) as the right hand side of an inequality constraint is changed in
the direction of increasing (decreasing) size of the feasible region.

We can use this property to determine whether or not an option being investigated is
worth continued evaluation beyond a change in optimal corner point, as described in the

 Increasing the feasible region - When the constraint rhs changes in a direction that increases
the size of the feasible region, the objective function must improve or be unchanged. Also,
the absolute value of the constraint's marginal value has its largest magnitude at the base case.

Objective is minimized Objective is maximized

OBJ base case+rhs  OBJ base case + (marginal value)(rhs) OBJ base case+rhs  OBJ base case + (marginal value)(rhs)

Let's consider an example in which we are maximizing the objective, profit. We can
calculate an estimate of the profit using Pestimate = Profit base case + (marginal value)(rhs).

- If this profit estimate (Pestimate) is less than the acceptable rate of return, we know that the
project is not acceptable. We can reject it, because the marginal value would decrease if a
basis change occurred within rhs. This would lower the profit even further.
- If this profit estimate (Pestimate) is above the acceptable rate of return, we are not sure
whether the profit with rhs is high enough, because the marginal value of the constraint
would decrease (perhaps, to zero) if a basis change occurred. Therefore, this problem has
to be reoptimized with the right-hand side changed.

 Decreasing the feasible region - When the constraint rhs changes in a direction that
decreases the feasible region, the objective function must become worse or be unchanged.
Also, the absolute value of the constraint's marginal value has its smallest magnitude at the
base case.

Objective is minimized Objective is maximized

OBJ base case+rhs  OBJ base case + (marginal value)(rhs) OBJ base case+rhs  OBJ base case + (marginal value)(rhs)

Let's consider an example in which we are maximizing the objective, profit. We can
calculate an estimate of the profit using Pestimate = Profit base case+rhs  Profit base case + (marginal

- If this profit estimate (Pestimate) is less than the acceptable rate of return, we know that the
project is not acceptable. We can reject it, because the magnitude of the marginal value
would increase if a basis change occurred within rhs. This would lower the profit even
further, because rhs is negative. In the extreme, the problem could become infeasible,
giving an infinite marginal value.
- If this profit estimate (Pestimate) is above the acceptable rate of return, we are not sure
whether the profit with rhs is high enough, because the magnitude of the marginal value
of the constraint would increase (perhaps, to infinity) if a basis change occurred.
Therefore, this problem has to be reoptimized with the right-hand side changed.

8.0 Example Model Formulations for LP Problems

When applying optimization, we are challenged to formulate models that have two properties;
sufficient accuracy for meaningful results and sufficient simplicity to be solved within reasonable
computing time. This challenge is especially acute when using linear programming, which is
limited to very simple models. Not surprisingly, engineers and management scientists have
worked for years to formulate models that satisfy both requirements.

No simple recipe exists for linear programming modelling. The engineer must have a
toolkit of modelling approaches and use creativity in applying the approaches to each problem.
In this section, we will learn a few of the most useful and general model formulations for linear
programming. Each approach will be presented with strengths and weaknesses and an example.
This will enable the readers to add each formulation to their modelling toolkits.

How can I represent a complex

plant with linear equations?

Max Profit 1. Purchase feed type A

s.t. Max Rate  Fi 2. Process feed to max.

utilization of machinery
Reality Model Results interpretation


The results must be good, because we

will be implementing them in the
plant. (Or design a plant, or …..

Figure 8.1. Using an LP model to optimize a complex process.

8.1 Straightforward LP Model

The most common LP models represent key balances of conserved properties. While the exact
balances are usually nonlinear, the LP formulation simplifies the relationship, so that only the
most important variable appears. A few examples are given in the following for engineering

Material balance: This is an exact Fin  Fout1  Fout 2  0 (8.1)

equation, mild assumptions are involved,
e.g., no leaking.

Component material balance: This  in Fin   out1Fout1   out 2 Fout 2  0 (8.2)

assumes that the separation (separation
unit) or the yield (conversion unit) does
not change.

“Energy” balance: This expresses the Fin  Fsteam  0 (8.3)

energy consumption as a function of the
feed rate only. It combines and
simplifies several balances.

The balances can be on a wide array of entities, for example, ball bearings, workers in a
plant, hours available for a piece of equipment. The resulting models are rather crude but can be
used to make some important decisions. For example, we will be purchasing feed materials with
different properties and prices and with considerable uncertainty in the actual feed material and
future market demands. We want to make a good decision, certainly selecting a feed that we can
process to make the needed products, but we do not require extreme accuracy because of the
uncertainties. Thus, we might select the straightforward model formulation.

8.2 Base-Delta LP Model

The previous model could be thought of as a linearization that is restricted to one (the most
important) variable. This approach can be extended to additional variables, which is termed base-
delta modelling (Boddington, 1995). The name implies that the model using the most important
variable is the "base" model, and the other linear terms provide smaller corrections for “deltas” in
other variables. We recognize this as a Taylor’s series retaining only the linear terms.

 y   y  (8.4)
y ( x )  y ( x 0 )    x1  x10     x 2  x 20   .....
 x1  x0  x 2  x0

We must recognize that the linearization is about a point (x0), and the accuracy of the
solution depends on how well the approximation applies at the solution point, which is not likely
the base point (x0  x*). To improve the solution accuracy, the deviations in the independent
variables (x-x0) could be limited by lower and upper bounds.

Example 8.1 We will build a straightforward linear programming model for the petroleum
reforming reactor shown in Figure 8.2 using the data in Table 8.1 from Boddington (1995). The
model is based on the base case operation of reactor severity 850 and feed naphthenes of 15%.





Figure 8.2 Naphtha reformer process

Table 8.1 Data on the Reformer Model Yields Dependence on Severity and Naphthenes
Inputs: Base case
Reactor severity 800 850 900 800 850
Feed naphthenes (%) 15 15 15 20 20
Product Outputs:
Reformate (%) 90 86 80 92 88
Gases (%) 9 13 19 7 11
Hydrogen (%) 1 1 1 1 1
Octane (product quality 80 85 90 81 86
in “octane” units)

The following model gives the product flow rates (in kg/min) as a function of only the key
variable, the mass feed flow rate (in kg/min).

Freformate  .86 F feed

Fgas  .13F feed
Fhydrogen  .01F feed

Example 8.2 We will build a base-delta linear programming model for the petroleum reforming
reactor shown in Figure 8.2 using the data in Table 8.1. The model is based on the base case
operation of reactor severity 850 and feed naphthenes of 15% and includes linear effects of
changes severity and naphthenes.

Based on the data in Table 8.1, the coefficient for the severity-reformate yield is

reformate yield/severity = (80-90)/(900-800) = -0.10 %/severity unit

= -0.0010 wgt fraction/severity unit

This delta is applied to the base case feed flow rate, so that the model for the reformate flow rate
in kg/min would be the following.

 
Freformate   0.0010( F feed ) ba sec ase severity

Other delta coefficients are calculated in a similar manner to give the following model for all
component flow rates in the product in mass units (kg/min) and for octane in octane units.

