Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR Policy)
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR Policy)
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR Policy)
3. Purpose
The Companies Act, 2013 has brought greater emphasis on CSR with rules that
provide guidance on minimum CSR spend, focus areas, implementation
mechanism and reporting to the shareholders of the company.
HMSI CSR Policy has been designed keeping in view the company’s business
vision, its CSR vision and long-term social objectives that the company wants to
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HMSI Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
achieve. HMSI CSR Policy has been created with the purpose to outline its CSR
focus areas, review mechanism, execution process and reporting mechanism.
a) To approve the CSR Policy & disclose the contents of such policy in its report
and also place it on the Company’s website;
b) Ensure that the activities proposed in the CSR Policy are undertaken;
c) Ensure that the company spends, in every financial year, at least 2% of
average net profits of the company made during the 3 immediately preceding
financial years, as required under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 &
Rules made thereunder;
d) If company fails to spend the sum as mentioned above, then the Board shall,
in its Report specify the reasons for not spending the amount.
5. CSR Committee
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The CSR Committee shall meet at least once in six months. The meeting shall be
held either at the registered office of the company or any other place, as may
be decided by the members.
At least three days advance notice of every meeting, specifying the day, place
and timing of Meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted
there at shall be given to the members. In urgency, a meeting may be convened
by shorter notice.
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a) Activities which are exclusively for the benefit of employees of the company
or their family members;
b) Activities undertaken in pursuance of normal course of business of the
c) Direct or indirect contribution to political parties;
d) Expenditure on item/s not in conformity with Schedule VII of the Companies
Act 2013;
e) Surplus arising out of CSR projects shall not form part of the business profits
of Company instead the same will be further used for CSR purposes only.
7.1. Geographies
HMSI will give preference to the local areas around its operations for spending
the amount earmarked for CSR activities. HMSI’s operations are mainly
concentrated in the following areas:
State of Haryana
State of Karnataka
State of Rajasthan
State of Gujarat
HMSI may undertake CSR activities in any other area in India as may be
decided, from time to time
7.2. Beneficiaries
Children / students
Weaker sections of the society
Others – society at large
8. Implementation mechanism
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The company may conduct / implement CSR programs by itself and/or through
registered trusts, societies and / or section 8 (previously section 25) companies
with an established track record of at least three years in carrying on activities
in the related area/s or as suggested by Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide
The progress will be reported to the CSR Committee during the committee
meetings. The progress on CSR programs undertaken by the Company will be
reported in the Annual Report in the format prescribed by the CSR Rules 2014.
The HMSI CSR team shall be responsible for day to day management of CSR
related activities of the company. The team shall periodically report to the CSR
committee regarding the financial and programmatic progress of CSR projects.
The CSR team shall be empowered to appoint an external third party to monitor
/ review / audit the progress (financial and programmatic) of the CSR projects.
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The CSR Policy shall be effective from the date of its approval by the Board of
Directors. This Policy document shall supersede the earlier CSR Policy dated 10th
July 2014. Provided, however, that all the acts done in pursuance of the earlier
CSR Policy shall stand ratified and covered under this policy.
CSR Policy may be updated to align it with the changing requirement or changes
in the legal and regulatory framework. Any revision in the Policy shall be
approved by the Board of Directors.
Authorized Signatory
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