.86 .86  0.001  0.004   Freformate 

.12 F        
  feedba sec ase  .12 F feed  ( F feed ) ba sec ase  0.001  severity  ( F feed ) ba sec ase  0.004 napthenes   Fgas 
.01 .01  0   0   Fhydrogen 
 

86  (0) F feed  (0.1)severity  (0.02)napthenes  octane

8.3 Disjunctive Programming in LP Modelling

Linear models can be accurate in a relatively narrow range of conditions. Base-delta modelling
extends the models slightly by including additional variables; however, the range remains limited.
To achieve a large range, we can prepare separate linear models representing the same sub-
system over a range of conditions and apply the appropriate model depending on the conditions at
the solution. This approach is termed disjunctive programming (Williams, 1999).

The concept of disjunctive programming extends the application of approximate models. We can
apply this concept to include substantial changes in the system, for example changes of phase or
different piping structures. Here, we will restrict the application to moderate changes in
conditions that might not be well represented by base-delta models. Let’s consider the pyrolysis
reactor in Figure 8.3 that can operate over a wide range of flows and temperatures. We could
model this by pretending that several reactors exist, although only one reactor exists in the plant.
The pseudo-reactors are also shown in Figure 8.3. We can model each of the pseudo-reactors as
though it operated a different flows and temperatures; the range of conditions to be investigated is
spanned by the pseudo-reactors. The total feed flow is distributed among the pseudo-reactors,
and the total effluent is the sum of the individual reactor products. The LP optimization allocates
the total feed among the pseudo-reactors, which selects the best temperature(s) for the reactor.

Actual plant has The disjunctive model has “n”

one reactor pseudo-reactors at different

Figure 8.3 Schematic of pyrolysis reactor and a disjunctive representation.

“Straightforward” model Disjunctive model
Reactor operating condition Model at this condition
Fi = i F Reactor 1: T = T1 Fi1 = i1 F1
i = 1, 2, ….., m Reactor j: T = Tj Fij = ij Fj
Reactor n: T = Tn Fin = in Fn
F   Fj feed split

F pi   Fij effluent mix


with i = the “yield” of component “i” at one (nominal) temperature

ij = the “yield” of component “i” at condition “j”; in this case, Tj
F= the total feed flow rate
Fi = total flow rate of component “i” in the effluent
Fj = flow rate of feed to condition “j”
Fij = flow rate of component “i” in the reactor effluent operated at condition “j”
Fp = product flow
Note:   i  1.0   ij  1.0 and all flows in mass units, kg/min
i i

Clearly, a weakness of this approach is the possibility of allocating the total feed to more
than one reactor, because only one actually exists in the plant. The best (and only rigorously
correct) approach is to force the solution to use only one of the disjunctive models; this can be
achieved using integer programming (Williams, 1999). Often, disjunctive models are solved
using only continuous variables, which might result in multiple models being used
simultaneously. This approach is reasonable when (1) the implementation can interpolate
between models with similar operations and (2) the uncertainties in the problem do not justify
further model accuracy.

Example 8.3 We will develop a disjunctive model for the reformer described in Example 8.1 for
the levels of severity. The three yield models at three severities (F800, F850, and F900) are
determined directly from Table 8.1.

 
.90 .86 .80   
.09 .13 .19   F800   Freformate 
   F850    Fgas 
.01 .01 .01    
   F900   Fhydrogen 
1 1 1   F feed 
 

We recognize that this model has more flexibility than the real process, which has only one
reactor and can operate at only one severity. However, the solution often selects one severity by
having only one non-zero severity-flow, which is easily interpreted. Also, if only two contiguous
severity-flows are non-zero, the engineer could interpret this result as requiring a severity
between the two selected, with the value determined by interpolation.

8.4 Separable Programming

All of the formulations in this section are designed to improve the accuracy by correcting for non-
linearities in the standard LP formulation. Separable programming achieves the correction in a
manner that is efficient and easily understood. Let’s begin with a definition: a separable function
can be represented by the sum of individual functions of only one variable each.

y ( x )  y 1 ( x1 )  y 2 ( x 2 )  ..... (8.5)

with xT = [x1 x2 …]

When the model can be separated as shown in equation (8.5), a linear approximation can be built
by using piecewise linear approximations for each of the single-variable functions.

An example of piecewise linearization is the efficiency curve for process equipment. For
the boiler in Figure 8.4, we seek to model the fuel consumption as a function of the steam
production. The fuel consumption depends on other variables, such as the excess oxygen in the
flue gas; however, we will consider only the effect of the dominant variable, steam flow rate.

The efficiency is not constant, so that the relationship between the fuel and steam is non-

Ffuel  Fsteam /  with  = constant and (8.6)

 = efficiency

This efficiency function and the resulting steam-fuel relationship are plotted in Figure 8.4. We
can develop an approximate model using piecewise linearization, which is also shown in the
figure. We can use this to develop multiple, separable models for the fuel flow. The piecewise
linear function can be modelled using the following equations.

F fuel    i ( Fsteam ) i
i 1
Fsteam   ( Fsteam ) i (8.7)
i 1

0  ( Fsteam ) i  ( Fi ) max

This model separates the steam flow into segments and associates an individual slope
between the steam and fuel flows for each segment. This provides the basic model, but another
model is required, because if only equations (8.7) were used, the model could use the upper line
segment (high steam flow) first! Therefore, the model should enforce the order of line segments,
as represented in the following.

For any (Fsteam)i  0 and (Fsteam)i  (Fsteam)imax , the following must be true
(Fsteam)j = (Fsteam)jmax for j < i and (Fsteam)k = 0 for k > i

Efficiency, 




Figure 8.4 Separable programming and piecewise linearization of the boiler efficiency

Fortunately, equation (8.8) is not needed for an important special case in which the
objective function forces the correct selection of variables. As apparent in Figure 8.4, the most
efficient segment is the lowest; therefore, the objective of minimizing fuel (or cost) will force the
correct selection in this case. Again, integer variables would in general be required.

8.5 Linear Transformations in LP Modeling

When developing linearized models, we should always seek linearizing transformations. An

important example is blending, which is used in many industries, such as petroleum processing,
cement manufacturing, and food processing. Often, properties do not blend linearly.

FB x B   Fi x i (8.9)

with the subscript “i” indicating the pure component and “B” indicating the blended material. In
some cases, we can develop correlations between pure properties and their contributions to the
blended properties.

FB x B   Fi y i with y i ( x i ) (8.10)

The transformed variable y is often referred to as the “blending index”. It relates the unblended
component property to its contribution in the blended material.

8.6 Goal Programming in LP Modelling

We stated in Section 4.2 that an LP always has more variables than equations. This is true for
well-posed problems, but it does not occur naturally by formulating fundamental balances. For
example, consider the following blending problem, in which two streams are mixed to minimize

cost while satisfying four specifications, one total flow FB, and three compositions; wB, xB, and

min z  ( F1  F2 )
F1 ,F2

FB w B  F1 w 1  F2 w 2 (8.11)
Conventional linear FB x B  F1 x1  F2 x 2
program with hard
constraints FB y B  F1 y 1  F2 y 2
FB  F1  F2
F1  0
F2  F2 min

with F1 and F2 the only independent variables. We immediately recognize that we cannot satisfy
four equalities with only two variables, because we have a problem with fewer variables that
equations. The original formulation has no solution; what do we do?

However, we can still use linear programming to find a “good” solution. We define a
good solution as one that is either satisfies all constraints, if possible, or is “close” to satisfying all
constraints. We can use several definitions of close; here, we will use a definition that conforms
to the linear programming assumptions. We add non-negative slack variables to every constraint
that we allow to be violated. The new formulation is given in the following, with all expressions
allowed violation except the total flow and non-negative flows.

min z  ( F1  F2 )    i x si
F1 , F2

Modified linear FB wB  F1 w1  F2 w2  x s1  x s 2 (8.12)

program formulation FB x B  F1 x1  F2 x 2  xs3  xs 4
with selected soft
constraints using goal FB y B  F1 y1  F2 y 2  xs5  xs 6
programming FB  F1  F2
F1  0 , F2  0 x si  0
F2  F2 min  x s 7

We see that we need to add one slack variable to an inequality and two slack variables
with different signs to an equality constraint, because it could be infeasible in either “direction”.
The slack variables must also appear in the objective function with penalties that are large enough
so that all slacks will be zero at the solution if a feasible solution is possible. We have included
weighting factors, i, for every slack variable in the objective function appearing in equation
(8.12). This is done for two reasons. First, each slack has different units, so that weighting is
required to place similar values on the violations. Second, we can place difference importance on
violations of different constraints through a selection of the weightings. This “tuning” is usually
necessary because of different effects of violations on economics, product quality and safety.
Finally, we note that the solutions to equations (8.11) and (8.12) should be the same when a
feasible solution is possible; this can be achieved by selecting large enough values for all

Goal programming is used widely in mathematical programming. The standard LP
formulation, without goal programming, involves hard constraints; formulations with goal
programming involve soft constraints.

Hard Constraints: These are equalities and inequalities that must be strictly observed. Any
violation is considered infeasible.
Soft constraints: These are equalities and inequalities that can be violated. The extent of
violation is penalized in the objective function, which tends to reduce the violation, to zero if

We note the following considerations when applying goal programming.

 A single model can include both hard and soft constraints.
 The correct penalty function values depend on the user’s priorities. Some case studies may
be required to determine the correct penalties, i.
 The user should always check the values of the slack variables during results interpretation.
If one or more is non-zero at the optimum, the user should investigate why and see if the
tradeoffs by the LP are appropriate for the current situation.
 The objective function includes the penalties for the infeasibilities, so that it is not easily
interpreted when a slack is non-zero. When the objective function value is important, e.g.,
profit, the value without the penalties should be calculated separately and reported to the user.
 We should never soften a fundamental balance, such as material or energy balances. These
must always be strictly observed.
 Softening some constraints helps in debugging models. An infeasible solution for a problem
with hard constraints is often difficult to analyze, while a solution with some violations due to
goal programming can be more easily interpreted.
 Goal programming should be used when a feasible solution must always be obtained. This is
the situation when linear programming is used is used in a closed-loop, real-time application.
The goal programming formulation will prevent a disturbance from stopping the LP from
finding the “best” solution, even if disturbances occur in the system being controlled that
cause infeasibilities in the dependent variables.

8.7 Flow-property blending relations in LP Modelling

Process plants often involve some type of mixing. On first encountering these models, most
engineers conclude that the mixing model must be non-linear. However, we will introduce a
linear model that can be formulated when certain restrictions are valid. When mixing multiple
streams to achieve multiple blended material compositions, we formulate the overall material
balance and balances on the properties. The resulting blended composition is usually written in
the following form.

 Fj x ij
x Bi 
j (8.13)
 Fj

with i= the ith property

j= the jth flow
F= the flow rates which are variables
xij = the component properties, which are constants
xB = the blended property, which is a variable

Equation (8.13) is non-linear and could not be used in a linear program. However, the
relationship could be replaced by the following two linear inequalities.

  (8.14)
  Fj x B max   Fj x ij
 j  j

  (8.15)
  Fj x B min   Fj x ij
 j  j

We have replaced the variable xB with its maximum and minimum values in the
inequalities, thus making the expressions linear. Using the two inequalities provides the blending
relationships that are required. Naturally, if the maximum and minimum bounds are equal, the
two expressions enforce the desired blended product property.

We must recognize an important limitation of this LP formulation. The component

properties must be known constants. If the mixing model is part of a larger LP model that is used
in optimizing the entire plant, the component properties are likely to be variables, because they
depend on upstream operations and flows into and output of the component tanks. This situation
is called the pooling problem, because the both the flow rates and properties to a component
inventory (“pool”) are variables. The pooling problem is inherently non-linear, and we must
employ a non-linear optimization method (Reklaitis, et. al., 1983).

8.8 Absolute value

Often, the optimization goal is to achieve performance close to a specification. We can use the
absolute value of variables from their desired values as a measure of approach to the best
performance. However, the absolute value is a non-linear function and cannot be used in a linear
program. We can model the system using penalty variables that are non-zero in proportion to the
absolute value of the deviation. These penalty variables are given a large positive cost to prevent
them from having non-zero values unless needed.

In a chemical reactor operations example, we want to achieve a desired product flow rate,
if possible. We could use the absolute value from the desired value as the objective to be

x , xs

Fi   i F
Fi  Fdesired  x s1  x s 2
F 0 , x sj  0

8.9 Mini-Max Problem

When we consider multiple outcomes of an optimization problem, we have flexibility in

formulating the objective function. Two common examples are given for a minimization problem
in the following.

 Min-Min – In this case we desire the best outcome to be as low as possible.

 Min-Max – In this case, we want the worst outcome (maximum of the possible
outcomes) to be minimized.

We will consider the min-max problem in this subsection, and we recognize the max-min
problem is equivalent, because we can covert between the two by multiplying the objective by (-
1). This min-max strategy is often used when dealing with uncertainty. For example, we might
require that a plant be able to manufacture a minimum amount of product for a range of possible
feed material properties.

The approach provides a model for every possible outcome being considered. This
provides a calculation for the performance for every outcome. We require the decision
(optimization) variables to have the same value for every outcome, because we do not know in
advance which outcome will occur. Then, we “select” the maximum as the objective function.
Since a selection would be non-linear, a special formulation using inequality constraints, given in
the following, is used to have the same effect.

min z

s .t .
z  f1 (1 , x )
z  f 2 ( 2 , x ) (8.17)
z  f k ( k , x )

with fi = a set of linear equations and inequalities with the parameters i yielding an
objective function fi. This is the "entire problem" for one set of parameters, i.
i = The parameters associated with outcome i
x= The optimization variables, which are used in every model i. Note that the same
values are used for every outcome i, so that we find the values of x that satisfy all
constraints for all parameters in the samples i.

8.10 Minimum-Proportional variable

Often, a variable is proportional to a decision variable, such as the production of one product is
proportional to feed material. Other variables are proportional over a range of the decision
variable, but the variable must never decrease below a minimum limit. An example is shown in
Figure 8.5, which shows a compressor. Normally, the flow through a compressor is proportional
to the feed flow to the compressor. However, the flow through the compressor must never be
below a minimum or unstable flow will damage the machine. This is called the surge limit. To
protect the machine, a recycle is provided and a flow controller achieves the minimum flow by
recycling when required.

We can model this system by including an inequality ensuring that the flow through the
compressor is greater than or equal to the minimum. We relate the feed flow to the flow through
the compressor using a slack variable to represent the recycle flow rate. The cost of compression
ensures that the recycle flow rate is zero unless required to maintain feasibility. A summary of
the model is given in the following equations.






Figure 8.5. Compressor with recycle.

min z  Profit  (other terms )  W (cenergy )


s .t .
Fcomp  FFeed  FRecycle
Fcomp  Fsurge
W   Fcomp
Fi  0

8.11 General modelling guidelines

A few additional guidelines are presented in this section because they apply to all model

 Bound variables - Linear programming models have acceptable accuracy over a limited
range of variables. The people who initially build the model usually have the greatest insight
into the appropriate range. Therefore, they should bound variables to constraint the results to
a meaningful range.

 Constraint redundancy - For some problems, a subset of the constraints can be removed
without affecting the feasible region of the objective. These constraints are redundant and
should be removed. A few examples are presented here.

- All component material balances and the total material balance for the same stream are
included in the model. One of these equations is redundant and should be removed.
- Some limitation (sales, equipment capacity, etc.) will never affect the solution.

However, constraints should not be removed if their activity depends on user-input

parameters, and these parameters could change. For example, an equipment capacity could
change due to lower efficiency; therefore, the constraint must be retained in the model.

 Variable elimination/retention - When solving a set of linear equations, we can analytically

eliminate some variables without changing the solution. However, the person formulating the
model is cautioned that this approach is not generally appropriate for a linear programming
model. The key difference is the bounds on variables; if a variable is removed, it cannot be
bounded. A variable can only be eliminated analytically from the model if it is never

 Use of equalities to replace inequalities - Often, modelers try to "guide" the linear
programming by forcing some inequalities to be active, by changing these to equalities. For
example, we might think that the optimum occurs when the production rate is equal to 500
m3/h, which is the maximum for this variable. It is a poor practice to replace FProduction  500
with FProduction = 500. While this inequality constraint might be active for many scenarios, it
could be inactive for other situations.

9.0 Presenting Optimization Results

Typically, the analyst who performs the detailed technical work in formulating, solving, and
checking the optimization results is not the (sole) person who decides on actions. Therefore, the
technical specialist must report the results to others who are competent in their tasks but are not
expert in optimization. For these people, a "solution" consisting solely of numerical values for
the optimization variables is not adequate; even the complete computer output is inappropriate for
people who do not have in-depth knowledge of the model and linear programming methods.
Guidance for reporting optimization results is provided in this section.

9.1 Explaining the formulation

Linear programming, even with the clever formulations described in Section 8, usually involves
significant model simplification, i.e., the predictions of all dependent variables (flows,
temperatures, compositions, and so forth) can deviate significantly from predictions using non-
linear models and from real system behavior. However, the results of the linear programming
study can be essentially correct when the modelling errors do not significantly influence the key
optimization variables.

The report should convey the structure of the linear programming model and the
simplifications made to achieve this linear programming model. Depending on the reader's
understanding of the technology, terms such as "base-delta" and "disjunctive models" could be

 Fundamental Balances - The fundamental aspects of the model should be described. Recall
that while material balance is fundamental, some approximation is made in the selection of
components modelled. Be sure to explain such assumptions and simplifications.
 Constitutive Models - These are models whose structures are based on basic physics and
chemistry, but they are not exact and have parameters with a limited range of applicability.
 Correlation models - The simple model structures in linear programming result in many
correlation models that are developed from empirical data or from a more detailed model.

However, a description of the model structure is not adequate; an explanation is required

of the quantitative difference between the linear programming model and the expected real
behavior, which can be achieved using one of the following methods.

 Error bounds - Define maximum errors of predictions in key variables, e.g., the modelled
yield of product is within 3% of the actual reactor behavior. These bounds cannot be used
directly to evaluate the optimization results, but the information can be used in the results
analysis, as discussed in the next section.
 Variable bounds - Define a range of optimization variables over which the optimization will
(likely) be reliable.
 Goal penalties - If goal programming is used to achieve a specific objective this should be
stated along with an indication of how strong the goal penalties are. For example, are the
penalties high enough to prevent all occurrences (for example, of mathematical infeasibility)
or can the some deviation from the goal occur and still remain feasible?
 Limits of solution - Most problems have a range over which the results are "acceptable".
Beyond this range of parameters, the solution becomes unacceptable, with the meaning of
unacceptable depending on the specific problem. Often, the acceptability depends upon key
factors such as safety, product quality, or profit. The boundaries of acceptable performance
should be defined and the method for enforcing the limits indicated.

Its is important to recognize that an assurance that the correct optimization result has been
obtained in a complex task and cannot generally be evaluated unless the specific problem is
presented and solved. Therefore, the description of the effects of model error in the bullet items
above will be approximate.

9.2 Explaining sensitivity analysis

The typical audience for sensitivity analysis is not interested in technical issues, such as when the
basis (corner point) changes or the meaning of degeneracy. However, the audience is aware of
the uncertainty of the model and needs to understand the impact of the uncertainty - in no
uncertain terms. Therefore, the author of the study has the responsibility of reporting the results
using commonly understood terms and in a manner that explains the effects on the key decisions.

There is no simple recipe for deciding what is "important". However, the engineers
performing a study will certainly understand the problem; model, key decisions, and parameter
uncertainties. Certainly, the typical output from a computer program is inadequate for
presentation to a person who does not know the model formulation extremely well. These results
should be placed into context of the problem. The following issues should be addressed in the

 Units - Be sure to include units for all sensitivities. The units are (objective)/(parameter).
Thus, a "small" sensitivity value in the computer report could really be very large if the units
of the objective function are 106 kg of production.

 Parameter Perturbations - The types of perturbations must be clearly stated. For example,
many of the analysis results are for "one at a time" changes to a parameter. If these are
presented without clear guidance, the reader will likely assume that the results from multiple
parameter changes can be determined as a linear combination of the changes for each
parameter. This is not generally correct and could lead to serious errors.

The results analysis might consider a change of several parameters because the parameters
are correlated in the real problem. For example, the yields of many reactor components could
change is a related manner due to a feed composition impurity. Again, this should be
explained clearly.

 Parameter range - The parameter ranges for every sensitivity should be reported. This
should be clearly documented, such as in a table with the sensitivity results.

 Alternative solutions - If the system has alternative solutions (or solutions with very close
objective values) this situation should be reported. In addition, the reason for selecting the
recommended solution should be clearly explained.

 Degeneracies - Constraint degeneracies should be carefully explained to avoid an

inappropriate decision. For example, investing in capital equipment to expand the bound of a
redundant active inequality constraint might not increase the feasible region or improve the
objective function. Therefore, an explanation could be provided for lowest cost method for
achieving a specific increase in performance, e.g., profit or production rate. Because of the
degeneracy, several constraints might have to be changed concurrently.

 Active set and implementation strategy - The active set of constraints should be reported
and its relevance to the problem explained. Often, we want to achieve this active set in
practice, but implementing the values from the linear programming solution will not result in
exactly the corner point calculated because of model errors. The implementation can result in
violations or in values in the interior of the feasible region. The report should indicate the
appropriate strategy for implementing the results, i.e., for adjusting the true system and
achieve a "nearly optimal" result. For small adjustments that do not involve a basis change,
the basis inverse provides information on how to adjust the optimization (basic) variables in
response to changes in the constraint values.

 Problem specific - Every problem has its own typical sensitivity questions. Often, these give
guidance on how the performance can be improved. One question might be, "How large a
decrease in the price of feed material A is required to make its selection attractive?" The
reader can decide whether this value could be achieved through aggressive negotiations. A
second example is, "How much would it be worth to raise the reactor temperature by 2 C?"
If the potential improvement is substantial, the reader could reevaluate the limit based on long
term coke deposition on the catalyst.

 Infeasibility and unboundness - The failure to find a basic feasible solution is always
reported by linear programming software, but it is not always prominently displayed. As a
result, the user could apply the reported variable values without recognizing the solution

failure. Thus, reports developed automatically from the computer (without personal
intervention and evaluation) should display ""Optimal Solution Found" or an error message
in a manner that will be seen by every user.

9.3 Results analysis presentation

The calculations for many of these standard questions should be part of the optimization analysis.
Some of the questions might occur only in special circumstances, such as when prices are very
volatile or when plant equipment behavior changes in an atypical manner. Naturally, these
special questions must be answered as they occur.

Tabular presentation of sensitivity results provides high accuracy (several significant

figures) and can accommodate a large number of parameters. Naturally, the ranges for each
sensitivity must be included in the report. These will enable the reader to perform sensitivity
analysis not defined when the report is written. On the other hand, these values do not "speak for
themselves" and do not replace the thoughtful engineering analysis discussed in sub-section 9.2.

An especially clear presentation of sensitivity results plots the effect of a single parameter
on the profit and key variables. An example of this plot is given for the blending process in
Figure 9.1. The sensitivity plot is given in Figure 9.2, with explanatory comments in Table 9.1.
The plot can extend through many changes in corner point (basis), which requires several
optimization runs when generating the data for the plot.

For a linear program, the profit and variables are piece-wise linear, with the change in
corner point clearly identified when the slope changes. Each change in corner point should be
explained in "engineering terms". Some observations from this example include

 Low ranges of the production rate are not feasible. This is due to the minimum flow rate of
butane, which has a high vapor pressure.
 Variables can become non-basic (reach their maximum or minimum) and return to the basis
as the production rate changes.
 The profit decreases from its maximum when the production rate is increased beyond point 5.

We conclude that this display is extremely easy to understand, and it facilitates the use of
optimization results by non-specialists who cannot screen many pages of numerical optimization
results in tabular form.


flow value Octane RVP Vol Flow max Flow min Cost
(Oct. no.) (psi) (%) (Bl/day) (Bl/day) ($/BL)

Reformate 5424.5319 91.8 4 17 6000 0 33

LSR-Naptha 792.95813 64.5 12 85 850 0 27
n-Butane 282.50996 92.5 138 115 350 250 12
FCC Gasoline 0 78 6 22 3000 0 32
Alkylate 0 96.5 7 30 3000 0 38.5


LSR Naphtha

N-Butane Final Blend




Flow setpoints


flow Oct. min Oct Max RVP min RVP max Vol min Vol max Flow max Flow min value
(Bl/day) (Oct. no.) (psi) (%) (Bl/day) ($/Bl)
Regular product 6500 88.5 100 4.5 10.8 0 30 6500 6500 33.5

Figure 9.1 Gasoline Blending problem with base case results

Reformate LSR Naphtha Butane FCC Naphtha Alkylate

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Component Flows (Bl/day)






4500 6500 8500
Product Flow Rate (Bl/day)

Figure 9.2 Sensitivity plot for a gasoline blending problem.

Table 9.1 Explanation of the corner points designated by circled numbers in Figure 9.2.
Corner point Profit Comments
(basis) ($/day)
1 7710 The Butane, LSR, FCC naphtha and Alkylate are at their minimum
flow rates; only Reformate can be adjusted. Any reduction beyond
this point results in infeasibility due to high RVP.
2 12325 Butane flow is reduced to its minimum of 250. The minimum
octane bound cannot be achieved, but the qualities remain feasible.
Base Case: 3 13940 Optimum operation and profit for the base case problem defined in
Figure 9.1.
4 14924 The LSR flow rate reaches its maximum.
5 15394 Reformate flow reaches its maximum, and FCC gasoline is
increased. LSR is reduced.
6 15061 Butane flow reaches its maximum. Alkylate is introduced as a
blending component.
7 13901 LSR again reaches its maximum. RVP constraint no longer active.

10. References

Boddington, C.E. (1995) Planning, Scheduling, and Control Integration in the Process
Industries, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Bradley, S., A. Hax, and T. Magnanti, Applied Mathematical Programming, Addison-Wesley,

Reading, Massachusetts, 1977.

Chapra, S. and R. Canale (1998) Numerical Methods for Engineers, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill,
New York.

Edgar, T., D. Himmelblau, and L. Lasdon, (2001) Optimization of Chemical Processes, 2nd
Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Gary, J. and G. Handwerk (1984) Petroleum Refining, Technology and Economics, 2nd Edition,
Marcel Dekker, New York.

Geffrion, A. (1976) The Purpose of Mathematical Programming is Insight, Not Numbers,

Interfaces, 7 (1), 81-92.

Geffrion, A. and Van Roy, T. (1979) Caution: Common Sense Planning Methods can be
Hazardous to Your Corporate Health, Sloan Management Review, 31-42, Summer, 1979.

Grossmann, I., (1991) Chemical Engineering Optimization Models with GAMS, CACHE Design
Case Studies Series, No. 6, October 1991.

Hillier, F. and G. Lieberman, (2001) Introduction to Operations Research, 7th Edition, McGraw-
Hill, New York.

Koltai, T. and T. Terlaky, The Difference Between the Managerial and Mathematical
Interpretation of Sensitivity Analysis Results in Linear Programming, Int. J. Production
Economics, 65, 257-274, 2000.

Rao, S. (1996) Engineering Optimization, Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition, Wiley-Interscience,
New York.

Reklaitis, G.V., A. Ravindran, and K.M. Ragsdell, (1983) Engineering Optimization: Methods
and Applications, Wiley, New York.

Rubin, D. and H. Wagner (1990) Shadow Prices: Tips and Traps for Managers and Instructors,
Interfaces, 20, Juy-August, 1990, pp. 150-157.

Rugarcia, A., R. Felder, D. Woods, and J. Stice, (2000) The Future of Engineering Education:
Part 1, Chemical Engineering Education, 34, 16-25.

Sen, S. and Hingle, J., (1999) An Introductory Tutorial on Stochastic Linear Programming
Models, Interfaces, 29, 2, 33-61

Shamir, R., The Efficiency of the Simplex Method: A Survey, Man Sci, 33, 3, 301-333 (1987).

Shu, W.R., L.L. Ross, and K. H. Pang (1979) Naphtha Pyrolysis Model Proves Out over Wide
Range of Feedstocks, Oil & Gas Journal, Sept 3, pp. 72-79.

Williams, H.P. (1999) Model Building in Mathematical Programming, 4th Edition, Wiley,
Chichester, UK.

Winston, W., (1994) Operations Research, Applications and Algorithms, 3rd Edition, Duxbury
Press, Belmont, California.

11.0 Study Questions

The following questions are provided to help you review and study linear programming concepts.

Section 1.0 The Importance of Linear Programming

1.1 Discuss when heuristic solution methods are appropriate. Hint: after thinking about this
question, read the article by Geffrion and Van Roy (1979).

1.2 Review recent volumes of technical journals such as Informs, Int. Journal of Production
Engineering, Management Science, and Interfaces. Find an article describing an application
of linear programming and write a summary. You should discuss the model and its
accuracy, the advantages over heuristic approaches, and the benefits described in the article.

Section 2.0 Key Modelling Assumptions and Limitations

2.1 Answer the questions posed in Figure

(a) (b)

Contribution from variable x1 Contribution from variable x1

Contribution from variable x1 Contribution from variable x1

2.2 Give examples of situations in which

additivity is not valid.

2.3 Formulate models containing functions Variable x1 Variable x1

that do and do not satisfy linearity. (c) (d)

2.4 Discuss engineering problems that

involve discrete variables. For each,
decide whether we can justifiably assume
that variables are continuous, and round Variable x1 Variable x1

off the final answer to the nearest integer.

Figure Q2.1. Which of the functions above satisfy

the linearity criteria?

2.5 Discuss examples of models that have (a) no uncertainty, (b) negligible uncertainty, and (c)
substantial uncertainty.

2.6 Does the sensitivity to parameter errors depend on the problem? Consider these two sets of
linear equations.

1 2   x1  5 1 1.999  x1  4.9955

Problem I:  3    x    6 Problem II: 2 
   x1  10.000
  1    

Solve both equations for a (a) base case with  = 4.00 and (b) perturbed case with  = 4.01. In
which case do the values of the variables x change more? Discuss your results.

Section 3.0 Linear Programming Properties and Advantages

3.1 Discuss some examples of inequality constraints in engineering and business models. Give
the variables used to model each and explain why it is a greater than or less than inequality.

3.2 In Figure 3.2, identify the following.

a. Feasible points,
b. infeasible points,
c. feasible corner points,
d. infeasible corner point,
e. active inequality at the optimum, and
f. inactive inequality at the optimum.

3.3 Sketch feasible regions that are convex and others that are convex.

3.4 Can a linear program have the same solution for minimizing and maximizing the same
objective function? Explain your answer.

3.5 Can a convex region have a "hole" that is entirely enclosed within the region?

4.0 Principles of Solving a Linear Programming Problem

4.1 Does every set of linear equations have a solution? Does every set have a non-trivial

4.2 Solve the following set of linear equations. To reduce hand calculations, the recommended
approach is to use "The Equator" at .

0.50 x1  0.25 x 2  0.0 x 3  4

1.0 x1  3.0 x 2  1.0 x 3  20
1.0 x1  1.0 x 2  0.0 x 3  10

This equation set occurs when a specific basis is selected for Example 5.1.

4.3 Define the following terms; point, feasible (infeasible) point, line segment, convex set, and
corner point.

4.4 What is a basis? Is any square sub-matrix A’ in Ax = b a basis?

4.5 What are elementary row operations? How do they affect the solution to a set of linear

4.6 Answer the following short questions

a. Summarize the important elements of the LP problem formulation.
b. What is the LP standard form? Why is this the starting point for the solution method?
c. What is canonical form? Why is this an important step?
d. Where is the solution to an LP problem located?
e. What was the purpose of slack variables?

4.7 Answer these questions regarding linear sets of equations.
a. Discuss why a set of equations might not be linearly independent.
b. How can we test whether equations are independent?
c. What is the rank of a matrix?
d. Could we inadvertently formulate a set of equations for a real system that were not

4.8 Describe ill-conditioning of a set of linear equations. Sketch a set of two equations that are
(a) well conditioned and (b) ill-conditioned.

4.9 What is the value of a slack variable when the left and right hand sides are equal? What is
the coefficient for a slack variables when added to a “greater than” inequality and to a “less
than” inequality?

4.10 Computers are very fast. If each evaluation required one second, how long would it take to
determine the optimum by the exhaustive search method described in the paragraph above
for the problem with m=10 and n=20. Recall that this is a very small LP problem, some
commercial problems have 100,000 variables or more.

5.0 The Linear Programming Simplex Algorithm

5.1. Locate all basic solutions, basic feasible solutions and optimum solutions for the graphical
system in Figure 4.2.

5.2 Which of the following are true for the pivoting operations?
a. A non-basic variable enters the basis.
b. A basic variable enters the basis.
c. The basis changes from square to non-square.
d. After pivoting, all basic variables have values greater than 0.0.

5.3 The LP solution must never contain a non-zero slack variable (T/F).

5.4 What was the purpose of artificial variables?

5.5 Which of the following can be a basic variable in the solution; problem, slack, and artificial

5.6 By referring to a text or reference book, learn the “two-phase” simplex method. Compare
Phase I of this method with the “Big-M” method for finding an initial basic solution.

5.7 The simplex algorithm uses local information about adjacent corner points, yet it finds a
global optimum. Discuss why this powerful result is achieved, i.e., what about the problem
formulation enables this?

5.8 The solution to an LP gives

a. A unique value for the local optimum objective value
b. A unique value for the global optimum objective value
c. Unique values for the problem variables at the global optimum.

5.9 Draw Example 5.1 graphically and confirm the tableau solution by graphical analysis.

5.10 You want to explain linear programming to a high school class. Design a physical system
that behaves like a linear program and demonstrates the principles visually. Could you
build it with cardboard and tape?

5,11 Formulate and solve the problem in Example 1.2 as a linear program. To reduce hand
calculations, the recommended approach is to use the interactive tableau available "The
Simplex Place" at, the IFORS site. (Hand
calculations for the Tableau method are tedious and do not enhance your understanding.)

6.0 Extensions and Special Cases

6.1 How can you detect each of the following; no feasible region, unbounded solution, and
multiple optimal solutions, constraint redundancy at the solution, and constraint degeneracy
at the solution?

6.2 For the system in Figure 6.4, determine whether

a. the optimum would change if constraint 1 were removed from the problem.
b. the optimum would change if constraint 2 were removed from the problem.
c. the optimum would change if constraint 3 were removed from the problem.

6.3 Discuss the sensitivity for a change in the rhs of constraint 1 in Figure 6.4 for (a) a small
increase and (b) a small decrease.

6.4 Formulate and solve the problem in Example 1.2 as a linear program. To reduce hand
calculations, the recommended approach is to EXCEL or GAMS. Analyse the solution
completely for all possible "weird events".

6.5 Explain the procedure that you would use to restart a linear programming solution after you
have changed the values of selected parameters. You will describe how you would use the
last tableau in the original solution as your starting point to reduce computations.

6.6 Discuss whether you think that constraint redundancy is likely to occur in manufacturing

7.0 Sensitivity and Range Analysis of LP Solutions

7.2 Perform a graphical sensitivity and range analysis for a different constraint in the system in
Figure 7.1.

7.3. Add an inactive inequality constraint to Figure 7.1. Show how much change in its rhs can
occur without a change to the optimum.

7.4. The analysis above shows that the reduced cost must change to zero for the basis to change.
Prove that this equivalent to the original cost changing by exactly the same amount.

8.0 Example Model Formulations for LP Problems

8.1 An example application of this formulation is the plant-planning problem from Reklaitis et
al. (1983). We are presented with a problem of selecting the quantities of feeds to purchase
to maximize profit in a petroleum refinery. A sketch of the system is given in Figure Q8.1,
and the data are presented in Table Q8.1.

Separation &
Crudes conversion units Products


2 Fuel
processing Heating Oil
3 Jet Fuel

4 processing Lube Oil

Figure Q8.1 Schematic of a petroleum processing refinery in Question 8.1.

Table Q8.1 Data for Question 8.1 (Bl=barrel)

Product & Crude Product yields (Bl product/Bl crude) Product Max.
Names Fuel Processes Lube Values sales
1 2 3 4 4 ($/Bl) (kBl)
Gasoline 0.60 0.50 0.30 0.40 0.40 45.00 170
Heating Oil 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.10 30.00 85
Jet fuel 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.20 15.00 85
Lube oil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.20 60.00 20
Operating losses 0.1 0.10 0.1 0.10 0.10 --- ---
Crude cost ($/Bl) 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 25.00
Operating cost 5.00 8.50 7.50 3.00 2.50
Maximum 100 100 100 200
availability (kBl)
Operating losses are for the crude and by-products used as fuel in the plant.
Operating cost includes variable costs for fuel, catalysts, etc.

8.2 Formulate the model equations for an LP solution of Question 8.1; your answer should be of
the form of equation (4.3). Explain the basis for the model, specifically what is the basis for
the balances used?

8.3 Discuss the approximations in the model in Question 8.1.

8.4 Solve the LP problem that you have formulated in Question 8.1. Discuss the solution for
a. Does a feasible solution exist?
b. Is the optimum unique? Is it local or global?

c. How many inequality constraints are active at the optimum including variable upper and
lower bounds)?

Answer the following additional questions.

d. If the price of Crude 2 increases to $15.55, does the active set (corner point) at the
optimum change?
e. What is the affect on the active set and optimum of reducing the maximum sales demand
of the jet fuel from 85 to 75 kBL?
f. We have found that we have only 75 kBl of Crude 1 available. What is the effect on the
g. We find that we can sell 179 kBl of gasoline. If we optimize with this new value for the
rhs: (i) will the basis change, (ii) will the objective function change, and (iii) will the
optima values of the component flows change?
h. One of our competitor’s plants has shutdown. As a result, we can sell up to 100 kBl of
jet fuel. If we optimize with this new value for the rhs: (i) will the basis change, (ii) will
the objective function change, and (iii) will the optima values of the component flows

8.5 Answer the following questions about the system in Question 8.1.
a. We are not sure if we are making a profit by producing lube oil. Do you recommend that
we continue operating this part of the plant?
b. By minor changes in the operating conditions in the plant, we can change the yields for
crude 3 to be [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.10], with -.050    +0.050. (Naturally, the
yields must sum to 1.0, so that the changes in heating and jet must be equal in magnitude
and opposite in sign.) What is the best value of , and what is the potential economic
benefit for modifying the operating conditions?

8.6 The problem in Question 8.1 did not consider the time-value of money. Discuss this validity
of this assumption.

Yield Profiles



30.0 C2H4
25.0 C4H8's
Yield (wt % on feed)





0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
Cracking Severity Index

Figure Q8.7 Yields from the pyrolysis of n-heptane. The difference between the sum of the
yields and 1.0 is equal to the unconverted n-heptane

8.7 The yields of products from the pyrolysis of n-heptane in a tubular reactor are given by the
data in Figure Q8.7 (from data in Shu et al, 1979). (Severity is related to conversion.).
Develop a “straightforward” model that predicts the product flow rates of all components
from the reactor. The key variable is n-heptane feed flow rate. The nominal severity is

8.8 Enhance the model developed in Question 8.7 by adding a delta due to changes in severity.
Recommend the allowable range of the  sizes of the delta in severity, which do not have to
be symmetric.

8.9 Repeat the tasks in Questions 8.7 and 8.8 about the nominal severity of 1.0, and discuss your

8.10 The heptane pyrolysis reactor in Question 8.7 is to be optimized over a large range of
operating conditions. Develop a disjunctive model for the product component flow rates for
severities from 0.40 to 2.40.

8.11 Could a base-delta model give a reasonable representation of the component flows for the
entire range considered in Question 8.10?

8.12 Boiler efficiency can be modelled according to the following equation.

  0.9127  6.6  10 5 L  7.1  10 7 L2

with = efficiency as a fraction

L= Steam “load” (production) in kton/h (range of 0 to 300)

Develop a piecewise linear function that could be used to optimize the boiler operation to
minimize fuel consumption.

8.13 Sketch a boiler efficiency curve that would require discrete variables to ensure that the
variable selection in equation (8.8) would be enforced.

8.14 A model contains the equation {y = ax1 + bx2 + x1x2}. Develop a separable representation
for this equation.

8.15 By referring to tables in Gary and Handwerk (1984), determine the octane and Reid vapor
pressure (RVP) blending indices for the following components.
 Light straight run naphtha
 Reformed naphtha
 n-butane
 i-butane

8.17 A gasoline blending problem is defined in Figure Q8.17. All properties, prices, and
constraints are given. (Note that the initial flow values are very small, which are not near
the solution. Also, these flows give infeasible product properties.)
a. Formulate the blending problem as a linear program.
b. Program the problem in Excel or GAMS and solve the base case.

1. Does a feasible solution exist?
2. How many constraints are active at the optimum?
3. Do multiple optima exist?
c. Answer the following sensitivity questions.
1. What is the value of the slack variable on the maximum octane
constraint? What are its units? How far is octane from its maximum
2. We can purchase alkylate from another company at 34 $/Bl. Would we
use alkylate at this price in the blend? (Note that it is more costly that
the gasoline that we are selling.)

3. We have a customer who will purchase all of the n-butane that we are
using in the blend at 20.6 $/Bl. Should we sell or use it in the blend?
4. We have fixed the production rate at 7000 Bl. Is this optimum; if not,
should we increase or decrease the blended product quantity to increase
profit, assuming that we could sell any amount. What is the effect on
profit, and over what range is this effect valid.
5. To reduce the vaporization of hazardous materials, the government wants
us to lower the vapor pressure (RVP) of the product. What would be the
cost of lowering the maximum RVP to 9?
6. Formulate and solve a meaningful sensitivity problem.


flow value Octane RVP Vol Flow max Flow min Cost
(Oct. no.) (psi) (%) (Bl/day) (Bl/day) ($/BL)

Reformate 5841.8036 91.8 4 17 12000 0 34

LSR-Naptha 853.95491 64.5 12 85 6500 0 26
n-Butane 304.2415 92.5 138 115 3000 0 10.3
FCC Gasoline 4.551E-12 78 6 22 4500 0 31.8
Alkylate -8.666E-25 96.5 7 30 7000 0 37


LSR Naphtha

N-Butane Final Blend




Flow setpoints


flow Oct. min Oct Max RVP min RVP max Vol min Vol max Flow max Flow min value
(Bl/day) (Oct. no.) (psi) (%) (Bl/day) ($/Bl)
Regular product 7000 88.5 100 4.5 10.8 0 48 7000 7000 33

Figure Q8.17 Gasoline blending problem in Question 8.17.

8.18 We will reconsider the process in Exercise 8.17. The production-planning group has noticed
that the inventories of n-butane and LSR-Naphtha are very high. They tell the blending
group that they must have 700 barrels of both of these components in the blend.
a. Solve the blending problem for this case.
b. Devise a goal programming approach to do the best in this difficult situation.

8.19 Determine which modelling method that was presented in this section is similar to the
absolute value model.

8.20 Reconsider the base case blending problem in Questions 8.16 and 8.17. Suppose that we
were not sure of the component qualities. For example, the reformate octane could be one of
the following values; 92.5, 91.8, 91. Determine the minimum profit for the blend when the
blending flows have to be determined with this uncertainty.

8.21 Describe two other process examples of minimum-proportional models. Formulate the
modelling equations for linear programming.

8.22 A situation similar to the formulation in Section 8.10 is encountered when a variable is
proportional up to a maximum, which it cannot exceed. Describe a process example of this
situation, and develop a mathematical model for linear programming.

9.0 Presenting Optimization Results

9.1 Write a report for the results that you obtained in Questions 8.1 and 2.

9.2 Write a report for the results that you obtained in Question 8.17.

Appendix A. Example Linear Programming Problem:
Production Planning

The small problem in this appendix demonstrates many of the important aspects of linear
programming. The student should solve this problem while reading the chapter

1. Problem statement: Your plant can purchase either of two feed materials in any quantity
between their lower and upper bounds. The plant produces three products from these feeds. The
yields of each feed to each product and the product bounds are given in the following table.

Table 1. Data for the Classroom LP Example Problem

Feed flow Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 min max Cost Feed

Feed Feed

Feed 1 ?? 0.7 0.2 0.1 0 1000 5

Feed 2 ?? 0.2 0.2 0.6 0 1000 6

min product 0 0 0
max product 100 70 90
Value product 10 11 12

Formulate the optimization problem in the general form that can be solved using mathematical
programming methods.

a. Define an objective function and the variables

b. Develop equality constraints,
c. Develop inequality constraints.
d. Develop variable bounds
e. Is there anything else that you need?

2. Qualitative analysis: Determine whether this problem involves

a. Operation at an obvious limit.

b. No change to the objective given the limitations on the plant.
c. A worthwhile optimization problem; what are the tradeoffs?.

Can you determine the best operation without calculations?

3. Visualize the problem: Sketch the problem in two dimensions, giving the following.

a. The feasible region

b. Contours of constant objective function value
c. The location of the optimum.

4. Problem solution: Formulate the problem you developed in 1 above in the Excel spreadsheet.
Solve the problem and verify the solution you obtained graphically.

a. Does a solution exist? (Does a non-zero feasible region exist?)

b. Is the solution bounded?
c. Does the solution agree with your graphical result?
d. Do alternative (multiple) optima exist?
e. How many constraints are active?
f. Which variables are “basic” or “in the basis”?

Naturally, the answers in questions 3, 4 should be the consistent.

5. Base case sensitivity: Answer the following questions using the results from the base case
obtained in question 4.

a. For the constraints that are active, what is the shadow price (marginal value) for each rhs?
What is the range for each? What determines the range? Report in a table.
b. For the variable bounds that are active, what is the marginal value for each bound? What
is the range for each? What determines the range? Report in a table.
c. If the maximum sales of product 3 decreased to 60, what would be the effect on the
d. If the maximum sales of product 1 increased to 110 and the maximum value of product 3
decreased to 81, would the same constraints be active?
e. What is the meaning of the objective coefficient for the feed flows? Why are they
different from Table 1?

6. Larger parameter changes: Answer each of these questions. Some or all will require you to
make a change and re-run the solver. Answer each question using the Base Case as the starting

For each case, answer the following questions.

i. Can you determine the result without resolving the LP with modified data?
ii. What is the effect on the optimum values of the variables and on the objective function?
iii. Is there anything of concern in the solution, e.g., weird events?

a. The maximum allowed production of product 2 is reduced to 47.5.

b. The value of product 3 decreases to 3.25 because of a new competitor that is cutting costs
to get into the market.
c. We have a contract that requires us to accept at least 150 of feed 1.

7. Qualitative sensitivity: Answer these questions for very large changes to selected parameters
from the base case. Here, we investigate the trends when problem parameters change. Answer
the following two questions for each change.

i. State whether the variable values will change and whether the profit will increase,
decrease or remain the same. In answering this part, give a qualitative result without
referring to the sensitivity output values.
ii. Give a bound on the value of the change in the objective function. In answering this part,
you may refer to the sensitivity output values for the base case.

a. The maximum production of Product 3 is increased to 100.

b. The feed cost increases from 6 to 7.

8. Reporting results:

a. Design and build an EXCEL spreadsheet that clearly displays the problem input data and
solution results.

b. Write a report explaining your optimization study using all results.

c. Graph the effect on the profit and the purchase of the two available feeds of changing the
maximum production of product 2 from 0 to 500.

Appendix B. Learning Resources for Linear Programming on the WWW

The WWW is a vast and ever-changing resource that contains, among some less savory contents,
learning resources for mathematical programming and specifically, linear programming. The
resources described here are selected to match the level of mathematics in the chapter and to be of
most interest to the person formulating models and using optimization (not necessarily to the
mathematician or software developer). Fortunately, many excellent resources are available in the
public domain.

We thank the developers for their generosity in making their work freely available and
congratulate them on the quality of their products.

Topic Resource URL Author and Comments

Glossary of terms in optimization http://glossary.computing.society. Prepared by Dr. H. Greenberg at University of Colorado at Denver

Linear Algebra Interactive Tool Interactive tools to practice

utorial/ matrix inversion and solving sets
of linear equations. Select "The
Equator" or "The Inverter" from
the left-hand menu. Prepared by
Dr. Sniedovich at the University
of Melbourne, Australia.
Linear Programming A text presentation on linear
siness-stat/opre/partVIII.htm programming by Dr. H. Arsham
at the University of Baltimore.
Frequently asked questions about http://www- From NEOS by Northwestern
LP University and Argonne National
Laboratory, USA.
Linear programming visual solver This site allows you to solve a
Ewright/linprog/AnimaLP.html two-dimensional LP and
automatically plot the result.
Linear Programming Interactive Interactive tools to practice LP
Tool au/tutorial/ Simplex method by tableau.
Select "The Simplex Place" from
the left-hand menu; then, select
"Standard form". Prepared by Dr.
Sniedovich at the University of
Melbourne, Australia.
Explanation of common "The dark side of LP" by Dr. H.
misunderstandings and "tricky Arsham at the University of
points" siness-stat/opre/partv.htm Baltimore.

LP software Survey of LP software from 2001



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